May 29, 2016 - St. Ann Catholic Parish
May 29, 2016 - St. Ann Catholic Parish
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - May 29, 2016 † Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo - 29 de mayo del 2016 St. Ann Catholic Parish Parroquia Católica de Santa Ana "Somos un cuerpo transformado en Cristo" Nuestra Vision "We are one body transformed in Christ" St. Ann's Vision Mass Times Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday: 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. (Youth) 2:00 p.m. (Spanish) 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Daily Mass Times Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Thursday 6:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturdays 8:00 a.m. Confession The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Tuesday 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Saturday June 4th Cancelled Rosary Monday-Friday Following daily Mass (Chapel) Church Office Hours 8am-6pm M-W 8am-7pm TR 8am-5pmF Weekends CLOSED Contact Us Main: 972-393-5544 Fax: 972-462-1617 @StAnnCatholic @StAnnCatholic /stanncatholicparish /IglesiaCatólicadeSantaAna Mission Statement Love God Completely Love all People Unconditionally Make Disciples Intentionally. El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo Nuestra Misión Ama a Dios completamente Ama a todos incondicionalmente Haz discípulos intencionadamente 180 Samuel Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Clergy Staff Fr. Henry Petter Pastor, 972-393-5544 [email protected] Fr. Paolo Capra Parochial Vicar, Ext. 1102 [email protected] Fr. Kevin Wilwert Parochial Vicar, Ext. 1103 [email protected] @FatherKW @ReverendKeverend Ed Scarbrough Deacon, Ext. 1807 [email protected] Pete Markwald Deacon, Ext. 1810 [email protected] Kory Killgo Deacon, Ext. 1811 [email protected] Fidel Alvarez Deacon, Ext. 1812 [email protected] WHAT'S INSIDE Calendar.................................................4 Parish & Ministry News.....................3-9 CRE.........................................................5 SAY..........................................................5 HSM........................................................6 Adult Religious Education.................6-8 Family Life..............................................9 Sacramental Contacts/ Contactos Sacramentales....................13 Parish, Ministries & Organizations Directory.........................................11-13 Childrens Section...........................14-15 SECCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Directorio........................................11-13 Sección de Niños............................16-17 Educación Religiosa para Adultos.19-20 Ministerio de Secundaria....................18 Ministerio de Prepatoria.....................18 Vida Familiar........................................20 Horario de Misas.................................20 Eventos y Avisos.............................18-20 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ The more popular name for today’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is Corpus Christi, which of course in Latin means the “Body of Christ.” The Church has celebrated this feast at this time since it was proclaimed by Pope Urban IV in 1264. We are asked on this day to concentrate on two expressions of the Body of Christ — the Holy Eucharist and the Church itself. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#1327) states the importance of the Eucharist quite succinctly and directly: “In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith.” At the center of every Mass is our celebration of the Eucharist. The word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word eucharistia which means “thanksgiving.” It is through the Eucharist which we receive the Lord’s greatest gift to us, and it should be in thanksgiving and delight which we receive it. This holy day should also remind us of all those things for which we should be thankful. Gratitude is at the basis of a life of stewardship. It is through thanksgiving for all we have received, especially the Holy Body and Blood of Christ through the Eucharist, that we find the motivation and the commitment to be good stewards. The Pontiff Emeritus Benedict XVI in one of his writings spoke of the Eucharist in this way: “In the Eucharist a communion takes place that corresponds to the union of man and woman in marriage. Just as they become ‘one flesh,’ so in the Eucharist we all become ‘one spirit,’ one person with Christ.” Today we thank God for the incredible gift to us of the Eucharist. Copyright © 2016 Liturgical Assistants June 4-5 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Altar Servers 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Dragisic & Goss Elizondo Rogers Bull Cook Allain & Leonard 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm Blazek/S. Abadie/G. Abadie Guajardo/Noronha/Underwood A. Robbins/L. Robbins/Creason Desylva/D. Opiela/D. Opiela Cole/Gomes/Hernandez Children's Liturgy 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Lectors Chmiel/Stewart/Goss Shillinglaw/Cargo Pearson/K. Eddington/M. Eddington Estrada/Gaytan 2 Jerry/Fenlon Hess/Maher Cubit/Ollom Fernandez/Holbrook Mungo/Buchanan Ushers 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm Team 3 TBD CRHP 26 Lints We are in need of ushers, particularly for Saturday 5pm Mass. Contact Jorge: 214-458-3969 or [email protected] News & Events Mass Intentions Congratulations to our newly Confirmed Candidates! Confirmed on Pentecost Sunday – May 15, 2016 Jennifer Lynn Haigler Ivette Ariana Hernández Nereyda Margarita Hernández Alayna Noel Herod Chinedu Philip Ibe Oby Alphonsine Ibe Laurel Theresa Jentgen Patrick Gainer McClain Erika Minor Jay Alexander Otterbine Elizabeth Emperatriz Pachas Zachary William Pfeiffer Pedro Rodríguez Aguirre Gertie Loftus JoAnne Keenan Tuesday, May 31, 2016 7:00 a.m. Fr. Paolo 12:00 p.m. Fr. Kevin Ministry of Consolation Mr. Mucci Wednesday, June 1, 2016 7:00 a.m. TBA Thomas T. Abraham 12:00 p.m. TBA Elo Family All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by water and the Holy Spirit you freed your sons and daughters from sin and gave them new life. Send your Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and guide. Give them the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence. Fill them with the spirit of wonder and awe in your presence. The Rite of Confirmation Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:00 a.m. No Mass 12:00 p.m. Fr. Kevin Fr. Edwin Leonard, Fr. Zach Webb, Fr. Paolo Capra, Fr. Ruben Chen Friday, June 3, 2016 7:00 a.m. No Mass 12:00 p.m. Fr. Kevin Fr. Pio Maria Hoffman, C.F.R. Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:00 a.m. Communion Service 5:00 p.m. Fr. Henry Julia Dooney Sunday, June 5, 2016 8:00 a.m. Fr. Kevin 10:00 a.m. Fr. Kevin 12:00 p.m. Fr. Kevin 2:00 p.m. Bishop Kelly 4:30 p.m. Bishop Kelly 7:00 p.m. Bishop Kelly St Ann Knights of Columbus Scholarship Recipients St Ann Knights of Columbus recently awarded scholarships to four deserving parishioners. This year’s winners (left to right) are Claire Owiti, Joseph Hill, Joey Mungo and Michael Mares-Camarena. These scholarships were awarded to students who demonstrated outstanding commitment to their faith and community through voluntary involvement in both church and civic programs. In addition excellent academic accomplishments also played a large part in the decision. Two scholarships were awarded on behalf of the Knights of Columbus council, a third was awarded on behalf of the Gary P. Shafferman Foundation and the fourth on behalf of the St Ann’s Men’s Club. The St Ann Knights of Columbus would like to thank all the deserving St Ann Parishioners who submitted applications this year. They are an outstanding group of young people which made the selection process very difficult. Monday, May 30, 2016 7:00 a.m. Fr. Henry 12:00 p.m. Fr. Paolo Aaron T. Flandrau Ollie Devers Jared Curran Members of the Parish Jose Jesus B. Ramirez & Maria Concepcion Ramirez Rosa Delia Reyes Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 3 Committed adorers needed to spend one hour a week with Jesus in the PEA chapel. It is open 24/7. Contact Rosanne Armstrong at [email protected] or (214) 543-6458. Parish Calendar Friday, June 3, 2016 Monday, May 30, 2016 Parish Office Closed & No Meetings due to Memorial Day Tuesday, May 31, 2016 6:30 p.m. Stephen Ministry Training-Grp. 2 | Library 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice - Spanish | CLW 7:00 p.m. Confessions | Chapel 7:00 p.m. Estudio Biblico | 323 7:00 p.m. Stephen Min. Peer Supervision-Grp. 1 | 315 7:00 p.m. St. Paula's Patrons Fun & Free | 323 7:00 p.m. Catholic Prayer Group Spanish | 116 7:00 p.m. Talleres de Oracion y Vida | 313 & 314 Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:00 p.m. American Heritage Girls T1027 | Life Lounge 4:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal | CLW 7:00 p.m. Guadalupanos Meeting | 315 Wednesday, June 1, 2016 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. English Infant Baptisms | Church Choir Rehearsal English | CLW ARE: Doors of Mercy Sunday | 331 Sunday, June 5, 2016 Thursday, June 2, 2016 6:00 p.m. CRHP Women's Meeting | 304 6:30 p.m. Cub Scout Meeting Pack 1011 | Life Lounge 6:30 p.m. CRSP Mujeres | 331 7:00 p.m. KOC Business Meeting | 323 7:00 p.m. Spanish Holy Hour | Chapel 7:00 p.m. MOC New Day Grief Support Group | SACMO 7:00 p.m. Alpha | Cenacle 7:00 p.m. Employment Network | 315 9:30 a.m. ARE: Symbolon Part 1 | 323 10:00 a.m. Spanish ProLife Monthly Meeting | 315 1:15 p.m. WWME Team Core | 331 1:30 p.m. English Baptism Class | 330 3:00 p.m. Guadalupanos Meeting | 315 3:00 p.m. Oracion de la Divina Misericordia | Chapel 3:00 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 820 Adv. Ceremony | Cenacle 3:00 p.m. Spanish Baptism Class | 330 7:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal | CLW 4:00 p.m. Jovenes Adultos Cristo 24/7 | Recep. Rm. Parish News & Updates Confessions for Saturday June 4th is Cancelled. Masses Cancelled: Bulletin Deadlines For months of June & July, there will be a cancellation of masses for the following: Monday's 12pm mass Thursday's 7am mass Tuesday's 7am mass Friday's 7am mass June 6 12:00 p.m. for June 12 June 13 12:00 p.m. for June 19 [email protected] Father’s Day Novena St. Ann Parish “Ministries of Mercy” Your intentions may be included in a special Father’s Day Novena of Masses. Nine consecutive Masses will be celebrated for the intention of those participating in the Novena. This Novena of Masses will be celebrated beginning Father’s Day Sunday June 19, 2016 through June 27, 2016. Masses may be offered for the living or deceased. This tradition of the Church applies the special fruits and graces of the Mass by the will of the priest for the benefit of specific persons and intentions. Father’s Day Cards and Mass offering envelopes are located in the narthex of the Church during Sunday Masses. Please fill out the offering envelope, insert your offering and place the envelope in the collection basket. The beautiful greeting card is yours to send. Please return envelopes by noon on Thursday June 16, 2016.The list of names will be put in a basket and placed near the altar. Novena Mass dates and time: June 19 – 10:00 am June 20 – 12:00 noon June 22 – 12:00 noon June 23 – 7:00 am June 25 – 8:00 am June 26 – 12:00 noon June 21 – 7:00 am June 24 –12:00 noon June 27 – 7:00 am ‘Helping people with physical, emotional and spiritual needs’ 4 In this the Pope Francis proclaimed “Jubilee Year of Mercy”; we want to remind everyone of the rich culture and heritage at St. Ann Parish of caring and supporting those in need. Our “Ministries of Mercy” are focused on loving support and care in time of special need. Our door is open for you! In a time of special need, we have many “Mercy” ministries here to help provide support and loving care. They include the Ministry to the Sick, Ministry of Consolation (grief and divorce recovery), Stephen Ministry (one-to-one caring), Good Samaritans (temporary help with meals during illness), Prayer & Healing Ministry, Ignatian Prayer Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Ministry of Elder Care Support, and Spiritual Support for Cancer. Contact information for these and other St. Ann Parish ministries can be found in the ‘Ministry & Organization Directory’ of this bulletin. Detailed information about specific ministries can be found on our web site at S.A.Y. Children's Religious Education Sunday, May 29, 2016 Office Hours: M - F, 8:30a.m. - 4:30 p.m. & in support of C.R.E. classes; Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 972-393-5544 Youth Ministry for 6th, 7th & 8th Grades 16/17 Children’s Religious Education, Sunday School & Vacation Bible School registrations are now open! 972-393-5544 x 1301 Office hours: M—Th from 9am to 6pm C.R.E. & S.S. online registration is available through our website. All forms may be printed from our website. We Are Currently Looking for Volunteers for the 2016/2017 School Year There are lots of opportunities; not just teaching! We need your help! Contact the C.R.E. Office. Remember, there’s a significant discount to registration costs if you volunteer. We currently have a critical need for the following: 1st Grade: Tues. @ 4:30, Wed. @ 7:00, Thurs. @ 4:30 2nd Grade: Thurs. @ 4:30; 3rd Grade: Thurs. @ 4:30 and @ 6:15; 5th grade: Thurs. @ 6:15 SAY Summer Games July 11th —15th Sign up now! Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.W.) Come into our office or register online: This wonderful ministry is for the young of St. Ann and is offered to children ages: 5-8 yrs. old. These children leave the sanctuary to meet, having the Mass readings presented to them in an age appropriate way, using a variety of creative methods. We are in need of compassionate and loving volunteers for this special ministry especially Catechists & Aides for the Saturday, 5pm and Sunday, 10am Masses. Please contact Kim @ x1204. Registration 8th Registrationfor for6th, 6th,7th 7th & & 8th graders for next year is here!! graders for next year is here!! Go to: Go to: to register or come in our officeto during our office hours.during register or come in our office The SAY program begins our office hours. Wednesday, Sept 14th or The SAY program begins Sunday, Sept 18th VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 11-15; 9am—11:50am for students going into K-5th grade 16/17 Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light Of the World Space is limited—don’t miss out! Calendar of Events Volunteer! You’ll be glad you did! June 13th—16th Mission Possible Wednesday, Sept 14th or Sunday, Sept 18th You may print your registration form from our website: Remember that we provide fun childcare for all our volunteers July 11th—15th SAY Summer Games for Continuing Check www.stannparish.or/ccf Catechetical Formation opportunities. Office hours: Monday - Friday (972) 393-5544 8:30am - 4:30pm X 1200 5 Office is located under the clock tower in the St. Ann Center Se habla Español [email protected] (972) 393-5544 X 1300 High