9 7 5 4 7 7 8 8 1 8 5 4 5 2 4 2 9 5 6 www.guided-vienna.com /guided 4 8 2 8 6 © Wiener Linien, November 2012 SCHNELLVERBINDUNGEN IN WIEN www.wienerlinien.at Die Stadt gehört Dir. A-Z A E M T 21 Anukoo, 1060 / p. 20 12E. Fessler Kamine, 1040 / p. 14 04 Marco Simonis – Bastei 10, 30 arnold’s, 1070 / p. 24 53 esca - graphik + design, 1080 / p. 36 1010 / p. 9 16 mein design, 1040 / p. 16 46 mo° sound store, 1070 / p. 32 24 modus vivendi, 1060 / p. 21 28 art & design Michael Turkiewicz, 1070 / p. 23 F 37 Atelier Lindengasse, 1070 / p. 26 02 footsteps, 1010 / p. 8 32 auferstanden, 1070 / p. 24 41 Franke Leuchten, 1070 / p. 28 42 freitag store, 1070 / p. 28 B 35 Beate von Harten, 1070 / p. 26 15 gabarage upcycling design, 06 byThom, 1020 / p. 10 52 Galerie unik.at, 1080 / p. 36 22 Carhartt wip Store, 1060 / p. 20 33 Comerc – Concept Store, 1070 / p. 25 48 cute couture by vivibag®1070 / p. 32 P W 25 we bandits, 1060 / p. 22 36 die werkbank, 1070 / p. 26 R 23 répertoire, 1060 /p. 21 25 runway Vienna, 1010 /p. 9 08 Kattun, 1020 / p. 11 S EAT+DRINK 50 Kauf Dich Glücklich, 1070 / p. 33 45 Schmuckstück, 1070 / p. 30 20 der fesche ferdl, 1050 / p. 17 43 Kunsthalle Wien Shop, 1070 / p. 29 26 die Schwalbe, 1060 / p. 22 1020 / p. 10 40 designqvist, 1070 / p. 27 27 diba se diva, 1070 / p. 22 11 dörte kaufmann, 1040 / p. 14 1020 / p. 11 49 wauwau Pfeffermühlen, 1070 / p. 32 10 Dellerdesign, 1040 / p. 14 1040 / p. 17 09 Veletage – Salon für Radkultur, 44 ozelot, 1070 / p. 30 K 13 Kannz de Roy, 1050 / p. 14 07 design galerie im stilwerk Wien, 56 volta – concept store, 1090 / p. 37 31 paar Sneakerboutique, 1070 / p. 24 55 in piu’, 1080 / p. 37 D 18 Unikatessen Concept Store, O I 54 Celestine, 1080 / p. 37 U V N 1040 / p. 15 14 Galerie Künstlich, 1040 / p. 15 C 51 The low down on denim, 1070 / p. 33 17 Näherei Apfel, 1040 / p. 16 G 29 Brillenmanufaktur, 1070 / p. 23 01 Café Stadtkind, 1010 / p. 8 34 Die sellerie, 1070 / p. 25 L Kulinarische guided Tipps, p. 40—45 Culinary recommendations, p. 40—45 47 sous-bois, 1070 / p. 32 F Café Stadtkind, 1010 / p. 8 03 Lambert Flagship Store, 1010 / p. 9 38 sova26.at, 1070 / p. 26 G Marco Simonis – Bastei 10, 19 Living Shiatsu, 1040 / p. 17 39 Stoffsalon, 1070 / p. 27 1010 / p. 9 3 4 welcome to guided vienna Der Sommer kann kommen und mit ihm die fünfte Ausgabe des Designführers guided. Er weist wie immer zielgerichtet den Weg zu den spannendsten, individuellsten Shops und gibt wertvolle Tipps, wie man sich auch kulinarisch zwischen den Shopping-Destinationen optimal und stilgerecht stärken kann. Beim Layout gingen wir spielerisch ans Werk. Da guided ein treuer Begleiter auf längere Zeit ist, kann man bei einem entspannten Kaffee zwischendurch die herrlichen Rätsel lösen, die sich unsere Grafikerin ausgedacht hat. Wie schaut ein perfekter guided Tag in Kürze aus? guided würde klassisch im ersten Bezirk starten, dann als Pflichttermin, die immer angesagte Praterstraße im 2ten Bezirk absolvieren und dies gleich mit einem tollen Mittagessen oder Brunch kombinieren. Dann geht’s über die Schleifmühlgasse in die Margaretenstraße und weiter in die Kettenbrückengasse. Auch hier tut sich einiges Neues. Über die Theobaldgasse, Gumpendorferstraße geht’s in den 7ten, der nach wie vor der dichteste Designbezirk ist. Und zu guter Letzt wandert man in den 8ten Bezirk, wo die Josefstädter Straße auch immer wieder neue Shops zu bieten hat. Grande Finale im 9ten. Hier kann man nach dem volta Shop den Tag auch wunderbar kulinarisch in der Servitengasse abschließen. Viel Spaß in Wien wünscht Tina Haslinger / Herausgeberin We’re ready for summer and, with it, the fifth edition of the design guide guided! As always it shows the way to the most exciting, distinctive shops and offers worthwhile tips on the best places to satisfy your hunger in style between shopping destinations. We took a playful approach to the layout this time. Since guided serves as a faithful companion for a long period of time, our graphic designer thought up some awesome puzzles for you to solve during breaks as you relax over a cup of coffee. So briefly, what is the perfect guided day like? The classic start to guided is in the 1st district. After that comes a tour of the obligatory and ever-trendier Praterstrasse in the 2nd district, combined with a delicious lunch or brunch. Then you carry on through Schleifmühlgasse into Margaretenstrasse and on to Kettenbrückengasse. There are some new things happening here too. Via Theobaldgasse and Gumpendorferstrasse, you arrive in the 7th district, which continues to have the densest concentration of design shops. At long last comes the 8th district, where new shops are always cropping up in the Josefstädter Strasse. The grand finale takes place in the 9th district. This is where, after a visit to volta, you can end the day well by treating yourself to a wonderful meal in Servitengasse. Have fun in Vienna! Tina Haslinger / Editor 5 kt sch Sin ners er Str . H ße We ihb mm urg Ze gas for se tga STUBENTOR e sse ile KARLSPLATZ nring G ro ße M le ass Se 6 Oper rstraß e llzei tzg STADTPARK MUSEUMSQUARTIER ohre ng . Wo rst ätt e e traß elp 04 dli stra 03 Hi e M tr. D B g usti Kärn tn asse gelg Aug J ger raß S ters SCHWEDENPLATZ k NESTROYPLATZ e raß . 09 Pra G rst R 08 ustraß e rin Ko hl m ar STEPHANSPLATZ ule r. 07 gec Sch 2 asse Schmelzg I 02 rm tu 05 ona i kt Lu ten e eD mar str . m rn ätt ben kt rkt Ka rlg. Tabo str. Ho lla nd Gra Flei ue dst e Ma asse VOLKSTHEATER s– ar aub chl an ass E reng 1 Br erg her Gred Pa rk HERRENGASSE Ho Tu Re gn er en nn A Bo s Ba se gas n ger S tr be ra C . e ef Ti lin rG Her Dr.Ka rl-Ren ner-Ri ng e ng e Spe lerst b ass Te a inf grie ef eng e raß Frey u ltst Salz ipp . Klein O W os z-J F do Ru n Fra tsstraße sterng Stubenring Große S chiffgass e Bö Universitä z lat p lfs Roten P eliterg L Ro h Sc ott FCafé Stadtkind G Marco Simonis Bastei 10 HHuth–Stadtkrug IMotto am Fluss JThe Guesthouse Vienna – Brasserie & Bakery Kbalthasar Kaffee Bar LFett + Zucker MMochi NPizza Mari’ OSchöne Perle PSpezerei QWulfisch RCafé Potyka SCafé Ansari 01 en ott Sch A Babette’s B Café Diglas – The Small One CHiddenkitchen DXpedit EJoseph – Brot vom Pheinsten g. Ka rm r SCHOTTENTOR eat+drink mbaum ing Spie H Krum Lili enb run ng. rlg ö Karmeliter markt SCHOTTENRING e ass Große Pfarrg. O 06 Q Haidg. sse l dsga ke ür T e aß tr ns sse rga u to e Ne egass rs 01 Café Stadtkind 02 footsteps 03 Lambert Flagship Store 04 Marco Simonis Bastei 10 05 runway Vienna 06 byThom 07 design galerie im stilwerk Wien 08 Kattun 09 veletage N o Leop SHOPS Pr a st ter K 1st/2nd districts 7 01 02 8 Café Stadtkind Universitätsstrasse 11 1010 Vienna +43 1 961 95 22 [email protected] www.stadtkind.at Mon–Fri: 8am–midnight Sat/Sun: 9am–midnight FOOTSTEPS Fleischmarkt 12 1010 Vienna +43 1 513 73 77 [email protected] www.footsteps.at Mon–Fri: 10am–6.30pm Sat: 10am–6pm Dieser neue Hotspot für Urbanisten ist der ideale Platz, um eine Shopping-Tour zu starten oder zu beenden. Frühstück und Essen bis Mitternacht, sowie eine wechselnde Wochenkarte. Besonders beliebt sind der Stadtkind Kaffee, die selbst gemachten Bio-Sodas und das original Münchner Augustiner Bier vom Fass. Den köstlichen Bio-Fairtrade-Kaffee aus eigener Röstung kann man übrigens jetzt auch mit nach Hause nehmen. This new hot spot for urbanites is the ideal starting or ending point for a shopping tour. Breakfast and food served until midnight, as well as a different menu each week. Among the favourites are their own Stadtkind coffee, their homemade bio-sodas, and original Munich Augustiner beer from the tap. You can also buy some of the delicious organic, house-roasted, fair trade coffee to take home with you. Bei footsteps finden Schuhbewusste ausgewählte Footwear vom lässigen Casual-Stil bis zum hippen Sneaker: Adidas Originals, Clarks Originals, Converse, Felmini, Havaianas, Liebeskind, New Balance, Onitsuka Tiger, Palladium, Toms und Vagabond. Für trendbewusste Ladys gibt es zusätzlich legere Mode und schicke Accessoires von angesagten Brands, wie American Vintage, Better Rich, Deha, Gwynedds, Happy Socks und 5Preview. At footsteps shoe connoisseurs will find select footwear ranging from casual shoes to hip sneakers: Adidas Originals, Clarks Originals, Converse, Felmini, Havaianas, Liebeskind, New Balance, Onitsuka Tiger, Palladium, Toms and Vagabond. For the fashionconscious lady, they also carry casual wear and chic accessories from brands like American Vintage, Better Rich, Deha, Gwynedds, Happy Socks, and 5Preview. 