St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church 330 E. Fullerton Ave., Addison, IL P. 630-279-6553 F. 630-279-4925 March 27 2016 Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua Rev. Luís Gutiérrez Pastor/Párroco Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 4:30pm Sunday 7:30 & 10:30am Weekday Masses Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30am Communion Service Tuesday & Thursday 8:00am Confessions/Confesiones Saturday 3:30 - 4:15pm Mr. Philip Marrow Deacon/Diacono Rosary Monday - Thursday 8:00am Adoration/Adoración al Santísimo Friday 8am - 7pm Misas en Español Sábado 6:30pm Domingo 9am y 12:30pm Misa en Español entre Semana Jueves 7pm Parish Office Hours - Horario de Oficina Parroquial Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves 9 am - 4 pm Friday 9 am - 12 Noon Our Parish Mission Statement “The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!” (Inspired by Jesus’ Mission Statement - Luke 4:18) Nuestro Lema de la Misión Parroquial “¡El Espíritu del Señor esta sobre nosotros, porque el Señor nos ha Ungido para proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo!” (Inspirado por el Lema de la Misión de Jesús - Lucas 4:18) The Lord has risen, Alleluia Alleluia! ¡El Señor ha resucitado, Aleluya Aleluya! Apreciables hermanos Dear brothers and sisters, On these days of joy for the Resurrection of the Lord I want to wish you all a Happy Easter, hoping that our good glorious God is manifested in your families and in our Parish Community. Throughout the Lenten journey we have meditated on fasting, prayer and the works of mercy that have filled us with Joy. Remember that the Easter Triduum (Passion, Death and Resurrection) is an invitation to renew our spirit and our Christian commitment, which translates in our actions to God and our brothers and sisters. I want to invite you to experience the life that the Disciples of Emmaus lived when they met the Risen Lord. First, "... And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him," (Lk 24: 30) It is necessary that as true Disciples we recognize God, whom is still present even in the most basic events in our lives. Do not let the discouragement of events obstruct our understanding. Second, "... So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem where they found gathered together the eleven and those with them who were saying, “The Lord has truly been raised and has appeared to Simon!” (Lk 24: 33-34) Let us not forget that the mission of every Christian is to proclaim the message that the Risen Christ has shared with us. Trust in God, as a Parish community we can reach out to the needy echoing the words that Pope Francis reminds us of a missionary Church. Finally, I trust in God that with this holy encounter we perform it with the same joy experienced by the Disciples of Emmaus, with their meeting with the Risen Christ and without delay they came out to announce this great event. Trusting in the intercession of Holy Mary, I commend your prayers and I ask God to send his blessing to each and every one of you. With fraternal love, Rev. Luis Gutierrez En estos días de gozo por la resurrección del Señor quiero desearles a todos ustedes unas felices fiestas de Pascua, esperando que nuestro buen Dios se manifestara glorioso en sus familias y en nuestra comunidad parroquial. En todo el camino cuaresmal hemos meditado sobre el ayuno, la oración y las obras de misericordia que nos han hecho llegar llenos de alegría a esta celebración de la Pascua. Recordemos que el triduo pascual (pasión, muerte y resurrección) es una invitación para renovar nuestro espíritu y nuestro compromiso cristiano que se debe traducir en acciones para nuestro Dios y nuestros hermanos. Quiero exhortarlos para que hagamos viva la experiencia de los Discípulos de Emaús al encontrarse con el Resucitado. Primero, “…se puso a la mesa con ellos, tomo el pan, pronuncio la bendición, lo partió y se lo iba dando. Entonces se les abrieron los ojos y le reconocieron” (Lc. 24, 30) Es necesario que como verdaderos discípulos reconozcamos a Dios que se nos hace presente hasta en los acontecimientos más elementales