Activities and Achievements booklet


Activities and Achievements booklet
Mearns Academy
Activities & Achievements
2012 - 13
Rector’s Comments
gaining of qualifications. Indeed tonight's prizegiving largely focuses on this. Additionally though, the developing of all the talents of young people is an aspect
to which we are happy to commit. Involvement in activities such as those in this
booklet builds self-confidence and teamwork in pupils. It also helps develop important social skills.
However, none of these activities would take place without the commitment
and dedication of our staff. For their hard work, resilience and imagination I am
very grateful.
I hope you now enjoy looking at this compilation of some of the many activities
that have taken place this session.
Ian Parkin
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
It remains essential that due commitment is given to academic pursuits and the
Abernethy Outdoor Leadership Course
Miss Bush accompanied a group of 12 senior students to the Abernethy Outdoor Centre
in the Cairngorms National Park for a week-long outdoor based leadership course.
Throughout the week they took part in a
variety of different leadership challenges
with pupils from other schools across
Scotland in the centre and surrounding
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
One of the central challenges was a
night sleeping rough, where each group
had to work together to construct shelters out of what was available in the forest. As a result of these teamwork challenges they improved their communication and leadership skills and had a thoroughly enjoyable week.
On the final day the groups competed against each other in different teamwork-based
activities which culminated with the winning group beating the teachers (who resorted
to cheating) on the assault course in fine
Through the assistance of Cairngorms National Park Rangers they were taught the
values of discovering and exploring a
wild place; conserving the environment
and sharing their experiences. When they
returned to school they were presented
with the John Muir Trust Awards for Discovery.
Ilythia Morley and Andrew Clark
Trip to Malaga
The boys and girls trained hard in
preparation for a competitive match
against Spanish opposition. Whilst the
younger pupils were given a lesson in
passing, our senior team rallied to
come back from two goals down
and win their match. It was great to
see the camaraderie and sportsmanship amongst all our players.
Highlights from the trip had to be
young Gammie's knock out goalie
performance, Murray and Harry's bargain buys in Puerto Banus, Cameron's
quiz performance and big Gammie's
international diplomacy skills.
Malaga FC staff commented that this
was the most polite and respectful
group of players he has ever worked
with. All 32 were a credit to themselves and their parents.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
The February mid-term break created
an opportunity for 32 footballers to
descend on Spanish soil. Malaga FC
coaches coordinated 4 days of intensive football training where our
youngsters were taught to play football the 'Spanish way'.
Sports Day
S3 Boys
S1 Boys
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
- Josh Paton
- Laurence Bayfield
- Laurence Bayfield *
- Ryan Gammie
- Hamish McWhinnie
- Kyle Donald
- Robbie Anderson
- Ryan Gammie
- Ian Donoghue
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
- Olivia Swinscoe *
- Paris Lindsay-Murray
- Anna Sherriffs
- Beth Neill
- Sophie Ogilvie-Kellas
- Anna Sherriffs
- Lauren Thomson
- Gina Gallacher
- Cameron Blakemore
- Cameron Blakemore *
- Kieran Gammie *
- Kieran Gammie
- Billy Irvine
- Kieran Gammie
- Cameron Thomson
- Kieran Gammie
- Thomas Wilson *
* new record
- Ashley Robson *
- Ashley Robson *
- Mhari McKiddie
- Aillie McWhinnie
- Aillie McWhinnie *
- Ashley Robson
- Ashley Robson
- Moli Cook *
- Moli Cook *
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
- Callum Bayfield *
- Callum Bayfield
- William Rough *
- Connor Mulcahy
- Connor Mulcahy
- Connor Mulcahy
- Connor Mulcahy*
- Ronan Strachan
- Ronan Strachan
Senior Girls
S2 Girls
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
Senior Boys
S2 Boys
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
- Alex Nicoll
- Alex Nicoll
- Haydn Burgoyne
- Haydn Burgoyne
- Harry Sherriffs
- Craig Taylor
- Callum McGuigan
- William Barron
- William Barron
S3 Girls
S1 Girls
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
- Chloe Harding
- Elle Donald
- Aimee McPherson
- Holly Burns-Ross
- Aimee McPherson
- Chloe Harding
- Chloe Harding
- Ruadhan Stuart
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Putt
* new record
- Eva Bell
- Bronte Allan
- Bronte Allan *
- Leona Blacklaws *
- Kayleigh Thomson
- Bronte Allan
- Kirsty McLean
- Kirsty McLean
Balmoral Race 2013
We had some fantastic times for the races –
everyone did the school proud. We must mention Conor Mulchay who did the 2.5km race as
a warm-up before going on to get our fastest
time in the 5km race!