School Ministry Adult Religious Education SYMBOLON: SYMBOLON: Knowing KnowingYour YourFaith Faith 1010 week Summer Series week Summer Series TooToo often we we try live a faith wea don't know or understand. of usofstu often we to try to to live a faith we don't know or understand. us Too often try live faith we don't knowSome orSome along withwith it, going through the the motions. Others simply walkwalk away. That's wh along it, going through motions. Others simply away. That' understand. ofKnowing usthestumble along it, trusted time is right for Symbolon: Knowing Faith. Presented bywith most trusted andand com time is right for Some Symbolon: the Faith. Presented by most teachers and around the world withwith stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Know teachers and around world stunning cinematography, Symbolon: K going through thethe motions. Others simply walk Faith explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform our Faith explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform away. That's why the time is right for Symbolon: andand inspire our our hearts. ThisThis series can can be viewed on-line should youyou missmiss a se inspire hearts. series be viewed on-line should Knowing theKnowing Faith. Presented by most trusted and Your Faith compelling teachers and around the with Begins June 5 world thru Aug 1414 Begins Sunday, June 5 thru Aug 10 Sunday, week Summer Series stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Knowing the —11:00 - SAC 323323 9:30 am SAC Rm Too often we try9:30 to live a faith we—11:00 don't knowam or understand. Some ofRm us stumble Faith explains thetheessentials thewalkCatholic Faith along with it, going through motions. Othersof simply away. That's why the Come to one or all the sessions! No Cos Come to one or all the sessions! No C time is right for Symbolon: Knowing the Faith. Presented by most trusted and compelling in a way that will inform our minds and teachers and around the world with stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Knowing the inspire our hearts. This series beHenslee Faith explains the essentials of the Catholic FaithDave in acan way that willviewed inform our minds Facilitator: Facilitator: Dave Henslee and inspire our hearts. This series can be viewed on-line should you miss a session. on-line should you miss a session. SYMBOLON: 972-393-5544 x 1600 HSM THIS SUMMER: Sunday 242 Nights - 242 Nights go on hiatus for the summer. We’ll be back in August! Tuesdays - (beginning June 21st) - Food for the Soul—join us for noon Mass followed by a free lunch and Bible study in the Life Lounge. Register online at:at: Register online Begins Sunday, June 5 thru Aug 14 9:30 —11:00 am - SAC Rm 323 Come to one or all the sessions! No Cost! Facilitator: Dave Henslee Register online at: Wednesdays (beginning June 1st)- Night in the Park begins NEXT WEEK! HSM & ROC REGISTRATION OPEN Registration for 2016-17 HSM and for the Rite of Confirmation is now open on the website or in the HSM office. Small Group sign ups will begin in August (you MUST be registered to sign up for a Small Group.) Tues. Wed. & Thur. - June 14, 15, 16 6:30 – 9:00 pm - SAC Rm 313-314 Instructor: Ed Baldwin, MDiv. Cost - $10 for materials & light supper CCF#601: Apocalyptic STAY PLUGGED IN THIS SUMMER! Be sure to check out Food for the Soul and Bible study each week! 8 Check out our website at stann- Register online: for all the latest HSM happenings! X 1600 Writings The apocalyptic writings are a collection of prophecies and symbolic visions representing the struggle between good and evil. These writings arose in times of religious persecutions and oppression. They were written using symbolic language to protect the authors and their audience. These writings admonish the readers to stand firm in faith and to await patiently the fulfillment of God’s promise. Childcare is available when registering by June 8. These sessions are open to all in the parish who wish to learn more. 6 Adult Religious Education St. St. Ann Ann Pilgrimage Pilgrimageto to the the Cathedral Cathedral of of Shrine Shrineof of the the HolyHour Hour Virgin Virginof of Guadalupe Guadalupe Chapel ChapelHoly Holy Door Door &&Holy Thursday Thursday -- June June 22 Exposition Expositionof ofthe theBlessed BlessedSacrament, Sacrament,Rosary, Rosary, Litany Litanyof of Mercy, Mercy,Reconciliation, Reconciliation, Benediction Benediction Join Joinus uson onthe thePilgrimage Pilgrimagetotovisit visitto tothe theHoly HolyDoors Doorsfor forthe theCatholic CatholicDiocese Dioceseof ofDalla Dallas,s, which whichare arelocated locatedatatthe theChapel Chapelofofthe theCathedral CathedralShrine Shrineofofthe theVirgin VirginofofGuadalupe Guadalupeinindowntown downtown Dallas. Dallas. Pilgrims Pilgrimswho whopass passthrough throughthese theseDoors Doorswill willearn earnaaPlenary PlenaryIndulgence Indulgenceupon uponcompleting completingthe the requirements requirementsfor forthis thisprecious preciousgift giftofofthe theChurch. Church. We Wewill willhave havebusses bussesavailable availablefor forthose thosewho whowould wouldlike liketo tojoin joinus. us. Diocese DioceseofofDallas DallasDoor DoorofofMercy, Mercy, Cathedral CathedralShrine Shrineofofthe the Or Oryou youmay maymeet meetus usthere thereat: at: 2215 2215Ross RossAvenue, Avenue,Dallas, Dallas,TX. TX. Virgin VirginofofGuadalupe, Guadalupe, Check Checkin infor forthe thebus buswill willbe be5:30 5:30--6:00pm 6:00pmin inthe theSt. St.Ann AnnCenacle CenacleParking Parkinglot. lot. Dallas, Dallas,TX TX Should Shouldyou youwish wishto toride ridethe thebuss bussto tothis thisevent, event,please pleasesign signup upby byMay May26 26thth. . Sign Signup upnow: Contact Contactthe theAdult AdultReligious ReligiousEducation EducationOffice Officefor formore moreinformation: information: (972) (972)393-5544 393-5544ext. ext.1860. 1860. Receiving a Plenary Indulgence during the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Dallas From the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy on December 8, 2015, until its end on November 20, 2016, an opportunity is given for the faithful to receive a Plenary Indulgence, decreed by Pope Francis and with the pastoral intention of Bishop Kevin J. Farrell, D. D., Bishop of Dallas. Throughout the Diocese of Dallas, Catholics should follow the guidelines, below, in order to obtain remission from all temporal punishment due to sin. What is a Plenary Indulgence? Temporal punishment can be thought of as a type of “penalty” that remains even after sacramental confession. Some type of restorative, purifying “process” can take place either in this life or in purgatory. Because the baptized are members of the Communion of Saints, some or all of the temporal punishment for sin is removed by the Plenary Indulgence, and any remaining restoration/reparation happens when we exchange holiness with one another. Although some may need to deal with the personal guilt that occasionally lingers after forgiveness, we can see the work of God’s grace as we pray and do good works to become better Christians. Also, it is possible to obtain a Plenary Indulgence for oneself or for one who is already deceased, so that the deceased person’s “time” in Purgatory can be reduced. What is the source of a Plenary Indulgence? The source of a Plenary Indulgence is Christ himself, the saints and martyrs, and the Church’s treasury of spiritual goods that is unending and inexhaustible. How to obtain a Plenary Indulgence during the Jubilee Year of Mercy 1. Visit the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, entering through the Doors of Mercy, plus receiving the designated sacraments and praying the prescribed prayers (listed below) OR 2. Practice the Corporal and/or Spiritual Works of Mercy, plus receiving the designated sacraments and praying the prescribed prayers (listed below). Receive the Sacrament of Penance (make a sacramental confession), then shortly thereafter, receive Holy Communion during a celebration of the Eucharist, and finally pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, and pray the Creed (Nicene or Apostles’). Those who are in prison or jail may receive the Plenary Indulgence if they attend Mass during the Jubilee Year of Mercy and receive the designated sacraments and pray the prescribed prayers. Those who are sick in hospitals or homebound with illness, and who receive Holy Communion OR view the Mass on television, may receive the Plenary Indulgence. 