Nous formons une famille! We are Family!
Nous formons une famille! We are Family!
We are Family! Photo: Leighsah Millward Friday, February 20, 2015 • le vendredi 20 Février 2015 • Vol. 67 • N°08 Nous formons une famille! Families enjoy a nice warm swim during the cold weather on Family Day. Les familles ont profité d’une douce baignade malgré le temps froid lors du Jour de la Famille. I FREE/GRATUIT BY | PAR LEIGHSAH MILLWARD Staff Writer | Rédactrice Attitrée t was all about families this past Monday as CFB Borden celebrated Family Day! The day began at the Terra Theatre, with a great turnout of families who sat down to watch “Jumanji” on the big screen, while over at the Fieldhouse, a fun-filled day of planned family activities kicked off with an obstacle course filled with crawling, bouncing, racing and more. T out était centré sur la famille lundi dernier alors que la BFC Borden célébrait le Jour de la Famille! La journée a commencé au Théâtre Terra, où bon nombre de familles se sont regroupées pour visionner le film « Jumanji » au grand écran, alors qu’au complexe sportif, on procédait au lancement d’une journée amusante remplie d’activités familiales avec une course à obstacles où les participants devaient ramper, sauter, courir et encore plus. Continued on | Suite à la page 3 Essa News A fond farewell to a longtime employee 2 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen O n Friday, February 13, residents, employees and township representatives gathered to bid a fond farewell to one of Angus’ longest serving employees. Dot Butler, 80, has worked for the local Angus-Borden Guardian Pharmacy for 46 years. In that time, Butler has seen many changes and contributed in a miriad of ways to both the store and her community. Butler admitted that, although she loved her time with Guardian, she was looking forward to retirement, spending time with friends and family and enjoying the freedom retirement offers. Pharmacist and store owner, David McLeish gave a moving speech regarding Butler’s remarkable tenure, “It is a changing of the guards of sorts,” commented McLeish. “She’s one of those people who will be missed.” Deputy Mayor, Sandie Macdonald was also in attendance to present Butler with a certificate of recognition from the township. Cake and coffee was served, along with parting words and gifts for this extraordinary woman. Good luck, and enjoy Deputy Mayor, Sandie Macdonald presents Dot Butler with a certificate of recognition from the your retirement Dot! township. Story and photos: Emily Brown Dot Butler becomes emotional when thanking everyone and reflecting on her years of service with Guardian Angus-Borden. What’s Happening The Vagina Monologues is Coming Back to Alliston this March! Alliston, ON - We are pleased to announce that The Vagina Monologues is coming back to Alliston in March of 2015. After a huge success last year, we have decided to add extra show times and are hoping to surpass the donation of $6,800 we made to “My Sister’s Place”, Alliston’s Women and Children Shelter, this year. The Vagina Monologues dives into the mystery, humor, pain, power and wisdom buried in women’s experiences and brings our community together to support women and children in need. The Vagina Monologues will be performed at The Circle Theatre (19 Victoria St E) on March 27 at 8 p.m. and March 28 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are only $20 and can be purchased at the theatre and through the cast. Last year, our shows sold out, so get your tickets early. Everyone is welcome but be aware that there is adult content. We are excited to be working with 12 amazing women who are bravely volunteering their time to act in the show. Sarah Jane O’Donnell, our phenomenal director, is back again this year. You may know Sarah Jane from Crazy Pants Theatre Company, where she encourages theatre amongst children and young adults but she is happy to be working with this exceptional group of women on this show! The entire cast and crew is made up of volunteers, who are dedicated to producing a great show for this worthy cause. It is going to be a great event that you won’t want to miss! Please find us on our Facebook page at For more information, please contact the director, Melissa, at [email protected] Friday, February 20 Lift Every Voice & Sing! A Black History Month educational tribute to African Canadian Heritage Tiki Mercury-Clarke is a kabandwa, a keeper and transmitter of ancestral our story and wisdom. A kabandwa’s talent must be powerful; their artistic prowess spellbinding Time: 9:00 a.m. Georgian Theatre, 1 Georgian Drive, Barrie Zumba Fitness Fundraiser at Pine River Elementary School, 45 Brian Ave., Angus. Doors open 6 p.m. Fitness fun from 6:30 - 8 p.m. For tickets visit or call Sharon at (705) 424-6984. $10 in advance / $15 at the door / children under 12 only $5. Bring the whole family, suitable for all ages and abilities! Saturday, February 21 Essa Minor Hockey Party Cinemas Video Dance Fundraiser. Angus Recreation Centre Ages: 7 - 13, 7 - 10 p.m. $10. Crazy Hat & Hair Contest Saturday, February 28 Hockey Night In Essa Saturday, February 28, 6-10 p.m. Brought to you by MP Dr Kellie Leitch, Essa Township and Essa Minor Hockey Tickets $10. With special guest Natalie Spooner from Canada’s Women’s Olympic Gold Medal Team 2014. Tickets available at Naturally For You, 211 Mill St, Angus beside Hock Shop or email [email protected] Essa Historical Society monthly meeting will be held on February 28. 1:30 p.m. at Thornton Library. Speaker will be Barry Leigh, Gardener Topic - history of gardening and how it has changed. Guests are welcome. For further information please call 705-458-9971, Olive Lee, [email protected] Sunday, March 1 JEREMIAH Movie at Circle Theatre Alliston 2 p.m., St. Andrew Anglican Church in Alliston invites you to our movie of the month, "Jeremiah", at the Circle Theatre, 19 Victoria St. E.. Don't miss this incredible movie starring Patrick Dempsey. All proceeds go to support St. Andrew Anglican outreach ministries. Get your tickets at the door. Suggested donation $10. Call (705) 435-9711 for more information. This page is sponsored by: Saturday, March 7 Spring into Summer at the Gift and Craft Show. Angus Arena. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free. Many local crafters and vendors on site. Come for a visit, swag bags to the first 50 guests. Angus Minor Baseball Poker/Euchre tournament fundraiser event. Rod and Gun Club (201 Falaise Road (Building T-147) Borden, Ontario Start time: 7 p.m. doors open at 6:30 p.m. Cost: $10 if pre-registered or $15 at the door All proceeds go back to Angus Minor Baseball association. You can pre-register for Poker or Euchre by contacting our fundraiser rep : Becky Butzer at the following email address: [email protected] *Note: no cash prizes will be awarded but rather gift prizes will be given out to the winners after the event. Friday, March 20 Royal Canadian Legion’s Famous Fish Fry takes place at Branch 63, Collingwood on Friday, March 20. Tickets are now on sale at the Branch, 490 Ontario Street. This is always a sold out event, so get your tickets early. More information at 705-445-3780 or at [email protected] Essa Minor Hockey Party Cinemas Video Dance Fundraiser Angus Recreation Centre Ages: 7 - 13. 7 - 10 p.m. $10. March Break Edition Saturday, March 21 Lisle Legion's Annual Marsden Dart Tournament Time: registration at 10 a.m., games begin at 11 a.m. Location: Lisle Legion-Branch 559-8439 Main St. Teams of 4 (2 men, 2 women) $40 per team. All monies collected distributed to the winning teams Home cooked food available for purchase for more info contact [email protected] Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 3 We are Family! “I FROM | DE PAGE 1 liked the bouncing things, they were very bouncy and lots of fun to jump on,” commented Nolan Jones, age 7. “It’s a good day!” The rock wall was opened up for the occasion, prompting a huge line up of would be climbers. “This is my first time,” commented 11 yearold Aiden, as he prepared to climb the rock wall. “I am excited, but a little nervous; it’s pretty high. It’s a privilege and really fun to be able to use the equipment today. I’m having a good time!” The Base Borden Library got involved by hosting a family winter craft session, as well as outdoor relay races and snowman building, while later in the afternoon saw numerous families take advantage of the swimming and bowling offered at the Buell Fitness and Aquatic Centre. “Its’ really neat today at CFB Borden to see all the families down in the Fieldhouse participating,” commented Lorraine Murphy, Community Recreation Director. “This year we took more of a collaborative approach between all of our departments; health, fitness and wellness is not just about the workouts, or doing leisure activities. We got Health Promotions involved by providing a healthy snack, Fitness and Sports set up a family obstacle course, and opened the rock wall and there are other recreational activities this afternoon. It’s really neat to see families getting active together, laughing and watching the little toddlers running around the track; it’s an amazing day to celebrate your family and being active!” Photos: Leighsah Millward Mom, Maggy pushes son, Alexandre and Dad, MCpl Dumoulin on the scooters at the Family Day obstacle course… Hold on tight everyone! Maman Maggy pousse son fils Alexandre et papa, le Cplc Dumoulin, sur les patinettes pendant la course à obstacles du Jour de la Famille… Tenez-vous bien! Nous formons une famille! « J’ aime beaucoup les jeux gonflables, on peut y sauter et c’est très amusant », a commenté Nolan Jones, âgé de 7 ans. « C’est une belle journée! » Le mur d’escalade était ouvert pour l’occasion, ce qui a occasionné une longue file d’attente de futurs grimpeurs. « C’est ma première fois », a commenté Aiden, 11 ans, alors qu’il se préparait à escalader le mur. « Je suis excité, mais aussi un peu nerveux; c’est très haut. C’est un privilège et très amusant de pouvoir utiliser le mur aujourd’hui. Je m’amuse follement! » La bibliothèque de la Base Borden participait aussi à l’occasion en offrant une session de bricolage d’hiver en famille, sans oublier les courses à relais à l’extérieur et la construction de bonshommes de neige. Plus tard en aprèsmidi, de nombreuses familles ont profité de l’occasion pour aller à la piscine ou à la salle de quilles au Centre de condi- tionnement physique et aquatique Buell. « C’est très agréable aujourd’hui à la BFC Borden de voir toutes ces familles au complexe sportif », a commenté Lorraine Murphy, directrice des Loisirs communautaires. « Cette année, nous avons opté pour une approche plus collaborative de tous nos services; la santé, le conditionnement physique et le mieux-être ne prennent pas seulement la forme de séances de conditionnement physique ou d’activités de loisirs. Nous pouvons également compter sur le service de Promotion de la santé qui offre des collations santé, l’équipe du conditionnement physique et des sports qui a monté une course à obstacles et a ouvert le mur d’escalade, en plus d’autres activités récréatives en après-midi. C’est vraiment super de voir les familles être actives ensemble, d’entendre les rires et de surveiller les tout-petits courir sur la piste; c’est une journée merveilleuse pour célébrer votre famille et l’activité physique! » Summer Program Registration HOW TO REGISTER Registration begins for: Regular: Sunday, February 22 at 1100 hrs Ordinary: Sunday, February 22 at 1100 hrs Associates: Saturday, February 28 at 0830 hrs For more information please contact (705) 424-1200 extension 1536 or 1373 DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED, REGISTER EARLY TO RESERVE YOUR CHILD A SPOT! Don’t look down Mariza! Many children reached new heights on the rock wall during Family Day. Ne regarde pas en bas Mariza! De nombreux enfants ont atteint de nouveaux sommets alors qu’ils escaladaient le mur pendant le Jour de la Famille. Solomon lines up for a strike with encouragement from brother, Wyatt during the Family Day bowling. Solomon se prépare à faire un abat sous les encouragements de son frère, Wyatt, pendant le Jour de la Famille. Programme des loisirs d’été l’inscription COMMENT S’INSCRIRE Début de l’inscription : Membres régulier : Dimanche 22 février à 11 h 00 Membres ordinaires : Dimanche 22 février à 11 h 00 Membres associés : Samedi 28 février à 8 h 30 Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez appeler au 705-424-1200 (poste 1536 ou 1373) POUR ÉVITER TOUTE DÉCEPTION INSCRIVEZ VOTRE ENFANT LE PLUS TÔT POSSIBLE ! 4 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen CIRCULATION DIFFUSION : 7000 CFB/BFC Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No. Publication canadienne, no de convention 1450816 Published every Friday, deadline Tuesday 1200 hrs L’heure de tombée est 12 h, le mardi précédant le jour de publication (vendredi). Delivered FREE to Borden, Angus, Utopia & Baxter Distribué gratuitement à Borden, Angus, Utopia et Baxter. Read the Citoyen Borden Citizen online at/ Version en ligne du Citoyen Borden Citizen à Printed by | Impression : Master Web Inc. Printing and Publishing Managing Editor Rédactrice en chef Emily Brown Graphic Arts Ventes et arts graphiques Margrit Wooley Staff Writer Rédactrice attitrée Leighsah Millward Personnel Support Programs Manager Gérante- des programmes de soutien du personnel Jennifer Goodfellow.. 3775 Public Affairs Officer Officier des affaires publiques Capt Rob Bungay......3162 For editorial e-mail | Courriel du service de rédaction : [email protected] For advertising e-mail Courriel du service de publicité : [email protected] Tickets now on sale for Military Students Les billets sont maintenant en vente pour les stagiaires militaires Saturday, 21 February Canadian International Auto Show Includes: Round trip transportation $35 per ticket Le samedi 21 février Canadian International Auto Show Inclut le transport aller retour. 35 $ le billet Tickets can be purchased at the Community Recreation Kiosk at the Buell Fitness and Aquatic Centre. Sunday, 8 March Trip to Blue Mountain Includes: day lift pass and round trip transportation, snowboard or ski equipment rentals are available at an EXTRA COST at Blue Mountain. $55 per ticket Have an idea? The Military Student Recreation Program is open to suggestion for future trips. Please email or phone your suggestions to Miss Connie Knuff, 705-424-1200 extension 2216, [email protected] All Military Student Recreation Programs are available to military students only (military students are military members on course/training.) CAF National Women’s Hockey Championship Andy Anderson Arena 22 to 25 February Please "like" our CAF National Sports Facebook page to view photos and upcoming Championships; This page is a public site and can be viewed by all members including those who do not have a Facebook account. Building S-138, 48 Rafah Crescent Mailing Address adresse postale: The Citoyen Borden Citizen PO Box 1000, Stn Main, Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Telephone | Téléphone : 705-423-2496 The Citoyen Borden Citizen is an unofficial publication of CFB Borden published every week with permission of Colonel C. Doyon CD, Base Commander. The views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, Canadian Armed Forces or the Department of National Defence. The Editor reserves the right to reject and edit copy to suit the needs of the