Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Catholic Community of Saint Patrick Saint Patrick Church • 3109 Sacramento Street • Placerville Saint James Church • 2831 Harkness Street • Georgetown Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 15, 2012 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil • 4:00PM Sunday • 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Monday - Friday • 8:30 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sunday • 10:00 AM SPANISH MASS Misas en Español Domingo • 12:00 NOON • Placerville Miércoles • 6:30 PM • Placerville Reconciliation Saturdays • 3:00-4:00 PM St. James Church, Georgetown Sundays before 10:00 AM Mass Our Mission As an assembly empowered by the glory of the Resurrection, we are committed to one another and to the tradition of the Catholic Church in celebrating the Seven Sacraments, the Sacred Liturgy, proclaiming the Good News through Education, sustaining the community of Faith, and promoting Charity, Peace and Justice for all people, now and forever. Baptism Must be registered in parish. Parents and godparents are required to attend a pre-Baptism class. English class: First Sunday of the month at 7:00 PM Clase en Español: El tercer viernes de cada mes a las 7:00 PM Sacrament of Marriage A couple wishing to be married in St. Patrick Parish must contact the parish six months prior to the intended wedding date. T he prophet hears what God proclaims (Psalm 85) and is called to speak in God’s name (Amos 7:12-15). The twelve hear the message of Jesus and are sent forth to proclaim the good news (Mark 6:7-13). In him we have been chosen to be full of love (Ephesians 1:3-14 [3-10]). Reading or hearing the simplicity and straightforwardness of the message with which Jesus sends out to his early disciples, one might rightly wonder if time and tradition have not overly complicated the message of Jesus in our time. In transmitting the message of Jesus over the centuries, the interpretation and teaching seems to have become very complicated. Have all the theologians, books, lecturers, laws and programs down through the centuries, including our own time, clouded the simplicity of the original message of Jesus? Given the difficulties and divisions in our church in this day and age, the message of today’s gospel is still all the more relevant and urgent. The life and message of Jesus call us to basic simplicity and the right ordering of life and priorities. Life, especially life lived in union with Jesus, should rid us of all unnecessary baggage ― whether that baggage be emotional, material or spiritual. Attachment to God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit is still life’s ultimate goal and gives meaning and purpose to human life and living. Fr. John Cantwell Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 15 de julio de 2012 Catholic Community of Saint Patrick Clergy Rev. John Cantwell, Pastor.................................................. 622.0373 Rev. Walter Tabios, Parochial Vicar.................................. 622.0373 Rev. Mr. Manuel Ocon, Diacono................................. 916.541.3237 Parish Staff Business Manager, Sandee Macedo...................................... 622.0373 Parish Secretary, Jeanne Rheault.......................................... 622.0373 Religious Education Director, Tina Rheault.......................... 622.7692 R.C.I.A. Director, Brian Smith................................................... 306.5701 Choir Director, Cindy Flaherty.................................................. 333.7767 Youth Ministry, Elizabeth Frey-Thomas...................................368.1388 Fax, Parish Office................................................................................ 621.7770 Parish Organizations and Ministries Contacts Parish Council President, Joan Delfino.............................. 622.0084 Altar Servers Coordinator, Pete Chavez............................ 626.3450 Asociación Guadalupana, Susana Mayfield.............. 619.395.4250 Hispanic Community, Maria Quintero………………….. 621.4848 Baptismal Information & Preparation................................ 622.0373 Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Sue Mosbacher................... 622.4443 Catholic Golden Age, Robert Antoncich .............................. 677.8638 Holy Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group, Brian Smith… 306.5701 Knights of Columbus,Omar Salinero, Grand Knight .916.316.9779 Ladies Society, Sheila Tavano, President........................... 