Tribune - Tee Off For Dogs


Tribune - Tee Off For Dogs
2009 Celebrities, where are they now?
Mobley graduated Guide Dog school June 6, 2009 and is now living/working in
Washington state with a visually impaired person.
Delora is being evaluated to breed for the Guide Dogs. This is a special program
for GDB for them to ensure the overall health and temperament of the dogs
brought into the program. If Delora does not become a breeder, she will begin her
formal Guide Dog training and hope to become a working Guide Dog.
Glitz had hopes of becoming a Guide Dog; however, a torn ACL made for a
change of careers. Glitz is living with the Monsess family and mentoring their new
Guide Dog puppy in training, Lindsay.
Ivory went back for Guide Dog training. During the training, it was determined
Ivory did not like traffic. GDB knew she was a special with a lot of talent and
helped Ivory transition to a Career Change dog to be a companion for a seven year
old child with special needs. The family she is living with has nine children, so she
has plenty of love!
While we wish every puppy to be successful in their formal Guide Dog training
and graduates, unfortunately that is not the case. Dogs are like humans, they have
unique personalities, health issues, likes and dislikes. This is one reason why the
Guide Dogs training and evaluation program for working dogs is so successful. A
dog that graduates the program is capable of guiding their partner through life.
Our puppy raisers friends are so important for the first portion of the training socialization, learning good public manners and helping to introduce the dogs to
lots of new sounds, sights and distractions.
Many thanks to each and every puppy raiser and to the Guide Dogs of the Blind
for the dedication and precious gift you give the visually impaired!
Program printed courtesy of
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May 2010
The Official TOFD Mag
On behalf of TOFD, Guide Dogs Cardinal Frank’s guide and Norwalk
Don Lloyd’s guide, we would like to thank all the puppies and their
raisers in participating in the 6th Annual Tee Off For Dogs Golf
tournament hosted at Black Gold Golf Club
Hi, I’m Saturna! I’m currently in San Rafael, in phase 10
of my training! I was blessed with a strong energy level,
which has served me well in my training! My raiser
David, leader Pat, and all of LASW Guide Dog Raisers
were so great at getting me to this point, I could just bark
in excitement! But I won’t! :) A lot of my littermates are
here in training with me, which is great! Ok - bye for
now! Will hear from me soon.
Hi, I am Carnegie. I am a four month old male Labrador. I am
being co-raised by the Meinert and Kallman families, who are
in the Brea Area Adult Raisers Klub (BAARK). I am pretty
lucky because my brother, Cheddar is also being raised by a
BAARK family! I am looking forward to playing with him and
the other puppies being raised by the BAARK family. And get
this, my Mom and Aunt were also raised by BAARK families.
My hopes and goals for the year. To learn
everything I can and become a great Guide Dog one day!
Pfeiffer and Laura DeHart became an official Guide Dog team in July of 2009
just in time for him to join her in her first year away from home. Pfeiffer’s perfect
companionship kept Laura from being too homesick. They have experienced
several first together, airplane trip, cross country skiing, San Francisco’s ferry
rides, San Francisco Symphony and Hollywood’s
Universal Studios. Everywhere the pair goes, they are
given the VIP treatment, no joke. Pfeiffer can’t wait to
be escorting Laura from class to class in her first year
at Sonoma State College this fall. Having raised four
guide dog puppies and knowing how much hard work
it is and how hard it is to say goodbye; Laura is greatly
appreciative to his raiser, Cindy Rainey.
Wooooof! I am Thistle. Let me start by introducing my
puppy raiser, Kelene Boyle. Kelene is a part of the Girl
Scout’s and also Paws for Independence - South Club.
When I go to the Guide Dog for the Blind school for my
next levels of trainings, Kelene will be receiving her Golf
Scout Gold Award Project! We are both special!
I hear people saying, “she is adorable when they see
my romp about and my ears are flopping up and down”
Kelene smiles and agrees politely. She knows the secret about me, I love to
My favorite activities? Well, I just love playing tug with the rope and oh yes,
going for car rides. I have been compared to the “Energizer” Bunny - haven’t
meet him yet, but when I do, he will meet the sweetest puppy ever.
Hope to meet you at the Tournament! xoxox Thistle
Ribbon is a six month old Black lab female being raised by the
Samp/ Featherstone families. She is a very sweet tenderhearted
puppy who loves to be part of the family. The first two months
she was with us, she wanted to be held like a baby. When you
see her, she will be ready and willing to let you rub her ears.
But watch out, she will try to sneak a kiss in there for you.
