May. 17 - St. Catharine`s Website
May. 17 - St. Catharine`s Website
© PhotoDisc, Inc. © Bon Venture Services, Inc. ST. CATHARINE’S CHURCH 523 Western Highway Blauvelt, New York 10913 845-359-0542 (Fax) 845-365-2387 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 St. Catharine’s Church 523 Western Highway Blauvelt, N.Y.10913 845-359-0542/Fax 845-365-2387 Rev. Msgr. Francis J. McAree, S.T.D., Pastor Rev. Abraham Vallayil, C.M.I., Associate Pastor Rev. Mr. John Jurasek, Deacon Rev. Mr. John C. Kelleher, Deacon Sunday 5:00 PM Saturday evening Vigil 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM, and 4:30 PM 6:45 AM and 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 6:45 AM and 8:30 AM Weekday Saturday First Fridays Baptism First and third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM. Parents should call Deacon John Jurasek at (845) 365-3618 or email to [email protected] for an appointment and Baptismal preparation. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45 PM, and by appointment. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory a minimum of six months prior to their marriage date to receive necessary information and preparation. Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory anytime for this request. Parish Registration Every family living in our Parish is kindly requested to register at the Rectory. Parish Devotions SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER PARISH MINISTRY & SERVICE CONTACTS Adoptive Families Group: Gail Rogo, 359-5671 Adult Religious Education: Anna Stellwag, 359-0769 Altar Servers: Deacon John Jurasek, 365-3618 or [email protected]; Mary Anne Pagnani, [email protected], 358-0739 Altar Society: Anna Stellwag, 359-0769; Mary McCarroll, 359-2546 Bible Study: Jose F. Botet, M.D., 359-6926 Birthright of Rockland: Call 623-9098 Bulletin: Patricia McKenna, 359-0542 or email [email protected] Cancer Support Group: Susan Carroll, 613-7658 Choirs: Dr. Rene Dalandan, 359-9015 CYO Basketball: Mary Anne Pagnani, [email protected] CYO Basketball Website: Driving Seniors to Mass: John D’Andrea, 735-0110 Early Childhood Center: Barbara Feeney, 359-4330 Eucharistic Ministry at Mass: Tim Brown, 848-2091 Eucharistic Ministry, Home: Eileen McCaffrey, 359-9315 Homebound Ministry: Ken Lee, 353-1915 Ladies Guild: Dina Wolleben, 613-7848 Lectors: Veronica Rogers, 624-1427 Liturgical Committee: Maureen Aitchison, 359-3027; Jill Florencia, 365-1869 Miraculous Medal held after the 8:30 AM Mass on Mondays. Rosary following 8:30 AM Mass (Mon.-Fri.) Scriptural Rosary following 8:30 AM Mass on Saturdays Eucharistic Adoration In our Chapel on First Fridays following the 8:30 AM Mass until 7:00 PM, when the Church will close. Prayer Group meets every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 PM in the Church. Parish Religious Education Program Mrs. Audrey Angelini, Coordinator 845-359-4014 St. Catharine’s Early Childhood Center Mrs. Barbara Feeney 845-359-4330 Senior Programs Thorpe Senior Center, Sister Maureen Bradshaw 845-359-4058 or 845-359-5801 Pamphlet Rack: John D’Andrea, 735-0110 Parish Council: Tim Brown, 848-2091 Parish Nurse Program: Mickey DeTemple, 359-3129; Maureen Fallon, 398-3806 Parish Prayer Group: Aida Dalandan, 359-9015 Parish Office: Patricia McKenna, M-F, 9-5 PM, 359-0542 Saturday, 9-3 PM – Judy Scandiffio, 359-0542 Prayer Shawl Ministry: Louise Langan, 359-5648 Religious Education: Audrey Angelini, 359-4014 Respect Life Coordinator: Richard Bruno, 359-5823 or email [email protected] Social Activities: Joe Onativia, 365-1151 Teen Association: Richard & Rita Sarubbi, 641-3172 or email [email protected] Ushers: Ken Lee, 353-1915 Website: Patricia McKenna, 359-0542 or email [email protected] SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER “Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers…He said ‘My brothers, the Scriptures had to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand…it is necessary that one of the men who accompanied us the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among us, beginning from the Baptism of John until the day he was taken up from us, become with us a witness of his Resurrection.’ Then, they prayed, ‘You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen.’” Reading the Acts of the Apostles we are constantly reminded of the role and the power of the Holy Spirit. The group of eleven and their companions depended on the grace and power of the Spirit to direct them in their new found mission. They knew they needed outside help. It is no different today. The Church calls us all to ministry, some ordained, some consecrated, all dedicated to the building of His kingdom. The Spirit speaks to you as you read today, expressing the need, as well as, the call. We, too, pray ‘Oh, Lord, you know my heart, show me what you want me to do for your Church.’ SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER First Reading: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26 The disciples decided that someone should take the place of Judas, who killed himself in remorse for betraying Jesus. They nominated two who had been among them from the time of Jesus’ Baptism to the Crucifixion. Then, they drew lots to decide who would join them as witnesses of the Resurrection. Second Reading: I John 4:11-16 John reminds us that God dwells in those who love one another. We have come to know God’s love for us. Only by loving one another can we be sure that God will remain with us always. Gospel: John 17:11b-19 Jesus prays for His disciples at the Last Supper. He knows that by knowing the Word of God as they do, they no longer belong to the world. He asks that God consecrate them in truth and protect them from the enemies they have made because of their belief in Jesus. BLESSED CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2015 As you celebrate this milestone in your journey of faith, may the Holy Spirit be with you to renew and strengthen you in your commitment to follow Christ. You’ve prepared your heart in so many ways for this special day, through study, prayer, and service. We pray you will continue to live a life of faith, inspired and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Please know that you will always have the love, prayers and support of all of us here at St. Catharine’s Church. MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA OF MASSES This Sunday, and for the remaining Sundays of May, the Priests of our Parish will be pleased to offer a Novena of Masses for all of our Mothers, both living and deceased. The names of those turned in to us will remain on our Altar throughout the month of May. Special Mother’s Day envelopes are still available on the Ushers’ tables in the lobby of the Church. If you would like to donate in honor or memory of a loved one, please write the name of your beloved deceased, insert your offering, and place the envelope in the collection basket at any of our weekend Masses. SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER THANK YOU FROM ST. CATHARINE’S PREP +Building a Community of Faith where we feel loved and respected.+ PREP classes are over for the year. It was our pleasure to be of service to you, and to be able to share a wonderful year of growth and faith with you and your children. A special word of thanks to Monsignor McAree, and all the Priests and Deacons, for their support this year. We are truly blessed here at St. Catharine’s, to have such dedicated men of faith leading us. We are also grateful to our Catechists and Assistants who have worked very hard to share their faith with your children. We are so lucky to have such a fine staff here at St. Catharine’s. Their dedication to your children and faith is evident in all the wonderful learning activities that happen each week in each class. Thank you to all the families who have completed registration for their children for next September. Anyone who still needs to register may do so online at On the Home Page, under Parish Life, find PREP Registration, and you will see instructions and a link to the On-Line Registration form, as well as, instructions for payment. Please have a second choice of day ready as some classes are already full. And, parents of children going into the First Grade, please remember to register your children! God bless you! Mrs. Audrey Angelini TASC INVITATION Mr. and Mrs. Sarubbi would like to offer their congratulations to all of our newly-Confirmed teens