Newsletter - at


Newsletter - at
Sunday 23rd October 2016
Thirtieth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
01268 281732
Sunday 30th October 2016
Sunday 6th November 2016
Thirty-First Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Thirty-Second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
The Sunday Readings are from Year C in the Lectionary. The Weekday Readings are from Year Two
Readings are from Year C in the Lectionary. The Weekday Readings are from Year Two
‘Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the sons and daughters of God.’
In these days when we continually witness so much evidence of war and violence in
the world on our TV screens we may wonder how we, as individuals, can make a
difference; and then recently I came across the six practices outlined by PAX CHRISTI as
a way of helping people towards the Way of Non-Violence. It’s all about first of all
recognising the violence in our own hearts, yet trusting in the mercy of God. It goes
like this:
Before God the Creator and the sanctifying Spirit, I promise to carry out in my life the
love and example of Jesus
by striving for peace within myself and seeking to be a peacemaker in my daily
by accepting suffering rather than inflicting it;
by refusing to retaliate in the face of provocation and violence;
by living conscientiously and simply so that I do not deprive others of the means
to live;
by actively resisting evil and working non-violently to abolish war from my own
heart and from the face of the earth.
Lord, I trust in your sustaining love and believe that just as you gave me the grace
and desire to offer this, so you will also bestow abundant grace to fulfil it.
The Parish Office is located at Holy Trinity,
and is open Tuesday – Friday 9am – 1pm
Our churches are:
St Basil the Great, Luncies Road, Pitsea SS14 1SD
Holy Trinity, 71 Wickhay, Basildon SS15 5AD
St Therese of Lisieux, Florence Way, Laindon SS16 6AJ
We are twinned with the Parish of Embalenhle, South Africa
Easily find us online
myParish App
Follow on Twitter:
Postal address
Parish House
Holy Trinity
71 Wickhay
Basildon SS15 5AD
Parish website
The Parish Office phone is the
contact number for Sarah and Beth
01268 281732
Fr Dominic on Twitter @Father_Dominic
Parish Pastoral Team
Fr Dominic Howarth
01268 281732
[email protected]
Fr Daniel Kelly
01268 281732
[email protected]
Sr Clare Kane
01268 553425
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Sarah White
[email protected]
Parish Youth Co-ordinator
Beth Warren
[email protected]
Parish Council Chair
Mary-Catherine Bottjer
[email protected]
Parish NET Teams – Reaching out locally
To be more involved in your local area, please call your NET team leader – all help welcomed!
Area 1 – Southfields & Laindon West
Donna Sartain
07854 243652
[email protected]
Area 2 – Great Berry and Langdon Hills
Eileen Prizeman*
07718 530421
[email protected]
Area 3 – Lee Chapel North, Laindon East & Ghyllgrove
Mari Heywood*
07719 009760
[email protected]
Area 4 – Lee Chapel South, Kingswood & Vange
Phyl McLaren*
07970 096319
[email protected]
Area 5 – Fryerns
Mary Sillett
07799 262286
[email protected]
Area 6 – Town Centre, Pitsea West and Barstable
Eddie Bishop
07808 952071
[email protected]
Area 7 – Burnt Mills, Felmores, Chalvedon, Eversley & Pitsea East
John & Sandra Bourke
01268 729865
[email protected]
*Eileen and Mari and Phyl are Pastoral Assistants within the parish, commissioned by the Diocese of
Brentwood. They serve the parish in a variety of ways, and will readily offer you help and information.
To arrange a visit by a Eucharistic Minister with Holy Communion to a housebound parishioner
contact Mari Heywood on 07719 009760. If you or a relative would like to be visited at home, other
than for Holy Communion, please contact Isobel Parks on 07962 138287.
New to the Parish? Please fill in a Parish welcome form & your local NET leader will contact you.
To arrange visits to those in hospital, and for all administration enquiries, including newsletter
items, please contact Sarah at the Parish Office.
Total Offertory Giving
Sunday 9th October 2016: £1,901.16
Sunday 16th October 2016: £1,798.31
Second Collection: CAFOD Harvest Fast Day: £1,096.32
Thank you for your generosity.
