programme - Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music
programme - Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music
Singing competition June 8 –16, 2016 De Geerhallen, Norrköping Sweden member of – 02 – Ärade besökare, välkommen till Östergötland, ett vackert län fullt av intressanta platser att besöka. Östergötland är ett län med en rik och spännande historia, som sträcker sig från den äldre stenåldern, genom en medeltid med klosterepoken, Birger Jarls inflytande och en utveckling av världsledande industriföretag ända från 1600-talet. Länet är också rikt ur ett kulturellt perspektiv. Den gamla staden Vadstena med klosterområdet och slottet, liksom de smala gatorna och de låga husen, är en pärla och helt unik. Det vackra landskapet, som sträcker sig från Östersjön till Vättern, är inbjudande för besökare från hela världen. Vårt berömda universitet rankas mycket högt av studenter och forskare, och är av största betydelse för hela samhällets utveckling. Östergötland har av kungafamiljen utnämnts till hertigdöme för prinsessan Estelle. Det är vi mycket stolta över. Ta gärna en promenad i det spännande Industrilandskapet, lyssna till ljuden av vattnet i Motala ström och njut av Norrköpings Symfoniorkester. Jag ser fram emot att träffa er på den internationella Stenhammarfestivalen 2016. Elisabeth Nilsson Landshövding i Östergötland Dear visitors, welcome to Östergötland, the beautiful county full of interesting sites to visit. Östergötland is a county with a rich and exciting history, a county that encourage cultural activities of all kind. The old small town Vadstena with the monastery church and the castle is a treasure and unique because of it’s history and the character of the town. The beautiful landscape, from the Baltic sea to lake Vättern is inviting for tourists from all around the world. Our famous Linköping university is very high ranked among students and scientists and of greatest importance for both the business sector and the public sector. We are very proud of being the dukedom of the newborn princess Estelle, the daughter of crown princess Victoria and prince Daniel. Take a walk in Industrilandskapet (Industrial Landscape) in Norrköping, listen to the sound of Motala river, and enjoy the sound of the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra. I’m looking forward to meet you at the Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition 2016. Elisabeth Nilsson County Governor of Östergötland – 03 – Välkomna till Norrköping Det är en stor ära att, för sjätte gången, hälsa Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition välkomna till Norrköping. Vår ambition är att vara en musikhuvudstad där musiklivet blomstrar, där det finns ett brett utbud och en mångfald av genrer, av ungt, modernt, klassiskt och traditionellt. När vår stad gästas av artister i världsklass som under WSIMC vibrerar hela Norrköping och många nya begåvningar inspireras. För detta är vi djupt tacksamma. Jag önskar er alla ett stort lycka till med tävlingen. Jag hoppas också att ni får några stunder över för att uppleva omgivningarna. Allra närmast och väldigt centralt finns till exempel vårt fina industrilandskap. Där finns stadens arbetarhistoria och arkitekturen från förr bevarad, men i dag fylls byggnaderna av kultur och kunskap i form av symfoniorkestern, universitet och nya spännande företag i kreativa branscher. Där kan ni vila öronen en stund, ta en promenad och känna stänken från vattenfallen, innan ni återvänder in i den ljuva musikens värld. Återigen varmt välkomna, såväl sångare och musiker som jury, press och publik. Det är i Norrköping det händer! Louise Malmström Kommunfullmäktiges ordförande, Norrköping Welcome to Norrköping It is a great honour to, for the sixth time, welcome the Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition (WSIMC) to Norrköping. Our ambition is to become a “music capital” where music takes a leading role and where there is a wide array of musical events of all genres on offer, from young to modern to classical to traditional. When our city hosts world renowned artists under the umbrella of WSIMC all of Norrköping will vibrate and many new talents be inspired. For this we are deeply grateful. I wish you all the best with the competition. I also hope, that you will find a few moments to explore your surroundings and the city. Very close-by and centrally located is, for example, our unique industrial landscape. There you will find preserved the history and architecture of the city from when it was a leading textile manufacturing centre. Today the buildings are used to promote culture and learning, housing the symphony orchestra, the university and new and exciting start-up companies with creative ideas. Here you may rest your ears a little while, take a stroll and feel the spray from the water cascades before you return into the lovely world of music. Again, a warm welcome to you all – singers and musicians as well as jury, press and the public. It all happens in Norrköping! Louise Malmström Chairman of the City Council, Norrköping Mayor of Norrköping – 04 – photo anders kratz Som ordförande i Wilhelm Stenhammars stiftelse vill jag framföra styrelsens varma tack till Region Östergötland, Norrköpings kommun, Norrköpings Symfoniorkester, sponsorer, värdfamiljer och alla medarbetare! Ert starka stöd säkerställer att denna tävling blir till ett unikt evenemang, där såväl ung som gammal, får tillfälle att möta dessa unga stjärnor, som man i framtiden kommer att få se och höra på operascenerna runt om i världen! Grattis till alla er i publiken, vare sig ni följer den nervösa första ronden, den andra ronden eller ”Grande Finale”, för att ni gett er möjligheten att lyssna på sjuttio deltagare från tjugo länder. Glöm inte att rösta fram din favorit till Publikens pris! Du kommer säkert, under tävlingens gång, att märka hur svårt det är att tävla i sång! Den internationella, och mycket professionella juryn måste dock komma fram till beslut! Vi i Stenhammarstiftelsens styrelse är stolta över vad vi erbjuder, och vi har förpliktat oss att ytterligare bredda kunskapen om vår tävling, till alla som älskar skön sång. Jag är mycket glad och stolt över att ha kunnat arrangera en internationell operatävling av yppersta klass i Sverige och Norrköping sedan 2006. I år firar tävlingen 10 års jubileum! Många av våra tidigare sångare har haft stora framgångar och kan nu höras på några av världens främsta operascener. De Geerhallen kommer inom kort att fyllas med skön operasång och jag är övertygad om att årets tävling blir ett fantastiskt evenemang! On behalf of The Wilhelm Stenhammar Foundation (WSS) I want to express its gratitude to Region of Östergötland, The Community of Norrköping, The Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, sponsors, host families and staff members. Your economic and devoted support, ensure this competition to be a unique event, for young and old, in meeting some of the future stars at the global opera scenes. Congratulations to all of you in the audience, whether you follow the nervous first round, second round or the “Grand Finale”, for having the possibility to listen, and also to make your own judgment of what you will be able to hear from seventy candidates from twenty countries around the world. Don’t forget to vote for the Audience’s Prize! For sure, you will notice the difficulties to compete in singing! However, the highly competent jury must finally come to a decision! You will love the excitement in this process! The board of WSS are committed to broaden the knowledge of the competition to all people who loves good singing. Jag hoppas att vi på sikt ska kunna utveckla tävlingen ytterligare genom att anordna Master Classes i anslutning till tävlingen. Flera av våra jurymedlemmar är välkända, internationella operasångare och mycket efterfrågade pedagoger. Detta skulle vara mycket viktigt, inte minst för våra svenska sångare! Genom kontakter över gränserna får man dela med sig av sin egen kultur, vilket är berikande för alla och ger värdefull utveckling. Jag ser fram emot spännande dagar i sångens tecken och hoppas vi får en stor publik under tävlingsdagarna! Ett varmt tack vill jag rikta till alla som på olika sätt stöder tävlingen – sponsorer, bidragsgivare och andra samarbetspartners som hjälpt oss att bygga upp detta till ett internationellt musikcentrum i det sommarfagra Sverige och Norrköping! Varmt välkommen till Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition 2016! I am happy and proud to have been able to arrange an international opera competition, on the highest possible level, in Sweden and Norrköping since 2006. This year the competition will celebrate 10 years Anniversary. Many of our earlier singers have developed Claes Egnell, ordförande President of the Wilhelm Stenhammar Foundation prosperous careers and are now singing at some of the most famous opera scenes around the world. De Geerhallen will soon be filled with beautiful opera singing and I am absolutely convinced that this year’s competition will be a fantastic event! I hope that we can realize to develop the competition further, by organizing “Master Classes” in connection to the competition. Some of our jury members are famous opera singers and great demanded teachers. This could be very important, especially for our swedish singers. Through contacts across the frontiers, we share our cultures – that enriches everybody and gives valuable development. I’m looking forward to exiting days, full of experiences, in the sign of singing, and I hope that we will have a lot of people in the audience during the competition days. I will also send a warmly “Thank you” to everybody, who in different ways, are supporting the competition – sponsors, contributors, and other partners, who, by their generous support, have helped us to make The Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition to an international music center in the beautiful summertime in Sweden and Norrköping! Warmly welcome to Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition 2016 ! Sonja Stenhammar, Konstnärlig ledare Artistic Director – 05 – THE WILHELM STENHAMMAR FOUNDATION Members of