6 2 N D A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4
6 2 N D A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4
6 A R 2 2 ND N N U A L E P O R T 0 1 4 HAPO 2014 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 3 O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L C O M M I T M E N T BE IN THE MOMENT We commit to listening to our members to clearly understand what’s needed and to respond efficiently and professionally every time. 4 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2014 O R D E R O F B U S I N E S S / 6 2 ND A N N U A L M E E T I N G W E D N E S D A Y, A P R I L 2 2 n d , 2 0 1 5 1. Call to Order – William Tanner 2. Reading of Minutes, 61 st Annual Meeting – Ken Bays 3. A Message from HAPO Leadership – David Schulz & William Tanner 4. Supervisory Committee Report – Darrel Stafek 5. Unfinished Business – William Tanner 6. New Business – William Tanner A. Other New Business 8. Door Prize Drawing – Crystal Contreras, Annie Bixler & Carlo Chavez HAPO 2014 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 1 2 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2014 THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF SUMMER Since trademarking the “Official Sponsor of Summer®” in 2009, HAPO Community Credit Union has brought several major events to the Tri-City, Yakima, Sunnyside, Walla Walla and Hermiston communities. However, in 2014, we took “The Official Sponsor of Summer®” to an entirely new level by sponsoring the Tri-City Water Follies Unlimited Hydroplane race – the HAPO Columbia Cup. This iconic Tri-City Summer event takes place the last full weekend in July, and has since 1966. A glance at the economic impact of the HAPO Columbia Cup and HAPO “Over the River” Air Show in our community: - The HAPO Columbia Cup and HAPO “Over the River” Air Show bring in approximately $2,250,000 of visitor spending in our community - Weekend attendance is 65,000 – 70,000 fans - Approximately 6,500 rooms at area hotels and motels during the weekend Capturing the title sponsorship of the most recognized summer event in the Tri-City community continues to solidify HAPO as “The Official Sponsor of Summer®.” The HAPO Columbia Cup and HAPO “Over the River” Air Show were a great success in 2014. We encourage families and loyal race fans to join us for this thrilling weekend on the Columbia River. HAPO is dedicated to making the HAPO Columbia Cup and “Over the River” Air Show family-friendly for all to enjoy. Throughout 2014, HAPO Community Credit Union remained committed to bringing quality events for families to our communities. Whether it was sponsoring the Hot Shots 3-on-3 tournament in Yakima during the Summer or Kadlec 4 Kids-A-Thon in the Tri-Cities during the Fall, we’re committed to enriching the lives of our neighbors, family and friends. In addition to the many events we sponsor during the year, HAPO employees make it their priority to give back to a variety of charities and causes around them. Between volunteering their free time and donating their expertise, HAPO employees gave back in 2014. They gave their time to raise funds for families during the holidays, volunteered for Junior Achievement, donated a helping hand to prepare for the Run for Ribbons race, gave blood at one of our many blood drives for the Red Cross and more. Throughout the year, HAPO works with many partner organizations to make it happen. We’re humbled by the incredible outreach within our community and the number of organizations we partner with to make our community a better place to live! In 2014 we supported the following organizations and events: ® THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF SUMMER® EVENTS • HAPO Columbia Cup • HAPO “Over the River” Air Show • Live @ 5 Summer Concert Series • Cool Desert Nights • River of Fire Festival • Grand Old 4th of July Parade • Free Ice Cream Fridays • Yakima Cinco de Mayo Fiesta • Gap2Gap Dash • Yakima 4th of July • Hot Shots 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament • Sunnyside Cinco de Mayo Fiesta • National Night Out • Miss Sunnyside 5k Sun Run • Hermiston Family Funfest • Takin’ it to the Streets 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament • Relay for Life • Walla Walla Sweets Baseball SPONSORSHIPS, DONATIONS AND EVENTS • Tri-Cities Cancer Center • CBC Foundation • Kadlec Foundation • MESA • Kadlec 4 Kids-a-Thon • Run for Ribbons • The Arc of Tri-Cities • Please Don’t Quit • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Foundation After School Matters Junior Achievement Girl Scouts Leadership Kennewick Man & Woman of the Year Tri-Citian of the Year Real Heroes Breakfast Gourmet Gala March of Dimes Martin Luther King Jr. Jazz Event Faith Assembly Missions Sponsor First Night Tri-Cities 12 Days of Giving Red Cross Hermiston Festival of Trees Sunnyside Festival of Trees Sunnyside Chamber Awards Dinner Cuisine de Vin Coats for Kids Toys for