publication. Reproduction of ANY content in the Borden Citizen is prohibited without written permission of the Borden Citizen Editor. Le Citoyen Borden Citizen est une publication non officielle de la BFC Borden qui paraît chaque semaine avec l’autorisation du commandant de la base, le Colonel C. Doyon, CD. Les opinions exprimées sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue du rédacteur ou de la rédactrice des Forces armées canadiennes ou du ministère de la Défense nationale. Le rédacteur ou la rédactrice se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser les articles en fonction des besoins du journal. Il est interdit de reproduire QUELQUE élément d’information que ce soit dans le Borden Citizen sans l’autorisation de la rédactrice en chef. Championnats national de féminin hockey des FAC Aréna Andy Anderson Février 22 au 25 Veuillez cliquer sur la mention « J'aime » de notre page Facebook consacrée aux Sports nationaux des FAC à pour afficher les photos de ces championnats ainsi que des prochains championnats. Cette page est un site public qui peut être consulté par tous, y compris ceux qui n'ont pas de compte Facebook. For more information visit/ Pour plus d'informations, visitez: l/Pages/default.aspx Les billets sont actuellement en vente au comptoir des Loisirs communautaires du Centre de conditionnement physique et aquatique Buell. Le dimanche 8 mars Excursion à Blue Mountain Le prix du billet inclut les remontées pour la journée et le transport aller retour. Vous pouvez louer de l’équipement de ski OU de planche à neige à Blue Mountain (frais de location NON INCLUS dans le prix du billet). 55 $ le billet Vous avez une idée? Le Programme de loisirs pour les stagiaires militaires accepte volontiers des suggestions pour les prochaines sorties. Veuillez soumettre vos suggestions par courriel ou téléphone: Mme Connie Knuff, 705-424-1200, poste 2216, [email protected] Toutes les activités du programme des loisirs pour les stagiaires militaires ne sont offertes qu’aux stagiaires militaires (militaires en instruction ou inscrits à un cours). Don’t miss out! C'est à ne pas manquer ! Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 5 Stars win regionals! | Stars remportent le tournoi régional ! Photo: The winning Borden Stars team, looking forward to CAF Nationals. CFB Borden hosted the 2015 Women’s Regionals Tournament from February 4-8. Four teams participated; CFBs Kingston, Trenton, Petawawa and Borden, with some girls from surrounding Bases/Wings. On Sunday, February 8, CFB Kingston and Borden played in the finals. Heading into the overtime period with a score of 0-0, CFB Borden was given a ‘too many men on the ice’ penalty, minutes into the period. After killing the penalty, the Borden Stars outshot Kingston to no avail, due to the efforts of netminder OCdt Jocelyn Coe, until Pte Natasha Philippe from CFSATE scored the game winning goal with 1:20 remaining in the period! Congratulations to the CFB Borden Stars and good luck in the 2015 CAF National Women’s Hockey Championship, which CFB Borden is hosting February 22-25. Photo: Cpl Katie Hodges, CFSTG/GISFC Imagery/Imagerie Photo: L’équipe gagnante des Borden Stars a hâte au championnat national des FAC. Du 4 au 8 février, la BFC Borden a été l’hôte du Tournoi régional de hockey féminin 2015. Quatre équipes ont participé : les BFC Kingston, Trenton, Petawawa et Borden, avec quelques femmes des bases et des escadres avoisinantes. Le dimanche 8 février, la BFC Kingston et la BFC Borden se sont affrontées en finales. Les deux équipes se sont engagées en prolongation avec un tableau de 0-0. La BFC Borden a reçu une pénalité pour avoir « trop de joueuses sur la glace » après seulement quelques minutes dans la période. À la fin de la pénalité, les Borden Stars ont décoché davantage de tirs au but que l’équipe de Kingston, mais sans succès grâce au travail de la gardienne Élof Jocelyn Coe, jusqu’à ce que le Sdt Natasha Philippe de l’ETGAFC remporte le but gagnant à 1:20 de la fin de la période! Félicitations aux Stars de la CFB Borden et la meilleure des chances pour le Championnat national de hockey féminin des FAC 2015 qui aura lieu à la BFC Borden du 22 au 25 février. CANEX Expressmart Operations Announcement The last business day for the CANEX Expressmart will be Sunday, March 1. In addition to its regular merchandise and services, effective Monday, March 2, the CANEX Retail Store will be offering convenience product lines, namely milk, grocery, dry cleaning and canteen/wholesale business previously offered through the Expressmart. The CANEX Retail Store business hours will be expanded commencing Monday, March 2. Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 0700 to 2100 0800 to 2000 0900 to 2000 CANEX thanks its Expressmart customers for their patronage and looks forward to continuing to serve you in the Retail Store. The CANEX Retail Store is currently under renovation to better serve the CFB Borden community. CANEX thanks you for your patronage and forbearance. Fermeture du dépanneur CANEX Le dimanche 1er mars est la dernière journée d’opération du dépanneur CANEX. À compter du lundi 2 mars, en plus de sa marchandise et de ses services réguliers, le magasin de détail CANEX offrira les gammes de produits de dépanneurs, comme le lait, le service de nettoyeur à sec ainsi que les denrées et le service en gros offerts précédemment au dépanneur. Les heures d’ouverture du magasin CANEX seront prolongées à compter du lundi 2 mars. Lundi au vendredi Samedi Dimanche de 7 h à 21 h de 8 h à 20 h 9 h à 20 h CANEX souhaite remercier les clients du dépanneur d’avoir utilisé ses services et vous offre les mêmes services au magasin de détail. Le magasin de détail CANEX est actuellement en rénovation afin de mieux servir la collectivité de la BFC Borden. CANEX vous remercie de faire affaire avec nous et pour votre tolérance. BRAND NEW 11,900* 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS Only $ Features: 6 speed manual, 1.8 L Ecotec engine power window & locks reclining bucket seats AM/FM CD stereo with auxiliary features 6 speakers XM satellite radio with built in ONSTAR plus applicable taxes *On remaining inventory only *$1000 Military credit applied Come Experience the Georgian Difference Vehicle not exactly as illustrated • $1000.00 Canadian Armed Forces Appreciation Program • Friendly bilingual staff available to serve our customers • $1000’s in savings, home of the Preferred Pricing • Largest volume GM Dealer in Ontario • Simcoe County’s largest selection of new and pre-owned Vehicles GEORGIAN CHEVROLET • BUICK • GMC 705.730.1399 65 Barrie View Drive, Barrie Borden OSISS Family Group Schedule 6 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen The Operational Stress Injury Social Support Program is a partnership program between Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of National Defence that offers social support to CAF members, Veterans and their families who suffer the impacts of operational stress injuries. Feb 23: CO-DEPENDENCY & ENABLING Co-dependency is unhealthy love and a tendency to behave in overly passive or excessively caretaking ways that harm one's relationships and quality of life. It also often involves placing a lower priority on one's own needs, while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others. Sound familiar? Are you helping or are you enabling your loved one? Do you know and understand the difference between the two? Never forget that your needs are important and we will discuss ways to instill that. Mar. 30: MINDFULNESS Dr. Fortin (Sylvie) is a registered psychologist who has served many years with the Canadian Armed Forces mental health unit, prior to branching out with her own private practice serving Veterans, their