87 Adult Religious Education/Ministry News St. Ann Scripture Study Psalms: The School of Prayer Jeff Cavins, Sara Christmeyer and Tim Gray Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come Jeff Cavins and Thomas Smith A Faithfully-Catholic Group Program Meeting weekly starting August 2016 through April 2017 St. Ann Center Room 330 Registration fee: $50. Make checks payable to: St. Ann DUE DATE FOR ORDERS/PAYMENT: JUNE 30TH ****PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE GROUP ORDER PLACED. IF YOU FAIL TO PRE- ORDER, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ORDER YOUR STUDY BINDER FROM (You will pay approx. $10.00 more by ordering individually.)**** Please submit this form, in an envelope, with your payment to: St. Ann Parish Office ATTN: Marianne Southwick 180 Samuel Blvd. Coppell, TX 75067 NAME___________________________________ E-MAIL__________________________ PHONE NUMBER_______________________ Tuesday Evening 7:00 – 8:45 Leader: Gloria Keiderling 214-587-3487 [email protected] (no childcare available) CIRCLE ONLY ONE Wednesday Morning 9:30 – 11:30 AM Leader: Jackie Stadler 972-393-7868 [email protected] (Childcare Available) Friday Morning 9:30 -11:30 AM Leader: Laney Sherburne 972-393-0341 [email protected] (Childcare Available by reservation only) Calling all reverts! A Year of Mercy Reditus, St. Ann’s mi looking for a few goo who has left the faith compassionate heart f Wednesday & Thursday - June 8 & 9 6:30 – 9:00 pm - SAC Rm 323 Instructor: Debbie Kaluza, Director of Children's Religious Education Cost - $10 for materials CCF203: The Person of the Catechist Catechists spend their time guiding children, teens and adults in deepening their Catholic faith. But who’s guiding the catechist on their spiritual journey? These sessions will addresses: • the spirituality of the catechist • the qualities of a committed catechists • the importance of continuing formation • the necessity for catechists to trust in the Holy Spirit as they continue in their ministry. Register online: Childcare is available when registering by June 3. This course is a required 5 hour course for the Diocese of Dallas Master Catechist Certification. please consider this w PAULA’S PATRONS Calling all reverts!ST. A Year of Mercy opportunity with no obligation, se awaits. WIDOWS’ MINISTRY [email protected] or call/text 949-400-8705. June 2016 ActivitiesCatholics, is Reditus, St. Ann’s ministry to returning looking for a few good volunteers. If you are someone Please join St Paula’s Patron’s who has left theMembers faith andfor returned, or have a Perpetual Diocese of Dallas compassionate heart for those who have fallen away, Adoration each Friday from 3 Widows’ Ministry to 4 PM in work the PEA Chapel St. Paula’splease Patrons consider this of mercy. “Branching Out” ST. PATRONS To find out more with noPAULA’S obligation, send an e-mail to Vicky at [email protected] or call/text 949-400-8705. WIDOWS’ MINISTRY June 3 First Friday NoonJune Mass Activities ST. PAULA’S 2016 PATRONS Followed by Lunch, Restaurant TBA WIDOWS’ MINISTRY Please June 3 Fun & Free, Rm 323, 7-9join PM St Paula’s Patron’s Members for Perpetual June 4 Montserrat Day of Renewal June 2016 Activities Diocese of Dallas Adoration9:00 eacham–12:30 Friday from PM 3 Widows’ Ministry PleaseBook join Paula’s to 4St PM in thePatron’s PEA Chapel June St. 14Paula’s BookPatrons & Hook Group, Members for Perpetual Diocese “Branching of Dallas BarnesOut” &Adoration Noble, 7 each - 8:30Friday pm from 3 Widows’ Ministry June 18 Monthly Dinner, Restaurant TBA to 4 PM in the PEA Chapel St. Paula’s Patrons “Branching June 19 Out” Monthly Matinee, Time and Movie TBA Quarterly Rm 323 June 26 3 First FridayMeeting, Noon Mass Followed by Lunch, Restaurant TBA June 3 First Friday Noon Mass June 3 Fun Free,Restaurant Rm 323, 7-9 Followed by&Lunch, TBAPM For additional information, please contact co-leaders Helen June 4& Montserrat Day ofPM Renewal June 3 Fun Free, Rm 323, 7-9 11 [email protected] or Martha Shafferman, 8 June Carson, 4 Montserrat Day of Renewal 9:00 am–12:30 PM [email protected] 9:00 am–12:30 PM June 14 Book & Hook Book Group, June 14 Book & Hook Book Group, Barnes & Noble, 7 - 8:30 pm Barnes & Noble, 7 - 8:30 pm June 18 Monthly Dinner, Restaurant TBA Family Life/ Ministry News Prayer Shawl Ministry Prayer Shawls are available for any occasion - loss, illness, and all the happy occasions (birth, marriage, etc). The shawls are prayed over while being constructed and blessed by a priest or deacon after completion. They provide a concrete example of God's love through the "hug" of a shawl. Please call Pat at 214-616-3789. St. Ann welcomes 14 newly-trained Stephen Ministers, commissioned to serve anyone experiencing a time of discouragement, loss or loneliness. Our ministry will gather on 6/21, Tuesday, in Rm 315. The morning group will meet at 9:30 am and the evening group at 7 pm. Please join us if you already crochet and/or knit. Join us if you don't - we will provide supplies and instructions. Call Pat. Joining our current team of 18 are: All Catholic Singles are invited to + Connie Anderson + Trudy Costa + Anita Crochet + + Reen Emlet + Cristina Fernandez + Pat Gruninger + + Christina Kolassa + Wes Lewis + Millie Mont + + Zenaida Perez + Jani Rogers + Judi Samson + + JoAnn Schauf + Karen Shea + join us for faith, fun, and fellowship Friday, June 10, 2016 Stephen Ministers offer God’s love through a one-on-one, confidential, caring relationship. Singles Mass Time: 6:00 p.m. in the Church To request help or to make a referral, call: Maureen (972) 401-3334 Diane (972) 393-4511 Reception: (Assembly Room) The Catholic Prayer Group Invites You to Attend 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Kindly, RSVP by email at [email protected] A Women ofGuzman Grace atStudy Program or call Patty 972-393-5544 ext:1802 The Catholic Prayer Group Invites You to designed Benkovic Hosted by AnnJohnette Catholic Church Family Life Office Attend • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Catholic Prayer Group Invites You to The Catholic Prayer Group Invites You to Full of Grace: Attend A Women of Grace Study Program Attend The Catholic Prayer Group Invites You to designedand by Johnette Benkovic Women the Abundant Women Prayer of Grace Study Invites Program You to Attend The A Catholic Group A Women of Grace Study Program designed byLife Johnette Attend Benkovic Johnette Benkovic Full of Study Grace: A designed Women ofbyGrace Study Program The Women of Grace® Program leads Full of Grace: designed by Johnette Benkovic A Women of Grace Study Program Women and journey the Abundant women on an exciting