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hours - FVW Medien
2015 RATE CARD N0. 43 2 Content . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. The Magazine 2–5 Werbeformen Events Media Profile 16 Ad Formats & Rates 26 fvw Workshop 6 Online – Overview 16 Advertorials 27 fvw Fam Trip 7 Job Market – Overview 28 – 31 fvw Kongress 8 – 11 12 – 15 17 – 18 Ad Specials Circulation & Reader Profile 19 Supplements Publication Schedule 20 Counter Infos/ 21 22 – 25 . 32 fvw Online Marketing Day/ Tourism Marketing Summit Promotional Inserts 33 fvw Travel Technology Day Technical Requirements 34 fvw CruiseLive ITB Dailies Publisher‘s Details KREUZFAHRT | KREUZFAHRT | | | | WARUM OLIVER DORSCHUCK SO VIELE EXKLUSIVE HOTELS FUR DIE TUI BRAUCHT DIE – KRAFT DER DRE UND WAS MIT I MARKEN TRENDS DEN ANDEREN N &FAKTE HAUSERN WIRD TAG_1 TAG_2 TAG_3 KARRIERE: Nach Wirtschaftsstudium und Promotion startet Dörschuck (40) 2002 als Trainee bei der TUI. Nach verschiedenen Stationen im Yield-Management, Produkt und bei TUIfly wird er 2012 Geschäftsführer. Als Chief Operating Officer ist er für Produkt, Marketing, Einkauf, Kapazitäts- und Yieldmanagement, die Konzepthotels und die Vermarktung von TUIfly verantwortlich. Innerhalb der europäischen TUI-Gruppe ist er für die Weiterentwicklung der Customer Experience zuständig. PRIVAT: Seine Frau Natalie arbeitet auch bei der TUI. Im Herbst erwartet die Familie das zweite Kind. U&M KL AUS HILDEBR ANDT K FOTOS: LENTHE/TOURISTIK-FOTO.DE eine Programmvorstellung vergeht, auf der Veranstalter nicht ihre Hotels, die sie exklusiv anbieten, und ihre Hausmarken – von Sentido und Calimera bis Allsun – anpreisen. Die TUI treibt es auf die Spitze: Die exklusiven Häuser werden 2015 um 30 Prozent aufgestockt, die Zahl der Konzepthotels 30 www.fvw.de fvw1914 REISEBÜRO | VERANSTALTER | FLUG gestottert, aber genen Monaten r hat in den vergan aufatmen. Wie Der Buchungsmoto e kann erst einmal LastC H R I S T I A N E V,Ohaben rund. Die Branch N P I L A Rdie jetzt läuft er wieder satzpanels melden n Reisebüro-Um rgeschäft zumindie verschiedene t, dass das Somme evin Sheehan ufen 1,7 istProngen dafür gesorg schon ein besonaufgela es sind Minute-Buchu GfK der derer Mann.NachCEO von NorweVorjahr liegt: Bei acher jedoch nicht. Der das dest leicht über Reisem die sind gian Cruise Line ist sich nicht zu glücklich l verzeichne gerade zent plus. Ganz zum Beispie schade, bei einem niedrigere als „UnUS-TV-Sender s Cook GroupDie durch e der Thoma soll mittelfristig werden, künTUI redet viel von „diffeine erenzierten ProMargen Aussagverdoppelt chere dercover Boss“ aufdass Wachs seinen Schiffen ft seit Julian.„schwä inkognden, sexy. dukten“. Klingt nicht Wie würdigt Touristikchef Dörschuck Geschä abfigerade damit deutscheOliver wohl nito Tabletts zu schleppen . e muss sich beim Bau rd werdenoder den Sie das einem Wie die TUI das Produkt und die ZusamBranch Standaübersetzen? zumUrlauber Nachfrage“. Die Bereich einer künstlichen Schlittschuhbahn zu en einstelligen menarbeit mit den Hoteliers neu ausrichDer Kunde muss zu. Begriff nicht ndiesen nehme tumsraten im niedrigdie Kunhelfen. Und wenn er auf kennen. Entscheidend ist, dass er sich tet, wie Smartphones und Tablets derinMeyer Werft ist-Buchungen aster: Die Langfr Trostpfl Brennstart diesembeim Produkt wiederfindet und eine denansprache im Urlaub verändern und eines Neubaus i seinen Auftritt Reise wählt, diehat, genau zu ihm passt. Gäsdie gesamte Reisekette verbessert werden trägt er schon mal verwaschene Jeansentsteht, tezufriedenheit wenn die Vorkann, erläutert Dörschuck im Interview. und ein Karohemd. Dabei verdient der bekennende New Yorker mit K | | pro Passagiertag Umsatz und Nettoertrag TAG_3 in US-Dollar 36 Contact ANJA STURM Net Yield (Nettoertrag TAG_2 pro TAG_1 TAG_2 TAG_3 | TAG_1 | in US-Dollar) U&MPassagiertag, TAG_3 | O 183,7 LI DIE MULTI-MIL Konjunktur arten bessere Reisebüros erw ber x Septem Vertriebsklima-Inde nen auf den derzeit fvw 13 Schiffen betrifft – hinter Carnival und Royal Caribbean Cruises zur Nummer130 3 auf dem weltweiten Kreuzfahrtmarkt gemausert, einen wirtschaftlichen Turnaround geschafft und die Präsenz der Marke in Europa gestärkt. Auch der Erfolg120 des Börsengangs im Januar 2013 geht weitgehend auf sein Konto. Die Aktie stieg von 19 auf heute rund 25 Dollar. Sheehans 110Motto: „From good to great“. verbessert e an der US-Dollar ist Pricelin Das führende Börse aktuell wert. eisebüro ist daglobale Online-R so viel wert mit in etwa viermal e Lufthansa. wie die Deutsch Tou et den August ristikumsatz rett 10 Mrd 18 Mrd 64 Mrd 1. b Reiseveranstalter, Hotel, KreuzAgenturchef fahrtschiff, Destination MARTIN kunde outet. Sondern oder Reiweil es Credo von sebürokette – dass starke PAHNKE: ihm und seiner Agentur Mar„ziemlicher ist, dass Marken ken Beim und Brennstart Markenführu für ng in der Touristik den Menschen in aller Sumpf“ die Escape: erster Linie „Herimmer Ein wichtiger werden, darüber zenswünsche“ erfüllen lockererKonsens KEVIN müssen. Und da herrscht in der Branche. Vor alsieht es in der Reisebranche SHEEHAN (rechts) und lem laut den FMonline, aber auch im stationären CG-Experten ziemlich Meyer-Werft-Chef Vermau aus. Wohlgetrieb werden die Informations Bernhard Meyer -, Wahl- und merkt – was die Positionierun Bewertungsm g der einzeldrücken die öglichkeiten immer diffenen Marken angeht, nicht deren Produkte. renzierter. Startknopf.Marken können und müssen Bei Meyer Allzu oft fehle den Marken hier das Versprekünftig werden neben deutlich der bessere Orientierung chen des „Wonderland Berater s“. Escape noch drei geben. LARS weitere Schiffe fürblegespräch Im fvw-Roundta LAMMERS: (siehe fvw Norwegian „ zu nah am Cruise 14/14) sagte Manfred TOURISTIK BRAUCHT MEHR Klaus, GeschäftsfühProdukt“ rerLine dergebaut. Münchner Digitalagentu LIEBE ZUM DETAIL r Plan.Net, die unter anderem für UnterLufthansa arbeitet: r ist der aktuelle Natürlich kann man die Tourismusindus- US-Dolla „Je unpersönlicher der RelaBuchungsweg durch von Airbnb. In trie nicht eins zu eins mit der Konsumgü- nehmenwert die Digitalisierung wird, und Uber ist das desto wichtiger terindustrie gleichsetzen. tion zu Priceline Vertriebs- und wird es, dass die Marken zu Veranstaleine persönliche Margensystematiken sind wenig, in Relation Beziehung der in beiden Branihren Kunden aufbauen.