families and others. She is graciously donating her time to speak about the ‘second hand’ stressors of your loved ones OSI. It can affect your nervous system, your overall health and well-being. She will be discussing the benefits of ‘being in the present’, self-talk, meditation and mindful breathing. tress, pain and helplessness before they realize their level of strength they have within. You have endured a lot, but those experiences will not define you, for you have become stronger and you are a survivor! Jun 24 (Wed): HONOUR YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH This year you have faced many obstacles, but you also learned new ways to overcome them. Just by participating in OSISS you took the initiative to improve your own wellbeing, for you know you are not alone. You have learned new skills and have become more self-aware of your needs. Rejoice in your accomplishments and join us for a casual night of fine dining. You deserve it! For more information contact: Laryssa Lamrock OSISS Family Peer Support Coordinator 519-371-6501 [email protected] Apr 27: HEALING THROUGH ART The benefits of art therapy have been proven throughout the decades. It can help anyone who is under stress or who just wants to get more in-tune with their inner thoughts. It is a creative process, that doesn’t use rules, restraints or words. Diane Liska is an art therapist from Keystone in Owen Sound. She is giving her time to come to our group and help us become more aware of the metaphors within our brush strokes. May 25: INNER STRENGTH & RESILIENCY “It takes a certain level of darkness in order to see the stars.” The same could be said for one’s inner strength and resiliency. Often people need to experience a certain level of dis- SSBSO de Borden Calendrier des activités Le Programme de soutien social – Blessures de stress opérationnel a été mis en œuvre grâce à un partenariat entre Anciens Combattants Canada et le ministère de la Défense nationale. Ce programme offre un soutien social aux militaires, aux vétérans et à leurs familles souffrant des répercussions de traumatismes liés au stress opérationnel. 23 févr: CODÉPENDANCE ET COMPORTEMENT HABILITANT La codépendance c’est de l’amour malsain; c’est la tendance à se comporter de façon trop passive ou à prendre soin des autres d’une manière démesurée qui nuit aux relations et à la qualité de vie. Cela implique aussi souvent de ne pas accorder la priorité à ses propres besoins tout en se préoccupant excessivement des besoins des autres. Cette description vous est familière? Aidez-vous vraiment l’être cher ou avez-vous un comportement habilitant à son égard? Connaissez-vous et comprenez-vous la différence entre ces termes? N’oubliez jamais que vos propres besoins sont importants. Nous discuterons ensemble des façons d’encourager ce comportement positif. 2014 FOCUS SE HATCH PURCHASE FROM: CASH PURCHASE FOR: 112 19 992 $ O$ R bi-weekly* for 84 mths @ 0% , plus HST and licensing PLUS FIRST TIME BUYERS OR RECENT GRADUATES RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $500 REBATE ON EITHER CASH OR FINANCE OPTION* 30 mars: LA PLEINE CONSCIENCE La psychologue agréée Sylvie Fortin a servi au sein de l’unité de santé mentale des Forces armées canadiennes pendant de nombreuses années avant de travailler à son compte, offrant notamment ses services aux anciens militaires et aux membres de leur famille. Elle vient nous parler, à titre gracieux, des facteurs de stress « secondaires » de la BSO de l’être cher, ceux qui peuvent affecter votre propre système nerveux et votre propre état général de santé et de bien-être. Elle parlera des avantages de l’état de pleine conscience, du discours interne positif, de la méditation et de la respiration consciente. 27 avr: SE SOIGNER PAR L’ART Les avantages d’une thérapie par l’art ont été largement démontrés depuis des dizaines d’années. L’art peut aider quiconque est soumis au stress ou souhaite simplement se connecter davantage à son monde intérieur. Il s’agit d’un processus créatif qui n’est soumis à aucune règle, restriction ou forme d’expression. Diane Liska est une thérapeute chez Keystone à Owen Sound. Elle prend le temps de nous rendre visite pour nous aider à développer notre sensibilité aux métaphores exprimées par nos coups de pinceau. 25 mai: FORCE INTÉRIEURE ET RÉSILIENCE On dit qu’il faut une certaine noirceur pour pouvoir observer les étoiles. La même chose peut se dire de la force intérieure et de la résilience. Les gens ont souvent besoin de vivre un certain degré de détresse, de douleur ou de désespoir avant de réaliser leur propre force intérieure. Vous avez enduré beaucoup de choses, mais vous n’êtes pas défini par ces expériences puisque vous avez survécu et vous êtes devenu plus fort! 24 juin (mercredi): CÉLÉBREZ VOTRE CROISSANCE PERSONNELLE Cette année, vous avez été confronté(e) à de nombreux obstacles, mais vous avez aussi appris de nouvelles façons de les surmonter. Votre simple participation au SSBSO a été une initiative pour améliorer votre bien-être, car vous savez maintenant que vous n’êtes pas seul(e). Vous avez acquis de nouvelles compétences et vous êtes de plus en plus conscient(e) de vos propres besoins. Célébrez vos succès en vous joignant à notre groupe pour une soirée décontractée dans un excellent restaurant. Vous le méritez bien! Pour de plus amples renseignements : Laryssa Lamrock Coordonnatrice du soutien aux familles du SSBSO 519-371-6501 [email protected] Vehicle may not be as shown Heated seats, Heated mirrors, Automatic, Pwr group. Stk#F540 TWO LOCATIONS - TWICE THE SELECTION 4589 Industrial Pkwy, Alliston ON 506168 Hwy 89, Mono ON 1-866-520-4409 519-925-5101 *plus HST and licensing only. OAC with Ford Credit with $1500 down or equivalent trade biweekly at 0% with a cost to borrow of $0. Cash Purchase price is plus HST and Licensing only and cannot be combined with Ford Credit’s financing. All rebates assigned to the Dealer. First Time Buyer and Grad Rebates subject to certain terms and conditions. Taxes payable before savings. See Trillium Ford Lincoln for details. Boyd Kenneth Oliver Miller Big Brother Wyatt and Big Sister Morgan are excited to welcome their new baby brother Boyd to the world! Born November 28th 2014, weighing 8.5lbs and 21.5" long. Proud parents Rodney & Cheryl-Lynn Miller and Grandparents Ken & Sandra Miller and Lois Pearsall. Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 7 Easter Celebration Célébration de la fête de Pâques Friday, March 27 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Le vendredi 27 mars de 9 h à 13 h For more information, please contact Lindsay, Children’s Activity Facilitator at 705-424-1200 ext. 2471/3994. Pour obtenir de plus ample renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Lindsay, l’animatrice des activités à l’intention des enfants, au 705-424-1200, poste 2471 ou 3994. Join Parent-Child Services in celebrating Easter. A special guest, the Easter Bunny, will be visiting at 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Due to the popularity of this special guest, please register for one of the available times listed. Space is limited and registration is required on or before Monday, March 23. Family Separation & Reunion Join us for a Dinner and Information Night on March 11 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the BFRC, Building E-123, Room 108. Registration for all participants is required by March 2. For more information or to register please contact Heidi, Family Support Program Supervisor at 705-424-1200 Ext 5365/3994. Rhyme Time with Baby (Drop-In Sessions) Every Thursday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Don’t miss this opportunity! For more information please contact Claudia, Parent Support Facilitator 705-424-1200 Ext. 2046/3994. International Women’s Day Let’s celebrate together on March 5 from 9:30 – 12:30 Registration deadline is February 26. Free supervised child care is available and registration is required. Spaces are limited! For more information or to register, please contact Maude, Personal Development Facilitator at 705-424-1200 ext. 3177/3994. Journée Internationale de la femme Célébrons ensemble le 5 mars de 9 h 30 à 12 h 30 La date limite de l’inscription est le 26 février. Un service de garde sera offert gratuitement, à condition de réserver au préalable. Les places sont limitées! Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements ou pour vous inscrire, veuillez communiquer avec Maude, Facilitatrice de développement personnel au 705-424-1200, poste 3177 ou 3994. 705-424-4883 Eye Exams/Examen de la vue $89 Dr. Neal Kingstone Eyeglasses/Lunettes for/pour $299 A NEW YOU OPTICAL Pine River Plaza, Angus, (by Mr Sub) 3 Joignez-vous au Services aux parents et aux enfants pour célébrer Pâques. Nous aurons la visite du lapin de Pâques 10 h 30 et à 11 h. En raison de la popularité de l’activité, nous vous prions de vous inscrire pour une des plages horaires. Les places sont limitées et vous devez vous inscrire au plus tard le lundi 23 mars. Service de soutien à la séparation et à la réunion des familles Joignez-vous à nous pour un souper et une soirée d’information, le 11 mars, de 17 h 30 à 19 h 30, au CRFB, bâtiment E-123, salle 108. Inscription pour tous les participants avant le 2 mars. Pour en savoir davantage ou pour vous inscrire, veuillez communiquer avec Heidi, Superviseure du Programme de soutien aux familles au 705-424-1200, poste 5365 ou 3994. Les comptines avec bébé (séances ouvertes) Tous les jeudis de 13h30 à 15h Ne manquez pas cette occasion! Pour en savoir davantage, communiquez avec Claudia, Facilitatrice du soutien aux parents 705-424-1200, postes 2046 ou 3994. CINÉMA TERRA THEATRE “Your Community Theatre” | “Votre cinéma communautaire” NOW SHOWING PRÉSENTEMENT À L’AFFICHE 1/2 PRICE THURSDAYS | JEUDIS-MOITIÉ PRIX Adults $7.50 (18 & older) Youth $5.00 (under 18) Seniors $5.00 Adultes : 7.50 $ (18 ans et plus) Jeunes : 5 $ (moins de 18 ans) Âge d’or : 5 $ PADDINGTON Feb 20, Feb 21 and Feb 26 1 Now Available Designer Package Ensemble fashion maintenant disponible Designer Frame & Single Vision Lenses/Monture de marque et verres unifocaux $279 BLUE CROSS INSURANCE NOW ACCEPTED Assurance croix bleue acceptée maintenant Open/Ouvert Tues/Mardi - Friday/Vendredi 10-6, Saturday/Samedi 9-1 NEW PATIENTS ACCEPTED Nouveaux patients acceptés Direct insurance Billing , ODSP and Ontario Works Billing. All Doctor Prescriptions accepts @ 7:30 pm, Feb 22 @ 2:30 pm COMING SOON | BIENTÔT À L’AFFICHE JUPITER ASCENDING FEB 27 FIFTY SHADES OF GREY MAR 6 KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE MAR 13 FOCUS MAR 20 UNFINISHED BUSINESS MAR 27 THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT APR 3 TO BE ANNOUNCED PROCHAINEMENT AU PROGRAMME TO BE ANNOUNCED PROCHAINEMENT AU PROGRAMME TO BE ANNOUNCED PROCHAINEMENT AU PROGRAMME TO BE ANNOUNCED PROCHAINEMENT AU PROGRAMME TO BE ANNOUNCED PROCHAINEMENT AU PROGRAMME OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | OUVERT AU GRAND PUBLIC Bldg. P-72, Dieppe Road | Bât P-72, route Dieppe Theatre is closed Mondays & Tuesdays | Fermé lundis, mardis et mercredis Program change may occur call ahead to confirm | La programmation peut changer; veuillez téléphoner pour confirmer 705-424-1200 ext | poste 3801 Canadian Rangers Impress 8 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen BY | PAR: SGT PETER MOON NORTH CARIBOU LAKE – Canadian Rangers from several First Nation communities impressed a visiting BGen during a three-day training exercise in North Caribou Lake. It was the first time Brigadier-General David Patterson had seen Canadian Rangers operating on the land and it left a positive impression on him. “Their enthusiasm for the Ranger program was amazing,” he said. BGen Patterson is the Deputy Commander of 4th Canadian Division, which commands the Army in Ontario. Temperatures during the exercise dipped to -40C with brisk winds producing wind chills as low as -49C. ‘It was a very cold weekend and their ability to keep things going, working with bare hands on snowmobile engines, and just the act of living on the land in those temperatures was impressive,” he said. The exercise brought together Rangers from Bearskin Lake, Kasabonika Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib, Muskrat Dam, North Caribou Lake, and Sachigo Lake, many of whom had to snowmobile over considerable distances to get to it. Two Rangers from Kasabonika snowmobiled for three days to get to North Caribou Lake and required the same amount of time to return home. Training included building improvised shelters, emergency smoke signals, and a challenging night navigation in which BGen Patterson participated, driving a snowmobile for the first time. “The night navigation exercise was a lot of fun,” he said. “They took me out for a little check ride with one of the sergeants, to give me some basic skills so I could follow Master Corporal Spencer Anderson of Kitchenuhmaykoosib bundles up to cope with the cold during the exercise. Le caporal-chef Spencer Anderson, de Kitchenuhmaykoosib, s’emmitoufle pour résister au froid pendant l’exercice. on the exercise and keep up with them. They refuelled at minus 40 in the dark. They travelled using GPS, while moving on their snowmobiles at night, and arrived within 10 feet of the point they were supposed to on five occasions. That was impressive.” “The Rangers,” he said, “play a vital role in their communities across Canada’s North. They are the only part of the Army that has a real 24-7 operational role in Canada all of the time.” In Ontario, Rangers play a leading role in search and rescue and in spring flood and forest fire emergencies. The Army has rapid response units for domestic emergencies located in bases across the south of Canada and they are expected to be able to respond within 12 hours. But Rangers, located in their northern communities, often respond within one or two hours. “For the money we spend on the Rangers the value we get from them is tremendous,” BGen Patterson said. Master Corporal Linda Kanate, of the North Caribou Patrol, shot a moose and prepared a large moose stew to feed the Rangers. “I appreciated that moose stew,” BGen Patterson said. His visit was the first time such a senior military officer has visited North Caribou Lake, according to Sergeant Jason Roundhead, the local Patrol Commander, but there was one disappointment, the chainsaw that would have cut a hole in the lake ice to provide ice rescue training broke down and that part of the training was cancelled. “It would have been a good experience for the BGen to go into the lake and learn how to get out of it,” Sgt Roundhead said. Sergeant Barry Borton, an Army Instructor, said it was a good exercise. “Our job is to patrol Northern Ontario, and we covered a lot of ground with Rangers coming here to train with the North Caribou Rangers. It was impressive to watch them working together as a team from six different communities and everybody getting along together.” Les Rangers canadiens impressionnent LAC CARIBOU NORD – Les Rangers canadiens de plusieurs collectivités des Premières nations ont impressionné un brigadiergénéral qui leur a rendu visite pendant un exercice de trois jours au lac Caribou Nord. C’était la première fois que le brigadier-général David Patterson assistait à une opération terrestre des Rangers canadiens, et il a été impressionné. « Leur enthousiasme pour le programme des Rangers était incroyable », a-t-il déclaré. Le brigadier-général David Patterson est le commandant adjoint de la 4e Division du Canada, qui supervise l’Armée canadienne en Ontario. Pendant l’exercice, les températures sont descendues à -40 C, avec des vents vifs, qui ont entraîné un refroidissement éolien saisissant de -49 C. « La fin de semaine a été très froide, et j’ai été impressionné par la capacité des Rangers à mener l’opération, à travailler à mains nues sur des moteurs de motoneiges, et tout simplement à vivre dans un tel territoire », a-t-il ajouté. L’exercice a réuni des Rangers du lac Bearskin Lake, du lac Kasabonika, de Kitchenuhmaykoosib, de Muskrat Dam, du lac Caribou Nord et du lac Sachigo. La plupart d’entre eux ont dû parcourir de longues dis- Photos: Sgt Peter Moon Brigadier-General David Patterson tries out an improvised shelter built by two Canadian Rangers. Le brigadier-général David Patterson teste un abri improvisé construit par deux Rangers canadiens. tances pour atteindre le lieu de rencontre. Deux Rangers de Kasabonika ont voyagé en motoneige pendant trois jours pour rejoindre les autres Rangers, et il leur a fallu le même temps pour rentrer chez eux. Les Rangers se sont entraînés à construire des abris improvisés, à faire des signaux de fumée d’urgence et à naviguer de nuit lors d’une activité à laquelle le brigadier-géneral Patterson a participé, et qui lui a permis de conduire une motoneige pour la première fois. « L’exercice de navigation de nuit était très amusant », a-t-il confié. « J’ai accompagné un des sergents pour un tour de vérification, histoire d’acquérir des connaissances de base et pouvoir suivre les Rangers pendant l’exercice. Ils ont fait le plein des véhicules à -40 C dans le noir. Ils ont conduit les motoneiges de nuit en se servant de GPS, et sont arrivés à 10 pieds du point de rencontre à cinq reprises. C’était impressionnant. » « Les Rangers, » a-t-il ajouté, « jouent un rôle essentiel dans leurs communautés du Nord du Canada. Dans l’Armée canadienne, ils sont les seuls au Canada à jouer un rôle opérationnel 24 heures sur 24, tous les jours, et toute l’année. » En Ontario, les Rangers jouent un rôle important dans le domaine de la recherche et du sauvetage ainsi que lors des interventions en cas d’inondation printanière ou de feux de forêt. L’Armée canadienne a des unités d’intervention rapide pour les situations d’urgence nationale dans diverses bases du sud du Canada, et elles doivent être en mesure d’intervenir dans un délai de 12 heures. Mais les Rangers, qui sont établis dans les communautés du Nord, interviennent sou- Ranger Howard Fiddler of Muskrat Dam helps himself to moose stew for lunch. Le Ranger Howard Fiddler, de Muskrat Dam, se sert du ragoût d’orignal pour le dîner. vent dans un délai d’une heure ou deux heures. D’après le brigadier-général Patterson, les sommes investies dans les unités de Rangers sont dérisoires par rapport aux avantages impressionnants qu’elles procurent. Le caporal-chef Linda Kanate, de la patrouille du lac Caribou Nord, a abattu un orignal avec lequel elle a préparé un gros ragoût pour nourrir les Rangers. Le brigadier-général Patterson a apprécié le repas. Le sergent Jason Roundhead, commandant de la patrouille régionale, a souligné que c’était la première fois qu’un officier militaire supérieur se rendait au Lac Caribou Nord, mais qu’il y a eu un léger problème. La tronçonneuse qui devait leur permettre de faire un trou dans la glace du lac pour s’entraîner au sauvetage sur glace a cassé, et cette partie de l’exercice a été annulée. Il trouve que l’entraînement aurait été une bonne occasion pour le brigadier-général de plonger dans le lac et d’apprendre à en sortir. Le sergent Barry Borton, instructeur dans l’Armée canadienne, a confirmé qu’il s’agit d’un bon exercice. Il précise que le travail des Rangers consiste à patrouiller dans le Nord de l’Ontario, et que l’exercice d’entraînement avec les Rangers du lac Caribou Nord leur a permis de couvrir un large terrain. Il a été impressionné de voir les Rangers provenant de six communautés différentes travailler ensemble, en équipe, et s’entendre si bien. Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 9 10 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen Annual Wild Game Dinner tickets for sale Tickets for the Annual Wild Game Dinner are now for sale and available at the Buell Gym Kiosk. 27 February is the cut off for all tickets. Tickets will not be available at the door. Ordinary, Regular, Associate Members: 15$ single / 30$ couple. Non-Members: 35$ single / 60$ couple Kids up to 12 years old: 10$ Here are the details of the event: When: 28 February Where: Base Borden Officers' Mess, 32 Caen Circle (Bldg. P-160) Borden. Dress: Casual (hunter/fishing attire is encouraged). Sequence of Events: Officers Mess doors open: 1745 hrs Pre-cocktails: 1800 hrs Vente de billets pour le souper annuel de gibier Appetizer : Wild Boar Meatballs Guests seated: 1845 hrs Les billets pour le souper annuel de gibier sont maintenant en vente au kiosque du gym Buell. La date limite pour la vente de billets est le 27 février 2015. Il n’y aura pas de billet à la porte. Membres réguliers, ordinaires ou associés : 15 $ par personne/30 $ par couple Non membres : 35 $ par personne/60 $ par couple Enfants jusqu’à 12 ans : 10 $ Dinner – 1900 hrs Spring salad with Rattlesnake (if available), Snapping Turtle soup Main: Domestic Turkey, Caribou or Elk roast (depending on availability), Rabbit Stew, oven roasted potatoes, mixed vegetables (California style). Voici les détails de l’activité : Quand : le 28 février Où : Mess des officiers de la Base Borden, 32, cercle Caen (Bât P-160) Borden. Tenue : Décontractée (tenue de chasseur ou de pêcheur encouragée) Side Table: Cheesecake dessert, coffee and tea available throughout dinner. Entertainment: DJ, door prizes! Déroulement des activités : Les portes du Mess des officiers ouvrent à: 17 h 45 Cocktail: 18 h Hors-d’œuvre Boulettes de sanglier Les invités prennent place à: 18 h 45 Repas: 19 h Salade printanière avec serpent à sonnette (si disponible), soupe à la tortue serpentine Plat principal Dindon domestique, rôti de caribou ou de wapiti (selon la disponibilité), civet de lapin, pommes de terre rôties au four, macédoine de légumes (style californien) Table de service Gâteau au fromage, café et thé offerts tout au long du repas. Divertissement DJ, prix de présence! TAX SERVICES INCOME TAX LORZEL INCOME TAX REASONABLE RATES FOR YOUR PERSONAL AND BUSINESS INCOME TAX RETURNS Also E-File Returns Military, Personal & Small Business Tax Returns E-FILE QUICK REFUNDS Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm Fri. 11:00am - 7:00pm, Sat. 10am - 2pm Also Doing Quebec Returns Drop in or call 705-424-5383 3 FRASER ST., ANGUS Rainbow Mall - Angus 705-424-1279 Across From Giant Tiger - Beside Curves FAX 705-424-7545 YEAR ROUND SERVICE NRT Accounting & Tax Service Service Directory Annuaire de Services 705-424-2371 705.424.2159 Hoffman’s Meats ALLISTON VOLKSWAGEN serving Borden for over 49 years 705-435-5701 Hwy #89, E., Alliston [email protected] CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL SERVICE Commercial • Residential Insured • Licensed Hodsdon Electrical Service ECRA / ESA #7004157 Craven Compton Bryan Hodsdon Family Owned for over 30 Years European Deli ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ AUTOMOTIVE Service en français disponible Entrance and parking located at back of building DELI [email protected] ASK US ABOUT OUR MILITARY DISCOUNT TAX/ACCOUNTING Income Tax Personal, Business, Rental ESSA PAINTING Please Support our Troops dog grooming salon 705-516-2655 [email protected] 71 King Street Angus COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL Are you being posted? Need a fresh coat? Too busy or hate to paint? Call STYLIN PUP 705-428-3507 Deli Cold Cuts European Croceries Fresh Beef & Pork Sides of Beef or Pork cut to your order ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ ➧ Smoked Meat Fresh Sausages Imported Specialty European Products Hunted Game Closed on Sunday and Monday 21 - 22 Sideroad just 1 mile south of Stayner Its worth to drive to Stayner! STORAGE BORDEN/ANGUS SELF STORAGE LTD. • Site manager on duty • Monday to Sunday, 9 am to 3 pm • After hours appointments available • Six Unit Sizes Available • Secutity gate access • You lock it & keep the key 705-424-7204 Located less than 1 mile from CFB Borden. Paved Driveway THE LOWEST RATES IN THE AREA 705-791-4927 [email protected] Master Electrician 705-424-7403 HAIR STYLIST Happy 50th Birthday Flag! Joyeux 50e anniversaire au drapeau canadien! Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 11 February 15, 1965 marked the day our red and white maple leaf flag was first raised over Parliament Hill, replacing the Red Ensign, the country’s unofficial flag which paired the Canadian coat of arms with the Union Jack, thus giving our nation its own unique identity. Here, the students of Académie La Pinède gather with the red and white and share their Canadian pride. Photo/Caption: Leighsah Millward Le 15 février 1965, notre drapeau rouge et blanc orné d’une feuille d’érable flotte pour la première fois au-dessus de la Colline du Parlement, remplaçant par le fait même le Red Ensign, le drapeau « officieux » du pays, qui combinait les armoiries du Canada et l’Union Jack, donnant ainsi à notre nation sa propre identité unique. Sur la photo, les élèves de l’Académie La Pinède sont rassemblés avec le drapeau rouge et blanc, et ils partagent la fierté canadienne. Church Directory PINEWOODS CHAPEL A Christian Community Church Living Hope Fellowship Church Service Sunday 10:00 am Equipping and soaking Tuesdays 6:30pm 52 Brian Ave, Angus (705) 424-9080 [email protected] Our mission is to love people to life! GREGORY J. INNES DENTISTRY Medical/Dental Services Building CANEX Mall, CFB Borden PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 424-1622 New Patients Welcome Bienvenue aux nouveaux/nouvelles patient(e)s Base Chapels Friday Muslim Prayers Multi Faith Room at P-152 A Chapel, 12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. For attendance confirmation and further information please contact Padre Demiray, local 7364. Protestant services Trinity Chapel Sunday Service, 1030 hrs Divine Worship Service with Sunday School and Nursery (coffee time following). Bilingual Worship Service (the second Sunday of each month at 1030 hrs) “What a wonderful opportunity to perfect our knowledge of French” Military Christian Fellowship Angus Chiropractic and Foot Care Centre 705-424-1666 Custom Foot Orthotics for back, hip, knee and foot pain. Made by an ORTHOTIC SPECIALIST Covered by most health plans We meet every Tuesday at noon at Trinity Chapel (P-152) over lunch time. It is a time for fellowship, prayers, reflection and discussion with other fellow military Christians. For more info: Follow us on Facebook at MCF Borden or visit Roman Catholic Services St. Joseph's Chapel Sunday Masses 0945 hrs - French, 1115 hrs - English. THE SALVATION ARMY Hope Acres Glencairn, ON. Sunday 10:45am Worship Service for information call (705) 466-3435 All are welcome 9058 5th Line, Angus Sunday Service 10am @ Angus Morrison Elementary School 91 Simcoe St. Angus. Sunday School Youth Groups Small Groups all welcome For more information please call 424-0382 Chapelles de la base Prières islamiques du vendredi Salle multiconfessionnelle, bât P-152 A Chapelle, 12 h 15 - 12 h 45. Afin de confirmer votre présence et pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter l’aumônier Demiray, poste 7364. Services protestants chapelle Trinity Service du dimanche, 10 h 30 – office religieux avec l’école du dimanche et garderie (suivi d’une pause café). Culte dominical bilingue (tous les deuxièmes dimanches de chaque mois à 10 h 30) « Quelle merveilleuse opportunité pour parfaire notre connaissance de l’anglais! » Fraternité chrétienne militaire Nous nous rencontrons tous les mardis midi à la chapelle Trinity (P152), durant l’heure du dîner. Il s’agit de passer du temps entre camarades pour prier, réfléchir et échanger avec d’autres militaires chrétiens. Pour plus d’info: Suivez-nous sur Facebook à MCF Borden ou visitez Services catholiques Chapelle St. Joseph Messes du dimanche 09h45 - en français, 11h15 - en anglais. 12 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen Assisting Military Clients Since 1988! I’m NOT #1… YOU ARE!!! Crossroads Realty Inc., Brokerage HUGH HARDY Broker e t i s b e New W BLOG AT REALTOR READ www.rea 705-737-7008 DIRECT • 1-800-383-3980 TOLL FREE ® Sandie Collins Sales Representative 705-715-3191 W G NE TIN S LI W G NE TIN S LI BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW Fully finished. 3+1 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Recently upgraded with high quality flooring, 6’ baseboards, oak stairs, crown moulding. Huge fenced yard. Minutes to Angus, Borden, Alliston and short trek to ski country. $279,900. Check out additional pictures at CONVENIENT CONFIDENTIAL CONSCIENTIOUS 424-1331 189 Mill Street, Unit A, Angus, Ontario L0M 1B2 (705) Fax: (705) 424-6441 ST D JUSTE LI CUTE AND COZY Available immediately. Affordable mobile in Hoe Doe Valley, between Angus and Barrie. 1 bdrm + den. Open concept. Laminate flooring, nice bath. Huge lot. All appliances included. Purchase price includes co-ownership share in park. $74,900. Monthly fees $270. Call for details. BARRIE BUNGALOW 2+2 bdrm all brick bungalow in Barrie’s popular south end. Close to all amenities. Over 1800 sq.ft. finished. Beautiful floors, enormous kitchen with centre island and w/o to fenced yard. Spacious bdrms, master 5 pc ensuite. Immaculate condition and move in ready. $359,900. Call for your personal tour. ANGELE ROY Chay Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned & Operated BROKER DND CF-IRP APPROVED Put this Military Mom to work for You! 705-795-9152 [email protected] Service Français Disponible $309,900 LARGE LOT 3+1 bedroom, bungalow, finished basement. Hardwood floors, central air, central vac. Newer windows and french doors. Laminate in Basement. Backs onto EP strip, New Lowell. $449,900 D L SO WALKOUT BASEMENT 4 bdrms, 3 bath, raised bungalow, fully fin w/out basement. C/A, C/V. Inside access to double car garage. Large master w/ensuite. Gas Fireplace, deck off dining room. Large pantry, Neutral décor. Move in Ready. NEW LISTING OVER 2200 SQ FT OF LIVING SPACE This almost new Morra built home. 3+1 bdrms, sep. dining room. Main floor laundry. Large master w/walkin & ensuite. Large yard. 50ft lot. Central air. Partially fin. basement. Neutral décor. Move in Ready. Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 13 14 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen CD 22 years service 100% CANADIAN Base Borden: 705-424-7055 First Contact Realty, Brokerage Barrie: 705-728-4067 INDEPENDENTLy OWNED AND OPERATED Brendan Clemmens B.A., CREN EW E N RIC P Sales Representative Direct: 2012 & 2013 705-791-9731 Angus $479,900 Here is an absolutely stunning model home from the renowned builder "Devonleigh Homes" located in desirable Angus and backing onto parkland. This 3 bed/2.5 bath home is packed full of feats & upgrades incl: custom kitch w/corian counters, maple staircase w/ glass railing, mstr w/vaulted ceiling and luxury ens, upgraded lighting & more. STUNNING Like-new bungalow in a sought after Angus subdivisions. 