to discover the Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant designed by Johnette gift of authentic femininity™, Benkovic holiness of life, Life ofand Grace: and Women woman's Full purpose mission in the world andLife the Abundant today. Taking Blessed Virgin Maryleads as leads their TheTheWomen of Grace® Study Program Full ofthe Grace: Womenthe ofand Grace® Study Program Women Abundant Life exemplar and Spiritual Mother, participants women on an exciting journey to discover women on an exciting journey to discover the the Women and the Abundant Life gift ofauthentic authentic femininity™, holiness of life, grow inWomen the feminine virtues and the secrets of gift of femininity™, holiness of life, The of Grace® Study Program leads and woman's purpose and mission in the world and woman's purpose and mission in theleads world true fulfillment. women on anof exciting journey to discover the Life The Women Grace® Study Program today. Taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as their today. Taking the Blessed Virgin Mary their Joinofus May 2 femininity™, for anjourney Orientation toofas the gift authentic holiness life, women on an to discover the exemplar andexciting Spiritual Mother, participants The Women of Grace® Study Program leads and woman's purpose andMother, mission in theofworld Study! exemplar andfeminine Spiritual participants gift of authentic femininity™, grow in on the virtues and holiness the secrets oflife, women an exciting journey to discover theof today. Taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as their grow in the feminine virtues and the secrets true fulfillment. and woman's purpose and mission in the world gift of authentic femininity™, holiness of life, Date: Monday Night, May 2016 exemplar Spiritual Mother, participants true Join usand May 2Blessed forfulfillment. an Orientation to the today. Taking the Virgin2,Mary as their Study! Join usMonday May 2 Night, for an May Orientation 817.875.4598 Date: 2, 2016 to the Blain Ray LeNoir Isabel Cabarrus Susan Ketterer Angelina Sequeira Rolando Chavarria Pat Lawler Emma Ella Lita Abraham Martha Westbrook Janet LaVelle Gina Bernard Timothy Martin Brooks Regan Lynn Peterson Hope Dugan Patricia Martin Emma Hernandez • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cherilyn Schutze Dee James Faye Barreras David Shellman Jr. Samantha Negron Kate & Tony Trujillo Infants Benjamin & Noah McMillan Orlando Rivera Art Saldana Gordon Curry Lori Oestereich Steven Dominski Gilbert Sarabia Valerie Bradley Marisa Guerrero Sharon Robinson Ministry to the Sick If you are sick or know someone who is unable to attend Mass & would like to receive communion call us at (972)922-1484. andtoo woman's and mission insecrets theStudy world 7:00p.m 8:30 Study! grow the feminine virtues andofparticipants the of with Its Time: not late topurpose join the Women Grace Joininus May 2 –for an Orientation to the exemplar and Spiritual Mother, today. Taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as their thePlace: CatholicSt. Prayer Group on Monday night- at 7:00 pm Ann’s Center Rooms 313 314 true fulfillment. Study! grow in theMonday feminine virtues and the secrets of Date: Night, May 2, 2016 exemplar and Spiritual Mother, participants For more information, call Laura Lord, Join us May 2 for an Orientation to the true–fulfillment. Time: 7:00p.m 8:30 grow in the feminine virtues and the secrets of 817.875.4598 Study! Date: Night, May 2,313 2016 Place: St. Ann’s Center Rooms -to 314 Join us Monday May 2true for an Orientation the fulfillment. For more information, call Laura Lord, Time: 7:00p.m – 8:30 Prayers Needed Ministerio Extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunión para los Enfermos 9 Favor comunicarse con Susana Mancia para mayor información. Tel. 214-208-7161 Non-Parish Organizations Knights ofBased/Outside Columbus Assembly Memorial Day Flag Sale Knights of Columbus Assembly KofC Assembly 3181Memorial will be selling U.S. flagsDay at the endFlag of all masses at all exits this weekend! Sale Price: $20.00 Includes 3 x be 5 Double Stitched Flag, rust proofat metal polethis weekend! KofC Assembly 3181 will selling U.S.Polyester flags atAmerican the end ofwith allamasses allflag exits Proceeds from this event go to non-profit organizations committed to support our Nation’s Armed Forces and their families. Price: $20.00 Thank You toIncludes the men in uniform, pastwith and present for 3 x 5 and Doublewomen Stitched Polyester American Flag, a rust proof metal flagyour pole service to our Proceeds from this event go to non-profit organizations committed to support our Nation’s Armed Forces and their families. Country Thank You to the men and women in uniform, past and present for your service to our Country ALL ARE INVITED TO THE REDEMPTORIS MATER DIOCESAN MISSIONARY SEMINARY DALLAS ANNUAL FAMILY FESTIVAL Sunday, May 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Redemptoris Mater Diocesan Missionary Seminary Sunday, May 29 to 10:00 p.m. 419from North10:00 Cockrella.m. Hill Road Dallas, Texas 75211 Redemptoris Mater Diocesan Missionary Seminary FREE ADMISSION Come419 and enjoy day of fun Hill for the entire family! Northa Cockrell Road There will be an abundance of live music and delicious food! Dallas, Texas Raffle, rides and tours75211 of the Seminary All proceeds will support Redemptoris Mater Diocesan Seminary. What a great way to support vocations! FREE ADMISSION Come and enjoy a day of fun for the entire family! Register now to attend the 10th annual Teams of Our Lady Retreat hosted in the DFW area. Join dozens of other Teams couples from the area as we come together to learn more about how we can incorporate the Jubilee Year of Mercy into our married lives. Father Peter Hopkins will be returning as our guest speaker. The retreat will be bilingual. Please consider joining us for a time of fellowship, adoration, sharing, learning, reconciliation, attending mass, playing games and enjoying couple time away from the busy distractions of everyday life in a beautiful setting on Lake Lewisville. We will be renewing our wedding vows during the Mass on Sunday morning. We only have 28 rooms reserved in the Tally Center so it is on a first-come basis. Please contact Angela Bernstein ([email protected]) with any questions. There will be an abundance of live music and delicious food! Retreat Details Camp Copass Retreat Center 8200 E. McKinney Street Denton, TX 76208 Check in: Friday, 6/3 6-7 PM Check Out: Sunday, 6/5 11 AM Cost per couple: $300 for 2 nights lodging (Tally Center) and 4 meals (All Saturday + Sun B’fast) + we will collect a stipend for the priest at the retreat ($75 recommended). Deposit: $150 check made payable and mailed to: Angela Bernstein 228 Hollywood Drive Coppell, TX 75019 When registering, please let us know: Name Team # (ie: Coppell #1) Contact E-mail Language Spoken (English, Spanish, Bilingual) Any Special Needs (Food/Disability) Raffle, rides and tours of the Seminary All proceeds will support Redemptoris Mater Diocesan Seminary. What a great way to support vocations! Where children take their first steps in education and Catholic faith. Employment Opportunities Kids Eat Free Ladies and Gentlemen! We are growing and are seeking additional Lead, Assistant and Enrichment Teachers to join our team! Toddlers – Pre-kindergarten 12-30 hours per week depending on position August 2016 - May 2017 It’s time to get ready to help the kids in our community! Kids Eat Free is a program that provides summer lunches to those children who receive free breakfast/lunches at their schools during the school year. This ministry assembles and delivers lunches Monday through Friday from June 6 th – August 19th. We meet in the kitchen at 10:45 and assemble the lunches to take to the kids. This is a wonderful way of introducing your children to the importance of volunteering. You can help as often as you’d like. We also need weekly leaders. It’s easy! The leader gets the food set up so the volunteers can assemble the lunches and then takes the lunches to the kids. In order to be a leader you must be able to drive. To sign up go to the St. Ann’s website click the Kid’s Eat Free link. or go to: If you have any questions please contact Sue Grady Please email your resume. No phone calls. Interviews will be scheduled for June. Karen Ruffner, Director [email protected] 10 Ministries & Organizations Directory Directorio de Ministerios y Organizaciones Administration and Finance Director Jennifer Lindsey [email protected] Adult Religious Education Ext. 1104 Staff Accounting/Auxiliar Contable Anne [email protected]. 