de la vida, no dejemos que el desánimo nos nuble el entendimiento. Segundo, “…Y, levantándose al momento, se volvieron a Jerusalén y encontraron reunidos a los once y a los que estaban con ellos, que decían: ¡Es verdad! ¡El Señor ha resucitado y se ha aparecido a Simón!” (Lc. 24, 33-34) No olvidemos que la misión de todo cristiano es anunciar el mensaje que Jesucristo resucitado nos ha compartido. Confió en Dios, que como comunidad parroquial podamos salir al encuentro de los más necesitados haciendo eco de las palabras del Papa Francisco que nos recuerda que la iglesia es misionera. Finalmente, confió en Dios que esta tarea de encuentro la realicemos con la misma alegría que experimentaron los discípulos de Emaús al encontrarse con Cristo Resucitado y sin demora salieron a anunciar este gran acontecimiento. Confiando en la intercesión de María Santísima, me encomiendo a sus oraciones y suplico a Dios mande su bendición sobre cada uno de ustedes. Con fraternal afecto, Rev. Luis Gutiérrez March 27 – April 3, 2016 8:00 pm: Biligual Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Domingo de Pascua Sunday, March 27 7:30 am: †Charlotte & Jake Jakobowski 9:00 am: †jJesus, Reynaldo, Consuelo y Maria Luisa Ibarra †Ramon y Florentina Barajas 10:30 am: †Alan Warneke † Annunziata Griselta 12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass †Ofelia Hurtado †Jesus Nuñez †Lucia Vazquez †Maria Trinidad Sanchez 35° Aniversario Monday - March 28 7:30 am– For the Int of Father Luis Tuesday - March 29 8:00 am– † Communion Service Wednesday - March 30 7:30 am– † Thursday - March 31 8:00 am– † Communion Service 7:00 pm - † Maria Bernarda Aguirre Friday - April 1 7:30 am– †All Souls Day name intentios Holy Saturday, April 2 4:30 pm– † John Hergenreder 6:30 pm: Alois Ganek 1° Aniversario Sunday of Divine Mercy Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Sunday, April 3 7:30 am: † Angelo & Madeline Migliozzi 9:00 am: † 10:30 am: †Leah Tait McFadden 12:30 pm: Spanish-Community Mass †Belen Rojas † Maria Angela Lovato 18° Aniversario †Niño Eduardo Cordova † Isaura Gonzalez Please note, all Parish offices will be closed Monday, April 4th. Por favor note todas las oficinas parroquiales estarán cerradas el Lunes, 4 de Abril. Tammy Su Ramirez, Mrs. Cantanese, Dorothy Aides, Gloria Maldonado, Gerard & Michael, Consuelo Solis, Phillys Washington, Yeraldine Ruiz, , Alma Isidoro, Jenni Vazquez, Jerry Bear, Bonnie Jean Gorski, Fred Kahle, Vivian, Rafael Salgado, Araceli Rodriguez, & Remedios Ibarra †Rest in Peace Natalie DeMarco, Eliseo Martinez Guadarrama, Patricia DePaolo, James Zaremba, Cirilia DelaCruz-Valdez, Max Sus, Ray Conrad, John Hergenreder, Agustin Flores, Alfonso Ibarra & Hermanejildo Salgado LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Hch 2:14, 22-33; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 711; Mt 28:8-15 Hch 2:36-41; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Hch 3:1-10; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Lc 24:13-35 Hch 3:11-26; Sal 8:2, 5-9; Lc 24:35-48 Hch 4:1-12; Sal 118 (117):1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Hch 4:13-21; Sal 118 (117):1, 14-21; Mc 16:9-15 Hch 5:12-16; Sal 118 (117):2-4, 13-15, 2224; Ap 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Monday, April 4, Lunes 7:00 pm RCIA/ RICA St. Mary’s / St. Clair’s Room Tuesday, April 5, Martes 6:30 pm Choir Practice - Church 7:00 pm Koinonia de Matrimonios - Parish hall 7:00 pm Renovacion Carismatica leaders - school Wednesday, April 6 - Miércoles 5:40 pm Faith Formation Classes Thursday, April 7- Jueves 7 pm Scripture Study - St. Francis Room Friday, April 8- Viernes - 8am - 7pm Benediction/Adoración al Santísimo 7 pm Partners on the Journey Couples - St. Francis Room 7:30 pm Renovación Carismática Católica Hispana Circulo d Oración "Nueva Vida en Cristo" Charismatic Renewal Catholic Hispanic Prayer Group "New Life in Christ" Saturday, April 9 – Sabado3:00 pm Faith Formation Classes/ Catesismo Easter Flower Offerings/ Ofrenda de Flores de Pascua In Memory of/En Memoria de: Adelina Espinoza Agnes & Leo Pych Agnes Ciolbowski Alfredo & Carmen Sauceda Alfredo & Dominga Poblete Alfredo L. Manuel Sr. Amadeo Ultnelas Ángel Guzmán Ann Ciolbowski Anna & Salvatore Tamburo Anna Petro Anthony Bullaro Apelio Mondragón Aurelia Juárez Ben Prince Benjamín García Bidus Family Bill & Margaret Lux Bobie Dostela & John Bonnie Sonsa Bridget Coyle Brittany Valene Carmen C. Doliente Carmen Muñoz Caterina & Vincengo DiFatta Charles & Rosalie Land Chris M. Cuevo Chris Pizzolanti Dan Neri Dan Riordan David Grandys David Hartman Diane Barszcz Dolores Cortez Dominic & Carmela Filomeno Dominic Dalesandro Donald Dalesandro Dorothy Lokes Dorothy Remy Eleana Grano Elise Prete Emily Riordan Enrique Dávila Eradio Núñez Estanislao Cortez Eugene Morin Eva Cervantes Filippa Gariti Francisco Olea Francisco Rodríguez Frank Ciolbowski Frank Milazzo Frank Peppi Frank Sisco Fred Phillips Gary Sisco Gaudencio T. Sansano George Prince Gertrudes Beltrán Gilbert Brechin Giuseppe Abbate Giuseppe Romano Giuseppe Solomone Grandma Lenca Gregorio & Francisca Calit Halina Poreba Harriet Kiecowski Helen McMahon Ignacio Romano Inocente Cortez James & Loretta Corcoran James Gregory James P. Bezad James Prete Jean Kulpinski Jean Prince Jen Phillips Jenny Prince Jerger Family Jim & Loraine Wallich John Colman Joya John Coyle John Petro Josafat Godoy José Luis Velázquez José Olivo & Luna Urzúa José Roberto Velázquez Joseph DiCristofano Joseph Krejci Joseph Morin Joseph Piazza Joseph Poblete Josephine Pizzolanti Juan Herculano Juaquin Herrera Kazimierz Lisiecki Leona Russo Leobardo Cortez Leonard Kulpinksi Lillian Brunski Linda Haynes Loreto García Lucy Dicristofano Ludmila & Richard Hartman Lynde Family Manuel Calit Maria C. Vargas María Jahn María Luisa Lazo María Paniagua Marian and María Stano Mariano J. Doliente Marie Corcoran Mark Pryzbyla Michael & Evelyn Fleming Michael Haynes Michael Russo Micky & Linda Scheelk Mike Terracciano Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kissane Nick Neri Norm Fuller Pablo Velázquez Paddy Colman Naughton Patricia Grady Patrick & Mary Naughton Patrick Haynes Pauline Krueger Peter Colovos Peter Remy Pina Dicristofano Ralph & Grace DiCapua Reyes Reséndiz Rita Wayda Roland Sellergren Roman Bohaner & Family Romano Grano Ron Deiler Rosa DiFatta Rosa F. Manuel Rosa Terracciano Rose Cullotta Roselia Urzo Rosemary Dalesandro Rosetta Terracciano Sally Ruggiero Salvatore Terracciano Samantha Behl Sampey Family Sheila Ciaramita Shirley Ristich Sr. Elizabeth Clare Urabby Stefania Lisierlri Teresa Smialek Tes Kiecowski Thomas & Annie Joyce Tony Neri Vince Neri Walter Bryk Walter Zelent Wanda Bryk William V. Grady Wladyslaw and Wladyslawa Ogorzalek Yvonne Piron In Honor of: En Honor a: Alejandra Hurtado Ana Ortiz Anastacia Cervantes Annie Morin Dorothea Ortega Eric Pena Family Gdala Gloria Maldonado Helen & Walter Kozial Jane Dybala John & Rose Wetz Lolo Núñez Loraine Milazzo Marcelino Núñez Michael Corcoran Teres Ramírez Timothy J. Kozial Yasmin Pena DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 3, 2016 We will be celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday on April 3 from 2:30pm to 3:30pm....this year Pope Francis has made it a year of, what better way to come and take advantage of Our Lord's mercy..however, due to the shortage of priests, it is suggested that you go to confession 8 days, before this event or 8 days after..this will still give you the indulgence for this day. also, Mass will not be celebrated at this event..please go to Mass before coming. The Divine Mercy novena starts on Good Friday, please pick up a copy in the back of the church. Please invite all your friends and family.. All are welcome and we hope to see you all there. CELEBRACION DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Vamos a celebrar Domingo de la Misericordia el 3 de abril de 2:30 a 3:30 .... este año el papa Francisco ha hecho un año de Misericordia , qué mejor manera de venir y tomar ventaja de la misericordia de Nuestro Señor . .Sin embargo , debido a la escasez de sacerdotes , se sugiere que vaya a confesarse 8 días , antes de este evento u 8 días después, todavía le dará la indulgencia para este día . También , no se celebrara misa en este evento.. Por favor de ir a misa antes de venir . La novena de la Divina Misericordia comienza el Viernes Santo , por favor, recoja una copia en la parte posterior de la iglesia . Por favor, invite a todos tus amigos y familiares .. Todos son bienvenidos y esperamos verlos a todos aquí. From the Faith Formation Office… De la Oficina de Educación Religiosa Nuestra oficina estará abierta esta semana el martes, el miércoles y el jueves 9 a.m.