“ ist gut dreimal nach zu jüngschen komplett verschieden. tern nicht. Airbnb US-Dollar werden Was liegt näher, Auch die InThomas Cook. Pushh-Chef novationsprozesse und rhöhung für Uberals sich einmal bei Marmehr wert als -tempi sind völlig ten Kapitalekenexperten - der in Sachen aus einer MARC Transfer ene andere. MarDoch umstritt die Zielgruppen SCHWIEGER: fällig. Der kenführung anspruchsvo viel be- sind nahezu sich llsten Branchen, Euro lässt identisch: mehr als „weniger ist damit Sowohl Konsumgüte it 70 Mrd. Anbieter istder Konsumgütetrbranche, der Umsatz r- als auch mehr“ umzuhören? Reiseindustri bewerte wie Es ist mehreals sprechen wegen. grundsätzlich die Martin Pahnke, Marc vierfach so teuer r der Schwieger und breiteReiseveranstalte Und die der deutschen Masse an. Lars Lammers sind Chefs die TUI AG. Und es wäreDigitalisierung der Hamburger Jahre. stellt beide Branchen im Sinne des Agentur Pahnke Markenmach vergangenen drei wachhmenswert von erei und senden E-Commerce und der weiter fragderen Digitalschwester der aktuelle Unterne n Pushh. Beide mentierenden und Airbnb. Kommunkationskanäle Agenturen sind auf Fast Mehr als 17 Millione Priceline, Uber vor KapitaliMoving ConsuBriSpitzenähnlich e große Herausforderungen. mer Goods (FMCG), also Unterkünfte hat Nur in der Kategori in eine Konsumgüter, elt, Die Agentur wurde 1989 lässt sich das Trio spezialisiert und betreuen an Chesky vermitt sierung rt in Hamdominie mit mehr als WAS ALSO KÖNNEN StuPriceline burg gegründet. Über 130 TOURISTIKER in Sachen 130 Mitarbeitern Marken seit er 2008 als Schublade pressen. Mitartrieb, wie Toffifee, Markenführ ung Hotelver globalen beiter arbeiten für rund von den den Knoppers und Crunchips FMCG-Profis Jahren dent Airbnb gegrünseit lernen? 50 Marken Boo(siehe Kasten). Töchter Kurzseiner gefasst: für mehr als 40 Länder mit wenigen Mehr Liebe zum DeDie Pahnke Markenmach allem Dank ist vortail einem Es ist eine der erei steht für so hat. det weltweit und zum weniger der Mediavolumen von etwa Hingabe zur alles verund Agoda bekannte Claims wie „Merci, Zahlen, die 200 Milli09 king.com dass es Dich sprechendeneisebüro aufgestiegen. halbwegs harten onen Euro. Kunden wie Storck gibt”, „Mann, sind die Online-R Vielfalt. Martin Pahnke bekannt gibt. größten Dickmann” und Jahren nennt das die smarte US-Boy vor zweieiner „Heuristik (Werther’s Original, Toffifee, „Meica macht das Würstchen”. Marke“ und des US-Unternehmit Kayak, einen Merci, Undmeint NeuerDie Popularität damit, dass gekaufte Knoppers) , Meica (Bratmaxe, einengut ärkten lässt positionierte den Rücklagen aus Marke an den Finanzm Boomdas n den Verbraucher Deutschländer), Lorenz O Travis KaDAS URTEIL DESUber-CE die Entschei- mens ableiten. Eher dominiert Priceline (Crunchips, TRIOS über die Markenwerb, dung für oder gegen sich daran kaum l, Chipsletten, NicNac’s) und der Schrewelt in der Reisbranche lanick ist t Metasearch. ein Produkt so leicht ellungsmerkma Zott ist so ernüchternd Segmen und schnell ung schon das Alleinst boomenden hiedmachen müsse. möglich (Monte, Jogolé) betreut die wie erhellend. Agenturgrün Untersc denwie cken der Taxi-Inn im Markenmacht Das Airbnb der Martin lan„Es sich geht noch der nicht darum, dass macherei seit mehr als 15 Airbnbden Pahnke: „Mein persönlicher Leuten wirkelt hat. Ähnlich und der Liebling Jahren. sind Uber und Soweit Blick auf lich alles, was mein ance beider Hotelmarkt entwick rs steht Produkt ristische Marken Investo Perform ren. In 70 toukann, zu bedie Über ist ein ziemlicher nicht. so Pahnke. geweisen“, e Sumpf. gewie Uber bei Transfe Economy, Martin Pahnke ist seit 1998 „Ich. Schwarz habe aber das Es gibt da nichts, woran wenig bekannt it ist die 2009hängen InhaStart-up Gefühl,ist t für die Sharing dass sich viele Städten weltwe mein Herz Benefi Ihr ber bisAirbnb und Veranstalter rm Geschäftsführ te. würde.“ nicht. und er der Agenr-Plattfo r Angebo schreiben sie Destinatione Zahlen ggründete Transfe n inzwischen so breit tur, Lars Lammers Geschäftsleite für das Teilen privatehat Airbnb und BeBemerkensw positiZuwächse in Marktse ert Popular ist dieseität r Uber Aussageweil onieren, sind rasante aktiv. Die dass sie nur noch haben: Markenberatung. Marc Schwieger Und anders als fkommunizier dochlang eben jenicht, weil sich Pahnke en die sie selbst geprägt Privatunterkün it wächst rasant, damit als können: menten, Umsonst kannthe ist Geschäftsführer der Digitalist es kälter-Dienstgesein Portfolio von mit kommerzirelativ ahnungsloser potenzieller immer wieder ung von Transfer als draußen.“ Harte Reisedie Vermittl Worte, sich das Start-up die sein Kollege schwesteragentur Pushh. Unter-Marc ten nur sehr zaghaft tzen muss. sowie von privaten kombiniert. Auch Schwieger leistungenein wenigam gen Verbote durchse werden konnrelativiert: ellen Angeboten Kapitalmarkt „Nast weshalb Uber künften. Das kommt DR Dauerhaft gebrem das ist ein Grund, t ist. iger Gewinn. Im Gegenfvw1914 bewerte besser an als kurzfrist Uber bislang nicht. ARDÄRE Quelle: Norwegian Cruise Line Die Priceline Group gloMILLIARDENAUFTRÄGE 100 BEI hat seit 2012 die im MEYER WERFT bale Pole-Position E-Com04 Dienstsitz in Miami, der sich gern Die Agentur Pahnke Markenm touristischenDarren als Self01 02 03 Der charismatische Norwegian-Che 12 acherei merce.10CEO 11 f hat made Man bezeichnet, Millionen. 09 08 berät 07 nicht nur die Profitabilität 90 Markena 06 die Anleger mit 2014 05 rtikel-Ku der Reederei verwöh nden, 04 wientStorck, „Verdienen“ ist in diesem Fall der Huston 03 traumhafrichti01 02 Zott erhöht, er hat auch das Vertrauen 12 Wachstum, einer oder Lorenz. Ihr Rat 10 der Fistetem ge Ausdruck, da sind sich auch seine ma in an dievon zuletzt 30 :Prozent Touristik Mit2013 nanzmärkte gewonnen. Das belegt lte“ Konjunkturkli ten Renditewird „gefüh das auch arbeiter sicher. Finanzmann Sheehan Stärker Rücklage, die ist, der t der fokussie t in en gekehr ren Prozen – und das ehrgeizige Investitionsprogramm, zurück die an dieimmer und Milliard in 30 t nieder: wieder Zukunf das e der Deutschen wurde 2008, als der Finanzinvestor Destinat UnterneNhmen Apol+ Partner dasTUNGE r die Buchungslaun ion „Wonder sich der Kreuzfahrer für die nächsten in den ERWAR land“ Weil seit Juli Quelle: Dr. Fried finden. r und größere Jahlo die Mehrheit an der US-Reederei schläg t sich auch den Erwerb kleinere rt. vom re vorgenommen hat. Nach den kurz üros besser. Das den Reiseb aufGenting-Konzern in Hongkong übernahm, August Nachfrage. Unternehmen investie es ist eng eine steigende ber folgenden Norwegian-Kre einander Pricelin Septem ten glauben an 10,1 Die wahre Erfolg an die Spitze des Unternehmens Befraguzern radikalen Umgeschickt Oktobe r 7,8 Breakaway und Getaway wurden bei der verknüpft mit einem und hat es gewaltig auf Spur gebracht. r n Geschäftsmozembe Un- Novem ber/De Meyer Werft bau des einstige die nächsten Schiffe der 8,1 stand ter seiner Ägide hat sich Norwegian ng 68 – zu- Januar/ dells. Zur Gründu Februar Breakaway-plus -Klasse mit einer Kapazigenannte Bidding mindest was die Gästezahl von 1,9 Priceline für so Millio- März/A priljeweils 4200 Passagieren tät von nannten den beModelle. Kunden Priceline sorgte Später Preis für ein Hotel, . Kaufmänbürospiegel and Vorbuchungsst 31 TAG_2 2,6 | Last-Minute holt Sommer aus dem Norwegian Cruise LineKelle kauftr.vier neue Schiffe und zwei neue Marken. Doch CEO Sheehan hat noch nicht genug. | Publisher‘s Details Umsatz (in Mrd. US-Dollar) ➔ REISEBÜRO VERANSTALTER FLUG Chief Operating Officer TUI Deutschland TAG_1 35 WO LIEGT WONDERLAND ? FOTOS: NCL (3), OCEANIA; SEVEN OLIVER DÖRSCHUCK M&M Stetiges Wachstum M Pahnke Markenmacherei 05 06 07 08 105,5 Geschäftlage: Stimmung: 102,9 Erwartung: 100,5 AIRBNB HOTEL T, GETTY IMAGES, | SEAS CRUISES TOURISTIK FOTOS: XXXXXXXXXX U&M U&M www.fvw.de 3. 