1 03 04 guided vienna 15/16 Bei Erstkauf erhalten Sie eine besondere Überraschung LAMBERT Flagship Store Lambert ist eine internationale Lifestyle-Marke für hochwertige Möbel und Wohnaccessoires. In unmittelbarer Nähe zu Kärntnerstraße & Stephansdom eröffnete das Lifestyle-Unternehmen seinen neuen Flagship Store 2014. Dort findet man exklusives Wohnambiente und Einrichtungsstücke mit UnikatCharakter. Entdecken Sie Klassiker sowie saisonale Highlights auf 400 m2 und lassen Sie sich für Ihre eigene Stilnote inspirieren. Dominikanerbastei 10 1010 Vienna +43 1 512 20 10 [email protected] www.marcosimonis.com Mon–Fri: 8am–8pm Marco Simonis Bastei 10 Marco Simonis celebrates ‘urban appetite’ at Bastei 10: Delicious food, exquisite delicatessen and unique and special decor and design products. Weihburggasse 11 1010 Vienna +43 1 512 23 85 [email protected] www.lambert-home.de Mon–Sat: 10am–6pm Lambert is an international lifestyle brand for high-end furniture and home accessories. In 2014 this lifestyle company opened its new flagship store near Kärtnerstrasse and St. Stephen’s Cathedral. It offers an exclusive living environment for furnishings with a unique character spread out over 400 square metres. Discover classics as well as seasonal highlights and find inspiration for your very own personal style. 05 Goldschmiedgasse 10 1010 Vienna +43 1 535 04 36 [email protected] www.runwayvienna.at Tue–Sat: 11am–6.30pm RUNWAY Vienna 1 Austrian designers have found a home – in a shop that awakens all of the senses. The boutique runway offers a shopping experience of an unusual kind: shopping in a living room ambience with your very own stylist to assist and advise you along the way. 9 06 07 10 BYTHOm Haidgasse 5 1020 Vienna +43 1 909 44 17 [email protected] www.bythom.at Tue–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 10am–3pm byThom – Weltweit erster bordbar Flagshipstore! bordbar steht für die Verwandlung von authentischen Flugzeug-Trolleys in zeitlose Möbelstücke für Büro, Terrasse, Bad, oder den Wohnbereich. Jeder Trolley ist ein Einzelstück und in einer Vielfalt an Mustern, Farben und Funktionen. Weiters findet man byThom exklusive Kleinmöbel, Lampen und Accessoires für den In- und Outdoorbereich von fatboy, Menu, Monbento, Stelton, ... Have a look! byThom – the first bordbar flagship store in the world! Bordbar stands for authentic aeroplane trolleys transformed into timeless furniture for the office, terrace, bath, or living area. Each trolley is a one-off, with a variety of possible patterns, colours, and functions. Also available at byThom are exclusive small pieces of furniture, lamps, and accessories by fatboy, Menu, Monbento, Stelton, and others. Have a look! DESIGN GALERIE IM STILWERK WIEN Auf zwei Etagen präsentiert die design galerie nun ihr Repertoire an ausgewählten Designkollektionen im stilwerk Wien. Im salon geht es Shopeigentümer und Designer Franz Maurer um individuelles Wohnen für Fortgeschrittene. Der Design Concept Store der shop im 2. og bietet an gewohnter Stelle innovative Geschenke und Wohnaccessoires in wechselnden Themenbespielungen. 2 Praterstrasse 1 / 1. + 2. og 1020 Vienna +43 1 512 40 50 [email protected] www.designgalerie.at Mon–Fri: 10am–7pm Sat: 10am–6pm The design galerie presents its repertoire of design collections spread out over two floors in stilwerk Wien. In the salon, shop owner and designer Franz Maurer offers ‘advanced living solutions’. Located on the second floor, the design concept store the shop continues to offer innovative gifts and home accessories according to changing themes. 08 09 KATTUN Taborstrasse 10 1020 Vienna +43 1 212 57 07–14 +43 664 820 62 10 [email protected] Mon: 12pm–6pm Tue–Fri: 10am–6pm Kleider aus Leinen, Seide, Cashmere und feiner Baumwolle von ausgewählten Modemachern vertritt Maria Pilz-Wachmann e xklusiv in ihren charmanten Räumen in der Taborstraße 10. Mondän oder zeitlos für Damen, die zwischen Haute Couture und Massenproduktion unterscheiden möchten. In her charming showrooms in the Getreidebörse at T aborstrasse 10, Maria Pilz-Wachmann exclusively represents elite fashion labels with garments made of linen, silk, cashmere, and fine cotton: trendy or timeless for women who wish to distinguish between haute couture and mass production. 2 veletage Salon für Radkultur Praterstrasse 13 1020 Vienna +43 1 212 49 11 [email protected] www.veletage.com Tue–Fri: 11am–6pm Sat: 10am–5pm Schön schnelle Rennräder nach Maß. Edle Stadträder für den Alltag. Laufräder selbst gebaut. Velocouture der führenden Marken in breiter Auswahl. Accessoires, die man sonst kaum findet. Dazu ein ausgezeichneter Kaffee. Bei veletage trifft Rennrad auf Design, Handwerkskunst, Lifestyle und schafft Radkultur. In einem wunderschönen Palais. Fahret schön schnell! Vehite optime velociter! Beautifully fast, custom-made racing bikes. The finest city bikes for everyday use. Wheels that we construct ourselves. A large selection of ‘velo couture’ from the leading brands. Hard-to-find accessories. Excellent coffee to boot. At veletage, racing bikes meet design, handcraftsmanship, and lifestyle to create a cycling culture, all in a gorgeous palace. Vehite optime velociter! – Ride pretty fast! 11 KARLSPLATZ SHOPS e gass nger Fasangasse Wiedner H g tei ers itt Ungargasse Karlsgasse auptstraße aß e str ten are arg M aße rga Ma C yri We tst r aup er H edn Wi g. ne n run nb be ße tra rS Sie M ße tra ers nn ru nb hö Sc ße tra ers nn bru ön Sch rfe do se gas aus el ürt aße J HAUPTBAHNHOF ng rete g -Str ße R we gen stra e Belv rga e ain nn nier sse e as eng 19 straß . 10 e gass dere riten . sse Favo ga g-G fen Ph G oru sg ber elo TAUBSTUMMENGASSE enti sse T Arg uga . eng mm em . sse nn 4 stu aub arh ng eg uga Ne Re f-St Zi Ne 12 Gra hts rec tsh Am el ürt rG rfe 20 ße S inp ere Ob do z en ud Ga ßau se Gie rgas eite Arb 18 E Mozartg. se bru en ieb Re se fgas . atz oße Kle au 5 Gr ine Str e rpl 15 e straß haus Guß -Eu eng W L eh 13 rg . ass he Bac H 17 16 B 11 k rüc mg K 14 D m nb sg. gra F sse ga eß lg. üh eu n nze M Pil c Re Pr H tte Ke Fra E Kaffeefabrik F Paninoteca G Die Süße H Zweitbester I heuer J Im Hof K Gregors Konditorei L on M Rori’s Finest Sweets Operngasse KETTENBRÜCKENGASSE PILGRAMGASSE ie eW ht A lg. üh . fm erg lei ed Sch an hik Sc Li W I ile e nz Salesianergasse e nk eat+drink A Amacord B Aromat C Café Goldegg D Coté Sud 12 ile ze ien z Prin 10 Dellerdesign 11 dörte kaufmann 12 E. Fessler Kamine 13 Kannz de Roy 14 Galerie Künstlich 15 gabarage upcycling design 16 mein design 17 Näherei Apfel 18 Unikatessen / concept store 19 Living Shiatsu 20 der fesche ferdl 7 2 2 5 8 7 9 5 7 4 3 7 8 9 1 1 4 4 3 7 9 4 4 3 6 5 2 1 7 6 5 3 5 2 7 6 3 4 9 7 1 6 3 4 7 6 1 3 4th/5th districts 13 10 Sabine Deller Dipl. Schmuckdesignerin Rainergassse 14 1040 Vienna + 43 676 309 40 08 [email protected] www.dellerdesign.com By appointment only 12 Mozartgasse 3 / 1040 Vienna +43 1 505 84 99 [email protected] www.fessler-kamine.at Opening Hours: Spring/Summer: Mon–Fri: 10am–6pm Autumn/Winter also: Sat: 10am–2pm Come and look! dellerdesign E. Fessler Kamine The jewellery designer Sabine Deller creates fascinating one-of-a-kinds in her own studio that display a broad spectrum of design possibilities. She combines sterling silver with various other materials, and every piece is handmade. E. Fessler is in its 7th generation of family management. Clemens Fritzsche and Conny Fritzsche, a interior designer, will help you to choose exclusive stoves, fireplaces, wallpapers and paint by Farrow&Ball, and accessories for your home. 11 Kettenbrückengasse 6 1040 Vienna +43 680 214 15 62 [email protected] www.doertekaufmann.com Wed–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 10am–4pm 14 13 Margaretenstrasse 56 1050 Vienna +43 699 150 076 01 [email protected] www.kannzderoy.com Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 10am–5pm dörte kaufmann kannz de roy The dörte kaufmann label stands first and foremost for handmade knit accessories from premium natural materials. The fashion collections by dörte kaufmann are elaborately created and produced in local workshops. The designer Rodrigo Cares-Oyarzo has opened his own showroom in Vienna. Chilean design and Moroccan craftsmanship – an unusual combination that makes for gorgeous furniture and other home furnishings. Design that brings the world into your home. 4 14 15 Galerie Künstlich Die Galerie Künstlich neben dem Karlsplatz bietet eine bunte Auswahl an wunderschönen Unikaten. Hier findet man neben einzigartigen Malereien, Fine Art Prints und Fotografien heimischer Künstler auch handgefertigte Taschen & Accessoires. Für alle die gerne „schöner wohnen“ gibt es fantasievoll gestaltete Lampen, Kissen sowie „aufgemöbelte“ Möbel. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach etwas Besonderem sind, sind Sie hier richtig! Paniglgasse 15 1040 Vienna +43 699 11 45 48 42 [email protected] www.kuenstlich.at Thu: 11am–7pm Fri: 11am–5pm and by appointment gabarage upcycling design Schleifmühlgasse 6 1040 Vienna +43 1 585 76 32 [email protected] www.gabarage.at Mon–Thu: 10am–6pm Fri: 10am–7pm Sat: 11am–5pm The Künstlich gallery right next to Karlsplatz offers a colourful selection of beautiful and unique pieces. Here you will find not only paintings, fine art prints, and photographs by local artists, but also handmade bags and accessories. Further, the gallery offers interior design in the form of imaginatively designed lamps, pillows, and colourful upcycled furniture. If you are looking for something special, you’ve come to the right place! Innovatives Design mit Mehrwert: Im Zentrum der Designphilosophie steht das Upcycling von Rest- bzw. Abfallmaterialien. In Handarbeit werden so u.a. Planen zu Taschen, Kegel zu Vasen, Ampelgläser zu Lampen oder Bücher zu Hockern. Gefertigt werden die mehrfach ausgezeichneten Designstücke von benachteiligten Personen, die qualifiziert auf den (Wieder-)Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt vorbereitet werden. Design with a plus: Upcycling waste material is at the heart of their design philosophy. Thus an old tarp might become a handmade bag, a bowling pin a vase, a traffic light a lamp, or books a stool. Innovation, ecology, and social responsibility merged together into unique design products, all handcrafted by (socially) disadvantaged people who are being qualified to re-enter the labour market. 4 15 16 mein design Echte Geschenke – individuelle Mode – Accessoires & Schmuck – Bettwäsche – ein besonderer Store mit shop-in-shop-Konzept für Designer. Inhaberin Ulrike Eckerstorfer präsentiert hier, neben ihrer eigenen Marke La Schachtula (textile Geschenke für Küche und Bad), eine einzigartige Mischung an außergewöhnlicher Bekleidung und kreativen Produktideen – alles nachhaltig in Österreich hergestellt. 16 Kettenbrückengasse 6 1040 Vienna +43 664 392 00 45 [email protected] www.mein-design.org Tue–Thu: 11am–6pm Fri: 11am–7pm, Sat: 10am–4pm Closed Mondays Special gifts – distinctive fashion – accessories & jewellery – bed linen – a remarkable store with a shop-in-shop concept for designers. Besides her own brand, La Schachtula (textile gifts for the kitchen and bath), owner Ulrike Eckerstorfer presents a unique mixture of unusual clothing and creative product ideas – all sustainably produced in Austria. 4 Näherei Apfel Kettenbrückengasse 8 1040 Vienna +43 699 116 62 703 [email protected] www.naeherei-apfel.at Wed–Fri: 11am–6pm Sat: 10am–3pm Die Näherei Apfel ist eine Nähwerkstatt & ein Apfelladen. lu, das Label von Ursula Lidy, zeichnet sich durch schlichte Schnittführung, raffiniertes Design und Alltagstauglichkeit aus. Die Stücke werden von Hand gefertigt. Die Produkte von Alles Apfel aus dem Burgenland stehen für frische, regionale und nachhaltige Qualität. Die Palette reicht von Äpfeln über sortenreine Apfelsäfte, bis hin zu Apfelchips, -likör, -schnaps, und -essig. Näherei Apfel is a sewing workshop and apple shop in one. The label of Ursula Lidy, lu, stands for everyday fashion that features clean lines and clever design. Each item is made by hand. The apple products come from Alles Apfel in Burgenland and bring fresh, regional, and sustainable quality. Their products range from just-picked apples and singlevariety apple juices to apple chips, liqueur, brandy, and vinegar. © M. Palkowski 17 guided vienna 15/16 18 Gutschein / Voucher –20% Rainergasse 14/2 1040 Vienna +43 676 606 43 30 [email protected] www.living-shiatsu.com By appointment only © unikatessen Concept Store 19 Living Shiatsu unikatessen – Eklektischer Mix aus kleinen, feinen Kollektionen aufstrebender Jungdesigner, einzigartigen Vintage-Teilen des 19. u. 20. Jahrhunderts und schrägen Accessoires & Schmuckstücken, gepaart mit aussergewöhnlichen DesignObjekten. Daniela Cismigiu’s Leidenschaft ist es, delikate Stücke auf der ganzen Welt ausfindig zu machen um sie dann in ihren Shop zu bringen. unikatessen – Nomen est omen! 20 unikatessen – an eclectic mix of small but fine collections by up-and-coming young designers, unique vintage articles from the 19th and 20th centuries, and offbeat accessories and jewellery paired with most unusual design objects. Daniela Cismigiu’s passion is discovering delicious pieces from all over the world to put in her shop. unikatessen – Nomen est omen! – It’s all in the name! © Citronenrot Photography - Gerlinde Gorla unikatessen concept store Individuell abgestimmte Shiatsu-Massagen können sofortige Entspannung und Schmerzlinderung bewirken. Shiatsu bringt uns bei, sich im eigenen Körper wieder wohlzufühlen. Margaretenstrasse 45 1040 Vienna +43 1 943 09 96 [email protected] www.unikatessen.at Mon–Fri: 12am–7.30pm Sat: 12pm–6pm Obere Amtshausgasse 21 1050 Vienna +43 1 544 92 55 [email protected] www.matrosenanzug.com Online-Shop: www.matrosenanzug.co.at By appointment only Der fesche ferdl 4 The sailor suit was the favourite playwear for children of the fin de siècle. der fesche ferdl presents new interpretations of the sailor suit. Introducing sailor looks for boys and girls and accessories for grown-up sailors. Superb craftsmanship and style. 17 . str e Straß rg Auerspe e Gasse Lange lgass e J 47 U z e ass hlg mü ind W rg. C eW nk Li ile ze ien te h ec R . itzg. A stle raß e se gas har Le Kö lig. g. ng erth nel . g. F 21 PILGRAMGASSE hlg KARLSPLATZ ald Theob I ege E fmü Egg 6 B Ho ße Stra 25 Joa end MUSEUMSQUARTIER lat K Sti mp p ms eu us se Gas e Gu M ite 23 Bre NEUBAUGASSE Schadekg. 24 tr . se asse D lfer iahi ngs gas azy erh ass se s rga lle Mi ebg W e ass erg al m Sch r-G mp Stu . e Bau to- Ot H fg zho 43 22 eng. 37 Lind erli Am Est 26 WESTBAHNHOF ngasse . ZIEGLERGASSE N Mar 48 reasg And Lin 38 29 S 44 sse denga R 50 42 Q 38 Kirche e Zieglergasse 49 41 36 35 P Siebensterngasse Zollergasse Neubaugasse 40 7 45 Westbahnstraße 34 46 30 31 33 28 39 Stuckg. L O Kaun M Burggasse r St T VOLKSTHEATER orfe 51 G 18 gass Piaristen Strozzigasse Lerchengasse Pfei 32 Kaiserstraß F Phil G disco volante H raw Shop I feinkoch J Dachboden 25 hours K Ulrich L Espresso M Chinabar N Le Troquet O das möbel BURGGASSEP tian Bistro STADTHALLE Spittelberg Q halle R sapa S Liebling T wirr U Pure Living Bakery elder e 27 e Michael Turkiewicz 29 Brillenmanufaktur 30 arnold’s 31 paar – Sneakerboutique 32 auferstanden 33 Comerc – Concept Store 34 Die sellerie 35 Beate von Harten 36 die werkbank 37 atelier lindengasse 38 Sova26.at 39 Stoffsalon 40 designqvist 41 Franke Leuchten 42 freitag Store Vienna 43 Kunsthalle Wien Shop 44 ozelot 45 Schmuckstück 46 mo° sound store 47 sous-bois 48 cute couture by vivibag® 49 wauwau Pfeffermühlen 50 Kauf dich Glücklich 51 The low down on denim henf THALIA STRASSE Neubau Gürtel Lerc Zieglergasse A Café Drechsler B Finkh C On Market D Nam Nam E Brass Monkey lbertgasse 21 Anukoo 22 Carhartt wip Store 23 Répertoire 24 modus vivendi 25 we bandits 26 die Schwalbe 27 diba se diva 28 design & art / Schottenfeldgasse eat+drink Kaiserstraß SHOPS Straß KETTENBRÜCKENGASSE W ile ze ien 6th/7th districts 19 21 22 anukoo Seit März 2011 präsentiert sich das neue Modelabel von eza Fairer Handel im eigenen Shop: Ein Mix aus natürlichen Materialien und modernem Stil spiegelt sich sowohl in der Mode als auch in der Architektur wider. Urban, lässig, nachhaltig. 20 Gumpendorfer Strasse 28 1060 Vienna +43 1 581 13 43 [email protected] www.anukoo.com Mon–Fri: 11am–6.30pm Sat: 11am–5pm carhartt WIP store Since March 2011, Anukoo, the new fashion label from eza Fair Trade, has been showcased in its very own shop. A mixture of natural materials and modern style is reflected not only in the apparel, but also in the architecture: urbane, laid back, enduring. Der Carhartt wip Store in der Mariahilfer Straße 1 ist der erste Flagshipstore in Österreich und wurde vom italienischen Architekten Andrea Caputo designt. Der Shop bietet eine feine Auswahl an Streetwear Mode und Lifestyle Accessoires. Der erste Carhartt Store wurde 1997 in London eröffnet, heute gibt es bereits 70 Carhartt wip Flagshipstores weltweit. Besuche uns! 6 Mariahilfer Strasse 1 1060 Vienna [email protected] www.carhartt-wip.com +43 1 953 03 36 Mon–Fri: 10am–7pm Sat: 10am–6pm The Carhartt wip store at Mariahilfer Strasse 1 in Vienna is the first flagship store for the brand in Austria and was designed by the Italian architect Andrea Caputo. It offers a fine selection of street wear, fashion, and lifestyle accessories. Starting with one shop in London in 1997, Carhartt wip now have flagship stores in more than 70 locations and can be found in over 2,500 stores worldwide. Drop by! 23 Répertoire Schräge schöne Sachen! Wie beschreibt man Unbeschreibliches? Wir würden hier gern in Worte fassen, was es im Répertoire gibt. Aber es geht nicht. Okay, ein letzter Versuch: Es findet sich eine ungewöhnlich breite Auswahl an schrägem Geschmack, speziellem Stil und schönem Design. Und? Alles klar? Nein? Sie kommen einfach nicht darum herum, uns im Répertoire zu besuchen. MODUS VIVENDI Crazy beautiful stuff ! How do you describe the indescribable? We’d like to put into words what all there is at Répertoire. But it can’t be done. Okay, one last try: There is an unusually large selection of things to satisfy weird tastes, special styles, and beautiful design. And? Get it? Well, there’s no getting round it: you’ll have to stop by and see us at Répertoire. Resistance is pointless. 