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Number 1, Year 18, July 2012 INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING IN THE 21ST CENTURY EL ENTENDIMIENTO INTERCULTURAL EN EL SIGLO 21 In 1986 Newton College became the first school in Peru to deliver the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate and thereby committed itself to the IB’s aim “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” En 1986, Newton College se convirtió en el primer colegio en el Perú en adoptar el Programa del Diploma del Bachillerato Internacional y por ende, se comprometió al objetivo del BI de: “formar jóvenes solidarios, informados y ávidos de conocimiento, capaces de contribuir a crear un mundo mejor y más pacífico, en el marco del entendimiento mutuo y el respeto intercultural.” Intercultural understanding is based on an appreciation of the uniqueness of one’s own culture and a respect for the uniqueness of the cultures of other people. To this end, the IB programmes “encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.” El entendimiento intercultural está basado en la valoración de la individualidad de nuestra propia cultura y el respeto por la individualidad de las culturas de otros pueblos. Con este fin, los programas del Bachillerato Internacional “alientan a estudiantes del mundo entero a adoptar una actitud activa de aprendizaje durante toda su vida, a ser compasivos y a entender Newton pupils are fortunate in that they que otras personas, con sus diferencias, study three of the most widely spoken también pueden estar en lo cierto.” languages in the world: English, Spanish Los alumnos de Newton son afortunados and French. Through the study of language ya que ellos aprenden tres de las lenguas and literature they visit societies of different más habladas en el mundo: inglés, español historical epochs, located in all parts of y francés. A través del estudio de estas the world, and characterized by diverse lenguas y su literatura, se acercan a distintas customs, traditions and beliefs. épocas históricas, localizadas en todas partes del mundo y caracterizadas por diferentes Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee has costumbres, tradiciones y creencias. reminded us that the British Commonwealth El Jubileo de Diamante de la Reina Isabel has had to overcome many challenges II nos ha recordado que la Mancomunidad to foster intercultural understanding in Británica ha tenido que superar muchos retos its member states over the last 60 years. para fomentar el entendimiento intercultural Similarly, in July Peru celebrates its unique entre los estados miembros durante los cultural diversity which has been enriched últimos 60 años. Del mismo modo, en julio, by the fusion with European, Asian and el Perú celebra su amplia diversidad cultural The official Queen’s Diamond Jubilee emblem African cultures. la cual ha sido enriquecida por la fusión con designed by 10 year-old Katherine Dewar. las culturas de Europa, Asia y África. Intercultural understanding promotes El entnedimiento intercultural promueve a shared guardianship of the planet. In la tutela compartida del planeta. En junio, June we organized activities to sensitize our school community a organizamos actividades que sirvieron para sensibilizar un poco más little more to the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Professor a nuestra comunidad escolar en el concepto de Reducir, Reutilizar Charles Hopkins, the UNESCO Chair for Education for Sustainable y Reciclar. El profesor Charles Hopkins, catedrático encargado por Development (ESD), explained to us that ESD could be defined very UNESCO de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS), nos simply as: “Wellbeing - For all – Forever” explicó que EDS puede definirse tan simplemente como “Bienestar Para todos - Para siempre”. In Article 1 of its Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, UNESCO states that: “As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity La UNESCO, en el artículo 1 de la Declaración Universal sobre la intercultural understanding is as necessary for humankind as Diversidad Cultural, establece que: “Como fuente de intercambio, biodiversity is for nature.” innovación y creatividad, el entendimiento intercultural, es tan necesaria para la humanidad como la biodiversidad para la naturaleza” Newton’s curriculum focuses on intercultural understanding and El currículo en Newton, se enfoca en el entendimiento intercultural y our students engage in many activities that motivate them to nuestros estudiantes están cada vez más involucrados en actividades appreciate the beauty of diversity and the commonalities of different que los motivan a apreciar tanto la belleza de la diversidad como las cultures. We recognize that intercultural understanding has become similitudes de las diferentes culturas. Nosotros reconocemos que el one of the most important values of 21st century life and the key entendimiento intercultural se ha convertido en uno de los valores más to a more peaceful and sustainable world. We are convinced that importantes en la vida del siglo 21 y en la clave para un mundo más active, responsible citizenship is greatly influenced by intercultural pacífico y sostenible. Estamos convencido que una ciudadanía activa understanding and to this end, our aim is to consolidate such y responsable está grandemente influenciada por el entendimiento understanding in our school and in our society. intercultural y por ende, nuestra meta es consolidar tal entendimiento en el colegio y en la sociedad. Andrew Cino, Headmaster Andrew Cino, Headmaster INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON THE PRIMARY YEARS PROGRAMME Our PYP Coordinator, Pamela Curtin, in association with UNESCO, the International Baccalaureate and the Latin American Heads Conference, designed and organized an international forum on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the Primary Years Programme (PYP). This was held at Newton College’s Amazon study centre and in the Urubamba valley. Educators from Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Panama and Holland, under the guidance of Professor Charles Hopkins, the UNESCO and United Nations University Chair for ESD, identified current commonalities between the PYP and the tenets of ESD, and explored issues and opportunities for curriculum development. Educators were involved