344.7369 Legion of Mary, Karen Kurtek..................................................... 417.6704 Catholic Scripture Study, Brian Smith………..…................ 306.5701 Ministry to the Sick, Larry Koncewicz........................... 916.996.8962 Mother Teresa Maternity Home............................................. 295.8006 St. James Society, Lisa Patterson, President.................... 333.2292 SPAM Clothes Closet, Basement of Hall ..................... 621.7773 The Upper Room Dining Hall, 1868 Broadway............... 621.7730 Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Don, Jeannette Boltz 647.9749 Parish Calendar[email protected] Parish Website..................................................... CHARITABLE BEQUEST Remembering Saint Patrick Church in your will is a beautiful testimony of your belief in our mission and of what you cherish. Please consider leaving a charitable bequest to the Church. We welcome new families to our Parish. Please register as soon as possible and notify the parish office of moves or address changes. Please note if you would like the convenience of Sunday envelopes as the ordinary means of meeting your obligations to your Parish. El profeta escucha lo que Dios proclama (Salmo 85) y es llamado a hablar en nombre de Dios (Amos 7:12-15). Los doce escucharon el mensaje de Jesús y fueron enviados a proclamar la Buena Nueva (Marcos 6:7-13). En el hemos sido escogidos para estar llenos de amor (Efesios 1:13-14 [3-10]). Leyendo o escuchando la simpleza y la forma directa del mensaje con el que Jesús envía fuera a sus primeros discípulos, uno a vecés puede suponer si el tiempo y la tradición no han complicado demasiadoel mensaje de Jesús en nuestro tiempo actual. Transmitiendo el mensaje de Jesús a través de los siglos la interpretación y enseñanza parece que se ha vuelto muy complicada. ¿ Casi todos los teólogos, libros, conferencistas, leyes, programas a través de los siglos e incluyendo nuestro tiempo actual, ensombrecen, la sencillez del mensaje original de Jesús.? Conociendo las dificultadesy divisiones en nuestra iglesia en estos días y época, el mensaje del evangelio de hoy es todavía el más relevante y urgente. La vida y mensaje de Jesús nos llama a actuarcon sencillez y tener el órden correcto de vida y prioridades. La vida, especialmente y la que vivimos en unión con Jesús, debe eliminar todos los conocimientos innecesarios — aunque el conjunto de conocimientos pueda ser emocional, material o espiritual. La conexión con Dios a través de Jesús y el Espíritu Santo es todavía el objetivo final de esta vida y da significado y propósito a la vida y a la manera de vivir. Padre John Cantwell Parish Registration and Change of Address New to Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church Community? Recently moved or changed phone number? Name: Address: Phone: ST. JAMES, GEORGETOWN Bake Sale: Please stop by Mathias Hall after Mass today to take home some tasty home-made treats from the monthly Bake Sale. All proceeds benefit the Faith Formation here at St. James. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Join us every Wednesday evening here at St. James from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Mark Spaugh. If you have a prayer request, please write it down in the book on the lectern in the foyer. Questions? Need information? Contact Mark Spaugh at 621.0747. Breakfast: Come hungry – stay for breakfast. Please join your friends and fellow parishioners after Mass next Sunday as our great kitchen crew serves up a scrumptious breakfast. It’s still only $4.00 per person or $12.00 for families. Calendar of Events: Did you know that you can always stay updated on current and upcoming Church events? Just take a look at the calendar on the wall in the back of Mathias Hall. All upcoming functions are posted whether it’s the latest fundraiser, donut Sunday or a blessed event such as a baptism or wedding. So take a look at the calendar and stay informed and up to date! If you wish to place an announcement in this bulletin, please contact Michele Wagstrom at 333.1977 or [email protected]. LITURGY OF THE HOURS If a person ponders (thinks quietly and deeply) on the Holy Scriptures, a realization begins to set in whereby one word can trigger a sequence of rational thought. Consider, for instance, St. Matthew’s account of the cure of the paralytic wherein Jesus uses the occasion to prove that he has power to forgive sins. The account concludes with: ”…they were struck with awe and glorified God who had given such authority to men.” How come St. Matthew