1106 Accounting Asst./Auxiliar Contable Asistente Barbara [email protected]. 1123 Data Base Management/Administrador de la Base de Datos Karen 1113 Development Director/Director de Desarrollo Dave [email protected]. 1110 Facilities & Property/Mantenimiento Jose [email protected]....(972)523-2837 Information Content/Comunicación Michael [email protected]. 1127 [email protected] Director Marie Zavala [email protected] Ext. 1860 Staff Assistant/Asistente Jackie [email protected]. 1862 Chusi [email protected]. 1862 Catechetical Formation/Formación Tena 1206 Assigned Ministries/Organizations Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults(RCIA) Mike & Laney [email protected]. 1895 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos(RICA) Pedro & Carolina [email protected]. 1890 Brothers in Christ/Hermanos en Cristo Eddie Provencio.........................................................(682)553-9523 I.T./Tecnología Jeffrey [email protected]. 1126 Catholic Prayer Group/Grupo de Oración Católico Laura Solis [email protected]..(817)875-4598 Donna [email protected]..(214)697-2549 Marco Garcia-Sp........................................................(972)729-0472 Nursery Coordinator/Asistente de Guardería Rita [email protected]. 1907 Catholic Scripture Study Marianne Southwick..................................................(214)488-8895 Safe Environment & Funerals/Ambiente Seguro y Funerales Karen [email protected]. 1108 Christ Renews His Parish/Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia Marie Zavala(CRHP/CRSP)...................................................Ext. 1860 Scheduling/Itinerario Rachel [email protected]. 1111 Estudio Bíblico Cesar [email protected]..(214)351-9994 Faith & Finance/Fe y Finanza John Peterson............................................................(214)215-3776 Fernando Martinez-Sp...............................................(214)864-7378 Receptionist/Recepcionista Donna [email protected]. 1105 Jessica [email protected]. 1115 Carnival/Carnaval Tim [email protected]..(214)207-4898 Men's Morning Ministry Bill [email protected]...(972)523-5127 Prayer Shawl Ministry/Ministerio de Chales para Oración Pat Gruninger.............................................................(214)616-3789 Isela Castro-Sp...........................................................(214)762-8620 Employment Network Tony Waldschmidt.....................................................(972)462-8334 Reditus Victoria [email protected]..(949)400-8705 Good Samaritans/Buenos Samaritanos Christy MacMaster.....................................................(972)742-0236 School of Spirituality/Colegio de la Espiritualidad Barbara Sanders.........................................................(817)430-4718 Magi Ministry/Ministerio de los Reyes Magos Tena [email protected]...(214)755-9993 Sisters in Christ Linda [email protected]..(469)585-0345 Prayer Chain/Cadena de Oración Tammy [email protected] Women's Morning Ministry Nicole Ameris.............................................................(214)641-3938 Kris Ollom...................................................................(972)951-3294 Assigned Ministries/Organizations AIDS Supper Club/Hill Crest House Ray [email protected]..(972)898-3237 Non-Parish Based Ministries/Organizations Angel Creek Pre-School/Pre-Escolar Director/Directora Karen 1401 Non-Parish Based Ministries/Organizations Regnum Christi: Familia Anna Robicheaux.........................................................(972)467-6038 Christian Life Group Feed the Hungry/Alimentar a los Hambrientos Christy MacMaster.......................................................(972)742-0236 Jim Halepaska............................................................(214)293-7560 Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement Mariel Arellano..........................................................(214)392-0710 Kids Eat Free Magnificat Ministry for Women Sue Grady...................................................................(972)467-0803 Cheryl Denise Pumphrey............................................(469)682-6605 Talleres Oración y Vida 11 11 Rubén [email protected]...(469)585-0651 Ministries & Organizations Directory Directorio de Ministerios y Organizaciones Family Life Director Debbie Gonzales [email protected] Ext. 1801 Staff Marriage Ministry Coordinator/Coordinadora de Matrimonios Alicia [email protected]. 1815 Family Life Coordinator/Coordinadora de Vida Famílíar Baptisms/Bautízos • Quinceanéra • Presentación de 3 años Patty [email protected]. 1802 Family Life Assistant/Asistente Dora 1803 Assigned Ministries/Organizations Family Life Boy Scouts Mike [email protected]......(214)914-6091 Catholic Daughters of America/Junior CDA Mary [email protected] American Heritage Girls Susan [email protected].....(972)768-9892 Natural Family Planning/Planificación Familiar Natural Marianne [email protected]....(972)746-5142 Ramon [email protected]....(214)789-8353 Teams of Our Lady/Equípos de Nuestra Señora Davin [email protected].....(214)717-1557 Worldwide Marriage Encounters Mike & Jennifer Wiederkehr........................................(972)900-4141 [email protected] Grupo Guadalupano Daniza [email protected]....(972)607-5342 Omar Montemayor.....................................................(972)653-0001 [email protected] Matachines Caty [email protected]....(469)233-7328 Men's Club Mike [email protected]....(972)567-7091 Ministry of Consolation/Ministerio de la Consolación Marilee Schmelze [email protected].....(972)804-4775 Ministry of Elder Care Support Diane [email protected].....(972)393-4511 Spanish Music Director Oscar [email protected]......(972)768-4099 Liturgy & Music Assistant/Asistente Kathy [email protected]. 1502 Spanish Liturgy & Music Assistant/Español Asistente Patty [email protected]. 1503 Ministry to the Sick Eddy & Denise Koch...................................................(972)922-1484 Altar Linens/Manteles del Altar Marie Murpy................................................................(214)284-5661 Respect Life/Pro-Vida Maria Sonia Salguero- [email protected].....(972)621-1366 Altar Servers/Servidores del Altar Mike [email protected]....(214)471-7068 Amalia Arce-Sp.............................................................(469)671-9644 Mothers of Young Children/Madres de Niños Menores Kelly [email protected].....(512)925-4091 Spiritual Support for Cancer Sheila O'Pry................................................................