2. -18% te anzmärkte glauben an noch teurer 3 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 fvw fvw – the leading B2B magazine for decision makers and entrepreneuers in tourism and mobility 91% of our readers say that “fvw is the leading magazine in the tourism industry”. Journalistic quality, expertise and independence form the basis of our success. 26,851 copies – the by far highest paid circulation among travel trade magazines. Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH, IVW 2/2014 Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 4 Media Profile fvw – the leading B2B magazine for tourism and mobility As premier trade magazine fvw enjoys an excellent media and professional reputation and is firmly established among readers as opinion-forming medium. fvw brings together people and markets, puts developments into context and serves decision makers as compass when setting the course for their business. With 4.1 readers per issue fvw is one of the most-read trade journals in the industry. It provides every other Friday a concise summary of current developments and the key business news for the market. fvw stands for reliable and objective journalism with a maximum of in-depth information and a wide range of topics presented in an appealing magazine-style design. fvw owes its remarkable importance to an average of 119,450 readers. Editorial concept and target group Through fvw you are able to reach out to all relevant decision makers for the magazine‘s analyses, reports and commentaries have made it an important driving force throughout all areas of the tourism industry. Some 60% of fvw readers work in tour operating or travel sales, many of them at decision making and/or management levels. Themed supplements and regular series in fvw provide great practical orientation and best practice support for sales staff. In fact, fvw is one of the most widely read trade journals among the target groups “decision makers” and “sales and distribution” in the tour operator and travel agency segment. With an average of 19,673 subscription copies sold per month fvw proves its market leadership and expertise. Sources: Total circulation IVW 2/2014/4.1 readers per issue and subscription copies sold; fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . 5 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Print Product Line fvw Dossiers – market analyses for those who want to know more h ist nter- fvw Dossiers serve as indispensable work of reference for the tourism industry. They present figures, analyses and assessments for the market segments holiday resorts, German travel sales & distribution and German tour operators. ren. Ende in fvw Dossiers enjoy long use, considerable reading times and a high level of awareness: n 84% of fvw readers know the fvw Dossiers. “Better Selling” – destination facts in a nutshell fvw magazine‘s counter series highlights one particular destination per issue through a double-page (or larger) spread, covering all relevant facts both from a business and a cultural point of view. This unique mix makes the destination specials a valuable sales and counseling aid for all travel agencies. Die weratio- 66% of readers in travel sales state they refer to “Better Selling” on a frequent basis, which confirms the specials as particularly high-impact advertising environment within fvw magazine. Halt- Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 6 Produktfamilie Online – Overview Print fvw.de . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . fvw.de – at the heart of the industry, 24/7 The leading travel and tourism news portal features all the latest key information from the industry. It reflects the high journalistic quality and reputation that readers know fvw magazine for. A paid-content area on fvw.de guarantees advertisers a prime target group and high user retention n 81% of users also frequently read fvw in print. The portal‘s recommendation rate is at an outstanding n 97%. Facts and figures fvw.de n 45,187 registered users n Avg. of 535,000 page impressions per month on average n 15,000 newsletter subscribers for fvw AM MORGEN n 14,500 for fvw NEWSLINE n Avg. of 1,900 fvw app users For further details on users and a wide choice of further options, please refer to our Online 2015 rate card and/or the FVW Media Group’s online media package available at www.fvw-medien.de. Sources: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH; Webtrekk ø PIs p.m. 8/2013–7/2014; registered users: status July 2014; newsletter recipients: in-house statistics, status July 2014 Two daily newsletters (fvw AM MORGEN and fvw NEWSLINE), the fvw e-paper, and fvw‘s iPad and smartphone apps provide the reader with news updates at any given time and place. 7 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Job Market – Overview Print & Online The great career exchange for the tourism industry – in print & online fvw magazine offers you in print and online one of the largest job markets in the tourism industry. As HR officer you are able to specifically target your future staff members – from travel executives and product managers to directors. Through fvw‘s classified ads section you will find just the right candidate to quickly and efficiently fill your job openings. Facts & figures fvw Job Market n 19,673 subscribers and 119,450 readers per issue n More than 5,500 Job Market newsletter subscribers n Avg. of 176,500 page impressions per month Thanks to our express service your job ad will appear within 24 hours on www.stellenmarkt.fvw.de. Tourism Jobs & Careers Guide Qualified junior staff is elementary for your company‘s future. The annual Tourism Jobs & Careers Guide provides you with access to tomorrow‘s specialists and leaders. Present your firm as potential employer and the benefits it has to offer. If you are a college/university or a training company, you are able to list your education and training options. n Further information: http://go.fvw.de/juk n Contact: Isa Spormann, ph. +49 40 41448-550, [email protected] For more performance indicators and advertising options, please refer to the FVW Media Group‘s rate card Job Market 2015 and/or go to go.fvw.de/stellenmarkt. Sources: Total circulation IVW 2/2014/4.1 readers per issue and subscription copies; Webtrekk ø PIs p.m. 8/2013– 7/2014; newsletter recipients: in-house statistics, status July 2014 Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 8 Circulation . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Facts & figures fvw Subscriptions compared Total distributed circulation 29,134 fvw Total copies sold 26,851 TravelTalk 4,133 Subscription copies 19,673 touristik aktuell 6,956 Travel One fvw circulation figures are IVW-audited. Figures based on IVW 2nd quarter 2014 audit report. Publisher‘s note: fvw is primarily distributed on a subscription basis and is also available at select retail outlets. . 19,673 948 Source: IVW 2/2014 Cost per thousand by comparing fvw 498.14 € touristik aktuell 977.57 € TravelTalk 1,911.44 € Travel One 7,120.25 € Source: IVW 2/2014, on basis of ad rates 2014 . 9 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Reader Profile fvw – the entire tourism industry right at your hands! Readers by industry segment: Gender: 59% female 41% male Travel sales 47% Tour operator 15% Age: Other 14% Age 30 or under 13% Airport/airline 6% Age 30–39 23% Tourist office 5% Age 40–49 27% Hotel industry 5% Age 50–59 26% PR agency 3% Age 60 or over 10% Business travel 2% Travel technology 2% Education: Cruise travel/ cruise ship company 1% College/university/technical college 50% High-school diploma 33% Car rental 1% Incoming agency Secondary school (no high-school diploma) 15% 1% Insurance Junior high school 2% 1% Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 10 Reader Profile . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . Decision makers read fvw! Job positions: 66% of readers 66% Decision maker 34% Other positions hold a management position. 91% of readers say: Decision maker* 66% Employee 14% Travel agent 12% Trainee, student, intern 4% Other 2% *Decision makers: Office manager, corporate management, department head, independent business owner fvw is competent and the leading trade magazine in tourism. Avg. reading time: 78 minutes Avg. no. of readers per issue: 4.1 readers 11 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Reader Profile News, cover story, destination & product or enterprises & markets: fvw demonstrates relevance! 4 out of 5 readers confirm that fvw articles are highly relevant: News 83% Cover story 81% Destination & product 79% Enterprises & markets 78% Above-average reading intensity: 71% of readers browse through and read the magazine front to back. Sources of information for tourism news: Trade journals are by far the most frequently used medium for tourism news! Trade journals 30% Tour operator intranet sites 21% Provider intranet sites 14% Travel agency intranet sites 12% Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 12 Month January Publication Schedule Issue no. Date of Ad & materials publication close . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Topics Counter series “Better Selling” Section “Management & Careers” Turkey Club holidays 1/15 Jan. 02 15 Dec. 14 2/15 Jan. 16 Jan. 05 Airlines and airports Cruise travel Insurance Family holidays 3/15 Jan. 30 Jan. 19 River cruises Rail travel, long-haul bus travel Tourism marketing Preview: ITB Spain 4/15 Feb. 13 Feb. 02 Portugal England, Scotland, Ireland Ferries Self-drive holidays Greece Croatia 5/15 Feb. 27 Feb. 05 Special issue: ITB (Berlin, March 4–8) Egypt Hotels and resorts Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) Mongolia Germany Cape Verde Islands March 04 March 05 March 06 March 07 March 08 Feb. 05 Official ITB Dailies – Daily for trade visitors Daily for trade visitors Daily for trade visitors Daily for consumers Daily for consumers Honeymoon travel/once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences February March Daily I Daily II Daily III Daily IV Daily V . Leipzig Mobile travel sales April Issue no. Date of Ad & materials publication close Media Profile Overviews Counter series “Better Selling” 6/15 March 13 March 02 ITB summary report Car rental Gulf States Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, La Réunion) Austria, Switzerland 7/15 March 27 March 16 Soft adventure travel France Asia (South-East Asia) US, Canada Eastern Europe Marocco 8/15 April 10 March 26 Airlines and airports Spain Business travel Tunisia Holiday homes/apartments, B&B Singapore 9/15 April 24 April 13 Ad/materials close: March 31 May Topics Turkey City breaks Nordic countries Active and sports holidays Dossier: Holiday resorts 10/15 May 08 April 27 Cruise travel Travel technology, e-commerce Italy, Malta Diving holidays Cyprus 11/15 May 22 May 08 BeNeLux Asia (China, Hong Kong, Macao, Shanghai) Study tours Youth travel Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Section “Management & Careers” Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies Upgrading: Master‘s degree fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact Subject to change! Month 14 Month Publication Schedule Issue no. June 12/15 Date of Ad & materials publication close June 05 June 22 Ad/materials close: May 12 July September Topics Counter series “Better Selling” June 19 June 08 Israel, Jordan Fall industry events US Hotels and resorts 14/15 July 03 June 22 Cruise travel Round-the-world Musicals n Special supplement: Cruise travel Oman Careers and trainings n 15/15 July 17 July 06 Airlines and airports River cruises The Caribbean 16/15 July 31 July 20 Bus travel India, Sri Lanka Winter programs/catalogs 17/15 Aug. 14 Aug. 03 Southern Africa Asia (incl. Pacific region) The Caribbean (Dom. Republic, Jamaica, Cuba) 18/15 Aug. 28 Aug. 17 Rail travel Egypt Long-haul travel 19/15 Sep. 11 Aug. 31 Travel technology, IT Preview: fvw Kongress Spain (Canary Islands) Central America Employer study Mexico Qatar . Section “Management & Careers” Insurance The Mediterranean Group travel Dossier: German travel sales & distribution 13/15 May 20/June 03 August . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Issue no. October Date of Ad & materials publication close December Sep. 25 Sep. 14 Asia (South-East Asia) Winter sports South America Gulf states 21/15 Oct. 09 Sep. 28 Airlines and airports Travel agency chains and co-operations Corporate travel Indian Ocean (Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives, La Réunion) Golf travel n Special supplement: Golf travel n 22/15 Oct. 23 Oct. 12 23/15 Nov. 06 Oct. 26. US, Canada Turkey Insurance Preview: DRV convention (Lisbon, Nov. 19–21) 24/15 Nov. 20 Nov. 09 Australia, New Zealand, South Seas Club holidays Study tours Summer programs/catalogs 25/15 Dec. 04 Nov. 23 Egypt, Red Sea Luxury travel Medical travel 26/15 Dec. 18 Dec. 07 Car rental City breaks Events 2016 Dossier: German tour operators Ad/materials close: November 27 Media Profile Overviews Counter series “Better Selling” 20/15 Aug. 26/Sep. 09 November Topics Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Section “Management & Careers” Job opportunities: tour operators Cruises Spain Hotels and resorts Sustainable tourism Trade shows Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies Subject to change! Month fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 16 Ad Formats & Rates . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. No. 1 S 402 x 236 mm A 440 x 280 mm 71 S 189 x 74 mm A 220 x 93 mm 8 S 57 x 236 mm A 76 x 280 mm 2 3 4 5 6 S 189 x 236 mm A 220 x 280 mm S 122 x 236 mm A 141 x 280 mm S 90 x 236 mm A 109 x 280 mm S 189 x 116 mm A 220 x 135 mm S 122 x 192 mm A 141 x 211 mm 9 S 122 x 131 mm A 141 x 150 mm 10 S 189 x 54 mm A 220 x 73 mm n The ad formats for fvw, TravelTalk and BizTravel are equal. n Ad design available through fvw at extra cost. n For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. 12 11 S 122 x 90 mm A 141 x 109 mm S 57 x 116 mm A 76 x 135 mm 13 S 122 x 54 mm A 141 x 73 mm S = type area A = trim size Width x height in Size Rate € 1 2/1 page 15,300.– 2 1/1 page 9,900.– 3 2/3 page 7,900.– 4–6 1/2 page 6,800.– 7–9 1/3 page 5,300.– 10 – 11 1/4 page 3,900.– 12 – 13 1/6 page 2,000.– Frequency discount Percent 3x 6x 9x 12 x 15 x 18 x 21 x 7% 10% 13% 16% 18% 19% 20% Advertorials These paid-for advertising pages are presented in an editorial format and are individually designed based on your requirements. They offer a perfect opportunity to communicate marketing information to readers beyond traditional ads. The advertorial uses a typeface and layout that is distinctly different from the magazine‘s style and design. n n All rates include copy-writing and layout. Benefit from our online media to generate additional exposure for your advertorial on fvw.de. . Advertorials Rate € 1 page 10,800.– 2 pages 16,200.– 4 pages 21,900.– 6 pages 25,800.– 17 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Ad Specials Loose inserts A binding sample (or at least a dummy) including size and weight specifications must be provided to the publisher. Loose inserts, bound inserts and tip-ons are distributed with the care customary to business. Min. size: 105 mm x 148 mm Max. size: 210 mm x 276 mm Split-run advertising with geographical or mechanical split upon request, based on availability. Minimum circulation: 5,000; Surcharge: € 1,500 Bound inserts Weight Rate € per 1,000 copies Up to 25 g 310.– Up to 50 g 340.– Rates for inserts exceeding 50 g upon request Size: 220 x 280 mm + 10 mm head trim + 3 mm edge and foot trim Alternative sizes upon request. Please make sure to contact us before having your inserts printed/shipped. Page volume Tip-on (incl. full-page carrier ad) Size: Postcard 148 x 105 mm Alternative tip-on formats upon request. n Booking deadline: One week prior to ad close. n Delivery: By ad close directly to the printer; quantity: on request. n Design, production and printing available through fvw at extra cost. n Loose inserts, bound inserts and tip-ons are not eligible for discounts but commissionable. Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies Rate € preprinted bound inserts delivered to our printing house 4 pages 13,200.– 8 pages 15,200.– 12 pages 18,000.– Form Rate € preprinted tip-ons delivered to our printing house Postcard 13,200.– CD 14,500.– fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 18 Ad Specials Booklet* 105 x 148 mm (to be supplied) Title page . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Rate € Gatefolder* 2 x 105 27,400.– Rate € Advertising space: 2/1 page (431 x 280 mm) plus 1/1 page (214 x 280 mm) 148 Inside magazine (incl. full-page carrier ad) 17,900.– . 280 214 20,900.– 217 0 22 Multi-page ad* (magazine opening) Rate € 4/1 page (220 x 280 mm) Gatefolder plus page 3* 280 Rate € Title page 23,200.– 280 Advertising space: 26,200.– Belly band* 500 x 50 mm Rate € 500 50 2/1 page (431 x 280 mm) plus 2 x 1/1 page (214 x 280 mm) 31,000.– 1/2-page cover wrap* Rate € 214 217 22 0 Advertising space: n For details on our ad specials see: fvw-medien.com/media n Rates include printing and paper cost (does not apply for booklets). n Design, production and printing available through fvw at extra cost. n Ad specials are not eligible for discounts but commissionable. n For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. 1 x 1/2 page (110 x 216 mm) 3 x 1/2 page (110 x 280 mm) plus back outside cover ad (220 x 280 mm) 280 27,400.– *Limited availability per issue due to mechanical requirements. 110 19 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Supplements: Cruises and Golf Special cruise and golf travel supplements Our themed supplements are designed as sales aid and source of information about all the latest news and trends. They also verifiably enjoy long-term use in the market. The supplements are distributed with fvw and TravelTalk and have a total distributed circulation of 60,087 copies. Your advertorial as part of a themed supplement: Our central editorial department not only provides its expertise, but is also responsible for structural design and layout. This makes your advertorial a perfect, capturing advertising format – an indispensable marketing tool to effectively showcase your product information. n 76% of readers are interested /very interested in themed supplements (in travel sales that share totals 81% ) Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH Media Profile Overviews n Cruise travel supplement fvw 14 on sale July 03 AC May 20/MC June 03 n Golf travel supplement fvw 21 on sale Oct. 09 AC Aug. 26/MC Sep. 09 Page volume Size 24 page 210 x 276 mm Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Format Rate € 1/1 page 7,300.– IFC/BC 8,300.– 2/1 advertorial 9,500.– 4/1 advertorial 13,700.– Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 20 Counter Infos/Promotional Inserts . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Counter Infos Counter Infos are one of fvw‘s most renowned inserts supplying first-rate destination know-how for the sales force. Key information for travel agents, practical sales advice and sound knowledge are presented on your behalf in an editorial format specifically in order that travel agents will refer to them and keep them on file as sales tool. An additional digital version on fvw.de and TravelTalk.de provides those users with a copy of Counter Info who don‘t have a printed version at hand. Promotional Inserts Promotional Inserts are the product of choice if you are looking for a tailor-made insert, written and designed based on your specifications and featuring your corporate look and feel. Your Counter Info or promotional insert includes FVW Media‘s all-inclusive service: We provide layout, copy-writing, production, printing and distribution. Page volume n Size (min.– max. W x min.–max. H) Rate € CI Rate € PI 8 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 20,300.– 23,400.– 12 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 25,000.– 28,700.– 16 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 29,000.– 33,400.– 24 pages 105 – 210 x 148 – 276 mm 37,000.– 42,700.– According to § 3.5 UWG, Counter Infos/promotional inserts must be clearly marked with the term “advertisement”. . 21 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 Technical Requirements Magazine format 220 mm width x 280 mm hight Naming convention 1. Abbreviated magazine title (fvw) 2. Issue number (NOYY) 3. Advertiser‘s name (companyXYZ), e.g. “fvw_0115_advertisersname.pdf” Type area 189 mm width x 236 mm hight Bleed Due to varying page content, text elements or images running into bleed must allow at least 8 mm from the trim. For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. File formats Please make sure to include all required fonts and image files. Printing Rotary offset with heatset drying Standard format PDF 1.3 (PDF/X-3:2002) Screen 60 lines per cm Alternative formats Mac compatible digital files only Adobe CS3 – CS5.5 (Indesign, IIlustrator, Photoshop) Color composition Inside pages: Rotary offset – PSO LWC Improved (Fogra 45L) Outside cover: Sheet-set offset – ISOcoatedv2-39L Resolution 300 DPI E-mail ftp-Server [email protected] (max. 20 MB) Host: ftp.fvw-medien.de User ID: fvw_produktion, Passwort: produktion1001 Proof Kindly supply color print-outs or proofs with your digital files. Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements Artwork Available at extra cost, based on client’s specifications. Contact production Ph. +49 40 41448-500, Fax +49 40 41448-689 Contact Ad sales Ph. +49 41448-844, Fax +49 40 41448-899 [email protected] Delivery adress for artwork FVW Medien GmbH, Produktion, P.O. Box 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg, Germany ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 22 ITB Dailies fvw‘s official ITB Dailies – reaching all show visitors! – March 04–08, 2015 in Berlin Target group fvw Dailies 1–3: fvw‘s official trade show paper for B2B and B2C: 114,000 trade visitors (61% German, 39% international) n is objective, competent and offers high-quality journalism through 25 German and international trade editors writing about the industry. n has been covering the event live for over 14 years with all the latest top news, well-founded background reports and trends from the show. n is unique: fvw Dailies are the only ITB Daily published in German and English. n offers a wide reach: 25,000 copies per issue are handed out to all exhibitors, at all ITB fairground entrances and at Berlin‘s top 50 business hotels. n covers all target groups: Dailies no. 1–3 address German and international trade visitors. Dailies no. 4–5 – fvw‘s Messe Guide – on Saturday and Sunday are aimed. fvw Dailies 1–3: fvw Dailies 4–5: Publication date Ad close: March 04–06, 2015 Publication date Ad close: Feb. 05, 2015 Source: Exhibitors‘ and trade visitors‘ survey ITB 2014 March 07–08, 2015 Feb. 05, 2015 Target group fvw Dailies 4 –5: 60,000 consumer (more than 92% German-speaking) 23 No. 43 gültig effective ab 01.01.2014 Jan. 1, 2015 Nr. 42 Anzeigenformate ITB Dailies und Preise Trade visitors by line of business Media Profile Overviews Participants 2014 Tour operator 27.3% at the world‘s largest tourism fair in Berlin: Travel agency 18.6% n Hotel industry 8.8% Publisher/media 7.5% PR/consulting/ad agency 5.9% Tourist organization 5.0% Research/education 4.5% Tourism associations 4.4% Travel technology/information and reservation systems 4.4% Transportation 3.7% Business Travel 3.4% n 61% are German trade visitors Trade show/congress & meeting organizers 2.0% n 39% are international trade visitors Other 20.1% n Circulation Ad Formats & Rates Supplements Komplette durch fvw gegen Aufpreis möglich. Reader ProfileGestaltung Advertorials CI/Promotional Inserts Publication Schedule Ad Specials Technical Requirements 174,000 visitors total, including 114,000 trade visitors n 11,000 exhibitors from 189 countries n Half of all trade visitors have managerial responsibility Visitors 2014 national international Source: Exhibitors‘ and trade visitors‘ survey ITB 2014 ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact ITB Dailies . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . Exhibitors by country of origin n 70.1% of exhibitors are from other countries n 29.9% of exhibitors are from Germany Exhibitors by line of business Tourist organization 22.8% Tour operator 20.9% Hotel business 20.4% Tourism associations 10.6% Travel technology/information & reservation systems 8.5% Transportation 8.2% Corporate travel 7.8% Research/ education 5.4% Business travel 4.5% Source: Exhibitors‘ and trade visitors‘ survey ITB 2014 Image copyright: Messe Berlin, Christian Wyrwa 24 23 25 No. 43 gültig effective ab 01.01.2014 Jan. 1, 2015 Nr. 42 Anzeigenformate ITB Dailies und Preise No. 1 2 3 4 S 229 x 325 mm A 260 x 365 mm S 125 x 325 mm A 170 x 365 mm S 106 x 325 mm A 124 x 365 mm S 229 x 165 mm A 260 x 180 mm Size Rate € 1 1/1 page 6,900.– 2 2/3 page 5,600.– 3–4 1/2 page 4,500.– 5–6 1/3 page 3,900.– 7–9 1/4 page 3,300.– Package 51 6 7 8 9 S 229 x 103 mm A 260 x 118 mm S 65 x 325 mm A 83 x 365 mm S 229 x 72,5 mm A 260 x 87,5 mm S 106 x 165 mm A 124 x 180 mm S 43 x 325 mm A 61 x 365 mm n Ad design and artwork available through fvw at extra cost. n Elements running into bleed must allow at least 8 mm from the trim. n For bleed advertisements add 3 mm edge trim. Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements Discount ITB Daily All Inclusive Package (5 issues) 30% ITB Daily Trade Package (3 issues) 20% ITB Daily Traveler Package (2 issues) 15% S = type area A = trim size Width x height in mm ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress Ad on title page foot S 229 x 72.5 mm A 260 x 87.5 mm Title page de: € 5,800.– Title page eng: € 5,800.– fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 26 fvw Workshop . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . Preisliste Nr. 42 ab 01. 01. 