used the word “men” instead of the word “a man”, since the crowd witnessed one man curing the paralytic and forgiving his sins? Now comes the sequence of rational thought. St. Matthew was one of the apostles to whom Jesus gave the power to forgive sins after the resurrection from the dead. St. Matthew wrote his Gospel after this. So, when he used the word “men” he was conveying to us not only Jesus but also his apostles had power to forgive sins. Not only that, but through apostolic succession all priests of the world have power to forgive sins. Ponder that one for a while! LADIES SOCIETY Do you ever wonder what the Ladies Society is all about? I can tell you it is about you and me! The objective of the Ladies Society is to encourage active participation, to facilitate cooperation and to supplement the needs of our church. All fundraiser monies are donated to the St. Patrick Community to be used where needed. All women of our parish are automatically members and we welcome you. The gift of your time and energy are greatly appreciated. Our ministries include: Altar Care, Boutique Workshop, Funeral Luncheons, Funeral Food Donations, Receptions and Luncheons, Baking, Fundraisers, and Layette. If you are unable to attend our meetings, there are phone committees always in need. We have various upcoming fundraisers, such as our Annual Rummage Sale from July 23rd until August 1st, with the actual sale being held on August 2nd,3rd and 4th. Our Annual Spring Luncheon is always the first or second Saturday in May and our Ladies Boutique is in October. Our meetings are on the third Thursday of each month. We break in July and August, resuming in September. Our new information form is being updated and will soon be available in the church vestibule. Pick up a copy and see where you can help. You will be most welcomed, I assure you. Sheila Tavano, President PLEASE PRAY FOR Catherine Van Duyn, Philip Halog, Erin Cole, Ryan Boyd, Darlene Ryan, George Zacher, Irma Cherry, Jackie Gordon, Kristal Ruekert, Debbie Young, Mathew Elmore, Rey Pino, Beau Torres, Greg Varenkamp, Shirley Mikich, Connie Perry, Joel Foster, Jacquelyn Richard, Julia Smith, Terry Piker, Donald Batty, Deacon Stan Rudger, Victor de Spiganovicz, Paul Cheek, Lorna Fay, Norma Blakeman, Baby Mia, David Mourning, Christine Breaux, Peter Saldana, Paul King, Ray Bouscal, Patti Wirth, Joan Kaufman, Patti Bayard, Frank Deguara, Jeff Boatman, Helen Rivard, Diane Mahan, Loretta Frye, John Larote, Ginger Higginbotham, Vivian Frohreich, Ruth Cook, Francine Parras, Lyn Scott, Rudy Del Valle, Carlos Vargas, Mary Barberis, Josh Ranch, Kathy Kerstiens, Mike Warren, Laura Renee’ Bayard, Nelson Passos, Arlene Wilkinson, Kitty Hamilton, Anita Kennedy, Mary Spano, Nicole Padovan, Elena Berume, Chris Sears, Josie van Hamm, Lisa Porter, Adeline Vargas, Scott Desy, Mike Korzan, Ed Gardella, Dana Conlin, Theresa Lutz, Kathy Long, Bob Lutz, Frank Burnette, Donna GOD CHOSE US MASS INTENTIONS 7/16 + Marcelle Keeler by Ruth Ann & Jim Pilney + Estelle & Clair Mahoney by Jacci Hagen 7/17 + Elizabeth Kessler by James Kessler + Karl Majewski by Mary Majewski 7/18 + Jean Bishop by Lind Bishop Ending of Abortion by the Legion of Mary 7/19+ Steve Ellis by Stephanie Ellis + Mary Garrabrant 7/20 + Leo Dowling by Youko Dowling + Dee Dowling by Youko Dowling Who chose first, God or you? That is the question explored in today’s three readings. The second reading, from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, reads almost like a hymn. It praises God for choosing us, for calling us to serve, and for blessing us in our service. Paul makes it clear how honored we are and how special is the call to live as children of God. This is through no doing of our own. The first reading and the Gospel use prose rather than poetry to describe the same truth: God did the choosing, not us. When the prophet Amos was berated for being a prophet, he retorted that the whole thing wasn’t his idea in the first place. Neither did the twelve apostles in today’s Gospel ask for their calling. Jesus sent them forth, two by two, to do the work of his kingdom. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SUNDAY SOCIAL There is no Sunday Social for the months of July and August. CELEBRANTS and LITURGICAL LEADERS Saturday, 07/21 4:00 PM Mass Placerville Celebrant: Fr. John Cantwell Sacristan: Becky Keith Scheduling: Ces Wolary Lectors: Pat Teter Frank Mindt Altar Servers: Not assigned Eucharistic Ministers: Nancy D. Baxter Mark Keith Maria Mindt Diane Lagorio Jenny Indiveri Michael Indiveri Jerry Bluemel Lucy Bluemel Domingo, 07/22 12:00 PM Misa en Español, Placerville Celebrante: Fr. Walter Tabios Discurso: Diácono Manuel Ocon Sacristán: Mirna Taylor Eucarísticas: Margarita Garcia Tomas Ramos Elena Ramos Martin Garcia Carlos Alvarado Bertha Vargaz Bertha Samaniego Raul Arechiga Martha Arechiga Monaguillos: Diana Santana Omar Rios Brenda Rodriguez Sunday, 07/22 8:00 AM Mass Placerville Sunday, 07/22 10:00 AM Mass Placerville Sunday, 07/22 10:00 AM Mass Georgetown Celebrant: Fr. Walter Tabios Sacristan: Pete Chavez Lectors: Paul Schrader Ruth Ann Pilney Altar Servers: Not available Eucharistic Ministers: Don Morley Doris Morley Patty Wren Jim Korsen Bev Korsen Louise Linhart Art Gregorio Judy Fullerton Celebrant: Fr. Walter Tabios Sacristan: Rosemary Authier Lectors: Anita York Carolyne White Altar Servers: Paul Voss Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Atencio Betty Atencio Marty Soth Jackie Rodwell Carol Davis Marcellina Jones Tom Kozlowski Glenn Jones Celebrant: Fr. John Cantwell Lectors: Mailloux, Lyons Altar Servers: Mason, Thomas, Ian Eucharistic Ministers: Ted Kat Winnie KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Charity is our primary calling, the reason that throughout the Columbian Year we sponsor and participate in our many projects, that through our combined efforts, we are able to give to various worthy causes in the midst of our community. However, we need to plan in advance, so that we may schedule and budget these events, thus allocating funding and manpower throughout the year. We need to create a critical path for the fiscal year we are commencing. Especially those among us, who have become inactive, if you are aware well in advance of our scheduled projects, perhaps you may be able to plan to donate your much desired efforts at the appropriate times. Therefore I am hoping that those among us who have volunteered to be chairmen for the projects that we schedule every year will be able to attend our upcoming Officers Meeting next Thursday, 7/19 and at that time, if you haven’t already done so, submit your own critical path for your assigned project. A “roughtimate” of the project, including dates, manpower needs, and expected funds will be greatly appreciated. Omar Salinero, Grand Knight VIVAT JESUS WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Do you miss the glow you had when you were first married? Do you wish you could talk about something besides all the stresses in your life? It has been said that the greatest gift you can give your children is two parents very much in love with each other. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. The next weekend will be held August 24th-26th in Sacramento. Other dates and locations are available. For information or to register for a Weekend, please visit or contact Barry & Julia Reynolds 530.724.0373 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21 Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 DIOS NOS ELIGIÓ ¿Quién eligió primero, Dios o tú? Esa es la pregunta que exploramos en las tres lecturas de hoy. La segunda lectura, la carta de Pablo a los Efesios, se lee casi como un himno. Es una alabanza a Dios por habernos escogido, habernos llamado a servir, y por bendecirnos en nuestro servicio. Pablo deja en claro el gran honor que hemos recibido y lo especial que es la llamada a vivir como hijos de Dios. Esto no es por nuestros méritos. La primera lectura y el Evangelio usan prosa en vez de poesía para describir la misma verdad: Dios nos escogió, no nosotros. Cuando el profeta Amós fue criticado por ser un profeta, respondió que, en primer lugar, el asunto no era su idea. Tampoco los doce apóstoles en el Evangelio de hoy pidieron su llamado. Jesús los envió de dos en dos, para hacer el trabajo de su Reino. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21 Jer 23:1-6; Sal 23 (22); Ef 2:1318; Mc 6:30-34 ESTABLISHED 1978 • LIC. # 339581 THINK KEYS Sanitex Cleaners ALL your LOCK & KEY needs Keys Plus LOCKSMITH SKI AIR CONDITIOING CO. By Raleys Shopping Center 530-626-7600 Sales & Service 5528 Merchant Circle The Sponsors Who Appear On This Page. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call “Enjoy the Difference” Pat Korzan, Ted Korzan Owner J.S. Paluch 1-800-231-0805 (530) 626-4010 • WEB 369 Main St. Placerville “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePleaseNextCutTimeOutYouThisPatronize One of Our Advertisers SHARON LAMOUREUX Independent Sales Agent License 0B66801 p. 530.957.9368 8880 Cal Center Dr #300 Sacramento, CA 95826 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! [email protected] EL DORADO SAVINGS BANK 530-626-5810 Thomas C. Meuser 493 Main St. #C Diamond Springs Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Placerville • Georgetown • Cameron Park Pollock Pines • Diamond Springs • West Placerville Mary Le Loup (Parishioner) Hygienist Offering many levels of Care & Emergency Care Our Goal is to help you become as healthy as you choose to be. HARVEST DAZE CELEBRATION HOOVERVILLE ORCHARDS WELCOMES YOU TO OUR 18th ANNUAL BBQ August 20th & 21st (3rd weekend) Featuring the Hoover Family Preparing: Barbeque: Our famous whole pig on a spit - Chicken - Burgers - Hot Dogs Desserts: Homemade Pies - Fruit Sundaes - Ice Cream Cones Fruits: Our Orchard Peak Selections Games: Our original Pear Toss - Carnival games & more Fresh Fruits available daily - year round (we only sell what we grow!) 1100 Wallace Road, Placerville (3.5 miles Hwy. 49, North of Hwy. 50 to Wallace Road) Phone: 523164 St Patrick Church (B) 530-622-2155 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Wine Tasting Sales & Distribution Your ad could be in this space! • Fine Red Wines • Ports • Assorted Dessert Wines The Barsotti Family invites you to try their freshly pressed and blended juices which are available at your favorite supermarket and at many Apple Hill® ranches. Enjoyable table wines and spirits that reflect a desire for taste & quality through innovation and creative thought... 530-621-2166 Tasting Room located at Camino Wine Plaza 3500 Carson Rd., Camino, CA Open Thurs.-Sun. 11:00 AM - 5 PM • Electrical Service • Maintenance Prompt & Professional Parishioner 621-4242 Mike Lamoureux P.O. Box 71 Placerville, CA 183C Placerville Dr., Placerville, CA St. License#425971 Lending in our community for 27 years Purchase * Refinance Judith Hayes Mortgage Loan Originator Reverse Mortgages (530) 621-0222 Parishioner & Catechist [email protected] Licensed–NMLS # 249218 Licensed by the Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act Mexican Restaurant Since 1979 The Finest in Mexican Food Full Bar BUSINESS DOWN? Open 7 Days a Week Lunch & Dinner ADVERTISE HERE! Check for Holiday Schedule TED RAMIREZ Owner & Parishioner 263 Placerville Drive CHURCH BULLETIN ADVERTISING WORKS! To Place An Ad: (530) 626-0841 4340 Golden Center Drive,Ste.E J.S. PALUCH COMPANY 800-231-0805 Parishioner and High School Youth Minister Chapel of the Pines Funeral Home Hangtown’s Newsstand Since 1856 2855 Cold Springs Rd., Placerville • FD 1129 409 Main Street Downtown Placerville at the Bell Tower 530-622-3813 24 hour service • Entombment, Burial & Cremation After Care program Pre-arranged funeral counseling Wheelchair accessible Prices to fit all budgets Gifts, Books, Magazines Art Supplies, Jewelry & More Free Giftwrapping open 7 days a week For personalized service, call us today! 523164 St Patrick Church (A) 530-622-4510 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power. .. PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD, THAT YOU MAY STAND AGAINST THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL... Stand fast, with the truth as the belt around our waist, justice as your breastplate and zeal to propagate the gospel of peace as your footgear. In all circumstances hold faith up before you as your shield... Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the word of God. Ephesians 6: 10-17 YOUTH GROUP NEWS All St. Patrick and St. James parish high school students are invited to a pool party/BBQ on Sunday, July 22nd!! We’ll be swimming, eating and hanging out from 2:00PM-6:00PM. Call or text Youth Minister Elizabeth Frey-Thomas at (530)368-1388 to RSVP and to get the address for the party. We’ll have food on the grill...bring a dish to share, your bathing suit, and come have fun in the sun!! VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILIES NEEDED The current residents of the Mother Teresa Maternity Home are experiencing a housing crisis. The women may stay at the home for three months after the birth of their infants. After that time they transition into some other kind of housing, from Hope House to subsidized housing. However, at this time, there is no emergency housing available in El Dorado County. In another month, three women and their infants are in danger of becoming homeless. We are hoping that someone or some organization will step forward with a solution. Please call the Mother Teresa Maternity Home at (530) 295-8006 for more information .
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