6 Ein Besuch im modus vivendi ist schon ein Erlebnis für sich! Auf zwei Ebenen werden Atelier und Shop kombiniert. Handwerkliches Können und gute Stimmung treffen aufeinander. Vieles wird vom Faden bis zum fertigen Stück selbst hergestellt, von Recycle- bis Öko-Garn, alles von höchster Qualität. modus vivendi Kreationen sind gleich vor Ort zu erwerben, Sie werden aber auch unter individueller Betreuung speziell nach Wunsch angefertigt. Schadekgasse 4 / 1060 Vienna +43 1 587 28 23 [email protected] www.modusvivendi.at Wed: 12pm–9pm Thur/Fri: 12pm–7pm Sat: 12pm–5pm © Peter Hassmann Otto-Bauer-Gasse 9 1060 Vienna +43 1 943 84 33 [email protected] www.repertoire.at Mon–Fri: 9.30am–7pm Sat: 9.30am–6pm © Andreas Buchberger 24 A visit to modus vivendi is an amazing experience for anyone! Combined, the studio and shop fill up a two-storey area where fine craftsmanship and a good atmosphere unite. Many garments are entirely made there, from the first thread to the finished product, using recycled or eco yarn, all of the finest quality. You can also consult and have a bespoke garment made as you watch, if you like! 21 25 26 Otto Bauer Gasse 24 1060 Vienna +43 1 535 50 97 [email protected] www.die-schwalbe.at Mon–Fri: 11am–6.30pm Sat: 10am–5pm die schwalbe WE BANDITS Die Stücke von we bandits machen Spaß, sind leistbar und fallen auf. Der Mix von etablierten Labels wie Sessùn, Henrik Vibskov und Ucon und Stücken junger Designer aus Südkorea macht die Auswahl an Mode für Frauen und Männer, Taschen, Schuhen und Accessoires spannend und unverwechselbar. brands: Sessùn, Won Hundred, uftd, Maska, Delikatessen, Henrik Vibskov, Sandqvist, Hansen und viele mehr. 22 Die Schwalbe values you! It’s not only the design that is important to us, but also who makes the fashion in our shop and out of what materials. We offer apparel from hemp, bamboo, and eco-cotton. Sweatshop-free, of course. Eco-Urban Streetwear Theobaldgasse 14 1060 Vienna +43 699 190 03 895 [email protected] www.webandits.eu Mon–Fri: 12pm–7pm Sat: 11pm–6pm The items at we bandits are fun, affordable, and eye-catching. The mix of established labels like Sessùn, Henrik Vibskov, and Ucon and those of young designers from South Korea makes the selection of men’s and women’s fashion, bags, shoes, and accessories exciting and distinctive. brands: Sessùn, Won Hundred, uftd, Maska, Delikatessen, Henrik Vibskov, Sandqvist, and many more. 27 Zieglergasse 88–90 1070 Vienna +43 699 182 25 117 [email protected] www.dibasediva.at Wed–Fri: 12pm–6pm Sat: 11am–4pm diba se diva The address for wonderfully made ladies’ clothing and accessories is diba se diva. By day or night, you’ll feel fresh and feminine in these smart, one-of-a-kind creations. 6/7 28 © Barbara Mogg-Navarra 29 design & ART Michael Turkiewicz Die Galerie Design & Art von Michael Turkiewicz ist schon lange wichtiger Bestandteil des Wiener Kunstmarktes. Zeitgenössische KünstlerInnen aus aller Welt finden hier einen Raum für ihre außergewöhnlichen Arbeiten in zumeist limitierter Auflage. „Design to go“ bietet zudem preiswerte Stücke. Vintage Design, z.B. von Carl Auböck, schließt den Rundgang durch die österreichische Designgeschichte ab. Westbahnstrasse 16 1070 Vienna +43 664 426 91 09 [email protected] www.designandart.at Tue/Wed/Fri: 12pm–6pm Thu: 12pm–7pm / Sat: 11am–5pm Michael Turkiewicz’s gallery Design & Art has been an important part of the Vienna art market for quite some time. This is a place where contemporary artists from all over the world can have their unusual works, usually in limited editions, sold. ‘Design to go’ pieces are also offered here at a reasonable price. Vintage design, for instance by Carl Auböck, rounds out the history tour of Austrian design. brillenmanufaktur Das Konzept der Brillenmanufaktur ist einfach: Jede Brille, die dort verkauft wird, muss dem Team auch gefallen. Deshalb gibt es kaum „klassische“ Marken, sondern viele Modelle aus den Ateliers junger Designer. Lupenreines Optikerservice – und bei Bedarf auch Eigenbaumodelle. 7 Neubaugasse 18 1070 Vienna +43 1 523 82 00 [email protected] www.brillenmanufaktur.at Mon–Fri: 10am–6.30pm Sat: 10am–5pm The concept of the Brillenmanufaktur is simple: each pair they sell must also please the team. That is why there are hardly any ‘classical’ brands and many models by young designers instead. A flawless optical service – and if desired, custom-made frames. 23 30 31 Siebensterngasse 52 1070 Vienna +43 1 923 13 16 [email protected] www.paar-laden.at Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 11am–5pm paar sneakerboutique ARNOLD's Vienna’s finest selection of modern classics. Arnold’s bietet eine zeitlose Auswahl an Klassikern folgender Marken: Carhartt, Dukes, Dr. Bronner, Edwin, Filson, Incase, Merz b. Schwanen, Naked & Famous Denim, Norse Projects, Red Wing Shoes, retrosuperfuture, Stetson, WoodWood ... . Zu unserem Service gehört es Hosen zu kürzen, Red Wing Schuhe neu zu besohlen und ein guter Espresso. 24 paar offers limited editions of sneakers by Asics, New Balance, Nike, Onitsuka Tiger, and Puma. Exclusives from Saucony, Diadora, Le Coq Sportiv, toms, Birkenstock, and Jason Markk round out the programme. Siebensterngasse 52 1070 Vienna +43 1 923 13 16 [email protected] www.arnolds.at Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 11am–5pm guided vienna 15/16 Gutschein / Voucher –10% 32 With Vienna’s finest selection of modern classics. arnold’s offers a timeless range of items by Carhartt, Dukes, Dr. Bronner, Edwin, Filson, Incase, Merz b. Schwanen, Naked & Famous Denim, Norse Projects, Red Wing Shoes, retrosuperfuture, Stetson, WoodWood, and others. Our services include shortening trousers, resoling Red Wing shoes, and providing a good cup of espresso. Neubaugasse 86 1070 Vienna +43 699 183 47 385 [email protected] www.auferstanden.at Tue–Fri: 12pm–7pm Sat: 10am–4pm auferstanden Dive into an oasis of upcycling: recycled materials are re-used to create individual items of furniture, clothing, bags, jewellery, and much more – handmade in Austria! 7 33 © Manuel Peric 34 Comerc — Concept Store Westbahnstrasse 20/4 1070 Vienna +43 1 944 20 37 [email protected] www.comerc-store.at Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 11am–6pm Comerc ist ein minimalistischer Concept Store mit cleaner Philosophie. In dem Bestreben nach dem perfekten Mix aus contemporary fashion und All-Time Favorites entwickelt sich das Angebot stetig weiter. In den letzten Jahren hat er sich als Anlaufstelle für offene und modeinteressierte Menschen etabliert. Neben Kleidung werden Taschen, Accessoires uvm. angeboten. Brands: wood wood, soulland, minimarket, samsØe, qwstion, … Comerc is a minimalist concept store with a clean philosophy. The selection is constantly evolving in the pursuit of the perfect mixture of contemporary fashion and classic favourites. Over the past years the store has established itself as the place to go for openand fashion-minded people. In addition to clothing, you can find bags, accessories, and much more. Brands: wood wood, soulland, minimarket, samsØe, qwstion, … 7 Die Sellerie Burggasse 21 1070 Vienna [email protected] www.diesellerie.com facebook.com/diesellerie Tue–Fri: 3pm–7pm Sat: 11am–5pm Die sellerie wurde von den vier GrafikdesignerInnen Patrick Bauer, Ulrike Dorner, Georg Leditzky und Andreas Posselt gegründet. Das Sortiment im charmanten Showroom wird mit Liebe zum Detail selbst entwickelt oder mit Sorgfalt ausgewählt: Fine Art Prints, Papierwaren, Wohnaccessoires und besondere Geschenkideen. Die sellerie was founded by the four graphic designers Patrick Bauer, Ulrike Dorner, Georg Leditzky, and Andreas P osselt. Their charming showroom is filled with articles they have either meticulously developed themselves or carefully selected, such as fine art prints, stationery, home accessories, and unique gift ideas for every occasion. 25 Stiftgasse 33 1070 Vienna +43 1 522 96 83 +43 664 978 00 41 [email protected] www.beatevonharten.at On appointment only 37 © Katharina Schmid und Peter Grillmair 35 Lindengasse 5 1070 Vienna [email protected] www.katharinaschmid.at [email protected] www.katiegruber.com Please visit our websites for current opening hours. beate von harten Atelier Lindengasse Atelier für Textildesign, Restaurierung, Konservierung One of a kind, handmade jewellery from subtle, puristic shapes to edgy and raw pieces are presented by katharina schmid and katie gruber in their shared studio and showroom. Teppiche, Tapisserien, Textilien, im 7ten mit Spaß für Sie erdacht. Im Auftrag entworfen und produziert … für persönliches + cooles Ambiente. 