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February 10, 2013 Contact Us! ¡Llámenos! SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI Catholic Church 932 N. Kostner Ave. Chicago, IL 60651 ORACIÓN DE CORRESPONSABILIDAD para el Mes de Febrero Dios misericordioso, Tú nos enviaste Tu Espíritu para ayudarnos a vivir el Evangelio de acuerdo a los dones que nos han sido dados. Muéstranos cómo ser buenos corresponsables de tu gracia y seguidores apasionados de Cristo, Tu Hijo. Concédenos la sabiduría para reconocer que a través de Su don de la Eucaristía hay un pan, y nosotros somos un cuerpo. Danos la fortaleza para proclamar Sus Buenas Nuevas en palabra y acción. Y enséñanos a vivir, ya no para nosotros mismos, sino en Jesucristo quien vive y reina contigo y con el Espíritu Santo, un Dios por siempre. AMÉN. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" "Here I am, "I said, "send me!" -- Isaiah 6:8 Phone: 773-235-3132 Fax: 773-486-7726 E-mail [email protected] Web address Stfranciskostner.com A STEWARDSHIP PRAYER for February Gracious God, You sent us Your Spirit to help us live the Gospel according to the gifts we have been given. Show us how to be good stewards of your grace and passionate followers of Christ, Your Son. Grant us the wisdom to recognize that through His gift of the Eucharist there is one bread, and we are one body. Give us the strength to proclaim His Good News in word and deed. And teach us to live, no longer for ourselves, but in Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. AMEN. Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Escuché entonces la voz del Señor que decía: "¿A quién envaré? ¿Quién irá de parte mía?" Yo le respondí: "Aquí estoy, Señor, envíame". -- Isaías 6:8 Saint Francis of Assisi Page Two February 10, 2013 SUNDAY, February 10, 2013 10:30 a.m. † Arlene Pape (Patty Pape & family) † Mary Qubica † Mary Tracey (Grandmother-Mary Ann Lynn & Famiily) 12:00 p.m. † Celso Torres Quiñones (familia Torres) MONDAY, February 11, 2013 7:15 AM. † For the Parish TUESDAY, February 12, 2013 9:00 AM. † Apollaro and Imundo Families WEDNESDAY, February 13, 2013 THE EVENT COMMITTEE OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI INVITES YOU TO SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR ANNUAL VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE ON FEBRUARY 16TH 7:15 AM. † For the Parish AT ST. PETER CANISIUS 7:00 PM. † For the Parish THURSDAY, February 14, 2013 7:15 AM. † For the Parish FRIDAY, February 15, 2013 7:15 AM. † For the Parish SUNDAY, February 17, 2013 10:30 a.m. † Anthony Rizzo (by wife) 12:00 p.m. † Celso Torres Quiñones (familia Torres) † Fermin Escalera (su familia) † Maria Concepción Galindo (su famila) EL COMITE DE EVENTOS DE SN. FRANCISCO DE ASIS LOS INVITA A QUE APARTEN LA FECHA PARA NUESTRO EVENTO ANNUAL BAILE DEL DIA DE SAN VALENTIN EL 16 DE FEBRERO EN EL SALON DE SAN. PEDRO CANISIO Lets Keep in our prayers... Oremos por *Bethania Des Roches *Dolores Parzygnat *Isla del Sol * Mary Albaracin *Francis Golka * Fredor Pawlyshyn Lenten Regulations (from February 13, 2013, Ash Wednesday, to the Paschal Triduum) Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one's needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. The special Paschal fast, as well as abstinence, are prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday. Reglamentos de Cuaresma (desde el 13 de febrero, 2013, Miércoles de Ceniza, hasta el Triduo Pascual) Abstinencia: Todos los católicos mayores de 14 años, deben abstenerse de comer carne el Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. El Ayuno debe ser observado el Miércoles de Ceniza por todos los católicos que han-cumplido los dieciocho (18) años pero no han llegado a los cincuenta y nueve (59). Estas personas sólo pueden hacer una comida completa, y dos comidas pequeñas si son necesarias para mantener las fuerzas, de acuerdo a las necesidades individuales, pero no se permite alimento sólido entre las comidas. El ayuno así como la abstinencia Pascual especial obliga el Viernes Santo y es recomendada en el Sábado Santo también. February 10, 2013 Saint Francis of Assisi LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura -- El Señor de los ejércitos llama a Isaías a ser su representante (Isaías 6:1-2a, 3-8) Salmo -- Cuando te invocamos, Señor, nos escuchaste (Salmo 138 [137]). Segunda lectura -- Pablo nos recuerda el Evangelio que nos predicó por medio del cual somos salvados, si creemos (1 Corintios 15:1-11). Evangelio --Jesús le indica a Simón que lleve la barca a la parte más honda para una pesca milagrosa (Lucas 5:1-11). TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Many Catholics who are not active in the Church will still seek out ashes this Wednesday. Likewise, many Jews who are not otherwise observant will follow the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, with great exactness, fasting and refraining from work and entertainment. People customarily dress in white as a symbol of purity and a reminder of God's promise that our sins will be made white as snow. While the overture to Ash Wednesday for Christians may be a festive Mardi Gras celebration, for Jews it is the New Year feast of Rosh Hashanah. Ten days before the Day of Atonement to God, people are expected to repair breaks in human life. These are days for offering forgiveness and seeking to repair harmed relationships with family, friends, or coworkers. Everyone is expected to seek out someone and "clear the air" by asking for understanding for any mean words or thoughtless deeds in the past year. Perhaps the ashes you receive will be invested with deeper meaning if you follow a similar plan. This year, Rosh Hashanah will be September 5, and Yom Kippur September 14. A conversation with some Jewish friends or neighbors about their experience of a season of repentance may be a blessing on your Lent. Page three TODAY'S READINGS First Reading --Isaiah is called to be a messenger for the Lord and responds, "Send me!" (Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8) Psalm -- In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord (Psalm 138). Second Reading -- Paul reminds us of the gospel he preached through which we are saved, if we believe it (1 Corinthians 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]). Gospel -- Jesus directs Simon to take his boat into deep water for a miraculous catch of fish. (Luke 5:1-11). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Cuando era niño mi padre me llevaba al rancho de mi abuelito en México. En una de esas visitas mi abuelo y mis tíos estaban quemando la tierra en su rancho. Mientras el fuego ardía, papa Manuel nos explicaba que era necesario reducir todo en cenizas para que la tierra recobrara sus fuerzas y quedará más fértil. Sin saberlo, mi abuelo me dio la imagen que hasta hoy sostiene mi concepto del Miércoles de Cenizas y de la cuaresma. El Miércoles de Cenizas es la fiesta cristiana que por lo menos doce siglos ha señalado el comienzo de la Cuaresma. No cabe duda que para los Latinos este día es de particular atracción. Es uno de los pocos días del año litúrgico en cual llegamos al templo en masa por tal de recibir las cenizas en la frente. Nosotros somos un pueblo enraizado en la tierra y sabemos que la tierra necesita quemarse de --James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. vez en cuando para seguir produciendo. Nosotros como la tierra necesitamos SEMINARIO RENOVACION dominarnos y cultivarnos para producir En San. Francisco de Asís frutos y flores para el Señor y los demás. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) 18 de Abril - “Soy el Alfa y el Omega 25 de Abril 2 de Mayo 9 de Mayo J. S. Paluch Co. - “Yo los he elegido” - “Atraer a todos hacia Mi” - “Yo soy la resurrección y la vida” 16 de Mayo - “Padre perdónales” 23 de Mayo - “Recibirán poder” 30 de Mayo - “Yo soy el buen Pastor” 6 e Junio - “Que todos sean uno, como tú Padre” 02/03/2013 Amount 55 Envelopes $ 648.00 Loose $ 316.96 Total Collected $ 964.96 THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! ¡Gracias por su generosidad ! Page Four Saint Francis of Assisi GOD'S SUMMONS Confronted with God's power and majesty, the first response of the prophet Isaiah was to acknowledge his sinfulness. "Woe is me, I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips," he said aloud. Likewise, with his empty fishing nets dramatically filled at Jesus' instruction, Peter fell to his knees and cried out, "Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man." Next, Peter got up. He docked his boats then left to follow Jesus. Isaiah also had a dramatic change of heart. When he heard the Lord say, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" Isaiah answered, "Here I am, send me." We are summoned daily by the Risen Lord. We are reminded of the saving power of the gospel and know in our heart of hearts that, as St. Paul wrote, believing in anything else won't lead to anything. What will it take for you to move past your sinfulness? What will it take for you to get off your knees? What will it take for you to bring to dock what is unimportant and to accept your call to be God's messenger? Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. February 10, 2013 EL LLAMADO DE DIOS Al ser confrontado con el poder y la majestad de Dios, la primera respuesta del profeta Isaías es reconocer su pecado. "Ay de mí, estoy perdido porque soy un hombre de labios impuros", dice en voz alta. De la misma manera, con las redes de pesca repentinamente llenas con la orden de Jesús, Pedro cae de rodillas y clama: "Señor, apártate de mí porque soy un pecador". Después Pedro se levanta, deja atracado su bote y sigue a Jesús. Isaías también experimentó un cambio impresionante. Cuando escuchó al Señor que decía: "¿A quién voy a enviar? ¿Quién irá por nosotros?", Isaías respondió: "Aquí estoy, envíame". Somos llamados diariamente por el Señor resucitado. Se nos recuerda del poder salvador del Evangelio y sabemos de corazón que, como escribió San Pablo, creer en otra cosa no nos llevará a ningún lado. ¿Qué se necesita para que dejes el pecado? ¿Qué se necesita para que caigas de rodillas? ¿Qué se necesita para que dejes lo que no es importante y aceptes el llamado de ser mensajero de Dios? Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. KNOW THE MASS, ONE WORD AT A TIME CONOSCA LA MISA, UNA PALABRA A LA VEZ One of the greetings at the very beginning of Mass comes to us from the beginning of Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans: “To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:7). The greeting “grace and peace” reminds us at each Mass, as Paul reminded the Romans, of our calling to be saints. God calls us to be saints, that is, to be holy. It’s that simple and that startling. We all have a common calling or a vocation. And it is to share in the very holiness of God. That seems to be a tall and impossible order for us who are limited and sinful. Still, God calls us. And that is why we gather at Mass, not to make ourselves holy, but to let God take hold of our lives and transform us by his holiness. Our celebration of Sunday Mass enables us to hear our calling and to fulfill it. r a ll lam a C L Uno de los saludos al comienzo mismo de la Misa está tomado del inicio de la Carta de san Pablo a los Romanos: “A todos los que Dios amó y llamó a ser consagrados, que se encuentran en Roma: Gracia y paz a ustedes de parte de Dios nuestro Padre y del Señor Jesucristo” (Rom 1:7). El saludo de “gracia y paz” nos recuerda en cada Misa, como Pablo a los Romanos, nuestro llamado a ser santos. Dios nos llama a ser santos. Tan simple como maravilloso. Todos tenemos este llamado común o vocación. Llamado que consiste en participar en la santidad misma de Dios. Esto pertenece a otro orden de cosas, inaccesible para nosotros, limitados y pecadores. Dios nos llama, sin embargo. Y por eso nos reunimos en la Misa, no para santificarnos unos con otros, sino para dejar que Dios asuma nuestra vida y nos transforme con su fuerza santificadora. Nuestra celebración dominical nos capacita para escuchar ese llamado de Dios y para cumplirlo. Archdiocese of Chicago Èstrategic Pastoral Plan ————YEAR OF SUNDAY MASS / YEAR OF FAITH February 3, 2013 Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Are you a runner? Have you thought about running a marathon? Looking to cross “running a marathon” off your bucket list? Looking to run for a great cause? Join Team Taller de José at the 2013 Chicago Marathon to raise awareness and funds for our ministry of accompaniment. Race Day is October 13, 2013. Established in 2008, Taller de José is a resource center which connects and accompanies people in need with agencies and services to assist individuals and families in leading better lives. Many who come to Taller de José find it difficult to receive the services needed because of