the board: Claes Egnell Sonja Stenhammar Åse Berglund Camilla Lundberg Karin Veres Kerstin Högberg Karlström Attorney at Law, President Artistic Director WSIMC Project Manager Music Critic Managing and Artistic Director Norrköping Symphony Orchestra co-opted member 9–16 JUNE 2016, THE DE GEER HALL, NORRKÖPING SINGING COMPETITION: First round: 9–11 June: Every candidate sings max 15 min accompanied by piano. Schedule: 9–10 June 10.30–18.45, 11 June 10.30–15.00. (Pause for lunch and coffee). In the First Round the repertoire will consist of works, chosen by the contestant, within the genres opera, lieder or oratorio. Second round: 12–14 June: Max 25 min/singer, accompanied by piano. Schedule: 12–13 June 11.00–17.55, 14 June 11.00–12.40. (Pause for lunch and coffee). The repertoire will comprise opera, lieder or oratorio and one song by Wilhelm Stenhammar. In the Second Round the programme is chosen by the Jury from the contestant’s repertoire. Audience is welcome during the competition days. Free entrance. Only between every candidate, the audience is allowed to enter and/or leave. 16 June 2016 18.00 De Geerhallen Norrköping Symphony Orchestra with Finalists Conductor Nader Abbassi Each candidate sings two opera arias. The arias will be selected by the jury from the contestant’s repertoire list. After the Final Concert and the jury meeting, Prizes and Engagements will be awarded on the stage. The First Prize Winner will sing one aria with the orchestra. P R I Z ES First prize 100,000 SEK Second prize 60,000 SEK Third prize 40,000 SEK Fourth prize 20,000 SEK Audience’s prize 20,000 SEK Mozart Prize 10,000 SEK Stenhammar prize 10,000 SEK, given by Cecilia Stenhammar, for the best interpretation of Wilhelm Stenhammar songs. E N G AG E M E N T S The first prize-winner will be engaged as soloist with The Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, Sweden, during the season 2017–2018 or at another convenient date. Value 30,000 SEK. The first prize-winner will be invited to take part of The Musical Olympus Festival in S:t Petersburg, Russia. The Malmö Opera in Sweden could offer, due to the disponibilities, an engagement, at one of their productions, for one of the participants of the Competition. – 06 – J U RY CHAIRMAN OF THE JURY: M E M B E R S MEMBERS OF THE JURY: NADER ABBASSI Artistic Director/Principal Conductor, The Cairo Opera Orchestra (Egypt/Switzerland) CLAS SKÖLD Bass/Casting Director Malmö Opera (Sweden) Clas Sköld had his education in Wien and Göteborg and sang as Basesoloist for example in Austria (Stadtheater Klagenfurt) and Sweden (Malmö Opera, The Royal Opera in Stockholm) roles as Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), Osmin (Die Entführung aus dem Serail), Raimondo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Ramfis (Aida), Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Fiesco (Simon Boccanegra), Daland (Der fliegende Holländer), Basilio (Il barbiere di Seviglia) and Don Magnifico (La Cenerentola). He worked many years as a teacher in ”opera stage work” in Denmark and Sweden. Clas Sköld is now Casting Director at the Malmö Opera since many years. In his conducting career, Nader Abbassi take advantage of his exceptionally wide and professional experience as a singer, bassoonist and composer. In July 2011 Nader Abbassi was appointed Artistic and Musical Director of Katara Culture Foundation in Qatar. Between 2009 to 2011, he was the first Musical Director & Principal Conductor for the newly formed Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra. He was the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Cairo Opera Orchestra 2002–2011. In 2002 Nader Abbassi made his acclaimed debut conducting “Aida” at the pyramids in Giza. Nader Abbassi is also the Artistic Director of the Orchestre pour la Paix in Paris. Abbassi is a permanent member, as well as the conductor, of the The Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition in Norrköping. In 2006 Nader Abbassi conducted Menotti’s opera “Maria Golovine” in the presence of the composer at the MarseilleOpera House. Since then he regularly returned to conduct concerts and operas and for opera productions at Opéra de Bordeaux and at The Glimmerglass Festival New York USA. Nader Abbassi conducts many international orchestras – Symphony Orchestras in Basel, Heidelberg, München, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lisboa, Genève, and many others. He gave his US debut with the Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra in spring 2008. The compositions of Nader Abbassi are performed by many orchestras. Nader Abbassi was awarded the Citation of Excellence and Outstanding Music Award in USA. He has also won several first prizes from the Egyptian Ministry of Culture for bassoon and composition. He was the winner of the Mozart Chamber Music Competition in Geneva, 1992. ALFIO GRASSO Baritone (Italy) Alfio Grasso has studied singing with the tenor Angelo Bartoli. He has won international singer-competitions as “F. Paolo Neglia” of Enna, “Città di Roma” Adria and Reggio Calabria. He has sung at