(214)223-3898 Cáliz de Vocaciones Jose Luis Trejo..............................................................(214)541-7356 Stephen Ministry/Ministerio Stephen Maureen O'Malley......................................................(972)401-3334 St. Paula's Patrons: Widow's Ministry Martha Shafferman....................................................(972)539-5113 Helen Carson..............................................................(972)466-3953 Liturgy & Music Director Curtis Stephan [email protected] Ext. 1501 Staff Assigned Ministries/Organizations Extraordinary Ministers/Ministros Extraordinarios Jackie [email protected]....(214)437-7111 Emy Serrano-Sp............................................................(469)570-5512 Fine Arts Maureen Vanacore.......................................................(972)462-8027 Greeters Tom [email protected]....(972)365-4838 Supper Club Nancy & David [email protected].....(972)355-4574 Hora Santa Manuel Rendon...........................................................(469)232-8888 Young Marrieds Jacob [email protected].....(214)560-7766 Kristen [email protected].....(682)429-1341 Lectors/Lectores Mike [email protected]......(972)837-6599 Cecilia [email protected].....(972)891-2446 Non-Parish Based Ministries/Organizations Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración Eucarística Perpetua Rosanne Armstrong.....................................................(214)543-6458 [email protected] Elva Iseley-Sp................................................................(972)304-5200 [email protected] Couples for Christ/Matrimonios Para Cristo Rona Ruiz....................................................................(707)290-9189 Mercedes [email protected].....(469)348-3949 Abraham Pina-Sp.......................pinaabraham@[email protected] (469)348-5569 Sing Praise Virginia Collier..............................................................(469)585-0953 Knights of Columbus Nick [email protected]......(214)587-4764 Ushers/Ujieres Cub Scouts Jorge [email protected]......(214)458-3969 Michael Iglio, [email protected] 12 Roberto [email protected].....(972)966-9677 Dan Gieselman, PK820...............................................(469)360-0067 12 Ministries & Organizations Directory Directorio de Ministerios y Organizaciones St. Ann Middle School Ministry Children's Religious Education Director Mike Leminger [email protected] Ext. 1301 Director Debbie Kaluza [email protected] Ext. 1201 Staff Staff CRE Safe Environment Vacation Bible School Loreen [email protected]. 1203 Program Assistant/Asistente Registration Confirmation Mary [email protected]. 1302 Program Assistant/Asistente First Communion Preparation(6-8th Grades) Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens(RCIT) Lu Ann [email protected]. 1303 Program Assistant Baptism for Children/RCIC (Grades 1-5) Kim [email protected]. 1204 CRE Bookkeeper/Asistente Mary [email protected]. 1202 CRE Special Needs Children Children's Sacramental Preparation Debbie [email protected]. 1201 Bilingual Coordinator/Cordinadora Bilingue Ruth [email protected]. 1205 Bilingual Assistant/Asistente Bilingue Yolanda 1207 Sunday School Coordinator Nikki [email protected]. 1208 Bilingual Coordinator Marly Castillo.......................................................................... Ext. 1606 Andrea [email protected]. 1604 Office of Evangelization Director Kurt Klement [email protected] Ext. 2201 Sacramental Contacts Contactos Sacramentales Sunday School Assistant/Escuela Dominical Patty [email protected]. 1802 Baptism/Bautizos: Infant (newborn through kindergarten)/ Bautizos (Recien nacidos – Kinder) Patty [email protected]. 1802 Children (1st-5th grade)/Niños (1-5 grado) Kim Cesario.......................................................................Ext. 1204 Ruth Rivadeneyra-Sp.......................................................Ext. 1205 Assigned Ministries/Organizations Children's Liturgy of the Word/Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños Kim [email protected]. 1204 Maria [email protected]...(469)995-1747 High School & Young Adult Ministries Youth and Teens (6-12th grade)/Jóvenes LuAnn Kamstra.............................................................Ext. 1303 Staff Adults/Adultos Laney [email protected]. 1895 Marie [email protected]. 1860 Director Joey Scancella [email protected] Ext. 1603 Catechesis Rite of Confirmation (ROC) Naomi [email protected]. 1602 High School Ministry Assistant/Asistente Traci 1605 Hispanic Youth Coordinator Marly [email protected]. 1606 First Communion Children (2-5th grade)/Niños (2-5 grado) Debbie Kaluza..............................................................Ext. 1201 Ruth Rivadeneyra-Sp......................................................Ext. 1205 Youth and Teens (6-12th grade)/Jóvenes (6-12 grado) LuAnn Kamstra.............................................................Ext. 1203 Marley Castillo-Sp..........................................................Ext. 1606 Assigned Ministries/Organizations St. Ann Young Adults College Life Kurt Klement..................................................................Ext. 2201 Confirmation/Confirmación Youth (8th grade/grado) Mary Black...................................................................Ext. 1302 Teens (9-12th grade)/Jóvenes (9-12 grado) Naomi Lehew...............................................................Ext. 1602 Adults/Adultos Laney [email protected]. 1895 Marie [email protected]. 1860 Ministro de Juventud y Jovenes Adultos Hispanos Cristo 24/7 Marly [email protected]. 1606 Ministry of Loaves & Fishes Tena Allain............................................................(214)755-9993 Marriage/Bodas Alicia [email protected]. 1815 13 13 Annulment/Anulación Deacon Pete Markwald.................................................Ext. 1810 Alicia [email protected]. 1815 14 15 16 17 Ministerio de Secundaria Eventos y Avisos Youth Ministry for 6th, 7th & 8th Grades Sta. Ana da la bienvenida a 14 nuevos ministros laicos entrenados para servir al Ministerio Stephen. Están comisionados a server a cualquier persona que este experimentando un tiempo de desánimo, pérdida o soledad. 972-393-5544 x 1301 Youth Ministry for Office hours: M—Th from 9am to 6pm 6th, 7th & 8th Grades Estas personas se unen a nuestro equipo de 18 miembros actuales: 972-393-5544 x 1301 SAY Summer Office hours: M—Th from 9am to 6pm + Connie Anderson + Trudy Costa + Anita Crochet + + Reen Emlet + Cristina Fernandez + Pat Gruninger + + Christina Kolassa + Wes Lewis + Millie Mont + + Zenaida Perez + Jani Rogers + Judi Samson + + JoAnn Schauf + Karen Shea + Julio 11—15 Para grados 6-8 Inscripciones en la officina o en la pagina web: SAY Summer Ministros Stephen ofrecen el amor de Dios atraves de reuniónes en persona cuales son confidenciales y llevan una relación cristiana. Julio 11—15 Para solicitar ayuda o para hacer una referencia, llame a: Maureen (972) 401-3334 Diane (972) 393-4511 Para grados Inscripciones para 6to,6-8 7mo, 8vo Inscripciones en la officina o en la pagina web: Grado ya inicio Puede venir a la oficina durante horas de oficina Hay differentes programas para preparacion de differentes sacramentos. Puede llamara apara la oficina mas informacionn. Inscripciones 6to,para 7mo, 8vo Horas de Oficina Grado ya inicio Lunes: 10 am-6pm Puede venir a la oficina durante horas de oficina Martes, Miercoles y Jueves: 9am-5pm Hay differentes programas para preparacion de differentes sacraViernes: 4pm-6pm mentos. Puede llamara a la oficina para mas informacionn. Horas de Oficina Lunes: 10 am-6pm Martes, Miercoles