-4 p.m. La oficina de formación de fe les desea a todas nuestras familias una muy Feliz Pascuas. Gracias a todas nuestras familias que apoyaron Rifa de Formación de Fe. Con la ayuda de todos los que están vendiendo boletos y el apoyo de todos los que compren esta rifa debe ser una exitosa recaudación de fondos para nosotros. Todo el dinero recaudado será utilizado para apoyar las necesidades del programa de Formación de Fe. Los ganadores serán publicados en nuestra oficina e impresos en el boletín la próxima semana. Como un feligrés y ahora como el director del programa de formación de fe reconozco nuestra necesidad de un grupo de Jóvenes aquí a San José. No podemos seguir les permiten salir después de la Confirmación y esperar que continúen creciendo su fe por su cuenta. Necesitamos un grupo de líderes que ayudarán a nuestros adolescentes y jóvenes adultos a que se sientan parte de la comunidad que Jesucristo sigue construyendo en la actualidad. Pronto estaremos formando un grupo para comenzar a planear nuestro nuevo grupo de jóvenes. Tenemos que ayudar a nuestros jóvenes a convertirse en la iglesia de hoy. Por favor, piénselo, oren por esto y sea la voz del Espíritu Santo para animar a los que tienen el talento y el deseo de pasar al frente de este ministerio. Ahora puede seguirnos en Twitter @StJosephAddison RecordaHUNGERING FOR CELEBRATION We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we celebrate! Our torios de programa y mensajes inspiradores se comunicarán de Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where manera regular. Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in the HAMBRE DE CELEBRACIÓN lives we’ve changed this Lent in Colombia, Laos, Rwanda, Hondu- Oramos, ayunamos y aportamos donativos— ¡y ahora celebraras, Madagascar and all over the world! Don’t forget to turn in mos! Nuestra jornada de Cuaresma con Plato de Arroz de CRS your CRS Rice Bowl when you return to class on April 6 and April termina en nuestros propios corazones, donde Jesús reina por 9. siempre. ¡Alegrémonos en nuestro Señor Resucitado—y en las vidas que hemos cambiado esta Cuaresma en Colombia, Laos, Ruanda, Honduras, Madagascar y en todo el mundo! No olvide entregar su Plato de Arroz cuando regrese a clases el 6 de abril y 9 de abril. Our office will be open this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to 4pm. Thank you for all of our families who supported our Faith Formation Raffle. With the help of those selling tickets and the support of those purchasing tickets this should be a successful fundraiser for us. All money raised will used to support the needs of the Faith Formation program. Winners will be posted in our office and printed in the bulletin in next weeks. As a parishioner and now the Faith formation Director I recognize our need for a Youth Ministry here at St. Joseph. We cannot continue allow them to leave after Confirmation and hope they will continue to grow their faith all on their own. We need a group of leaders who will help our teenagers and young adults feel a part of the community that Jesus Christ continues to build today. We will soon be forming a group to begin planning our new youth group. We need to help our young people to become the church of today. Please think about it, pray about it and be the voice of the Holy Spirit to encourage those with the talent and desire to come forward for this ministry You can now follow us on Twitter @StJosephAddison Program reminders and inspirational messages will be communicated on a regular basis. FAITH FAMILY FUTURE GAME NIGHT!!! Holy Family is hosting a dinner, casino entertainment, auction and prizes in the Grasso center on April 9th from 6-11pm, $40.00 per person, adults only. The committee is working hard to make this event successful and would greatly appreciate wine donations for the Wine Pull or other items for auction. We have other sponsorship opportunities as well, and would love to show our appreciation with advertising your business. Please pickup a letter outside the school office for more information or email Ashley at [email protected]. All items can be dropped off at the school office. Thank you and See you there!!! Annual School Fund-If you would like to donate to our Annual Fund, please return your pledge/donation envelope in the collection basket, or you can mail it or drop it off in the school office. REGISTRATIONS are now available for the 2016-2017 school year!– Please call the school office to schedule a tour or for the shadowing program, 630-766-0116! You can also visit our website at, for a virtual tour of the school. • • • • 3- & 4-year-old, Full- and • Half-day Preschool Full-day Kindergarten Before- & After-school Care • Integrated Technology Program (including Smart • Board Technology) Spanish Language (GR 58), Art, Computers, Band, Choir, Library & Enrichment Programs Physical Education, Big West Athletics (Gr 5-8) School Social Worker • • • • School Speak Online Grading, Access & Communication System Junior High Dances and Fun Parent Club Events Free Shuttle Bus from/to St. Joseph Parish location District 2 Bus Service Holy Family Catholic School Mission Statement Holy Family Catholic School is a diverse community working together as a vital part of the mission of the Catholic Church. We strive to grow in our relationship with God and each other by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through religious instruction, faith development, and academic excellence. DRAWN INTO THE STORY Peter and John and peering inside to see the cloths used to cover Jesus' body. Psalm 118 sums up our response: "It is "We are witnesses!" The scripture readings wonderful in our eyes!" for Easter Sunday concentrate on details What resurrection details do we see in our lives today? How reported by eyewitnesses. Listen carefully have we died to our old lives and been raised up again with and you will be drawn into the stories Jesus? Let us pay attention to the new life around us. It is wonyourself. Peter reports the good works derful in our eyes. Jesus did, his death on the cross, and his Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. resurrection. The passage from John's Gospel has us running to the empty tomb with Stewardship Thought for the Week March 14, 2016 254 Envelopes Loose Childrens Env. Total 5,739.00 2,373.00 177.00 $8,289.00 Our Goal each Week to cover our expenses is $11,500. Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of Saint Joseph. Nuestra Meta por Semana para cubrir los gastos es de: $11,500. Gracias por su generosidad. Thank you to all who have so generously supported the pantry. We are in need of paper bags, at the moment. Please bring them to the Pantry Cart or the parish office! On Wednesday, March 16 we gave out 48 bags Gracias a todos los que generosamente han ayudado con la despensa. Children’s Faith Formation Office Oficina de Formación de Fe-Catecismo 630-832-5514 Mr. Carlo Zeffiro - DRE Email: [email protected] follow us on Twitter @StJosephAddison Office Hours Horario de Oficina Sunday & Monday-Closed Tuesday 9 AM-4 PM Wednesday, 1PM -8 PM Thursday, 12PM - 4 PM Fridays, 9 AM-12 PM Saturday, 1PM - 6PM Office Hours subject to Change Holy Family Catholic School Escuela Católica Sagrada Familia 630-766-0116 Mr. Christopher Tiritilli - School Principal Email - [email protected] Web Site - CHURCH NAME & ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #512139 330 East Fullerton Avenue Addison, IL 60101 TELEPHONE 630 279-6553 CONTACT PERSON Edna Pasillas or Fr. Luis SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 MS Office 2010 PRINTER RICOH Aficio MP C4502 RPCS NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Pages 2 through 5 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN MARCH 27, 2016 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS