Newsletter March 2015
Newsletter March 2015
Volume 9 Issue 3 March 2015 The Compassionate Friends Brevard Chapter OUR MISSION STATEMENT When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family. TCF Brevard Chapter Web Site Monthly Meeting The Roller Coaster As a child I enjoyed the thrill of the roller PO Box 304 Always the 2nd Monday coaster: gliding up the giant track, reaching the top of the month Brevard, NC 28712 with a momentary anticipation and the thrill of the quick dropping roll to the bottom of the track. The March 9, 2015 deep turns, first to the right and then to the left were Editor: designed to heighten the anticipation of the next 7:00 PM at the climb and drop. In my childhood mind, these Vickie Van Antwerp curves, climbs and drops were an isolated experi828-877-5172 The Lutheran Church of ence, temporary and fun. The ride would end. the Good Shepherd [email protected] A few months after my son’s death, I 22 Fisher Rd. Brevard dreamed of the roller coaster. But this time it wasn’t fun. It was a nightmare of fear, anxiety and pain; I Chapter Leaders This Month’s Topic Marisol and Bill Gollnick was so paralyzed that I couldn’t breathe. That Open dream was the simple symbolism of life since my 828-890-8227 (Home) son died. The Roller Coaster Now I ride a different sort of roller coaster. 828-329-9783 (Cell) cont. page 3 The climb to the top is a slow, difficult rise to [email protected] malcy. The rapid descent to the bottom is yet anOur Children Steering Committee other terrible setback. I hang onto the bar of sanity Page 4-5 on the curves, first one way, then another. I really Vickie Van Antwerp want to stop this ride, but it is forever. This ride 828-877-5172 [email protected] won’t end. continued on page 3 TCF Brevard Newsletter Sharon Bach 828-884-6154 [email protected] Joanne Snyder 828-885-2896 [email protected] Caroline Smith 770-335-4343 [email protected] Frances Owen 828-553-2082 National TCF Office PO Box 3696 Oakbrook, IL 60522-0246 Toll Free: (877) 969-0010 Fax: (630)-990-0246 [email protected] P a g e 2 T h e C o m p a s s i o n a t e F r i e n d s Remembrance What do we do when we love someone But they have gone away When all our days of bright sunlight Have turned to shades of gray? What do we say when no comfort comes From words of love and hope When efforts made seem pointless As we fight each day to cope? How do we act when we hear their name And we cannot help but cry This isn't fair, they were barely here It's not time to say goodbye! We promise them that they have made A place within our hearts Where they will live forever Though we are far apart We call upon the memories As time allowed and then Tuck them safely in our minds To visit now and again We cherish them as best we can Each smile, each word, each look We write the story they want told On the pages of life's book For most important is the vow We honor when they're gone Of sharing all they've given us From that moment on Donna Gerrior TCF Pasco County, FL In Memory of Rob V o l u m e 9 I s s u e 3 P a g e 3 C o m p a s s i o n a t e f r i e n d s A s a f e p l a c e t o t a l k There is a need to talk, without trying to give reasons. No reason is going to be acceptable when you hurt so much. A hug, the touch of a hand, expressions of concern, a willing listener was and still is the things that helped the most. The people who were the greatest help were not judgmental. It’s most helpful when people understand that what is needed is to talk about it and that this is part of the grief process. "The object of good grief is to remember, not relive." author unknown. To Our New Members Coming to the first meeting is the hardest, but you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Try not to judge your first meeting as to whether or not The Compassionate Friends will work for you. At the next meeting you may find just the right person or just the right words said that will help you in your grief work. To Our Members Who Are Further Down The “Grief Road” We need your encouragement and your support. Each meeting we have new parents. THINK BACK – what would it have been like for you at your first meeting if there had not been any TCF “veterans” to welcome you, share your grief, encourage you and tell you, “your pain will not always be this bad, it really does get better!” The Long Forever You left us so quickly; there were no goodbyes. How long this forever, your death and our lives. The sadness, the anger, the loneliness of three, preferring four always, how small, this new we. Genesse Bourdeau Gentry From Stars in the Deepest Night– After the Death of a Child continued from page 1 Today I recalled that roller coaster dream, in all its vivid detail, and I compare it to the roller coaster that is my life now. Are the highs lower and the lows higher? Are the curves softening? Yes, I believe they are. It’s been two years and two months since Todd died. I still weep. Tiny tears still fall unexpectedly. I still have anxiety. I still feel as if the earth has dropped from under me. I still miss talking with my son. I miss seeing him. I ache for that special hug that only my child can give. Yes, I miss my