Mr. Parkin again put us all to shame by running the 10km race as well as providing
moral support for the rest of us.
Young Musician 2013
Our three judges commented highly on our musicians who demonstrated their talent on
a wintry Monday evening in March. The musical ability that exists within Mearns Academy is something we should all be proud of and anyone who came along to support
the event witnessed this first hand. Well done to all the finalists but there had to be a
winner and runner up in each category:
Winner: Gina Gallacher (S1) – Harp
Runner-Up: Camy White (S1) - Fiddle
Winner: Max McGinlay (S4) – Electric Guitar
Runner-Up: Ronan Keddie (S4) - Euphonium
Winner: Georgina MacDonell-Finlayson (S5) – Violin
Runner-Up: Ewen Connell (S5) – Voice
Overall Winner - Max McGinlay (4C2)
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
This year’s trip to Balmoral on Saturday 27th April
was great fun, even though it was freezing
cold! 35 of us went up to take part in the 2.5km
race (for S1, 2 and 3) and the 5km race (S4, 5
and 6 and staff).
Charities Events 2012 - 13
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
This has been a busy but very successful year for our Charities Group. At the start of the
session we held a Coffee Morning and raffle to raise money for MacMillan Cancer with
staff and pupils working together to support this venture we raised a fantastic £453.95.
As always November and December are busy months for our charities committee. During November pupils donate items for our Shoebox Appeal, and this year over 60 shoeboxes were filled then collected for transport to children in Kosovo.
Children In Need has a regular place in
our calendar, and this year a number of
our pupils auditioned for, and were successful in gaining places to sing with the
BBC Children in Need Choir. This helped
raise awareness for this very worthwhile
cause, and by holding a “Dress as you
Please Day” our pupils raised over £560.
Our local senior citizens always greatly
appreciate the generosity of pupils, parents and staff at Christmas time and
around 70 bags of “goodies” were delivered by senior pupils.
Also during this term staff and friends kept busy knitting for babies in Malawi, and 71
baby bonnets were donated for premature infants.
Our second “Dress as you Please Day” was held to raise money for UNICEF, which also
allows the opportunity to raise awareness of children across the world that benefit from
the money raised, a great £500.
Charities Events 2012-13
Our final “Dress as you Please day” for
the session was held in March on Red
Nose Day. This was a fun filled day with
pupils and staff getting into the spirit of
things; Fancy-dress, wigs, red noses, eating cookies, guess the sweets in the jar,
etc. all this meant an absolutely fantastic
£828.50 was raised.
To round off this session, as the senior students went off on study leave, S1-3 pupils
took part in a fund raising afternoon. It
all looked a bit dull and overcast, but after an initial shower, the sun came out
and all the girls had great fun taking part in the “Walk for Life”, wearing pink and raising
money for Cancer Research, funds raised so far are just over £200.
The boys of S1-3 had a very competitive afternoon of Ultimate Dodgeball, and raised
money for The British Heart Foundation, fund standing at just over £100. If you wish to
donate to either of these charities please follow the links below:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank pupils, parents, staff and the local community for their continuing support for all our fundraising activities at Mearns Academy.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Fairtrade Fortnight is always a popular time. Senior pupils run a Tuckshop selling Fairtrade bananas and CHOCOLATE!! This raises awareness of Fairtrade, and money raised
from our over-indulgence benefits our Sierra Leone small change appeal.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Sponsored Walk 2012
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Sponsored Walk 2012
Masterchef 2013
Pupils from across the school were invited to take part in this year’s Masterchef Competition and as usual the standard was extremely high. The event was kindly sponsored by
Laurencekirk and District Rotary Club.
The finalists were Juniors: Ria Leask 1T1, Aimee McPherson 2J1, Millie Keddie 2C1, Lewis
Forrest 3J1 and Seniors: William Rough 5T1, Megan Cameron 5T1, Emily Smith 5T1 and
Jordan Jones 6J2. They were asked to
plan and prepare a healthy dish from
a chosen list of ingredients in 1 hour.