36 Breite Gasse 1 1070 Vienna +43 650 524 81 36 [email protected] www.werkbank.cc Tue–Fri: 12pm–6.30pm Sat: 11am–5pm 26 38 Lindengasse 31–33 & Kirchengasse 26 1070 Vienna +43 680 504 72 59 [email protected] www.sova26.at Mon–Sat: 11am–6pm die werkbank Sova26.at The werkbank is a space, hub, and workbench for design. Only a stone’s throw from the MuseumsQuartier, they offer innovative work from new regional labels. Their diverse array of goods ranges from original furniture, home accessories, and bags to bespoke items. Sova26 stands for colourful design from Vienna. Comfortable, sustainable, fair, and organic apparel for all ages, come rain or shine. 7 39 40 Stoffsalon Wir bieten exklusive handbedruckte Stoffe, gots-zertifizierte BioStoffe und moderne Designerstoffe in verschiedenen Qualitäten (Webstoffe, Jersey, Cord, Leinen, Voile, Rayon, Patchworkstoffe von Kaffe Fassett, Denim, Sweat, Wollwalk etc.) sowie einzigartige Möbelstoffe und Tapeten! Außerdem: Nähzubehör, Magazine, Schnittmuster und vieles mehr. Bei uns finden auch regelmäßig Nähkurse zu verschiedenen Themen statt. Alexandra Rath Westbahnstrasse 38 1070 Vienna +43 699 197 47 668 [email protected] www.stoffsalon.at Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri: 10am–6pm Thu: 10am–8pm / Sat: 10am–2pm designqvist designqvist ist Wiens führende Anlaufstelle für skandinavisches Vintage-Design. Im Geschäft der Halbschwedin Sandra Nalepka finden all jene, die das Besondere suchen, Wohn- und Tischkultur der 1950er bis 60er Jahre: Kunst- und Gebrauchsglas, Besteckklassiker, Geschirr, Emailletöpfe, Leuchten, Teak, Textilien. Darüber hinaus informiert der Blog über nordisches Design und neu eingelangte Stücke. We offer exclusive hand-printed, gots-certified organic, and modern designer fabrics of various qualities (woven textiles, jersey, corduroy, linen, voile, rayon, patchwork material from Kaffe Fassett, etc.), as well as unique upholstery fabrics and wallpapers! Besides that: notions, magazines, sewing patterns, and much more. We also regularly hold classes on a variety of sewing topics. 7 Westbahnstrasse 21 1070 Vienna +43 680 504 70 00 [email protected] www.designqvist.at twitter.com/designqvist Tue–Fri: 1pm–7pm Sat: 11am–5pm Vienna’s leading place for vintage Scandinavian design is designqvist. In the shop, owned by the halfSwede Sandra Nalepka, everyone who is looking for something special can find articles for home décor and fine dining from the 1950s to the 1960s: art glass and glassware, cutlery classics, crockery ... There is also a blog with information about Nordic design and newly arrived items. 27 41 42 FRANKE LEUCHTEN Treten Sie ein in den coolsten Leuchtenshowroom der Stadt. Internationale Klassiker, aber auch junges, witziges Leuchtendesign finden Sie in den Schauräumen von Franke Leuchten. Wir planen spannende, individuelle Lichtkonzepte und bringen Licht in Ihr Leben. Unsere Ideen leuchten! 28 Westbahnstrasse 5 1070 Vienna +43 1 319 72 02-0 [email protected] www.frankeleuchten.at Tue–Fri: 10am–6pm Sat: 10am–5pm Monday by appointment only Discover the coolest lighting showroom in the city! At Franke Leuchten you’ll find international classics as well as fresh and witty lighting design. We plan exciting and individual concepts that will light up your life. Our ideas shine! 7 freitag Store Neubaug. 26 / 1070 Vienna +43 1 523 31 36 [email protected] www.freitag.ch Mon–Wed: 10am–7pm Thu: 10am–8pm / Fri: 10am–7pm Sat: 10am–6pm Dies ist der erste Store in dem das eigene, mit dem Schweizer DesignPreis ausgezeichnete Regalsystem v30 freitag skid komplett eingesetzt wird. An der Idee freitag ändert sich auch in Wien nichts: Taschen und Accessoires aus alten Lastwagenplanen – Unikate und doch auf den ersten Blick unverkennbar. Neu im Shop sind die revolutionären f-abric-Kleidungsstücke aus Bastfasern und Modal, die zu 100% kompostierbar sind. This is the first store to use only the award-winning shelving system v30 freitag skid. The freitag concept remains the same in Vienna: bags and accessories made from old truck tarps. Each item is unique and immediately identifiable. Since autumn 2014 the new f-abric clothing, which is made of flax and hemp fibres and is completely compostable at the end of its useful life, is also available at the store. Kunsthalle Wien Shop 7 Mitten im MuseumsQuartier bietet der Shop der Kunsthalle Wien nicht nur internationale Kunst- und Designzeitschriften, themenspezifische Publikationen, Künstlereditionen und -bücher an, sondern auch eine große Auswahl an kreativen Produkten aus der Kunst- und Designszene, sowie Spielereien für Alt und Jung. Located in the heart of the MuseumsQuartier, the shop in the Kunsthalle Wien offers not only international art and design magazines, publications on a variety of topics, and artists’ books, but also a large selection of creative products from the art and design scene, artist editions, and toys and gadgets for all ages. Museumsquartier Museumsplatz 1 1070 Vienna +43 1 521 89 33 [email protected] www.kunsthallewien.at Daily: 10am–7pm Thu: 10am–9pm © Kunsthalle Wien, Foto: David Avazzadeh 43 29 44 30 ozelot individual bags Lindengasse 43 1070 Vienna +43 1 522 30 48 [email protected] www.ozelot.at Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 11am–5.30pm Das ozelot ist Wien’s beste Adresse für anspruchsvolle Taschenmode. Hier findet man individuelle und unverwechselbare Stücke von Ally Capellino, aunts&uncles, Bree, Brooks England, côte & ciel, Ellen Truijen, matieres a reflexion, Jack Spade, matt&nat (vegan), property of, Qwstion, Sandqvist, vive la difference. Wir haben eine große Auswahl an Handtaschen, Umhängetaschen, Rucksäcken, Reisegepäck und Accessoires. www.ozelot.at Vienna’s best address for sophisticated fashion in bags is ozelot, where you can find individual and distinctive pieces from Ally Capellino, aunts&uncles, Bree, Brooks England, Côte&Ciel, Ellen Truijen, Matières à réflexion, Jack Spade, matt&nat (vegan), Property Of, Qwistion, Sandqvist, and vive la difference. We have a large selection of handbags, shoulder bags, rucksacks, luggage, and accessories. www.ozelot.at schmuckstück Sabina Ebner 7 Schmuckstück Inhaberin Sabina Ebner ist gelernte Goldschmiedin und Schmuckdesignerin. Die vielfältigen Eigenentwürfe sind inspiriert von jahrelangen Reisen nach Asien und in ferne Schmuckwelten. Zart und fein, ethno aber chic kann man ihren Schmuck nennen. Die sorgfältig ausgesuchten Edelsteine bringt Sie direkt aus Indien. Im Atelier entwirft und verkauft sie ihre Kreationen, die individuell und überraschenderweise gar nicht teuer sind! Siebensterngasse 41 1070 Vienna +43 1 522 42 26 [email protected] www. schmuck-stueck.at Tue/Wed: 12pm–6pm Thu/Fri: 12pm–7pm Sat: 12pm–5pm The owner of Schmuckstück, Sabina Ebner, is a trained goldsmith and jewellery designer. Her own assortment of designs is inspired by years of travel in Asia and by the jewellery of other distant lands. One could describe her jewellery as fine and delicate, ethno but chic. The gems come directly from gem cutters in India. She creates and sells her jewellery, which is highly individual – and surprisingly, not at all expensive! © Doris Hölzel Photography 45 voeslauer.com facebook.com/voeslauer Voes_Sienna_geschl_quer_184x134mm.indd 1 08.05.15 14:47 46 Kirchengasse 40 1070 Vienna +43 699 195 20 207 [email protected] www.mo-sound.com Wed–Fri: 1pm–7pm Sat: 1pm–5pm 48 Richtergasse 8 1070 Vienna [email protected] vivibag.blogspot.co.at Thu & Fri: 12pm–7pm Sat: 11am–4pm mo° sound store cute couture by VIVIBAG® Surrounding our own spherical speakers are record players, headphones, lps, and lifestyle products from select companies. The speakers are locally produced and sustainably packaged. A classy shop with casual ‘cute couture’, unusual bags, and original accessories that has new things literally every week. Special: Every creation is one of a kind – made with love! Hand made unique pieces 47 Neustiftgasse 33 1070 Vienna +43 699 130 66 878 [email protected] www.sous-bois.at Mon–Fri: 11am–6pm Sat: 12am–5pm 32 49 Westbahnstrasse 7 1070 Vienna +43 676 44 50 367 [email protected] www.wauwau.at Mon–Fri: 10am–1pm and 2pm–6pm sous-bois WauWau Pfeffermühlen For stationery lovers, sous-bois has a fine selection of international design items. Enjoy the pleasant surroundings as you leaf through the colourful assortment. You’ll find the most beautiful stationery and accessories, from Hay Kopenhagen, among others. We produce pepper mills, salt grinders, nutmeg grinders, and chili grinders. And we love doing it! 7 50 51 kauf dich glücklich Einkaufen soll Freude bereiten und dabei auch glücklich machen! Beim Concept Store Kauf Dich Glücklich gibt es neben skandinavischen Labels wie Just Female, mbyM, Selected und Ganni auch Männerlabels, Home-Accessoires, Kosmetik und Bücher! Und natürlich die eigene Kauf Dich GlücklichKollektion ... Kirchengasse 9 1070 Vienna +43 1 924 77 55 Mon– Fri:, 10am–8pm Sat: 10am–6pm the LOW DOWN on denim Shopping should be fun and make you happy! At the concept store Kauf Dich Glücklich, besides such Scandinavian women’s labels as Just Female, mbyM, Selected, and Ganni, there are also labels for men, home accessories, cosmetics, and books – not to mention their own Kauf Dich Glücklich collection! 