Hello! My name is Harla. I am now a big girl, 14
months old. I have lived and trained with Kim
since I was eight weeks old. The Guide Dogs have
called to let Kim know that in the next month or
two I will be returning to Guide Dogs for the Blind
campus/school for my formal Guide Dog training.
Kim has been dedicated to helping me become a
very confident and calm in large groups with a busy environments. Gosh, I
wish you could see Costco on a Saturday afternoon through my eyes. I like
wearing my vest very much because that means I am working/learning.
Remember, ask Kim before you greet me -- that is one of the rules for greeting
a working Guide Dog and their partner. If you see me “wink” it’s my special
way of saying “hello” while I am working; I really like to give licks, but when
I am working I am very focused on my job. When I am “off duty”, playing and
cuddling are my favorites!
I will miss Kim when I leave for school. I hope to make it through all of the
training levels and become a Guide Dog! Wish me luck at Guide Dog School...
licks, Harla
What do the pups learn while they’re in
the Puppy Raising Program?
Once in their new homes, the pups begin to learn about their environment.
They learn basic obedience and good manners, and are socialized to the
world. In addition to learning good house behaviors, the pups are exposed
to a variety of situations, places and people. They accompany their raisers just about everywhere (grocery stores, school, work, restaurants) They
have the pleasure of living with their raiser families for 14 to 18 months
before returning to Guide Dog school for formal training to become guides.
On Feb 1 2010 Neeley went to the California Campus
for Guide Dogs for the Blind for her formal training.
She did very well and before Easter, was in phase 8 out
10 when it was determined that she should be “career
changed”. This means that for various reasons, the dog
is unsuitable for Guide work. In Neeley’s case, it was
the number one reason for career changing dogs, which
is being “dog distracted”. She just couldn’t ignore
another dog and would do almost anything to go over
and say hello. As the puppy raiser, we are given the choice by GDB in deciding
what should be done with her; keep her, give her to a family member, or allow
her to become another kind of working dog. Our choice was to give her to the
Roper Casanova Family, where she is well loved and cared for as a family pet.
She even get visits from her raisers. Neeley will have the chance to spend more
time with them, she will be joining them at the Foundation Fighting Blindness’
Vision Walk, at Cal State Fullerton on June 6!
Lancaster here! I
am 8 months old
and a little small,
seems my four
brothers and sisters are all bigger
Did you know?
There are
about 1,400 puppy
raisers currently
raising Guide Dog
than me. That’s OK though, because I can still go to Guide Dog School. They
say I am the “easy going” one which makes teaching me the ropes and tricks of
Guide Dog trade much easier for Kathy & Chuck, my puppy raisers. I am looking forward to participating at Tee Off For Dogs this year -- this is my first time
at an event like this, so I will be learning a lot, too! Hope to meet you!
Hi! My name is Minnie. I am a 10 month old Lab,
being raised by Grace Ehrman in the BAARK Club.
I love going on outings, but especially loved my trip
to the Antelope Valley Fun Day where I met the
biggest dog in the world, my raiser called him horse.
I also rode on a tractor which was exciting too. It
was a memorable day.
Bonjour, I’m Rockette. I turned one last April. Look, this is a picture
of Kelsey and I at San
Rafael. Kelsey and
Vicki drove up to Guide
Dog campus to pick me
up. I follow Vicki and
Kelsey everywhere. I
love my training; I stand What is the timeframe
for raising a puppy?
right next to my
long do raisers
raisers when I’ m
the dogs?
wearing my work outfit
(aka my green jacket). Raisers receive the pups
But I never forget when it’s time to play. Like
they are approximately
most labs my favorite time of day is breakfast and
old, and they
dinner time. I’m their third puppy. I’m living with Lenora (their usually remain in the puppy
raiser home until they are
first dog, unfortunately she was career changed.) between
14 and 18 months
She is a wonderful friend to play with. Like my
old. The length of time may
name might indicate, I don’t want to be a Rocket
however, depending on
Scientist. I want to pursue the same career as
individual puppy’s
Trudy (their second pup), she is now a service dog
or Guide Dogs
in Phoenix, AZ.
need for guides.
Hey Tee Off Golfers, I am Ashton! I want to play golf
with you, but Kayla my puppy raiser from Paws for
Independence told me I will be wearing my vest. That
means I will be working and learning. I take the working and learning VERY seriously, you know. When I
am not working, I am goofy, playful and love to have a
good time. If you meet me, ask Kayla if I can take off
my vest and play with
I’m Nobi. I’m one year and according to my
raisers I have an extremely fun personality. Let me
explain! I love to relocate shoes and play tug-owar. When my raisers aren’t looking I sneak into
the bathroom and take the toilet paper off the holder
and shred it. After all that I chew on Nylabone toys!
Coucou, je m’appelle Provence! J’ai 16 mois
et je suis un labrador jaune.
For those of you who do not speak French,
let me introduce myself to you! My name is
Provence and I know a little French after all
I was name after a region of France . I am a
yellow Labrador and am 16 months old.
I enjoy sniffing flowers and playing with cats. Tim and Ted have been raising
me via the Paws for Independence South group. I am off to Guide Dog School
for my formal training in June. I hope one day to be able to guide my partner
through France and visit Provence.
Alida is enjoying the Southern California lifestyle enjoying puppy massages and snuggling with her puppy raiser.
She is a sweet little girl who loves all people and greeting
children at the school bus. Going to the market is always
fun because walking the different aisles always give her a
chance to say “hello” to someone new and get used to the
sounds of grocery carts passing by. Our little secret about
Alida, she can be heard snoring in her kennel after a long day of learning, playing and enjoy the Southern California weather!
Wilara, the first puppy to be raised by Sabrina and Steve Smith of La Habra, CA
in 2003-2004, was an awfully submissive dog. When she’d meet someone she
would just flop over on her back and asked them to pet her belly. Her love of
lounging around the house and being so submissive made her a great candidate for
a mommy breeder. In 2005, they raised one of her puppies named Char. Char was
a spitting image of her mother with the same personality of rolling on her back to
ask people to pet her belly. It was like her mother never left the house! Char was
also a candidate for a breeder when she grew up but was later career changed due
to minor arthritis in her knees. So now Char is a part of the Smith family and became a certified therapy dog with the Delta Society. Even though Char never had
a chance to help lead a blind person, she now has the chance to entertain patients
at retirement homes and hospitals by doing what she does best…showing off her
belly which in turn makes her patients laugh and forget in that moment that they
were patients at all. Even though both dogs didn’t become guide dogs, they were
still put to use in the community by helping others.
Lindsay is a very energetic and happy pup with an
adorable face. Her favorite things are playing with
our career changed dog, Glitzy, lying in the sun and
going for a car ride. At five months old, Lindsay is
just starting to go out in public in her jacket. She has
enjoyed sleeping through church, exploring libraries
and walking the aisles of Home Depot. She is very
smart and plans to be a terrific guide dog hopefully
in some place warm... like Hawaii.
Dakota is a guide dog
puppy in the Puppies 2
Partners Club. She is
being raised by Katie and
Megan Irving. She is 10
months old. She is a very
sweet puppy who loves
people and other animals. She likes to watch us feed
our pet lizard. She tries to
catch the crickets through
the glass enclosure. She loves to play, loves to eat and loves to go on walks. Woooffff, arrrfff bark Cheddar..... Looking for a translation.
Hi, my name is Cheddar.
I’m a yellow Labrador puppy, who is a Guide Dog in
training puppy. I’m being raised by Michael and Kasey
Markoski, from the BAARK puppy raiser group in Orange
County, CA. I’m looking forward to the day I’m old enough
to go out in public with my friends Michael and Kasey. They
will work with me to learn good manners in the home as well
as in public, and practice how to be a ‘working’ Guide Dog.
My hopes to become a Guide Dog helping a visually impaired
person navigate through their town. Right now though,
I sleep a lot.
Last year, Spalding (in the arms of the fireman)
captured the hearts of everyone who saw him. He was
the pass-around-bundle that was held by all. This year
he is all grown up and very handsome. He is soft and
cuddly and again, everyone will want to pet him.
Will you recognize me
this year? I have grown
just a little.
Here is Lewis (on the right)
and Spalding (on the left)
enjoying a spring walk. They
are great buddies, but Spalding
will be headed back to GDB
for formal training this summer. Lewis wishes him good
luck and hopes he can become
a great guide.
Woof! My name is Kylie. I am an energetic nine
month old pup who is being raised by the Heiman
family in Santa Ana.
Everybody tells Patti how cute I am for a yellow lab
with my long tail and long ears. She and I need to
always correct them. Even if I might look like a
yellow lab ( don’t get me wrong I have nothing against
a blonde lab!!!) I’m only 1/4 lab and 3/4 Golden retriever. Cant you tell?
I have the pleasure of sharing this family with Venita, a career changed Golden
Retriever (that no one mistakes for a Lab!) that competes with me for tummy
rubs by my raisers.
I’m Julissa five month old, and a girly girl!!! I more
than enjoy the game of hide and seek around the
kitchen island. I love a good run with my favorite
toy, a jolly ball, in the green grass. However, I most
adore having my nails “done”while sprawled on the
green grass, soaking in the warm sunshine.
Julissa was
unavailable for a
photo shoot as she
getting her nails done!