the complexity of their situation or lack of knowledge about what services are available or unfamiliarity with language and culture. Taller de José partners with existing agencies in the ecclesial and civic communities to help alleviate human suffering caused by but not limited to hunger, domestic abuse, addictions, homelessness, and sickness (Go to www.tallerdejose.org for more information). To join Team Taller de José, you MUST sign up for the Chicago Marathon when registration opens on February 19th starting at 12 noon. You can do so on the Bank of America Chicago Marathon website (http:// www.chicagomarathon.com/participant-information/ registration/). Registration closed in 6 days last year, and they expect it to fill up even faster this year; be sure to sign up as soon as possible after noon on February 19th! After you’re registered for the marathon, contact Taller de José at [email protected] or call our main office at 773-542-1019 and ask to speak to Anna or Kerry to register for Team Taller de José. As a part of the team, you’ll receive the following benefits: — An invitation to a kick-off event to meet other team members and get ready to start training — A technical running shirt with your name to wear during training and the marathon -- Opportunities to receive training advice from professionals -- The option of participating in the CARA Summer Marathon training program -- A pasta dinner with teammates the weekend of the marathon -- Mass and blessing for all runners Saturday evening before the race at St. Barbara Parish (Brookfield) - Online and offline fundraising options and fundraising support — A prize for the top fundraiser To be a part of the team, Taller de José asks that you commit to setting a $500 fundraising goal, or a goal of $700 if you decide to participate in the CARA training program. Remember: IN ORDER TO RUN FOR TEAM TALLER DE JOSE YOU MUST REGISTER THROUGH THE OFFICIAL MARATHON WEBSITE STARTING ON FEBRUARY 19TH AT NOON. TALLER DE JOSÉ IS NOT ABLE TO REGISTER YOU NOR DOES IT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR “POST-CLOSE” ENTRIES. Page Five January , 2013 Dear Father, Each year, the Church brings us into the season of Lent in order to renew our lives as disciples of Christ and to help us prepare for the renewal of our baptism in the celebration of the Paschal Mystery during Holy Week. The Lenten regulations, which apply the discipline of the Universal Church to the Archdiocese of Chicago, are attached. I ask that you print them in your parish bulletins and, if your parish has a website, that you post them there as well. As you know, Lent begins this year on February 13, Ash Wednesday. In 2013, we keep Lent in the context of the Universal Church’s Year of Faith and also of our archdiocesan Year of Sunday Mass. All of these observances come together in the traditional Lenten practices of fasting, almsgiving and prayer. To fast is to go without, to empty ourselves, in order that the Father might fill us with what we need, so that our lives might be renewed. To give alms is to extend ourselves, indeed to go beyond ourselves, so that the Holy Spirit might endow us with the caritas that is aimed at bringing about the Kingdom of God. To pray is to continually seek, day after day, a fuller relationship with Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. This desire is most manifest, and most directly satisfied, when we gather for Sunday Mass. Being filled with what we most deeply need, being endowed with Christian love (caritas), and growing in a closer, more intimate relationship with Christ is what the Church, the Body of Christ, celebrates every Sunday around the altar of the Lord. By the threefold discipline of fasting, prayer and almsgiving, the Church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday until the evening of Holy Thursday, when the Paschal Triduum begins. All of the faithful and the catechumens preparing for baptism at the Easter Vigil should incorporate these disciplines into their lives. Failure to observe penitential days totally or ignoring a substantial number of such days is seriously sinful. Throughout Lent, in charity, let us keep one another and the needs of the world in prayer. Fraternally yours in Christ, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago