lf,furf pflf,r4gr *,Pi - International Meeting Managers


lf,furf pflf,r4gr *,Pi - International Meeting Managers
total of 84.5 million peoplewent to off-sitecorpo,$q
rate and associationmeetingsin 1993 asreportedby
.,,n ;%k.
MeerlngsE Conuentionsmagazineincurring a record
in meeting expenditures- doubiing what was
spent a decadeago.
Everyoneattendsmeetings;however,few considerwho
plans them, and what is involved in the planning process.
Some meetingsmay be as simple as a staff meeting at the
office while others might be as large as a convention or
i { f I f * l
annual conference. Meetings are offered to launch new
products,train staff,rewardsalesmanagers,
education,or hold an annualmeetingof an association.One
thing isfor certain,the meetingmustbe handledprofessionally and shouldbe well organized.
A small meetingat the office is aseasyaspicking up the
phone or sendinga few memos;however, if you have the
responsibilityof organizinga largemeeting,therearespecific A condensed list of meeting planning details:
guidelinesthat one shouldbe awareof listed in the box.
,. EsrablishingParameters
One of the fastestgrowingprofessionsin the hospitaliry
industryis the independentmeetingprofessionalor consultObjectives,dates,budget,location, socialfunctions
,il ProgramOrganization
ant. Outsorucingto an independentmeetingprofessionalis
becominga popular option due to staffreduction and time
constraints. Theseprofessionals
can providea wide variety
of highly specializedservicesto clients who sponsormeetStaging, general session,panels,roundtables,work1ngs.
An independentmeetingprofessionalcan assistin draft.
ing a budget;collect feesif necessary;
savetime and money
Staffing, faciiity selection and instruction, registra,
by negotiatingthe most favorablerateswith hotels or con.
tion, bookkeeping
vention and conferencecenters,caterers,entertainment,
audiovisualproduction and transportationcompanies,prrrContracts with hotels, music licensing,audio visual,
fessionalspeakers,printers,or other serviceproviders.The
insuranceand entertainmentcompanies;printing, armeetingprofessionalcan alsobring freshideasto yoLlrorgarangingfood functions,etc.
nization, and in general,becomean extensionof your orgaOn,Site Operation
Registration,hotel coordination, issuingmaterialssuch
Meeting professionals
can do all of the advanceplanning
asname badgesand handouts,overseeingevents
and in many instancesoffer adviceasto what wili work best
for the client. They will recommendmeetingdestinations,
handle pre and on-siteregistrationand in generalallow the
final financial statements
organizationto focuson their prime responsibilities.
Today, meeting planning requiresknowledgeableconMost importantly, when coordinating a meeting, retract negotiations,since an organizationmust be awareof
member that advance planning, experience, and attention
the legal as well as the financial ramifications of doing
to details will set the stage for a
businesswith hotels. Provisionsneed to be included in
contractsto ensurethe bestpossibleratesand protectionfor
the client. A11hotel contractshave a liquidating damage
LlnneK. Tirasis President
provision,which pertainsto cancellations.It is very impor.
of InternationalMeeting Managers,
tant to negotiatean equitablearrangementto this provision.
Inc. (IMM), a full-seruicemeeting
If the organizationis not careful,cancelingthe hotel conmonagement
tract can be very expensive.Meeting professionalscan
in orgaiying events, prospecialiTing
negotiatecomplimentaryroomsand suites,room upgrades,
and conuentions,
amenities,limitations of food prices,reducedor no deposits,
the initial planning stdgesto onfrom
restitution for dishonoredreservations,limo pickups,and
sitecoordination. The companj was
reducedgolf or heaith club fees.The list goeson and on. An
in 1986 by L1nne, whcthas
experiencedmeetingprofessionalhas the skills and knowlouer 14 years of meeting planning
edgeto know what is necessaryin a contract.
lf,furf pflf,r4gr
PnorEssroNer-REvrEvWinter f994-95

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