in a powerful learning experience in areas deeply affected by climate change and socio-economic dilemmas and were motivated to reflect on new insights before the UN Decade of ESD draws to a close in 2014. UNESCO CHAIR FOR ESD VISITS NEWTON Professor Charles Hopkins, the UNESCO Chair for Education for Sustainable Development, gave two conferences at Newton College, one to students and the other to staff and parents. He explained some of the major challenges that lie ahead, such as the need to feed 40% more people by 2050 with less available water, agricultural land and ocean food resources. At the same time there will be the need to raise global energy supplies whilst replacing carbon fuels. He favoured a simple definition for sustainable development such as “Well-being, for all, forever” so that public understanding and awareness could be raised more universally. Finally, he stressed the importance of embedding ESD in educational institutions and of reorienting teacher training programmes so that the next generation of educators would be better prepared to teach students about the values, knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable way of life. RIO +20 GLOBAL COMPETITION In the Rio+20 Global Competition students had to write a letter or essay for political leaders, explaining how we should make our planet more sustainable. The winning entry was presented to the UN Secretary General and the winner was invited to attend the Rio+20 Earth Summit. 849 essays from 576 schools around the world were submitted. Three of our students were shortlisted as finalists: Bruce Guin, Fernando Ikeda and Chan-Yi Wu. Four other students were given an honorable mention: Dawoon Kim, Maria Lucia Sanchez, Franco Grosso and Stefano Amprimo. Congratulations to all of them for using their voice to help shape major political development. INTERNATIONAL ESD EVENTS ENVIRONMENT MONTH From June 5th to July 5th we celebrated Environment Month to sensitize our school community a little more to the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We organized four campaigns and achieved our goal in three of them. GREEN TRAVEL DAY On Friday June 8th we focused on the benefits of green travel. We encouraged our school community to come to school on foot, by bicycle or in car-pool. We highlighted the following advantages: • We use less petrol and therefore, contaminate less. • We save time, money and energy. • We decongest our parking lots and reduce stress levels. We did not achieve our goal of reducing the number of vehicles entering our school by 50%, from 730 to 365, but it was a very good attempt (397 vehicles). We calculate that we reduced carbon emissions by 1.4 tons. NEWSPAPER COLLECTION From June 13th to 15th we focused on the benefits of recycling paper: • We save trees, which improves the quality of the air that we breathe and mitigates global warming. • We allow more time for reforestation. • We save energy, water and money by producing less new paper. We surpassed our goal of 5,000 kilos and collected 6,505 kilos of used newspaper. We calculate that we saved 110 trees! PLASTIC BOTTLE COLLECTION From June 20th to June 22nd we focused on the benefits of recycling plastic. In an Upper School assembly our IB geography students reminded us of the damaging effects of plastic on our environment and to our health. Currently there is six times more plastic floating in parts of the Pacific Ocean than plankton. Fish feed on particles of plastic and these eventually enter our food chain. One solution to the problem is to stop the plastic from reaching the oceans and hence the importance of recycling. Our goal was to cover half of our rugby field with plastic bottles so that our students could imagine what the Pacific Trash Vortex must look like. We achieved our goal and over 40,000 plastic bottles were prevented from reaching the oceans. SHOE COLLECTION On July 5th we asked our school community to help the people in the highlands who are suffering from extreme cold. We were aware that other organizations were collecting clothing for them and so we focused on shoes. Our goal was to collect 2000 pairs of shoes and our school community brought in 2355. All these actions showed how we can make a significant difference when we unite efforts. Every little action can also save a life and we hope that our campaigns have convinced more families that Reduce, Reuse and Recycle must become a form of life that is expressed through our daily habits. We would like to express our thanks to the PTA and class delegates for helping to organize our campaigns. ENVIRONMENT MONTH OUR DIAMOND JUBILEE ASSEMBLY To mark Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee we held a special assembly on June 1st in which our students highlighted the importance of this historic event. On this occasion we accompanied the Lower School choir in a very emotive rendition of verses one and three of the British national anthem, God Save the Queen, which is of author unknown and was first sung publicly in 1745. The Lower School students then performed a witty sketch, giving a brief history of the 4 royal families represented by our school Houses. They retold how King Richard II was deposed by his cousin, Henry V, and became the first king from the House of Lancaster. They described the wavering fortunes in the Wars of the Roses from 1455 to 1485 between the white House of York and the red House of Lancaster. The wars ended and the two Houses were reunited by Henry Tudor (Henry VII). The Tudors reigned till 1603 and made England a Protestant country. The House of Windsor came into being in 1917 and Queen Elizabeth II is the fourth monarch belonging to this house. CELEBRATIONS IN THE UK This was only the second time in British history that a monarch celebrated a diamond jubilee (the first being Queen Victoria) and the official celebrations took place from June 2nd to 5th. The highlights of the celebrations were: The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant (June 3rd): This event took place on the River Thames and consisted of up to 1,000 boats assembled from across the UK, the Commonwealth and around the world. The Jubilee Lunch (June 3rd): Families, friends and neighbours all over the UK had street party lunches. Street parties all over the UK commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee (June 4, 2012) The Jubilee Concert (June 4th): A concert that brought together leading talent from the world of music, (Dame Shirley Bassey, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton John, etc.) was staged in the stunning surroundings of the Queen Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace. After this, Form IV History students explained the important role the Queen has played over the last 60 years, not just in Great Britain, but the world over. The pre-kindergarten pupils waved flags to represent the 54 countries in the British Commonwealth, in 16 of which the Queen is Head of State. At the end of the assembly, we left the last word to the star of the show, the Queen herself. We watched her speaking to the British Houses of Parliament on March 20th of this year. She said that “We are reminded here of our past, of the continuity of our national story and the virtues of resilience, ingenuity and tolerance which created it. I have been privileged to witness some of that history and, with the support of my family, rededicate myself to the service of our great country and its people now and in the years to come.” Long may she live! The Fly-Past and Feu de Joie (June 5th): As the Queen and her family made a final appearance on the Royal Balcony, RAF jets made a fly-past over Buckingham Palace and Royal Guards saluted the Queen with a feu de joie, a celebratory cascade of rifle fire. Of the celebrations the Queen said: “The events that I have attended to mark my Diamond Jubilee have been a humbling experience. It has touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbours and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere. …….. I hope that memories of all this year’s happy events will brighten our lives for many years to come.” DIAMOND JUBILEE ASSEMBLY CELEBRACIÓN POR FIESTAS PATRIAS La celebración de las Fiestas Patrias es siempre un acontecimiento principal en nuestro calendario. En esta oportunidad, el departamento de música, como siempre, se lució presentando piezas del folklore peruano y por supuesto, la banda acompañando a la escolta en su entrada marcial al teatro. También la orquesta y el coro de Lower School nos deleitaron tocando valses y marineras. El discurso de honor estuvo a cargo de Camila Granda (Form V) que trató sobre los valores del Perú y especialmente sobre el valor de la libertad. He aquí un extracto: Hoy, me dirijo a ustedes para compartir la celebración de las fiestas patrias del Perú, que cumple 191 años de su independencia. Ahora, un país libre, con un gran patrimonio cultural, un futuro económico estable y que es reconocido mundialmente. “No solo debemos sentirnos orgullosos de ser peruanos, sino también de nuestros ancestros que lucharon para hacernos el mejor regalo que todo ser humano puede tener, la oportunidad y la posibilidad de vivir y crecer en libertad. Somos Perú poderoso y feliz por la unión de todos los peruanos, los que nacimos aquí y nuestros amigos de otros países a los que acogemos y que viven entre nosotros. ¡Enseñémosles el gran país que es Perú y sobre todo el orgullo que sentimos de ser peruanos!“ En la segunda parte del programa: ¡¡¡ las danzas!!! Más de 60 alumnas del grupo de baile interpretaron la pieza Fusión, los grupos de ballet, folklore y baile moderno se lucieron representando a todas las regiones. También destacó la danza “Turcos de Caylloma”, bailada por los alumnos de 2do grado. La sorpresa del día, fue el Pasacalle y la Marinera Norteña“presentados por Nicole Salazar y los alumnos de Form V. Finalmente, la directora nos brindó un discurso dirigido a reforzar el valor de la perseverancia, tan importante en la vida de los estudiantes. Todos disfrutamos nuevamente de una ocasión muy especial ¡celebrando al Perú! EXPOFERIA EN MANCHAY Cinco colegios estatales y Newton College participaron en la Expo Feria “Experiencias Educativas: Por una Educación Intercultural para Todos”. La feria fue organizada por la ONG CARE Perú y tuvo lugar en el colegio Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, en Manchay. Nuestros alumnos de I y V de media participaron en las discusiones y en el análisis de situaciones con la finalidad de reconocer y valorar las diferentes manifestaciones culturales que existen en nuestro país. Así mismo, propusieron formas creativas de enfrentar la discriminación e ilustrar sus puntos de vista, como por ejemplo, un show de títeres. Fue muy gratificante verlos interactuar con los grupos de las otras escuelas: escuchando, respondiendo, haciendo preguntas, compartiendo y por consecuencia, valorándose mutuamente. Fue una oportunidad valiosa para apreciar y celebrar la diversidad cultural del Perú. FIESTAS PATRIAS THE NEWTON HOUSE SYSTEM The House System aims to promote companionship and team spirit across age groups and to permit the school community to participate in activities of healthy competition of both a sporting and nonsporting nature. To commemorate the XXX Olympic Games being staged in London, a new House logo was designed inserting the four House shields inside the Olympic rings. Our senior students related our school values to famous events at the Olympics. Commitment – represented by Eric Liddell in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Liddell, a committed Christian, refused to run on a Sunday, so he abandoned the 100 metres race, his best event, and trained for the 400 metres race, which he won with a world record. Innovation – represented by Dick Fosbury at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Fosbury brought to the world’s attention the “Fosbury Flop”, the revolutionary style of high jumping in which the jumper lands on his back. Team Spirit – represented by the Peruvian women’s volleyball team in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. After defeating favourites China, U.S.A. and Japan in previous rounds, Peru lost to the U.S.S.R. in an epic final in which Peru were behind 0-6 in the fifth set, recovered to lead 1514 before eventually losing 15-17. Audacity – represented by Derek Redmond in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. Redmond suffered a serious injury during his 400-metre race but was determined to finish. He got back up, hobbled down the track, and with the aid of his father, crossed the finish line. So far Lower and Upper School students have competed for their House in: swimming, basketball, football, rugby, handball, volleyball, athletics track and field events, tug-of-war, chess, Sudoku and English creative writing. On the last day of the semester over 300 students, teachers and staff took part in the school’s XXV Cross Country race. At the beginning of the year it was decided to place all staff (i.e. teaching, administrative, maintenance and conservation personnel) in a House and on February 27th staff competed for their House in swimming, Call my Bluff, tug-of-war and a quiz on the history of the school. It was a day of fun and integration. At the end of the term staff competed in a football competition, won by York, and in a mixed volleyball competition, won by Lancaster. A lot of sporting and non-sporting events will take place in the second half of the year. The four Houses are evenly positioned and each one of them has a realistic chance of winning the 2012 House Championship. However, as Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympics stated: “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” XXV CROSS COUNTRY Winners: Category Boys: Adrián Ugarizza Category Girls: Giulia Leone Category Staff Men: Mr. Dougal Fergusson Category Staff Women: Ms. Michelle Harth HOUSES SHADOW QUEENDOM In order to understand how we conceived this year’s play, “Shadow Queendom”, it is important to trace the recent history of theatre at Newton Since the year 2000 it has been the aim of the Theatre Arts department to focus on a variety of theatrical genres. We have performed the works of playwrights that range from Shakespeare to Salazar Bondy, and musicals based on classic novels such as “El hombre de la Mancha”, “Animal Farm” and “Oliver”. Since 2007 the IB Theatre students have been in charge of the school productions, and each one has responded to a different theatrical practice: Greek Tragedy (“Las Troyanas”), Epic Theatre (“The Good Woman of Setzuan”) and Spanish Golden Age Comedy (“La vida es sueño”). Since 2010 the students have assumed the additional challenge of creating their own plays to further explore different theatrical practices. Their first play was “Down to Earth” (theatre for children), followed by “Miyuki y los Tres Demonios” (Kabuki), and this year’s “Shadow Queendom” (theatre of masks and puppets). As this is the year of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, the IB Theatre students decided to use the anniversary as their stimulus for the play. This motivated them to explore topics such as power and identity, notions that are clearly defined for a queen: she is a symbol of power, and she was raised in a context that gave her a fixed identity even before she was born. This led them to think about theatrical elements that could represent these two notions. Puppets could represent power because there is always someone controlling a puppet – it cannot choose its own actions; and masks could represent identity because the mask shows us who a person really is. Oscar Wilde once said: “Give a man a mask and he will show you his true self.” From this vision arose the concept of “power as an illusion” since the power of a person depends on the perspective of the viewer. It was decided therefore, that the audience should be addressed as a different character in each scene so that each scene of the play would be seen from a different perspective, depending on the character represented by the spectators. This game of perspectives led to the exploration of the extent to which a person’s identity and power ultimately depend on who perceives them. Due to the demands of this play the students not only participated as actors but also as puppeteers and backstage crew. Each member of the team assumed different roles according to the needs of each scene. As usual the IB Music students composed and played the score for the play. Their original compositions enhanced the ambience and development of each scene. Shadow Queendom was a truly collective work that combined the talents of almost 100 young artists to create an innovative, engaging and vibrant piece of quality theatre which far exceeded the expectations of a school play. The cast fully deserved the standing ovation they received on the three nights of performance. Thank you for entertaining us, amazing us and prompting us to reflect on our real power and identity. SCHOOL PLAY VÓLEYBOL MAYORES DAMAS ADCA Nuestro equipo de Vóley Damas, categoría mayores ganó por tercera vez, en cuatro años, el Campeonato de A.D.C.A. Felicitaciones a los entrenadores, Johnny Westreicher y Carlos Maldonado y a todo el equipo, compuesto por alumnas de distintas edades: como Alessandra Baltodano, Raissa Amuruz, Gisella Salazar, Macarena Sarria, Mayra Mansell, Luciana García, Roxana Carpio, Romina Calderón, Pierina Gálvez, Olenka Ljubicic, Camila Castillo, Luciana Schreier y Laura Tibaquirá. BÁSQUETBOL MAYORES VARONES ADCA Nuestro equipo logró ganar el campeonato de A.D.C.A. por cuarta vez en cinco años, demostrando mucha garra y persistencia, como en aquel partido que iba perdiendo por dos puntos faltando 15 segundos y que volteó, anotando tres puntos con el último tiro del partido, una canasta desde 20 metros. En la foto aparecen: Diego Tapia, Chan Yi Wu Chen, Franco Floris, Gabriel Isles, Amr Ulloa, Sebastián Sarria, Alejandro Plate, Carlos García, Stefano Herrera, Carlos Valverde (ausente), José Basile (Entrenador). XXII COPA NEWTON Muchas felicitaciones al equipo de la categoría 2000 que ocupó el primer lugar, así como a los 350 futbolistas que representaron a los 27 equipos participantes. Rodrigo Estrella, Víctor Zamora, José Vásquez, Kabir Mathur, José Luis Delgado, Sebastián Bustamante, Mikihiro Miyano, Gonzalo Torres, Andrés Villanueva, Gianfranco Zolla, Francisco Daneliuc, Carlos Melgarejo, Entrenadores: Andrés Dominguez, Rafael Segura, Jorge Quelopana, Daniel Marrou y Jorge Gálvez. III FESTIVAL DE NATACIÓN En nuestra hermosa piscina semi-olímpica temperada, el día sábado 23 de junio se llevó a cabo el III Festival de Natación “Newton College 2012”. 57 alumnos hicieron gala de sus cualidades deportivas en las categorías 12-13 años y 14-15 y 16 años en los estilos mariposa, espalda, pecho, libre, posta 4x25 libre. Felicitamos a Pamela Chan, Alessandra Baltodano y Masatochi Kawamura por haber obtenido el premio a los mejores nadadores en cada categoría. SPORTS SANTIAGO BUSTAMANTE - GOLF GABRIELA GABRIELAGUTIÉRREZ GUTIÉRREZ-- BALLET Santiago empezó a competir a los 4 ½ años y desde entonces ha participado en 81 torneos obteniendo 73 trofeos. Ha jugado 9 torneos internacionales, entre los que se encuentran 4 mundiales, obteniendo siempre el primer o segundo lugar. Entre sus logros mas destacados figuran: • El “US Kids Golf World Championship Qualifier” donde campeonó en el 2008 y 2009 de un total de 1200 participantes. • La “X y XI Copa Enrique Santos Córdova” en Guayaquil, Ecuador obteniendo el bicampeonato en el 2008 y 2009 también. • El “I Torneo Nacional Infantil y Juvenil“ Copa Club Militar de Golf en Bogotá, Colombia obteniendo también el 1er lugar en el 2008 y 2009. Este año Santiago tiene dos campeonatos importantes en los que debe de pensar, el Junior World Golf Championship 2012 en San Diego, California (USA) y el Campeonato Internacional Juvenil e Infantil de Bogotá 2012 en Bogotá, Colombia. Maria Gabriela baila ballet clásico desde los 5 años y por su talento, pasión y gracia ha obtenido grandes reconocimientos internacionales. Desde 2008 hasta 2010 participó en Danzamérica - Argentina, ganando múltiples medallas de oro, plata y bronce. En 2011 clasificó para el Youth American Grand Prix Regional México, donde participaron más de 300 bailarines. Fue elegida para el The YAGP Finals en Nueva York en el que quedó entre las “Top 12” de su categoría (9 a 11 años) entre 100 participantes de todo el mundo. Fue la única latinoamericana en tan selecto grupo y fue premiada en el Lincoln Center. Gaby es muy dedicada a sus entrenamientos y sacrifica muchas diversiones. Ha aprendido a organizar al máximo su tiempo de estudio escolar. Ese talento y ética de trabajo le han hecho recibir invitaciones para cursos intensivos en academias de reconocimiento mundial como The American Ballet Theatre (Nueva York) y The Rock School for Dance Education (Filadelfia). PAMELA CHAN - NADO SINCRONIZADO MARIANA OTERO - TENIS Empecé a practicar nado sincronizado en el 2009. Ese mismo año entré al pre-equipo de mi club Aquática y asistí a mi primera competencia de nado sincronizado: la Copa España, en Chile, allí gané una medalla de oro en la categoría de principiantes. En el 2011, competí nuevamente en la Copa España categoría avanzadas y gané una medalla de bronce. Este año hemos ido a dos competencias: una en Coral Springs, USA, en la que ganamos la medalla de oro y otra en Cali, Colombia, en la que obtuve 2 medallas de bronce. A los 9 años comencé a competir en torneos internos del Country Club de Villa y también en torneos “Incentivos” de la Federación Peruana de Tenis. A los 13 años viajé a jugar 2 torneos fuera del país por primera vez y además gané mi primer campeonato nacional en la categoría sub 14 (damas) en la modalidad de singles y dobles. Mi más reciente logro fue ganar un campeonato nacional en la categoría sub 16 (damas) y ubicarme en el puesto número 5 del ranking nacional de esta categoría. Mi meta a futuro es conseguir una beca universitaria por deportes y por estudios. ¡BUENA SUERTE EN LAS OLIMPIADAS, NICOLÁS! Nicolás Pacheco, que se graduó del colegio en 2011, representará al Perú en las Olimpiadas de Londres en tiro al plato en la modalidad de skeet olímpico internacional. donde obtuvo su clasificación a las olimpiadas y en el campeonato de Suhl, Alemania, donde quedó 5to del mundo en la categoría junior. Antes de las olimpiadas irá a entrenar en Alemania unos días hasta el 23 de julio, día en que viajará a Londres. A los 12 años llevaron a Nicolás al polígono de tiro para probarse y vieron que tenía las condiciones para este deporte, así que desde ahí comenzó a entrenar. A los 13 años, participó en su primer torneo internacional, la Copa Continental en Santiago de Chile en el 2007, donde obtuvo el primer puesto (medalla de oro), en la categoría junior. Desde ahí ha participado en numerosas competencias tanto nacionales como internacionales. Se va a las olimpiadas con una actitud muy positiva, entusiasmado y tranquilo porque ha entrenado con mucha dedicación. Su meta es sacar experiencia y dar su mejor esfuerzo para obtener un buen resultado para así dejar el nombre del Perú en alto. Todos los deportistas sueñan con representar a su país en las olimpiadas, y en el caso de Nicolás fue algo inesperado porque recién le dieron el cupo a Perú en mayo, así que lo tomó por sorpresa. Ha estado entrenando muy fuerte en Lima durante todo el año, también ha participado en campeonatos internacionales en Tucson y Colorado Springs en Estados Unidos, en el campeonato pre olímpico de Londres, en el campeonato de Lonato Italia, ¡Buena suerte, Nicolás! SPORTS THE DEBATES CLUB WHY EXTRA-CURRICULAR CLUBS? Newton’s extra-curricular programme aims to provide students with opportunities to develop an interest or a talent and to broaden their personal profile. There is a wide range of activities involving physical exercise such as sport and dance. There is also the very popular drama club. In the last few years a number of new clubs have been formed and we are delighted to see that many students are participating in them. THE TRADERS’ CLUB Our new economics teacher, Ms. Vicky McGregor has started the Newton Traders’ Club. Students learn and practice how to make money on the stock exchange. From Sunday 15th to Monday 17th July they took part in a Stock Exchange Competition at the University of Lima. According to Raul Sosa, one of our most successful investors so far: “There are many things money can buy. But the only things that matter are your experiences and memories, which will last forever.” The Debates Club has been very active. In January our student Luis Enrique Zeela Koort was in the Peruvian team in the World Schools Debate Championship held in Cape Town in South Africa. At the time of writing five Newton students are taking part in the Pan American Championship in Chile: Chan Yi Wu, Jorge Aguela, Shanel Grandez, Annya Serkovic and Dennis Chang. In the British Schools of Peru debates here in Lima our Form V and IV students debated motions such as “Security is more important than freedom” and “Parents should be held responsible for their children’s actions”. Next semester our Form III and II students will be debating the motions “School stifles creativity” and “Peer pressure is more beneficial than harmful”. THE READING CLUB The Reading Club with the older students provides a forum for discussing and enjoying the beauty and magic of literature. Students will recommend a book, read extracts from it and enact scenes. With the younger pupils the Good Library Use competition rewards those classes who most enjoy reading. Teachers read them a story in English and afterwards the pupils participate in a Treasure Hunt, deciphering various clues about literature. THE HISTORY CLUB Another new club that has started this year is the History Club. Under the guidance of our history teacher, Mr. Riley, our students relive the past in a very experiential manner. This semester they have learnt what it must have been like to have been a Roman gladiator. They prepared their armour and weapons, completed their training and then fought for survival. Unfortunately, only one gladiator gets to survive. ICT CLUBS THE MODEL UNITED NATIONS CLUB The Model United Nations Club appeals to those students who enjoy investigating current affairs, reflecting on solutions to problems and developing their oratory skills. At this year’s first MUN Conference on “Media and Censorhsip in Syria” the Newton team won 3 awards: Alvaro Yates - best prepared delegate, Amr Ulloa - most resourceful delegate, Bishara Salomon - most distinguished delegate. At the second MUN conference on the “Indo-Pakistan War in 1971” Laura Tabiquira won the most charming delegate. For the technologically minded our Head of ICT, Mr. Zaldivar has organised the Digital Photography Club. This trains students how to capture those special moments of micro and macro life at school (i.e. the environment, people, objects) and edit the pictures using Photoshop. In the Video Games Club students can create their own video games on a Minecraft platform and enjoy sharing techniques and competitive experiences. You may have seen a group of students with tripods and cameras at different school events. This is the ictNEWS team whose mission it is to report on the vibrant range of school activities and to keep a digital library which can then be used in student assemblies, at parent meetings and even at teacher conferences (they recently created the Spanish subtitles for an English video which was shown at a teacher workshop). FROM TALENT TO STRENGTH At Newton we acknowledge that all children have innate talents which, when enriched with knowledge and skill, can develop into strengths. Some of these talents may not flourish in the contexts of the formal curriculum. For this reason we regard extra-curricular activities as very important and would like to see all pupils take part in at least one activity per week. EXTRA-CURRICULAR CLUBS PARACAS FIELDTRIP - FORM V AND VI In April, Form V and VI students taking IB Geography with Mr. Eames and Miss Preston went to Paracas to carry out some research about beaches and coastal margins for the extensive coursework we have to hand in later on this year. It was a really enjoyable experience: we visited nearby beaches, did some investigation such as selecting sediment sizes, measuring infiltration rates and beach angle. We also had a small tour around sites such as “La Catedral” and we visited the Paracas National Park museum where we learned about diverse natural life. HUARAZ FIELDTRIP - FORM IV During the week of the 21st to the 24th May the Geography students in Form III went to the mountain town of Huaraz. We went to collect data for the fieldwork part of the course. We made a transect of Huaraz to investigate the environmental quality of the town and recorded this using a bi-polar survey. We also counted the number of people to see if this varied with distance from the Plaza de Armas. Finally, we completed a land use survey to locate the CBD (central business district). On the last day we trekked to the spectacular mirador overlooking Huaraz and completed fieldsketches of the town. The trip was a lot of fun since the we learnt more about the town of Huaraz and each other. It also helped to improve our teamwork skills as we had to be responsible working as groups in Huaraz. TREK UP THE MOUNTAINS OF LA MOLINA One Saturday in April a group of Upper School students decided to test our stamina and perseverance by climbing some of the mountains above La Molina. It was a tough but very enjoyable experience. We walked from school to the foot of the mountain and then, with our heavy rucksacks on our backs, trekked up the mountain with cross at the top. It took us hours and the sun poured down on us mercilessly but we kept going and going. When we finally reached the peak, we were all extremely pleased with ourselves. We were exhausted but the view was simply stunning. We took lots of photos as this was obviously, something we did not do or see every day. It was an amazing experience and none of us can wait for the next trek to come. 3 REGIONS As is the tradition in the school, from June 5th to 8th, the students of 5th Grade took part in the Three Regions of Peru Unit of Inquiry. We had just over thirty students visiting each of the destinations, Chincha representing the Coast, Tarma, representing the Sierra, and La Merced representing the jungle. The trip provided rich information collected on site about the location, agriculture, industry, services, customs of each of the areas. In school the students put their information together to find what things the areas have in common and what things are different. This trip provides, as always, a very different means of learning than the classroom, and even different teachers. Here in the photos we can see some of our students in La Merced practising phrases in the Ashaninka language and also learning how to make some of the local handcraft products, guided by teachers from the local Ashaninka community Pampa Michi. SCHOOL TRIPS VISITA AL SUBMARINO ABTAO Continuando con las visitas académicas, en el mes de junio, los alumnos de 1er grado hicieron el largo camino hasta el Callao para tener la experiencia de bajar a los compartimentos de un ¡submarino real! Se hicieron muchas preguntas antes de la visita: What is a submarine? Why was the submarine invented? What sights do we see when we look through a submarine? Where do the submarines stop? Etc. ¡Estamos seguros que encontraron todas las respuestas! KINDER VISIT TO THE FIRE-STATION This year our Kindergarden students took a trip to a firefighting station during their second unit, “People Who Help Us.” At the station, the children were able to learn about the tools, clothes, and transportation fire fighters use to help them carry out their jobs. They also had a chance to ask interesting questions and see how workers leave the fire station quickly to save people´s lives every day. It was wonderful for the children to experience the pride and joy the fire fighters have in preforming their jobs. VISITA A PLANTA DE RECUPERACIÓN DE AGUAS El 31 de mayo, todos los alumnos de 2do grado visitaron la Planta de Recuperación de la aguas del río Surco. Esta es una visita corta, pero muy importante no sólo para ver el tipo de servicios que ofrecen las municipalidades, sino sobre todo para incrementar el sentido de responsabilidad y cuidado que debemos tener con este recurso indispensable: AGUA. Foto: Abril Bulos y Joaquín Morales hicieron este esquema del proceso de tratamiento de las aguas para su uso posterior. LEVEL II VISIT TO OUR COLISEUM During our first unit, “Looking After Ourselves,” one of our main activities was visiting the Coliseum. Through exercises such as the human wheelbarrow race and tug-of-war, the children were able to work on their coordination and motor skills. These games helped students discover their physical ability as well as their courage to try new exercises. Throughout this visit, students learned that their bodies are capable of amazing things and it is important to take good care of them. SCHOOL TRIPS MUSIC El Departamento de Música comenzó su temporada de actividades musicales 2012, el 19 de marzo con la visita y concierto de confraternidad de la Orquesta de Columbus – Ohio. Destacados alumnos de Norte América tocaron junto a los nuestros, piezas del repertorio Suzuki. En seguida tuvimos el tradicional concierto por el Día de las Madres, llevado a cabo por los alumnos del 5to grado. Finalizando el bimestre, cinco alumnas, también de 5to grado, participaron en el Coro de los Colegios Británicos del Perú, formado para conmemorar el 60 Aniversario de la Coronación de la Reina Isabel II. Durante las vacaciones de mayo, el Conjunto de Flautas Dulces, interpretó obras barrocas en el ICPNA de Miraflores, en una de las noches del Festival de Música Antigua organizado por la Universidad Católica del Perú. Perla Barrios y Eduardo Jara de Form IV, viajaron a Chile para participar en el coro de los colegios LAHC. Dentro del marco del aniversario de la Biblioteca de Cali, el grupo de Violines Suzuki y el grupo de Cellos Suzuki del colegio, integrado por 46 alumnos en total, viajaron a Cali, Colombia para participar en un festival de cuerdas. El vihuelista italiano Massimo Marchese y la flautista alemana Gertraud Wimmer, profesores de este festival, nos visitaron el día 14 de mayo y ofrecieron un hermoso concierto. En junio y como parte de la celebración del 60 Aniversario de la Reina Isabel II, el Coro participó en la asamblea general realizada en el colegio. El 24 del mismo mes, se efectúo el tradicional concierto de “Solos”, donde los alumnos mostraron sus habilidades interpretativas tocando para sus padres y familiares. Para cerrar el primer semestre del año, la Orquesta, Banda, Coro y Conjunto Folklórico del colegio interpretaron, como siempre, bellas piezas de música peruana en la ceremonia de Fiestas Patrias. MUSIC MISTURAS FRANCÓFONAS El curso de francés se enfoca no sólo en la enseñanza del idioma, sino también en la exploración del mundo francófono. Para que nuestros alumnos sean ciudadanos del mundo es importante que descubran nuevos horizontes para llegar a tener una mejor comprensión entre los pueblos. La Francofonía reúne 75 estados y gobiernos y cuenta con 220 millones de franco hablantes en los cinco continentes. Con nuestra celebración central, Misturas Francófonas, permitimos a los alumnos descubrir algunos países francófonos a través de su música y de su cocina. De ahí el nombre de misturas. Realizamos un viaje cultural a varios lugares francófonos desde la Isla de Nueva Caledonia, pasando por varios países de Asia y África como Vietnam y Marruecos, cruzando Suiza y Bélgica en Europa y llegando al continente americano donde visitamos la Guyana Francesa y Canadá. Nuestros invitados especiales fueron la Embajada de Francia, la Alianza Francesa y la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. SEMANA DEL LIBRO - BIBLIOTECA Durante la Semana del Libro tuvimos una gran variedad de actividades, entre ellas La Feria del Libro, la cual reunió a veinte prestigiosas editoriales de nuestro medio que ofrecieron a nuestros alumnos, padres de familia y personal del colegio, hermosos libros informativos, materiales didácticos, cuentos, novelas y juegos educativos, entre otros. Además, las editoriales participantes hicieron donaciones de libros para nuestras bibliotecas. Paralelo a ello, se realizaron diversas actividades de promoción de lectura y show de títeres brindado por Raúl Narrea. Igualmente recibimos la visita de escritores como Madeleine Marion, Gladys Segovia, Claudia Paz, Iván Bolaños, Gonzalo Galdós y los cuentacuentos José Antonio Núñez, Gustavo Cabrera y Johan Gamarra. Finalmente, también se convocó al concurso de Cuento y Poesía en español e inglés para el nivel de Upper School. SEMANA DEL LIBRO - DEPARTAMENTO DE ESPAÑOL Tuvimos como actividad central una asamblea ilustrativa y versátil que integró la participación tanto de nuestros pequeños de Early Years como los de Lower y de Upper School. Los primeros, nos deleitaron interpretando, en un armónico y tierno coro, la canción “Como me gusta el Español”; mientras que los segundos, rememoraron sabias frases de la inmortal obra “El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha“. Los alumnos de Upper homenajearon, a través de una ilustrativa entrevista, al insigne escritor peruano César Vallejo, quien de haber sido longevo, cumpliría este año 120 años de vida. Cuatro reporteras de distintos diarios de la época, ataviadas a la usanza de los años 1930, abordaron al poeta con preguntas sobre su infancia, sus influencias literarias, su producción y los momentos más terribles de su vida, mientras se exhibía en pantalla grande, imágenes ilustrativas de la vida del autor. BOOK WEEK - ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Book week started with an exciting round of Beat the Teacher when IB and IGCSE students impressed the audience with their knowledge of English and Spanish literature. Teachers accepted defeat with dignity but were proud to see just how well students knew the books: 1984, The Great Gatsby and A Streetcar Named Desire. For the first time, this year IYP