7 Denim. Lebensstil, Authentizität, Tradition, Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität werden hier an oberste Stelle geschrieben. Marken mit Geschichte, hohem handwerklichen Können und der Liebe zum Detail. Der Store für Menschen mit Stil, Denim-Liebhaber und Idealisten, die mit ihrer Bekleidung mehr verbinden als Mode & Trends, und denen eine faire Produktion mit langanhaltendem persönlichen Tragekomfort wichtig sind. Burggasse 100a 1070 Vienna +43 1 905 38 00 [email protected] www.ld-store.com Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm Sat: 11am–5pm Denim, lifestyle, authenticity, tradition, sustainability, and quality come first here. Brands with a history, fine craftsmanship, and attention for detail. The store for people with style, denim-lovers, and idealists whose clothes are more to them than mere fashion and trends and for whom a verifiably positive value chain and lasting wearing comfort are important. 33 FRIEDENSBRÜCKE ä W e ing r äh 9 gasse g. ße alga sse ROSSAUER LÄNDE ntor G I 56 k r Tü ALSERSTRASSE ße tra s en g. F lick ße asse Lazarett.g sse gga Ber Sch tra rS ge rin Spit H Grü äh S sse W e gass en ens Seegasse Pramerga tra. W MICHELBEUERN-AKH Porzella n l rte ü rG ins ste ten ch Lie in hr dorf er St raße r ge A Café der Provinz B Delibluem C cupcakes Wien D Schnattl E Café Florianihof F Café Berg G Essenti H Naschsalon I Caffe a Casa J Café Stein Nuß eat+drink e ass eng tel r Gü straße Alserbach uer Lände Roßa WÄHRINGERSTRASSE VOLKSOPER löw ten Ro 52 Galerie unik.at 53 esca - graphik + design 54 Celestine 55 in piu’ 56 volta – concept store Serviteng. SHOPS SCHOTTENRING J Alser Stra ße SCHOTTENTOR Laudongasse Florian B Zeltg. Josefg. . rgstr 53 RATHAUS Auerspe e Schmidg. Gasse Straß e D Lange elder lgass ngasse henf Pfei raße Piariste THALIA STRASSE A er St Strozzigasse 34 54 55 52 städt Lerchengasse Lerc C Albertgasse 8 Josef Gasse JOSEFSTÄDTER STRASSE Lange . igasse Schönborng. E 8th/9th districts Finde die 5 Fehler / Find the 5 Mistakes 35 52 53 Galerie unik.at Josefstädter Strasse 40 1080 Vienna +43 1 408 66 13 [email protected] www.unik.at Mon–Fri: 10am–7pm Sat: 10am–2pm esca - graphik + design Egal, ob Sie nach einem Geschenk oder einem einzigartigen Stück für sich selbst suchen, in der Galerie unik.at werden Sie mit Sicherheit fündig. Unser Angebot umfasst hochwertiges Kunsthandwerk von unik.at und anderen sozialökonomischen Projekten sowie Schmuck und Textiles österreichischer und internationaler KünstlerInnen. Produkte mit sozialem Mehrwert zur Finanzierung von Arbeitsplätzen für Menschen mit Behinderung. Whether you are looking for that special gift or a unique piece for yourself, you are certain to find it at the unik.at gallery. Our collection includes top-quality decorative art and paintings from unik.at and other social integration projects, as well as jewellery and textiles from Austrian and international artists. Products with added social value to finance employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Die drei Geschwister Esca betreiben im Erdgeschoss ihres Grafikbüros einen Shop, in dem sich ihre eigenen Designs auf allerlei Produkten wiederfinden. Zu entdecken gibt es T-Shirts, Röcke, Hoodys und Taschen – alle handbedruckt, aber auch Schmuck aus Acrylglas, Porzellanbecher verziert mit märchenhaften Motiven und Buttons. Bei der Wahl der Textilien wird besonders auf Fair Wear und umweltfreundliche Produktion geachtet. 36 8 Lange Gasse 19/1 1080 Vienna +43 1 276 40 06 +43 699 127 21 391 [email protected] / www.esca.at www.facebook.com/escashop Wed–Fri: 12pm–7pm and by appointment The three siblings Esca run a shop on the ground floor of their graphic design office where their designs can be found on all sorts of products. Awaiting discovery are T-shirts, skirts, hoodies, and bags – all hand-printed – but also acrylic jewellery, buttons, and porcelain cups decorated with magical motifs. The choice of textiles favours Fair Wear products and ones produced in an eco-friendly way. 54 © K. Rossboth Josefstädter Strasse 46 1080 Vienna +43 699 150 507 56 [email protected] Mon–Fri: 11am–6.30pm Sat:10am–2pm Berggasse 27 1090 Vienna +43 650 970 11 59 [email protected] www.thevoltashop.com Wed–Sat: 10am–6.30pm 56 Boutique CELESTINE VOLTA concept store Exclusive ladies’ apparel for the fashion-conscious woman with style by top labels like MaxMara, Brioni, and Chanel. Extravagant separates from America. High-end labels, low prices. Exclusive designer and vintage fashion, new und second hand. volta in Vienna’s Serviten Quarter is now a year old. It offers minimalist design and decorative art objects from small labels dealing with interior design and accessories. 55 ngas se 6 cke | rü ien | Ketten b Tue–Fri: 11am–7.00pm Sat: 10am–3pm co m | ren. 10 4 NICOLETTA MONACO Josefstädterstr. 46, 1080 Wien Tel.: +43 (01) 877 91 02 www.inpiu.at Anz_INPIU_85x61mm_4c_GuidedVienna_0415.indd 1 .zumglueck ww g 0W w o eb iN PiU’ offers an extraordinary selection of handmade jewelry and chic home accessories – in a relaxed cafe setting. Onlineshop www.zumglueckgeboren.com 8/9 27.04.15 18:49 37 DRUCK • PRODUKTION • DTP • GRAFIK LOGISTIK • WEB-SOLUTIONS OUTDOOR- PRODUCTION 1010 Wien, Getreidemarkt 10 Tel +43-1 585 98 98 www.outdoor-production.at 38 2 4 A E 1 123456 D 5 ABCDEF C B 6 F 3 39 1 Eat + Drink Map: page 6 Am Hof 13 / 1010 +43 1 5336685 Mon–Fri: 11am–7pm, Sat: 10.30am–5pm Färbergasse 3 / 1010 +43 1 2768398 Mon: 10am–4pm, Tue–Fri: 8am–4pm Naglergasse 9 / 1010 Mon–Fri: 7am–7pm Sat: 8am–6pm Hiddenkitchen Joseph — Brot vom Pheinsten Dominikanerbastei 10 / 1010 +43 1 5122010 Mon–Fri: 8am–8pm Franz Josefs Kai 2 / 1010 / +43 1 25255-10 Open daily. Restaurant: 11.30am–2.30 pm + 6pm–2am Bar: 6pm–4am, Café: 8am–2am 40 Babette’s Marco Simonis Motto am Fluss A Fleischmarkt 16 / 1010 +43 1 5125765 (no reservations!) Mon–Fri: 8am–7pm, Sat: 9am–7pm, Sun: 10am–7pm b Café Diglas — the small one d Xpedit f café stadtkind +43 1 9619522 h Huth-Stadtkrug J The Guesthouse Vienna — Brasserie & Bakery c Wiesingerstrasse 6 / 1010 +43 1 512331323 Mon–Fri: 11am–midnight, Sat/Holidays: 6pm–midnight e Universitätsstrasse 11/ 1010 Mon–Fri: 8am–midnight, Sat/Sun: 9am–midnight g Weihburggasse 3 / 1010 +43 1 5120996 Daily: 12am–midnight, hot food till 11pm i Führichgasse10 / 1010 / +43 1 5121320 Mon–Sun: 6.30am–midnight 365 days a year! 2 Praterstrasse 38 / 1020 +43 664 3816855 Balthasar kaffee bar Mon–Fri: 7.30am–7pm / Sat: 9am–5pm Praterstrasse 15/1/44 / 1020 +43 1 9251380 Mon–Sat: 11.30am–10pm, Closed Sundays Große Pfarrgasse 2 / 1020 +43 664 2433593 Mon–Fri: 11.30am–12am, Sat/Sun/Holidays: 10am–midnight mochi Schöne Perle Haidgasse 5 / 1020 +43 1 9461875 Mon–Fri: 11am–8pm, Sat: 10am–3pm Wulfisch Praterstrasse 15 / 1020 +43 1 2765102 café ansari Mon–Sat: 8am–11pm Eat + Drink K Map: page 6 Hollandstrasse 16 / 1020 L Fett+Zucker +43 699 11660092 N Pizza Mari’ Tue–Fri:12pm–3pm + 6pm–12am P Spezerei +43 699 17200071 R café potyka Mon–Fri: 1pm–9pm, Sat/Sun: 11am–9pm M Leopoldsgasse 23a / 1020 / +43 676 6874994 Sat/Sun/Holidays: 12pm–11pm O Karmeliterplatz 2 / 1020 Mon–Sat: 11.30am–11pm Q Schmelzgasse 3 / 1020 / +43 1 2120150 Tue–Fri: 9am–10pm, Sat: 10am–10pm, Sun: 10am–5pm Closed Mondays S 41 Rechte Wienzeile 15 / 1040 +43 1 5874709 AMACORD Mon–Sun: 10am–1am A Argentinierstrasse 49 / 1040 +43 1 5059162 CAFÉ GOLDEGG Mon–Fri: 8am–8pm, Sat: 8am–8pm, Sun: 9am–7pm c Kaffeebar und Kaffeerösterei Favoritenstrasse 4–6 / 1040 / +43 660 1789092 Kaffeefabrik Mon–Fri: 8am–6pm, Sat: 11am–5pm e Phorusgasse 8 / 1040 +43 699 11419453 Mon–Fri: 10am–6pm, Sat: 10am–5pm Treitlstrasse 2 / 1040 +43 1 8900590 Daily: 10am–2am 42 4 Eat + Drink Map: page 12 die süsse heuer — garten.restaurant.bar Margaretenstrasse 52 / 1040 b AROMAT +43 1 9132453 d COTÉ SUD +43 1 2080375 f Paninoteca Margaretenstrasse 22 / 1040 +43 699 17118192 Mon–Sat: 10.30am–3pm + 6pm–10pm (Thu: Aperitivo) h ZWEITBESTER Heumühlgasse 2 / 1040 / +43 1 9459386 Mon–Fri: 11.30am–2am, Sat/Holidays: 9.30am–2am Sun: 9.30am–midnight J Im Hof in der Alpenmilch Zentrale Tue–Fri: 5pm–11pm Schleifmühlgasse 8 / 1040 Mon–Fri: 11.30am–2.30pm + 6.30pm–10.30pm, Sat: 7pm–10.30pm g i Weyringergasse 36 / 1040 +43 699 17103571 / Mon–Fri: 11am–10pm Closed Sat/Sun & Holidays 5 Schönbrunner Strasse 42 / 1050 / + 43 1 5441127 Tue–Sat: 8am–7.30pm, Sun/Holidays: 10am–6pm Closed Mondays Gregors Konditorei K L Pilgramgasse 11 / 1050 +43 1 5485959 Mon–Fri: 8am–7pm, Sat + Sun: 9am–4pm Rori’s finest sweets Eat + Drink Wehrgasse 8 / 1050 ON +43 1 5854900 Mon–Sat: 12pm–midnight, Sun: 12pm–10.30pm M 6 Linke Wienzeile 22 / 1060 +43 1 5812044 Mon–Thu/Sun: 8am–midnight, Fri/Sat: 8am–2am Café Drechsler Linke Wienzeile 36 / 1060 +43 1 5811250 Mon–Sun: 7am–2am ON market Gumpendorfer Strasse 71 / 1060 +43 660 2832809 Brass Monkey Mon–Fri: 7.30am–7.30pm, Sat: 10am–7pm, Sun: 11am–7pm Gumpendorfer Strasse 98 / 1060 / +43 664 1952545 Mon–Fri: 12pm–midnight / Pizza: 12pm–3pm, 6pm–11pm Sat: 12pm–midnight, Sun/Holidays: 12pm–11pm disco volante Theobaldgasse 14/ 1060 +43 699 10045712 FEINKOCH Mon–Fri: 11am–8pm, Sat: 10am–6pm Map: page 12 Eat + Drink Map: page 18 A Esterhazygasse 12 / 1060 / +43 1 9138992 Mon–Fri: 12pm–3pm, Mon–Sun: 5pm–midnight Closed Holidays b FINKH d nam nam Indish Restaurant f phil +43 1 5810489 h raw shop c e Webgasse 3 / 1060 +43 1 5956127 Tue–Sun: 11am–2.30pm + 6pm–11pm Gumpendorfer Strasse 10–12 / 1060 Tue–Sun: 9am–1am, Mon: 5pm–1am g Otto-Bauer-Gasse 11 / 1060 +43 1 9671187 Tue–Fri: 10am–7pm, Sat: 10am–5pm i 43 Map: page 18 Lerchenfelderstr. 1–3 / 1070 +43 1 521510 Dachboden 25hours Hotel @ Museumsquartier Mon–Sat: 6.30am–1am Burggasse 57 / 1070 +43 676 5961645 Espresso Mon–Fri: 7.30am–2am, Sat/Sun: 10am–2am Kirchengasse 18 / 1070 +43 1 5220681 Le troquet Mon–Sat: 11am–2am Schrankgasse 4 / 1070 Opening hours see our website TIAN Bistro Spittelberg www.tian-taste.com Lindengasse 35 / 1070 +43 5265626 sapa Daily: 9am–2am Burggasse 70 / 1070 +43 1 9294050 WIRR Sun–Wed: 8am–2am, Thu–Sat: 8am–4am 44 7 Eat + Drink J Sankt Ulrichsplatz 1 / 1070 K ulrich +43 1 9612782 M ChinaBar O das möbel +43 1 5249497 Q halle Café–Restaurant +43 1 5237001 S Liebling +43 1 9905877 U Pure living bakery Mon–Fri: 9.30am–7pm Mon–Fri: 8am–2am, Sat/Sun: 9am–2am L Burggasse 76 / 1070 +43 1 5220831 Mon–Sun: 12pm–midnight N Burggasse 10 / 1070 Daily: 10am–midnight P MuseumsQuartier 1 / 1070 Daily: 10am–2am R Zollergasse 6 / 1070 Mon–Thu: 9am–2am, Fri/Sat: 9am–4am, Sun: 9am–midnight T Burggasse 68 / 1070 Sat/Sun/Holidays: 10am–7pm 8 Maria-Treu-Gasse 3 / 1080 +43 1 9442272 Café der Provinz Daily: 8am–11pm Albertgasse 17 / 1080 / +43 1 9475452 Mon–Fri: 10am–7.30pm, Sat: 10am–6.30pm Sun: 2pm–6pm CupCakes Wien Florianigasse 45/ 1080 / +43 1 4024842 Mon–Fri: 7.30am–10.30pm Café florianihof Sat/Sun/Holidays: 9am–7pm A Café berg Liechtensteinstrasse 38a / 1090 +43 664 4534193 naschsalon Mon–Fri: 7.30am–7pm, Sat: 8am–5pm Währinger Strasse 6–8 / 1090 +43 1 3197241 Mon–Fri: 8am–1am, Sun/Holidays: 9am–1am Café Stein Map: pagE 34 Hamerlingplatz 2 / 1080 [email protected] Mon–Fri: 8am–7pm, Sat/Sun 9am–6pm b delibluem d Schnattl +43 1 4053400 c Lange Gasse 40 / 1080 Mon–Fri: 6pm–midnight e 9 Berggasse 8 / 1090 +43 1 3195720 Mon–Sat: 10am–11pm, Sun: 10am–3pm Eat + Drink Eat + Drink Map: pagE 34 F Servitengasse 5 / 1090 G essenti +43 699 18037510 I Caffe a casa +43 1 3190266 Mon–Fri: 7.30am–6.30pm H Servitengasse 4A / 1090 Mon–Fri: 8am–6pm, Sat/Sun: 9am–5pm J 45 > fesch’markt > > wamp FESCH’MARKt Austria’s festival for art and design 12.—14.06.2015 fesch’markt #10 Ottakringer Brewery, Ottakringer Platz 1, 1160 Vienna Fri: 2pm–10pm, Sat/Sun: 11am–8pm More information under www.feschmarkt.info www.facebook.com/feschmarkt 46 Impulstanz > biorama Fair fair 14.07.2015 Festival Opening at MuseumsQuartier. Free entry! The most stylish design fair in the very heart of Vienna — that’s WAMP! 16.07.— 16.08.2015 ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival All over Vienna! Akademietheater, Odeon, Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz, Schauspielhaus, wuk, Weltmuseum Wien, mumok, 21er Haus, ... www.impulstanz.com looking for a classy way to spend some time? 10th anniversary of vienna’s fesch’markt 27.06.2015: 11am–8pm 26.09.2015: 11am–7pm Dates for 2016 will be announced on wamp.at and facebook.com/wampvienna MuseumsQuartier – Museumsplatz 1/5, 1070 Vienna Entry is free! From Friday through Sunday, 12–14 June 2015, Austria’s largest design festival, an original like its host city, rolls out for the tenth time in Vienna’s Ottakringer Brewery. Over 200 creatives from near and far make accessible the latest trends in the categories of art, product design, accessories, furniture, fashion, kids design, bikes and boards, and street and delicatessen food. As a marketplace and unique networking possibility, embedded in a seasoned and awesome festival atmosphere and with a clothing exchange, Volxkino, fÊte’fesch, and lucky bags on board, the fesch’markt stirs the hearts of culturelovers of all ages. wamp, the open air design fair, awaits you if you’re interested in unique handmade stuff offered directly by the designers themselves. Designers from the cee region and Austria present their handcrafted clothes, lovely bags, fancy jewellery, home accessories, children’s goodies, and a lot more in the forecourt of the beloved MuseumsQuartier. A meeting place for young trendsetters, urbanites, and tourists. Origin: wamp began in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, and since its foundation in 2006, has become a highly respected international design fair and a permanent selling platform for more than 1,000 local and international designers. Every year Europe’s biggest festival for contemporary dance and performance celebrates movement in all its variety and transforms Vienna into a melting pot for dance enthusiasts. This year ImPulsTanz departs into new choreographic expeditions: the festival turns the Weltmuseum Wien, the mumok and the 21er Haus for contemporary art into exceptional venues for dance and performance; presents various Austrian productions to the world for the very first time, and gives international newcomers a forum for challenging the state of the art of dance within the [8:tension]-series. For those who want to move and be moved themselves, ImPulsTanz offers numerous dance floors at the 250 workshops for all levels and throws sensational parties in the daily open festival lounge at Burgtheater Vestibül! Events 11.—13.09.2015 biorama fair fair The Good Life in a Smart City Market for sustainable Products Ottakringer Brewery, Ottakringer Platz 1, 1160 Vienna www.fairfair.at Biorama, the magazine for a sustainable lifestyle, is staging its fourth fair in- and outside the Ottakringer Brewery. Over 100 brands will be presenting their products in the complete area of the famous brewery in the 16th district of Vienna. Small pop-up stores will be selling products by new domestic labels and European brands focusing on fairly produced raw materials or recycled and upcycled used articles. There will also be a giant food market, a joint effort with the Adamah BioHof, in the open-air area in front of the brewery, with stands offering culinary delights to indulge in at the premises or to take home. All 100% organic, of course! And the dj line-up on the adjoining terrace will be perfect for a picnic or for simply chilling out in one of the deck chairs. > Designmarkt Edelstoff > > stocksale kindersachen stocksale fashion vienna design week Shopping outside the mainstream. 19.—20.09.2015 Edelstoff 08 23.—24.04.2016 Edelstoff 09 17.—18.09.2016 Edelstoff 10 formerly anker expedithalle Puchsbaumgasse 1C, 1100 Vienna Opening hours: New – open later on Saturdays due to popular demand! Sat: 11am–8pm, Sun: 11am–6pm More information under www.edelstoff.or.at www.facebook.com/Designmarkt.Edelstoff Let’s go and shop as much as you want! Edelstoff brings elegant design from 120 national and international designers as well as the best street food to Vienna! Enjoy strolling about to the sound of fine music in a relaxed atmosphere as you look for rare design pieces to buy from the realms of fashion, accessories, jewellery, product design, kids design and art. > blickfang 30.10.—01.11.2015 mak – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art Weiskirchnerstrasse 3, 1010 Vienna Fri: 12pm–10pm, Sat: 10am–8pm Sun: 11am–7pm [email protected] www.blickfang.com 25.—27.09.2015 stocksale kindersachen 5.—8.11.2015 stocksale fashion Altes Finanzamt Seidengasse 20, 1070 Vienna Twice a year stocksale kindersachen offers a high-end stock sale of innovative, distinctive things for kids aged 0–12 years at bargain prices in Vienna. At the beginning of the season, you can find clothing, shoes, and accessories from many national and international labels from all over Europe reduced up to 70%! The focus is on Scandinavian design and sustainability! stocksale fashion is Vienna’s ultimate pop-up fashion sale. Great design for everyone at up to 70% off ! The emphasis is on Austrian design, with a guest appearance by labels from Berlin. Here you can find the best fashion bargains for the coming season, with all participating labels sold exclusively at stocksale fashion. Designer clothes twice a year! 25.09.—04.10.2015 Various locations in Vienna www.viennadesignweek.at The Vienna Design Week is Austria’s biggest design festival, taking place in the autumn at various locations in Vienna, and attracted 34,200 visitors this past year. The ninth edition takes place in 2015, curated by Lilli Hollein. Uncovering creative processes and exploring the interaction between people and objects are core elements of the festival concept. In addition to the festival, the Vienna Design Office in stilwerk Wien organizes design awards and a variety of events throughout the year, including exhibitions in Austria and abroad, and provides design consultancy to various scales of projects. Events The international design exhibition blickfang will take place at the mak Vienna from 30.10.–01.11. 2015, with around 150 designers participating. It’s all in the mix: with its blend of furniture, home accessories, and lighting; fashion, bags, and jewellery; blickfang offers the most exhilarating shopping experience of the year. Spectacular oneof-a-kinds next to gadgets for everyday use, well-known products next to prototypes, street wear next to urban couture: as a fair for individualists, blickfang satisfies a multitude of tastes in interior design and fashion – for everyone, from the young fashion victim to the more mature design-lover. More information: www.blickfang.com 47 > Art&antique hofburg vienna 07.—15.11.2015 47th Edition of art&Antique hofburg vienna Daily: 11am–7pm www.artantique-hofburg.at Vienna’s most important fair for art, antiques, and design promises once again to be a high point of the autumn art season, when the top Austrian art dealers and select international exhibitors take advantage of the Hofburg as an impressive setting for their most beautiful objects. In addition to a fine selection of paintings and drawings, contemporary art is also represented. Fresh accents are provided by the varied assortment of furniture, decorative arts, design, clocks, jewellery, rugs, and more. 48 > > Designquartiere Werkschau für Grafisches und Illustratives > Modepalast 27.—29.11.2015 WeihnachtsQuartier May 2016 FrühlingsQuartier mq Wien: Ovalhalle, Foyer, and Arena21 Museumsstrasse 1, 1070 Vienna More information under: www.weihnachtsquartier.at www.fruehlingsquartier.at April 2016 Werkschau für Grafisches und Illustratives Location will be announced www.werkschau.co.at Contemporary design. The WeihnachtsQuartier and FrühlingsQuartier in the MuseumsQuartier, devoted to Christmas and spring respectively, offer a variety of types of design: fresh, bold, with beautiful lines, ... and ready to be bought. Unusual designer objects that are not only diverse in appearance but also in function are on display. The Werkschau für Grafisches und Illustratives brings together Austria’s best creatives working in the fields of graphic design, illustration, typography, new media and visual arts: in April 2016 excellent Austrian designers will present their work in Vienna to representatives from the creative industry and all people interested in visual art. Part of the programme are lectures from different experts. For more details, please have a look at: www.werkschau.co.at Events Spring 2016 Locations: Vienna Künstlerhaus & Linz Tabakwerke Date: to be announced www.modepalast.com www.facebook.com/modepalast brandnewexpo This trade fair for fashion, jewellery, and accessory design presents the current collections by national and international designers every year in the spring. The vibrant and creative atmosphere affords design-lovers of all generations a very special shopping experience. More information under www.modepalast.com. Altstadt Vienna Kirchengasse 41, 1070 Vienna +43 1 5226666 / [email protected] www.altstadt.at La Prima Fashion Hotel Vienna Schönbrunner Strasse 41, 1050 Vienna +43 1 8906589 / [email protected] www.laprimahotel.at Boutiquehotel Stadthalle Hackengasse 20, 1150 Vienna +43 1 9824272 [email protected] www.hotelstadthalle.at The Levante Laudon (Apartment house) Laudongasse 8, 1080 Vienna +43 1 4071370 / [email protected] www.thelevante.com/laudon das triest design hotel management gmbh Wiedner Hauptstrasse 12, 1040 Vienna +43 1 589180 / [email protected] www.dastriest.at do & co Hotel Vienna Stephansplatz 12, 1010 Vienna +43 1 24188 / [email protected] www.docohotel.com Falkensteiner Hotel Wien Margareten Margareten Gürtel 142, 1050 Vienna +43 1 36163-0 [email protected] www.falkensteiner.com/de/hotel/margareten Holiday Inn Vienna City Margaretenstrasse 53, 1050 Vienna +43 1 58850 [email protected] www.holidayinn.com Hollmann Beletage – Design & Boutique Hotel Köllnerhofgasse 6, 1010 Vienna +43 1 9611960 [email protected] www.hollmann-beletage.at Hotel Daniel Vienna – urban stay, smart luxury Landstrasser Gürtel 5, 1030 Vienna +43 1 90131–0 [email protected] www.hoteldaniel.com/vienna roomz vienna, Budget Design Hotel Paragonstrasse 1, 1110 Vienna +43 1 7431777 [email protected] www.roomz-vienna.com Ruby Sofie Hotel Vienna Marxergasse 17, 1030 Vienna [email protected] www.ruby-hotels.com The Levante Parliament Auerspergstrasse 9, 1080 Vienna +43 1 228280 / [email protected] www.thelevante.com/parliament stanys – Hotel & Apartments Mariahilfer Strasse 161, 1150 Vienna [email protected] www.stanys.at motel one wien-hauptbahnhof Gerhard-Bronner-Straße 11, 1100 Vienna [email protected] www.motel-one.com The Guesthouse Vienna Führichgasse 10, 1010 Vienna +43 1 5121320 [email protected] www.theguesthouse.at motel one staatsoper Elisabethstraße 5, 1010 Vienna [email protected] www.motel-one.com nh Wien City, nh Hoteles Austria GmbH Mariahilfer Strasse 32–34 (via Lindengasse 9) 1070 Vienna / +43 1 521720 [email protected] www.nh-hotels.com nh Atterseehaus Suites nh Hoteles Austria GmbH Mariahilfer Strasse 78, 1070 Vienna +43 1 5245600 [email protected] www.nh-hotels.com pentahotel Vienna Margaretenstrasse 92, 1050 Vienna +43 1 546860 [email protected] www.pentahotels.com Hotel Rathaus – Wein & Design Lange Gasse 13, 1080 Vienna +43 1 4001122 / [email protected] www.hotel-rathaus-wien.at Hotels Inmitten von Wien Hotel Topazz Lichtensteg 3, 1010 Vienna +43 1 5322250 [email protected] www.hoteltopazz.com urbanauts Street Lofts Favoritenstrasse 17, 3–5, 1040 Vienna +43 1 2083904 / [email protected] www.urbanauts.at Wiener Zuhause The guest apartment in central Vienna Friendly. Colourful. Affordable Margaretenstrasse 70/3, 1050 Vienna +43 676 5008678 [email protected] www.wienerzuhause.at 25hours Hotel beim MuseumsQuartier Lerchenfelder Strasse 1–3, 1070 Vienna +43 1 521510 [email protected] www. 25hours-hotels.com 49 Impressum / Publisher’s Information Herausgeber / Editor: Werbeagentur Tina Haslinger, Weyringergasse 21, 1040 Vienna Konzept, Projektmanagement / Concept, project management: Tina Haslinger many thanks to: Allen Shops, die guided möglich gemacht haben. Allen Mediapartnern, Hotels, BARS/RESTAURANTS und sonstigen unterstützenden Unternehmen. Gestaltung / Editorial design: www.fuergestaltung.at / Susanne Keuschnig + Anna Grubelnig Photos + logos supplied by the participants of guided. Übersetzung / Translation: Edita Nosowa Lektorat / Copy editor: Susanne Haslinger/ www.bestes-deutsch.at Druck / Printing: outdoor Production, e. & f. Gabner GmbH, 1010 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 10, www.outdoor-production.at Web: Phillip Esca + Christina Esca / esca – graphik + design Facebook: Tom Haslinger Copyright Der Inhalt der Publikation wurde mit großer Sorgfalt recherchiert und geprüft. Druck- und Satzfehler sind jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen. Eine Haftung für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Inhalte kann nicht übernommen werden. Tina Haslinger kann nicht für eventuelle Schäden oder Konsequenzen, die insbesondere durch die direkte oder indirekte Nutzung von guided entstehen, verantwortlich gemacht werden. Für Abgeltung der Fotorechte sind alleinig die Anzeigenkunden von guided verantwortlich. Jegliche Reproduktion von Inhalten ist untersagt. All contents of this publication have been painstakingly researched and checked. However, the possibility of printing or compositional errors cannot be excluded. No liability for the accuracy and completeness can be assumed. Tina Haslinger accepts no responsibility for any possible harm or consequences that could come as a result in particular of the direct or indirect use of guided. The advertisers in guided are solely responsible for any compensation due for photographic rights. All reproduction of the contents in any form is strictly prohibited. 50 finally Gefördert aus Mitteln der Stadt Wien durch die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien. mit Unterstützung der Wirtschaftskammer Wien © Wiener Linien, November 2012 SCHNELLVERBINDUNGEN IN WIEN www.wienerlinien.at Die Stadt gehört Dir. 9 7 5 4 7 7 8 8 1 8 5 4 5 2 4 2 9 5 6 www.guided-vienna.com /guided 4 8 2 8 6