Commerce Commentary - Westland Chamber of Commerce
Commerce Commentary Westland Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Serving the Business Community for 52 Years October 2014 Edition Marlarkey’s Irish Pub Hosting October After Hours Please join us for a FREE casual networking event at Malarkey's (35750 Warren Rd.) on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. They are a gem in the Shopping and Dining District. If you have never been there then you are in for a treat. Malarkey's will be providing appetizers for us from 57pm, thanks to owner Domenic Policicchio! Just bring plenty of business cards, a few bucks for the cash bar, and a friend or two if you wish. For those of you that are unfamiliar with what an After Hours is - they are a chance for you and your staff to come meet other business owners in the com- munity, pass a few business leads, and gain some new business for yourself. These events are set up for you to feel comfortable and come as you are. No need to stress about what time they start or end. Just stop in on your way home from work. If you have any questions or would like to attend, please call the Chamber at 734-326-7222, or email us at [email protected]. Coffee Connection at the New Tim Hortons! This month’s Coffee Connection will be hosted by the new Tim Horton's Coffee and Bake Shop on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Tim Hortons is located at 34412 Ford Rd. (at Wildwood). Please join us in welcoming new owner and Chamber member Jay Balani. We’ll be there from 8-9am. Stop in for Coffee and get some networking done before you have to go to work. No need to RSVP, just stop in when you can. Call the Chamber at 734-326-7222 for more information. We’ll see you at Tim Hortons! Don’t Miss the 5 Star After Hours in Dearborn! The Westland Chamber of Commerce is a member of the 5 Star Business group; a joint effort between Dearborn Area, Redford, Wayne and Westland Chambers to offer more opportunities to their members within each Chamber. The driving force behind The 5 Star Business Group is that there is power in numbers. The goal of the 5 Star Business Group is to provide members with tremendous networking opportunities with a larger group of people. A larger audience allows for amazing opportunities to exchange ideas and create partnership opportunities with individuals from other areas that you would not meet otherwise. The next opportunity for you to benefit from the 5 Star Business Group is coming up! On Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 5:30-7:00pm, we will be meeting at Bailey's Pub & Grille (22091 Michigan Ave, Dearborn 48124). Complimentary Appetizers will be provided with a cash bar. Since it is only a few days before the BIG game - we will be having a Tailgate Theme. Wear your team colors! 4th Annual Blues, Brews & Barbeque was bigger and better than ever! See page 2 Automotive - Collision - Towing WESTLAND CAR CARE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Call us at 866 CAR CARE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE We are here for you. 3 6 9 0 0 For d R oa d • We s tla nd, Mic higa n 4 8 1 8 5 (7 3 4 ) 3 2 6 -7 2 2 2 • www.we s t la ndc ha m be r.c om Page 2 Westland Chamber of Commerce Thank You to all of Our Sponsors, Restaurants, Volunteers and Guests for Making 2014 Our Best Year Ever! 2014 Executive Board Dr. Amanda Apfelblat, Chairman of the Board Michigan Chiropractic Specialists, PC.....734-838-0353 Sponsors $20,000 Westland DDA $5000 Dan Martin, Immediate Past Chair McKenna & Buccilli NovoPrint USA...............................734-776-9151 Wayne County Community College District Ricardo Seir, D.D.S., Chair Elect $2500 Parkside Dental Team ....................734-261-6060 Bidigare Contractors, Inc. Clyde Smith Farms/HRS Communities Joe Lezotte, Vice Chair of Finance & Operations Gordon Chevrolet Sigma Financial ..............................248-442-2323 Michigan Chiropractic Specialists, PC Tim Weise, Vice Chair of Government Affairs North Brothers Ford Garden City Hospital .....................734-421-3300 OHM Advisors Cindy Candela, Vice Chair of $1500 Community & Educational Development WCA Assessing Wayne/Westland Schools ................734-419-2116 $1000 Mayor William R. Wild Gary Bulson Cannon Equipment Vice Chair of Marketing & Membership DTE Men On the Move.............................734-729-6683 Independent Carpet One Intra Corporation Board of Directors K & B Asphalt Patrick Derrig Liquiforce Services Westland Shopping Centter .............734-425-5001 Michigan Truck Parts Mo Elfakir Midwestern Sanitation Biggy Coffee-Westland ....................734-326-1468 Parkside Dental Team Kathy Hurt Plante Moran CRESA Co-op Services Credit Union ..........734-522-3700 Ritter GIS Don Nicholson Strategic Communication Solutions Don Nicholson Enterprises .............734-658-5296 Suburban Calcium Chloride Bruce Smoler, D.D.S. Synergy Environmental Community Dental Associates ............734-728-5600 Tucker, Young, Jackson, Tull, INC. UAW Local 900 Chamber Staff Westland Car Care Brookellen Swope, $500 President and CEO ......................734-326-7222 Americas Green Line Bendzinski & Co. Muncipal Finance Advisors Mary Vellardita, Marketing & Membership............734-326-7222 Berkshire Development Inc. BPI Information Systems Newsletter Staff Buffalo Wild Wings Editor Swope Brookellen Comerica Bank Mary Vellardita -Advertising Sales/Production Facility Matrix Fausone Bohn, LLP Great Lakes Engraving Harder Home Improvements Harlow Tire J.P Morgan Chase J.S. Vig Construction Co. Jack Demmer Ford Marquette House Assisted LivingAlzheimer's-Memory Care Unit McCarthy & Smith Meijer Miller Canfield My Lady’s Florist SME Tech Mode TTI Universal Learning Academy Western Wayne Urgent Care Westland Police Lt's & Sgt's Association Westland Police Officers Association Westland Shopping Center Whitty Protective Services Zeal Credit Union Wh Cannon $250 or less Merriman and Palmer Plaza Westland Fire Fighters Laurencelle Properties, Inc. Restaurants Ashley's Beer and Grill Beaver Creek Saloon & Grill Biggby Coffee Famous Dave's Kona Ice LongHorn Steakhouse Max & Erma's Texas Roadhouse Volunteers Our heartfelt thanks to the hard work of all of our volunteers from these awesome Westland service organizations: Goodfellows, Rotary Club Jaycees, Historical Society Youth Assistance, Lions Grange, Civitans, Explorers, Community Foundation and Warm Hearts Westland Chamber of Commerce Page 3 The Mayor’s Corner World Class C lass Care Right in Yo Your Y Own Backyard Backyard By Westland Mayor William R. Wild Greetings! It has been a great month in the City of Westland, and as summer is winding down into fall, I would like to share some of the highlights with you. First, I want to thank everyone in the business community who helped make this year’s All-American Blues, Brews, and Barbecue our best yet! We had a record of over 50 sponsors, a great line-up of bands, and, of course, mouthwatering barbecue and refreshing craft brews. The annual festival has become a staple in the community, and it serves as a testament of the strength of our local businesses. I also want to thank the businesses that participated in the Wild About Youth Summer Employment Program. The program will hold its Celebration Dinner on Tuesday, September 30 at 6 pm. The dinner will be held at Alexander the Great’s Restaurant, located at 34733 Warren Rd. The Wild About Youth program provides a meaningful experience for our young people, and it gives them the tools for success as they continue in their professional lives. Speaking of the new Farmers Market Pavilion, I want to remind everyone that the Westland Farmers and Artisans Market will continue to run every Thursday, 3-7 pm, through October 23. There are some exciting events lined-up for the remainder of the season, and you can stay up-to-date on their Facebook at, Earlier this month, I was also fortunate to attend the Grand Opening for a new Tim Horton’s on the corner of Ford Road and Wildwood, next to the recently opened T-Mobile store. Along with all the other development projects underway in our City, Westland has continued to experience an everimproving business climate. I am always excited to attend Grand Openings, and re-openings after renovations, as they send a signal of strength from our local business owners. Finally, I would like to introduce Westland’s new Deputy Mayor, Thelma Kubitskey, who has served as the City’s Budget Director since 2012. Ms. Kubitskey brings a wealth of municipal experience, including 32 years with Northville Township as their Manager and Finance Director. Since joining Westland, she has helped make Westland the only city in Wayne County with a three-year balanced budget, and she played an integral role in building a $5.5 million rainy day fund. Ms. Kubitskey has replaced Jade Smith, who recently accepted a position as City Administrator for the City of Milan. Jade Smith performed tremendously, as many of you know, from the day he started as the City Controller in 2007. We wish him the best of luck and thank him for his magnificent work. You can stay up-to-date on all of the good things happening in our AllAmerican City by visiting the newly redesigned website at,liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter. I want you to be proud of your City, so stay informed, get involved and do your part to help us reach our goal to make Westland one of Michigan’s “Most Livable Cities. $PNQSFIFOTJWF$PNQMFUF'BNJMZ%FOUBM Community Dental Associates r 820 N N.. Wayne Wayne Road W Westland, estland, MI 48185 734.629.5035 BRUCE SMOLER DDS, FAGD, FAGD, FICOI 4NJMF.BLFPWFSTt;PPN8IJUFOJOH *NQMBOUɩFSBQZt1PSDFMBJO7FOFFSTt*OWJTBMJHO 4QFDJBM/FFET%FOUBM$BSFt*74FEBUJPO )FMQXJUI4OPSJOH4MFFQ"QOFB No insurance, no problem )NOFlCEDENTALPLANs)NTERESTFREEPAYMENTPLANS Cheerful and helpful staff Like us on @: Community Dental Associates Follow us on @WestlandDDS For more information, please visit our helpful video librar libraryy at www William R. Wild, Mayor Page 4 Westland Chamber of Commerce How to Make the Most of Your Chamber Membership Have you ever asked yourself... how can I get more out of my Chamber Membership? Well the answer is easy… GET INVOLVED! There are several ways to do just that. One of the easiest is to join one of our committees. By joining a committee you can help move the Chamber forward. You will be one of the first to know what new things the Chamber is going to offer. Look at the committee below, and figure out which one fits you best. Then just call the Chamber and asked to be put on the committee. It easy! Business & Economic Development Committee: This Committee represents the interests of Westland businesses, fosters cooperation between the business community and the public sector and promoted economic development expansion through an improved business climate, business retention, expansion and start-up. Community & Educational Development: This committee leads and directs the Chamber’s efforts inspiring a viable system of education necessary to sustain a profitable business climate. Government Affairs Committee: This committee is to act as an advocate for the Chamber at the government level; promoting policy to enhance the business climate of Westland. Membership & Marketing: Creates a public awareness program to further the positive image of the Chamber and increase the Chamber’s visibility. Development marketing materials, promote Chamber events and increase and strengthen membership through retention and recruitment efforts. Wayne-Westland Salvation Army 25th Anniversary Celebration ThurSdAy, OcTOber 16, 2014 event starts at 6 pm dinner • entertainment • Open bar Silent & Live Auction • rotary raffle ($1000 prize) Joy Manor, 28999 Joy Rd, Westland 48185 Sponsored by the Westland Community Foundation For more information please call the Salvation Army 734-722-3660 ext. 108 or Lynette Hobyak 734-595-7727 The Westland Chamber of Commerce & Westland Rotary Club present 2014 Holiday Taste Fest Tuesday, December 2, 2014 from 6 - 9 pm Hellenic Cultural Center, 36375 Joy Rd., Westland Westland’s Premier Gourmet Charity Event! Fantastic Food•Fabulous Entertainment•Auction & Raffles - Holiday Taste Fest has it all! Sponsorship Commitment Form Platinum Sponsors $1000 - includes reserved table of 10 with Open Bar, top billing in all event publicity including websites, banner, all printed promotional materials, full page program advertisement, early entrance at 5:30 pm and introduction at event. Additional tickets may be purchased at $20 each* (Thanks to our first Platinum Sponsor, Michigan Chiropractic Specialists, PC, Dr. Amanda Apfelblat) Gold Sponsor $500 - includes reserved table