Brentwood Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No. 234092
The Holy Trinity Gardening Group is having their Autumn “Big Dig” TODAY (23/10) from
midday to 4pm. Refreshments provided. Please bring your own equipment, but we do have
some spare. Come and help the team prepare the poppy bed, and tidy up the front garden
and orchard. We urgently need more people to come and help out on a monthly basis. Find
us and join us on our Facebook group Shoots, Roots And Wellie Boots. Contact Olga on
07738 100554 or Steve on 07974 683323.
Praying the Sunday Readings – the next meeting is TODAY (23/10) at 4.30pm prompt in
Holy Trinity House. Contact Isobel Parks on 07962 138287.
Holy Souls Envelopes – These will be available in each church from 29th/30th October.
Please write those you would like to be prayed for on a piece of paper and place it into the
envelope. These intentions will be remembered in the prayers at Masses throughout
November, and in Masses offered for the Holy Souls. You are welcome to leave an offering
in the envelope – as has been the custom for some years now, these offerings are used
charitably, and particularly to support Youth Ministry in the parish, notably Field of Dreams
2017 and young people travelling to Lourdes next summer.
Matilda Social on 10th November – if you haven’t already done so, please would you pay
the £49 to Phyl McLaren or Eileen Prizeman as soon as possible to ensure your place,
otherwise we will have to re-sell your ticket. Thank you.
Volunteers Needed – the Basildon Borough Pavement to Home Project are piloting a 17
week shelter project and they need your help! For as little as an hour a week you can help
save lives this winter. The project will begin on 1st December for three nights a week. They
need volunteers for one of the three night shelters, volunteers for other times with admin
and co-ordination, supplies and donations. All volunteers are welcome but you must be
approved by your faith leader. If you are interested, please contact
[email protected].
Parish Youth-Led Quiz Night – Saturday 12th November – Holy Trinity Hall – 7.30pm. The
annual quiz night returns with a collection of new rounds for you to test your knowledge!
The quiz is for people of all ages, and all the rounds are made by our very own young
people – it's sure to be another great evening of hilarious questions about music, sport, film
and local history plus some quirky surprises! Tickets are £5 each or a table of 8 for £30 and
include a first drink free. Tickets on sale after Masses on 29th/30th October and 5th/6th
November or from [email protected]. All funds raised will go towards our Parish
Youth Projects.
If there are any Altar Servers who have served for 10 years, please speak to Fr Dominic.
Macmillan Coffee Morning – The parish has once again shown their generosity – the
Macmillan Coffee Morning fundraiser made £710.93. A huge thank you to all those who
donated cakes/raffle prizes and helped on the day.
Kilometres for Krakow - Just a quick and final update. On Sunday 23rd October, Adele
Moggan will be running the Chelmsford Marathon and those 26.2 miles will complete her
virtual run to Krakow. Over the next few weekends she will be at all Masses collecting any
sponsorship pledges. On behalf of the young people of the parish and Adele, they would
like to say a massive thank you to everyone who supported them with their World Youth
Day trip and continue to support them in future events. Your generosity is amazing.
Harvest Offering – supporting those in need – The Helping Hands Food Bank in Ballards
Walk, and Basildon Community Resource Centre provide food and essentials to the most
isolated and vulnerable citizens of our local community. On the weekend of 29th/30th
October ONLY we are asking parishioners to place food parcels, in a plastic bag or box,
close to one of the altars in any of our three churches. Thank you in anticipation of your
kind generosity. Items that can be stored and used easily include: long life milk / sugar / tin
potatoes / tin vegetables / tin fruit / pasta sauces / evaporated milk / tin sauces / jam /
baked beans / pot noodles / toilet rolls / bottled squash / shower gel / toothpaste / baby
or unperfumed talc / combs / coffee / tin meat / tin pies / cereals / tin tomatoes / biscuits
/ deserts (Angel delight etc) / jar sauces / marmalade / tin spaghetti / packet noodles / part
baked baguettes / can openers / soap / toothbrushes / wet wipes / new flannels / teabags
/ tin fish / tin soup / packet soup / dried pasta / large cartons of fruit juice (long life) / tin
sausages / rice (brown or white) / peanut butter / tin milk puddings / gravy granules /
individual cartons of fruit juice (long life) / saucepans / deodorant / shampoo/conditioner /
disposable razors / nappies. Please, please no fresh produce or out of date items.
Donations will be split between the Food Bank and Resource Centre.
Ready for this?! Christmas Card Delivery across Basildon – Advance notice!
Soon the Christmas displays will be in the shops, lights in the town, and ads on TV. But for
what? A festival or shopping or the birth of Jesus Christ. Surveys show more than half of
people in Britain celebrate Christmas with no reference to Christ at all. Please help to
deliver simple cards to spread the message of Christmas, and invite people to our churches;
on 5th/6th November we’ll be asking people to sign up, and the cards will be batched and
ready for you on the weekend of 3rd/4th December. Please sign up for your road and a few
roads nearby, and let us see if we can cover the whole town! Remember what Pope Francis
encourages us to do – “Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth” – it
definitely starts with the street we live on!
Advent Calendars – Fair Trade, with the Christmas Story
From the weekend of 5th/6th November, we will be selling “The Real Advent
Calendar” which is a truly superb calendar, including FairTrade chocolate and a
booklet to share the Christmas story, day by day throughout Advent. Priced just £4 and
available only while stocks last.
Service of Remembrance – Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 6th November at 3pm which
will include a Commemoration of those who have died. The names of all those who have
died in the parish within the last year will be read out in the service and there will be an
opportunity to light a candle and to pray. We know that friends and relatives of those who
have died may come from many different faith backgrounds and this special
commemoration of loved ones is open to all faiths and none. If you have a friend or relative
who has died within the last year, and whose funeral did not take place in the parish,
please contact the parish office on 01268 281732, if you wish their name to be read during
the service. Light refreshments will be served afterwards.
Family First Aid course – Monday 7th November 2016, 1pm-3pm for four weeks at Holy
Trinity Hall. You will have the opportunity to learn a range of family first aid skills from
being able to save someone's life to dealing with minor injuries in the home. To book your
place, please contact Tracey or Shelley via the school office on 01268 470444. Free crèche
available, numbers and ages needed. Family First Aid is organised by St Anne Line Junior
School in partnership with Family Learning & Adult Community Learning Essex.
The 200 Club The results of the draw which took place on Wednesday 19th October are as
1st Prize £123.50: No. 207 Rosalind Briant
2nd Prize £74.10: No. 225 Priyanka Antony
3rd Prize £49.40: No. 156 Robert Burton
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School – Reception Intake 2017 – Prospective parents for
Reception intake 2017 will have the opportunity to see our Early Years provision on
Wednesday 9th November, 10am-1.30pm and Tuesday 15th November, 10am-1.30pm.
Please contact the school office on 01268 553502 to make an appointment.
Blessing of Graves – on Sunday 13th November Fr Dominic and Fr Daniel will be blessing
the Garden of Ashes at St Therese church after the 9am Mass and will be blessing graves at
Pitsea Cemetery at 2.30pm.
Pilgrimage/Day out to All Hallows church, London – Save the date, Saturday 10th
December - history, Mass, river trip and Christmas market on the South Bank. For more
details and how to book, please see the poster at the back of each church.
Christmas Fayre – Holy Trinity Hall Saturday 10th December, 10am-3pm – Come and Join
us at our Christmas Fayre in aid of our Parish and the Tree of Hope Charity. Unique Stalls,
Entertainment, Refreshments, Tombola, Raffle with many prizes and many more. See
poster in the porch for more details. Only a few stalls left, should you wish to have one or
would like to donate prizes for the Tombola, please speak to Patrick Gomes, Nicholas
Gomes or Lynette Dowden or alternatively email [email protected] or
[email protected]. Hope to see you there for some festive fun.
Please support “We’re All Equal”, a campaign run by people with disabilities and their
families seeking to promote Lord Shinkwin’s bill which would remove abortion for disability
from the law. Currently an unborn baby with a disability can be aborted right up to birth.
Please visit to find out more about the campaign, see how you can get
involved and email your MP.
A Day with Mary will be holding a day of instruction, devotion and intercession at
Westminster Cathedral, London on Saturday 29th October at 9.45am. Please see the
poster at the back of each church for information or visit
Abbotswick Weekend Retreat – 29th-30th October – 'We beheld his glory' – a guided
retreat based on St John's Gospel at Abbotswick House of Prayer, Brentwood. Led by
Frances Verne (MSc). Places are limited so advanced booking is essential. The suggested
residential donation is £85pp. Non-residential attendance also possible. For more
information, please call 01277 373959.
A Praise & Worship Evening at SION Community, Sawyers Hall Lane, Brentwood, will take
place this month on Sunday 30th October, 7.30pm to 9pm. Everyone welcome.
Come and Sing Compline by Candlelight – A candlelit service of music and prayers on the
Feast of All Saints based on the liturgy used for centuries by monastic communities. A
serene and contemplative end to the bustle of the day in psalmody and hymnody at Holy
Cross and All Saints, Warley CM13 3AJ on 1st November. Come and sing with us
(Rehearsal time 7.30pm) or join us for the service (9pm). For further information or to book
if singing, please contact Shirley Timmins by email: [email protected] or leave
a message on the answerphone 01277 233302.
Year of Mercy Autumn Talks, Cathedral House Conference Centre, Brentwood –
‘Transformed by Mercy’ Speaker: Bishop Alan, SM, Saturday 5th November, 10.30am12noon. To book a place, please contact the Brentwood Religious Education Service (BRES)
Office on 01277 265285 or email: [email protected].
The Thalian Theatre Group present Oliver Twist on Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th
November at 7.30pm in The Mirren Studio, Towngate Theatre. Tickets £10 and £8.50
concessions. Box office 01268 465465.
London Marathon 2017 – Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (BCCS) has a number
of Gold Bond Charity places for runners in the London Marathon taking place on Sunday
23rd April 2017. If you are an experienced runner or someone who would value the
opportunity to participate in this renowned event, please contact Libby Phillips for further
details on 01268 784544/[email protected]. The closing date for completed
applications is Friday 18th November. If you have been lucky enough to secure your own
running place through the ballot, we would invite you to join us and run for BCCS.
#RedWednesday – 23rd November – ACN (Aid to the Church in Need) is launching
#RedWednesday to honour those killed in acts of religious hatred and in solidarity with
millions of people, targeted for their beliefs and living in fear. Now is the time for people of
faith to stand together for the right to live out their peacefully-held beliefs. WEAR a
distinctive item of RED clothing on 23rd November – a symbol of the innocent victims of
religious persecution, SHARE posts and tweets using #RedWednesday and HOLD a one
minute silence to reflect on and pray for people who suffer for their beliefs. On the evening
of #RedWednesday, Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral will light up their
iconic facades RED. This profound act of solidarity will be joined by other faith groups as a
tribute to all who, in recent times, suffer injustice and risk their lives for their faith. For
further information go to
St Thomas More High School – Sixth form open evening, Thursday 24th November, 69pm. For families who have pupils – boys and girls - in year 11 of secondary school who are
intending to begin sixth form studies in September 2017. Come and visit the school and
meet the staff and current sixth form students. There will be tours of the sixth form
building and the rest of the school.
The Mariposa Trust is a leading UK charity with the core objective being to support people
who have lost babies at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy. On 27th November
2016 at 3pm in Westminster Central Hall, London the trust is holding a Saying Goodbye
service for anyone who has either personally lost a baby at any stage of pregnancy, at birth
or in early years, or anyone who has been affected by a family member’s or friend’s loss.
Whether the loss was recent or 80 years ago, everyone is welcome. We have also extended
the services, to welcome anyone who is grieving the fact that they haven’t had children. For
more information see the poster at the back of the church or visit
Brentwood Catholic Children's Society – enthusiastic, amateur singers needed to ‘ComeAnd-Sing-Messiah’! Join the BCCS for an opportunity to perform Handel's masterpiece with
professional soloists at Brentwood Cathedral. The specially formed choir will rehearse in
the afternoon and perform the complete Messiah in the evening. Date: 3rd December at
Brentwood Cathedral - rehearsal: 2-5pm, performance: 7pm. £12 to register to sing/£4
score hire. Contact Julie Abbott, [email protected] 01268 784544/07912 277413.
Pilgrimage to Lourdes by air for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: 3 Nights,
6th-9th December 2016. £495 p.p. (twin/double), £545 p.p. (single room) includes return
flights, 3 nights’ full board accommodation at the Hotel Saint-Sauveur (inc. wine with
meals), airport transfers from Ilford in UK and in France, all Mass offerings and procession
candles (i.e. no extra/hidden costs) and a led retreat with Fr Andrew Headon. For a booking
form and/or more information, please contact Siobhan at Parker Travel Ltd: 07932
634589; [email protected].
Pilgrimage to Portugal – Fatima 2017 – Father Stephen Myers (Holy Family, Dagenham)
would like to take a group of 20 people to Fatima travelling on Tuesday 14th February 2017
and returning Saturday 18th February 2017. The price is £503 per person. Accommodation
is based on 2 people sharing a room. If you are interested, please telephone the Presbytery
Office on 020 8592 1634 (Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm).
Short Term Vacancy to Cover Medical Absence – Immediate Start – Secondary Teacher of
RE required on a full time, short term basis at De La Salle School, Basildon. For information
and application forms, please contact Michelle Harrison on 01268 281234.
Music Director required by Dove Singers Group. Please contact Pat Garner on 01268
522519 for information.
Headteacher Vacancy at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Stanford Le Hope required
for Summer Term 2017. For an application form, please contact Sharon Jackson on 01375
672217 or [email protected].
St Aidan’s Catholic Primary Academy, Ilford has vacancies for a Nursery Teacher
(Wednesday-Friday) and Relief Midday Assistants. Closing Date: Wednesday 26th October.
Contact the school for further details on 020 8590 5223.
Please pray for all those who have asked for prayer for particular needs and intentions:
Carole Andrews, Dawn Bennett, Jean Blacow, John Blyth, Cecilia Carter, Terry Carter,
Victoria Carter, Harry Chapman, James & Margaret Clapp, Irene Cork, Paula & Jennifer
Cornwell, Pat Cudbill, Margaret Curtis, Paul Dacey, Edna D’Lima, Alice Donnelly, John
Donovan, John Dowhanyk, David Egbuchinem, Owen James Eldred, Derek Mark Field,
James Fox, Margaret Foxen, Richard Freegard, Maria Galambos, Patrick Geach, Patrick
Gilsenan, Teresa Gleave, Mary Gormley, Thelma Grant, Alice Gunn, Cora Harvey, Kay Hearn,
Sue Holmes, Sharon Iles, Teresa Jackson, Diane Jones, Una & John Jones, Wayne Lagden,
Margaret Latchford, Heather Lawrence, Seán Leahy, Bill Mair, Janet Marriage, Anne Martin,
Ann McCann, Monty Miller, Sharon Morgan, Kitty Morley, Charles & Cynthia Mountford,
John Mulreany, Peter Mulreany, Maggie O’Doherty, Breada O’Shea, Walter O’Shea,
Christene Page, Kate Palmer, Denise Parker, Molly Raiola, Tony Raynham, Margaret Reavill,
Maria Ringer, Elba Robinson, Shelley Rowan, Jay Ryan, Eileen Silkstone, Patricia Spiteri, Ann
Stewart, Joie Sullivan, Christene Theobald, Alan Thompson, Courtney Thorpe, Lucy Vella,
Vanessa Anne, Nora & Clive Wakeling, Maddison Webb, Kieran Webster, Phil Wood,
Rendencion Ybardolaza, the patients in Basildon Hospital, the Mental Health Unit, St Luke’s
Hospice & intentions on the Prayer Boards.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Vera Thorpe who died recently. Vera ’s Requiem
Mass will be held at St Therese on Friday 28th October at 10.30am. May she Rest in Peace.
Baptism – We welcome into our faith community Matthew Lephas, Thomas Lewis-Baztan,
Ogheneyoma Aman, Seandon Njoku, Evelyn Newman and Jacob Newman who were
baptised recently.
Baptism Enquiries – A Baptism Preparation course is held in the parish approximately every
two months. For more details please ring the parish office. Please do not make any
arrangements with family members travelling from abroad until you have spoken with the
priest. Normally there will be at least 3-4 months from the initial enquiry until the Baptism
takes place.
Marriage Preparation – Getting Married in 2017 or 2018? Please remember we need at
least six months’ notice to help you prepare for this precious and blessed celebration,
including completing all documentation. This applies whether you are getting married here,
or abroad, and you will also be required to attend a Marriage Preparation Course, which is
part of the preparation. Please speak to either Fr Dominic or Fr Daniel or phone the parish
office if you are planning a wedding, in order that we may meet you.
Legion of Mary
Every Thursday 7.00pm St Basil’s : Every Monday 6.30pm in St Therese
Syro-Malabar Rite Mass
Every first Saturday of the month in Holy Trinity at 5.00pm
The next Mass will take place on Saturday 5th November
Syro-Malabar Rite Adoration (with Mass at 11.00pm)
Every fourth Friday of the month in Holy Trinity 8.00pm – 12.00midnight
The next Adoration will take place on Friday 28th October
For further details please contact : Mathew Antony on 07411 837695,
Agi Mathew on 07435 289232 or Juby Thomas on 07882 289716
[email protected]
Msza w jezyku polskim - Niedziela, 6 listopada
Drodzy parafianie i nie tylko(!)
Uprzejmie informujemy, ze msze w jezyku polskim beda mialy miejce w kazda
pierwsza niedziele miesiaca w kosciele Świętej Trójcy o 12.30 w godzinach
popołudniowych. Serdecznie zapraszamy do brania udzialu we mszach albowiem
w naszej parafii istnieje polska spolecznosc (o ktorej mogliscie nie wiedziec!)
aktywnie realizujaca sie w zyciu naszego kosciola. Wszyscy jestescie bardzo mile
Goraco zapraszamy!!!
Mass in Polish – Sunday 6th November
Dear parishioners (and not only!!!)
We would like to kindly inform you that Mass in Polish takes place every first
Sunday of the month at Holy Trinity Church at 12.30pm. We'd like to warmly
invite you to take part in these Masses as there is an active, passionate and lively
Polish community in our church which you may not know about.
You are all welcome!!!!
Catholic Schools in Basildon
St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School – Head: Mrs Nuala Cashell
Tel. 01268 553502 Web site –
St Anne Line Infant School / Nursery – Head: Mrs Angela Russell
Tel. 01268 524263 Web site –
St Anne Line Junior School – Head: Miss Nathalie Watson
Tel. 01268 470444 Web site –
De La Salle School – Head: Mrs Catherine Burnett
Tel. 01268 281234 Web site –
Thank you to all our Sponsors…
Primarc Solicitors
168 A High Street North, London, E6 2JA
Tel: 020 8912 2280 Email : [email protected]
Same Day ILR Applications
Naturalisation Applications
EEA Applications
Spouse Visa Applications
Tier 1, 2 & 4 Extensions
Sale and Purchase of Houses
Sale and Purchase of Leasehold Business Child Contact
Financial Arrangement
We are CQS accredited and deal with all
the major banks in the UK
For consultations in Basildon please ring 07904178787
10% discount for parish members
Church Road, Basildon
SS14 2EY
01268 520607
[email protected]
Mundy House Care Home
(Residential and Dementia)
Looking for Respite or Long term care?
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. Variety of Entertainment and activities/Beautiful Large Garden
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. DN’S/Physio/Hairdresser/Optician/Aroma therapy/Chiropodist are just some
of the services we offer
. Great reviews at
T. Cribb & Sons
Floors to roofs, garden decking, kitchens, built-in
wardrobes, loft conversions, extensions UPVC
Windows & Doors, Bathroom refits and stairs.
A Tradesman you can trust.
Friendly service at competitive rates.
34 Latchetts Shaw, Kingswood,
Basildon, Essex SS16 5DP
07766 283568
Estimates Free
Funeral Director
& Carriage Master
to The Diocese of
Brentwood &
Pitsea Office Tel: 01268 559000 – 24 hrs.
Proprietors: Stan, John & Graham Cribb
“Our Personal Attention to Every Funeral Rite”
Recruitment Consultants
Achieving Success Through Teamwork
Volunteers needed
We offer a bespoke service to meet all your care requirements.
From as little as two hours to full 24 hour live in care.
Short or long term.
Have the comfort and security of living in your own home, and
the confidence of knowing that your care needs will be catered
for in a professional and caring way. All staff are fully reference
checked, trained and have full DBS disclosures.
AC is a UK charity, and located in Basildon, dedicated
to improving quality of life for marginalised women and
children by promoting their right to survival, health,
development and zero violence. We are recruiting
volunteers for Programme Officer and Admin
Assistant. Working hours: 3 days per week (flexible
hours). To apply please send your CV and cover letter
highlighting your suitability to: [email protected].
Competitive Rates & Qualified Staff
Please call 01375 391337 or email [email protected]
Mass Schedule for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Saturday 22nd October
People of the Parish
St Basil’s
Sunday 23rd October
St Therese
Holy Trinity
St Basil’s
Paul Thoppil † (A)
Andrea Allen †
Victoria Valencia † (A)
Holy Trinity
Joan & Kevin Branigan
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday 24th October
St Basil’s
Andrea Allen †
Tuesday 25th October
Holy Trinity
Serenity Gomes †
Wednesday 26th October
St Cedd
St Basil’s
Dominico Cuong Steve Bui † (A)
Thursday 27th October
Holy Trinity
Joseph Puthettu † (A)
Friday 28th October
SS Simon & Jude
St Therese
Requiem Mass for Vera Thorpe †
Please note: there is no De La Salle Mass today (half term)
Saturday 29th October
Holy Trinity
Dorothy G Fielder †
Mass Schedule for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Saturday 29th October
St Basil’s
Lily & John Hegarty †
Sunday 30th October
St Therese
Holy Trinity
St Basil’s
Cicily Thoppil † (A)
Thomas & Eileen McKeown † (A)
People of the Parish
Holy Trinity
Valerie McCarthy †
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday 31st October
St Basil’s
Danuta Lewanski (sick)
Tuesday 1st November
Holy Trinity
All Saints
Pricilla Batin †
With the children from St Anne Line Junior School
St Basil’s
Veronica Thorpe †
With the children from St Teresa’s School
Holy Trinity
St Therese
Wednesday 2nd November
St Basil’s
Holy Trinity
Betty Daly †
Jean Whitmore †
Commemoration of all the Faithfull
Departed (All Souls)
Holy Souls †
Holy Souls †
Thursday 3rd November
Holy Trinity
Una Connolly †
Friday 4th November
St Therese
De La Salle
St Charles Borromeo
Thoma Mampilly † (A)
Holy Souls †
Saturday 5th November
Holy Trinity
Holy Souls †
Mass Schedule for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Saturday 5th November
St Basil’s
John & Annie Welsh †
Sunday 6th November
St Therese
Holy Trinity
St Basil’s
Jacob Manjooran
M U Mathew † (A)
Maureen Morgan †
Holy Trinity
People of the Parish
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday 7th November
St Basil’s
Danny O’Connor † (A)
Tuesday 8th November
Holy Trinity
Holy Souls †
Wednesday 9th November
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
St Basil’s
Thomas & Anne Bride † (A)
Thursday 10th November
St Leo the Great
Holy Trinity
Diane Heywood †
Friday 11th November
St Martin of Tours
St Therese
De La Salle
Josie Morrison †
Holy Souls †
Saturday 12th November
St Josaphat
Holy Trinity
Paschal Walsh
Mass Schedule for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Saturday 12th November
St Basil’s
Holy Souls
Sunday 13th November
St Therese
Holy Trinity
St Basil’s
Sosannam Mampilly † (A)
Holy Trinity
People of the Parish
Paul Chappell & Thanksgiving of Sacred Jesus†
Dec’d mbrs of Wootton Family †
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Holy Trinity Church – Saturday mornings 9.15 - 9.45am
St Basil’s Church – Saturday evenings 4.15 - 4.40pm
St Therese Church – Friday morning 8.50 - 9.10am
… or by appointment
Monthly Prayer Intention
For the month of October the particular intentions for our prayer time is:
to commend all those who are suffering and in need to the intercession
of Our Lady, in this month dedicated to the Rosary.
Safeguarding (Children & Vulnerable Adults) Representative
Patrick Waters – 01268 543813
Holy Trinity Hall & St Therese Hall Booking Enquiries
Please phone the Parish Office for all hall booking enquiries.
Our halls are available for hire by local companies for courses, seminars, etc;
for use by clubs and groups; and for use for receptions after Baptisms,
Weddings and Funerals that happen in our churches.
They cannot be booked for parties.
All items for the newsletter must be handed in to the Parish Offfice
by 1.00pm on the Wednesday before the Sunday of publication.