Health Access - Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la
Health Access - Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la
Health Access Your entryway to Health and Social Services ti egan c Eng lish gC M ommunity in Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec -speakin March 2013 PERSONAL REFERENCES Family Doctor: Pharmacist: Dentist: Optometrist: Who to call in cases of emergencies: EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY ONLY: 911 HEALTH RELATED EMERGENCIES Poison Control Centre 1 800 463-5060 HELP LINES Info-Santé / Info-Social 811 Drug Help Line 1 800 265-2626 Gambling Help Line 1 800 461-0140 Kids Help Phone 1 800 668-6868 Tel-Jeunes (youth line) 1 800 263-2266 Parents Help Line 1 800 361-5085 SOS pregnancy 1 877 662-9666 SOS Spousal Abuse 1 800 363-9010 Suicide Prevention Centre 1 866 277-3553 CALACS 1 888 933-9007 4 Health Access Your entryway to Health and Social Services in Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec (Megantic English-speaking Community Development Corporation) 906 Mooney Street West Thetford Mines (Qc) G6G 6H2 Tel: 418 332-3851 Fax: 418 332-3153 Toll Free: 1 877-332-3851 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Disclaimer: The information in this booklet is meant as a general public service only. It is in summary form, so please check with the health institutions for full details. Furthermore, some of the information contained in the booklet may change with time and become out of date. MCDC assumes no responsibility for how this material is used by the public. Design & layout: Graphisme Suzane Chouinard St-Ferdinand, Qc Printer: Imprimerie Gingras inc. Printed in Canada March 2013 5 Dear members of the English-speaking community: We are pleased to present this guide to help you access health and social services in your region. Health and Social Services Centres (Centres de santé et de services sociaux, also known as CSSS), offer a wide range of services in designated territories. This booklet presents a global portrait of the services that are available in your region, depending on your needs. If you need to be served in English, please don’t hesitate to ask. Each CSSS has put into place mechanisms to assist you in English, either through the assistance of bilingual health professionals or volunteer interpreters. They are committed to do everything in their power to facilitate access to services in English. However, please remember that the English-speaking population in Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec represents less than 2% of the overall population. It is therefore unrealistic to expect all health professionals and admission personnel to be fluent in English. Requesting courteously is always appreciated. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Personal references ........................................................... 4 Nursing services.............................................................. 8-9 Medical services................................................................10 Family services ..................................................................11 Youth services....................................................................12 Senior services...................................................................13 Home care Services .........................................................14 Services for people living with a handicap.............15 Services for people who suffer from an addiction16 Services for people in a crisis situation.....................17 Depression and Mental Health problems ...............18 Services to Workers..........................................................19 Users’ rights, complaints and service quality .........20 Telephone numbers by territory 21-22-23-24-25-26 7 NURSING SERVICES The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. Info-Santé / Info-Social 811 This easy-to-remember number allows you to speak with a health professional about non urgent problems. Info-Santé offers answers to common non-urgent health issues such as fever, flu, burns, allergies, vomiting, diarrhoea, children's ailments, and new medication. This professional consultation by a nurse service is accessible in English by telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Info-Social offers access to a Social Worker if you need help with issues such as suicide, family problems, violence, bereavement, drug and alcohol abuse, sexuality and other behaviour problems that are outside your control. This service may or may not be accessible in English. Screening – HIV and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) To schedule a screening test for HIV (AIDS), sexually transmitted infections or infections transmitted by blood, call your local CSSS. 8 Screening – Breast Cancer For general information on the Quebec Breast Cancer Screening Program for women aged between 50 and 69, call 1 888 773-1277. This service is available in French only. To make an appointment, talk to your doctor or call your local CSSS. Blood Tests To make an appointment for a blood test, call your local CSSS or hospital. When going for a blood test, do not forget to bring the necessary documents, as well as your health insurance card, your hospital card and your doctor’s prescription. Vaccination Whether for a flu shot, hepatitis, tetanus, children’s vaccines or for those who are planning a trip abroad, call your CSSS to make an appointment. Do not forget to bring all necessary documents and your health insurance card. MOST SERVICES ARE FREE AND ALL ARE CONFIDENTIAL 9 MEDICAL SERVICES The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. Emergency 911 In case of emergency, call 911 right away. If you can walk, go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Family Doctors If you do not have a family doctor, call your local CSSS. They may be able to help you find one or go on / Réseau régional / Répertoire des guichets d'accès aux clientèles orphelines, to put your name on the "patient orphelin" list. If you need to see a doctor, go to a clinic or a CSSS that offers medical services without an appointment. Medical services without an appointment Most regions offer the services of a medical clinic where no appointments are needed. Ask your doctor or contact your local CSSS to obtain a list of these clinics. In case of emergency, go to the emergency room of your local hospital. 10 FAMILY SERVICES The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. A wide variety of services are available to children, parents and future parents. Call your local CSSS for more information on their services. Pregnancy and Breast Feeding Your local CSSS can provide you with information, assistance and support concerning all issues related to pregnancy (pre-natal courses, breast feeding, care to newborns, post pregnancy support, etc.) Searching for Biological Parents and/or Siblings Your local CSSS will put you in contact with the organizations that can help you search for your biological parents and/or siblings. Adoption If you wish to adopt a child, whether you are hoping to adopt a child of Canadian origin or go through international adoption, the Centre Jeunesse (Youth Centre) of your region will be able to assist you. 11 YOUTH SERVICES The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. Your local CSSS will be able to provide information, support and assistance to youth concerning sexuality, contraception, pregnancy, drugs and alcohol, family or behaviour problems or any other issue related to youth. Youth aged between 0 and 21 or their parents can meet with a nurse, a social worker, a dental hygienist, a speech language therapist or a nutritionist either at school or at the CSSS. Centre Jeunesse (Youth Centre) To report abuse or neglect concerning a child or a youth, contact the Director of Youth Protection Services at 1 800 567-8520 or call your local CSSS. In case of emergency, call 911 or the police department of your municipality. Tel-Jeunes This free service is specifically for the youth. If you are seeking help about sexuality, bullying, violence, suicide or any other problems related to school, your family or yourself, and want to keep it confidential, call Tel-Jeunes at 1 800 263-2266. This service is available in English. Please note that the Quebec Civil Code allows youth aged 14 and over to receive health services in total confidentiality. 12 SENIORS SERVICES The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. A wide range of services is available to seniors, as well as to their family and informal caregivers. Call your local CSSS for more information on their services. Abuse and neglect If you are witnessing or are a victim of abuse or neglect, whether physical or psychological, contact your local CSSS. In case of emergency, call 911 or contact your municipal police department. Day Centres Day Centres welcome seniors who are experiencing loss of autonomy but who are still living at home. They provide specialized nursing or rehabilitation services. To get more information on day centres, contact your local CSSS. Prevention of falls Programs designed to prevent falls and to adopt safe living habits are offered by your local CSSS. Contact them for additional information. Security Programs Various programs are available to ensure secure autonomous living, such as the “Télésurveillance” (Lifeline) program or the “Pair” program. Contact your local CSSS in order to obtain more information concerning these programs. Long-term Care residences For a public long-term care centre, a medical and psychosocial evaluation must be completed by the CSSS health professionals or a doctor. These facilities are reserved for seniors who are suffering from loss of autonomy. Talk to your family doctor or contact your local CSSS for more information. 13 HOME CARE SERVICES The phone numbers of all CSSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. These services are available, after evaluation by a health professional, to people of all ages who are suffering from a temporary or permanent loss of autonomy, who suffer from a physical or mental handicap or for terminally ill people. A team of health professionals will help you find the solutions to specific needs: • Nursing and medical care • Personal assistance • Social services • Temporary domestic help • Hygiene services • Rehabilitation • Nutrition • Respiratory therapy • Support to caregivers • Long-term care • Rental of wheelchairs, hospital beds, etc… Nursing care, whether it is preventive, curative or palliative, rehabilitation services (occupational therapist or physiotherapist) or specialized services (respiratory therapist or nutritionist) are also available following a hospital stay or upon the recommendation of your doctor. For more information on these services, contact your local CSSS or talk to your doctor. 14 SERVICES FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH A HANDICAP The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. If you or a person you know suffers from a physical or mental handicap, you can get help, assistance and support by talking to your doctor, calling your local CSSS or contacting one of the following institutions: For motor, auditory, visual or language deficiency: Centre de réadaptation en déficience physique InterVal For a mental handicap or other behaviour ailments such as autism Centre de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec - Institut universitaire 15 SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WHO SUFFER FROM AN ADDICTION The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. If you or people you know are experiencing difficulties related to drugs, alcohol or gambling and need assistance and guidance, talk to your doctor or contact your local CSSS. They offer a range of preventive services and psychosocial support. You can also call one of these phone numbers for help: Alcoholic’s Anonymous: Drummondville 819 478-7030 Victoriaville 819 758-3959 Trois-Rivières 819 376-6279 Drugs – assistance and referrals: 1 800 265-2626 Gambling – assistance and referrals: 1 800 461-0140 Fraser Recovery Program: 1 418 527-5858 Centre de réadaptation en dépendance Domrémy-de-la-Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec: 819 374-7711 16 SERVICES FOR PEOPLE IN A CRISIS SITUATION The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. 911 811 Emergency calls: Info-Santé / Info-Social: Sexual Assaults If you are victim of a sexual assault, immediately call 911 or go to the emergency room of the hospital nearest to you. Unwanted Pregnancy If you want to terminate a pregnancy, contact your doctor or your local CSSS. The “day after” pill is also available over the counter in pharmacies. Psychiatric Emergencies Call 911 or go directly to the emergency room of the hospital nearest to you. Suicide For suicide prevention or if someone close to you has committed suicide and you need support, call your local CSSS or contact the Suicide Prevention Centre at 1 866 277-3553. 811 can also be contacted at all hours to get Info-Social service. Spousal Abuse If you are the victim of spousal abuse, contact your local CSSS for help and support. If needed, they will help you find a shelter where you can take refuge. In cases of emergencies, dial 911. You can also call SOS Spousal Abuse for counselling at 1 800 363-9010. 17 DEPRESSION AND MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. CSSS’s offer a wide range of support services to youth and adults who suffer from depression, anxiety and other mental problems. They also provide specific programs for those who are experiencing problems adapting to difficult situations such as a serious illness, the death of a family member or a close friend or other situations. Talk to your doctor or call your local CSSS for more information on these programs. You can also call Info-Social by dialling 811. 