of 10, name on all printed promotional materials including websites, banner, all printed promotional materials, acknowledgement at event. Silver Sponsor $200 - includes two admission tickets and business name on websites, banner and all printed promotional materials and acknowledgement at event Please complete and return the form below to ensure you are included in all event publicity. By teaming up with Westland Rotary to help its charities, we expect a big turnout, so get your reservations in today. Thank you!! Sponsor Name Contact Person Mailing Address: City Telephone ( State Zip ) Email Sorry I cannot be a sponsor, but I’d like to donate a prize of: _____________________________________ Please indicate Sponsorship or Tickets Needed q Platinum Sponsor $1000 q Gold Sponsor $500 q Silver Sponsor $200 Please make checks payable to: Westland Chamber of Commerce Mail to Westland Chamber of Commerce 36900 Ford Rd., Westland, MI 48185 or fax credit card info to Brookellen: 734-326-6040 Credit Cards - circle one, and please complete info below _____ Individual tickets @$25 ea = $____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~*For Platinum Sponsors only: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ Additional tickets @$20 ea = $____________ Name on card _____________________________________ Account # ________________________________________ For more info: visit or call 734-326-7222 Westland Chamber of Commerce is a 501C6 Westland Rotary Charitable Foundation is a 501C3 Exp. date ___________________ 4 Digit Code ___________ (American Express) 3 Digit Code on back __________ (Master Card, Visa or Discover) Authorized signature _______________________________ Give Yourself and Your Employees Something to Smile About... Affordable Dental Care! Parkside Dental Team offers a Dental Assurance Program for your employees and their families. A year of comprehensive preventative dental care is available for as little as $229 per person. Whether you offer an employer-paid plan or one with employee participation, they’ll be grateful for their dental coverage with Parkside Dental Team. Our beautiful facility is conveniently located at the corner of Warren and Central City Parkway in Westland. Dental Assurance Program Children ages 15 and younger • 2 Cleanings per year with Fluoride treatment • Bitewing screening X-rays • 2 Exams • $229 a $519 value (56% savings) Adults 16 and up • 2 Cleanings per year with Fluoride treatment • Bitewing and periapical screening X-rays • 2 Exams • $249 a $568 value (56% savings) • All programs include 15% Assurance Plan coverage for any Dental Procedures • All programs run for a 12 month period from your start date • All programs and procedures must be paid for in full at start of program or procedure • Financing available through Care Credit • No other discounts can be used with this program • Maximum procedure discount $1000/year 36444 W. Warren, Westland MI 48185 Call Barb at Parkside for more information: 734. 261. 6060 [email protected] • Meet the Parkside Dental Team From left to right: Stuart Felhandler, DDS Daniel Rogers, DDS, Steve Cohen, DDS Ricardo Seir, DDS, MS Patients enjoy the “lodge-like” casual beauty of our facility, designed with your comfort in mind. Shown at right is our lobby and (below), our waiting room complete with a fireplace to make you feel at home. At far left: Our “Far Out” Zoom Room where a black light adds to the fun of getting your teeth whitened! What Our Patients are Saying... No matter how much I brushed, I couldn’t get my teeth white enough. I tried pastes, strips, and trays, but nothing gave me the results I wanted. en I tried Zoom! Whitening. After only an hour, my smile looked amazing. I couldn’t believe how well Zoom! worked! My boyfriend says my new white smile makes my face glow; my twin sister says she's jealous! -Sarah T. I had my teeth capped for the first time in the early 1980’s. Back then I thought my caps looked alright, but after 10 years I began to notice that my smile didn’t look anything like what today’s technology could produce. A coworker suggested I schedule a visit with Dr. Cohen. She was a new patient of his and guaranteed I would love him. She was right! I’ve always been a wreck at the dentist, but Dr. Cohen’s gentleness and optimism were so reassuring that I wasn’t even afraid. My treatment included root canals, gum surgery, permanent bridges, and a dental cleaning. I opted for the Dream Dentistry and I never felt a thing–before, during, and after—what a concept! Dream Dentistry is definitely what got me through the long appointments and extensive procedures. It’s a great feeling to laugh and smile without trying to hide my teeth. I used to be jealous of other people’s great smiles. Now I’ve got a great smile of my own! Maureen O. I was unhappy with my smile, but never considered Cosmetic Dentistry before. It wasn’t until I met and talked with Dr. Cohen that I even realized what Cosmetic Dentistry could do for me. I received caps and veneers and it was all very easy. I’m definitely not self-conscious about smiling anymore and I have a new outlook on life. I’ve recommended Parkside Dental Team to all my friends and family because I really trust the staff and the friendly attitude and family atmosphere are very comforting. -Tim W. I used to worry a lot about my dental work. My partial didn’t fit very well and it moved around quite a bit. I was afraid it would break or even fall out while I was eating or talking. en I met Dr. Cohen. Dr. Cohen helped me overcome my dental phobia and replaced my loose partial with a permanently cemented bridge. Now I don’t worry about my dental work anymore and I’m no longer embarrassed to smile. I’m very pleased with the care I received at Parkside Dental Team. Dr. Cohen, Dr. Seir, and the entire staff were very caring and attentive to my needs and concerns. At Parkside Dental Team, I never felt like I was just another patient; it was more like I was visiting family. My wife is also a new patient at Parkside and we’ve recommended Parkside Dental Team to all our friends and family. Parkside is the best! -Patrick L. Westland Chamber of Commerce Page 5 ..CHAMBER MEMBER NEWS...CHAMBER MEMBER NEWS... Open House - Oct. 20, 2-7 pm Ribbon Cutting - Oct. 22, 11 am Please welcome our new Westland business and Chamber member, Advantage OT! Founded in 1999, Advantage OT is an independent practice of Occupational Therapists specializing in the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of injury and cumulative trauma disorders. Advantage OT strives to ensure optimal outcomes for the resolution of workers’ compensation and auto insurance claims. The Occupational Therapists at Advantage OT are experts in the restoration of function, with a specific focus on the abilities and skills essential for independent living and return to work after a debilitating injury. Advantage OT therapists work closely with our partners to facilitate case resolution while providing the highest level of care. Advantage OT is located at 32500 Warren Road, Westland 48185. Stop by for their Open House or Ribbon Cutting and show your support! You can reach them at 313-592-0038. New Name, Same Great Credit Union! Co-op Services Credit Union is now Zeal Credit Union 800.321.8570 Page 6 Westland Chamber of Commerce • (734) 326-7320 Presents 1st Annual MISSION: SMOKING BBQ OCTOBER 5, 2014, 4 PM - 8 PM BBQ dinner, family shooting events at our indoor gun range and outside cigar lounge. All proceeds to be donated to Camp Liberty and Veteran Memorial Gardens. GIFTS FOR THE SILENT AUCTION AND SPONSORS NEEDED! Contact Don Haigh at 734-326-7320 or [email protected] Free Estimates Reasonable Prices OPEn ThuRSDAYS, 3 -7 PM Special Event: Oct. 23 - halloween happenings Trick or Treating & Costume Contests: Ages 0-3, 4-7 & 8-12 A treat for every contestant! Enter between 3-5 pm. Winners announced at 5 pm. (Oct. 23 is the final day of the regular 2014 Market season) Located at 1901 N. Carlson (bet. Ford Rd. & Marquette Ave.) JOHN’S DRYWALL SERVICES LLC. Specializing in Residential Drywall Finishing, Textures & Patch Work JOHN ZASA (734) 740-4072 (734) 427-6289 Send Us Your News! Share your good news or special events with your fellow Chamber members. Just email us the information by the 15th of each month, and we’ll help spread the word! Send your news to : [email protected] Westland Chamber of Commerce Page 7 OCTOBER 2014 Calendar of Events Welcome New Members! Advantage OT Michael Polydoras 32500 Warren Rd., Westland , MI 48185 (313) 592-0038 Physical Therapy Hug A Bug Christian Preschool Christina Jacobs 646 N. Wayne Rd., Westland , MI 48150 (734) 729-4656 Preschools Tim Hortons Jay Balani 34412 Ford Rd., Westland , MI 48185 (734) 728-3331 Coffee Shop Yankee Air Museum Robert Froreich 34031 Arrowhead, Westland , MI 48185 (734) 326-2504 Organizations Membership Renewals - Thank You For Your Continued Support! The Smith Law Offices, P.C. - Since 2013 St. John's Lutheran Church & School - Since 2011 Cady Corporation - Since 2010 Biggby Coffee - Since 2007 Livonia Family YMCA - Since 2007 Hope HealthCare Center - Since 2006 Midwest Carpet & Upholstery - Since 2004 Northside Hardware - Since 2004 Norris Apartments - Since 1997 Personalized Hearing Care, Inc. - Since 1993 Harlow Tire & Service - Since 1983 Wayne Westland Federal Credit Union - Since 19___ 734-326-7222 • Chamber Events: Oct. 16 Coffee Connection, Tim Horton’s 34412 Ford Rd., 8-9 am Oct. 21 After Hours, Malarkey’s Irish Pub 35750 Warren Rd., 5-7 pm Oct. 23 5 Star After Hours, Bailey's Pub & Grille 22091 Michigan Ave, Dearborn 48124 5:30-7:00pm Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 Farmers & Artisans Market, Central City Park Pavilion, 3-7 pm Chamber Meetings: Oct. 7 Board of Directors, 9 am Oct. 17 Marketing & Membership 9 am City Meetings (in new City Hall Chambers/36300Warren Rd.) Oct. 6 & 20 Oct. 7 Community Event Oct. 16 W/W Salvation Army 25th Anniversary Fundraiser, 6 pm, Joy Manor Mark Your Calendar! Dec. 2 Holiday Taste Fest, Hellenic Cultural Center, 36375 Joy Rd., 6 pm. $25 pp The Chamber Staff Wishes You and Your Goblins a Safe and ................... Celebrating 20 years of service to Westland and the surrounding communities. Call to schedule: • Annual Hearing Evaluations • FREE Hearing Aid Demos • Clean & Check of Hearing Aids Chamber Discounts! FREE Internet Quotes FREE Wardrobe Usage (734) 729-MOVE Halloween is Friday, October 31! Trust your hearing to a Doctor of Audiology! nO Minimums! MPSC # L25824 City Council 7 pm Planning Commission 7:30pm H 7 DAYS A WEEK H InDOOR STORAGE H SEnIOR DISCOunT H BOXES & SuPPLIES H OuT OF STATE MOVInG H ShORT nOTICE WELCOMED Dr. Karissa Jagacki Audiology and Hearing Aids 35337 West Warren • Westland, MI 48185 (734) 467-5100 • fax (734) 467-5103 Audiologist Trusted by referring ENT & Primary Care Physicians. PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 10 48185 36900 Ford Road Westland, Michigan 48185 Page 8 Commerce Commentary - October 2014 JUENEMANNINSURANCE INSURANCE AGENCY AGENCY JUENMANN Your One Insurance Agent Senior Specialist - How May We Help You? Discounts for Westland Chamber Members and their Employees! Jeff Juenemann, winner of Westland’s 2009 Business Person of the Year award Home • Auto • RV • Motorcycle • Boat Present for a 33652 Ford Rd. Westland, Michigan $ 1000 Gift Card With Any New Auto Insurance Quote 734-261-5010 Home • Auto Restrictions Apply RV • Motorcycle • Boat 33652 Ford Rd. Westland, Michigan 734-261-5010 Present for a $ 1000 Gift Card With Any New Auto Insurance Quote Restrictions Apply Michigan chiropractic SpecialiStS Massag Ther e a professional corporation FREE Consultation apis on Staffts Including One FREE Pressure Point Muscle Release Therapy Valid for all Family Members Some restrictions may apply. With coupon. Expires November 1, 2014 “Chiropractic Care At Its Finest” Dr. Amanda Apfelblat Gentle and Effective Chiropractic Care for the Whole Family Specializing in: Children & Maternity Care, Auto Accidents, Workers Comp. If you suffer from these symptoms-Call Today! • Headaches (Migraines/Sinus) • Fibromyalgia • Disc Herniations/Disc Bulges • Sports Injuries Sp Decompinreal • Stress • Whiplash ssion • Numbness in Arms and Legs • Arthritis • Neck, Mid Back, Low back • Scoliosis • Sciatica & Hip Pain • Spinal Stenosis EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Most insurances accepted including Medicare and BC/BS Member of: • International Chiropractic Association • Michigan Chiropractic Society • Council On Chiropractic Pediatrics • Diplomat of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 30900 Ford Rd., Ste C 734-838-0353
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