The Winners were:
Junior: Aimee McPherson
Runner up : Millie Keddie
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Senior Winner: Megan Cameron
Runner up: Emily Smith
OVERALL WINNER: for the second year Aimee McPherson - Well Done to all!
Judges were: Mr Mark Smith from the Quay Restaurant in Montrose, Rev. R Gall,
Laurencekirk and of course our school Cook Mrs Jackie Urquhart.
Thank you to everyone.
Mrs Winton
Children in Need / BBC Choir
Hundreds of pupils were auditioned from across
Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire schools to
perform as part of a 123 strong choir. The programme was broadcast from the Beach Ballroom in Aberdeen.
S2 Local Area Study
On September 5th, the pupils set off on a full
day fieldtrip visiting Laurencekirk, Montrose,
Edzell or Fettercairn. In each settlement they
carried out a wide range of activities relating
to the 3 social subjects: History, Geography
and Modern Studies. Throughout the day
they visited a range of historical and modern
venues from castles and distilleries to parks,
libraries and museums. In many locations the
classes were met by guest speakers who
kindly gave up their free time to share their
expertise with the pupils.
Back in school the pupils set out in their groups to research their town or village further.
They then presented their findings to a packed assembly hall on the evening of October 2nd to perhaps their biggest critics - family and friends! Presentations took a variety
of forms including power points, movies, dramas, quizzes and raps! A few of the groups
had even collaborated with the music and drama departments to perfect their performances. A wide range of posters produced by the children was also on display in
the foyer. Overall, the S1 pupils did themselves proud in hosting a very enjoyable and
informative evening.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Eight of our pupils (Caitlyn Boyd, Emily Smith,
Nicole Leslie, Eilidh Watt, Ewen Connell, Richard
Glassby, Ronan Keddie and Ross Robertson) appeared live on Children In Need on Friday 16th
Activity Days 2013
Paintballing at Bedlam, Edzell
Paintballing is a great fun sport it is even
more fun when you go with your friends.
About 40 of us got the bus to Edzell and
it was a fine sunny day. There are a couple of up sides for pocking Paintballing
for Activity Days and one of them is you
get to shoot a couple of the teachers in
the school. We were very lucky that it
was such a fine day and we were able
to have our lunch out in the sunshine.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
The teams we picked were very competitive and this made it a lot more fun. You get
such a good feeling when you win a game; it makes it so much more fun .
Philip Valentine S4
Barcelona - Viva España. Sun, Sea, Sand and Sulks
31 pupils and 5 members of staff set off from a cold wet and miserable Laurencekirk (in
the very early hours of the morning – sulk no.1, Mrs Logue) headed for the tropics of Barcelona.
After a long journey we arrived safely at the hotel, settled into rooms and headed
down for food. Many plates of chips later, we headed out and Salou town centre was
hit by the invasion of Mearns bargain hunters. Our kids certainly know how to barter a
good deal! Arms laden with goodies (aka E numbers) we made our way back to the
hotel for a peaceful night…
Early next morning, sleep deprived staff and 31excited teenagers (sulk no. 2, all staff)
boarded the coach for Barcelona and the Nou Camp. We enjoyed a tour of the stadium (sulk number 3, Mr Fleming ‘Can’t we just stay here all day?’) and then had lunch
in the Park Guell where some staff and pupils enjoyed the beautiful scenery and
Activity Days 2013
London Trip
“The London Theatre trip was a new option
for activities days, and was greatly enjoyed
by all. We got to take the train all the way
down, with no changes, which was interesting! We went and saw Wicked and afterwards met the cast, which was extremely
lucky! The show was truly amazing for all of
us, and it was even better because we got
to go and see Matilda as well! Some other
highlights were the London Eye, the London
Dungeons, Madame Tussauds, and the underground”.
Sarah Reid and Hannah Smith, S4
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
architecture, whilst others finally conquered level 65 of Candy Crush (Mr Tait, king of
culture). On our return to the hotel it was
straight down to the pool for some fun – if
you can call diving into an ice cold pool
and risking frostbite fun! All in all a good
day - not forgetting the curious incident
of Mr Fleming’s disappearing safe key.
Day 3 – Port Aventura. How excited can
Mr Fleming get?! A long wait (sulk number 4 – Mr Fleming) for the mini train to
take us to the park and then an even
longer wait to get in the park (sulk number 5 – Mr Fleming), to discover the ‘big
ones’ were closed due to weather (sulk,
sulk, sulk – Mr Fleming). Everyone had a
great but tiring time - although ‘Fun Sponge’ Wotherspoon lived up to her name by not
doing any rides at all!
All too soon it was time to come home. There were lots of concerned faces as the luggage was weighed at check in (Miss Leigh). Who knew cheap tat weighed so much?
Activity Days 2013
On the first day of Activities Days, a bus load of eager pupils, along with quite a few excited teachers too, set off on the way to Landmark in Aviemore, ready for a day
crammed with thrilling things to see and do. However, getting there wasn’t going to be
as trouble-free as they all thought…
It wasn’t the nicest of days – a bit bitter, unpleasantly cold and overcast, but no-one
had any idea what would happen next. And so, they were driving along, and the conditions slowly got worse and worse. The clouds turned into rain, then hail, then snow. At
some points, the downpour was horizontal! It wasn’t looking promising. Then, it got
worse...the main road to Landmark... was shut! So, we had to turn around and go the
long way round, which added on another hour or so onto the already lengthy journey.
Luckily, Mrs Anderson had brought her pick of... quite interesting films. We stopped off
to get lunch as the sun was coming out. Finally, the bus reached Landmark, and the
pupils, tired but hopeful trudged off the bus, ready for their fun-filled day…
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Landmark is bursting with things to see and do, from perching high in the treetops
to boggling illusions in the Bamboozeleum.
Ropeworx - This is Landmark’s famous treetop highwire challenge, the first of its kind
in the whole of the UK! Great fun but a real challenge, made all the more difficult
by the wind and hail. Leaving us with shivering hands, but smiling faces and a
great sense of accomplishment! Unfortunately, you have to be over 1.5 meters tall
to take on this challenge, but fear not, as there is the Tarzan Trail for the young
ones, which is just as fun, but a little easier on the nerves!
The Fire Tower - If you’re fit enough to climb all of the 105 steps of the fire tower,
you’ll be rewarded with a panoramic view of the entire park. Your fear of heights
will disappear with all the amazing scenery on offer.
SkyDive - An experience filled with pure adrenaline! Climb the 50ft climbing masts
and then step (don’t jump!) through the air…arriving safely on the ground of
course with Landmark’s Powerfan descenders, also used by stunt men in Hollywood. Only for the bravest.
Wild Water Coaster - A family favourite at Landmark. An exhilarating raft ride over
waterfalls of varying steepness, try them all if you’re bold enough!
The Bamboozeleum - A fantastical place of illusion and science. Complete with
distorting mirrors, infinity rooms, holograms, morphing machines, ‘Capture-yourshadow-wall’, thermal imaging camera, giant kaleidosphere and video microscopes- it proves for an enjoyable experience that will make you want to come
back again and again.
The Pinnacle - A ten meter tall climbing wall with lots of different routes to the top.
But don’t be fooled, it’s not as easy as it looks…
Our day at Landmark was great fun, despite the horrendous weather. We were all
mostly exhausted and a nice warm seat on the bus was a relief. With snacks provided
by Mrs Anderson and another one of her interesting movies, it was a smoother ride
back. A very enjoyable experience, we would recommend it to everyone who wants to
have a laugh and challenge themselves!
By Andreja White and Hannah Rickman
Activity Days 2013
The day started well. Everyone turned up on time and there was even a coach to deliver us to our destination. Just passing Banchory I heard the first enquiry of “Are we
nearly there yet?” I assured them that Landmark was just around a few corners and a
little bit down the road. Spirits remained high even when Mrs Anderson’s favourite film
was inflicted upon us - a few people were spotted laughing at some of the jokes but
many could be seen shaking their head in dismay. Then reality almost became as
strange as the film. A few white flakes started falling from the sky – “Isn’t that nice”.
Suddenly we were driving through a blizzard and we arrived at the snow gates before
the Lecht – CLOSED. At the end of May! A long, winding detour and a stop off in Grantown delayed our arrival by a couple of hours.
Everyone was straining to be released into the park and when they were there was explosion of enthusiasm. Kids flung themselves down the waterslides, teetered across
balance beams and clawed their way up the climbing tower. The frantic activity ensured that nobody died of hypothermia and indeed jackets and hoodies were discarded when a strange golden orb was seen in the sky.
Mars bar challenges presented opportunity for those cunning enough to coerce members of staff onto death defying rides. In the aftermath an additional mars bar was
awarded to Connor for his observation that there was a seatbelt on the rollercoaster –
unfortunately he did not make this observation until he had already been around rollercoaster 10 times – oops.
On the way home a satisfied hush reigned in the coach. Despite the trials of the day
everyone seemed to be of the opinion they would go again given the opportunity – I
certainly would!
By Graham, Student Teacher
London Trip - Visit to Warner Bros Studio
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Prefects 2013-14
Head Prefect
Head Prefect
Andrew Clark
Connor Gammie
Oliver Moore
Senior Prefects
Ewen Connell
Ilythia Morley
Bronte Allan
Leona Blacklaws
Hannah Duff
Morven Glen
Ronan Keddie
Louise McGregor
Kieran Petrie
Kirsty Salmon
Alex Christie
Lewis Johnstone
Holly Robertson
Ronan Strachan
Emily Smith
Leanne Allan
Rosie Charles
Hannah Elder
Vannessa Gove
Callum Kelly
Zoe Phillips
Ian Blackhouse
Michaela Copeland
Georgina MacdonellFinlayson
William Rough
Alice Targontsidis
Cameron Eeles
Emma Anderson
Madeleine Crabb
Sean Elliott
Devon Hartup
Rebecca Leigh
Katie Munro
Meaghan Redmonds
Tom Messer
Lee Dalgetty
Veronica Marcos
Sarah Slessor
Kerry Watson
Barnaby Simpkin
Senior Prefects
Ramsay Forbes
Lindsay Scott
Chloe Bell
Aimee Cruickshank
Louise Fowlie
Scott Hendry
Connie McEwan
Oliver Neill
Siobhan Redmonds
Caitlyn Boyd
Megan Gowie
Hannah Baxter
Anna Smith
Hannah Worthington
Tom Gall
Eva Bell
Edith Duff
Richard Glassby
Cain Hussain
Max McGinlay
Ross Robertson
Megan Cameron
Victoria Gray
Natasha Poppleton
Kyra Steel
Nicola Wylie
Nicola Sutherland
Liam McPherson
S4 Biology Field Trip to Crathes
In the morning both groups were engaged in carrying
out ecological sampling, to assess the abundances’
of identified plants and the environmental conditions
favouring the growth of these species.
After lunch the Crathes nature wardens worked with
groups of pupils in a number of work shops. These activities included moth trapping, using a light traps and
pitfall trapping to collect ground living invertebrates.
Sweep netting and tree beating to collect invertebrates from other habitats.
Pupils heard a short
lecture on the conservation work being
done to protect the
red squirrel population, followed by a short Q&A session. Finally the pupils were then shown various techniques for sampling mammals, such as floating traps
for otters, recently found at Crathes, Longworth traps
for small mammals, pupils all saw a very active bank
vole, and the modern use of night movement sensitive cameras to sample our nocturnal species such as badgers. The informative day was enjoyed by all involved with the
Crathes staff being particularly complementary about the pupils.
RGC & Albyn Invitational Cross Country
The RGC and Albyn Invitational Cross Country Championships were held at Balgownie
Playing Fields this year. Twenty three pupils from Mearns competed in very difficult conditions. The course was hilly and very muddy!
Congratulations to the S1 boys team consisting of Hamish
McWhinnie, Antony
Hay and Robbie
Anderson who finished 1st overall in
the S1 boys team
competition. A special mention goes
to Hamish McWhinnie who finished 3rd
individually in the S1
boys race.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
On the 12th of June two fourth year Biology classes
took part in a full day of Biology activities at Crathes
Drama - Dundee Rep Theatre
This year a group of S3 pupils took part in Onstage at Dundee Rep
Theatre. Onstage is an exciting opportunity for groups of Secondary
students to come together to share, create and perform a devised
piece of theatre on The Rep mainstage.
Using the concept of time which was taken from The Rep’s spring performance of Time
and the Conways, the group spent 8 weeks
creating their own response to this, through
text, music and movement.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
“Never too Late” was a story devised about
the residents of Sunset Lodge Care Home. The
residents live dull, depressing lives ruled by a
tyrannical supervisor until the arrival of a mysterious young woman. A comic, light hearted
take on the stimuli that was well received by
Youth and Philanthropy Initiative - Evening Event
Last year, as part of their PSE course, our S6 students took part in the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative. YPI is an international initiative designed to support young people in developing community awareness.
Students worked in teams to research the needs of their community and each team
identified a local charity they believed to be best placed to make a positive impact on
their local community and is most deserving of financial support. Teams were asked to
prepare a short presentation on their chosen charity, explaining why it should be
awarded a financial grant from YPI.
After seeing each presentation, five teams were
selected by staff to take part in our YPI final in
January. The final was judged by an independent panel, at which one team was presented
with a cheque for £3,000 to award to their chosen charity, ‘Home-Start’, Stonehaven’. The winning team members were, Alyson Crowley, Jordan Jones and Kerry Byrne – congratulations to
This initiative, in which Mearns Academy takes place each year, is a rewarding and entertaining experience where students are able to show awareness of and be sensitive to
local needs and where their efforts ultimately benefit the community.
Geneva itself was magnificent. Thankfully
our time roaming the streets of the city
was filled with sunshine and good laughs.
The public transport system allowed us to
travel across Geneva effortlessly, even if
the occasional crazy Swiss lady caused a
bit of bother. The Jet d’Eau, the tallest artificial water fountain in Europe, momentarily provided a break from the scorching heat
for those who were brave enough to walk under the impressive one hundred and forty
metre shower. A city of sheer culture and passion provided us with a must return attitude.
As you can see we really enjoyed our time spent in Switzerland and we’ve come away
with many life long memories and some newfound knowledge. It’s definitely a trip we’ll
never forget.
by Connor Gammie and Oliver Moore
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
For many, a physicist is a person who wears a pristine white lab coat and is cocooned in
their own world of E=mc2 and gravity. However after recently being given the opportunity to journey across to Geneva, that idea has been flipped on its head. From the outside CERN, acronym for “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”, resembles a
low key military camp but once inside it’s a different story. The numerous pieces of high
tech gadgets made CERN look like the Hogwarts of all things physics. Nevertheless it is
the fact that what they are doing there will have a direct affect on how our future generations will live their lives. This is because although particle physics is a major focus at
CERN they are attempting to answer and
solve problems that many of us face from
time to time. For instance they’re recreating the conditions that were milliseconds
after the big bang; they’re carrying out
intensive research in order to discover the
dark energy and matter.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
Glen Muick - S4 Geography Field Trip
Accompanied by Mrs Wallace, Mrs Bryce and Mrs
Wotherspoon the group first stopped in Ballater to
carry out some human geography fieldwork on the
function and growth of the town.
We arrived at Glen Muick, a stunning glaciated valley
and loch. The pupils used a wide range of techniques
such as field sketching and using O.S and geology
maps to study the landscape’s formation. They also
carried out a river study where they took measurements of the rivers width, velocity and depth. Some of
our more adventurous pupils who had brought their
wellies got a bit wetter than planned - maybe waders
next time!
The field trip finished with a visit to the Burn O’Vat - a
spectacular feature thought to be a giant pot-hole
carved out by glacial meltwater. A few pupils even
ventured behind the waterfall (not content with just
wet feet!). Finally, a brisk walk to the viewpoint to see
Lake Kinord, a perfect example of a kettlehole before
getting back on the bus.
Teenage Reading Month
Last term, to mark Teenage Reading Month in March, S1 and S2 pupils were encouraged by Mr Paterson to enter Aberdeenshire Libraries online book review competition.
Last year Hannah Rickman from Mearns Academy came second in the competition. Mr
Paterson was delighted to be told in April that
one of the S1 pupils at Mearns had gone one
better and won this year’s competition!
Congratulations to Paris Lindsay-Murray for her
review of Darren Shan’s “Cirque du Freak”.
Activities and Achievements 2012 - 13
On Thursday 27th September the two Standard Grade
Geography classes went on a field trip to Ballater and
Glen Muick. The aim of the trip is to allow pupils to
practice field work techniques and experience first
hand the many geographical features and concepts
they study in class.