and invite them to a TASC get-together on Monday, May 18th from 7:30 PM to 8:40 PM in the Lower Church. There will be outside games, they will pray the Rosary by the Grotto, and more. Refreshments will be served. TASC is a great program to join and socialize with other teens. Their motto is “By the Teens, For the Teens. Please rsvp to Mrs. Sarubbi if you are able to attend, phone (845) 641-3172, or email [email protected]. ON-GOING REGISTRATION ST. CATHARINE’S EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER We will continue to have on-going registration for the 3, 4 & 5 year old programs for the 2015-2016 school year. At this time, we only have a few spots still available. For more information, please call 359-4330 or email us at [email protected]. MAY PURIFICATOR ASSIGNMENT A LITTLE GIANTS THANK YOU! A special thank you to Nilda Barrett, Filomena Novak, and Rose Gavigan, the wonderful Catechists for our Little Giants program, which recently ended for the year. St. Catharine’s Little Giants ministry is one that responds to the religious and spiritual needs of students in grades 1-8 who have a physical, mental, or emotional disability which impairs their participation in a regular classroom. Our primary goal is for all children to know that God loves them. We meet twice a month, on Saturday mornings from 9-10:00 AM, September to May. Instruction is provided in small groups and parents are encouraged to join our Catechists at each meeting. Children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that include preparing for sacraments, participating in Mass, singing, reading, sharing. Special emphasis is provided on the Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation for those children who have not yet received these sacraments. This year, three of our students received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If your child has special needs and is interested in joining us, please speak with Audrey Angelini in the PREP Office at (845) 359-4014. May God bless you, Nilda, Filomena, and Rose! ROCKLAND BOULDERS BASEBALL GAME FRIDAY, JUNE 5th, 7:00 PM St. Catharine’s F.U.N. (Families Unite Now) Committee invites you to join us at a Rockland Boulders Baseball game on Friday, June 5th at 7:00 PM. Great price of only $15 per person includes infield seat ticket, hot dog and a small soda. (Parking is $5.) For information or tickets, call or text Debby Schwartz at 917-834-2657, on or before May 20th. Payment may be left at the Rectory. Please note – Tickets will be sold outside of our Church at all of the Masses next Sunday, May 24th. PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPING POSITION FOR ST. CATHARINE’S RECTORY St. Catharine’s is looking for a part-time housekeeper, Tuesday through Thursday, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. (Hours are flexible). Please call the Rectory at 359-0542. Veronica Blaine – Judith McElligott MAY ALTAR DUTY Devona Roche BIBLE STUDY TUESDAY, MAY 19th 7:30 PM, LOWER PARISH HOUSE SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 ST. CATHARINE’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP TUESDAY, MAY 19th AT 7:00 PM PARISH HOUSE ANNUAL GOLDEN WEDDING JUBILEE MASS AT ST. PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL, 2:00 PM SATURDAY, JUNE 20 OR SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary at any time during 2015, are invited to attend. Please register by calling our Parish Office at (845) 359-0542, no later than Tuesday, May 19th. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! PARISH BLOOD DRIVE – SUNDAY, JUNE 7th Please save the date for our Parish Blood Drive, Sunday, June 7th from 9:00 AM through 1:30 PM in the Gym. MASS “AFTER HOURS” Sunday worship must be part of each Catholic’s week. But, sometimes there are circumstances that may prevent you from worshipping with us at St. Catharine’s Church. Although we do prefer that you come to Mass in our own Parish, when you can’t, please visit one of the other area Churches offering “after hours Masses” on Sunday evening. St. Catharine’s last weekend Mass is at 4:30 PM on Sunday. 