2014 The exclusive destination marketing event fvw Workshops are custom-made premium events for international destinations that are looking to position themselves in the German market. During the Workshop some 40 leading German tour operators, a delegation of select travel agents and representatives from tourism authorities and associations meet to jointly discuss and develop at the destination new marketing strategies and visions to effectively establish the product in the German market. Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa, Christian Stelling The typically four-day event very much lives through pro-active exchange and also has educational character. Comprehensive editorial coverage in fvw (print and online) reaches around 130,000 readers from the German travel and tourism industry. Services provided by FVW Media Group n Workshop organization and event program coordination jointly with the destination n Comprehensive announcement and event coverage in fvw plus additional articles and an image gallery on fvw.de n Editors of fvw exclusively attend and moderate the panel discussions; a photographer is assigned to cover the event The number of fvw Workshops is limited to 3–4 events annually. Timing as agreed with the client, based on availability. Rates upon request. Source: fvw Structure Analysis 2013 d.core GmbH 27 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 fvw Fam Trip The exclusive travel agent familiarization tour Our Fam Trips are designed to offer travel agency staff comprehensive information about a destination, its hotels and other tourism products. Adding to this are personal experience and emotions which help deepen the newly gained knowledge and create a significantly stronger impact. We help you pick the right agents for your Fam Trip and assist you with the organizational work prior to the visit. Inclusive services Image copyright: Mike Liem, Christian Wyrwa An assigned editor and a photographer join the trip in order to provide comprehensive coverage in print and online. Benefit from our media’s editorial competence and multiplying effect in order to present impressions from the tour to an even greater audience. Cost € nRecruiting of participants and coordination nAssigned editor and photographer joining the tour for up to 6 days nLive online coverage n4-page advertorial in one issue of fvw 35,800.– Please contact us at ph. +49 40 41448-844 for further information and/or an individual offer. Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 28 fvw Kongress . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. fvw Kongress – the leading event in travel and tourism Participants n The number one industry event in Germany, attended by some 2,700 top-level decision makers and opinion leaders from the tourism industry. For 16 years the leading B2B trade convention and industry meeting point in tourism, travel technology and mobility. 1,200 1,500 . Convention attendees Trade visitors n n Travel and tourism experts present creative and efficient concepts plus new views and ideas that lead to vivid discussions. It offers food for thought for your own strategies and approaches – for your business and your future in the industry. Focus on decision makers and opinion leaders Most visitors are business owners, corporate managers and department heads. n Travel Expo – the travel trade show n One of the most important B2B travel trade shows in the German-speaking market. n Some 80 exhibitors provide detailed insights on their latest products and on trends in travel technology, corporate travel and e-commerce. n There is simply no more efficient way for Travel Expo visitors to get to know the providers‘ various travel-related solutions. 88% of trade visitors* confirm the excellent level of quality. Over 45% of participants work in tour operating/travel sales. Nearly 100% of exhibitors* rate the quality of visitors high/very high. Source: Visitors’ survey fvw Kongress and Travel Expo 2013 29 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 fvw Kongress Independent business owner 10% President, board member/ corporate manager 22 % Office manager/department head 29% Employed staff member 16% Lecturer, teacher, assistant professor Not specified 2% 20% NEW LOCATION, NEW DATE: Messe Essen, September 15 & 16, 2015 How many times have you attended fvw Kongress? 1st time Editorial coverage in fvw: 20% 2 to 5 times 35% 6 times or more 30% Not specified 15% n n Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements Preview fvw Kongress: fvw 19/15, September 11, 2015 fvw Kongress report: fvw 20/15, September 25, 2015 Source: Visitors‘ survey fvw Kongress and Travel Expo 2013 ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa, Christian Stelling What is your job position? 30 fvw Kongress . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Preisliste Nr. 42 ab 01. 01. 2014 Your sponsorship options fvw Kongress addresses top-level industry decision makers. Becoming a sponsor enables you to put your expertise in the right spotlight – with a prime target group! There is a wide selection of marketing activities available to direct the decision makers‘ attention to your business. For further information please visit www.fvw-kongress.de. Basic sponsorship package Cost € n Flag outside the venue n 1 convention ticket n Full-page ad in the exhibition catalog n Logo on all on- and offline advertising materials: n n n n n n on event ads in fvw and on fvw.de in the e-newsletters in the flyer announcing the schedule of events in the event brochure available at the venue online in the sponsors‘ section on information signs in the convention hall 6,900.– . 31 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 fvw Kongress – Sponsoring Supplements With mailing of convention program With mailing of tickets In the exhibition catalog Branding Reverse side of badges (name tags) Lunch Polo shirts for hostesses Chair covers Information signs Meeting rooms Giveaways Wi-Fi Floor plan Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa Choose from these and many other sponsorship options: Logo inclusion Video trailer in convention hall Please note: Availability may be limited for some options. Please contact us at ph. +49 40 41448-844 for further information and/or an individual sponsorship offer. Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact 32 fvw OMDay l Tourism Marketing Summit fvw Online Marketing Day – February 10, 2015/Frankfurt The event for more online success. Experts from the tourism and online business present their success stories, offer advice for marketing and online decision makers throughout the tourism industry. Tourism Marketing Summit by fvw and Horizont – February 11, 2015/Frankfurt Brands and marketing are key future issues for the tourism industry: How can I build a brand without a million dollar ad campaign? How can tour operators raise their profile with consumers? How can established firms compete against online businesses? The Tourism Marketing Summit by fvw and Horizont magazine puts the spotlight on brand building and marketing in the travel trade and gets the top managers from advertising plus the marketing heads from tourism on stage. Basic sponsorship package fvw OMDay Cost € Cost € Tourism Marketing Summit Logo on all on- and offline advertising materials: on event ads in fvw and on fvw.de in the e-newsletters n in the flyer announcing the schedule of events n in the event brochure available at the venue n online, in the sponsors‘ section n on information signs in and/or outside the meeting room n n 3,800.– 4,800.– Please contact us at ph. +49 40 41448-844 for further information or an individual sponsorship proposal. . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . 33 No. 43 effective Jan. 1, 2015 fvw Travel Technology Day The top event for tomorrow‘s travel technology – April 23, 2015/Cologne The Travel Technology Day event offers insights into current developments and orientation on how to master the various tasks. Some 280 participants are presented with information on topics such as the future of distribution systems, Big Data and the new trends and challenges of the travel technology. n The event addresses IT directors and managers, commercial executives, directors and corporate managers. Basic sponsorship package Cost € n n n n n n on event ads in fvw and on fvw.de in the e-newsletters in the flyer announcing the schedule of events in the event brochure available at the venue online, in the sponsors‘ section on information signs in and/or outside the meeting room Image copyright: Christian Wyrwa Logo on all on- and offline advertising materials: 3,800.– Please contact us at ph. +49 40 41448-844 for further information or an individual sponsorship proposal. Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact fvw CruiseLive . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. . The trade convention during Seatrade and the Cruise Days – September 11, 2015/Hamburg Following its successful launch in August 2014 at the Cruise Days event, the trade convention now also premiers at the Seatrade show. The convention primarily addresses decision makers and staff from travel sales, in particular from traditional outlets and online travel agencies. The program for the roughly 200 attendees covers topics such as new ships, capacities, destinations and cruise sales. Standard sponsorship package Cost € Logo on all on- and offline advertising materials: n n n n n n on event ads in fvw and on fvw.de in the e-newsletters in the flyer announcing the schedule of events in the event brochure available at the venue online, in the sponsors‘ section on information signs in and/or outside the meeting room 3,600.– In addition, we offer sponsors the exclusive opportunity to conduct workshops. Please contact us at ph. +49 40 41448-844 for further information or an individual sponsorship proposal. Image copyright: toufo.de 34 Publisher‘s Details Image copyright: toufo.de 35 Publishing house FVW Medien GmbH Wandsbeker Allee 1, 22041 Hamburg, Germany P.O. Box 70 06 29, 22006 Hamburg, Germany www.fvw.com Bank details Hamburger Sparkasse AG Management Marliese Kalthoff BLZ 200 505 50, account no.1233126661 Peter Kley IBAN DE 18200505501233126661 Bic/Swift HASPDEHHXXX Terms of payment Net due upon receipt of invoice. Editor-in-chief Klaus Hildebrandt Matthias Ehbrecht 2% discount on prepayment or direct debit provided that no earlier invoices are outstanding. The publisher reserves the right to demand advance payment from Director Sales Andreas auf der Heiden Ad sales Ph. +49 40 41448-844, Fax +49 40 41448-899 [email protected] Volume 49th volume Publication frequency Bi-weekly on Fridays first-time advertisers. Agency commission 15% VAT All rates are quoted net, excluding VAT. General terms The general terms and conditions of and conditions FVW Medien GmbH apply. For details see: http://fvw-medien.com/gtc Media Profile Overviews Circulation Reader Profile Publication Schedule Ad Formats & Rates Advertorials Ad Specials Supplements CI/Promotional Inserts Technical Requirements ITB Dailies fvw Workshop fvw Fam Trip fvw Kongress fvw OMDay/Tourism Marketing Summit fvw TT Day fvw CruiseLive Publisher‘s Details Contact Contact/International Representatives Frankfurt Office FVW Medien GmbH Wandsbeker Allee 1 Germany n Ph. +49 40 41448-844 n 22041 Hamburg Fax +49 40 41448-899 [email protected] Mainzer Landstraße 251 n 60326 Frankfurt Germany Ph. +69 7595-ext. n Fax +69 7595-3080 www.fvw-medien.com Director Sales Andreas auf der Heiden Ph. +49 40 41448-831 [email protected] Director National Markets Karsten Kaufmann Ph. +49 40 41448-829 [email protected] Director International Markets Sönke Graumann Ph. +49 40 41448-714 [email protected] Account Manager National Markets Michael Bordt Ph. +49 69 7595-3081 [email protected] Account Manager International Markets Heike Beller Ph. +49 40 41448-820 [email protected] Account Manager National Markets Dennis Hermsen Ph. +49 40 41448-821 [email protected] Account Manager International Markets Corinna Simon Ph. +49 40 41448-826 [email protected] Account Manager National Markets Oliver Pawelzik Ph. +49 69 7595-3084 [email protected] Job Markets Isa Spormann Ph. +49 40 41448-550 [email protected] Account Manager National Markets Christopher Tyziak Ph. +49 40 41448-823 [email protected] . . DECIDING. EXCELLING. KNOWING. Albania/Bulgaria/Croatia/Hungary/ Macedonia/Montenegro/Romania/ Serbia/Slovenia n VIA Bulgaria +359 888 598660 Malta OTS Malta – Open Travel Service Malta +356 2328 5000 n Argentina/Peru/Chile/Colombia n RRWW Communicaciones +54 911 51090732 Mexico/Panama/Ecuador n INTEGRA Tourism For Good, S.L. +521 9999471194 Brazil n Altina Media International +55 11 36379498 Middle East/Asia n Stephen Dioneda +971 50 495 7825 China n Publicitas Rui Shi (Shanghai) +86 21 5116 8877 Eastern Europe n Miroslav Roncák +49 151 41342630 France n Media France Service +33 1 4770 90-62 Greece n Publicitas S.A. +30 211 10 60 300 Portugal n Illimitada-Marketing +351 21 385 3598 Scandinavia n Best of Scandinavia Incoming AS +47 6135 2207 Cyprus n GEM – Tourism Consulting Ltd. +357 99 631 950 . South Africa n Tourism Tattler (Pty) Ltd. +27 32 8150414 Spain n COMIMAG S.L. +34 93 237 47 82 Thailand n Publicitas (Thailand) Ltd. +66 2 651 9273 India/Sri Lanka/Maldives n Mediascope Publicitas India Pvt. Ltd. +91 11 23730869 Turkey n Destination Touristic Services +90 242 212 02 02 Israel n El-Ron Adv. & Public Relations Co. Ltd. +972 3 6955367 UK/Ireland/Iceland n International Graphic Press Ltd. +44 20 7403 4589 Italy n Publicitas International S.p.A. +39 03 1267797 USA/Canada n Huson International Media +1 212 268 3344