issue 03-31-07
issue 03-31-07
PRST STD U.S. Postage PAID Brainerd, MN ZIP CODE 56401 Permit No. 440 The NewsHopper furnished FREE, because of the advertisers. Please let them know you appreciate it. Sat., March 31, 2007 Vol. 8 • Issue 13 What’s Inside Weekly Rampant Rumors............................ Page 3 Fund Proposal Killed...................... Page 7 Laura Ingalls Wilder... Page 8 ,9 & 14 Old School............................. Page 15 Obituaries/Births ..............................Pages 4 & 5 Community Events.....................................Page 6 Entertainment................................Page 10 & 11 Classifieds...................................Pages 18 & 19 Legal Notices................................Page 16 & 17 Experience the Experience the Cub Cadet Difference Cub Cadet Difference 202 Minnesota Ave. N., Aitkin, MN 56431 218-927-6990 • 800-927-4498 • Fax: 218-927-6980 [email protected] • Hours: Mon. & Tues. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Wed. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Experience the Experience the ER. For Those Who Want More Cub Cadet Difference Cub Cadet Difference CUB CADET 2007 LAWN TRACTOR • 42” heavy-duty twin blade cutting deck 18 HP KOHLER CUB CADET ZERO-TURN LAWN • Cast-iron front axle TRACTOR with grease fittings COURAGE™ ENGINE 1 ® CUB20 CADET 2007 LAWN TRACTOR •• Patented SmartJet™ washingfaster system Zero-turning radius for deck more efficient, cutting KOHLER SaleHP Price Only • CVT with cruise control CUB CADET 2007 LAWN TRACTOR • Synchro Technology™, wide track, and low center of 2 twin blade cutting deck OHV V-TWIN • 42” heavy-duty 18COURAGE™ KOHLER for extra traction $HP • gravity 42” front heavy-duty twingrease blade cutting deck CUB ZERO-TURN LAWN TRACTOR 18 CADET HPENGINE KOHLER • Cast-iron axletriple with • 46” heavy-duty blade 3-in-1fittings mowing deck 1 ® 1,599 SAVINGS OF $100 $ $$1,599 3,399 1,599 $ $ 1 ® 1 ® COURAGE™ ENGINE • Cast-iron front LAWN axle with greaseTRACTOR fittings CUB CADET 2007 COURAGE™ ZERO INTEREST ZERO •• Attachment friendly - front andcutting rear attachments available Patented SmartJet™ deck washing system • •Zero-turning radius for more efficient, faster Patented SmartJet™ deck washing system SalePrice PriceENGINE Only HP KOHLER Only Sale20Sale Price Only • Synchro Technology™, wide track, and low center of 1 ® 1 ® 2 • control 42” heavy-duty PAYMENTS FOR 12 twin blade cutting deck • with CVTcruise with cruise 18 V-TWIN HP KOHLER •gravity CVT control 2 COURAGE™ OHV 2 for extra traction 3 • Cast-iron front axle with grease fittings ZERO COURAGE™ ENGINE MONTHS ENGINE • 46” heavy-duty triple INTEREST blade 3-in-1 mowing deck ZERO • Patented SmartJet™ ZERO INTEREST ZEROdeck washing sys PAYMENTS FOR 12 Sale Price Only • Attachment friendly - front and rear attachments available See details below Sale Price Only • CVT with cruise control 2 3 PAYMENTS FOR 12 ZERO INTEREST ZERO 2 MONTHS SAVINGSCub OFCadet $100 Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only MONTHS ZERO INTEREST ZERO12 SAVINGS OF $300 PAYMENTS FOR See below Seedetails details below ZERO INTEREST ZER SAVINGS OF $100 3 1,599 3,399 MONTHS New 3 PAYMENTS FOR 12 3Commercial PAYMENTS CubCadet CadetCommercial Commercial Products Use Only Cub ProductsFor For Commercial Use Only MONTHS for 2007 *Shown with optional attachments i1046 Time Saver ™ *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments i1046 Time Saver ™ *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments CUB CUBCADET CADETZERO-TURN ZERO-TURN LAWN LAWN TRACTOR TRACTOR CUB CADET COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL ZERO-TURN RIDER CUB CADET 2007 HEAVY-DUTY GARDEN TRACTOR CUB 2007 HEAVY-DUTY GARDEN ® • •42” 44” heavy-duty blade cutting deck 20 CADET HP 1 KOHLER Commandtwin CutTRACTOR System™ with triple-blades Zero-turning radiusfor formore more efficient, faster faster 1 ® ZERO-TURN CUB CADET LAWN TRACTOR • • Zero-turning radius efficient, HP KOHLER 2520 HP KOHLER cutting 1 19 HP KAWASAKI ® COURAGE™ OHV V-TWIN 1 cutting Synchro Technology™, wide track, and low center 1 3,899 *Shown with optional attachments i1050 Time Saver™ i1046 Time Saver ™ New 4,699 ® cutting 1 ® Zero-turning radius for and more available COURAGE™ • •Synchro Technology™, lowefficient, center faster 2OHV V-TWIN $SAVINGS 20 HP KOHLER Sale Price Only • Attachment friendly - frontTechnology™, andwide rear track, attachments PAYMENTS OHV ZERO V-TWIN •cutting Synchro wide track, and low center OF COURAGE™ $300 for extraTechnology™, traction of gravity for extra traction 3wide track, and low center COURAGE™ OHV V-TWIN available •of gravity Synchro ENGINE FOR MONTHS 2 ENGINE $ ZERO INTEREST • 12 50” heavy-duty triple blade mowing deckdeck •of gravity 50” heavy-duty triple3-in-1 blade 3-in-1 mowing for extra traction CUB CADET ZERO-TURN LAWN TRACTOR ENGINE See details below Sale Price Only • •Attachment friendly -friendly fronttriple and Sale Price Only •46” Attachment - frontrear andattachments rear3-in-1 attachments heavy-duty blade mowing deck ZERO INTEREST ZERO PAYMENTS GT Sale Price $Only available friendly - front and rear attachments Attachment SAVINGS OF 2 radius for •available $ ®$300 1 • 2 Zero-turning more efficient, faster 3,399 2542 3,899 New 2 $ 3,899 ZERO 20 HP KOHLER *Shown with optional attachments SAVINGS OF $300 FOR 12PAYMENTS MONTHS Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only ZERO INTEREST cutting 3,399 ZERO INTEREST Model Model for COURAGE™ 2007 • available OHV V-TWIN SAVINGS OF $800 3,199 4,699 4,699® details) Sale Price ZERO PAYMENTS details) Only pumps 1 3 heavy-duty twin blade cuttingOnly deck hydrostatic 2 $ • 42” ZERO PAYMENTS 20Cadet HP KOHLER SAVINGS OF $200ZERO FOR 12 MONTHS Cub Commercial Products For Commercial Use INTEREST 3,199 SAVINGS OF ZERO INTEREST 3ZERO INTER ® $800 OF $800 • Heavy-duty steel Shaft Drive SAVINGS 3 ZERO INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS Synchro Technology™, wide track, and lowPAYMENTS center ZERO See details below 3 SAVINGS $300 ZERO PAYMENTS ZERO SAVINGSOF OF $300ofOFgravity for extradetails traction $300 New FOR 12PAYMENTS MONTHS See below ENGINESAVINGS ENFORCER 44 3 • 46” heavy-duty triple blade 3-in-1 mowing FOR 12deckMONTHS FOR 12 MONTHS • ® • •Heavy-duty steelaxle Shaft Drive COMMAND® V-TWIN OHV Pivoting front 1 ® front with grease fittings V-TWIN ENGINE • •42”•Cast-iron heavy-duty twinaxle blade cutting deck CUB CADET COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL RIDER 20 HP KOHLER ENGINE DualZERO-TURN Hydro-Gear charged ZT-2800 • Automatic transmission with ® Price CUB CADET COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL ZERO-TURN RIDER • Heavy-duty steel Shaft Sale Only Sale Price Only transmissions COMMAND V-TWIN OHV hydrostatic pumps Drive 2 ®CUB CADET 2007 HEAVY-DUTY GARDEN $ 1 Command CutCommercial System™ triple-blades • 44” Cast-iron front axle withwithgrease fittings • 2-Year Warranty (see dealer for 2 $ KAWASAKI 3,199 19 HP ® ENGINE • 44” Command Cut• System™ withfront triple-blades ZERO INTEREST 19 HP1 KAWASAKI Pivoting axle details) Automatic transmission with ® • Pivoting axle•1 KOHLER 20 front HP Sale PriceENGINE Only$200 DualZT-2800 Hydro-Gear charged ZT-2800 • 42” heavy-duty twin b ZERO PAYMENTS V-TWINV-TWIN ENGINE SAVINGS OF • Dual Hydro-Gear•charged pumps ® hydrostatic • 3Heavy-duty steel Shaft COMMAND V-TWIN OHV Only transmissions FOR 12 MONTHS 2HEAVY-DUTY $ Sale Sale Price Only Price transmissions ZERO INTEREST CUB CADET 2007 GARDEN TRACTOR • Warranty 2-Year Commercial (see dealer• for Cast-iron front axle wi ENGINE (see dealer for Warranty 2• 2-Year Commercial $ 2 $ See details below • Automatic transmission ZERO INTEREST 1 ® radiustraction for more efficient, faster ofZero-turning gravity for extra COURAGE™ OHV V-TWIN • • Synchro Technology™, wide track, and low center 20 ENGINE HP KOHLER CUB CADET ZERO-TURN • 46” heavy-duty triple blade 3-in-1 TRACTOR mowing deck cutting gravity for friendly extraLAWN traction Sale Price Only V-TWIN • • of Attachment - front and rearand attachments ENGINE CUB CADET ZERO-TURN LAWN TRACTOR COURAGE™ OHV Synchro Technology™, wide track, low center • 50” heavy-duty triple blade 3-in-1 mowing deck available 2 $ CUB CADET ® • Zero-turning radius for more efficient, faster ZERO-TURN LAWN TRACTOR of gravity for extra traction 3,399 25 Only HP1 KOHLER Sale Price • ZERO Attachment friendly front andradius rear forattachments ENGINE • -Zero-turning more efficient, faster cutting INTEREST 25 HP KOHLER • 46” heavy-duty triple blade 3-in-1 mowing deck i1046 Time Saver ™ 2007 Model Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only LT 1040 LT 1040 LT 1040 LT 1040 FOR 12 OF $100 Model 3 SAVINGS OFSAVINGS $300 Seedetails details belowMONTHS See below See details for below New Cub Cadet Commercial Products ForFor Commercial Use Only Cub Cadet Commercial Products Commercial Use Only for 2007 FORSee 12details MONTHS COMMAND V-TWIN OHV ZERO PAYMENTS belowZERO PAYME ZERO PAYMENTS • MONTHS Cast-iron front 3axle with grease fittings SAVINGS OF $200 FOR 12 See details below ENGINE 3 FOR 12 MONT FOR 12 MONTHS • Automatic transmission with New CUB 2007 HEAVY-DUTY PREMIUM GARDEN Model See details below See details below Sale Price Only CADETProducts SaleCUB Price OnlyCADET • Attachment friendly - front and rear attachments COMPACT TRACTOR details below *Shown with See details below *Shown with optional attachmentsi1050 Time Cub optional 44 attachments TRACTOR hydrostatic pumpsbelow Cadet Commercial For Commercial Use Only SeeSee details below See details Saver™ ENFORCER Model available 1 ® 2 2 $ for $ 28 HP 1 ® i1046 Time ™ GT 2542 *Shown with optionalSaver attachments attachments • Positive tractionUse on-demand 4-wheel Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Only • POWERSHAFT™ technology -Only Shaft Driven *Shown with optional CATERPILLAR 25 HP KOHLER for *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only drive deck For *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments LIQUID-COOLED DIESEL ENGINE Cub Cadet® Commercial Products Commercial Use Only Cub Cadet Commercial Products For COMMAND V-TWIN OHV ZERO INTEREST ZERO INTEREST • Category 1, 3-point hitch with floatCommercial Us • Optional 44”, 50”, 54” and 60” blade *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Usetriple Only ENGINE position $ deck ZERO PAYMENTS ZERO PAYMENTS SAVINGS OF SAVINGS OF $200 • Full-length welded-steel frame • Heavy-duty Shaft Drive transmission Sale$300 Price Only ONLY /MONTH Cast-iron transmission 3 •12Cast-iron front axle with3grease fittings 2 $ FOR MONTHS FOR• 12 MONTHS CUBCUB CADET 2007 HEAVY-DUTY PREMIUM GARDEN 5,799 CADET 2007ZERO HEAVY-DUTY PREMIUM GARDEN CUB CADET 2007 LAWN TRACTOR CUB CADET ZERO-TURN RIDER 2 $ INTEREST 0% FOR 36 CUB CADET COMPACT TRA See details below See details below SALE PRICE 12,999 TRACTOR TRACTOR 1 ® 1 ® 1 ® ZERO PAYMENTS 1 ® • 42” heavy-duty twin blade cutting- deck • 42” floating twin-blade 4 17 HP KOHLER 18 ®HP KOHLER OF1$400 1 ® twin-blade 1 ® HP ® • heavy-duty twin blade -cutting deck • 3-in-1 42”deck floating deck 1HP 17 HP KOHLER • 3-in-1 Positive traction on-dem 18SAVINGS HP25 KOHLER • POWERSHAFT™ technology Shaft Driven • MONTHS Positive traction on-demand 4-wheel • 42”POWERSHAFT™ technology Shaft 28Pivoting CATERPILLAR 3 Driven KOHLER 28 HP CATERPILLAR 25 HP KOHLER • Cast-iron front axle with grease fittings FOR 12 MONTHS • and greasable front axle COURAGE OHV ENGINE COURAGE™ ENGINE driveaxle deck ® • See Cast-iron front axle withSmartJet™ grease fittings drive deck LIQUID-COOLED DIESEL ENGINE •floating Pivoting and below greasable front ® ENGINE COMMAND V-TWIN COURAGE OHV ENGINE See details COURAGE™ •Optional Patented deck washing ® OHV details below LIQUID-COOLED DIESEL *Shown with optional attachments *Shown optional attachments •®ENGINE DualFor hydrostatic transmissions • Category 1, 3-point hitch •Use 44”, 50”, 54” and 60”with triple blade COMMAND V-TWIN OHV Cub Cadet Commercial For Commercial Only Cub Cadet Commercial Products Commercial Use T (Shown with optional Sale Price Only 1 KOHLER • 42” twin blade twin-blade 3-in-1 Sale Price Only 17 HP 18Products HP1 KOHLER •• 42” Category 1, 3-point hitchOnly with floatdeck Optional 44”,heavy-duty 50”, 54”deck and 60” triplecutting blade deck 6284 • •2Patented SmartJet™ washing ENGINE system GT 3200 position $ SmartJet™ deck • washing Dual hydrostatic transmissions • Patented deck 2 Price Only $ Sale $ Sale Price Only • Cast-iron front axle with greasetransmission fittings attachments) • Pivoting and greasable front axle ENGINE COURAGE OHV ENGINE COURAGE™ ENGINE position 2,599 $ deck • CVT with cruise control 1,599 • Full-length welded-steel • Heavy-duty Shaft Drive Sale Price Only ONLY /MONTH *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional attachments system Cub Cadet For system Commercial Use Only Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only • hydrostatic Patented SmartJet™ washingtransmission 2 $ Price Only 2 Products • Patented SmartJet™ deck $ Commercial •deckCast-iron • Dual transmissions • Shaft Cast-iron front axlewashing with grease fittings • Full-length welded-steel frame 2 $ Price • Heavy-duty Drive transmission Sale Only Sale ONLY /MONTH Sale Price Only • CVT withsystem cruise controlINTEREST 5,799 ZERO ZERO INTEREST system SAVINGS OF $300 SAVINGS OF $100 • Cast-iron transmission • Cast-iron front axle with grease fittings 2 washing $• Patented SmartJet™ deck 2 2 $ $ ZERO INTEREST 2 $ 0% FOR 36 SALE PRICE 12,999 ZERO ZERO PAYMENTS • CVTGARDEN with cruisePAYMENTS control CUB CADET 2007 HEAVY-DUTY PREMIUM PAYMENTS system $ SAVINGS OF $400 ZERO 3 ZEROZERO INTEREST INTEREST ZERO INTEREST MONTHS4 SAVINGS OF $300 FOR 12 MONTHS3 FOR212 MONTHS 3 i1050 Time Saver™ 3 GT 2542 ENFORCER 44 3 3,399 2007 CUB CADET 2007 LAWN TRACTOR 3,199 2007 361 CUB CADET ZERO-TURN RIDER CUB CADET COMPACT TRACTOR CUB CADET ZERO-TURN RIDER GT 2542 CUB CADET 2007 LAWN TRACTOR i1046 Time Saver ™ 361 361 2,599 1,599 2,599 5,799 1,599 0% FOR 36 CUB COMPACT TRACTOR SALE PRICECADET 12,999 SAVINGS OF $100 TRACTOR FOR 12 MONTHS ZERO INTEREST ZERO INTEREST ZERO PAYMENTS ZERO PAYMENTS ZERO PAYMENTS Seedetails below below 44-wheel See details be SAVINGS OF $300 SAVINGS OF $100 ® See details SAVINGS ®OF $400 • Positive traction on-demand See below • POWERSHAFT™ technology -details Shaft Driven T (Shown with optional MONTHS 28 HP1 CATERPILLAR 25 HP KOHLER LT 1040 RZT 42 6284 33 3 ZERO PAYMENTS ZERO PAYMENTS FOR 12 MONTHS GT 3200 FOR 12 MONTHS FOR 12 MONTHS attachments) drive deck ® 3 3 LIQUID-COOLED DIESEL ENGINE COMMAND V-TWIN OHV *Shown with optional attachments *Shown *Shown with optional attachments Cub Cadet Commercial Products Commercial Only Only Cub Cadet Commercial Products Commercial Use 1,details Only See FOR 12 FOR 12 MONTHS • Category 3-point hitch below withbelow float For Commercial Us *Shown with optional attachments See details below • Products Optional 44”,details 50”, 54”For and 60” MONTHS triple blade UseUse Cub Cadet Commercial For Commercial Cub For Cadet Commercial Products 6284 T (Shown with with optionaloptional attachments See below See details ENGINE position GT1040 3200 $ See details below See details below deck attachments) LT RZT 42 1 LT 1040 RZToptional 42 attachments • Heavy-duty Shaft Drive transmission SaleCadet Price Only *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with Cub Commercial Products ForCommercial Commercial Use Only *Shown with optional attachments *Shown with optional • Cast-iron front axle with greaseUse fittingsOnly Commercial Products For $CadetCub *Shown with optional attachments CubBRAINERD *Shown with optionalattachments attachments Cadet2 Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only COUNTRY POWER 5,799 ZERO INTEREST EQUIP ZERO PAYMENTS SAVINGS OF $400 FOR25 12 SOUTH MONTHS3 13380 HWY See details below 6284 T (Shown with optional GT 3200 "XBSE *Shown with optional attachments 8*//*/(4UPSF GPS attachments) BRAINERD, MN BRAINERD COUNTRY BRAINERD COUNTRY POWER *Shown with optional attachments Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only POWER (218) 829-4699 EQUIP EQUIP 13380 HWY 25 SOUTH 13380 HWY 25 SOUTH BRAINERD COUNTRY POWER HIGHWAY 18 & 25 INTERSECTION BRAINERD,MN MN BRAINERD, EQUIP 361 • Full-length welded-steel frame ONLYCadet Commercial /MONTH Cub Products Commercial Use Only • For Cast-iron CubCadet Cadet Commercial Products Fortransmission Commercial Use Only Cub Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only 2 $ 0% FOR 36 SALE PRICE 12,999 MONTHS4 See details below 218-829-4699 Cub Cadet Commercial Products For Commercial Use Only as rated by engine manufacturer 2 Actual retail prices are set by dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. 3 *12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS & NO INTEREST IF PAID WITHIN 12 MONTHS - *Applies to purchases of $999 or more made by 3/31/07 on a Power Credit Card consumer account. Under the promotion, no monthly payments are required on the promotional purchase and no finance charges will be assessed on the promo purchase as long as: (1) you pay the promo purchase amount in full within 12 months, and (2) you pay, when due, the minimum monthly payments on any other balances on your account. If you fail to satisfy either condition, all special promo terms may be terminated and finance charges may be assessed on the promo purchase amount from the date of the purchase. Optional credit insurance/debt cancellation charges on your promo purchase are not subject to the promo terms. Standard account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. Variable APR is 18.99% as of 1/25/07. Fixed APR of 23.99% applies if the minimum payment is not made by the payment due date two times in any six consecutive billing periods. Minimum finance charge is $1.00. Financing promotion for residential customers only. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for standard terms. Offer is subject to credit approval by GE Money Bank. 4 *FIXED MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR 36 MONTHS & NO INTEREST FOR 36 MONTHS - *Applies to purchases Cub Cadet Compact Tractors and/or Utility Vehicles of $4,500 or more made by 3/31/07 on a Power Credit Card consumer account. No finance charges will be assessed on the promotional purchase amount until the end of your promotional period. Fixed minimum monthly payments equal to 1/36th of the initial promotional purchase amount are 1 2 1 1 2 Actual as rated by engine prices set by dealer and may vary. freight, setup handling charges may and be additional and may vary. Models as rated by manufacturer engine manufacturer Actual retail prices are set byTaxes, dealer and may vary. Taxes, freight, setup handling may to belimited additional required until expiration or termination of the promotion, in are addition to 2any other required minimum payment. Ifand minimum monthly payments onsetup your account areand not paid when due, all specialsubject as rated byretail engine manufacturer Actual retail prices are set by dealer mayand vary. Taxes, freight, handling charges may becharges additional availability. *12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS & credit NO INTEREST IF PAID WITHIN 12 MONTHS - *Applies to purchases of $999 made by 3/31/07 on aaccount Powerterms Credit Card account. promotional3 terms may be terminated. Optional insurance/debt cancellation charges promo purchase are not subject toor themore promotional terms. Standard apply to consumer non3 3 on your and may vary. Models subject to limited availability. *12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST IF PAID WITHIN MONTHS - the Applies to and may vary. Models subject to promotional limited *12ifand MONTHS NO PAYMENTS && NO IF PAID WITHIN 12 times MONTHS - 12 Applies to you pay Under the promotion, monthly payments required onFixed the purchase finance charges will be INTEREST assessed on thedue promo asany long as: (1) promo purchase promotional purchases.noVariable APR is 18.99%are as of 1/25/07. APR ofavailability. 23.99% applies the no minimum payment is not made by the payment date purchase two in six consecutive billing purchases of $999 orpurchases more 2/28/07 on2/28/07 a Power Credit Card consumer account. Under the promotion, no monthly are terms periods. finance charge is $1.00. Financing promotion for customers only. Existing cardholders should see credit agreement terms. Offer subject to amount inMinimum full within 12 months, and (2) made you pay,until when due, theresidential minimum monthly payments onCard any other balances ontheir your account. If you failfor tostandard satisfy either condition, all special promo of $999 or more made until on a Power Credit consumer account. Under thecard promotion, no monthly payments are is payments credit by GE Money Bank. may beapproval terminated and finance charges may be assessed on the promo purchase amount from the date of the purchase. Optional credit insurance/debt cancellation charges on your promo 1 13380 Hwy 25 - Brainerd, MN (218) 829-4699 (218) 829-4699 13380 HWY 25 SOUTH “Recently named 24th largest Cub Cadet dealer in the nation!” BRAINERD COUNTRY POWER BRAINERD, MN EQUIP (218) 829-4699 required on the promotional purchase and purchase no finance will be onthe the promo purchase as(1) long as:the (1) youpurchase pay the promo purchase required on the promotional and nocharges finance charges will assessed be assessed on promo purchase as long as: you pay promo purchase are not subject to the promo terms. Standard account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. Variable APR is 18.99% as of 1/25/07. Fixed APR of 23.99% applies if the minimum amount in date full within 12 months, and you pay, when due, the minimum monthly payments other balances on your account. If you fail to amount fullbywithin 12 months, andtimes (2) you when due, the minimum monthly payments on any otherpromotion balances your account. If you fail to payment is notin made the payment due two in anypay, six (2) consecutive billing periods. Minimum finance chargeon is any $1.00. Financing for on residential customers only. Existing cardholders their credit card agreement forall standard Offer is subject to credit approval GE Money Bank. MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR 36 the MONTHS & NOfrom INTEREST satisfy either condition, special promo may be terminated financeby charges maymay be assessed on the promo amount from satisfyshould eithersee condition, all special promo termsterms. mayterms be terminated andand finance charges be4 *FIXED assessed on purchase the promo purchase amount the FOR 36 MONTHS - *Applies to purchases Cub Cadet Compact Tractors and/or Utility Vehicles of $4,500 or more made by 3/31/07 on a Power Credit Card consumer account. No finance charges date of the purchase. Optional credit insurance/debt cancellation chargeson on your your promo purchase are not are deferred are not subject thenot subject to the of theonpurchase. Optional credit insurance/debt cancellation charges promo purchase notand deferred and to are will date be assessed the promotional 1 2 purchase amount until the end of your promotional period. Fixed minimum monthly payments equal to 1/36th of the initial promotional purchase amount are as rated by engine manufacturer Actual retailStandard prices areaccount set by dealer and mayto vary. Taxes, freight, purchases. setup and handling charges may be additional and may vary. Modelsofsubject to limited if promo terms. terms non-promotional Variable APR is 18.99% aspayments of 1/17/06. 23.99% promo Standard account terms apply to non-promotional Variable APR is 18.99% as of 1/17/06. APR of 23.99% applies if required untilterms. expiration or termination of the promotion, in addition toapply any other requiredpurchases. minimum payment. If minimum monthly onFixed your APR accountFixed are notapplies paid when due, all special 3 availability. *12may MONTHS NO PAYMENTS & NO INTEREST IF PAID WITHINcancellation 12 MONTHS -charges to purchases $999 or moreare made 3/31/07toon a Power Credit Card consumer account. promotional terms be terminated. Optional credit insurance/debt your promo purchase notby subject the promotional Standard account terms apply to nontheisminimum payment not made by thedue payment due *Applies datetimes twoon times anyofsix six consecutive billing periods.periods. Minimum financeterms. charge is $1.00. the minimum payment not made by is the payment date in in any consecutive billing charge is $1.00. Under the promotion, no monthlyAPR payments are required on the promotional purchase andtwo no applies finance charges will be assessed on the promo purchase long as: Minimum (1) you paytwo thefinance promo promotional purchases. Variable is 18.99% as of 1/25/07. Fixed APR of 23.99% if the minimum payment is not made by theaspayment due date times purchase in any six consecutive billing Financing promotion for promotion residentialonly. customers only.customers Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement forcard standard terms. Offer is terms. Financing for customers Existing cardholders should see their card agreement for standard periods. Minimum finance charge isresidential $1.00. Financing for residential cardholders should credit agreement for standard terms. Offer Offer isis subject to amount in full promotion within 12 months, and (2) you pay, when due, the minimum monthly payments on anyonly. otherExisting balances on your account. Ifcredit yousee fail their to satisfy either condition, all special promo terms subject tomay credit approvalon bythe GEpromo Money Bank. amount from the date of the purchase. Optional credit insurance/debt cancellation charges on your promo credit approval bycredit GE and Money Bank. subject to approval by GE Bank. may be terminated finance charges beMoney assessed purchase 13380 HWY 25 SOUTH BRAINERD, MN (218) 829-4699 purchase are not subject to the promo terms. Standard account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. Variable APR is 18.99% as of 1/25/07. Fixed APR of 23.99% applies if the minimum payment is not made by the payment due date two times in any six consecutive billing periods. Minimum finance charge is $1.00. Financing promotion for residential customers only. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for standard terms. Offer is subject to credit approval by GE Money Bank. 4 *FIXED MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOR 36 MONTHS & NO INTEREST FOR 36 MONTHS - *Applies to purchases Cub Cadet Compact Tractors and/or Utility Vehicles of $4,500 or more made by 3/31/07 on a Power Credit Card consumer account. No finance charges 1 2 as rated by engine Actual retail prices are amount set by dealer andend may Taxes, freight, setup and minimum handling monthly charges payments may be additional and may vary. Models subjectpurchase to limitedamount are will bemanufacturer assessed on the promotional purchase until the of vary. your promotional period. Fixed equal to 1/36th of the initial promotional 2 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM HOUSTON FORD of CROSBY HOME 98 FORD ESCORT ZX2 #51456a 95 CHEVY SUBURBAN LS 4X4 #70492a SALE PRICE $4,685* -Automatic -Power Roof -Very Clean! SALE PRICE Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE $7,995 -V-6 -CD Player -Automatic -80,XXX Miles #30279 SALE PRICE $8,995 SALE PRICE 05 PONTIAC SUNFIRE SE #90145 Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE $9,995 Automatic -CD Player -Power Windows -Power Locks 04 OLDSMOBILE ALERO GL #70606a Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE * $10,825 98 Ford Escort ZX2 -3.4 L V-6 -CD Player -PowerSeat -39,xxx miles $7,995 SALE PRICE $9,788 -3.0L V-6 -Power Windows -Power Locks 99 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LS #51320b $10,675 -5.3L Z-71 -Power Seats -CD Player 05 FORD TAURUS SES #70607a #80099a Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE $10,995 -3.0L V-6 -Power Seat -Spoiler Brainerd 371N 210 SALE PRICE $8,750 -3.0L -Power Windows -Power Locks -CD Player SALE PRICE $9,875 -3.4L -CD Player -Power Roof -Chrome Wheels Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! $10,685 #90133a #70525a -3.0LV-6 -Power Windows -Power Locks -CD Player $10,995 �Houston Ford HWY 210 E. CROSBY Just 15 minutes from Brainerd. Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! $9,985 -Leather -Power Seats -Only 45,XXX Miles #51548a SALE PRICE $10,785 -24 Valve -Leather -Power Roof #90132 -4.6L V-8 -Fiberglass Topper -CD Player Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE $10,995 -Automatic -CD Player -18,XXX MIles HOURS: Mon.-Thur. 8-6 Fri 8-5 Sat. 8-5 Call Toll Free 800-574-5238 3.0 L -Power Seat -CD Player 05 DODGE NEON SXT Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE $8,795 SALE PRICE 03 FORD TAURUS SES #70608 Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE 03 FORD F-150 SUPERCREW XLT 03 FORD ESCAPE XLS SALE PRICE -Very Clean! -Only 71,XXX Miles 01 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! #90130 $6,995 03 FORD TAURUS SES Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! SALE PRICE #70542 SALE PRICE $6,985 02 PONTIAC GRAND AM GT Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! 500 Down Plus Tax, Title & License. O.A.C “Where hometown means something” of Crosby -5 Speed -Air Conditioning -CD Player -Power Locks/Windows 04 FORD TAURUS SE #30275 -4 WD -3rd Row Seat -Rear Climate Control SALE PRICE -5.7L V-8 -3rd Door -CD Player 01 FORD TAURUS SE Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! 01 FORD EXPEDITION #90119 $5,875 98 MERCURY MYSTIQUE GS #51503a Free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty! #80108a -7.4L V-8 -3rd Seat -Rear Air THE: 96 CHEVY EXT.CAB Z71 K150 02 MITSUBISHI LANCER 97 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTABLE #70512a OF SERVICE OPEN MON. - FRI. 8-5 SAT. 8-12 email: [email protected] March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM Rampant rumors Q&A Reader RibbEts Connie Pettersen In an interview on Mon., Mar. 26, Superintendent Bernie Novak openly addressed concerns that have been expressed throughout the Aitkin community. Those questions have been raised following defeat of the referendum last November. At that time, the school district was reportedly about $500,000 short, and programs were going to have to be cut drastically to balance the budget. However, in the last couple of weeks, there has been increasing speculation as to the actual budget shortfall. In addition, there have been rumors of a land swap between the school and a private landowner. In an effort to satisfy community concerns, a candid discussion was held with ISD1 Superintendent Bernie Novak, who answered the following questions: Q: What programs were cut after the referendum failed? A: “All elementary sports were cut,” said Novak. “We had to decide what was the best value (for the most students).” Novak also indicated that it may be possible for elementary-level sports to be run through Community Ed, coached by volunteers such as parents, grandparents, retired coaches, etc. One of the business teaching positions will be reduced to half-time. Other retiring staff will be replaced with less-experienced teachers, which will reduce expenditures in the future. The district also reduced expenses by reducing teacher’s budgets. Q: Rumors are that $900,000 was discovered in the district’s budget. Is that true? How did that happen? What will that money be used for? A: “There is no extra money,” Novak said. “Our original budget was off that much. Prior to the referendum, we said we would be $900,000 off, but we ended up being only $101,000 off.” “We have to set a budget before July 1,” Novak said. “But by the beginning of the fiscal year, we really don’t know what money will be coming in, or what revenues are for expenditures. What we did was to make sure we were not over-budget. We determined our expenditures high and our revenue low ... so it could be in place by July 1st in order to continue operating.” Novak pointed out that at the beginning of the year, the district does not know how many students it will have or the formulas as far as state revenues, etc. “It’s not like we are receiving a paycheck every month and we know what that paycheck is going to be,” he explained, calling it a best “guesstimate.” Then as the school year goes on, the district adjusts its budget, as the varying financial factors become known. However, the auditors do not look at the adjusted budget. The auditors must use the original estimated budget from the previous June, not actual figures at year’s end. The fact that more students came in than expected caused an increase in revenue. “At the very end, expenditures and revenues were very close. When you compare it to when we started, we are $900,000 off, which was simply an arbitrary number in the first place.” Q: Is the school proposing a land swap involving land south of town and the existing track fields? A: “No, absolutely not,” said Novak. “A landowner south of town is willing to donate to the school if we do something within a certain time frame.” Novak said that it could be a great opportunity for the school district to secure that land for future use, when it may be necessary to replace aging infrastructure. “Where, in the future, are you going to find land?” asked Novak, “and how will you pay for it? This landowner is willing to donate land to the school – if we commit to it and do something with it. What we need to do, I am not sure at this time. But no, there is no land swap.” News media seen as culprit, aiding enemy I’m writing to say “thank you” to both the NewsHopper and the author of It Begs the Question: Who Is Aiding Who? by Mr. Martin L. Butcher. I feel it is a treasonable and contentious news media in the United States which willingly aids the enemy in this war. And to those who fly their ribbons and say that they “support the troops,” then try to cut their funding, set time lines and bellyache about torturing alla Abu Ghraib, and Club Gitmo (Guantanamo), are living hypocritical lives. The Human Rights group turn their faces from the torture and beheadings of America’s Best and our friends, and say nothing, thus tacitly supporting the terrorists. War is War, and being restricted by as to how and what methods can be used to destroy an enemy is totally wrong. Maybe it began after President Truman bombed Japan, and he felt he’d condoned a wrong, because General McArthur had Korea on the ropes and wanted to finish the job. Truman fired McArthur and the American Defensive Machine hasn’t operated to Win since. It’s like we lead with our chin out and one arm tied behind our back. On day one of this war, why didn’t Al Jazeera disappear in a smoke cloud and whatever happened to our propaganda machine? As for the “world hating” the United States, if it does, it is fertilized by our own media and State Department. In October of 2004, I decided on a visit to Italy, having had spent a tour there. Upon landing in Cagliari, we were met with open arms, hugs and kisses. Everywhere (dappertutto) we went, from old friends to complete strangers there was no “Go Home Americans.” From a serious political discussion with university students, to the Municipio of Cremona when trying to locate a friend who served in the Italian army, or when off course in Treviso, being called Babbo, we were asked lots of questions, given many handshakes and were finally escorted to our destination by young Italian working men. No matter where we went, Tonora, Piscinas, Idro, et. al., life was dolce. But it’s not all Ben Venuto, because some of our tourists have left a distasteful wake. Donald H. Kitzrow Hill City Cherish that child’s hand – it represents the future When a boy or girl thrusts his small hand in yours, it may be smeared with chocolate ice cream, or grimy from petting a dog. There may be a wart under the right rhumb and a bandage around the little finger. But the most important thing about his hands is that they are the hands of the future. These hands that someday may hold a Bible or a Colt revolver; play the church piano or spin a gam- bling wheel, gently dress a leper’s wound, or tremble wretchedly uncontrolled by an alcoholic mind. Right now that hand is yours. It asks for help and guidance. It represents a full-fledged personality in miniature to be respected as a separate individual whose day-to-day growth into Christian adulthood is our responsibility. Marlys Morris Rossburg MN Rolling Timberwolves challenge area locals to Wheelchair Basketball Fundraiser The Minnesota Rolling Timberwolves Basketball Team has challenged area locals to friendly competition on Sat., Apr. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Grand Rapids High School. The game is a fundraiser for Volunteers for the Handicapped Association based in Grand Rapids, whose service area is from Bemidji to Duluth. Following the game there will be an auction of such things as golf packages, safety equipment for the house, and more. The funds go to support accessibility projects that the association takes on over the year. One of the players on the Timberwolves team is former Grand Rapids wrestler, Kurt Greniger, who was paralyzed from the waist down after a drop during a meet when he was in high school. Kurt had a bright career in wrestling ahead of him until he was injured. Kurt now promotes independence to those with disabilities when he gets his team to roll out into the communities they visit. Kurt is married with children and working fulltime. Tickets for the event go on sale at Reed’s Drug Store in Grand Rapids on Apr. 1, or reserve tickets at the will call office, 218-327-1522. DCP deadline extended Signup deadline for the 2007 Direct and Countercyclical Program (DCP) has been extended to Aug. 3, according to Minnesota Farm Service. If you have questions, or to set up a time to sign up, contact the Aitkin-Itasca FSA Office, 218-927-2912. That office is located 1.1 miles south of the stoplights in Aitkin. 3 Basic to Bold • Small to Large • Plain to Fancy Call Dan Swanson • Sales Consultant • 218-290-3561 [email protected] Hwy. 2 West Grand Rapids • 218-326-1253 Male Dog Found Hwy 169 Near Garrison Small Brown & White Dog. no collar. Playing ball is his life. Call: 651-488-5073 or 651-488-0932 Open House 60th Anniversary Party Richard & Lucy Knowlen Sat. April 7th 2-5 P.M. Green Lantern, Hwy 18 (No Gifts Please) You read it in the NewsHopper! “Specializing in Complete Sellouts” Steve & Carol Reinhardt, C.A.I. Lic. No. 01-15 MN • Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer Lic. No. 704 WI For a complete list check our website: Upcoming Calendar saturday, March 31 • 8:30 am 4R Arena and Event Center 15 miles N of Aitkin, MN on Hwy 169, or from Grand Rapids, MN S on Hwy 169, 38 miles, to CR 3 (480th Street) and E 1/2 mile. 34996 480th Street, Palisade, MN wednesday, april 4 • 10 am Rick & Kathy Bonneville Located from Barnum, MN, N on Hwy 61, 10 miles; OR from Carlton, MN, jct. Hwy 210 and Hwy 61, S on 61, 7 miles, to Bromfield Rd. and 1/4 mile E. 2334 Bromfield Rd., Carlton, MN Monday, april 9 • 10 am Dave & Marlene Willie Located from Cromwell, MN, 12 miles E on Hwy 210, to Sawyer, MN; OR, jct. of 1-35 and 210 at Black Bear Casino, 8 miles W on 210 to Mission Rd. and N 1/4 mile. 1351 Mission Rd., Sawyer, MN Thursday, april 12 • 10 am Edith Voight Located from Mora, MN, E on Hwy 23, 2 miles to Co. Rd. 11, then N 1.5 miles to 225th Ave. and E 1/2 mile. 2343 225th Ave., Mora, MN saturday, april 14 • 10 am Eleanor Eskuri Located from Barnum, MN, W on CR 6, 6 miles; OR, from Kettle River, MN, 1 mile N on Hwy 73, to CR 6 and E 2 miles. 5129 CR 6, Kettle River, MN Sunday, April 15 • 11 am Estate of Marvin Engen Located from Pine River, MN, N on Hwy 371 to Backus, MN, continuing N 1 mile to CR 87, and E 4.5 miles to 2610; OR, from jct. 84 & 87 at Long Pine Store, W on CR 87, 3.5 miles. 2610 Raven Lane NW, Backus, MN tuesday, April 17 • 11 am Jane Frye Located from Crosby, MN, at 513 Erie Ave. One block S of Hwy 210 on Erie Ave., just south of Midway Bar and Chiopractic Office. 513 Erie Ave., Crosby, MN wednesday, april 18 • 10 am Betty Anderson & Estate of Kent Anderson Located from Moose Lake, MN, exit of 1-35, S exit Hwy 73, 3 blocks W on Hwy 73, to CR 10 and S 1/2 mile to Birch View Dr. 4807 Birch View Drive, Moose Lake, MN thursday, april 19 • 10 am Caughey Family Revokable Trust Located from Brainerd, MN, S on Hwy 371, 8 miles to CR 131 (Sleepy Hollow Rd), and 3/4 mile E. saturday, april 21 • 10 am Rob & Dawn Crowe Located from Hill City, MN, W on Hwy 200, one mile. 36597 State Hwy 200, Hill City, MN sunday, april 22 • 10 am Lindquist Lumber Located in Floodwood, MN, jct. of Hwys 2 & 73, 1/4 mile S on Hwy 73. 5586 Hwy 73, Floodwood, MN tuesday, april 24 • 9 am Bob Bellefy Located from Grand Rapids, MN, 7 miles south on Hwy 169. 18082 U.S. Hwy 169, Grand Rapids, MN wednesday, april 25 • 10 am Rob Erickson Located from Deerwood, MN, W on Hwy 210, to Cascade United Methodist Church and continue 1/2 mile to Black Lake Rd., and N 2 miles. 9518 Black Lake Rd., Deerwood, MN saturday, april 28 • 10 am Encore Systems, Inc., Ed & Nancy Drews Located in Cohasset, MN, at 585 NW to NP & L Rd., and 1/2 mile S. 585 NW 3rd St., Cohasset, MN 4 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM OBITUARIES Russell Underdahl Russell B. Underdahl, 70, of the Aitkin and Garrison areas and formerly of Minneapolis, died Monday, Mar. 19, 2007 at Garrison. A memorial service will be held at a later date. He was born Jan. 11, 1937, in Minneapolis, MN., to Albert and Sarah (Mortenson) Underdahl. He grew up and attended schools in Minneapolis. He worked for Gamble-Robinson Co. for many years and when they closed, he moved to the Aitkin area and worked as a bookkeeper for Myr Mar until his death. He is survived by one sister, Lorraine Johnson, Oldsmar, FL; two nieces; one nephew; and one grand nephew. Arrangements were with Sorensen-RootThompson Funeral Home, Aitkin. Howard Gaviglio Howard D. Gaviglio, 89, of Crosby, formerly of Trommald, died on Mar. 20, 2007 at Cuyuna Regional Care Center, Crosby. A private service is being planned. He was born Apr. 15, 1917, in Negaunee, MI, to Dominic and Elizabeth (Blair) Gaviglio. He married Glena Jean Miller on Dec. 12, 1947 in Las Vegas. He was a WWII marine corps veteran and a member of Myrin-James American Legion Post 443, Ironton. He is survived by his sons and daughters-in-law: James (Vicky) Gaviglio, Grand Rapids; Terry (Mary) Gaviglio, Crosby; Brian (Susan Holden) Gaviglio, Blaine; and Dennis Gaviglio, Crosby; daughters and sons-in-law: Diane (Mark) Flom, Minneapolis; Vicki (Jeff) Boeser, Savage; and Nancy Hengstler, Burnsville; and 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Jean; brother, Raymond; and sister Florence Slak. Arrangements were with Koop Funeral Home of Crosby. Raymond Anderson Raymond LeRoy Anderson, 70, of Bay Lake, died on Mar. 18, 2007 at Trigg Memorial Hospital, Tuccumcari, NM. Funeral services were held on Sat., Mar. 24, at Salem Lutheran Church of Deerwood. He was born Mar. 4, 1937, in Brainerd, to Elmer and Mabel (Jones) Anderson. He graduated from Crosby-Ironton High School in 1953. He earned his ABS degree in civil engineering from NDSU. He was a member of Minnesota Society of Professional Land Surveyors and was a Melvin Jones fellow with Bay Lake Area Lions. He is survived by his wife, Audrey; sons and daughter-in-law: Steven (Robin) Anderson, Fort Ripley; Daniel (Victoria) Anderson, Pillager; daughter and son-in-law: Laura (Rick) Hann, Crosby; sisters and brothers-in-law: Betty (Bud) Brager, Crosby; Elaine (Tom) Butorac, Deerwood; Bonnie (Jerry) Johnson, Deerwood; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; and son, Ray. Arrangements were with Koop Funeral Home of Crosby. Laurentz Schaefer Laurentz Wm. Schaefer, 83, of Isle, formerly of New Brighton, MN, died on Mar. 24, 2007 at his home. Funeral services were held Wed., Mar. 28 at Bethesda Lutheran Church, Malmo, with Rev. James Raisanen and Rev. Paul Mattson officiating. Lee Ann Krueger played the organ and Darwin Bruesewitz sang “Amazing Grace” and “On Eagles Wings.” The congregation sang “How Great Thou Art.” Military honors were provided by Aitkin VFW and American Legion Posts. Burial was at Hillside Cemetery in Minneapolis. Pallbearers were: Carey Rondeau, Ryan Rondeau, Eric Rondeau, Bill Gulbrandson, Billy Schaefer and Corey Schaefer. He was born Dec. 15, 1923 at Columbia Heights, the son of Laurentz and Adeline (McVey) Schaefer. He grew up and attended schools in Columbia Heights. At the age of 16 he worked for the Civilian Conservation Corps in northern Minnesota. Following that he entered the U.S. Army and served in the Sorensen-Root-Thompson Aitkin, MN 218-927-2614 Pacific Theater of Operations during WWII. Upon his discharge he returned to the Twin Cities and married Arlene P. Falck on Jan. 30, 1947 at Spring Lake Park. They made their home in New Brighton for 29 years and he worked as a master carpenter. They retired to the Mille Lacs Lake area in 1986 and have lived here since. He is survived by children and spouses: Linda (Jim) Shelton, Lockhart, TX; Bradley (Sue) Schaefer, East Bethel, MN; Bart Schaefer, Grand Rapids; Loni (Carey) Rondeau, Aitkin; seven grandchildren; two great grandchildren; two step-brothers: Jim Fedorko, Aitkin; and Jerry Fedorko, Minneapolis; and other family. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Arlene in 1998; sons, Bill and Bob; and brother, Robert Schaefer. Arrangements were with Sorensen-Root-Thompson Funeral Home of Aitkin. S R T McGregor Funeral Home McGregor, MN 218-768-3136 Traditional • Cremation • Memorials • Pre-Arranged Funerals Directors: Jerry Thompson Gordon Root Jason Brezinsky Best Things in Life are FREE! Let everyone know your good news... • Births • Engagements • Weddings • Open Houses • Community Events are published FREE in the NewsHopper. Send your e-mail and attach photos (jpeg format) to [email protected] Welcome To Our Area Churches * Indicates handicap accessible. NOTE: All times are Sunday morning (a.m.) unless indicated otherwise. ALLIANCE Garrison* — Pastor Michael H. Palkie; Adult & Children’s SS 9:30; Worship & Children’s Church 10:30; Wed. 7 pm Church/Home Bible Study. McGregor/Big Sandy — Rev. S. DeMars, 426-3408; E. of Sather’s Store; Worship 9:30; Children’s Church 10-10:30. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Aitkin — Rev. Dan Turner; SS 9; Worship 10; Wed. 7 pm Crosby — Rev. Michael Towers; SS 9:30; Worship 10:30 Crosslake — Crossroads Christian, Rev. Gary Espeth; Hill City — Rev. G. Valley; Worship 10 and 6:30 pm; Bible Study Thurs. 7 pm. Palisade — Pastor Ed Sornberger; SS 9; Worship 10; Bible Study, Wed. 7 p.m. at church. BAPTIST Aitkin — Westside, Pastor D. Smith; SS 11; Worship 9; Prayer 6 p.m. Crosby — Bible Baptist, Pastor G. Fisher; SS 9:45; Service 10:45 and 6 pm, Bible Study and Our Kids for Christ Wed. 7 pm. Deerwood — Pastor W. Skog; SS 9:30; Worship 10:30 and 6 pm; Wed. Service, 7 pm. Glory — Pastor R. F. Stauter, 927-3678; SS 9:15; Worship 10:30 am. Hill City — Pastor L. Lee; 697-2645; SS 9:45; Worship 11 am, 7 pm; Wed. 7 pm; Bible Study, Fri., 7 pm. Isle — Pastor Gary Lambert; 676-3171; SS 9:30; Service 10:30; Bible Study, Wed., 7 pm. Opstead — Pastor P. Johnson; 676-8859; SS 9:30; Worship, 10:30; Bible Study Wed., 7 pm; CATHOLIC Aitkin — St. James, Fr. Paul Fruth, Mass: Sat. 4:30 pm; Sun. 8:30 am; Confession Sat. 3:45 pm. Call 218-927-6581. Cromwell/Wright — Immaculate Conception, Mass: Sun. 11 Crosby — St. Joseph’s, Mass: Sat. 4 pm; Sun 10:30; Tue & Thu 8:30 Crosslake — Immaculate Heart, Mass: Sat. 4 p.m.; Sun. 8 & 10:30 Deerwood — St. Joseph’s, Fr. H. Eisel, Mass: Sat. 7:30 pm; Sun. 8:30 am; Daily: Mon. & Fri. 8:30. Emily — St. Emily, Fr. Roman Spoors, Mass: Sat. 4:30 pm; Sun. 10 am; 218-763-2101. Garrison — Our Lady of Fatima, Fr. Paul Fruth, Mass: Sat. 7 pm; Sun. 11 am; Confession Sat. 8 pm. Hillman — Holy Family, Sun. 9; Hill City — St. John’s, Fr. Jerry Weiss; Fr. Keith Bertram, asst. pastor Mass: Sun. 8:30 McGrath — Our Lady of Fatima, Fr. J. Fleischhacker, O.S.C., Mass: Sun. 11. McGregor — Holy Family, Fr. J. Fleischhacker, O.S.C., Mass: Sat. 5:30 pm; Sun. 9. Vineland — St. Therese, Mass Sun. 11; Holy Days 8:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Aitkin — Worship and SS 10:00; Mtgs. 1st & 3rd Wed., 7:30 pm. Church of Jesus Chirst of LATTER-DAY SAINTS Aitkin — Co. Rd. 12, Chapel Ph. 218-927-4454; Paul Peterson, Br. President, 218-927-4435; Priesthood/Relief Society, 9; S.S. 10; Sac. Mtg. 10:50 COMMUNITY Aitkin Community — Nondenominational; 927-2749; Worship 10; at 219-1st Ave. NE. Emily, Community Cornerstone Christian — Pastor Earl Ready; Worship 10, 41536 Birchwood Drive, Emily; 218-763-2939. Glen, mile east of Glen — Rev. R. Stauter; Worship 9, May- Oct. Grand Rapids — Solid Rock Church of God, Pastor Robert Kimberling; 218-326-0711; Sun. BS 9:30, Worship 10:30; Wed. BS 6:30 pm. Jacobson — Calvery Bible Fellowship; Comm. Center; Pastor Leonard Palkki 218752-6532 or 218-326-4355; Worship 10, fellowship follows, Mon. 6:30pm Ladies BS, Tues. 4:30pm Youth BS, Wed. 6pm Home Fellowship BS Kimberly — Nature Ave. Rev. Rick Perry; Worship 9; Adult Bible Study & Sunday School 10:30; 218-927-6256. McGregor — Amazing Grace Christian Church; Worship 9:30 at McGregor VFW; Bible study Sat. 7 p.m. VFW basement; Contact: Pat Perrine 218-768-2234 Merrifield — Community Church of the Nazarene, Pastor Larry Harshman; SS 9:45; Service 11 & 6 pm; Wed. Prayer Meeting, 7 pm; 218-829-7536. Merrifield — Ossipee Community, Pastor Ewald Eisele; SS 9:15; Service 10:30; Wed. Bible Study Prayer, Pastor Ralph Hegman 7:30 pm. Palisade/Waukenabo Twp. — Hilltop Chapel, Pastor B. Hite; Service 10 a.m.; SS 9; children’s church 10:20 a.m.; located between Esquagama & Round Lake. Handicap Accessible. Tamarack — Church of Christ, Pastor Brandt Johnson, 218-768-2965; Service 9:30; SS 10:45. Wed. worship, 6 p.m. McGregor/Sheriff Lake — Gospel Tabernacle, Sunday 10. McGregor — Victory Mission, Pastor J. Gould, 218-768-2160; Sun. 10; Wed. Bible Study, 7:30 pm. COMMUNITY OF CHRIST Aitkin — Community of Christ, Elder S. Wasserzieher, 218-678-2506 for meeting place and time. CONGREGATIONAL Aitkin (UCC) — First, Rev. Richard Celley; Worship 10; Comm. 1st Sun.; Trustees Mtg., 2nd Sun.; Diaconate Mtg., 3rd Sun.; Adult Bible Study Sun. 9 am. EVANGELICAL FREE Crosslake — Pastor Fred Cressman; Call for Service Times at 218-6924141, email [email protected] Isle — Pastor Charles Visser; Worship 9; SS 10:15; Wed. Youth Group 6 pm; Adult Prayer 6:30 pm. Malmo — Rev. R. F. Carl; SS 9:30; Fellowship 10:30; Worship 10:50; Wed. Care Group 9 & Prayer and Praise 6 p.m.; Radio Time on Sunday a.m. Wright — Pastor T. Youker, 218-727-3092; SS 9:30; Worship, 10:30; Tues., Bible Study, 7 p.m. EPISCOPAL Aitkin — St. John’s, Holy Comm. or Morning Prayer, Sun. 9 INDEPENDENT PENTECOSTAL Ironton — Iron Range Christian Center; Pastor Dwight Semler; 218-546-6523; meeting at Irondale Town Hall*, Co. Rd. 12, (Deerwood Shortcut); Worship 10 & Wed. 7 p.m. LUTHERAN Aitkin — Bethel* (CLB), Rev. G. Salmonson; Worship, 9:30; Wed. Wed. Kids Club 3:30; Bible Study & prayer 7; SS 10:45. Aitkin —Bethlehem (ELCA), Rev. Cindy Gray; Worship 8:30 and 10; SS 10; Holy Comm. 1st Sun. each month. Aitkin — First* (ELCA), Rev. Lance E. Isaacson, Sr. Pastor; Rev. Sarah Cordray, Assoc. Pastor; Worship: Sat. 5 p.m., Sun. 8 and 10:30; SS 9:15; coffee fellowship 9; Contemporary 3rd Sun., Communion 1st & 3rd Sun.; 9:30 service broadcast live on KKIN (930 AM) & on TV cable channel 8 at 9 am Wed. Aitkin — St. John’s (Missouri Synod), Pastor D. Becker; Worship Sun. 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Beaver Township— Finnish EA, Hwy. 27, Worship 1st & 3rd Sundays, 10:30. Cedarbrook — St. John’s (ELCA), Rev. Sandy Berg-Holte; Worship 8:30; SS 9:30; Saturday SS; Holy Comm. 1st & 3rd Sun. Crosby — Immanuel (ELCA) Pastor Paul Mattson; Sat. 5 pm worship; Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 worship; fellowship & coffee 9:30. Call for FLT schedule. Crosby —Zion (LC-MS) Pastor Dean Stolz; Worship 8:30; SS 10; Bible Study Wed. 7pm; handicap accessible. 218-546-6910 Crosslake —(ELCA), Pastor Mark Anderson; Worship Sun. 9:30; SS 10:15; Coffee Fellowship 10:30. 218-692-3682. Crosslake —Mission of the Cross (LCMS), Pastor Steve Anderson; SS/Bible Study 10:45; Worship 9:30; Fellowship follows; Holy Comm. 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays; Confirm./Youth Group Wed. 6 p.m.; 218-692-4228 Deerwood — Salem (ELCA), Pastor D. Anderson; Worship: 7:30, 9 & 11; SS 10. Giese Immanuel — Rev. R. Langhorst & Rev. R. Lovaas; Worship 9; SS 10; Holy Communion 1st Sun. each month 8:45. Garrison — Light of the Cross (ELCA), Pastor Chris Hill; Worship 9; Fellowship & SS 10; Communion 1st & 3rd Sun.; 320-692-4773 or 877-406-9101. Garrison — Shepherd of the Lake (Missouri Synod), Pastor Matthew Ruesch, Bible Study & SS Sun. 8:45; Worship 10; Fellowship 11. Hill City — Trinity, (Missouri Synod), Pastor Volkert; Worship 9; Bible Study 10:15. Hillman — Immanuel, (ELCA) Pastor Cathie Rhodes; Sun. Worship 9:30. Located on the corner of Hwy. 27 and Co. Rd. 47. (Handicap accessible) Iron Hub — Immanuel (LC-MS), Pastor Dean Stolz; Worship 10:30; 218-534-3069. Isle — Faith (ELCA), Pastor John Lundberg; Worship 9:30; handicapped accessible. Isle — Trinity (Missouri Synod), Rev. Mark Maunula; Worship 8:30; Fellowship follows; SS 9:45; Adult Bible 10. Jacobson — Carmel, J. and L. Anderson-Bauer; Services, 11; SS, 9:30. Malmo — Bethesda (ELCA), Rev. Jim Raisanen; Sun. 10:30; Fellowship between services; Saturday SS 10; Comm. 1st & 3rd Sun. McGrath — Grace; Wed. potluck 5 pm, Bible study 6 pm; SS 10; Worship 11. McGrath — Zion (ELCA), Pastor James Sodergren; Worship 9; SS 9. McGregor/Big Sandy Lake — Grace (ELCA), Pastor D. Heath; Sat. evening services 5:30 pm (Log Church); Sun. worship 9 a.m. Fellowship hour follows. McGregor — Our Savior’s (Missouri Synod), Pastor Henry Koopman; Worship 9; SS 10; Bible Study Tue. 9, Wed. 7 pm. Opstead — Holden (ELCA), SS 9:30; Worship 10:30. Outing — Our Saviors; Worship 9. Palisade — Bethel (ELCA), Rev. W. J. Sass; Worship 9:30; SS: pre-school - 1st grade, 10; 2nd grade & up, 10:45 Rossburg — Bethesda (ELCA), Rev. Sandy Berg-Holte; Worship 9:00; SS 2nd Sat of Mo. 9 - 1 pm; Comm. 1st & 3rd Sunday each month. Tamarack (AFLC) — Pastor P. Franz; 1st & 4th Sun. 11; 3rd Sun. 1 Thor — Zion, Pastor G. Salmonson; Worship 11; 1st and 3rd Sun. April through December. Wright —Bethlehem, Worship; SS 9. Wright — St. John’s (Missouri Synod), Pastor Henry Koopman; Worship 10:30; Bible Study Thu. 10. PENTECOSTAL INDIAN Tamarack — Warriors of the Rainbow Ministry, 218-768-3412, Pastors Ken and Robin Fairbanks, Praise and Worship, Sat., 11. PRESBYTERIAN Crosby/Ironton — Pastor Norma Spurgin 1st St. SE, Hallet Ave.; Worship 10 a.m.; SS during worship. Crosslake — Rev. Ray Larson; Adult Education 9; Worship/SS 10, 14444 Daggett Pine Rd., 218-692-4769 McGrath — Calvary, Interim Pastor - Rev. Bill Chadwick; Worship 9:30; SS 10:30. McGregor/Round Lake — Rev. J. Yingling; Worship 9:30. Tamarack — First, Rev. J. Yingling; Worship 11. Round Lake — Rev. J. Yingling; Worship 9:30. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Aitkin — Pastor R. Brauer; Worship, Sat. 9:20; Sabbath School 10:20; Prayer Mtg. Tue. 7 pm. UNITED METHODIST Aitkin — Rev. Ruth Hograbe; Adult SS and classes for 3 yrs. to 9th grade, 9; Worship & Nursery 10:30. Crosby/Deerwood — Cascade, Rev. Shirley Nelson; Worship 9:45; fellowship follows. Emily — Pastor Judith Clark; Worship 8:45; fellowship follows.* Northern Lights Parish (United Methodist) — Pastor Russ Christensen Cromwell — Worship 11:00; SS 9. Pastor Russ Christensen Fleming — Worship 10:30; handicapped accessible. Hill City — Rev. Russ Christensen; Worship 6 p.m. McGregor — Pastor Russ Christensen .Worship 8:45; S.S. 10:15.* Palisade - Pastor Russ Christensen Worship 9. Cutler — Pine Lake Chapel, Rev. Ruth Hograbe; Worship 9; SS 9. Wesleyan Emily — Rev. Jeff Drake; Worship 9; Friendship Time 10; SS 10:30; Wed. Activities 6:30 pm; 218-763-HOPE. NewsHopperTM ~ hannah jones~ Hannah Elizabeth Jones, a girl, weighing 9 lbs., 6 ozs., was born Mar. 21, 2007, at Riverwood Healthcare Center of Aitkin to Dan and Kim Lundberg of Aitkin. Grandparents are: Tom and Peg Lundberg, Aitkin; and Terry and Judie Braith, Aitkin. Great-grandmothers are Ann Jones, Aitkin and Fern Ince, Aitkin. ~ Draven Gries ~ Draven Lyle Gries, a boy, weighing 8 lbs., was born Mar. 20, 2007, at Kanabec Hospital of Mora to Amanda Gries, Ogilvie, and Christopher Luchka, Pine River. Grandparents are: Suzanne and Robert Luchka, Pine River; Aric Gries, Ogilvie; and Teresa Fearing, Apple Valley. ~John Cacioppo~ John Leonardo Cacioppo III, a boy, weighing 7 lbs., 6 ozs., was born Mar. 19, 2007, at Kanabec Hospital of Mora to John and Sheena Cacioppo of Brook Park, and sibling Madison. Grandparents are: Steven and Susan Walker, Ogilvie; Kim and Dennis Gill, Mora; Margret Jaskoviak, Backas. New Arrivals ~ Kaden angstman ~ Kayden Lily Angstman, a girl, weighing 7 lbs., 9 ozs., was born Mar. 19, 2007, at Kanabec Hospital of Mora to Megan Angstman and Robert Willhite of Mora, and brother Brett. Grandparents are: Bonny and Randy Morris, Groton, SD; and Susan Talbot, Princeton. Great-grandmother is LaVonne Angstman, Mora. ~ Mathew Townley Black ~ Mathew Angeles Townley Black, a boy, weighing 7 lbs., 15.5 ozs., was born Mar. 16, 2007, at Kanabec Hospital of Mora to Johnathan Black, Ogilvie, and Caressa Townley, Brook Park. Grandparents are: Jim Townley, Brook Park; Patty Mattson, Ogilvie; Perry Black, Ogilvie; and Kim Andrews, Niobrara, NE. After 30 years or practicing medicine in Aitkin, Dr. Charles Schotzko, family practice physician at Riverwood Healthcare’s Aitkin clinic, is bidding his patients farewell and moving into a new role. This change was announced to his patients in mid-February. As of April 1, Dr. Schotzko will no longer see patients in the Riverwood clinic, but instead will work exclusively with both nursing homes in Aitkin – Aitkin Health Services and Aicota – to provide patient care for residents. He will remain employed by Riverwood but will work with North Clinic, a part of the North Memorial medical system in the Twin Cities, as the primary care provider for a new case management program called Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO). This managed care program for persons 65 and older who are eligible for both Medicare No Child Left Behind debate Foundation says the plan gives states more control. “By shifting greater authority back to the local level, local leaders and state policy makers would be given back responsibility and the opportunity to improve our schools at the local level.” The administration acknowledges that some changes need to be made. It is willing to listen, but Department of Education Spokesperson Holly Kuzmich says the focus still needs to be on student achievement and accountability. “But we think it’s really important not to roll back the clock on accountability.” House Education Com- mittee ranking member Buck McKeon supports the original law, and will be fighting for the options the law gives to parents. His spokesperson, Lindsey Mask, says his aim is twofold. “Two of his focuses are flexibility and choice.” Gregory McGinity of the Broad Foundation says all the debate is healthy. “Out of all of this we want to get a strong consensus about fixing an education system that’s a serious problem and that our children, in the end, are losing out.” The debate has a very bipartisan feel to it. Family News in Focus is sponsored by: Hoses Custom Built to Fit Your Needs. 112 Minnesota Avenue • AITKIN 218-927-3728 Call 120 Minnesota Ave. N. Aitkin 218-927-6400 space available Appliance Service & Repair 218-927-2027 toll free: 1-888-450-8845 Hyytinen 202 Minnesota Ave. N. Aitkin at the Stoplights 218-546-7333 1-800-549-3664 Spalding Hotel Building 5 W. Main St. • Crosby Dr. Murray A. Smith Dr. Shannon M. Smith NORTHWOOD EQUIPMENT HWY. 210 WEST, AITKIN 218-927-2140 218-927-6990 800-927-4498 218-927-3117 Hwy. 210 East • Aitkin Riley Auto Supply 18 - 2nd Street NW • Aitkin 218-927-2153 5 Dr. Charles Schotzko to leave Riverwood’s Aitkin clinic, to assume new role Focus on the Family (800) A-FAMILY (232-6459) The president’s signature education law is up for renewal and several ideas are floating around Congress about how to do it. Some see minor tweaks as the answer, while others say the law needs to be overhauled completely. More than 50 members of the House and Senate are backing legislation that would allow states to opt out of No Child Left Behind. The state would have to pass a referendum, or two of three state authorities: the governor, the legislature or the highest elected education official could decide they want out. Dan Lips of the Heritage March 31, 2007 218-927-2113 • 100 Hwy 210 E. • Aitkin and Medicaid offers a new model of integrated longterm care services. Through the MSHO program, a nurse coordinator in Aitkin will work with Dr. Schotzko to coordinate the healthcare needs of nursing home patients, including scheduling of medical appointments outside the nursing home. “I look forward to working on setting up a system to deliver more readily accessible and satisfying healthcare to local nursing home residents and their families,” explains Dr. Schotzko. “I will miss caring for patients who I have come to know so well over the years, but Riverwood has excellent and well-trained physicians who can step in and take my place. As I’ve grown older, I feel it is time to slow down and spend more time with my family and pursue some personal interests.” Dr. Schotzko has played an important role in providing quality healthcare to patients of Aitkin County for many years, according to Dr. Mark Heggem, Riverwood medical director. “He has been a great role model for young physicians and medical students during that time as well. We have all learned a great deal from him and will miss him dearly at the clinic and hospital. However, we welcome him into his new role at Aicota and Aitkin Health Services with anticipation of the excellent care that he will provide for those patients.” The public will be invited to attend a farewell reception for Dr. Schotzko in mid-April with a date and location to be announced soon. Patients who need to select a new primary care provider at Riverwood may call the Aitkin clinic, 218-927-2157 or 888-270-1882. The lucky winner is... The lucky winner of the goat in the Palisade Lions’ Raffle is Lois Fultz of Palisade. Palisade Lions thank all who bought tickets and made this a fun fundraiser. All monies raised go to benefit the Palisade community and Lions’ projects. 6 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM Aitkin Community Health Fair The annual Aitkin Community Health Fair will be held Sat., Apr. 21 in the Aitkin High School Gym, 7:30 to 10 a.m. in conjunction with Mille Lacs Energy Cooperative’s annual meeting. Sponsored by Clear Lake Grange #692, the health fair provides an opportunity to check out services and products for a healthy lifestyle. Individuals, organizations and services that would like to exhibit at the health fair are being sought. From past fairs we have covered health, wellness, food, exercise, and lifestyle services such as equipment for mobility to information on transportation. There is no charge for the space; however, we are asking that individuals bring item(s) for our local food shelf. This is an opportunity to share what you have to offer others. Approximately 500 people attend Mille Lacs Energy Cooperative’s annual meeting and check out the health fair. For more information, call Grange member, Roxy Appel Wigton, 218-927-4558. Deadline to register for a booth is Apr. 13. Crow Wing County Republicans schedule convention The Crow Wing County Republican Party will meet Sat., Mar. 31 at Central Lakes College for its annual convention. Agenda items include election of county officers and state central committee members. Changes to the local consti- tution and bylaws will also be considered. Kay Gunnarson, county chair, will convene the meeting at 10 a.m.; registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. Mary Koep will chair the convention. In the event of inclement weather, the convention will be held Apr. 3 at Central Lakes College. All delegates and alternates are encouraged to attend. From East Entrance, follow signs to Room E203. For more info., contact Kay Gunnarson, 218-639-0343. Annual Cuyuna Country Heritage Preservation Society meeting An update on Crow Wing County efforts to turn the Milford Mine location into a memorial park will be presented by Peter Van Evera at the annual meeting of Cuyuna Countr y Heritage Preservation Society (CCHPS). The public meeting will be held at 11 a.m., Thurs., Apr. 12, at Gary’s Sports Bar and Grill in Ironton. Make reservations by calling Evie Sheets, CCHPS Program Coordinator, 218-546-5063, no later than Apr. 10. Ordering will be off the menu. On Feb. 5, 1924, 41 miners – almost the entire day shift of the Milford – died within minutes when the waters of nearby Foley Lake broke through and filled the mine. Only seven men managed to escape the water boiling into the mine. It was the single greatest iron min- ing tragedy in U.S. history. Lansin Hamilton, former Crow Wing County Land Commissioner and now a CCHPS member has long been involved in efforts to develop the remote and difficult to access Milford site into a memorial park. Hamilton, Van Evera and other CCHPS members have voted to make the park a priority until the project to make it accessible to local residents and visitors is completed under the guidance and financing of Crow Wing County and other sponsors. Also par t of the program will be background music and vocals by Kris Hasskamp, CCHPS Legislative Chair and coodinator of Cuyuna Range Heritage Network’s Man High Celebration Aug. 17, 18 and 19. That event, initiated two years ago by Jim Nelson of CCHPS, is in recognition of the Man High series of three manned flights to the ceiling of the world 50 years ago. Man High II, piloted by Dr. David Simons, was launched on Aug. 18 from the Portsmouth deep mine pit in Crosby and successfully returned to earth on Aug. 19, 1957. Steve Blanich will discuss the interactive replica of the Man High capsule to be created by metal artist Jeff Kreitz of Crosslake as part of the celebration. The sculpture was made possible thanks to a grant from the Hallett Charitable Trusts. School children and other visitors will have an opportunity to sit in the pilot’s seat and get a feeling for just how cramped the capsule jammed with life support and scientific testing equipment was for the three Man High pilots during their pioneering flights. Clearwater Sales Center #32 Community Events Ongoing Events: Light of the Cross Lutheran 320-692-4773, 27170 Monroe St., Garrison. Blow-Hards, a lung disease support group, Palm Sunday meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 4/1 9:00am Palm Procession Kanabec Hospital in Mora. Contact Carol in Maundy Thursday Respiratory Therapy, 320-225-3646. 4/5 Christian Seder 7:00pm Circles of Support meets every Tues., 6 to 8 Prayer Vigil for Hope & Peace 9:00pm and p.m. If you are living paycheck to paycheck continues through Friday at 6:00pm and are ready for a change, Circles may be Good Friday right for you. Circles of Support provides 4/6 Worship Service 7:00pm an informal, confidential support system Easter that consists of volunteers and community4/8 7:00am Sunrise Service (followed by a based support networks of allies partnering brunch) with families. If you are a self-starter and 9:30am Festive Worship Service self-motivated, call Brandi, 800-997-5723. Dial-A-Ride is beginning service in Aitkin on Community Good Friday Service, 3/2/7 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Call for pick Tamarack Church of Christ. up: 218-326-3503 or 1-800-642-6143. This year the combined Good Friday SerGarrison City Council meetings are the first vice will be hosted by the Tamarack Church Thurs. of each month at the City. of Christ in Tamarack. It will be held at Hope for the Future Support Group for those 1:00pm on April 6th. The church is located 2 dealing with emotional issues, 1st and 3rd blocks east of Sam’s Grocery store. Thurs., 1 p.m., Access North, 105 4th St. NW, Aitkin, 927-3748. Jacobson Busy Bees meets every Thursday, March: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jacobson Community 30th - Based in Austin, the Hudsons deliver Bldg. Potluck at noon. Bring a dish to share. a hot-pickin’ high-energy performance, Cribbage, cards, Phase 10 and socializing seasoned with ballads and marinated in are enjoyed. All are welcome. For more beautiful three-part harmonies. Non-profit info., call 752-6652. Grassroots Concerts are held in the Nisswa Legal Aid meets in Aitkin every other month Community Center. Admission is $15 at the on the third Wed. at Security State Bank, door for adults and $10 for children under 2nd floor, 402 Minnesota Ave. N in Aitkin, 12. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 10 a.m. to noon. Contact the Senior Office, 6:30). At each concert a non-perishable food 218-927-3811 for appointment. 2007 dates: donation to a local food shelf is welcomed. Jan. 17, Mar. 21, May 16, July 18, Sept. 19, For information, call 218-963-2976 or check Nov. 21. out: LinkAge Line™, 4th Thursday of the month, 9:30 to 11:30 at Aitkin Co. Senior Office (Security April: State Bank bldg., 2nd floor). Counselors will 2nd - Dancing at McGregor VFW Post from 1-4 assist with Medicare-related issues. For an p.m. with “Mr. Morgan.” appt., call 800-333-2433. 2nd - Lakes and Woods Horticultural Club, 7 McGrath Area Civic Organization, first Wednesp.m, at Mille Lacs Energy Cooperative buildday following first Thursday of the month, ing, east of the intersection of Hwy. 169-210 9:00 a.m. at 1865 Cafe. in downtown Aitkin. A representative from McGrath City Council, first Thursday of the Landsburg Nursery of Brainerd will provide month, 6:00 p.m. at Fire Station Hall. information about “New and Fun Flowers McGregor TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) for Baskets and Planters.” All area gardenmeets Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. at Lake Miners are welcome to attend. Hostesses are newawa Sportsman’s Club, Goshawk St. Phyllis Kirkhorn and Jan Kolodji. Reminder (Co. Rd. 6). 218-768-2340 for more info. to members: it’s time to start growing plants MS Support Group, 3rd Mon., 1 p.m., Access for the Club’s May 19th Plant Sale. North, 105 4th St. NW, Aitkin, 927-3748. 3rd - Garrison Seniors Club, 12 noon, at the Stay fit and safe this winter by walking the RipCity of Garrison building on Central St., pleside Elementary School hallways. Halls four blocks west of the Walleye concourse are open for walking on school days, 3:30-6 on Hwy. 169. John, from Landsburg Nursp.m. No fee. Sign in across from office. ery in Brainerd, will present “New Flowers TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets Monand Vegetables for 2007.” Members need day evenings, 7 p.m. at 212 Viola Ave. in to bring a food item to share and their own Ironton. All interested is invited. Call Paula plates, cups and eating utensils. Area resiRobinson, 218-545-2180 for more info. dents age 55+ may become 2007 members by paying the annual $5 membership fee. Area School Reunion Updates: 3rd - Hot Topic: Why do I need an estate plan? Seeking names/addresses of persons attendwill be presented at Hawkeye’s Coffee Shop ing McGrath School for an All-School Rein Aitkin at 9 a.m. Session is free and you union in July ’07. Call Joanne, 1-320-592will receive a $2 discount on any food or 0101, with your info. w10 beverage purchase. 7th - McGrath Area Civic Organization will host an Easter Egg Hunt at 11 a.m. The event Easter Church Service Information: will start with egg dying. St. James Catholic Church 927-6581, 11th - Dancing at Waukenabo Town Hall, 1-4 309 Second St. NW, Aitkin. p.m. with Florian Chmielewski. Palm Sunday Weekend 12th - Jaques Art Center’s annual meeting will 3/31 4:30pm St. James be Thurs. Apr. 12, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Jaques 7:00pm OLOF Art Center. The public is welcome to attend. 4/1 8:30am St. James Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be 9:00am Holy Family served. For more information, call Jaques 11:00am OLOF Art Center, 218-927-2363. Holy Thursday 13th - Catie Curtis delivers a mix of wit and 4/5 Seder Meal 5:30pm St. James vocals in the Nisswa Community Center. Mass & Adoration 7:30pm St. James Admission is $15 at the door for adults and Mass & Adoration 7:30pm OLOF $10 for children under 12. Showtime is 7:30 Good Friday p.m. (doors open at 6:30). Non-perishable 4/6 Liturgy Noon St. James food donations for a local food shelf are wel Liturgy 2:30pm OLOF comed. For information, call 218-963-2976 Easter Vigil or check out: 4/7 7:30pm St. James 16th - Dancing at McGregor VFW Post, 1-4 7:30pm OLOF p.m. with “Jerry Bierschback.” Easter 25th - Dancing at Waukenabo Town Hall, 1-4 4/8 7:00am St. James p.m. with Gary Martens. 8:30am St. James 9:00am Holy Family 11:00am OLOF May: 2nd - Dancing at Waukenabo Town Hall, 1-4 Hilltop Chapel 218-845-2301, p.m. with “Jerry B.” 49448 Osprey Ave., Palisade. 30th - Dancing at Waukenabo Town Hall, 1-4 Good Friday p.m. with “Andy Roscos.” 4/6 Holy Communion 7:00pm Easter June: 4/8 8:00am Sonrise Service 2nd - “McGregor Area Lakes Fishing Tourna 8:45am Easter Breakfast FREE ment” on Big Sandy Lake & Lake Minnewa 10:00am Celebration Service wa - call 218-768-3692 for details or visit Controversy, contention at county board MORRIS-MORRIS Infrastructure revolving loan fund proposal killed During the Aitkin County Board meeting Tues., Mar. 20, the board split, 3-2, in its decision relative to providing revolving loan funds to townships and/or cities for infrastructure improvements. This idea was proposed by County Engineer John Welle last week. Commissioner Dale Lueck said he had spoken to townships supervisors, clerks and treasurers, and had received a consistent theme –“they do not see a need within the township to get involved. They well understand how to borrow money and have used shortterm lending procedure in the past. However, they said ‘If you’ve got extra money, it’d be great for us to have it!’” Lueck made a motion to cease working on the loan fund proposal. “I realize I have no cities in my district, and everyone may have a different perspective,” Lueck concluded. Commissioner Galen Tveit seconded Lueck’s motion to cease consideration of the revolving loan fund. “In the beginning it sounded good,” Tveit said, “but it did put the taxpayers in a position to have their township level raised. Tax money should not be used to up the ante of taxes.” Commissioner Chair Brian Napstad weighed in and expressed concern on the “path the board would be walking down.” “We would be sitting in a position to decide what city/ township is more important than another,” Napstad said. “There are not unlimited funds available.” Napstad said he agreed with Lueck in that townships already have the ability to levy taxes and/or bond, and that a county revolving loan fund would not put on the table anything that is not already available. Lueck added that he had had spoken to a local commercial lender. That lender “made it clear that townships get a better credit rating than private citizens,” so they’re already getting a reduced interest rate. “Are we getting into the banking business?” Lueck asked, adding that specialized skills are needed in the area of loans, which would equate to needing additional county personnel. “Is this way up on the priority list of what taxpayers want me to spend my time on?” Commissioner Paul Bailey strongly reacted to the tone of the discussion. “It’s not fair to base the county on one district,” he said. “This board should realize we make decisions for the whole county.” Bailey continued on to say that McGrath would be interested in utilizing an infrasture revolving loan fund. Interim County Administrator Tom Burke interjected questions into the discussion, asking commissioners what they wanted department heads to bring to the county board in the future. He reminded the board that Welle had brought this idea to the board as a proposal, and that department head input is needed and valuable in the county operation. “You’re not going to get ideas from department heads if all they hear is the negative,” Burke said. Commissioner Napstad said that John Welle had brought seven issues to the board, and this was “only one issue on his list.” “It touched county fund balances, which is board purview,” Napstad said. “Because one item is controversial, does not preclude other department heads from bringing issues to the board.” Burke referred to a misquote in a local newspaper, that said the county has ”excess funds,” and that’s why a revolving loan fund was being considered. Pete’s Retreat Campground hits environmental green light The Environmental Assessment Worksheet review committee made a unanimous recommendation not to require an Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed expansion of Pete’s Retreat Campground near Malmo, adjacent to Deer Lake. Conclusions in the Record of Decision state that “the project poses no potential for significant en- vironmental effects.” The Aitkin County Board of Commissioners accepted the findings of fact and conclusion, and authorized signing the decision during its board meeting Tues., Apr. 20. The proposed project includes the expansion of an existing 49 site campground by an additional 49 campsites, for a total of 98 sites. Onsite sewer and water systems will Unlimited Learning: Oxygen for next generation Concerned about global warming and biodiversity imbalance? In preparation for Arbor Day and Earth Day, learn how tree planting may be a key to the long-term well-being of our planet earth. Tree planting, biodiversity, responsible stewardship of natural resources – these strings will be tied together by Roger Grussing, a Presbyterian pastor. Grussing is featured speaker at the Tues., Apr. 10, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Unlimited Learning session to be held at Crosby’s Hallett Community Center. A member of the Social Action Committee of the Presbytery, he will share his passion for care of the natural environment and challenge participants to become caretakers of the earth’s resources. Unlimited Learning programs are open to the public. Members attend free of charge. For non-members, the fee is $6 for this session. For further information on this and other programs, contact Larry Foote, 218678-3034 or e-mail: llfoote@ Check out the Unlimited Learning website at Select the community education link. service the expansion. Questions were raised during the 30-day public review and comment period. Aitkin Co. Planning and Zoning Office received written comments from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe and the Office of the Minnesota State Archaeologist. Richard M. Rothaus, PhD, Rothaus Consulting LLC, the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe’s consulting archaeologist, said that the EAW did not address cultural resource issues and ignored the “strong” possibility of burials in the area and listed potential sites. Aitkin Co. responded to the Band by saying that Pete’s Retreat owners had contacted Archaeological Research Services of Minneapolis to perform an archaeological study on the property. That study was begun on Feb. 22 and will be continued when weather permits this spring. Although the archaeologist has said that “the likelihood of burial features appears low,” in the event that a burial site is discovered, existing State laws will be complied with and additional investigation completed. “I can’t react to a misquote in the paper,” Burke said. “ I think it’s terrible to hold ideas hostage to what’s in print.” Commissioner Mark Wedel agreed with Burke. “We need input and new ideas,” Wedel said. “It’s not fair to the county to subdue ideas from department heads.” “I’m not advocating for or against it,” Wedel continued. “But this board directed John Welle to look into it further. Members of the public are expecting the board to discuss it during the April 3 meeting. To me this is an issue of fairness to the public.” When all discussion halted, the motion to cease consideration of the county revolving loan fund was called. Three commissioners voted for the motion to cease (Lueck, Napstad, Tveit), and two opposed (Bailey, Wedel). County staff was directed to discontinue gathering information and discontinue any work on the concept of a revolving loan fund for infrastructure projects with the townships. Certified Public Accountants Dale Morris, CPA Don Morris, CPA We Offer 214 - 1st Ave. NW • Aitkin, MN Electronic Tax Filing 218-927-4270 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8 am to 5 pm; or by appointment USED CLOTHING & MISC. Pants Shirts 2 $ 50 2 $ 00 from from DAC-MART 308 Minnesota Ave. Aitkin, MN 56431 218-927-1992 New Stuff Daily! Something for everyone! Hours: 9 to 5 M-F • 9 to 4 Sat. Call Appliance Service & Repair Aitkin In other business the board: •Accepted lowest responsible bid of $179,226.45 for C.P. 01-63-01, received from Holte Contracting of Oslo, MN. This project involves ditching and embankment fills on 2.7 miles of Co. Rd. 63 on the west side of Big Sandy Lake. $190,000 was budgeted in 2006 for this project. Other bids were received from Gladen Construction, LaPorte; Roth Construction, McGrath; KTM Paving, Hermantown; Jack Olson Construction and Land Development, McGregor; and Thompson Farms, Aitkin. •Authorized the acceptance of the 2007 Boat and Water Supplemental Grant Agreement with the State of Minnesota for $5,000. •Resolved that Tom Burke may elect pay in lieu of vacation for any hours that he has already forfeited or for any hours subject to forfeiture while serving as Interim County Administrator, up to a maximum of 10 days or 80 hours. •Authorized the purchase of signs for the courthouse from The Office Shop of Aitkin at a cost of $6,434. Another bid was received from Sign Spot, Brainerd, of $7,785.82. •Accepted low bid from Hills Construction of Aitkin ($2,350) and Thoroughbred Carpets of Deerwood ($861.84) for the remodeling of courtroom 2. The judge’s bench will be moved and new carpet installed. 7 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM 218-927-2027 1-888-450-8845 “Warm Hearts for Cold Noses” Janine Williams - Owner • No Restraints Used • Reasonable Pricing • 13 Years In The Business • Grooming With A Personalized Touch Saturday Appointments Available North Of Ossipee On 118 Merrifield........................................ 218-765-3660 It’s all about the circulation! Advertise in the NewsHopper and get results! Call 218-927-6990 or 800-927-4498 and learn what our circulation can do for you! 8 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM Laura Ingalls Wilder – Trials, Would like to get an immediate $100 off on your collision deductible? Give me a call to find out how. Allstate offers a wide range of insurance, auto, home, recreation, business, classic cars & boats Mark D. Larson 204 2nd St. NW, Aitkin, MN 56431 218-927-9936 or 866-332-2009 Hours: 8:30 - 5:30 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 12:00 Saturday Evening by appointment 30’x40’x10’ Pole Building $9,300 • Residential • Commercial • Pole Houses Materials, Installation & Tax Includes 16’x8’ overhead door, 36’ service door, screwed roof & side walls, 5’ footings 42lb. snow load & choice of color * Authorized Dealer of Sherman Buildings Lic. #20408955 Von Gross Pole Buildings 218-927-2408 • 877-331-7671 rk We wo u! o y for and Building Center 218-768-4083 • McGregor, MN ~ Newly Expanded Hardware ~ Doors ~ Windows ~ Lumber ~ Siding Shingles ~ Building Materials Cabinets ~ Paint ~ Decking ~ Flooring Fireplaces ~ Wood Furnaces r Remove You ms Water Proble ins Water that Sta 1-877-326-9837 Hard Water r 1551 College Road • Baxter Acid Wate www. Iron Water • FREE Water Analysis • Service All Brands • Rent to Own • Filters - Distillers • Residential - Commerical • Drinking Water Systems • SAVES ON SALT & WATER Your EcoWater dealer can perform inhome testing and has access to one of the largest and best equipped water labs in the world. So whatever your water problem, depend on your EcoWater dealer to find the solution! Taste Good Water! Visit the new office of the NewsHopper in Aitkin and quench your thirst with a glass of FREE water! (Compliments of the NewsHopper and Ecowater Systems.) NewsHopper’s Classifieds Attract Buyers. Looking to sell your used car, television, sofa, baseball card collection or anything else under the sun? Place an ad in the NewsHopper’s Classifieds! This is Part I of a series. Connie Pettersen Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books, written about her life as a 19th century frontier girl are rich in historical value. Their publishing history began in 1932 during a depression-era economy. Today Laura’s books continue to reach all generations of readers worldwide and are some of the greatest literary achievements of the last century. I first discovered Laura Ingalls Wilder back in 1956 as a third grader in a one-room school near Volin, South Dakota. Our teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Preheim, read Little House in the Big Woods, and Farmer Boy. I was hooked. Not just on Laura’s books, but with a love of reading, history, and a desire to write. I’m still in awe of her writing, but even more so with the depth of her character. She faced life with grit, faith, and hope for the future, all despite personal losses. It was a quality at least equal to Laura’s literary legacy. While she wasn’t perfect, (she admitted she had flaws as everyone has) her life reflects exemplary morals, conduct and positive thinking. During Laura’s first quarter century of life, she endured hardships during childhood and tragedies as a bride. The Wilders lost their only son as an infant. A fire destroyed their home and almost all belongings. They also faced serious health issues and defeat her. It had to be a difficult decision in 1894 to leave everything familiar in De Smet, Dakota Territory for a land site unseen. At age 27, Laura made “the land of the big red apple” a grand adventure for daughter Rose. More likely Site of the Wilder homestead where Rose Wilder Lane was born near De Smet, SD. Photo © courtesy of Deb Houdek/Rule. Insets: Laura Ingalls Wilder and husband, Almanzo at about the ages of 27 and 37, respectively. Photo© courtesy of Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society, De Smet, SD consecutive crop failures from parched Dakota fields in seven drought years. Despite adversities and personal heartbreak, Laura kept her religious faith, refusing to let tribulations it was bittersweet. It also meant leaving a land rich in memories where she had matured to womanhood on her beloved Dakota prairies and final goodbyes to her support system of family Aitkin Children’s Center The Aitkin Children’s Center Parent Advisory Council would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their support in our Silent Auction at Rippleside Elementary School! Please support them with your patronage to say thank you! Contributors: Aitkin Bar B Que Aitkin Children’s Center Aitkin Eyecare Center Aitkin Feed & Farm Aitkin Flowers and Gifts Aitkin Independent Age Aitkin Lanes Aitkin Motors Aitkin Outdoor Sports Doff Anderson Dixie Babin Bare’s Bootery Beanery Ben Franklin Birchwood Cafe Bremer Bank Becky Bright Elissa Bryan Cloquet Credit Union Coomb’s Cuts Cumming’s Self Serve Curves Dairy Queen Maureen DeSutter Norman & Jeanne Ellig Fine Line - Ruttger’s Location Floe International Forty Club Fremling Family Ganz’s Rossburg Pheasants Gaulke Family and friends. Learning to deal positively with life’s difficulties was an ability Laura had gleaned from her parents, Charles and Caroline Ingalls, also hardy pioneers. They taught her to always do your best, make do with what you Glen Store Gramma’s Pantry Grand Casino Great River Gardens The Gumdrop Tree Hallett Center Hawkeyes Kay Hill Roland & Kay Hill Hooked on Quilting Hudrlik Carpet Hyytinen’s Hardware Jeanie’s & Company Kelly’s Kitchen Suzanne LaLond The Landing Larson Plumbing & Heating Ron Larson Lightning Motor Sports Ken Kellar Foundation Mabel Kelling Kinzer Family Main Street Hair Shanda Meger Mille Lacs Energy Julie Miller Scott Miller Bill & Marge Muscatello NAPA Northern Promotions Northwoods Equipment Office Shop Doug Olson Palisade Cafe Palisade Coop Palisade Liquor Store Palisade Mercantile Pamida Jessica Papenfuss Paulbeck’s County Market People’s Bank Pete’s Retreat Pine Inn Ripple River Gallery Ripple River Motel & RV Park Roadside Restaurant Royal Expressions Boutique Rustic Trails Ruttgers Sadie Llama Designs Scrapbook and More Security State Agency Security State Bank Sentence to Serve Snyder Drug The Sweetery True Value Unclaimed Freight Westerlund Custom Bldg. Westerlund, Inc. Through their contributions, they have allowed us to buy supplies and provide activities to help enhance the Early Childhood years. have, be cheerful, honest and truthful. Laura’s Pa and Ma, strong and independent, also had wilderness survival skills as well as they modeled gentleness, integrity and thriftiness. Laura was born in a log cabin near Pepin, Wisconsin in 1867. She married Almanzo Wilder in 1885. In Missouri, she began writing her “eight volume novel” as she referred to her Little House books. Her original story, pencilled on inexpensive school tablets, was titled “Pioneer Girl.” They were memoirs of heading west in covered wagons through woodlands, across prairies, and helping Pa and Ma in a wilderness existence. After returning by train to De Smet to be at her father’s deathbed in 1902, Laura was awash in childhood memories. She had stories she felt had to be told. When she began writing about her childhood in her retirement years, she had not intended them as history, but to enlighten younger generations (continued page 9) All in One Plumbing Your one stop plumbing service from faucets to water heaters including water, gas or septic lines repairs or replacement 218-534-2964 928-713-2475 Bonded & Insured NewsHopperTM March 31, 2007 9 truths from a pioneer woman Another omission was an book and the start of By the (continued from page 8) about a bygone frontier era Ingalls move from Wiscon- Shores of Silver Lake, Laura and to memorialize her be- sin to Missouri when Laura left out significant family was under two. Charles had history. loved father. The move to Burr Oak, Iowa “Pioneer Girl” was submit- purchased Missouri land site ted to a publisher, but re- unseen, then wanted the where Pa and Ma helped jected. Laura was encouraged free government land of- manage the Masters Hotel was eliminated. Nor to revise, which she did was there any mention with editorial help of her of a nine-month-old daughter Rose, by then a A good laugh overcomes more baby brother, Charles famous journalist. difficulties and dissipates Frederick (“Freddie”) In a letter to her fans, who died on the way Laura said, “I lived every- more dark clouds than any to Iowa, or that Baby thing that happened in other one thing. Grace was born in Burr my books. It was a long Laura Ingalls Wilder Oak. story filled with sunshine Pa hated hotel manand sadness.” She lived what she wrote about, but fered in Kansas. After they agement. His nomadic way could not tell everything. mistakenly “squatted” on of life longed for western Some events during her Osage Reservation land, prairies. The Ingalls returned childhood were absent by the they evacuated their Kansas to Plum Creek. By the Shores publisher’s decision. Trag- homestead (Little House on of Silver Lake begins with Mary blinded from scarlet edies in her early marriage the Prairie). The Ingalls family returned fever and Pa working for were omitted because Laura to Pepin before moving to the expanding railroad into felt they were too sad. Her publisher liked the new Plum Creek, near Walnut Dakota. ” The 10-room farm house Laura and Amanzo built in mansfield, MO. It started out as two rooms and expanded over the years. Most of the material used came from their farm. Connie Pettersen photo active church members. Pa and Ma and other characters of Laura’s books are buried in De Smet. Laura’s books about Dakota were By the Shores of Silver Lake (published by Harper and Brothers in 1939), The Long Winter (1940), Little Town on the Prairie (1941), and These Happy Golden Years (1943), which ends with her marriage to Almanzo. The “courage of despair” The Surveyor’s House where the Ingalls family first lived in Dakota Territory. Photo© courtesy of Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society, De Smet, SD version, but didn’t believe Laura had only been three in Wisconsin with such a vivid recall (Little House in the Big Woods). They insisted she had to be five, so Laura eliminated her parents’ move to Burr, Oak, Iowa when she was nine to make up for two missing years. Steel Building Sale!!! Arenas, Barns, Custom Buildings Sized from 24x30 to 200x400 Call Chris @ 218-590-4177 Need a Well Drilled? Well Drilling • Abandonment Repair • Pump Sales & Service FREE ESTIMATES 26744 Hwy. 210 • Aitkin, MN 56431 Dennis • 218-927-3571 Lyndon • 218-534-3442 Grove, MN in 1874. After successive crop failures from grasshoppers (On the Banks of Plum Creek) Charles worked in Eastern Minnesota wheat fields that had escaped the insects. Between that Aitkin In 1879, the Ingalls moved to the future town site of De Smet, but only after Charles promised Caroline it would be their last trip west. He kept his word and they became prominent citizens and Located in Southgate Mall just South of Aitkin on 169 • Building Needs • Tools • Lawn & Garden • Chairs & Tables • T-55 walk behind Bobcat w/riding platform, 8” & 12”Augers, Pallet Fork, Trencher, Dozer Blade,Land Leveler Blade, Bucket Now in the Southgate Mall. Still your full service hardware store! 218-927-2416 Need Body Work? • Collision Repair • Glass Installed • • Auto Painting • Refinishing • Steve Cluff • Radiator Service • 421 Minnesota Ave. N • Wrecks Rebuilt • 218-927-3832 Fax Aitkin, MN 56431 218-927-2883 Aitkin Body Shop Laura hesitated to publish a fifth volume about the tragic events in their early marriage in De Smet. She did not want to dishearten young readers. After her death in 1957 at 90, a rough manuscript about those first years was found and provided answers to many requests from her fans. Published in 1971, The First Four Years included Rose’s birth in December 1886, the loss of their infant son in 1889, and the fire destroying most of their possessions and the house Almanzo built and mortgaged. On the Way Home, (1962) begins in De Smet with Laura and Almanzo nearly dying from diphtheria and Almanzo’s partial paralysis. Other dire circumstances included a seven-year drought, repeated crop failures with additional mortgages, plus a doctor ordering Almanzo to a warmer climate. Almanzo, Laura and Rose leave the scorched Dakota prairies in July 1894 “with hard luck nipping at their heels.” Laura had Pa’s adventurous pioneering spirit and Ma’s skills in handling life’s difficulties. Her diary records their journey as long, hot, dusty and at the mercy of unpredictable weather and strangers along the way. When their adult daughter, Rose, wrote about their Missouri move which occurred after the financial panic of 1893, Rose said, “The whole Middle West was shaken loose and moving. There was no hope, but everyone felt the courage of despair.” Humble beginnings The Wilder’s luck turned in Mansfield, Missouri. It was the Promised Land – alive with fresh Ozark mountain air, flowing streams and woodlands – an oasis after parched prairies. They purchased 40 acres with 400 seedling apple trees. Laura called it Rocky Ridge Farm, but it was a couple years before things got better financially. The first year they lived in a log cabin. The next year they built a two-room white frame home from farm materials. “We cleared the land and built our own farmhouse,” Laura said in her letter at the Wilder museum. “Eventually we had 200 acres of improved land, a herd of (continued page 10) minnesota’s Largest Selection of hydraulic hose & fittings up thru 2” 4 wire Riley Auto Supply aitkin 218-927-2153 Hoses also available at: Palisade Coop • Palisade • 218-845-2333 D&S Truck Repair • McGregor • 218-851-1555 *some sizes not available at all locations 10 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM 16655 County Road 10 Deerwood, MN 56444 (Co Rd 10, East Side of Bay Lake) 218-678-2419 Easter Weekend Extravaganza • Easter Sunday Brunch Buffet Sun., April 8th 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Featuring: Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Scrambled Eggs and Diced Ham, French Toast, Fruit Medley, American Fries, Cold Peel and Eat Shrimp, Roast Chicken, Baked Cod, Vegetable Medley, Parsley Butter Potatoes, Dinner Rolls, Full Salad Bar, Full Desert Table, Carved Roast Beef & Ham ALL YOU CAN EAT - Adults $16.95 Kids under 12 $10.95 Under 5 Free with paid adult RESERVATIONS REQUIRED • Easter Bunny Arriving Sat., April 7th • Huge Easter Egg Hunt at Noon, outside for kids 10 and under. (Kids bring your own basket!) • Petting Zoo Noon to 4 p.m. See the Llama, Pony, Goats & Bunnies Applicants sought for scholarship pageant Applications are now being accepted for the 25th annual Miss Aitkin Scholarship Pageant to be held at 7 p.m., Thurs., July 19, in the Aitkin High School auditorium at 7 p.m. Over $2,500 in scholarships and prizes will be awarded. Scholarship amounts have increased over 20 years, due to donations from Aitkin area businesses and cooperation of Dollars for Scholars. The Miss Aitkin Royalty will serve as an ambassador for Aitkin at community and area events for a year. The contest includes judging of personal interview, casual wear, talent, poise and final question. Young women who wish to enter must have completed their junior or senior year at Aitkin High School prior to the pageant and be of single status. They must be available for evening rehearsals Sunday through Wednesday of the week as well as Thursday afternoon for interviews. Applications and further details are available from Theresa Larson (Pageant Director) 218-927-1917 or the 2006 Miss Aitkin Royalty which includes Darla Stevens, Tricia Betley and Alanna Tibbetts. Deadline for applications is Fri., May 25 at 5 p.m. 2006 Royalty will be surrendering their crowns in July to the successors. At right, l to r: Princess Tricia Betley, Miss Aitkin 2006 Darla Stevens, and Princess Alanna Tibbetts. Hopper’s $avers Great Gift Ideas! COUPON Buy 1 dinner entree get second dinner entree 1/2 price. * Not good on Easter Buffet Expires: April 15, 2007 $$ 3.00 $ Big sandy Lodge, McGregor.............................................. $10.00 for 7.00 $ Cookies ‘n Things, Aitkin. .................................................. $10.00 for 7.00 $ curves, Aitkin.... One Month + 1/2 Off Membership = $114.00 for 29.00 $ DeerstaNd Sports Bar& Grill, Deerwood.......... $10.00 for 7.00 $ ENGUMS TAE-KWON-DO, CrosbyOne Month = $40.00 for 20.00 $ Giovanni’s Pizza, Brainerd............................................ $10.00 for 7.00 $ hallett comm. center Crosby - Valid for 10 time pass only$70.00 for 60.00 $ Hawkeye’s Coffee Shop, Aitkin................................ $5.00 for 3.00 $ Heartland kitchen, Crosby.....................................$10.00 for 7.00 Aitkin Barbeque Co., Aitkin......................................... $5.00 for Superstar 2007 So, you think you’re a great singer? Have you been told you could be a pro? Then try out for the “Hawk’s Superstar 2007” Karaoke competition! Nine week competition: Thursday nights, beginning Feb. 22 t hrough April 19 FINAL S held April 26 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Four singers from each night will be asked to return for the final on April 26. Panel consists of 4 judges. All have a music background. The scores from your qualifying night will be added into the scores on the final night, April 26. On April 26, each finalist will sing 2 songs. Anyone under the age of 16 must be done singing and leave the bar by 10 p.m. Singers may bring their own CD’s. Singers are asked to sing 2 times each night, if time allows. Singers will be judged on singing talent, presence, charisma. Singer not chosen one week may try to qualify, as many times as they like. Singers may not use props of any kind. Competitors not chosen 1 week may try again the remaining weeks. All photographs and video taken during competition nights become the sole property of the Hawk on Bay. Finalists will sign a contract with the Hawk on Bay for the sole rights to all photographs and video taken during the final night. Call 218-678-2419 or 218-838-7783 ask for Tim. 1st Place $500 Cash 2nd Place 2 Tickets to Winstock Country Music Fest 3rd Place Weekend Stay at Grand Casino $ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ $6495 Trans Sport ASE Certified Mechanics 7 passenger, Local Trade Just Traded = $_____ Open: Mon. - Tues. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Wed. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ = $_____ Some exclusions may apply per certificate. We reserve the right to limit quantities and discontinue this promotion at any time. “Sports Call” with Tom Martin, Every Monday 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. 94.3 FM Classic Country 930 AM Adult Favorites Twins on 94.3 FM Every Tuesday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Vikings • Twins • Gopher Football Aitkin • Crosby • McGregor Local Sports Time & Temperature Hotline 24-hours a day • Tunes Ups • Alignments • Engine Repair • Tranny Service/Replacement • Tire Sales & Repair CUMMINGS AUTO SALES • Wrecker Service 24 hr. Towing After Hours 218-927-4484 = $_____ and the “The Morning Show” with Dallas Kurt Smith, 1997 Pontiac $3995 $ = $_____ TOTAL $_______ = $_____ 2003 Pontiac Local Trade for 927-2100 • 1-800-450-5546 quality used cars Grand Prix 7.00 $ Louie’s Bucket of Bones,Ironton (Only 5 per week).....$5.00 for 3.00 $ minnestalgia, McGregor............................................. $10.00 for 7.00 $ nord Lake reflections, Aitkin..............................$10.00 for 7.00 $ nordic INN, Crosby.................................................... $65.00 for 50.00 $ ROSALLINI’S, Aitkin...........................................................$10.00 for 7.00 $ the beanery, Aitkin........................................................$10.00 for 7.00 $ the Sweetery, Aitkin - Genuine Italian Charm........ $15.00 for 10.00 $ TJ’s on the Cove, Deerwood..................................... $10.00 for 7.00 Hooked on quilting, Aitkin..................................... $10.00 = $_____ Send in your order form with a check and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: NewsHopper 202 Minnesota Ave N • Aitkin, MN 56431 • To get your Hopper’s Savers mailed to you. Available at the NewsHopper Office in Aitkin and by mail. While Supplies Last! Dealer License #17884 24 SECOND ST. NE • AITKIN 218-927-3015 • OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Always the exact time & temperature 927-1778 or 1-877-969-KKIN (5546) Sponsors: hudrlik carpet – Aitkin, Brainerd & Crosby; Iron range auto body, Ironton Snyder drug stores, Aitkin & McGregor Radio Auctions Held every Wednesday from 10:05-11:30 a.m. 218-927-2100 or 800-450-5546 complete list of items can be found at CHRONICLE OF THE OLD WEST On KKIN 94.3 FM at 1:50 p.m. Weekday Afternoons with Dakota Livesay March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM 11 Reservations are not required, but highly recommended 218-426-3029 1-888-EAT-KRAUT Daily Open a.m. at 11 12 mi. NE of McGregor. Take Hwy. 65 N 5 mi. to CR 6, right on CR 6 for 6 mi., left on CR 40 for 1 mi. Serving Easter Dinner Sunday, April 8th Featuring St. Michaels Ham $12.00 Per Person Continue the Tradition… Treat Your Family to Our Famous Easter Brunch Sunday, April 8 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. — Overlooking Bay Lake Reservations Required 800-450-4545 or 218-678-2885 — Adults: $16.95 Kids 4-12: $9.95 3 & Under: Free Palisade Pizza Municipal Liquor Snacks On/Of Sale f Cribbage 218-845-2143 Tournament Every Wednesday Open: at 1 p.m. Monday - Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. $3.00 Entry Fee Downtown Palisade 218-927-4710 20 2nd St. NE, Aitkin MN 56431 Now Taking Pre-Orders for Easter Baskets & Cookies Your Business could be here! Bake Sale Friday, April 6 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. SECURITY STATE BANK Sponsored by Fleming United Methodist Church Preorder deadline March 30 927-3241 768-3010 Bigger, Better, Fresher, Floral! Easter Lilies 6 $ 99 Prices good through Easter. • Fresh Flower Bouquets • Floral Arrangements for All Occasions • Green and Blooming Plants • Mylar & Latex Balloons Downtown Aitkin • 218-927-6412 april Special all you can eat Fridays - SPAGHETTI & lasagna, BREAD AND POP $8.50 SATURDAYs - PIZZA & POP $6.50 10 and under half price dine in only 4pm till 8pm Sponsored by Aitkin Lions, Riverboat Lions, and the Deerwood Lakes Lions “Clown Club” andy Prizes • Cafts r C • n Fu ents Refreshm ting in a P e c Fa Tying Balloon 218-927-6919 • Open 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Located 2 blocks North on Hwy. 6 Fine Dining with a in Deerwood Breathtaking View of Serpent Lake Come and enjoy the GREAT kid’s easter event Sat., April 7 • 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Westside Church Open to all kids 10 & under Easter Bunny will be present — 218-534-3871 Easter Buffet — Sunday, April 8th 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Buffet Menu Includes: Eggs, sausage, french toast sticks, corn beef hash, ham, turkey, BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes, biscuits & sausage gravy, stuffing, stroganoff, vegetable, fruit, carmel rolls, desserts, juice and more! Adults $11.95 • Children (ages 4 -10) $4.95 Please Call For Reservations 218-534-3871 218-426-3333 20534 487th Street, McGregor, MN 55760 Open 7 days a week for breakfast at 7 a.m. Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner Reserve your Easter Brunch Now at Big Sandy Lodge Omelet Bar, Shaved Ham, Eggs Benedict, Pancakes, French Toast, Bacon/Sausage, Fresh Fruit, Pastries, Shrimp Cocktail, Broiled Fish, and much more - $19.95 Easter Egg Hunt for kids 12 and under 12:00 p.m. at the Lodge Wine Tasting at the Lodge Sat., March 31st • 6pm - 8pm 12 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM on KKIN KKIN 94.3 FM Tune into KKIN 94.3 FM for Minnesota Twins Baseball. KKIN will provide you the best play-by- play coverage of the game. Active Roster Pitchers B/T Ht Wt 30 Scott Baker R/R 6-4 210 -- Ricky Barrett L/L 6-0 200 26 Boof Bonser R/R 6-4 260 28 Jesse Crain R/R 6-1 205 -- Julio DePaula R/R 6-0 180 31 J.D. Durbin R/R 6-0 210 21 Matt Garza R/R 6-4 185 54 Matt Guerrier R/R 6-3 194 47 Francisco LirianoL/L 6-2 200 74 Jose Mijares L/L 6-0 230 36 Joe Nathan R/R 6-4 220 17 Pat Neshek S/R 6-3 205 -- Ramon Ortiz R/R 6-0 175 60 Glen Perkins L/L 5-11200 37 Dennys Reyes R/L 6-3 245 39 Juan Rincon R/R5-11205 57 Johan Santana L/L 6-0 210 52 Carlos Silva R/R 6-4 245 76 Errol Simonitsch L/L 6-4 230 -- Alexander Smit L/L 6-3 210 -- Oswaldo Sosa R/R 6-4 225 DOB 09/19/81 03/09/81 10/14/81 07/05/81 12/31/82 02/24/82 11/26/83 08/02/78 10/26/83 10/29/84 11/22/74 09/04/80 05/23/73 03/02/83 04/19/77 01/23/79 03/13/79 04/23/79 08/24/82 10/02/85 09/19/85 Catchers B/T Ht Wt DOB 41 Chris Heintz R/R 6-1 210 08/06/74 7 Joe Mauer L/R 6-4 220 04/19/83 55 Mike Redmond R/R5-11200 05/05/71 Infielders B/T Ht Wt 18 Jason Bartlett R/R 6-0 180 25 Alexi Casilla S/R 5-9 160 1 Luis Castillo S/R5-11190 -- Jeff Cirillo R/R 6-1 200 50 Garrett Jones L/L 6-4 245 -- Alejandro MachadoS/R6-0 185 33 Justin Morneau L/R 6-4 225 8 Nick Punto S/R 5-9 185 38 Luis Rodriguez S/R 5-9 190 DOB 10/30/79 07/20/84 09/12/75 09/23/69 06/21/81 04/26/82 05/15/81 11/08/77 06/27/80 Outfielders 5 Michael Cuddyer 20 Lew Ford 48 Torii Hunter 16 Jason Kubel -- Denard Span 12 Jason Tyner 24 Rondell White DOB 03/27/79 08/12/76 07/18/75 05/25/82 02/27/84 04/23/77 02/23/72 B/T Ht Wt R/R 6-2 220 R/R 6-0 200 R/R 6-2 215 L/R5-11200 L/L 6-0 190 L/L 6-1 175 R/R 6-1 225 2007 Twins Broadcast Schedule Date Opponent Time (CT) April Monday, April 2 .................................... vs Orioles ................................................ Tuesday, April 3 .................................... vs Orioles ................................................ Wednesday, April 4 ............................... vs Orioles ................................................ Friday, April 6 ..................................... @ White Sox ............................................. Saturday, April 7 ................................. @ White Sox ............................................. Sunday, April 8 ................................... @ White Sox ............................................. Monday, April 9 ................................... vs Yankees ............................................... Tuesday, April 10 ................................. vs Yankees ............................................... Wednesday, April 11 ............................ vs Yankees ............................................... Thursday, April 12 ............................. vs Devil Rays ............................................. Friday, April 13 .................................. vs Devil Rays ............................................. Saturday, April 14 .............................. vs Devil Rays ............................................. Sunday, April 15 . ............................... vs Devil Rays ............................................. Tuesday, April 17 ................................. @ Mariners ............................................... Wednesday, April 18 ............................ @ Mariners ............................................... Thursday, April 19 ............................... @ Mariners ............................................... Friday, April 20 ...................................... @ Royals . ............................................... Saturday, April 21 .................................. @ Royals . ............................................... Sunday, April 22 . ................................... @ Royals . ............................................... Monday, April 23 .................................. vs Indians . .............................................. Tuesday, April 24 .................................. vs Indians . .............................................. Wednesday, April 25 ..............................vs Royals ................................................ Thursday, April 26 .................................vs Royals ................................................ Friday, April 27 ...................................... @ Tigers ................................................. Saturday, April 28 .................................. @ Tigers ................................................. Sunday, April 29 . ................................... @ Tigers ................................................. Manager & Coaches 35 Ron Gardenhire . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Rick Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Steve Liddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Scott Ullger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Rick Stelmaszek . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Jerry White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Vavra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manager Pitching Coach Bench Coach Third Base Coach Bullpen Coach First Base Coach Batting Coach 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:11 PM 2:55 PM 1:05 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 6:10 PM 1:10 PM 9:05 PM 9:05 PM 5:35 PM 7:10 PM 1:10 PM 1:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 7:10 PM 12:10 PM 6:05 PM 12:05 PM 12:05 PM Staff Rick McWane. . . . . . . . . . . Dave Pruemer . . . . . . . . . . Brock Simon . . . . . . . . . . . Perry Castellano. . . . . . . . . Troy Matchan . . . . . . . . . . Sean Harlin. . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. John A. Steubs . . . . . . . Dr. Dan Buss. . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Tom Jetzer . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Vijay Eyunni . . . . . . . . Trainer Asst. Trainer Equipment Manager Strength Coach Visiting Clubhouse Manager Manager, Major League Video Club Physician Club Physician Club Physician Club Physician MorE information can be found at NewsHopperTM March 31, 2007 13 14 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM Laura Ingalls Wilder – Trials, truths from a pioneer woman cows, good hogs, and the supplement their income. Minnesota, South Dakota best laying flock of hens in She began with topics she and Kansas, although we the country.” They sold cash knew best, being a farm missed Missouri and Malone crops of produce, wood, wife, prize-winning poultry, NY (Farmer Boy). berries, and fruit. Laura canning, homemaking, etc. Recently, my husband and started writing articles for She began her Little House I drove to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and the newspaper and was Museum in Mansfield. a farm loan officer. “For many years we It’s still best to be honest and We started from South did our own work,” truthful, to make the most of Dakota, following the Laura’s letter continwhat we have, to be happy general direction the Wilders took. Laura’s diued, “but now almost all of the land has been and cheerful, and have cour- ary (On the Way Home) rented or sold. For rec- age when things go wrong. described the same rollreation we used to ride Laura Ingalls Wilder ing hills, gold-colored Missouri rocks and dirt, horseback or in our buggy; later in our Chrysler. manuscript around age 62. yet I noticed similarities We read and played music Eventually their royalties to Minnesota’s trees and and attended church socials. helped with farm improve- hillsides. At the Wilder estate, it In 1949, Almanzo died at ments. was easy to see why Laura the age of 92. We had been My personal treks loved it – although it origimarried 63 years.” (Laura to follow Laura nally had been rustic; she died at age 90 on February When my daughters were saw the beauty it promised. 10, 1957.) little, we took several family Laura struggled at first vacations to Laura’s Midwest Almanzo admitted later that to become a writer and home sites in Wisconsin, it looked like a rocky patch ” of difficult land to him, but Laura had taken a wild fancy to it. Much remains of the Wilder’s hard work. There’s the well-built farmhouse, parklike grounds, tall shade trees and lush grass. Our tour of the Wilder’s estate began at 10:30 a.m. July morning temperatures already exceeded 100°. Fortunately, the old farmhouse is now air-conditioned, as is the museum and bookstore. One can only imagine how (continued from page 9) hot and steamy Laura’s little kitchen was during those early 1900’s Missouri summers as she cooked meals over a wood stove before they added electricity. NOTE: Next installment is Part II of Laura Ingalls Wilder – the birthplace of the Little House books with tour guide descriptions of inside the Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield, MO. (Cameras are not permitted inside buildings, but allowed on the estate). A special thank you to Deb Houdek/Rule for the Wilder SD homestead picture from her web- site: LIW/index.html and to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society, De Smet, SD for its pictures. A Laura Ingalls Wilder Family Fun Celebration is planned May 12th in De Smet honoring the Society’s 50th anniversary. On June 29th there will be a dedication of the first school in De Smet, and visitors can see the upstairs of the Surveyor’s House and a new display in the Ingalls House. For more information call 800-8803383, email: Visitors can see the original Ingalls homestead in De Smet at: (1-800-776-3594). Ojibwe life in 1930s, ’40s Larry Aitken, a member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, will present a free program about Ojibwe life in the 1930s and 1940s at noon April 5 in Dryden Theatre on the Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College. Aitken is a Native American history instructor at Itasca Community College in Grand Rapids and a member of the Medewiwin, the Grand Medicine Society. The program at CLC co- incides with the exhibit of rare Indian photographs in the college gallery. “Ojibwe Life – Photos by Monroe P. Killy” continues in the gallery through April 5. The exhibit offers vivid illustration of life on Ojibwe reservations in northern Minnesota during the 1930s and 1940s. Themes include wild rice harvesting, the mapling process used in making syrup, and everyday life on the reservation. The only other place the collection has been viewed by the public is the Center for Western Studies in Sioux Falls, SD. Killy, now 96, started photographing Indians after his father moved his photography business to Brainerd. He started observing at the Mille Lacs Reservation and continued to capture images of the culture on reservations at Red Lake and Leech Lake. Robin Blegen was installed as Postmaster of McGrath in Feb. 2007. Blegen has worked in the U.S. Postal Service for 27 years. Starting at the main office in Minneapolis, she transferred to the Brainerd post office in Sept. 2004 and came to McGrath in August 2005. About 30 people attended an open house to congratulate Blegen on her new position. “Aitkin County only has seven post offices,” Blegen says. “How lucky this town is to have a post office. I hope to meet lots of new people, and share my knowledge and skills as the postmaster of McGrath.” L to r: Dave Johnson, Eveleth postmaster; Robin Blegen, McGrath postmaster; and Harry Blegen, Robin’s husband. Submitted photo Hopper’s Helpers To add your business to the Hopper’s Helpers Service Directory, contact the NewsHopper at 218-927-6990, 1-800-927-4498, fax: 218-927-6980 or e-mail: [email protected] Service Directory Advertising/Newspaper/Shopper Banking NewsHopper 218-927-6990 • 800-927-4498 Best Things in Life are FREE! 25,000+ average circulation. Classified Ads, Display Ads & Inserts tfn n Air Conditioning & Heating Ken’s Heating & Mobile Home Supply LP & Natural Gas • Nationally Certified Service Technician – 30 Years Experience Residential & Commercial • Mobile Home Heating and Air Conditioning • RV’s/Supplies 1-888-989-6720 • Aitkin w13 Appliance Repair Aitkin Appliance & Heating Repair Service W/D, Refrigerator, Freezer, Stove, D/W, Leaking Kitchen & Bath Fixtures, Fuel Propane, Natural Gas Furnaces. 218-927-3991 • 1-500-241-2100 w13 w13 Building Supplies Aitkin Hardwoods • 1-888-927-6515 T & G Paneling • Moulding • Millwork • Doors Windows • Cabinets • Flooring • Lumber Northern Air Plumbing & Heating • 218-927-6828 New Construction, Remodeling, Turbo Soft Water, Carrier, Venmar. VänEE/AVS • [email protected] w13 Jim Blakesley Appliance Repair & Service 218-927-2027 • 1-888-450-8845 • Aitkin Washers, Dryers, Stoves, Refrigerators, Air Conditions, Septic Protectors, and MORE. I Repair Almost Anything That Is Broken Security State Bank • 218-927-3765 24 Hr. Phone banking 218-927-4192 Three locations to serve you. tfn Cellular Phones & Service SPRINT PCS Available at the NewsHopper • Aitkin 218-927-6990 • No Roaming • Never Pay Huge Overages• Enjoy LIVE TV, Wireless Music Downloads, Play Games & Access Web tfn Cleaning Service White Shine Cleaning Service Residental • Commerical • 10 years experience 218-546-5619, leave message Farm Island Repair and Marine • 218-927-6395 YAMAHA ATV’s and Rhinos - New and Used. Sales • Accessories • Service All Brands. w14 w20 Service Directory Rates 5 lines for $10.00 per week 4 lines for $8.00 per week 3 lines for $6.00 per week Anderson Cleaners • 218-829-5269 Three locations to meet your dry cleaning needs. Holder Drug in Aitkin; Shirl’s Sewing in Crosby and Snyder Drug in McGregor. w23 Concrete Production Drywall M & M Masonry • 218-678-2764 Insulated poured walls, flat work with printing and staining. Tile and cultured stone. Glass block. w38 Progressive Poured Walls • 218-927-2648 Standard or Insulated Poured Walls, Concrete Homes, Concrete Pumping. w38 Contractors Von Gross Pole Buildings Lic. #20408955 • 218-927-2408 • 877-331-7671 Westerlund Custom Builders, Inc. • New homes and buildings • Roofs, decks, etc. #20216038 • Neil Westerlund 1-877-723-6716 tfn ATV/Motorcycle/Recreational Dry Cleaning Customix Concrete • 320-676-1500 Quality Concrete Mixed Fresh on Site Pay only for what you use • Precast Storm Shelters, Boat Ramp Planks, Frost Pillars, Parking Curb Block tfn w13 Countryside Millwork • 218-768-4083 Doors, windows, lumber, siding, materials, flooring, firepalces. We Work for YOU! w13 Hometown Building Supplies Your Building Materials Headquarters • Aitkin 218-927-7077 • Mon. - Fri. 8-5:30, Sat. 8-3 Concrete Production Special: Take 25% off with a 26 week commitment w13 Larson Drywall Inc. • 218-927-3707 Licensed, Insured & Bonded Free Estimates w33 Electricians ERIC WADE ELECTRIC • 218-927-2928 Residential & Commercial• Master Electrician NO JOB TOO SMALL • FREE ESTIMATES Licensed • Bonded • Insured Cell 651-341-0784 w34 Excavating w3 w708 John Benson Excavating • Septic Systems, Building Site Prep, Demolition, Backhoe, Dozer, Track Skidsteer Work. Black Dirt & Fill. 218-678-3031 or 218821-8719 w18 Johnson Sewer & Excavating • 218-927-2272 Sewer System Installation• Basements Black Dirt • Sand • Gravel • Fill Custom Framing Nord Lake Reflections 217 Minnesota Ave. N., Aitkin • 218-927-3317 Framing • Gifts • Prints JB Drywall • 320-684-2206 Cell 651-270-4720 tfn Hoppers Helper’s Service Directory lists business that are ready to help you! w13 Flooring Materials & Installation Hudrlik Carpet & Tile • 218-927-6633 Best price and quality for over 57 years, Easy as A.B.C. Aitkin • Baxter • Crosby w13 NewsHopperTM March 31, 2007 15 The Old School – Solana Philip Neese Solana School was a large two-floor school, which was located five miles east of Hwy. 65 and one mile south of Co. Rd. 2 in Millward South Township. The school was built in 1912. 1936 was the last year that classes were held and the building burned from a lightening strike in 1942. In 1925 there were 40 students, two teachers and a janitor. In the early years there was a logging camp in the area that had a cook named Anna. She was very slow in serving food. As a result the area was called Slow Anna, which evolved into Solana. Today Millward Township has three registered voters. There are no commercial buildings in the township. All shopping calls are long distance, and it is 35 miles to town. Freeman Ronhovde lived in a growing modern community that simply disappeared. “We had a large Soo Line Depot with two passenger trains a day, a hotel, feed store, grocery store and a post office,” he remembers. “Our school was a large two-room school with a had a box with a canvas top with wheels in the spring and fall and sled runners in the winter. “My dad, Iver Ronhovde drove bus and we lived two miles from the school but I traveled about ten miles a day as my dad wanted company, so I had to ride the whole route.” In 1936 there was a huge forest fire. Some called it the Moose Lake fire and some called it the Freeman Ronhovde Dad’s Corner fire. The fire threatened the school and lower level that contained all of the people fought that a hot water boiler, drinking fire and saved the school; fountain, indoor toilets, a however, the fire did jump gymnasium for playing bas- the road. Phyllis Goettelman ketball, a large library and Londgren put it this way, sleeping and living quarters “Many families were packed for the teachers. There was and ready to move out in an eight-inch drilled well the night. We were all afraid with a gas engine pump jack. of the fire and even though There were storage buildings we were safe that night, we for the three covered wagon moved to McGrath the next busses as well as stables for day.” the horses. These busses John Herubin, a current resident of Solana who also lived there during the 1930s explained, “Solana’s economy was based on the logging industry. The pine had been cut during the early part of the century but there was still plenty of original growth birch, oak, spruce and tamarack. Everybody logged or worked in a sawmill.” Ester Herubin Kubat tells about riding the Soo Line. “I ” We had indoor toilets in our country school in 1925. Solana Soo Line Depot Solana School and students in 1925. got a job at the Café in Moose Lake and I was able to ride to Moose Lake on the Soo Line coach. I would stand in the middle of the tracks and wave a red flag. The engineer would give three toots on the whistle and that meant that they would stop for me. My younger brothers and sisters would walk to the train stop with me and then they would all cry when I got on the train. At work I was called the Soo Line Kid. “The thing I remember about school was that when we needed to go to the bathroom, we were required to raise our hand and extend two fingers. Then the teacher would nod his head and we would be excused.” Chester Robinson also attended Solana School, “I went there when there were not enough students to keep White Pine school open. I had a long way to go and I walked some of the time. My hot lunch was a potato that was baked on top of the furnace. I remember sitting in class and listening to the put, put, put of the old gas engine that was continually pumping water.” Carol Simonson stated, “I attended Solana for the first grade. My mother drove the school bus. In the winter we had a wood stove in the back of the sled-bus to keep us warm. We had to be careful so that we did not get burned.” Hopper’s Helpers To add your business to the Hopper’s Helpers Service Directory, contact the NewsHopper at 218-927-6990, 1-800-927-4498, fax: 218-927-6980 or e-mail: [email protected] Service Directory Furniture Aitkin Furniture • 218-927-2617 for all of your furniture & flooring needs. FREE estimates & delivery 1-800-543-7214 w13 Glass Aitkin Glass Service 36770 - 390th Ave., Aitkin 218-927-4624 • 800-958-6442 Auto • Residential • Commercial Glass Installation Printers/Printing Manufactured Homes Cedar Creek Homes Inc. • 1-800-834-3378 Over 8 acres of new/used manufactured and modular homes • over 40 to choose from. w13 Mortgage Services Home Loans All Types Joe Krammer • 218-244-9232 Perry Mortgage Company tfn Home Video Transfer C-I Video Production • 800-622-8222 • 218-545-1078 Preserve your precious memories. Transfer your home movies, pictures, slides and VHS to DVD; 16mm, 8mm, camcorder tapes, other media. Duplication of CD’s and DVD’s w15 Landscaping • Lawn Services R & R Landscaping & Tree Removal•218-9272855 For all your excavating and landscaping needs. Patios, Boulder Walls, Rip Rap Rock, Sod, Class 5, Driveways, Building Pads, Basements, Road Building, Black Dirt, Sand, Gravel. For FREE estimates call Greg 218-839-3371 or 218-927-2855; w36 Lakeland Printers • 320-676-3167 Full color / black and white copies • Auction bills Specialize in single and multi-colored inserts Television Service w13 Roofing A-1 Roofing • 218-678-2089 Commerical & Resdiential 40+ Years Experience w13 Timberland Mortgage Services, Inc. Purchases • Refinance • Reverse Mortgages For current rates & loan information see website or call 1-800-311-4554, Peter w22 Nursery Gilby’s Nursery & Orchard #1 choice for fruit trees, container grown trees & small fruit. 218-768-4347 Cell: 612-201-9887 w38 Septic Service Kangas Enterprises, Inc. • 1-218-768-2575 Septic Pumping • Portable Toilets • Septic Systems Excavating • CCTV Sewer Line Camera Lic. #2526 w13 Septic Check, Inc.• 888-983-2447 Commercial • residential • specializing in lake lots. Customized maintanence plans. w13 Snowmobile Farm Island Repair and Marine • 218-927-6395 YAMAHA 4 Stroke Snowmobiles - New & Used. Sales • Accessories • Service All Brands w14 Dogpatch • 218-927-4353 Expert Pet Grooming & Boarding Services. West of Aitkin on Cedar Brook Rd. tfn Skin Deep Tattoo• 218-927-1400 Portraits by Josh on Paper or Skin. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Old, faded tattoos reworked or covered up with new designs-sharp lines-bright colors. 30 years experience. Hawaiian-Custom-one of a kind art. Wed.-Fri. 2pm-7pm; Sat. 10am-5pm • Corner of Hwy. 169 & 210 in Aitkin tfn Pole Buildings Von Gross Pole Buildings Lic. #20408955 • 218-927-2408 • 877-331-7671 w3 w39 w13 Tattooing Gravelle Plumbing & Heating Air Conditioning & Ventilation. Sales • Heating • Installations • Service • Lennox • Burnham • Wirsbo. w11 Enberg’s TV Since 1954 • 218-927-2988 Dish Network, Antenna, Tower and TV HD TV Zenith, LG & Toshiba • 1-888-ENBERGS Tree Removal Pet Care Service Plumbing & Heating Carol continued, “There was a little red school house located near our home (Co. Rd. 2 and Co. Rd. 34); however it burned in 1918. My mother, Edna Thompson Simonson attended this small school from 1902 to 1910. She walked to school with her collie named Pal. In the later years they would get there early and build the fire and had the school warm when the teacher came. The collie got to lie under her seat while classes were being conducted. It was against the rule for Mary’s lamb to be at school. Lassie was required to wait outside the school fence, but at the little red school near Arthyde, Pal was exposed to the three Rs.” Tax Preparation For reliable tax preparation and help in accounting call Arvidson Tax & Accounting. Sherry K. Arvidson 218-927-4825 w22 R & R Landscaping & Tree Removal 218-927-2855 • Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Storm Damage Cleanup, Aerial Truck, Land & Lot Clearing, Trail Brushing, Ditch Cleaning. For FREE estimates call Greg 218-839-3371 or 218-927-2855 www.rand w36 Kokesh Stump Tree Removal • 218-927-2745 Expert, Cost-Efficent Service • Safe Removal of Stumps, Trees and Other Wood Waste • Stump Grinding w38 Water / Well Drilling North Star Drilling • 218-829-0892 Water Well Drilling & Pump Service FREE ESTIMATES • 1-888-829-0892 w13 Windows BetterLiving Concepts • 1-888-824-5551 Renewal by Andersen • Replacement windows & doors • (BetterLiving) sunrooms w13 16 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM AITKIN COUNTY BOARD MEETING AGENDA (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: March 13, 2007. YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of the Mortgage dated November 29, 2005, executed by Arlo L. Paulsen and Heather Paulsen, also know as Heather M. Paulsen, husband and wife, as Mortgagors, to Greater Minnesota Credit Union, organized and existing under the law of the State of Minnesota, as Mortgagee, and filed for record December 19, 2005, as Document Number 371112, in the office of the County Recorder of Aitkin County, Minnesota. The land described in the Mortgage is not registered land. (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28 & May 5, 2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. 2. The Mortgage has been assigned as follows: N/A MORTGAGOR(S): Wallace M. Manning and Patricia A. Manning, husband and wife 3. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was: One Hundred Four Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($104,000.00). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: September 26, 2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $229,500.00 MORTGAGEE: Homecomings Financial Network, Inc., a Delaware corporation 4. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed January 3, 2006, Aitkin County Recorder; Document No. 371406 5. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Residential Funding Company, LLC F/K/A Residential Funding Corporation; thereafter to Washington Mutual Bank, FA 6. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is: $115,762.60. 7. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the land described as follows: Lot One (1), Block One (1), of the Plat of “Trillium”, according to the filed plat thereof will be sold by the County Sheriff of Aitkin County, Minnesota, at public auction on Tuesday, May 3, 2007, at 10:00 a.m., at the Aitkin County Courthouse, 217 Second Street NW, Room 185, Aitkin, Minnesota 56431. 8. The time allowed by law for redemption by Mortgagors or Mortgagors’ personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGORS, THE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES. SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. GREATER MINNESOTA CREDIT UNION Mortgagee By /s/ Lee. A. Bernet Lee. A. Bernet, Attorney Attorney for Mortgagee: Lee A. Bernet, Esq. 190 Midtown Commons 2334 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 645-0511 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 10.85 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 34 and 35, Sunset Addition COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Aitkin County, Minnesota THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: $244,392.53 THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: APRIL 3, 2007 9:00 1) Brian Napstad, County Board Chairperson 9:02 2) Review Minutes A) B) C) D) E) Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Board of Commissioners Meeting Procedure Approval of Agenda Public Requests for Future Agenda Items A) 3/27/07 Board Meeting 9:03 3) Consent Agenda A) Correspondence File: March 27, 2007 – April 2, 2007 B) Approve 3/20/07 Minutes C) Commissioner Warrants D) Payroll Report – Current Department Totals E) Authorize Temporary Engineering Technician Position F) Authorize Purchase of Squad Cars G) Authorize Phone System Upgrades H) Consumption & Display (Set Up) Permit - Wealthwood Rod & Gun Club I) Appointment to Aitkin County Tourism Grant Advisory Committee J) Authorize Handicap Accessible Entrance 9:05 4) Cindi Hills, Human Resources Manager A) Employee Recognition B) Annual Confirmation of Code of Ethics Policy 9:20 5) Lois DeRosier A) Citizen Concerns 9:35 6) Board Discussion A) Committee Updates 10:20 BREAK 10:30 7) John Welle, County Engineer A) Award Annual Maintenance Bids B) Department Discussion i) Upcoming Final Contract Payments ii) Upcoming Plat Approvals iii) iv) v) 11:45 8) Jim A) 12:15 Project Updates Local Transportation Revolving Load Fund Mississippi River Diversion Channel Ratz, County Attorney Closed Meeting Under MN Statute 13D.05 Subd. 3 (b), Attorney-Client Privilege, Hammerlund Construction vs. Aitkin County ADJOURN Please note: all times, except public advertised hearings, are approximate and subject to change without notice. Spring events at Mille Lacs Indian Museum & Trading Post *All workshops and events are subject to change or cancellation. Please call to confirm before attending any scheduled event. Visit our website at http://mnhs. org/millelacs. Medallion and Belt Buckle Workshop Saturday (4/14) 12 - 4 p.m. and Sunday (4/15) 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Utilize fancy beading techniques to make a medallion or belt buckle in this two-day workshop taught by Mille Lacs Band elder Margaret Hill. Cost: $50 public, $45 MHS members, $30 MLB members. Additional $10 supply fee required. Pre-registration and payment are required by 4/11/07. Call (320) 5323632 to register. Sweet Grass Basket Workshop Saturday (4/28) 12 - 4 p.m. and Sunday (4/29) 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sweet grass is considered the hair of Mother Earth. During this two-day workshop, participants will learn to make a small coil basket using this fragrant herb. Margaret Hill, Mille Lacs Band elder, will help participants learn this DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 17, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Aitkin County Sheriff’s office, 217 Second Street NW, Aitkin, Minnesota to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months from the date of sale. “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: March 21, 2007 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA Mortgagee NEW COUNTY MARKET BANK LOCATION Our new Bank location is now open at Paulbeck’s County Market grocery store. Bank Hours Monday – Friday 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. REITER & SCHILLER, P.A. . Sell It Here! Your ticket to successful selling is an ad in the NewsHopper™ Classifieds. 218-927-6990 or 800-927-4498 By: /s/ Thomas J. Reiter Thomas J. Reiter, Esq. Rebecca F. Schiller, Esq. Attorneys for Mortgagee 25 North Dale Street, 2nd Floor St. Paul, MN 55102-2227 (651) 209-9760 Attorney Reg. No. 152262 (F3607) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 12.74 Check out our website at Saturday 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. ~On-site ATM ~24-Hour night depository ~Two teller stations ~Customer service representative for your deposit account needs. Phone Banking: 218/927-4192 Internet Banking: Your hometown bank ~ 24-Hours a day WWW.SSBMN.COM craft. There will be a maximum of 15 participants and a required minimum of 8 participants. Cost: $50 public, $45 MHS members, $30 MLB members. Additional $10 supply fee required. Pre-registration and payment are required by 4/25/07. Call (320) 5323632 to register. The Museum will open April 5th! Public hours for the Museum and Trading Post are Thursday, Friday and Saturdays 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Also open by appointment, call the museum (320) 532-3632 to schedule an appointment (open to groups of 15 or more). Featured Artists on exhibit in the meeting room: April 2007, Jon Greene. May 2007, Carly Bordeau. Call for artwork: If you are a Native American artist and would like exhibit space to show your work, contact Jodell Meyer at (320) 532-3632. Exhibit space available September and October 2007. Annual Showcase of Ojibwe Artists and Silent Auction Memorial Day through Labor Day is open to all Ojibwe artists and descendants. Submissions for exhibit must be dropped off by May 15, 2007. Work must be for sale and remain on exhibit through Labor Day. For more information and submission forms contact Jodell Meyer (320) 5323632. Rolling Plains Art Gallery (RPAG) will be at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum (MLIM) May 8th through May 14th, 2007. Sponsored by Mille Lacs Band Corporate Commission Donation Committee and the Mille Lacs Indian Museum. Creative Tradition - Living Culture is a traveling exhibit of Native Art. Public viewing hours are Thursday (5/10), Friday (5/11) and Saturday (5/12) 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Reservations for group viewing is necessary. Call Jodell Meyer (320) 532-3632 to arrange a group tour. Augsburg/St. Thomas Colleges will bring select films from their annual Native Film Festival for viewing at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum. These Native produced films bring a Native perspective to the film making industry. Join us for an afternoon of entertainment and discussion on May 17 & 18, 2007. NewsHopperTM (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7 & 14, 2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: September 19, 2002 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $40,000.00 MORTGAGORS: Thomas D. Keep and Dawnn L. Martin, husband and wife as joint tenants MORTGAGEE: The First National Bank of Deerwood DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Date: September 27, 2002 Place: Aitkin County Recorder, Aitkin, Minnesota Document No.: 342444 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot Two (2), AND the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW1/4 of SE1/4), AND THE Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (NE1/4SW1/4), ALL in Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty-five (45), Range Twenty-seven (27), EXCEPT the following: ALL that part thereof platted as Pine Cone Beach Addition; all existing roads; and a parcel of property described as follows; Beginning at a point on the west boundary line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1/4 of SW1/4), which is Two Hundred Eighty-four AND Three-tenths (284.3) feet north of the southwest corner of said NE1/4 of SW1/4, and at which point there is an Iron monument on the lake shore of Big Pine Lake; thence southeasterly along the lake shore a distance of Two Hundred Seventy-five (275) feet to the point of beginning; thence northwesterly a distance of Three Hundred (300) feet to the point of intersection with the extension of the northeasterly line of the ROAD BACK OF LOTS on the Pine Cone Beach Addition, said point of intersection being Forty (40) feet northwesterly of the extension of the northwesterly line of Lot One (1) of Pine Cone Beach Addition; thence southeasterly along the extension of the northeasterly line of the ROAD BACK OF LOTS on the Pine Cone Beach Addition, a distance of forty (40) feet to a point on the extension of the Northwesterly line of Lot One (1), Pine Cone Beach Addition, which is Twenty (20) feet northeasterly of the north corner of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1 to the shore of Big Pine Lake; thence northwesterly along the shore of Big Pine Lake to the point of beginning. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Aitkin County AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $37,639.43 THAT prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: April 26, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office, 217 Second Street NW, Aitkin, Minnesota, to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any on said premises and the cost and disbursements, including attorneys fees allowed by law subject to redemption within twelve (12) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagors, their personal representatives or assigns. Dated: February 27, 2007 GAMMELLO & QUALLEY, P.A. By: /s/ James M. Gammello Its: Attorney Instrument drafted by: James M. Gammello (#140144) GAMMELLO & QUALLEY, P.A. Attorney for the Mortgagee 14275 Golf Course Drive, Suite 200 Baxter, MN 56425 218/828-9511 THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 13.07 Deadline for news, display ads and classifieds is MONDAY at 12 noon. (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 & April 7, 2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 17, 2006 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $113,600.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Anthony Johnson and Amanda Johnson, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed August 3, 2006, Aitkin County Recorder; Document No. 375745 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: none LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot one (1) AND the East half of Lot twenty-four (24), Block forty-four (44) of “Hungerford’s Addition to Aitkin”, Aitkin County, Minnesota AND Lot twenty-three (23) AND the West onehalf (W 1/2) of Lot twenty-four (24) Block forty-four (44), in Hungerford’s Addition to Aitkin, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for said county and state, Aitkin County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Aitkin County, Minnesota THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: $118,890.52 THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: April 19, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Aitkin County Sheriff’s office, 217 Second Street NW, Aitkin, Minnesota to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is six(6) months from the date of sale. “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: February 22, 2007 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Mortgagee REITER & SCHILLER, P.A. . By: /s/ Thomas J. Reiter Thomas J. Reiter, Esq. Rebecca F. Schiller, Esq. Attorneys for Mortgagee 25 North Dale Street, 2nd Floor St. Paul, MN 55102-2227 (651) 209-9760 Attorney Reg. No. 152262 (W1028) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 11.42 FREE or PAID? Receive Aitkin County legals and information FREE through the NewsHopper! Best Things in Life are FREE! (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31,2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 6, 2006 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $164,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Donald H. Keith, Jr. and Darla T. Keith, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed July 18, 2006, Aitkin County Recorder; Document No. 375355 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: none LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Parcel 1: That part of the West Three Hundred (300) feet of the Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4) of Section Thirty-six (36), Township Forty-seven (47), Range Twenty-seven (27) which lies Southerly of the existing Town Road; And The West Three Hundred (300) Feet of the Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NW 1/4 of SE 1/4) of Section Thirty-six (36), Township Forty-seven (47), Range Twenty-seven (27), less and except the South 575 feet thereof. Parcel II: That Portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4) of Section Thirty-six (36), Township Forty-seven (47), Range Twenty-seven (27), Described as Follows: Commencing at a point 360 feet South of the Center Post of said Section 36; thence West 35 feet; thence South 80 feet; thence East 35 Feet; thence North 80 feet. Except that Part thereof that lays Westerly of the Centerline of the Aitkin Township Road as presently located on 9/3/98 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Aitkin County, Minnesota THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: $164,468.36 THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: April 26, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Aitkin County Sheriff’s office, 217 Second Street NW, Aitkin, Minnesota to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months from the date of sale. “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: February 14, 2007 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Mortgagee REITER & SCHILLER, P.A. . By: /s/ Thomas J. Reiter Thomas J. Reiter, Esq. Rebecca F. Schiller, Esq. Attorneys for Mortgagee 25 North Dale Street, 2nd Floor St. Paul, MN 55102-2227 (651) 209-9760 Attorney Reg. No. 152262 (W1226) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 12.63 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 24 &31, 2007) Cemetery Mowing Glen TowNship Glen Township is now accepting quotes for mowing Rabbit Lake Cemetery. Quotes will be reviewed and decision made at the April 11th regular township meeting. Certificate of Insurance must accompany quote. Approximately six (6) mowings per season. Send quote to Glen Township Clerk, Roxy Appel Wigton, 33514 Dove Street, Aitkin MN 56431 by April 6, 2007. 1.62 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 & April 7, 2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 14, 2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $172,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Denise Hoops and William Hoops, Wife and Husband MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed November 22, 2005, Aitkin County Recorder; Document No. 370520; and also recorded with the Registrar of Titles on November 22, 2005 as Document Number 370521 and memorialized upon Certificate of Title 2518 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: None LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block Fifteen (15), Indian Portage, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Aitkin County, Minnesota, TOGETHER with an easement over and across the South 20 feet of Lot Twenty (20), Block Fifteen (15), INDIAN PORTAGE REGISTERED PROPERTY COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Aitkin County, Minnesota THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: $179,614.81 THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: April 19, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Aitkin County Sheriffs office, 217 Second Street NW, Aitkin, Minnesota to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is Six (6) months from the date of sale. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: February 15, 2007 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. Mortgagee REITER & SCHILLER, P.A. By: /s/ Thomas J. Reiter Thomas J. Reiter, Esq. Rebecca F. Schiller, Esq. Attorneys for Mortgagee 25 North Dale Street, 2nd Floor St. Paul, MN 55102-2227 (651) 209-9760 Attorney Reg. No. 152262 (D8532) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 11.50 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 31, 2007) Notice of Hearing THE PLANNING COMMISSION WILL ASSEMBLE FOR A HEARING OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS ON MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2007 AT 4:00 P.M. IN THE AITKIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE-COUNTY BOARDROOM, AITKIN, MN 56431. THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED. BIG SANDY LODGE & RESORT, LLC, 418 E CTY RD D, LITTLE CANADA, MN 55117, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to install an off premise sign in an area zoned Shoreland. LOT 1 BLK 5 OF INDIAN PORTAGE, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 49, RANGE 23, Aitkin County, Minnesota 56431 PERMIT #34967C. AITKIN COUNTY ZONING 2.45 March 31, 2007 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 10, 17, 24, 31 April 7 & 14, 2007) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 26, 2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $140,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): John D. Lundberg and Susan L. Lundberg, husband and wife MORTGAGEE: H and R Block Mortgage Corporation, a Massachusetts Corporation DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Filed January 9, 2006, Aitkin County Recorder; Document No. 371589 ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Option One Mortgage Corporation; thereafter to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for the Certificate holders of Soundview Home Loan Trust 2006-OPT3, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-OPT3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 44, Range 25, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (West Quarter corner of said Section 34); thence North 00 degrees 16 minutes 42 seconds East (assuming that the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 34 has an assigned bearing of North 00 degrees 53 minutes 18 seconds West) along the centerline of Aitkin County State Aid Highway No. 38 as presently located on May 3, 1999, a distance of 1650.00 feet to the actual point of beginning of the following tract of land to be described: thence North 88 degrees 48 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 1073.58 feet; thence North 00 degrees 32 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of 1007.08 feet, to the North line of said NW 1/4 ; thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 11 seconds West, along said North line of the NW 1/4 , a distance of 1077.85 feet, to a point 53.94 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said NW 1/4 ; thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes 42 seconds West; along said existing centerline of Aitkin State Aid Highway No. 38 (and its tangent thereof) a distance of 1012.47 feet, to the actual point of beginning. Subject to easements, highway right-of-way, reservations, and restrictions or ordinance now of record. Tract contains 22.6 acres, more or less. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Aitkin County, Minnesota THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: $150,388.53 THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: April 26, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. PLACE OF SALE: Aitkin County Sheriff’s office, 217 Second Street NW, Aitkin, Minnesota to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is twelve (12) months from the date of sale. “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: March 5, 2007 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF SOUNDVIEW HOME LOAN TRUST 2006-OPT3, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-OPT3 Mortgagee REITER & SCHILLER, P.A. . By: /s/ Thomas J. Reiter Thomas J. Reiter, Esq. Rebecca F. Schiller, Esq. Attorneys for Mortgagee 25 North Dale Street, 2nd Floor St. Paul, MN 55102-2227 (651) 209-9760 17 Attorney Reg. No. 152262 (F3070) THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. 13.85 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 31 & April 7, 2007) MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Pursuant to Chapter 333, Minnesota Statutes; the undersigned, who is or will be conducting or transacting a commercial business in the State of Minnesota under an assumed name, hereby certifies: 1.The assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted is: River Road Farms 2. The street address of the principal place of business is or will be: 68682 Great River Road, Jacobson, MN 55752 3. The name and street address of all persons conducting business under the above assumed name: Neal Raymond Roettger, 68682 Great River Road, Jacobson, MN 55752 and Krista Naslin Roettger, 68682 Great River Road, Jacobson, MN 55752 4. I certify that I am authorized to sign this certificate and I further certify that I understand that by signing this certificate, I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in section 609.48 as if I had signed this certificate under oath. Dated: January 31, 2007 /s/ NEAL ROETTGER Neal Raymond Roettger, Owner Krista Roettger Contact Person - 218-752-1131 3.96 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 31 & April 7, 2007) Glen Township ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Appeal and Equalization of the Township of Glen in Aitkin County, Minnesota, will meet at the Glen/Kimberly Town Hall in said Township at 9:00 a.m., on Monday the 23rd day of April, 2007 for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said Glen Township for the year 2007. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause of having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated March 23, 2007 Glen Township Clerk Roxy Appel Wigton 3.2 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 31, 2007) Notice of Hearing THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WILL ASSEMBLE FOR A HEARING OF APPEALS FROM THE AITKIN COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2007 AT 4:00 P.M. IN THE AITKIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE, AITKIN, MN 56431. THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED. PETER FAUSCH, 15450 SOUTH DIAMOND LAKE RD. DAYTON, MN 55327, is requesting a variance from the required setback distance of 75 feet from the ordinary high water level on a General Development Lake (Big Sandy) to a setback distance of 30 feet to construct an 18 foot dormer on the east side and a 28 foot dormer on the west side of an existing non-conforming structure that is in the shore impact zone. Also requesting a variance to add 3 inches to the roof pitch on an existing non-conforming garage that is 40 feet to the ordinary high water level. .35 AC Lot 3 in DOC 157594, Section 8, Township 49, Range 23, Aitkin County, MN. PERMIT #34905V. STEVEN SYDLOSKI, 37527 STATE HWY 18, AITKIN, MN 56431, is requesting a variance from the required setback distance of 75 feet from the ordinary high water level on a General Development Lake (Mille Lacs) to a setback distance of 52 feet to replace a holding tank. E100 FT of W400 FT of Lot 3 S of Hwy 18 & E of Plat in DOC 374519, Section 21, Township 45, Range 26, Aitkin County, MN. PERMIT #34942V. AITKIN COUNTY ZONING 4.74 (Published in NewsHopper Saturday, March 31, 2007) Lakeside township Regular Monthly Meeting Change Notice is hereby given that the regularly scheduled meeting for Lakeside Township on Thursday, April 12, 2007 will be changed to Tuesday April 10, 2007, at the regular time of 8 p.m. at the Malmo Community Hall. Chris Springer Lakeside Township - Clerk 1.51 18 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM Good Things to Eat Misc. For Sale Birch Street Meat & Grocery - Fresh cut, full service meat case, groceries, produce, milk. Open Daily. 20 Third Street NE, Aitkin 218-927-6650 tfn Dona's Place - Custom Embroidery, Transfers, 1100 pieces, Jackets, Shirts, Caps, etc. Palisade 218-845-2896, 866593-2896. w22 Embroidery, screen printing, banners, trophys/plaques all your advertising needs. Shirts Plus, Downtown Aitkin, 218-9272837 tfn Lawn & Garden yanmar 1500d compact tractor 4 wheel drive $3,450. 218-845-2017 or 218-820-2940 w15 Livestock HORSE Boarding indoor/outddor arenas; plus trails. Call 218927-6137. tfn Adult Foster Care Child Care Employment Firearms Opening at new licensed adult foster care home, private entrance with kitchenette. 218-927-5781 w14 Licensed, curriculum, food program, large play areas, ECFE visits. 218-927-4167 tfn Toby’s Daddy Day Care is a licensed day care provider for children from ages 6 weeks through 12 years. Nutritionally balanced meals and snacks are served. Variety of indoor and outdoor play is encouraged. Weekdays, weekends and evenings. Located 1.5 miles west of the stoplights in Aitkin 218-9274413, 218-820-2254 cell tfn license, clear background check and clean drug test. Please call 218-822-3245 or 866321-3245. EOE Denham Run Bar & Grill Looking for bartender / cook will train / experience pays. Call 218-658-8040 w14 Great River Gardens is looking for plant lovers for farm, garden center and landscape work. A great learning opportunity. Must be available some weekends. Stop by the gardens or garden centers or call 877286-3408. Housekeepers Wanted part - time, weekends required, wage depends on experience. Camp Holiday, Garrison 218-6782495 w14 PT Cleaning 3 days per week, showroom and some display work. Apply in person. Northwood Equipment, Hwy. 210 West, Aitkin. w13 Remington Mod. 700(.270) Fluted Barrel with Burris Fullfield 4x12 scope (new condition) (4 boxes premium federal ammo) $750.00; shotgun barrel: 12 ga. remington 1100 slug barrel, rifled, bushnell 3x9 banner scope $200.00 320-684-2099 w14 Automotive 1995 Ford Catalina, 22' ClassC E-350, A/C, awning, generator and auxiliary battery and brakes, 55K miles $21,500. 218-7633333 w16 1992 Honda Accord, good MPG, runs well $1,000. 320-684-2145 w15 PARTS: Radiators & Gas Tanks, over 100 in stock. Riley Auto Supply - NAPA, Aitkin, 218-927-2153. tfn Boats/Marine Construction structural buildings Quality buildings built year round. 1-800535-9722 eowo USED BOATS - check out www. tfn Building Materials Hickory, Yellow Poplar, White Birch, Basswood, Aspen, Red & White Oak, Ash & Hard Maple. Lumber, moulding, flooring & paneling. 218-927-6515. www. tfn Employment FT & PT needed in Aitkin: Caring, reliable persons to provide support and supervision to adults with developmental disabilities in home and community settings. Shifts available include days, evening and overnights. Must have a valid MN driver’s Deadline for the NewsHopper is Monday at Noon Stop Lint from Plugging Septic Systems, Sewer Pipes and Drains This patented, re-usable filter captures laundry lint and non-biodegradable fibers from washing machine discharge water and prevents drains, sewer pipes and septic systems from getting plugged with those fibers. • Easy to use • Easy to clean • Fits all types of washing machines A must for every home owner. Don’t do laundry without it! For more information call Appliance Service & Repair Aitkin 218-927-2027 1-888-450-8845 Firewood Firewood - Dry, split Poplar; you haul, $45 level pickup load, $70 per cord. 218-426-0072 Livestock Wanted Rabbits: Any breed free or cheap. 218-927-4553tfn Misc. For Sale 32 dock lightweight c e d ar d e c k $ 1 , 1 9 9 ; polydeck $1,450. 218-8452017 or 218-820-2940 w15 AHS letter jackets. Shirts Plus, Downtown Aitkin, 218-927-2837 tfn Black metal stand (30"w x 13"d x 29"h) with light orig. price $75, will sell for $35/OBO 218-546-6221. tfn Factory Built Homes CALL FOR FREE CATALOG Fuji Bicycle Sports 12 speed $300/OBO 218-564-6221 tfn GenuineElectroluxVacuumBags with oval opening for pre-1986 upright Electrolux vacuum. These are very hard to find bags. 12 bags for $20/OBO 218-546-6221 tfn Homemade Quilts for Sale: Kid's 42" x 57" Sock Monkey Quilt $45/OBO; 50" x 59" Cottages in Woods Quilt $55/OBO; 19" Sock Monkey $35/OBO. 218-546-6221. tfn MFG/MODULAR HOMES TOTAL DRYWALL, 10 YEAR WARRANTY Rice, MN 888-638-8676 12 Mi. North of St. Cloud on Hwy. 10 Classifieds Misc. For Sale Real Estate Rentals Murray Bicycle Biotech 12 speed with water bottle. $75/OBO 218-546-6221 tfn Edina Realty Search 5000+ Area Listings Dan Sladek Meg Hagenson 218-821-5335 218-821-5089 40 Acres - One mile south of Onamia, backs up to state land 90% wooded $105,000. 763-444-6248/ 763-439-1829 w13 Las Vegas Residential Commercial Patio Umbrella Finkel brand, land contact Robert 702-443-7156 8' diameter beige/brown with [email protected] • www.lakcrank lift system, 4' diameter w38 07 table, base and cover. $75/OBO 218-546-6221 tfn Real Estate Wanted Mobile/Modular Home Large Parcels of Land or Lakeshore Private Party 612-868-6223 Recreation Over 40 New & USED HomeS on our lot at all times. For a complete inventory, visit our website at or call CEDAR CREEK HOMES 1374 Hwy. 65 S. Mora, MN 55051 800-834-3378 14x76 3 bed - 2 bath, sunken front living room, new lino & carpet, $12,900 incl. setup & delivery 1-800-834-3378 tfn 1980 Liberty 14' x 50', 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, $8,000,/ OBO, good condition, all new appliances, some remodeling done, deck and 10' x 14' shed, great starter, retirement or lake home. Must see! 218-927-2662 w13 Pet Care & Services Dogpatch- Expert grooming and boarding 218-927-4353 2000 Innsbruck, model 30 FK, AC, awning, extras, near Aitkin, good condition $8,200/OBO 612363-1421 w16 2002 Ducthman Express Motorhome 24' 20,000 miles excellent condition $26,000. 218-546-6708 w15 UTILITY TRAILER 44" x 68" w/ 24" side. 1,200 lb. load capacity $295 /OBO 320-309-5321 tfn Rentals FREE RENT! Sign a 12-month lease and get the 12th month free! Four-year-old apartments in Ironton. $465 for 1 bedroom with heat included 218-927-3707 days or 218-927-4021 evenings and weekends. tfn Furnished Cozy apartment in Ironton, 15 miles east of Brainerd. Completely remodeled/all new furnishings. On lake near Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area with many lakes, walking/biking trails. First month, last month, deposit, completed application & good references a must. No smoking/no pets. 218546-6221. tfn Rooms for rent for singles, 7123rd St. NW, Aitkin. Call after 5:00 p.m. 218-927-2821 w15 Sales Antique Dealers Wanted 15 yr. old antique mall, new management. Downtown Aitkin, Bill or Sue Fox, 218-927-2837 Aitkin Riverboat Antiques tfn Services Carpet Installation Call before 9 p.m. , 18+ years experience. 218-927-6817 w23 INSURANCE - Excellent rates & coverage. Auto (standard & risk), home, business, recreational vehicles. Jamie Koop Insurance, Crosby, 218-546-8304. tfn PRINTING - Commercial/Personal. Letterhead, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Funeral Folders, Flyers, Custom Layout & Design, Much More! No job too big or too small. Call Eric at the NewsHopper for your free quote, 218-927-6990 or 1-800-927-4498. tfn Wanted OPEN 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM • prices Good Mon., april 2nd - Sat., April 7th Easter Wine Sale Over 350 Job Fair Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge Tuesday, April 10th 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge will be hosting a Job Fair on Tuesday, April 10th from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. in our main lodge. Managers will be on-hand conducting interviews and doing some on-the spot hiring for the following positions: • Retail • Dishwashers • Room Attendants • Food Servers • Groundskeepers (Housekeepers) • Kids’ Kamp Subs • Server Assistants • Marina Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge is located 5 miles south of Deerwood on Hwy 6. 218-678-2885 Too Many to Print! Items on Sale with Discounts of 20% - 50% OFF 119 NE Washington, E. Brainerd 218-829-1230 • 371 N. in Baxter 218-829-6196 between Fleet Farm & Target • Grand Ten High Canadian Bourbon $ 97 $1344 E&J Brandy $ 88 8 11 liter Hennessy congnac V.S. $ 66 750 ml 15 Admiral Nelson Rums Spiced or raspberry 1597 1.75 liter 1.75 liter Crown Royal $ 88 17 750 ml 1.75 liter CUERVO 23 Port royal Rum GOLD or Silver 14 $ liter 20 1.75 liter Johnnie Walker 29 $ 12 8 $ 1.5 liter 8 Types Chateau St. Michelle Chardonnay $ 897 750 ml Bartles & Jaymes Coolers $ 97 2 4 pk. Elsa bianchi 7 $ 97 750 ml Haslinger lagar, ice or light $ 7 77 750 ml $ original or lighT 12 97 12 pk btls 4 5 12 pk btls 1397 30 pk cans 7 orginal or light $ 13 6 750 ml 97 24 pk cans Until they’re Gone 6 750 ml Red Crianza Wines of spain 7 $ $ 97 750 ml miller High life Regular or Light $ canada dry mixers 77¢liter 750 ml Dubeouf Beaujolais Nouveau $ 97 750 ml Merlot, Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc 3 liter box Leinenkugel 1.5 liter Veramonte Montecillo 7 Types 1.5 liter 997 Piccini Chianti $ 97 cook’s champagne $ 97 Mogan corbett David Canyon Wines Wines $ 77 $ 77 special export $ 750 ml 3 597 4 1244 $ 897 wines $ 77 $ 97 1.5 liter red stripe “ya-man” $ or White Zinfadel 24 cans heineken $ 4 pinot grigio, pinot noir or merlot Pinot Noir Gallo livingston Wine Red Rose 1.5 liter wines $ 44 Cavit wines Mark West 750 ml CK mondavi wines $ 97 California Wines of argentina $ 750 ml forestville ml bottle (Regular $6.99) 15% off every 750 wine Excludes saleRebate items savings up to $24 on 12 bottles Cabernet, pinot grigio, Merlot or Chardonnay 1197 8 4 Wine $ Wednesday 97 mezzacornona Crane Lake wines cabernet $ Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, Merlot, Riesling, Savvignon Blanc, $1 off Chardonnay, every 12 Syrah, pack,Viognier & Zinfandel Cabernet, 5 liberty School 750 ml 1.75 liter Pepperwood Grove Wines Beer Tuesday Wines $ 97 750 ml 750 ml 13 750 ml WINERY OF THE MONTH- stamp of Austrialia 697 2188 1.751.75 liter liter 13 Hardy’s 8 Types jim beam JaGermeister vanilla $ 97 $royale97 1.75 liter 3-7 p.m. Baxter Location We had a great turnout for our FREE tasting in March. Over 80 people tasted wines and it was a lot of fun! Blackstone Wines $ 1.75 liter 1297 argentina Wines Yellow tail wines $ 97 1.75 liter Petri Brandy $ 97 Lime or Strawberry 750 ml 16 1.75 liter Cuervo margarita 1366 Smirnoff vodka 80o $ 66 15 750 ml kahlua 750 ml 1.75 liter liter 25 1.75 liter #1 SELLING IMPORT liter 1255 24 seagrams 7 crown $ 97 glenlivet Malt Scotch $ 97 Red label Scotch $ 97 $ 897 grand marnier $ 44 White or Dark TEQUILA $ 97 1.75 liter beefeater gin $ 88 $ 12 Jack Burnetts Gin Daniels $ 97 $ 88 11 windsor 1.75 liter scoresby Scotch $ 97 19 $ 1.75 liter Bacardi limon $ 97 liter Thursday, April 12 Wanted: Contemporary Chateau Hand Painted Stoneware. Plate/bowl design has edge with narrow brown ring and inner wider lighter brown or navy blue ring. Cups have narrow brown ring on top of wider lighter brown or navy blue ring. Please call 218-546-6221, if in excellent condition without excessive wear, chips or cracks. tfn Rabbits: Any breed free or cheap. 218-927-4553 tfn TRACTORS: Want to buy crawler tractors, wheel loaders, and farm tractors. Any condition. Also new and used parts for sale. Kugler Salvage, Inc. 26793 Co. Hwy. 22, Erhard, MN 56534. 1-800-874-2130. Website: www. tfn Wanted: Gas Powered Wood Splitter. Good Condition. Bob Larson 320-676-8749 w14 Wanted: Junk Car, Trucks, Tractors. Will pick up 218-8291947 or 218-851-9817 w14 19 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM 1197 24 pk btls 897 750 ml rolling Rock $ 1197 18 pk btls All Pepsi $ 19 1 2 liter Plus: Essers recycles Beer Bottles - We will pay you 20¢/12 pack or 40¢/case credited on your purchase only at the East Brainerd Store (Because of space limitations) 20 March 31, 2007 NewsHopperTM The Deals are in Aitkin GM Company Vehicle, 535 Actual Miles, New List $40,265, #U2632 Ext. Length, 71K mi., 1-Owner, Power Doors, #U2637A 4x4, ZR2, V6, Auto, A/C, Tilt, Cruise, Just Traded 81K mi., Leather, Just Traded 2002 2001 2005 $11,995 $10,995 $29,995 Pontiac Montana GMC Sonoma Ext. Cab 1999 Buick Park Ave Chevy Tahoe LT 4x4 $11,995 - suvs & vans - - Cars - 2005 Chevy Tahoe LS 4x4 $ 25,995 2005 Pontiac Grand Am $ 11,995 2004 Chevy Suburban Z-71 4x4 $ 24,995 2004 Pontiac Grand Am SE2 - New List $21,925 $ 11,495 20,995 2003 Buick LeSabre $ 10,995 18,995 2002 Cadillac Deville $ 10,995 17,995 2004 Pontiac Grand Am SE $ 9,995 2004 Pontiac Grand Am $ 9,995 16,995 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo LS $ 8,995 $ 7,995 32K mi., Just Arrived.................................................................................. Heated Leather Bucvkets, On-Star, 66,000 mi............................................... 2006 Chevy Trailblazer Ext. Length, 22,000 mi., #U2638................................................................... 2006 Chevy Trailblazer - New List $28,465 15,100 mi., #U2630. .................................................................................... 2006 Chevy Uplander LT - New List $28,810 First Offering, Leather, DVD, 17K mi., #U2604.............................................. 2005 Chevy Equinox LT AWD 27,300 mi., Just Traded, 1-Owner. ............................................................... $ $ $ $ Fresh Trade, 4-Door, 37K mi., #G7001B. ...................................................... Victory Red, 32K mi., V6, Spoiler, Sunroof, Chrome Wheels, #U2627............. Fresh Trade, 52K mi., #U2595A. .................................................................. On-Star, Leather, #U256AA. ........................................................................ 1-800-450-2713 16,995 36,000 mi., #U2626. ....................................................................................... 4-Dr., V6, Just Traded.................................................................................... 2003 Chevy Suburban 1/2 Ton 4x4 $ 2006 Chevy Uplander - New List $24,095 $ 15,995 1999 Cadillac Deville 2004 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 $ 15,995 2001 Buick LeSabre Custom $ 6,995 2002 Chevy Suburban 1/2 Ton 4x4 $ 14,995 1997 Lincoln Continental $ 6,995 2002 Chevy Cavalier $ 5,995 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis GS $ 4,995 2000 Oldsmobile Alero $ 4,495 1999 Buick Park Avenue $ 3,995 Just Traded, #G7034A. ............................................................................... 14,497 mi., #U2631. .................................................................................... Just Traded, #U2634A. ............................................................................... 4-Dr. Utility, Black, 114K mi., #G7002B......................................................... 2003 Buick Rendezvous FWD 1-Owner, 4-Dr., 59K mi., 3rd Seat, #B706A.................................................... 2002 Mercury Mountaineer AWD V6, A/C, Just Traded................................................................................... $ $ 12,995 10,995 1999 Chevy Suburban LS 4x4 129,692 mi., #G7020B.................................................................................... $ 9,995 1999 Oldsmobile Bravada 4x4 $ 5,995 1998 Chevy Astro $ 4,995 1995 GMC 1 Ton Cargo Van $ 1,995 132K mi., #CT6066B...................................................................................... All Wheel Drive, Fresh Trade, #U2621A........................................................... Bulk Head, V-8 Auto, #CT6052B. .................................................................... V6, Auto, A/C, #U2555A. ................................................................................ North Star V8, White, Leather, Just Traded, #U2600B. ..................................... 4-Dr. Sedan, 101K mi., White, #U2559A........................................................... spring deal #1 2001 Chevy Camaro Convertible #U2573A $ 18,995 2006 Buick LaCrosse CXL - New List $26,140 $ 17,995 4-Dr., 13K mi.............................................................................................. 23K mi., #U2561......................................................................................... 2006 Pontiac G6 GT - New List $23,530 4-Dr. Sedan, 13K mi., #U2580...................................................................... 2006 Pontiac Vibe Maroon, Auto, A/C, Just Arrived.................................................................. 2006 Pontiac Vibe 21,000 mi., #U2642. .................................................................................... $ $ $ 14,995 $ 14,995 2006 Chevy HHR Sunroof, 15K mi., #U2614. .......................................................................... $ 2005 Chevy Impala $ 2005 Chevy Impala - New List $24,276 $ 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GT2 - New List $23,990 $ 2006 Chevy Cobalt LS Sedan - New List $16,220 $ 2004 Buick LeSabre $ White, 4-Dr., 21,271 mi., #U2511. ................................................................. 30,000 mi., #U2599. .................................................................................... Power Seats, 3800 Series III, V6, SFI, 16” Aluminum Wheels, 35,200 mi......... 29,180 mi., #U2544. .................................................................................... Silver, #2546A............................................................................................ Sunroof, V6, 30K mi., #U2636...................................................................... 119K mi., #G1654B $7,995 spring deal #2 14,995 2006 Pontiac G6 - New List $22,430 Blue, 4-Dr., 25,010 mi., #U2548.................................................................... $10,995 14,995 $ 4-Door, 18,300 Mi., #U2548.......................................................................... 3800, V-6, 76,000 mi., Auto, A/C, One Owner 15,995 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix - New List $23,005 GMC 1/2 Ton Sierra Ext Cab SLE 4x4 4-Dr., V8, Auto, A/C, Tilt, Cruise, PW/PS, 80K mi., #U2620A.............................. 4-Dr., Silver................................................................................................... 3800 V6, Leather, #B624B.............................................................................. 2005 Chevy K2500 HD - New List $44,164 2006 Chevy Impala LTZ - New List $26,785 1998 4-Dr., Economy 4 Cyl., Auto, A/C, #U2551A..................................................... - Trucks - - cars - 2004 Pontiac Grand Am SE - New List $22,265 4-Dr., Leather, 72,059 mi., #B705A.................................................................. 2000 Pontiac Grand AM GT $ 29,995 Regular Cab, Allsion Trans., Duramax Diesel, $ 12,800K mi., Like New, #CT7063A................................................................ 27,995 White, Crew Cab, Diesel, 32,000 miles, #U2416............................................ 2005 GMC 3/4 Ton 4x4 SLE- New List over $40,000 2004 GMC Sierra K2500 3/4 Ton 4x4 SLE $ 23,995 2004 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab 4x4 $ 19,995 2004 GMC 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab $ 18,995 2003 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab 4x4 LS $ 17,995 Z-71, Leather, On-Star, 5.3L, P-265-75R-16WOL Tires, $ Fresh Trade, 58K mi., #CT6060B. ................................................................ 16,995 Gold, Ext., Leather, On-Star, 8.1L, 33,635 mi., #G6007A. .............................. Maroon, 41,000 mi., #G7045B...................................................................... 5.3 Liter SLE, #G7039................................................................................. Recent Trade, #CT7045A. ........................................................................... 2001 GMC 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab 4x4 SLT - “TOP SHELF” 2001 GMC 1/2 Ton Ton Ext. Cab 4x4 SLT $ 15,995 13,995 2002 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab 4x4 $ 15,995 13,995 2003 Chevy 3/4 Ton 4x4 HD $ 14,995 2001 GMC 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab $ 13,495 12,995 2001 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab $ 13,495 12,995 1999 GMC 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab 4x4 $ 8,995 1998 Chevy 1 Ton 4x4 $ 8,995 1994 Ford F-250 4x4 XLT $ 4,995 12,995 Fresh Trade, #CT7048A. ............................................................................. 2-Door, Coupe, AM, FM, CD, #CT7059B 12,495 $ 5.3L, #CT7043A.......................................................................................... 11,995 6.0 Liter, Automatic, One Owner, #CT7064................................................... 4x2, 5.3 Liter, SLE, Topper, #G7040A........................................................... 4x4, #CT7058A........................................................................................... $6,995 1998 Chevy Silverado 4x4 1 Ton, Dually, Flatbed, 454, with V-Plow #CT6053B..................................................................................................... Flat Bed, 454 V-8 with V-Plow, #G7031C.......................................................... V-8 with V-Plow, #G7031B.............................................................................. 1994 GMC Sonoma SLS Ext. Cab 4x4 Red, #CT7070A $8,995 $4,995 1996 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext Cab 4x4 LS #CT7032B $6,995
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