students also participated and outshone the teachers with their knowledge of: Kensuke’s Kingdom, Holes and Lord of the Flies. After a week of narrative writing competitions, independent reading projects, a Gatsby party and tutor groups competing to guess their teachers’ favourite books, Book Week came to a close with an entertaining assembly! William Shakespeare, Emily Bronte, William Golding and F.S. Fitzgerald walked onto the stage and presented their talents to a very critical jury as they competed for the title of Best Writer in English! The winner was a very deserving Emily Bronte played by Zuyi Jhon. DÍA DEL IDIOMA THE IMPORTANCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE The idea of emotional intelligence has now been with us for over a decade. Today it is recognised that most of the skills that lead to a full life are indeed not intellectual but emotional. Learning to regulate emotions when interacting with those around us is an important part of the upbringing and education of our children. Given the importance of this theme for young learners Early Years parents were offered a talk: “Forming Emotionally Intelligent children“ carried out by our psychologist Elizabeth Baca. WHY PYP IS IMPORTANT What is the PYP? This was the question which was tackled in two workshops offered to parents who wished to know more about this International Programme. Our aim was not to lecture to parents for an hour and a half but to show in practice how the programme worked. As such, parents were encouraged to give their ideas, find out information for themselves, collaboratively share their findings, prepare their main conclusions and then present them to the other parents. In this way parents were able to see just how many skills are utilized in one short span of a hundred minutes. As they saying goes, the best way of learning is by doing. USING THE SAME LANGUAGE It is in 1st Grade that the skills of reading and writing as well as a grasp of mathematical concepts magically take off in a big way. Children are enthused with these new ways of communicating and are eager to put the skills they learn into practice at every given opportunity. But how can we make the most of these opportunities? Our Workshop on Reading, Writing and Mathematics for parents of 1st Grade students was aimed at sharing the ways in which we can motivate and help students learn these new skills more effectively. We hope that this brief introduction to useful techniques will allow school and parents to “use the same language” and thus promote greater student learning. HELPING KINDERGARTEN PUPILS LEARN One of the most important meetings that takes place at the beginning of the year is the kindergarten workshop. Parents have the chance to listen to the teachers explaining what their children are going to learn and how they can help at home. Also, they have a good opportunity to ask questions about all the areas children are going to be working on in kinder. PARENT WORKSHOP ARTE VERDE Una de las metas del curso de arte es motivar la reflexión sobre la convivencia entre el hombre y su entorno cultural y natural. Este semestre nos hemos enfocado en el estudio del arte verde. Los alumnos de 6to grado investigaron a diseñadores industriales peruanos Ricardo Geldres, Karen Nichimura y los brasileros Fernando y Humberto Campana. Realizaron un análisis de la forma, función y material de un objeto y como cambiar su utilidad. Los alumnos de II de media investigaron la diferencia entre arquitectura verde y arquitectura ecológica, analizando arquitectura de distintas épocas. Percibieron una forma orgánica y la construyeron, identificando proporción, estructura y forma. Los alumnos de III de media debatieron las tres posiciones el conflicto sobre el Proyecto Minero Conga - a favor, en contra y una tercera vía intermedia. Después crearon sus proyectos de diseño CONGA. En la Escuela de Bellas Artes se organizó la exposición “Arte Verde” y se invitó a tres artistas ecológicos: Alejandro Jaime, Antonoio Guzman y Carlos Risco. También se organizó una conferencia para profesores de colegios nacionales y alumnos de educación artística de la Escuela de Bellas Artes, PUCP y la Universidad La Cantuta. Asistieron 178 personas al evento convocado por Guillermo Cortez, Director General de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes y nuestro Headmaster. Fue un gran reto para nuestros alumnos ya que expusieron casi todos ellos, además de reconocer el trabajo del equipo de arte. Es así que el curso de arte en nuestro colegio se convierte en un espacio de indagación de lenguajes y comunicación de contenidos. CALENDARIO 2013 • Summer School del 2 de enero al 31 de enero • Inicio del año escolar, 1er bimestre: 4 de marzo • Vacaciones de mayo: del 6 de mayo al 12 de mayo • Inicio del 2do bimestre: 13 de mayo • Vacaciones de medio año: del 15 de julio al 4 de agosto • Inicio del 3er bimestre :5 de agosto • Vacaciones de octubre: del 7 de octubre al 13 de octubre • Inicio del 4to bimestre: 14 de octubre • Ultimo día de clases en diciembre: 13 de diciembre • Ceremonia de graduación: 18 de diciembre • Ceremonia de clausura: 19 de diciembre NEWS SHEET Julio 2012 Diseño: Fernando Espinoza Edición: Andrew Cino Corrección y revisión: Andrew Cino / Rebeca Arellano Hemos rediseñado y pavimentado nuestro estacionamiento principal. Muy pronto se harán mejoras en los estacionamientos de kindergarten y del nido. Fotografías: Fernando Espinoza, Elizabeth Baca, Pilar Oliva, Coca Ortiz de Zevallos, Aldo Botteri, Oreste Pantin, Margarita Conroy, Robert Sánchez, Mónica Bacigalupo, Paola Padilla, Ana María Rivera, Richard Quantrill, Waldo Zaldívar, Yolanda Araujo, Ned Riley, Rebeca Arellano, Fiorella Márquez, Carlos Paz. Autores de los artículos: Andrew Cino, Pamela Curtin, David Massiah, Richard Quantrill, Rebeca Arellano, Yolanda Araujo, Roberto Sánchez-Piérola, Oreste Pantín, David Mitchell, Victoria McGregor, Ned Riley, Ana Maria Rivera, Paola Padilla, Waldo Zaldívar, Vivian Ash, Matt Eames, Kate Preston, Coca ortiz de Zevallos, Geoffrey Brown, Perla Arenas, Roberto Gonzales, Natasha Encinas, Colette Charbonnel, Lina Bernedo, Fiorella Márquez, Dougal Fergusson, Mónica Bacigalupo, Miguel García, Srs. Bustamante, Sra. Gutierrez, Pamela Chan, Mariana Otero, Srs. Pacheco. NEWTON COLLEGE Av. Ricardo Elías Aparicio 240, Las Lagunas de La Molina Phone: 479-0460 E-mail: [email protected]