only child very much. My heart has been shattered, my definition of myself has been altered and my loneliness is incomprehensible. But something has changed on the roller coaster of this life. That something is, of course, me. I work through my grief in many, many ways. I have consciously shifted the paradigms of my life. I have learned to evaluate people from a different perspective. I have become so sensitive to the pain of other parents that I feel it as if it were my own. I have stopped anticipating how I will handle stressful events, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays. I have learned to live without being a part of my grandchildren’s lives. I have learned to keep negative energy and negative people at a far distance. I have learned that a routine provides necessary structure. I have learned to live in the moment, to take joy in simple things, to talk openly about my child’s life and to acknowledge the things I cannot change. As time moves forward, I will continue to accept what is given and give what I can. I know the roller coaster will level out eventually. For as long as I live, I will keep my child with me, in my heart. That’s all I can do as I ride this changing roller coaster that is now my life. Annette Mennen Baldwin In memory of my son, Todd Mennen TCF, Katy, TX Page 4 OUR CHILDREN Sunrise and Sunset Dates Love that can not be quenched Our beautiful children forever remembered Children Sunrise Anna W. Huneycutt Sunset 3/6 Beckie Ensley 3/10 Charles Curtis Carilisle 3/11 Christian “Kade” Warriner 3/15 Christopher Dean Renn 3/16 Douglas Lynch 3/6 Janette Moser Laderer 3/26 Jeremy William Adams 3/1 Jeremy Dylan Spainhour 3/26 Jillian Brooke Folsom 3/24 Lauren Marshall 3/22 Mark Allen Wolf 3/24 Michael (Mike) Richard O’Hara 3/4 Mila August Kohute 3/22 Robert Jason Morgan 3/21 Ryan David Dieterich 3/12 Ryan Kiser Franks Thomas (Tommy) Eugene Snyder 3/21 3/23 3/6 Birthday Table Every month at our chapter meeting, we provide a Birthday Table. In the month of your child’s birthday, if you are ready to do so, please bring pictures and small mementos of your child to place on the table. You may also bring a favorite cake, cookies, or other snacks, flowers, candles or balloons for the table in memory of your child. We do this to celebrate our children’s lives and to share their special day with others who understand. If you would like your child’s picture to appear on this remembrance page or if you have a memorial you want printed, please send me an email at [email protected] with their picture as an attachment in a jpeg or bmp. format. Page 5 Jeremy Spainhour Mark Wolf Tommy Snyder Michael O’Hara Page 6 Love Gifts – A Way to Remember There are no dues to belong to the Compassionate Friends, because we have already paid the ultimate price; the loss of our loved one (s). A Love Gift is a gift of money given in Honor of a child who has died from their family members or as a Memorial from friends. Your gifts are tax deductible and are used to reach out to other bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Your gifts support this newsletter, our TCF Library, Brochures and other Chapter Expenses. In Memory of: ___________________________________________________________________________ From: ________________________________________________________________________________________ TCF of Brevard PO Box 304 Brevard, NC 28712 You are not forgotten my child. I see you in the creases of my mind and I feel you in the chambers of my heart. VVA The Compassionate Friends of Brevard PO Box 304 Brevard, NC 28712 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED March 2015 Newsletter _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Our Credo... We need not walk alone. We are The Compassionate Friends. We reach out to each other with love, with understanding, and with hope. The children we mourn have died at all ages and from many different causes, but our love for them unites us. Your pain becomes my pain, just as your hope becomes my hope. We come together from all walks of life, from many different circumstances. We are a unique family because we represent many races, creeds, and relationships. We are young, and we are old. Some of us are far along in our grief, but others still feel a grief so fresh and so intensely painful that they feel helpless and see no hope. Some of us have found our faith to be a source of strength, while some of us are struggling to find answers. Some of us are angry, filled with guilt or in deep depression, while others radiate an inner peace. But whatever pain we bring to this gathering of The Compassionate Friends, it is pain we will share, just as we share with each other our love for the children who have died. We are all seeking and struggling to build a future for ourselves, but we are committed to building a future together. We reach out to each other in love to share the pain as well as the joy, share the anger as well as the peace, share the faith as well as the doubts, and help each other to grieve as well as to grow. We need not walk alone. We are The Compassionate Friends. ©2007
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