audio-technica= - Turntable Needles
audio-technica= - Turntable Needles
audio-technica= DUAL MAGNETSTEREOPHONOCARTRIOGE STEHEOTONABNEHMER DOPPELMAGNET CELLULEPHONOLECïRICESTEHEOA DOUBLEAIMANT patThis canridgeteatuÍesAudio-Technica's IDENTICALTO THÉ ented"PRACTICALLY CUTTERHÉAD'peÍÍoÍmance.Dual Magnet design,a PaÍdoroidalgeneratorcoilciÍcuit,a Micro-LineaÍstylus, plus otheÍ advanced designsÍor top peíoímance. In order to assuÍe that the AT44oML/OCC perÍormsup to its designspecifications, we ask lhat you thoroughlyread these instructions prioÍ to using the cartÍidge.And this AT440MUOCC usesa newtypeof wirecalled PCOCC(PureCopperby Ohno Continuous ol its coil Castingprocess)in the construction and leadwires. Furihermore, the stylusoÍ AT,I4oMUOCCis the micro-linear styluswhichgivesbetteÍhigh Írequencyresponselhan ellipticalor conventionallinearcontactstylus.The smallcurving rate oÍ lhe micro-linearstylus has ensured playbacksoundover clearand non-distorted rangeevenÍor the inner the entirehequenc"y part ol the recordgÍoove,!1,here high kacing perÍormance is haídlymaintainedby conventional styli. The curvingÍate oí micÍo-linear stylus does not change until the stylus is almostwom, whilethat ol conventionalstyli increasesas they are used.Accordinglythe stylus has attaineda stylusaverageliÍe of appÍoximate1,000hours,a greatdiÍÍerence Írom that oÍ conventional(Audio-Technica) ellipticalstyli. Prelimínary Instruction placedundêrthe tone arm Íinger lift, never overit.A dampedcueingdevicewhichlowers the toneaÍm gentlyto the Íecordis Íoundon many ÍecoÍd players and should be used regulaÍlyÍor greatest pÍotêction of the stylus and records.Distorledor unbalancedsound fÍom the two Dhono channels often can be or touchingat the tracedlo wiÍesinteÍchanged caÍtridgeterminals.A Íeductionin outputoÍ muÍÍledsound may Íesult il the stylusassembly is not íully seated.Hum fÍom the phonograph input usually can be tracêd to a bad audiocableoÍ absenceoÍ theseparateground wiÍe íromturntableto amDlitier. ElectricalConnections Styli Replacement FouÍ terminalsat the reaí ol the caÍtridgeare color-codedlo matchstandaídwiringin stereo Connectwithslip-onlugs tonearms(FiguÍe2). provid€don headshellwiring.NEVERSOLHeat DEF TO CARTRIDGETERMINALSI appliedto the terminalswilldamagethe internal canÍidgewiÍing. FoÍ monauÍaloperation,the LeÍt and Right signalteÍminalsshouldbe connectedto the monauralsignallead,and the Left and Right gÍoundterminalsshouldbe connectedto the groundlead. grain{Íiented diamondstyli Audio-Technica are caÍeÍullyselecledand polishedfoÍ minimumweaíto themselvesandto yourÍecoÍds. Howeveí,atteÍ an extendedpeÍiod oÍ play, eventhefinestdiamondstylusbecomesworn. FoÍ this Íeason,it is best to have the stylus inspectedannually,or wheneveÍit appears thatweaÍ oÍ damagemay be a problem.The dealerÍrom whom you purchasedthis caítridgeis equippedand competentto inspecl andevaluatethestylus,andcansupplygenuÍeplacementstyli. Only ine Audio-Technica genuinestyliwiththe registeÍedcirclemonogÍam will providethe same levelol pe.lormance. Connectionto syslem Run two shieldedaudiocablesÍrom the cartridge/toneaÍm connectionson the tuÍntable to the magneticphonoinputson the ampliíier or receiveÍ.ObserveLeft and Rightchannel maÍkings.A separateground wiÍe usually comesattachedto the turntable.and should be connec{edto the groundscrewÍoundon the backpaneloÍ most electÍonics. Finaladiustment Reinstallstylusassembly.Followingthe proceduÍegivenintheturntable/lone arminstÍuctions,caÍeÍullyset trackingforce to appÍoximatelythe middleoÍ the rangeshownÍoÍyour table.A tracking model in the specifications force outsidethe given range can result in increaseddistonionandexcessiverecordand prostylusweaÍ.OtheÍtoneaÍm adjustments videdsuchas stylusoveÍhangand anti-skating,shouldbe setaccoÍdingto manuÍacture's instructionsto obtainthe best perÍoÍmance. FoÍ safety,keepthe stylusguaÍddownwhêneveÍ the tuÍntableis not in use RemovethestylusassemblyloÍ satekeeping. Withtheclearstylusguarddownto píotectlhe stylus,removethestylus assemblyby rotating it down and away Írom the cartridge body (Figure1). Placethe stylusassemblysafely outoÍ haÍm'sway.Mountthecanridgebodyto the tone arm head shell. Use the mounting haÍdwaÍesuppliedeitherwiththe caÍlÍidgeot OperatingSuggestions with the tuÍntable,and tightenuntiljust snug. The lowtrackingÍorceand highcomplianceoÍ Replacethe stylusassemblybÍieÍlyto check Audio-Technica cartridgesprovidethehighest for mechanicalinteríeÍencewith mounting leveloÍ peíormanceavailóle, but alsomake hardware.Hookthebackofthe stylusassem- them susceptibleto damage if handledimbly to the bottomoÍ the cartridge,thenrotate properly.Most stylus damageis causedby up.Thestylusassemblyshouldclickintoplace. roughtreatmentwhile lhe tone arm is being Then removethe stylus assemblyÍor saÍe- operatedby hand.A Íingershouldalwaysbe keeping. SpeciÍications Frequency response(Hz): Oulpul voltage (mV,1 kHz.5 cm/sec.): Chann€lseparalion (dB.1 kHz): Channêlbalanco (dS,1 kHz): TrackiÍElorce (g) : Coil imp€danc€ (kO,1 kHz): Coil induclanco (mH,I kHz): Loadimpodanc€(kA) : Dynamic@mpliance {r10'cm/dyns): Staliccomplianco (x10'cm/dyne) : Stylus: Verticaltrackingangl€ : Dimênsions(mm): Weight(g) : Roplacemontstylus: 5-32,000 5.0 30 0.75 (1.25oplimal) 0.8-1.6 3.2 490 47 10 40 0.12 milNud€squarê Micro-Linear stylus 20' L17.3xW16.0xH28. 6.5 ATN-44oMUOCC (D€signandspeciÍcations are subjectto changs withoulnotice.) AT44OMLa @audiotechnica. Dual Maqnet Stereo Phono Gartridgé This AT440MLacartridgeis equippedwith Audio-Technica,s patentedDual Magnet cartridge design and deliveÍs "PRACTICALLYIDENT|CAL TO THE CUTTEFI HEAD" peíoímance. Additional features include a Paratoroidal generalor coil circuii, a Micro-Linear stvlus, plus other advanceddesignsíor top peíormancê. Please read instructionsthoíor]ghvbefore using the cartrldge. The AT440MLauses PCOCC (PureCopper by Ohno ContinuousCasting process) in the construclion oÍ its coil and lead wires. lts advanced " Microline stylus píoducesbetterhigh frequencyresponsewith less wear and dislortionthan ellipticalor convêntionallinear contact styli. PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS Bemove the stylus assembly for safekeeping. Wilh ine ctear stytus guard -rá/ down là pÍotect the stylus. ;emov; the lhe two phono channels ohen can be kaced lo wires interchangedor In ouiputor muíled sound touchrnqal lhe cartridgeteÍminalsA Íeduction mav reiull iÍ lhe sivl,ls assembly is no1 Íully sealed Hum from lhe phónograpl-rinput usually can be tracedto a bad audio cable or absence oÍ the aeparategÍound wiíe from tuíntóle lo ampliíier REPLACEMENT STYLI Audio-TechnicagÍain-orienteddiamond styli aíe careÍully selected and polished for minimum wear to lhemselvesand to youí Íecords. However, after an extendedperiod oÍ play.evên the finesl diamond stylus becomes woÍn. For this Íeason, it is best to have the stylus inspectedannually,or wheneveÍ it appêaís that wear or damage may be a problem.Ïhe dealer Ííom whom you puÍchased this caÍtÍrdgê can supply genuine Audio-Technicareplacementstyli. Only genuinê styli wilh thê registeÍed circle monogramwill providethe same levelof peÍÍormance. AT44OMLa SPECIFICATIONS lll\'-'l stylusassembly byrorating rtdownandV1 ll)l--,# awaytromthecartridse boàylFisure,l.t l94*!-ógU^;-Placelhe stylusassembly satelyout ,/ \.-Y\ Frequency response (Hz) : 20-20,000 Outpul vollage (mV 1 kHz. 5 cm/sec.) : 4.O Channel separation (dB, 1 kHz ) : 27 oÍ haÍm's way.Mounl lhe cartíidgebody \È/ lo the tonê arm head shell. Use the í Figure mountanghardwaresupptiedeither with the caítradgeor with the tuÍntabie,and tighten unlil just snug. Replacethe stylusassemblybrieflyto check lor mechanicalinlerferencewith mounting hardware.Hook the back of the stylus assembly 1o lhe bottom of the carlridge,lhen íolate up.The stylusassemblyshouldclick inlo place.Then Íemovelhe stylus assemblyÍor safekeeping. Channel balance (dB. 1 kHz) : 0.8 Tracking force (g) : 1 . 0 - 1 . 8( 1 . 4 o p t i m a l ) ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Load impedance (kO) : Fouí teÍminals at the rear of thê carlridge to malchslandanC wÍin9 in are color-coded stereo tone arms (Figurê 2). Connect with slip-on lugs provided on head shell wiring. NEVER SOLDER TO CARTRIDGE TERMINALS!Heatappliedto the terminals will damage the internalcartridgewiring. Dynamic compliance (x1O6 cm/dyne) Coil impedance (kO, 1 kHz) : Coil inductance (mH. 1 kHz) : 10 Static compliance (x10" cm/dyne) : Stylus: Blue (L ') For monauraloperalion,the LeÍt and Righl FiguÍe 2 signal terminalsshouldbe connectedto thê monauralsignal lead, and the Left and Right gíoL]ndterminals should be connectedto the gÍound lead. CONNECTION TO SYSTEM Run two shieldêdaudiocablesíÍom lhê caÍtridge/tonearm connectionson the turnlable to the magnetic phono anputson the amplifieÍ or receiver. Observe Lett and Right channel markings. A separate ground wire usuallycomes attachedlo the turntable,and should be connectedto the ground scÍew íound on the back paneloÍ most electronics. 0.12mil Nude square MicÍo-Linear Vêrtica!trackingangle : Dimensions (mm) L17.3xW16.0x H 28.0 Weisht(g) : 6.5 Replacement stylus : ATN440MLa Design and speciíicationsare subjêctto change withoutnotice. One-Yea. Limited WaÍranty FINAL ADJUSTMENT Fleinstallstylus assembly. Foilowing the procedurê given an the turntablê/tone arm instructions, carefLrlly sel tracking foícê to approximatelythe middle of the range shown íor your model in lhe specificationstable.A tíackingÍorceoutside thê given range can resull in increaseddistoÍtionand excessiverecordand stylus wear.OthêÍ tone aÍm adjustmentsprovided such as slylus overhang and anti-skating,should be set according to manufactuíer's instructions to obiain the best pêíormancê. For safety, keep the stylus guard down whenever lhe turniableis nol in use. OPERATING SUGGESTTONS The low trackingíorce and high complianceof Audio Technicacartrjdges provide the highest level ol períormanceavailable,but also make them susceptible to damage iÍ handled improperly.Mosl stylus damage is caused by rough lrêatmentwhilethê tone aÍm is being operatedby hand. A fingêr should alwaysbe placedunder the lone arm Íinger lift, neverover it. A dampedcueing devicewhichlowersthe lone arm gently to the record is tound on many Íecord playersand should be used regularlyÍor greatest orotectionof the slvlus and records.Distortedor unbalancedsound írom Audio-ÍechnicabrandpÍoductspurchasedin the U.S.A.arewaranted loÍ one year iÍom date ol purcháse by Audio-Technica U.S.,l.c. (AIU.S.) lo be lre ol dêlecls in maleÍials and workmanship.In evenl ol such delsl, producl willb€ Íepa red prompllywilhoul chargeor. ar our oplion, Íeplacêdwirha new productol equalorsuperioÍvalueil delivêíêdto A:I:U.S.. or an AuthorizedSeryiceCenleí.píepaid.logelheí wilh lhe sáles slip or olheÍ pÍooi ol p!Ê chase datè. Prior approval írom AÍU.S. is requi.êd lo. Elurn- Íhis waíaniy excudes deleclsduê lo normalwear ablse. shippingdamagê,o.lailuÍe lo use pÍoducti. accoÍdance w rh inslfuctions.ÍhiswaÍánry is vo d in rhe eventol unaulhori2êdrepanoÍ modillcalion. For relurtr approval and shipping intormaiioí, conIact lhe Se.vice Oepaíthenl Aldio Tech.lca US. Inc. 1221 CommerceDÍive.Stow,Ohio 44224 Excepllo lhe extenlprecludedby app icablêslale láw Ar.U,S. will have no liability Íor any consêquential, incidental,or special damagesi any warranty ot mêrchanlabiliry or íit_ ness lor párticular purpose expires when this waíanty expires, ïhiswaÍanty gves you speciliclegalÍlghls.and you may have other Íighlswhlchvafy líom OursrdêIhe US Á. pleasecontactyour localdeale.loÍ waÍánly delarls Audio-TechnicaU.S.,Inc. 1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, O io 44224 330/686-2600 P51788 O2005 AudioÍechnica U.S.Inc Prinledin.lapan