St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church


St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church
St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church
12001 E. 214th Street
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
Parish Office: 562/924-7591
Spanish CCD: 562/860-3637
English CCD/Confirmation: 562/865-6498
Staffed by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Fr. Larry Darnell, OMV, Pastor
Fr. Edward Broom, OMV, Associate Pastor
Fr. Fernando Cuenca, OMV, Associate Pastor
Fr. Craig MacMahon, OMV, Associate Pastor
Fr. Vincenzo Antolini, OMV, Priest in Residence Only
Vocations for Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Contact Fr. Jeremy Paulin, OMV 617-869-2429
Parish Office/Oficina de la Parroquia: 10:00-6:00 pm
Spanish CCD/Catecismo en Español: 3:30-7:30 pm
English CCD/Catecismo en Inglés: 2:00-6:30 pm
English: 8:00 am, 6:00 pm
English: 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm
Dates and times are announced at the baptismal class. Parents
Español: 6:30 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 8:00 pm of children to be baptized must attend two classes of preparation. Godparents need only attend the first class. Godparents
must be practicing Catholics who have received Confirmation.
English: 6:00 am, 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:30 pm
The classes take place on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each
Español: 6:30 pm (en la Iglesia Antigua)
month at 7:30 pm in English in the Old Church. If you do not
live in this parish, you must obtain a letter of permission from
your own parish to baptize your child at St. Peter Chanel. If at
Same as weekdays – Lo mismo que entre semana
all possible, please do not bring children to the classes.
Fechas y horas son anunciadas en la clase de bautizo. Padres
Monday through Friday: during most Masses
de los niños que serán bautizados deben venir a dos clases.
Lunes a Viernes: durante las Misas
Los padrinos tienen que venir solamente a la primera clase y
Saturday – Sabado: 5:00 pm-8:30 pm
es necesario que sean buenos Católicos que practican su Fe, y
Or by appointment - O por cita
que hayan sido Confirmados. Las clases son el primer y
Perpetual Adoration
Daily from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm (Except during the Masses)
All Night: Fridays and Saturdays
segundo Miércoles del mes a las 7:30 pm en Español, en la
Iglesia Antigua. Si no viven en esta parroquia tienen que obtener una carta de permiso de su propia iglesia para bautizar sus
hijos aquí. Si es posible, por favor no traigan sus niños a las
Español: Sábados a las 6:30 pm en la Iglesia Antigua
Contact the parish office Monday through Friday, at least six
months prior to the date. We encourage all couples who are
living together to come and explore the possibility of getting
married in the Church.
Llamen a la oficina Lunes a Viernes, por lo menos seis meses
antes de la fecha. Les recomendamos a todas las parejas que
están viviendo juntos, que vengan y pregunten acerca de los
pasos a seguir para casarse por la Iglesia.
English: Fr. Craig MacMahon
Español: Fr. Fernando Cuenca
English/Español: A priest/Un sacerdote
Call the Parish Office / Llamen a la Oficina de la Parroquia
November 20, 2011
Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
"The eyes are the mirror of the soul." The mirror should be kept
clear, pure, transparent, and constantly guarded from being
tarnished by the dust, dirt and even filth of the world. Spiritual
Theology texts insist on the "Custody of the Senses", but
especially a vigorous and constant custody of the eyes.
What passes through the eyes, enters the mind and from the
mind into the heart and from the heart into one's life and from
one's actions are formed habits -good or bad- and these habits
form one's personality (who he really is as a person) and finally
one's eternal destiny, either eternal joy in heaven or punishment
and suffering in hell! To contemplate the Face of Jesus in the life
to come, we must maintain purity of eyes, mind, body and soul
in this life. "Blessed are the pure of heart, they will see
God." (Mt.5:8)
Therefore, let us encourage a proper use of our eyes by the
following practices!
night sky, the multi-colored rainbow, the trees glowing in foliage
season, the sunrise, painting the sky with an orange -pink hue,
the moon reflecting the light of the sun, the meadow filled with
the flowers of God, the snow-capped mountains, the powerfuleternal breaking of the ocean waves against the shore, the crystal
-clear spring water rushing from a mountain crevice - all of these
and much more majestically point to the author HIMSELF,
GOD THE CREATOR. "O Lord, Our God, how wonderful is
your name through all the earth...When I see the heavens, the
work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you set in
place..." (Psalm 8: 2, 4). May your eyes be filled with the beauty
of God's creation and your heart be elevated to praise the Creator
behind creation!
2. SMILING FACE OF A CHILD. The eyes are the mirror of
the soul. The innocent smile of a child can lift you to the creator
of innocence itself - The innocent Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the world. "Unless you become like a child, you
cannot enter the Kingdom of God."
3. BIBLE/WORD OF GOD. A day should never pass in which
you are not reading, pondering, meditating the Word of God.
One verse, one word, one idea from the "Word of God" can fill
you with light and consolation the whole day.
SAINTS! To really view, in concrete, the Word of God lived out
in flesh and blood, you must read the "Lives of the saints". The
conversion of St Ignatius can be attributed to his reading the
lives of the saints; Ignatius proclaimed: "If Dominic can do it so
can I; if Francis can do it so can I..."
5. MASS/CONTEMPLATION. During Holy Mass, when the
Sacred Host is being elevated, then contemplate It (Jesus) with
deep faith and burning love. In the depths of your heart pray:
"My Lord and my God..." and "O Sacrament most holy, O
Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every
moment thine." You are looking at Jesus and He is looking back
at you with love!
Mass, spend your "Holy Hour" (The Hour of Power, Archbishop
Fulton Sheen) gazing lovingly at your Lord and God. The Cure
of Ars asked the peasant what he did while spending long hours
in front of the Blessed Sacrament and the peasant responded: "I
look at Him and he looks at me and I get up filled with joy!"
(Continued on the next column…)
7. DIVINE MERCY IMAGE. Jesus promised that those who
honor and venerate His Image of Divine Mercy will receive
special graces now and for all eternity. Do not let a day pass in
which you fail to contemplate the beautiful image of Divine
Mercy. "Jesus, I trust in you!" Jesus promised Saint Faustina
that His grace would pass powerfully through this image. All
homes and families should contemplate with their eyes this
8. BAD IMAGES: T.V, INTERNET, MOVIES, MAGAZINES..... All of these should be avoided like the plague! If
you are uncertain if you should be viewing any image or scene
from the above, then simply ask yourself the question: "Would
Jesus, Mary and Joseph sit down with me with joy for this entertainment!!!! You have the answer!!!!
9. CRUCIFIX. Have a graphic, authentic depiction of Jesus
crucified in your home, hopefully in your room. From head to
foot, contemplate your suffering saviour with your eyes. Remember, He suffered all of those atrocious, excruciating agonies for you that you might love Him all the more! Often Jesus
exhorted Saint Faustina to contemplate His sufferings!
10. MARY MOST HOLY. Have an image (statue, painting,
mosaic) of Mary always close to you. Greet her in the morning
and evening and in between - if possible! At the start of the
day, consecrate your whole being.... your eyes, mind and heart
to Mary. St. John Berchmans stated, "I want to keep my eyes
pure in this life so as to contemplate with the greatest clarity
the beauty of Mary in heaven."
In conclusion, let us keep vigilance over our eyes, fill them
with pure, honest and noble ideas, images, and the beauty of
creation. "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see
God." (Mt 5:8)
-Fr. Edward Broom, OMV
Mass Schedule for Thanksgiving
What is the best way to give thanks on Thanksgiving? By
participating in the Eucharist - word which means ‘giving
thanks.’ Who deserves our thanks more than God?
Mass times for Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24th are the following:
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (Spanish), 12 noon
Note: There will be NO 6:30 p.m. Mass on this day
There will be NO 6:00 am Mass on Thursday nor
Friday .
Happy Thanksgiving
The Oblates of the Virgin Mary, Fr. Larry, Fr. Ed, Fr. Antolini, and Fr. Craig, want to wish you a very Happy
Thanksgiving, and also want to thank you for your love,
prayers, and support of our ministry.
SPC Advent Retreat
Our Advent retreat, “Come Lord Jesus, Our Light and
Salvation”, will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2011.
Pre-registration is mandatory. The registration deadline
is Saturday, November 26, 2010. To register you may
pick up a form in the church or in the parish office.
On Sunday, November 27, 2011 we start implementing the
New Roman Missal, 3rd Edition. The following is Part 2 of 3
installments on the new words. We hope that these will help
familiarize yourselves with the new texts, and let you respond
with confidence in the spirit of full, conscious and active participation at Mass.
Dialogue at the Gospel:
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to ______.
Glory to you, O Lord.
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and
earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord
Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father
before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God
from true God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for
our salvation he came down from heaven,
at the words that follow, up to and including and became man,
all bow.
And by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and
became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the
third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into
heaven and is seated at the right of the Father. He will come
again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom
will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the
giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who
with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has
spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic
and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the
dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
Apostle’s Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and
earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
at the words that follow, up to and including the Virgin Mary,
all bow.
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and
was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose
again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at
the right of God the Father almighty; from there he will come
to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa
Saturday, November 19th
8:00 a.m.-Chon Argomaniz (Thanksgiving)
6:00 p.m.-Christine & Arthur Velante (Thanksgiving)
Sunday, November 20th
6:30 a.m.-Agustina Gutierrez (RIP)
8:00 a.m.-Liborio A. Maloyo (RIP)
10:00 a.m.-Parishioners
12:00 p.m.-Cecilia Ayson (Special Intention)
2:00 p.m.-Ignacio Gracian (RIP)
4:00 p.m.-Gabriela & Paola Herrera (Thanksgiving)
6:00 p.m.-Thanh Phan (Thanksgiving)
8:00 p.m.-Margarita Lopez de Solano (RIP)
Monday, November 21st
6:00 a.m.-Albert Palanca (Thanksgiving)
8:00 a.m.-Maura Zamarripa (Thanksgiving)
12:00 p.m.-Mendoza Family (Thanksgiving)
6:30 p.m.-Maria de Jesus Padilla, Jesus & Julia Centeno (RIP)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Josefina Sanchez (RIP)
Tuesday, November 22nd
6:00 a.m.-Johanna Gunadi (Thanksgiving)
8:00 a.m.-Adan, Jesus, Mario & Salvador Navarro (Special Intention)
12:00 p.m.-Richard Trejo (RIP)
6:30 p.m.-Eddy & Abigail Guzman (Thanksgiving)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Tatiana Lopez (Thanksgiving)
Wednesday, November 23rd
6:00 a.m.-Sandra Montes & Familia (Thanksgiving)
8:00 a.m.-Andrea Concepcion & Baby (Special Intention)
12:00 p.m.-Maria Huong Nguyen (RIP)
6:30 p.m.-Joseph Martorana (Special Intention)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Maira & Candelario Lara & Josefina Amaro (RIP)
Thursday, November 24th
Happy Thanksgiving / Feliz dia de Accion de Gracias
Friday, November 25th
6:00 a.m.-Jose Maria Hernandez (RIP)
8:00 a.m.-Servando Manalang (RIP)
12:00 p.m.-Thelma Yee (Thanksgiving)
6:30 p.m.-Richard, Gerald & Catherine Sharp (RIP)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Emanuel Guzman (Thanksgiving)
Saturday, November 26th
8:00 a.m.-Chris & Karen Wild (6th Wedding Anniversary)
6:00 p.m.-Casuga & Aragones Families (Thanksgiving)
Pilgrim Virgin - Nov 20 - Nov 27 @ 8am: Gloria Gillamac
Virgen Peregrina-Nov 20-Nov 27@10am:
Pilgrim Virgin - Nov 20 - Nov 27 @ 12noon: Flo Chamberlain
Virgen Peregrina - Nov 20 -Nov 27 @2pm: Familia Villalobos
Magnificat Roman Missal Companion
Magnificat has a practical, comprehensive catechetical
tool that will lead you into the Scriptural and mystical
riches of the liturgy. This tool is The Magnificat Roman
Missal Companion.
It is available in the parish office for $3.00.
Catholic Charities - “Day of Caring”
Catholic Charities are in need of our financial help.
The donations received on Thanksgiving day will
be for Catholic Charities, to help maintain serves to
the poor.
20 de Noviembre del 2011
Cristo Rey
Los Ojos Son el Espejo del Alma
“Los ojos son el espejo del alma.” El espejo debe de estar
puro, transparente y vigilada constantemente de ser
empañada por el polvo, la suciedad e incluso la suciedad del
mundo. Textos Espirituales de Teología insisten en la
“custodia de los sentidos”, pero sobre todo una custodia
fuerte y constante de los ojos.
Lo que pasa a través de los ojos, entra en la mente, de la
mente al corazón y del corazón a la vida y de sus acciones se
forman los hábitos – buenos o malos – y estos hábitos
forman la personalidad (como es realmente esta persona) y,
finalmente, el destino eterno, o sea alegría eterna en el cielo
o el castigo y el sufrimiento eterno en el infierno. Para
contemplar el rostro de Jesús en la vida futura, debemos
mantener la pureza de los ojos, mente, cuerpo y alma en esta
vida. “Felices los de corazón limpio, porque verán a
Dios” (Mt. 5:8).
Por lo tanto, vamos a fomentar un uso adecuado de nuestros
ojos con las siguientes prácticas.
1. Contemplar la belleza de la naturaleza. El cielo nocturno
lleno de estrellas, el arco iris de múltiples colores, los árboles
luminosos en temporada de follaje, el amanecer, pintando el
cielo con un color naranjado-rosa, la luna reflejando la luz
del sol, la pradera llena de flores de Dios, las montañas
cubiertas de nieve, la ruptura de gran alcance eterno de las
olas del mar contra la orilla, el agua de manantial cristalino
que sale de una grieta de la montaña – todo esto y mucho
más majestuosamente apuntan al propio autor, Dios el
Creador. “Oh Señor, nuestro Dios, que grande es tu nombre
en toda la tierra… Al ver tu cielo, obra de tus dedos, la luna
y las estrellas que has fijado…” (Salmo 8:2,4) Que tus ojos
se llenen de la belleza de la creación de Dios y su corazón se
eleve a la alabanza del Creador detrás de la creación.
2. Cara sonriente de un niño. Los ojos son el espejo del alma.
La sonrisa inocente de un niño puede levantar al creador a la
inocencia misma – El Cordero de Dios inocente que quita los
pecados del mundo. “Si no os hacéis como niños, no
entrareis en el Reino de Dios.”
3. La Biblia / la Palabra de Dios. Nunca debe pasar un día sin
que no leas, medites la Palabra de Dios. Un verso, una
palabra, una idea de la “Palabra de Dios” puede llenar de luz
y consuelo durante todo el día.
4. Hacedores encardado de la Palabra de Dios: Los Santos.
Para realmente ver, en concreto, la Palabra de Dios vivida en
carne y hueso, debe leer la “Vida de los Santos”. La
conversión de San Ignacio puede ser atribuida a su lectura de
las vida de los santos, Ignacio proclamo: “Si Domingo puede
hacerlo yo también puedo, si Francisco puede hacerlo yo
también puedo…”
5. La Misa / la Contemplación. Durante la Santa Misa,
cuando la Hostia Sagrada está siendo elevada, contémplala
(Jesús) con una fe profunda y un amor ardiente. En lo más
profundo de su corazón orar: “Señor mío y Dios mío…” y
“Alabemos y demos gracias en cada instante y momento al
Santísimo y Divinísimo Sacramento.” Usted está mirando a
Jesús y Él lo está mirándolo a usted con amor.
(continuado en la próxima columna…)
6. Hora Santa y Santísimo Sacramento. Después de la Santa
Misa, haga su “Hora Santa” (La Hora del Poder, el Arzobispo Fulton Sheen) mirando con amor a su Señor y Dios. El
Cura de Ars le pregunto al campesino lo que hizo mientras
que pasaba largar horas frente al Santísimo Sacramento y el
campesino respondió: “Yo le miro y el me mira y me levanto lleno de alegría.”
7. Imagen de la Divina Misericordia. Jesús prometió que
aquellos que honran y veneran a su imagen de la Divina
Misericordia recibirán gracias especiales ahora y por toda la
eternidad. No dejes pasar el día sin que contemple la bella
imagen de la Divina Misericordia. “Jesús, en ti confió.” Jesús prometió a Santa Faustina que su gracia pasaría poderosamente a través de esta imagen. Todos los hogares y todas
las familias deben contemplar con sus ojos esta imagen.
8. Imágenes malas: Televisión, Internet, Películas, Revistas… Todos estos deberían ser evitados como la peste. Si no
está seguro si debe estar viendo una imagen o una escena de
lo anterior, entonces simplemente pregúntese: “¿Se sentarían Jesús, María y José conmigo con alegría para ver este
entretenimiento?” ¡Ahí Tiene la respuesta!
9. El Crucifijo. Tenga una representación gráfica, autentica
de Jesús crucificado en su casa, ojala en su habitación. Contemple de pies a cabeza al salvador sufriente con sus ojos.
Recuerde, Él sufrió todas las agonías atroces e insoportables
por usted para que usted pueda amarlo aún más. A menudo,
Jesús exhorto a Santa Faustina a contemplar sus sufrimientos.
10. María Santísima. Tenga una imagen (estatua, pintura,
mosaico) de María siempre cerca de usted. Salúdela en la
mañana y en la tarde y en todo momento – si es posible. Al
comienzo del día, consagre todo su ser… sus ojos, mente, y
corazón a María. San Juan Berchmans declaro: “Quiero
mantener mis ojos puros en esta vida, para contemplar con
mayor claridad la belleza de María en el cielo.”
En conclusión, mantengamos vigilancia sobre nuestros ojos,
llenémoslos de ideas e imágenes puras, honestas y nobles y
de la belleza de la creación. “Felices los de corazón limpio,
porque verán a Dios” (Mt. 5:8)
- Padre Eduardo Broom, OMV
Horario del Día de Acción de Gracias
Ante todo, queremos dar gracias a Dios el Día de Acción de
Gracias. La mejor manera de hacerlo es asistiendo a la celebración de la Santa Misa.
El horario de las Misas para el Día de Acción de Gracias,
Jueves 24 de Noviembre son las siguientes:
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (español), 12:00 del mediodía
NO habrá Misa a las 6:30 p.m.
NO habrá Misa de 6:00 am el Jueves ni el Viernes.
Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias
Los Oblatos de la Virgen María, Padre Larry, Padre Ed, Padre Antolini y Padre Craig, les desean un Feliz Día de Acción
de Gracias, y también les gustaría agradecerles por su amor,
oraciones, y apoyo en su ministerio.

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