Catechetical Team St. Simon Stock Church
Catechetical Team St. Simon Stock Church
St. Simon Stock Church 2191 Valentine Ave., Bronx, NY 10457 Served by the Carmelite Friars Parish (718) 367-1251 ♦ Fax (718) 933-8822 ♦ Rev. Nelson A. Belizario, O.Carm., Pastor Rev. Christopher J. Iannizzotto, O.Carm., Parochial Vicar Rev. Roberto Perez, O. Carm., In Residence Rev. Mark Zittle, O. Carm., In Residence Bro. Robert Chiulli, O.Carm., In Residence Sr. Adelaida Ospina, Pastoral Assistant Ms. Minerva Rivera, Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Ms. Letty Jacome, Secretary Assistant SCHOOL Mrs. Angela Ceparano, Principal Mrs. Gisela Pina, Secretary Tel (718) 367-0453 Fax (718) 733-1441 Website: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Director of Religious Education: Sr. Lourdes Victoria Assistant: Mrs. Susan Watts Catechetical Team Office hours: Every Tuesday 9am to 1pm / 4pm to 8pm Every Wednesday 9am to 1pm MASS SCHEDULE Mon.—Fri.: 8:30 am (Spanish) 9:30 am (English) Fri. Eve: Saturday: 7:30 pm (Spanish) 9:00 am (Bi-lingual) SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: Sunday: 6:00 pm (Spanish 8:30 am (English) 11:00 am (Spanish) 12:30 pm (English) SACRAMENTS CONFESSIONS Saturdays 5:00pm BAPTISMS Spanish: Every month English: Every other month Registration two months in advance MATRIMONY: Arrangements six months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the Priory any time READINGS / LECTURAS st 1 Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15—20 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:32—35 Gospel: Mark 1:21—28 WEEKLY READINGS LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday Tuesday Mal 3:1—4 Heb 2: 14—18 Lk 2: 22—40 or 2:22—32 Heb 12:1—4 Mk 5: 21—43 Wednesday Heb 12:4—7, 11—15 Mk 6: 1—6 Thursday Heb 12: 18—19, 21—24 Mk 6:7—13 Friday Heb 13: 1—8 Mk 6: 14—29 Saturday Heb 13:15—17, 20—21 Mk 6:30—34 ______________________________________________ Please pray for the sick of the parish; let’s not forget to pray for our family members and friends. Por favor oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y no olvidemos de orar por los miembros de nuestra familia y amigos. Joseph Walley Jodi Stern Pinero Jaime Rivera Carlos Rodríguez Rosa Romero Angélica Elías Wilfredo Andino Julio Encarnación Bernardino Cortez Porfirio Nuñez Evelyn Rivera Lourdes Cruz Fausto Antonio Quezada Crystal Occhiuzzo María Mercedes Regalado Ramonita Ayala Reynaldo Bartolomei Carmen Vásquez Ricardo Santos Yellis Rodriguez Torres Dolores Field Benny Vega Arcelia Rios __________________________________________________ NOTICE: Please call the parish office if someone on this list has returned to better health and can be removed from this list. At times, names are taken off because we do not have recent information about the person listed. NOTA: Por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial si alguien en la lista se encuentra mejor de salud para poder mover su nombre de la lista. Después de un tiempo prudente los nombres serán removidos puesto que no tenemos información alguna de la persona que se encuentra en la lista. Regular collection : $.3,739.00 Gracias por su generosidad Thank you for your generosity _____________________________________________ ELIJAH CUP La Copa de Elias We invite all families who would like to pray for more religious vocations to take the Elijah Cup home. You can stop by the parish office to register for next month. It is a wonderful experience that you and your family won’t want to miss. Deseamos invitar a todas las familias que deseen orar por mas vocaciones religiosas y que se lleve a su casa la Copa de Elías. Por favor pase por la oficina parroquial y regístrese para el próximo mes. Es una hermosa experiencia que usted y su familia no pueden perdérsela. _____________________________________________ SOBRES DE DONACION DONATION ENVELOPES Por favor de pasar por la oficina parroquial todos aquellos feligreses de la parroquia quienes están registrados para recibir los sobres de donación para 2015 y todavía no los han recogido. Si usted sabe de alguien que se haya mudado o esta enfermo por favor de notificar a la parroquial (718)-367 1251. Gracias! Parishioners who are registered to receive donation envelopes for 2015 and have not yet picked them up, please stop by the parish office. If you know of anyone who has moved or is ill please inform us at (718)-367-1251. Thank You! _______________________________________________ First Union Baptist Church & Tiebout Tenants Block Association Celebrate Black History Month Saturday, February 28, 2015 At 11:00 AM You are invited to join us, Lunch will be served Let us never forget Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech Louella Hatch, Church Liason (718) 933—0176 Lois Belin, Alllie Graham, Asst. Church Liasons Location: 2064 Grand Concourse (between Burnside Avenue & 180th Street) Bronx, NY 10457 * Ph (718)583—8726 RAFFLE RIFA On Sunday, February 15th all parish groups will be hosting a raffle. The following prizes are being raffled: El Domingo 15 de Febrero los grupos patronales tendrán una rifa. Los premios que se estarán rifando son: 1st - Sony 40” HD TV 2nd - Food Basket Consolation Prize Each ticket will be sold for $2.00, but if you buy 6 tickets it will cost only $10.00. All funds collected through this raffle will help with our Church expenses so please join the effort! Thank you!! ________________________________________________ 1ro - Televisor Sony 40” HD 2do - Canasta Familiar Premio de Consolación Cada boleto tiene un costo de $2.00, pero si compra 6 boletos le costara $10.00. Los fondos recaudados por esta rifa serán para ayudar a nuestra parroquia con sus gastos. Por favor colaboremos con esta causa. ¡Gracias! _________________________________________________ NOTAS DE IMPORTANCIA PARROQUIANOS…. IMPORTANT NOTES PARISHIONERS… MASS INTENTIONS—All mass intention requests must be submitted within two weeks of the requested date of the mass. Masses cannot be requested from one day to another. MISA DE INTENCION—Todos las misas de intención deben ser anotadas con dos (2) semanas de anticipación a la fecha que usted desea. No puede registrarlo de un día para el otro. PARISH REGISTRATION—It is important that all who regularly attend mass at St. Simon Stock be properly registered and use the donation envelopes. If you are not registered, please stop by the parish office and register today. REGISTRACION PARROQUIAL—Es importante que todos los parroquianos que asisten a nuestra iglesia estén debidamente registrados. Si usted no se ha registrado, por favor de pasar por la oficina parroquial y registrase hoy. PLEASE—We ask that you to please bring the correct amount of change when paying for Mass Intentions, Raffles, Sacramental Registration, etc. WE DO NOT HAVE CHANGE IN THE OFFICE! __________________________________________________ POR FAVOR de traer la cantidad correcta cuando usted venga a pagar por misas, boletos, Registración de los Sacramentos, etc. ¡NOSOTROS NO TENEMOS CAMBIO EN LA OFICINA! ___________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF SUYAPA TRIDUO EN HONOR A LA VIRGEN DE SUYAPA The Rosary in honor of Our Lady of Suyapa, will be held in the chapel on the following days. El Triduo de Rosarios en Honor a la Virgen de Suyapa se realizara en la capilla. Wednesday February 4th..7:30p.m. Cursillo & Divina Misericordia Thursday February 5th….7:30p.m. Schoenstatt & Libertad Friday February 6th…….6:30p.m. C. Oracion, Daughter of Mary & Divino Niño Miércoles 4 de Febrero….7:30 p.m. Cursillo & Divina Misericordia Jueves 5 de Febrero……. 7:30 p.m. Schoenstatt & Libertad Viernes 6 de Febrero ….. 6:30 p.m. C. Oracion, Hijas de María & Divino Niño The mass in Honor of Our Lady of Suyapa will be on Saturday, February 7th at 6:00p.m. There will be a reception after the mass in the gym. If you will like to help in the preparation of this event, please call Mrs. Freda Medrano at (646) 633-9090. ________________________________________________ La misa será celebrada el sábado, 7 de Febrero a las 6:00 p.m. Habrá una recepción en el gimnasio después de la misa. Si usted desea ayudar en la preparación de esta celebración por favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Freda Medrano al (646) 633-9090 _________________________________________________ PARISH COUNCIL CONSEJO PARROQUIAL The Parish Council will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, February 4th at 7:15 p.m. in the parish office. We hope see you!!! ________________________________________________ El Consejo Parroquial tendrá su próxima reunión, el día martes 4 de Febrero las 7:15 p.m. en la oficina parroquial. ¡¡Los esperamos!! _________________________________________________ O.L. of Altagracia committee would like to extend their appreciation to all those who attended the annual feast of Our Lady of Altagracia celebration last weekend. El comité de la Virgen de la Altagracia agradece a todos aquellos que nos acompañaron durante la fiesta de la Virgen de la Altagracia que se celebro el pasado fin de semana. SATURDAY, 6:00 p.m. En memoria de JANUARY 31, 2015 Edwin John Rodríguez Gilbert Rivera Alcadio Mota Emeteria Álvarez Castillo En acción de gracias Divino Niño ________________________________________________ SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 8:30 a.m. In memory of 11:00 a.m. En memoria de José Antonio Rodríguez Francisco De Jesús Reina Isabel Henriquez Felix A. Santiago Ana Quezada Intención especial a Maya & Gabriel Zidani Acción de gracias al Corazón de Jesús 12:30 p.m. In memory of Amanda Dubose ————————————————————————MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2015 8:30 a.m. En memoria de 9:30 a.m. In memory of TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 8:30 a.m. En memoria de Arturo Rodriguez 9:30 a.m. In memory of ————————————————————————-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 8:30 a.m. En memoria 9:30 a.m. Special Intention ————————————————————————-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 8:30 a.m. En memoria de 9:30 a.m. Special Intention ————————————————————————-FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 8:30 a.m. En memoria de 9:30 a.m. Special Intention to 7:30 p.m. En memoria de Sixto Menchaca Patria Coste En acción de gracias a San Judas Tadeo ————————————————————————-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. In memory of GRUPOS PARROQUIALES / PARISH GROUPS Altar Servers Fr. Christopher Ushers Circulo de Oracion Coordinators: Maria Henriquez Inalda Aguilar Meets every Friday at 7:30pm in the church. Daughters of Mary Coordinators: Nereida Diaz Esmeralda Ramos Meets every Saturday at 1:00pm in the meeting room. Health Program Coordinators: Letty Jacome Paulina Adames Exercises classes every Monday & Thursday at 6:45pm in the school gym. Eucharistic / Lector Minister Sr. Adelaida Cursillo Coordinators: Toribio Alvarez Jose Rosario Meets every Sunday at 12:30pm in the meeting room. Libertad Coordinator: Rafaela Caraballo Meets every Monday at 7:00pm in the meeting room. St. Vincent de Paul Ivy Campbell Ruth Gourdine Lillian Gutierrez Our Hearts with Christ Youth Group Coordinators: Fr. Christopher Maria Asenjo Meets every Friday at 6:00pm in the school gym. Divine Mercy Coordinator: Mildred Iciano Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the chapel. Please Note: Day, time and place may change. GRUPOS PATRONALES / PATRONAL GROUPS O.L. of Altagracia January Rafaela Caraballo Divino Niño September Ana Morales O.L. of Suyapa February Freda Medrano O.L. of Schoenstatt October Sofia Ceballos O.L. of Mt. Carmel July Carmen Perales O.L. of Providencia November Carmen Perales O.L. of Guadalupe December Maria Saldaña You can download our weekend bulletin from our website Usted puede encontrar nuestro boletín de los fines de semana en nuestra pagina de internet or you can see our bulletin on our / o en nuestra pagina de Facebook page
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