5:00 PM ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, PIERMONT 5:00 PM ST. PETER, HAVERSTRAW 5:30 PM SACRED HEART, SUFFERN 5:30 PM ST. ANN, NYACK 5:30 PM ST. JOSEPH, SPRING VALLEY 5:30 PM ST. MARGARET, PEARL RIVER 6:00 PM ST. PAUL, CONGERS 7:00 PM ST. AEDAN, PEARL RIVER 7:00 PM ST. ANTHONY, NANUET SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The Tabernacle Candle was donated by The Maher Family In Loving Memory of Mary Maher and Mary Keany If you would like to add someone to one of our Parish Prayer lists, and you have their permission, please call the Parish Office at (845) 359-0542. Please note, names will remain on this list for one month, unless you notify us to continue. +PARISH PRAYER CORNER+ +WE PRAY FOR THE LIVING+ We pray for God’s continued blessings and healing graces upon all of our loved ones who have recently experienced serious health issues. We remember the following who have been prayed for from our altar and are still in need of prayers. We also pray for all those who assist and care for the sick that they may be given the strength to continue God’s good will. Walter Cahill, Julia Cosentino, Helen O’Brien, Matthew Mencher, Lucy Decilla, James Cody, Rory Tinston, Rita Famular, Michael Vitelli, Geraldine Moloney, Mary Jane Knapp, Carol Crane, Gary Baisley, Barbara Burns, Brandon Hernandez, Billy Keenan, Jim Grimm, Henry Braun, Tim Braun, Colleen Kusy, Mickey DeTemple, Hunter Sterling, Amanda Lynch, Peter Stewart, Brian Domitrovits, II, Warren Allen, Dorothy Kane, Bob Hudson, Edward Golden, Dr. Robert Conenello, Anna Fee, Aaron Duffany, Alex DiMenna, Christian Perez, Lulu Piano, Louise Palermo, Michael Watkins, Adolfo Morales, John Butler, Ruth Zapata, Nicholas Guiliano, Cesar Pantua, Concetta Fedele, Brian Mullarkey, George Morrison, Matilda Quinn, Bill Maher, Peter Sasson ARE YOU “SHEEPISH” ABOUT FLOCKNOTE? HELP US STAY CONNECTED WITH YOU Holy Mary Mother of God, Pray for us sinners… Those parishioners who have already signed up say that they are happy and feel more connected to the Parish with Flocknote, our new email communication system. Please call or stop by the Parish House to register. +WE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY IN THE MILITARY, BOTH HERE AND ABROAD+ PARISH PAY – SAFE, FAST, EASY! ParishPay is the safe, fast, easy way to make your weekly tithing donations to the Church. Please stop by the Parish House for a Parishioner Commitment Card. ALTAR / TABERNACLE FLOWERS REQUEST If you would like to participate, please fill out this form and return it in an envelope to the Parish Office. Name ____________________Phone _____________ In Memory / Intention of_________________________ Sunday Date Requested ____(1stchoice)___(2ndchoice) ____ Tabernacle Candle offering of $15.00 is enclosed ____ Tabernacle Flower offering of $50.00 is enclosed ____ Altar Flower Offering of $50.00 is enclosed St. Michael, keep them safe. +WE PRAY FOR THE DEARLY DEPARTED+ We pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed who were a part of our parish in the past, as well as, present. We remember all those who died recently. Rocco Parisi, Kenneth Scarry, Joseph Colletti, Sr., John Davren, Sr., Theodora Spagna, Mary Gibbons, Robert Farrelly “Well done, good and faithful steward. Come and share your master’s joy!” SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER PETITION OF THE WEEK Congratulations to those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit fill your life, strengthening you to live the Gospel and leading you to do God’s will with eagerness and joy … Lord, hear our prayer. READINGS FOR THE WEEK MASS INTENTIONS 20 SATURDAY, MAY 16 5:00 Larisa McCloskey SUNDAY, MAY 17 8:00 Adele Deltoro 9:30 The People of St. Catharine’s Church 11:00 Mary and Richard Onativia 12:30 Mother’s Day Novena 4:30 Mary F. Cooper 4” MONDAY, MAY 18 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Richard Mullin TUESDAY, MAY 19 6:45 Celia Menendez 8:30 Edward H. Neilis, Sr. 420 Sunday Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 Monday Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 6:45 Mother’s Day Novena 8:30 Douglas Millett THURSDAY, MAY 21 6:45 Special Intentions 8:30 Michael and Kathleen Kivlehan FRIDAY, MAY 22 6:45 Grace Dennerlein 8:30 Betty Corry SATURDAY, MAY 23 8:30 John Fallon 5:00 Catherine Foody – 52nd Year Anniversary TITHING – GOD’S WAY OF SHARING Last week………..$12,238 Last year…………$10,111 All that I have comes from you, Lord. PRESENTING THE GIFTS If you have arranged an Intention for Mass, you may want to consider presenting the gifts of bread and wine during that celebration. Please inform an Usher before Mass. SUNDAY, MAY 24 8:00 The People of St. Catharine’s Church 9:30 Brian Domitrovits, II 11:00 Mickey Reeves 12:30 Fred Sica 4:30 Louis Corelli – 2nd Year Anniversary LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2015 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TIME LECTORS 5:00 PM J. Hudson T. Brown, I. Franco, J. Kraus, P. Regan T. Crable, M. Henry, Z. Visconti 8:00 AM A. Mullin M. Doolan, S. Nordstrom J. Luciano, R. Luciano 9:30 AM Family Mass D. Kivlehan, B. Stadnick K. Clancy, J. McHugh, L. Noonan 11:00 AM V. Valentine C. Botet, J. Botet, J. D’Andrea, J. DelGatto L. Citardi, V. Gadioma, M. Shapiro 12:30 PM E. McCaffrey J. Hynes E. Ahlf, W. Ahlf 4:30 PM V. Rogers T. Dural, B. Maggiore, F. Rumolo M. Fraser, A. Wamsley Hiep Pizzi Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated LLC Sanitation 120 Paris Avenue, Northvale, NJ 07647 Tel 201-767-3050 • Fax 201-768-6680 Michael Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 4176 Anthony R. Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 3130 Container Service 1-40 Yards Joyce M. Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 3962 845-358-7070 Robert T. Pizzi, NJ Lic. No. 5020 Parish Member Dominican Sisters PALISADES UNISEX BARBER Family Health Service Full Service Barbershop And Hair Salon “More Than Care ... Peace of Mind” Visiting nurse agency caring for people of all ages, with services including: Skilled Nursing, Care Transitions, Rehabilitative Therapies, Chronic Care Management, Maternal Child Health, Wound & Ostomy Management, Home Health Aides & Pastoral Care. HUDSON VALLEY 914-941-1654 LONG ISLAND 631-728-0181 Helmke parishioner NEW YORK CITY 212-239-6586 BRONX 718-665-6557 CAFE BRUNCH · LUNCH · DINNER 2ND LEVEL · NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Monday Closed Tuesday 11:30-9:00-Friday 11:30-9:00 Saturday 11:00-9:00 · Sunday 9:00-3:00 Open 7 Days: Mon.-Sat. 9-9 · Sun. 10-7 726 West Nyack Road, #9 · West Nyack 845-353-1119 / 845-353-8008 845-358-5822 Orangetown Christopher Curley, DDS amily Parishioner Industries, Inc. Landscaping & Drainage (845) 359-1300 Dentistry 845-398-2300 PREL PLAZA • ORANGEBURG 513 Route 303 · Orangeburg SPECIALISTS IN ALL TYPES OF FENCING CHAIN LINK · WOOD · GUIDE RAIL WHOLESALE - RETAIL 845.358.0118 95 West Nyack Way West Nyack, NY 10994 Diner (845) 365-3166 60 DUTCH HILL RD. • ORANGEBURG, NY • [email protected] Alysson Burgos, Owner 845-680-6780 Wyman-Fisher ! Funeral Home Inc. Serving All Faiths Since 1919 Personalized Traditional Services Cremation and Pre-planning Specialists Ample Parking Available • Centrally Located in Pearl River 100 Franklin Avenue, Pearl River David Fisher, Owner/Director 845-735-2161 Christopher J. 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Roofing · Waterproofing · Restoration The Best Bagels in Rockland 845-359-2330 MARIAN SHRINE BOOKSTORE 174 Filors Lane, Stony Pt., NY 10980 ** OPEN 7 DAYS ** 845-947-2200, ext. 7 127A (CK) - St. Catharine’s Church, Blauvelt PARISHIONER 353-3400 COUPON Bakery, Deli & Catering 500 Route 303 • Orangeburg, NY 10962 Mon-Sat 5:30am-3:00pm • Sun 5:30am-2:00pm WITH AD Residential Commercial · Institutional Slate · Wood Shakes Copper Gutters $3500 OFF MARTY’S BAGELS ~ Serving New York and New Jersey ~ Pay By The Job, Not The Hour! Service, Repair & New Construction Plumbing & Heating Service Contracts 845-365-1987 R #1280 Irene McCarthy Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Bus: 845-304-4244 [email protected] 21 East Central Ave. Pearl River, NY 10965 OCKLAND Each Keller Williams Realty Office is Independently Owned & Operated FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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Feb. 22 - St. Catharine`s Church
still in need of prayers.
Walter Cahill, Thomas Kelly, Julia Cosentino,
Helen O’Brien, Matthew Mencher, Lucy Decilla,
James Cody, Rory Tinston, Rita Famular,
Michael Vitelli, Geraldine Moloney,