18 SERVICES TO WORKERS The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. Workers health is an important component of the services offered by CSSS’s. Here are some examples of the services offered by health professionals: • Evaluation in the workplace • Testing and medical follow-up • Precautionary leaves-of-absence • Monitoring the environment • Information and training • Help in organizing first aid courses For more information or if you believe there is a health hazard at your workplace, contact your local CSSS. 19 USERS’ RIGHTS, COMPLAINTS AND SERVICE QUALITY The phone numbers of all CSSS’s and public health institutions are listed by territory at the end of the booklet. All health institutions are committed to providing the best possible care and to respecting the rights of the users. However, it may happen that you are not satisfied with the services rendered. If this is the case, you can file a complaint with the institution that provided the services. In each CSSS, a local Complaints and Service Quality Commissioner is responsible to receive the complaints of the users, to evaluate them and to initiate review procedures. If needed, the Commissioner or the local “Comité des Usagers” will assist you in formulating your complaint, or taking any other action related to its examination. The mandate of the Commissioner is exclusive, which guarantees his or her absolute impartiality when reviewing complaints. Finally, should you be unsatisfied with the findings and the ruling of the Commissioner, you can contact the Quebec Ombudsman’s Office at 1 800 463-5070. To obtain the coordinates of the Commissioner in your territory, contact your local CSSS. 20 TELEPHONE NUMBERS Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec CSSS de l'Énergie (Shawinigan) Centre administratif et centre régional de santé mentale 819 536-7500 Hôpital du Centre-de-la-Mauricie-Shawinigan-Sud 819 536-7500 CLSC du Centre-de-la-Mauricie 819 539-8371 Centre de formation et de services - Shawinigan-Sud 819 536-7500 Centre de services de la santé au travail du Haut-Saint-Maurice 819 523-4581 Centre de serivces de la santé au travail - Trois-Rivières 819 370-2100 Centre de services de Saint-Élie-de-Caxton 819 221-2839 Équipe de quartier – Secteur Shawinigan 819 539-4282 Équipe de quartier – Secteur Grand-Mère 819 533-4283 Residences and Long-term care facilities Centre d’hébergement Joseph-Garceau - Shawinigan 819 537-5173 Centre d’hébergement Saint-Maurice - Shawinigan 819 536-0071 Centre d’hébergement Laflèche - Grand-Mère 819 533-2500 Centres d’intégration communautaire Centres d’intégration communautaire - Shawinigan 819 537-6647 Centres d’intégration communautaire - Trois-Rivières 819 379-2526 Centres d’intégration communautaire - Victoriaville 819 357-3322 Centres d’intégration communautaire - Drummondville 819 479-0606 Centres d’intégration communautaire - La Tuque 819 523-4581 poste 2706 CSSS du Haut-Saint-Maurice (La Tuque) Centre administratif Centre hospitalier CSSS CHSLD Point de service de Parent 819 523-4581 819 667-2329 21 CSSS de la Vallée-de-la-Batiscan CLSC Saint-Tite (administrative centre) CLSC Sainte-Geneviève-de-Batiscan 418 365-7555 418 362-2727 CLSC’s and residences/long-term care facilities Centre d'hébergement and CLSC de Saint-Narcisse 418 328-3351 Centre d'hébergement and CLSC de Sainte-Thècle 418 289-2114 Centre d'hébergement and CLSC de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade 418 325-2313 Centre d’hébergement and CLSC MGR Paquin - Saint-Tite 418 365-5107 CSSS de Maskinongé Centre Comtois (administrative centre) - Louiseville Centre de services Avellin-Dalcourt - Louiseville Point de service Saint-Alexis-des-Monts Point de service Saint-Paulin 819 228-2731 819 228-2731 819 265-2572 819 268-2572 CSSS de Trois-Rivières (Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire régional) Centre St-Joseph (administrative centre) 819 370-2100 Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire régional 819 697-3333 Centre Cloutier-du Rivage 819 370-2100 Centre Sainte-Geneviève 819 370-2200 poste 46101 Centre Arc-en-Ciel (pédopsychiatrie) 819 374-6291 Centre Laviolette (soutien à domicile) 819 379-5650 Centre de prêt d’équipement 819 370-2100 Residences and Long-term care facilities Centre d'hébergement Cooke Centre d'hébergement Louis-Denoncourt Centre d'hébergement Roland-Leclerc Centre d'hébergement Cloutier-du-Rivage Centre d'hébergement St-Joseph 22 819 370-2100 819 376-2566 819 370-2100 819 370-2100 819 370-2100 CSSS de Bécancour-Nicolet-Yamaska un seul numéro : 819 293-2071 ou sans frais : 1 800 263-2572 Centre Christ-Roi Centre Fortierville Centre Filles de la Sagesse - Nicolet Point de service Gentilly Point de service Saint-Léonard-d ‘Aston Residences and Long-term care facilities Centre d'hébergement Fortierville Centre d'hébergement Lucien-Shooner - Pierreville Centre d'hébergement Romain-Becquet - Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets Centre d'hébergement Saint-Célestin CSSS Drummond Centre administratif Hôpital Sainte-Croix - Drummondville 819 478-6464 CLSC Drummond 819 474-2572 Point de service Wickham – Centre communautaire de Wickham 819 474-2572 Point de service Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil 819 474-2572 Point de service Saint-Guillaume 819 474-2572 Point de service Drummondville – Santé au travail 819 474-8428 Clinique de radiologie Drummond 819 477-5747 Point de service Victoriaville – Santé au travail des Bois-Francs 819 758-6488 Residences and Long-term care facilities Centre d'hébergement Frederick-George-Heriot - Drummondville 819 477-0544 Centre d'hébergement L'Accueil Bon-Conseil 819 336-2122 Centre d'hébergement Marguerite-D'Youville - Drummondville 819 478-6464 23 CSSS d’Arthabaska-et-de-L`Érable Centre administratif et Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu d`Arthabaska - Victoriaville CLSC de l’Érable - Plessisville CLSC Suzor-Coté - Victoriaville CLSC Saint-Louis - Plessisville CLSC des Bois-Francs - Victoriaville 819 357-2030 819 362-6301 819 758-7281 819 362-6301 819 758-7281 Residences and Long-term care facilities Centre d’hébergement du Chêne - Victoriaville 819 758-7511 Centre d’hébergement du Roseau - Victoriaville 819 758-7511 Centre d’hébergement des Étoiles-d’Or - Warwick 819 358-6833 Centre d’hébergement du Sacré-Cœur – St-Ferdinand418 428-3266 Centre d’hébergement des Quatre-Vents - Lyster 819 389-5923 Centre d'hébergement des Bois-Francs - Plessisville 819 362-3558 Centre d'hébergement du Tilleul - Plessisville 819 362-7431 Centre d’hébergement de Saint-Eusèbe - Princeville 819 364-2355 Youth Centres Le Centre jeunesse de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec Centre administratif 1 855 378-5481 Centre de services Trois-Rivières Centre de services Édifice Père-Frédéric - Trois-Rivières Centre de services Shawinigan Centre de services Grand-Mère Centre de services La Tuque Centre de services Drummondville 0-10 years 1 855 477-5115 Centre de services Drummondville 11-18 years Centre de services Bécancour Centre de services Plessisville Centre de services Victoriaville Centre de réadaptation Laforest - Drummondville Centre de réadaptation Bourgeois – Trois-Rivières 24 819 378-8635 Mental Deficiency Rehabilitation Centres Centre de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en troubles envahissants du développement de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec – Institut universitaire Siège social (rue Foucher) 819 379-6868 Centre administratif (rue Marguerite-Bourgeoys) 819 376-3984 Centres locaux administratifs et de services Haut-Saint-Maurice Centre-de-la-Mauricie/Mékinac - Shawinigan Trois-Rivières Bécancour/Nicolet-Yamaska Cap-de-la-Madeleine / Des chenaux Drummond Maskinongé Arthabaska (boul. Bois-Francs Nord) Arthabaska (rue Rubin) De l’Érable - Plessisville 819 523-3655 819 536-5521 819 378-6111 819 233-9185 819 376-4603 819 477-5687 819 228-5559 819 758-6272 819 795-4626 819 362-6324 Physical Handicap Rehabilitation Centres Centre de réadaptation en déficience physique InterVal Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec Centre administratif et services externes en déficience motrice adultes (volet intégration et adaptation sociale) – Trois-Rivières 819 378-4083 Services externes Labadie - Trois-Rivières 819 378-4083 Services externes Marc-Quessy - Trois-Rivières 819 378-4083 Services internes et externes Sainte-Marguerite – SAT (Services des aides techniques) - Trois-Rivières 819 378-4083 Services externes Vachon - Trois-Rivières 819 378-4083 Services externes Drummondville 819 477-9010 Services externes Shawinigan 819 537-5005 Services externes Victoriaville 819 752-4099 Services d’orthèses / prothèses 819 693-7856 Clinique de spasticité - Centre Saint-Joseph 819 378-4083 poste 1905 25 Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres Centre de réadaptation en dépendance Domrémy-de-laMauricie-Centre-du-Québec Centre administratif 819 374-7711 Centres de services Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivières (hébergement) Drummondville La Tuque Nicolet Saint-Tite Bécancour Louiseville Sainte-Geneviève-de-Batiscan Shawinigan Victoriaville Plessisville 819 374-4744 819 377-2441 819 475-0242 819 523-6113 819 293-2071 418 365-7555 819 298-2144 819 228-2731 418 362-2728 819 536-0004 819 752-5668 819 362-6301 Coordonnées Agence Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec 819 693-3636 Translated publications are available on : 26 27