y Jueves: 9am-5pm Martes 7 y 14 de Junio 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Sta. Ana Salón 330 Instructora: Ruth Rivendeneyra, CLFP Viernes: 4pm-6pm Ministerio de Preparatoria Coordinadora de Sta. Ana BRE CCF 202: La Iniciación Del Catequista - La Iniciación del Catequista presenta a nuevos catequistas algunos conceptos básicos que les ayudarán a dar sus primeros pasos como catequistas. Ellos aprenderán como organizar su espacio en el aula, como crear un clima apropiado para la catequesis, formas apropiadas de utilizar actividades creativas y los fundamentos de la planificación de sus sesiones. Este curso es bueno para todos los catequistas que trabajan con niños desde la primaria hasta la secundaria. Este curso es requerido para recibir su certificado de Maestría de Catequistas. Inscipciones para grados 9-12 Puede venir a la oficina para mas informacion sobre el programa y el costo. Hay requisitos que se require para recibir sacramento. Para mas informacion puede hablar Inscipciones para grados 9-12 con : : 972-393-5544 X 1606 Marly sobre el programa Puede venir a la oficina para mas informacion $10 por persona, incluye el material. Por favor, pagar en la puerta. Inscribirse para junio 1 para reservar guarderia. Andrea: 972-393-5544 X 1604 y el costo. o teléfono: 972-393-5544 x 1862 Hay requisitos que se require para recibir sacramento. Regístrese en: Para mas informacion puede hablar con : Marly : 972-393-5544 X 1606 Andrea: 972-393-5544 X 1604 18 Formación Catequética Continua de Sta. Ana Educación Religiosa para Adultos Peregrinación de Sta. Ana a la Catedral Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe - Puerta Santa de Misericordia y Hora Santa jueves - 2 de Junio Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento, Rosario Letanía de Misericordia, Reconciliación, y Bendición Únase a nosotros en la peregrinación para visitar las Puertas Santas de la Diócesis Católica de Dallas, que se encuentran en la Capilla de la Catedral Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Los peregrinos que pasan a través de estas puertas se gana una indulgencia plenaria después de completar los requisitos para este don precioso de la Iglesia . Puerta de Misericordia, Diócesis de Dallas Catedral Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe, Dallas, TX Habrá dos autobuses disponibles para quien desee unirse con nosotros. Si usted desea conducir su automóvil, la dirección es: 2215 Ross Avenue, Dallas , TX . El autobús estará en el estacionamiento del Cenáculo para abordar entre 5:30-6:00. Por favor inscríbase en línea para hacer su reservación si gusta viajar en el autobús antes del 26 de mayo. Inscríbase ahora: Para mas información póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de Adultos: (972) 393-5544 ext. 1860. Reciba una Indulgencia Plenaria durante el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia en la Diócesis de Dallas Desde el comienzo del año jubilar de la misericordia, el 8 de diciembre de 2015, y hasta su conclusión el 20 de noviembre de 2016, se otorga una oportunidad a los fieles de recibir una Indulgencia Plenaria, decretada por el Papa Francisco y con la intención pastoral del Obispo Kevin J. Farrell, D. D., Obispo de Dallas. En toda la Diócesis de Dallas, los Católicos deben seguir las directrices mencionadas a continuación, para obtener la remisión de todo castigo temporal debido al pecado. ¿Qué es una Indulgencia Plenaria? Se puede pensar en el castigo temporal cómo un tipo de “pena” que permanece aún después de realizar una confesión sacramental. Un cierto “proceso” de purificación restaurativa que puede llevarse a cabo, ya sea durante esta vida o en el purgatorio. Debido a que todos los bautizados son miembros de la Comunión de los Santos, parte de o todo el castigo temporal ocasionado por el pecado es removido por la Indulgencia Plenaria, y cualquier restauración/reparación remanente ocurre cuando intercambiamos santidad unos con otros. Aun cuando algunos podremos necesitar lidiar con la culpa personal que ocasionalmente permanece después de obtener el perdón, podemos ver el trabajo de la gracia de Dios al rezar y realizar buenas obras para convertirnos en mejores Cristianos. Asimismo, es posible obtener una Indulgencia Plenaria tanto para nosotros mismos como para alguien que ya ha fallecido, para que su “tiempo” en el Purgatorio pueda reducirse. ¿Cuál es la fuente de una Indulgencia Plenaria? La fuente de una Indulgencia Plenaria es el mismo Cristo, los santos y mártires y el tesoro de interminables e inagotables bienes espirituales de la Iglesia. Como obtener una Indulgencia Plenaria durante el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia 1. Visite la Catedral Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, entrando por las puertas de la Misericordia, además de recibir los sacramentos designados y rezar las oraciones prescritas (a continuación). O 2. Practique las Obras Corporales y Espirituales de Misericordia, además de recibir los sacramentos designados y rezar las oraciones prescritas (a continuación). Reciba el Sacramento de la Penitencia (realice una confesión sacramental), enseguida reciba la Sagrada Comunión durante una celebración de la Eucaristía, y finalmente rece por las intenciones del Santo Padre, y rece el Credo (Niceno o de los Apóstoles). Quienes se encuentran en prisión pueden recibir la Indulgencia Plenaria si asisten a Misa durante el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia y reciben los sacramentos designados y rezan las oraciones prescritas. 19 Educación Religiosa para Adultos Eventos y Avisos EDUACION RELIGIOSA BILINGUE Facilitadores: Carolina & Pedro Angulo Sesión en Español este verano Miércoles por la noche 29 de junio al 10 de agosto 7:00 – 8:30 pm - St. Ana Salón 323 Costo $20 Regístrese en línea antes de 6/15/2016 para asegurarse de que se ordenen los materiales necesarios. Por favor reserve guardería cuando se registre. Regístrese en: Para preguntas y más información contacte ChusiGerhlein Gehrlein at 972-393-5544 x 1862. Chusi Queremos felicitar a todas las niñas y niños que recibieron su Primera Comunión el ¡ATENCION! pasado sábado 14 ¡ATENCION! ¡ATENCION! de mayo, nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ustedes y de sus papas, así como de las y los catequistas, voluntarias ¡Las inscripciones para el programa y teen helpers que hacen que el Programa de Educación de Educación Religiosa Bilingüe ya Religiosa Bilingüe siga adelante. estánlaabiertas! Con cariño desde oficina de Educación Religiosa Bilingüe, Debbie Kaluza, Ruth Rivadeneyra y Yolanda Lua. Si su hija/o está en los entre 1ro y 5to grado, ya puede registrarlo para que reciba su Primera Comunión (y Bautismo si lo necesita). Si sus Domingo Entreniños Semana ya (Inglés) recibieron la Primera Comunión y 8:00amvolver a Lunes-Viernes 12pm continúan 7am en yElementary, puede 10:00pm Sabado 8:00am para que sigan creciendo registrarlos en su fe. Si 12:00pm Sacramento de Reconciliación tiene alguna duda, favor de comunicarse al 972Martes, 7pm 2:00pm Español 393-5544 con Ruth o Yolanda. Horario de Misas Sábado (vigilia) 5:00pm 4:30pm (jóvenes) 7:00pm Español FERIA DE REGISTROS DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA BILINGÜE Si no ha tenido tiempo de registrar a sus hijos de 1ro a 5to grado para la Primera Comunión, tendremos una feria de registros el Domingo 16 de Agosto, en el Salón 112 de 12 pm a 4 pm. ¡Lo esperamos! Para cualquier duda, favor de llamar al 972-3935544 con Ruth o Yolanda. 20
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