Kids Habitat for Humanity Kadlec Foundation Golf Classic The Arc of Tri-Cities Golf Tournament Tri-Cities Cancer Center Golf Tournament Eerkes Memorial Golf Tournament TCRCC Golf Classic CI Golf Challenge and Gala • ALS Ice Bucket Challenge • Fall Fest HAPO 2014 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 3 F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S C OMPAR ATIV E BALANCE SHEETS* As of December 31, 2014 and 2013 A S SETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments – Net Loans to Members – Net NCUSIF Deposit Land and Buildings – Net of Depreciation Furniture and Equipment – Net of Depreciation Other Assets TO TAL ASSETS L I A B IL ITIES, DEPOSI TS & MEMBERS’ EQUI TY Liabilities Borrowed Funds Accrued and Other Liabilities Deposits Savings Accounts Checking Accounts Money Market Accounts Certificates of Deposit IRA Accounts Members’ Equity Retained Earnings Other Comprehensive Income ASSETS (in millions) 4 2010 2011 2012 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 2013 2013 $79,414,319 2,414,783 1,047,911,915 10,675,370 51,489,722 9,086,647 37,538,895 $52,598,504 927,740 1,083,097,918 10,224,987 52,893,750 10,241,978 34,834,790 $1,238,531,651 $1,244,819,667 – $19,682,538 19,682,538 $50,000,000 19,538,051 69,538,051 244,282,395 136,907,104 282,284,840 446,450,790 11,809,728 1,121,734,857 220,040,071 125,968,478 267,586,473 461,294,356 11,241,748 1,086,131,126 96,337,330 (7,186,840 ) 89,150,490 104,598,450 (7,484,194) 97,114,256 TO TAL L IAB IL ITI ES & MEMBERS’ EQUI TY $1300 $1250 $1200 $1150 $1100 $1050 $1000 $950 $900 $850 $800 $750 $700 $ 0 2014 MEMBER LOANS (in millions) 2014 HAPO 2014 $1200 $1150 $1100 $1050 $1000 $950 $900 $850 $800 $750 $700 $650 $600 $ 0 $1,244,819,667 $1,238,531,651 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 MEMBER DEPOSITS (in millions) $1200 $1150 $1100 $1050 $1000 $950 $900 $850 $800 $750 $700 $650 $600 $ 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 S TATEMENTS O F OPERATI ON* For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 O P ER ATING INC OME Interest on Member Loans Income from Investments Member Dividends Interest on Borrowed Funds Net Interest Income Provision for Loan Losses Other Operating Income Total Operating Income O P ER ATING EX PE NSES Employee Costs Facilities Costs Operational Costs Marketing and Community Giving Loan Servicing Professional/Outside Services NCUA Assessments Other Operating Expenses Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Income $48,590,979 169,999 (6,751,399 ) (234,643 ) 41,774,936 (4,748,292) 16,120,600 53,147,244 $50,076,231 63,993 (6,929,247 ) (244,278 ) 42,966,699 (5,035,474 ) 14,593,135 52,524,360 23,828,613 3,459,191 9,590,283 1,296,290 2,525,860 1,548,482 – 1,999,984 44,248,703 8,898,541 22,897,190 3,529,520 9,296,236 1,222,751 2,265,817 1,550,529 818,000 1,149,672 42,729,715 9,794,645 (637,421) 444,324 NON-O PER ATING I NCOME (LOSS) NET INCOME $8,261,120 DISTRIBUTION OF 2014 INCOME Retained Earnings 13% 2013 2014 Members 18% Operating Expenses 69% DISCLOSURE TO MEMBERSHIP: BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPENSATION SCHEDULE As permitted by law and the Credit Union’s Bylaws, HAPO provides reasonable compensation to the Board of Directors for their service to the Credit Union. An annual stipend is payable in quarterly installments in recognition of the education and time requirements that are necessary and expected of board members, who set the general direction and control of the Credit Union. Compensation Schedule for 2015 As required by law, the members of the Credit Union shall be informed of the compensation provided to Directors. Compensation Paid in 2014 (September-December) Compensation Plan. The annual stipend ranges between $15,000 and $20,000 for Board Members and is based on leadership positions held. * The accompanying financial statements are unaudited. $10,238,969 Director & Board Chair .................................. $20,000 Director & Board Secretary ............................ $18,000 Director & Supervisory Committee Member.... $16,000 Director ........................................................ $15,000 William Tanner .............................................. $20,000 Ken Bays ....................................................... $18,000 Bill Tyler ........................................................ $15,000 William Clarke .............................................. $15,000 Ken Gale ...................................................... $15,000 Ken Hohenberg ............................................ $15,000 Rich Cummins .............................................. $15,000 William Tanner ................................................ $6,666 Ken Bays ......................................................... $6,000 Bill Tyler .......................................................... $5,000 William Clarke ................................................ $5,000 Ken Gale ........................................................ $5,000 Ken Hohenberg .............................................. $5,000 Rich Cummins ................................................ $5,000 HAPO 2014 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 5 MINUTES OF THE 61 ST ANNUAL MEETING AP RIL 17 T H , 2 01 4 The 61st Annual Meeting of HAPO Community Credit Union was called to order by Chairman of the Board, William Tanner at 6:30pm, Thursday, April 17, 2014, in the Richland High School’s cafeteria. There were 43 members present. William Tanner asked if there were any corrections to be made to the minutes of the 60th Annual Meeting. As there were no corrections, it was moved and seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to accept them as printed. The motion carried. Board Chairman William Tanner introduced the Board of Directors and delivered the “Chairman’s Message” which included recognition of our ongoing efforts to work closely with our State and National Regulators to demonstrate our continued tradition of financial strength, safety and soundness. Mr. Schulz, President and CEO of HAPO Community Credit Union, thanked all in attendance and delivered the “President’s Message” to the membership. This included an update and report of meeting or exceeding all financial goals of 2013. Darrell Stafek, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, introduced the members of the Supervisory Committee and read the Supervisory Committee Report and Nominating Committee Report. The Statement of Nomination and Declaration of General Consent was 6 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2014 read. Three Supervisor Committee members were re-appointed: David Beach to a three year term to expire in April 2017; Bill Phillips to a two year term to expire in April 2016 and; Roy Renner to a one year term to expire in April 2015. Supervisory Committee Chairman Darrel Stafek was not up for re-election and the current term is to expire April 2015. Three Board of Directors were nominated, approved and re-appointed for new terms; Ken Bays, Bill Clarke and Rich Cummings all to serve a new three year term to expire in April 2017. Chairman Tanner asked if there was any unfinished business or any new business and there was none. Mr. Tanner turned the floor over to Mr. Schulz to answer questions from the members and concluded by introducing Crystal Contreras and Silvia Idrovo for the drawing of door prizes. It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm. William Tanner Chairman A MESSAGE FROM HAPO LEADERSHIP Vision. Being able to look down the road and predict one year, or five years, or even longer for an organization and then being able to come up with a viable, strategic plan is both a talent and an art form. The leadership of HAPO, which encompasses its Board of Directors and the Top Management, which includes its CEO, Executive Vice President and several Senior Vice Presidents has been uniquely challenged this past year. Our leadership has maintained a long standing vision for robust annual growth for the credit union. Continual quality growth is an important element to the health and survivability for any company. In our case, competition has always been fierce for deposit dollars and for a proportionate market share for lending those dollars out. Historically, it has been competitors who have influenced our vision more so than many other external factors. Today, while competitors continue to influence our vision, all financial institutions are attempting to predict and brace for the ever increasing anticipation of a rising interest rate environment and its potential impact. It was this dominating force which caused us to temporarily halt our otherwise abundant growth for the 2014 calendar year. If we were to sum up 2014 in one word it might be “preparation”. How well we prepare ourselves today for the unknowns of tomorrow is most assuredly at the forefront of our State and National Examiner’s annual visits. Our Leadership must continue to demonstrate, year in and year out, that our vision is wellthought out and our ability to carry out that vision is well-executed. Each year brings with it a whole host of new challenges as well as opportunities to examine. As the Leadership of the credit union continues to refine its vision for the future and balance it against a wide variety of conditions and constraints, we will continue to evaluate what makes the most sense for our credit union, which may include a short term sacrifice in growth for the assurance of longer term safety and soundness. One role of our Leadership is to preserve the organization, not only for the next five years, but for much, much longer. What is the vision for HAPO in that future? Each year we get the chance to answer that question. With 2014 well behind us and with over a quarter of 2015 already gone, it is both interesting and a little saddening to be reminded how quickly time continues to pass us by. So many of the things that made up the larger vision for 2014, whether fulfilled or not, have long come and gone. Even as the Leadership attempts to predict 2015 or further, our central purpose of existing is to provide our members with a place to safely keep their money at a fair rate of return and the opportunity to obtain affordable loans, which help improve the quality of life of our members and that of their families. HAPO continues to prosper, in a traditional sense, with an ever increasing number of new members, new products and technologies and its community involvement. In other words, our credit union continues to flourish with its ability to meet the needs of our members with a top-notched staff who are ready to show you their genuine interest in providing the best service possible. We are honored to have the responsibility of bringing together a vision for HAPO. Our Leadership team has worked together now for a number of years. In fact, one of our greatest strengths is the teamwork of leadership for the ultimate benefit of our members. Once again, on behalf of the entire Board of Directors, Executive Management and entire HAPO staff, we thank you for your continued loyalty and support of our great credit union. After all, collectively, we all are the credit union. William Tanner Chairman David M. Schulz President/CEO HAPO 2014 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 7 SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT In accordance with the Washington State Credit Union Act and the rules and regulations of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the Supervisory Committee is required to “Perform or arrange for a complete annual audit of the credit union and a verification of members’ accounts.” To satisfy these requirements the Supervisory Committee contracted with our certified public accounting firm, Moss Adams, LLP, to perform an audit of our financial statements. The Supervisory Committee also approves the annual comprehensive internal audit plan and regularly meets with the credit union’s Vice President of Internal Audit regarding the results of the activities of the Internal Audit Department. As a result of the audit, Moss Adams, LLP issued an Independent Accountants’ Report of the credit union’s financial statements as of and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. Their report included an unqualified opinion that those financial statements presented fairly, in all material respects, the credit union’s financial position as of June 30, 2014 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. As Chairman of the Supervisory Committee during 2014, I wish to thank the other Committee members for their many hours of volunteer service during the past year, as well as HAPO’s staff and management for their assistance. The Supervisory Committee is here to serve as the oversight arm of the credit union. Members may contact the Committee confidentially or they may directly contact any of the Committee members. Respectfully submitted, Darrel Stafek Chairman 8 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2014 OFFICIALS BOARD OF DIRECTO RS William Tanner – Chairman William Tyler – Vice-Chairman Ken Bays – Secretary Ken Gale – Treasurer William Clarke – Director Ken Hohenberg – Director Rich Cummins – Director SUP ERVISORY C O M M I TTEE Darrel Stafek – Chairman David Beach Bill Phillips Roy Renner NO M I N AT I N G C O MMI T T E E Darrel Stafek – Chairman Leonard Davis David Beach EXECUT I V E S TA F F David Schulz – President / CEO Steve Anderson – EVP / COO John Schnellbach – SVP / CFO Carolyn O’Niel – SVP / CDO HAPO 2014 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T 9 MAIN LINE 509.943.5676 MORT GAGE DIVISION 509.946.2044 w w w. H A P O . o r g LOCATIONS IN WASHINGTON & OREGON For hours and maps to all our branches, please visit www.hapo.org RICHLAND - MAIN BRANCH 601 Williams Blvd. Richland, WA 99354 YAKIMA - CASTLEVALE 903 Seattle Slew Run Yakima, WA 98908 RICHLAND MEADOW SPRINGS 631 Gage Blvd. Richland, WA 99352 YAKIMA - TERRACE HEIGHTS 3001 Stonewood Ct. Yakima, WA 98901 RICHLAND - QUEENSGATE 3034 Duportail St. Richland, WA 99352 KENNEWICK - UNION ST. 4 North Union Kennewick, WA 99336 KENNEWICK - SOUTHRIDGE 4851 W. Hildebrand Blvd. Kennewick, WA 99336 KENNEWICK HAPO BUSINESS COMPLEX 7601 W. Clearwater Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 PASCO - BY THE AIRPORT 2701 North 20th Ave. Pasco, WA 99301 PASCO - WEST PASCO / RD 68 4902 Road 68 Pasco, WA 99301 2 6 2 ND A N N U A L R E P O R T HAPO 2014 YAKIMA - NOB HILL 6401 W. Nob Hill Blvd. Yakima, WA 98908 SUNNYSIDE - DOWNTOWN 322 South 6th Street Sunnyside, WA 98944 HERMISTON 1905 N. 1st Street Hermiston, OR 97838 WALLA WALLA COLLEGE PLACE 2376 Taumarson Rd. Walla Walla, WA 99324
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