2 spacious bedrooms, & a large upgraded semi-ensuite. Beautiful modern décor throughout. Hardwood and ceramics. Huge basement with future bath rough-in awaiting your finishing touches. A move in ready gem. $344,900. W NG NE TI S LI Call Brendan for a full list of features and upgrades. CANEX Bld., Base Borden OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED B.J. Roth Realty Ltd., Brokerage Independently owned and operated. 4 Pine River Rd. Unit 8, Angus 705-424-2121 355 Bayfield St., Barrie 705-721-9111 EW G N TIN S LI FANTASTIC FAMILY HOME 4 Bed, 2 Bath home in family neighbourhood. Inground salt water pool, hot tub & fenced yard. $314,900. CALL DONNA FOR MORE DETAILS @ 705-818-4104. EW G N TIN S LI D L SO ING K S R A AYS E V O D IN 7 Cheryl Ferguson Sales Representative 705-796-4663 299 Lakeshore Dr., Barrie, OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 9:00pm Sat.: 9:00am to 5:00pm Sun: 10:00am to 4:00pm Doug Barnett MVA., Broker Market Value Appraiser, Res. 705-220-3375 Alexia Daley Sales Representative 705-321-2541 DND CF-IRP APPROVED Donna Price Sales Representative 705-818-4104 Ed Smit CD 1 Sales Representative 705-794-6107 Thinking of Selling? We have buyers! Call a Century 21 Agent and Start Packing EW G N TIN S LI GORGEOUS, LESS THAN A YEAR OLD 4 bedroom,4 bathroom home. Great room, Den, Hardwood floors on main floor, convenient Kitchen Island, gorgeous master ensuite, Den separate dining room. Close to all amenities and so much more. This one is truly a gem. CALL ALEXIA AT 705-321-2541 FOR YOUR PRIVATE SHOWING. EW E N RIC P BEAUTIFULLY UPGRADED COTTAGE/HOME On the tranquil banks of the Black River. Open concept, larg windows, california shutters, AFFORDABLE LIVING! beautiful kit. 3+1 bdr, a view that will make Won't Last Long VERY AFFORDABLE 89,000 Fantastic family home with double car garage & 3 Bed, 2 Bath home on quiet street. Bright open Totally renovated 2 bedroom 1 Bath 712 sq.ft. 3 your sister jealous. Looking for a home on the water? Be sure to see this one. $225,900 workshop on over 1/2 acre. $240,000. CALL living space. Many upgrades in place. $149,000. min SW of Barrie, Large Lot. CALL ED FOR DETAILS 705-794-6107 CALL ALEXIA AT 705-321-2541. CHERYL @ 705-796-4663 FOR MORE DETAILS. CALL DOUG AT 705-220-3375 FOR DETAILS. Classifieds | Petites annonces Citoyen Borden Citizen | February 20 février 2015 | 15 Deadline for Word Classified Advertising is Tuesdays at noon • All Advertising must be pre-paid • Sorry No refunds • Credit Only Errors and Omissions. On the first day that your ad appears, check for errors or omissions. Allowance will be made for only ONE incorrect insertion. La journée et l’heure limite pour les petites annonces et les textes est midi, le mardi. Toutes les annonces publicitaires doivent être payées à l’avance. Nous sommes désolés, mais nous avons une politique de non remboursement, toutefois, des crédits sont accordés. Erreurs et omissions. Le premier jour de la parution de votre annonce, vous devez vérifier s’il y a des erreurs ou des omissions. UNE seule correction pourra être effectuée. PERSONAL Problem Gambling Helpline. Confidential and open 24 hours a day. 1-888-230-3505 (01-tfn/nc) Alcoholics Anonymous meeting held every Monday and Friday evening at the Trinity Chapel, Borden at 8 pm. For more information call 705727-8257. (01-tfn/nc) Love & Hope Al-Anon family group meets every Tuesday in Angus at the Living Hope Fellowship, 52 Brian St. at 8 p.m.If you feel your life has been affected by someone elses drinking come visit or call us at 705-730-3307. (01tfn/nc) HELP WANTED Good Samaritan Nursing Home has part time employment available for RN’s. Please fax resume to L. Weaver @ 705-435-0235 or phone 705-435-5722. (01-tfn/inv) NOW HIRING. Permanent Part Time Sales Clerks/Cashiers and Part Time Warehouse Clerk (Home Delivery Attendant). Please apply in person with your resume to the CANEX Retail Store, CFB Borden or by email: [email protected] or online: (08-1/inv) MUSIC LESSONS Barn Music Studio for Guitar and Flute Lessons, Rock, Blues, Jazz, classical, loan instrument for new students. Call 705-828-1062. (08-10p) NOTICE NOTICE TO ESSA RESIDENTS Tree Removals The Township of Essa, in cooperation with the County of Simcoe Forestry Department, will be arranging for mature pine trees to be cut down and removed to reduce liability and a hazard for users from two (2) municipally owned properties at the following locations: - Open Space Block south west of 366 and 380 Mill Street, westerly to the new storm water management pond - 6 Huron Street (along the north boundary of Angus Community Park) These areas are comprised of mature pines which are in declining health. The harvesting will be conducted as carefully as possible to reduce damage to the younger trees, which will quickly re-establish into more healthy and diverse forests. If further information is required, please feel free to contact Dan Perreault, Manager of Public Works at 705-424-9917 ext. 135 or Graeme Davis at the County Forestry Department at 705-726-9300 ext. 1177. LE PROGRAMME DE FORMATION PRÉALABLE À L’APPRENTISSAGE 423-2496 [email protected] SERVICE Cheaper Cable Internet FREE PICK UP Bbq's, A/C units, lawn mowers, washers, dryers, stoves, fridges, computers, electronics, TV’s, car parts and other metal items for scrap in Angus, Borden, Barrie and surrounding area. Dump runs available. Call 705-423-9700. (01tfn/inv) 7 0 5 MEMORIAM Robert Gerald Bowman February 21, 2011 Dear Dad Thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too, I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, from which I'll never part. God has you in his arms, I have you in my heart! Love and miss you, Shari, Jeff, Josh, Kayla, Britney and Karam xo and/or Home Phone OBITUARY BREAUGH, Shirley of New Lowell passed away peacefully at Grove Park Home in Barrie on Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 in her 83rd year. Beloved Wife of Hank. Loving Mother of Sharon Mesdag (John) and Shawn Fleming (Stephen). Cherished Grandmother of Samantha (Mike), Matthew (Julie) and Sylvia. Dear Sister-in-law of Sandra Morison. Shirley will be sadly missed and always remembered by her many relatives and friends. At Shirley’s and the family’s request Cremation has taken place. Friends paid their respects at the STEVEN R. BRIDGE FUNERAL HOME Angus, ON on Friday, February 13th 2015. As expressions of sympathy, donations to Grove Park Home would be appreciated by the family. For more information, or to send a condolence, please visit our website at ASSISTANT COOK PRE-APPRENTICESHIP 16 | February 20 février 2015 | Citoyen Borden Citizen PRIVATE MATURE RAVINE LOT Located on private mature ravine wooded lot, open floor plan offering over 1,800 sqft of finished living space, minutes to shopping, downtown & hwy 400. Barrie $309,900 TOTALLY RENOVATED! Close to all amenities, 3 bdrms, 2.5 bath, main floor laundry, large master w/ensuite & w/I closet, nothing left to do but move in. Immediate possession! Barrie $364,900 IMMACULATE EXECUTIVE HOME! Upgraded Blockcomb Model over 3,600 sqft of finished living space, 3 bdrm, 4 bath, open concept, hardwood, ceramics, 9’+ceilings A/C, beautifully landscaped. Stayner $399,900 JUST OVER AN ACRE Offering over 1,500 sqft of fin liv space, hardwood, ceramics, above grnd pool, quiet location close to Angus, quick closing available! Clearview $399,900 ALMOST 80 ACRES! Great location and great exposure! Newly re-zoned with highway frontage, zoning allows for commercial & light industrial uses. Adjala $2,700,000 G EWIN N T S LI BETTER THAN NEW! One year old home on quiet dead end street, offering 2,191sqft of living space + unfin bsmnt, 4 bdrms, 3 full baths, lrg master w/ensuite on main flr, hrdwd, ceramics. Angus $474,900 FREE Market Evaluation FREE Pre-listing Consultation
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