the theatres of Verona, Modena, Messina, Roma, Catania, Ascoli Piceno, Bergamo, Bologna, Macerata, Toronto, Montreal, Hamburg, Monaco, Graz, Cairo, Damasco, Paris, Grenoble, Madrid, Sevilla, Granada, Nagoya, Tokyo, Ostrava, Budapest. He has been Rigoletto, Germont, Amonasro, Rodrigo, Nabucco, Jago, Macbeth, Conte di Luna, Renato, Ford, Enrico, Scarpia, Sharpless, Marcello, Lescaut, Gianni Schicchi, Escamillo, Silvio, Tonio, Alfio, Valentin. Among international partners: Mirella Freni, Katia Ricciarelli, Ghena Dimitrova, Rajna Kabaivanska. OLGA KONDINA Soprano/Professor (Russia) Olga Kondina is professor of the St.Petersburg State Conservatory and since 1985 one of the leading soloists of The Mariinsky Theatre (Kirov Opera). She studied violin an solo singing at the Ural State Conservatory and completed her violin concert diploma in 1980 and singing diploma 1982. In 1983-1985 she took a post-graduate course of solosinging with Prof. Irina Arkhipova at the Moscow State Conservatory. Olga Kondina is a laureate of Glinka Singers Competition in Russia (1979,19829, a prize-winner of the International Viotti Competition in Italy (1984), a laureate and special prize-holder of – 07 – the International Viñas Singing Competition in Barcelona, Spain (1987). Since 1985 Olga Kondina is one of the leading singers of the Mariinsky Theatre (KirovOpera) in St.Petersburg. In her repertoire Violetta (La Traviata) and Gilda (Rigoletto) by Verdi; Lucia (lucia di Lammermoor) by Donizetti; Luydmila (Ruslan andLludmila)by Glinka; Rosina (Il Barbiere di Siviglia) by Rossini; Nightingale (Nightingale) by Stravinsky. Together with the Kirov Opera she sang in the theatres in Europe, Japan and the USA. Her wide chamber vocal repertoire embraces the music of French, German and Italian composers of different epochs. Her solo CD: “Russian classical romances” was released in 1993; Ave Maria was released i 1994; Reflections was released in 1996. and dynamic force while still maintaining the high artistic standards for which it has always been renowned. The financial burdens which beset the Orchestra on his arrival were completely lifted and, by the end of his last season, the LPO had the best attendance record of any UK based orchestra. In 2003 he became General Director of the National Lyon Opera House. He is regularly invited to the jury panel of various competitions such as the Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition (singers session), Gustav Mahler Conducting competition (Bamberg), the Sibelius Conducting competition (Helsinki), Piano Masters competition (Montecarlo). He has been acting as a consultant to many cultural organisations. Amongst his publications: ‘The Opera – The future of a past’ – Brussels – 1990. teaches also many master-classes in Italy, France, Spain and Japan. Her master-classes in Florence, Genova and Paris are followed by young singers from around the world. G.R. is the founder and Artistic Director of the musical associations “Spazio Musica” and “Teatro Tempo. In the past ten years, G.R. has been working also as director, staging the main operas of the Italian repertoire. G.R. planned and edited the well-known and successful collections of opera arias for the publishing house “Ricordi”, and she is quoted in many musical encyclopedias. KARIN VERES Soprano, Managing and Artistic Director Norrköping Symphony Orchestra (Sweden) SERGE DORNY Director l’Opéra National de Lyon (France) Born in Belgium in 1962, Serge Dorny studied history of art, archaeology, musicology, press and communication at the University of Ghent, while simultaneously studying at the Music Conservatory. He worked for several years as Music Dramaturge under Gerard Mortier at the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels, and subsequently moved to the Flanders Festival. In 1989 he became Artistic Director of the Festival. Under his direction it gained its renowned reputation as one of Europe’s most outstanding Festivals. Meanwhile in 1986, he participated in ”Chambres d’amis” in Ghent, a contemporary arts exhibition and installation taking place in houses and private apartments. Based on this event, he participated in making a film with Chris Dercon and Jef Cornelis ”The Longest Day” In 1990, at the request of Gerard Mortier, he took part in a project entitled ’Imagination’, a reflection on opera: opera as art form, œuvre and theater. In 1996, he took up the position of Chief Executive and Artistic Director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Under his guidance the Orchestra developed into a flexible, versatile GABRIELLA RAVAZZI Soprano/Professor Director of Spazio Musica (Italy/France) Gabriella Ravazzi is a soprano with a vocal extension of 3 octaves and a perfect pitch. She began her violin studies at 5 years old and got her diploma very young from the ”Giuseppe Verdi” conservatory in Milan in violin and singing. G. R. is a well rounded artist and is also working as teacher and director. Furthermore she organizes master-classes and musical events. During her musical career she has sung songs from the Renaissance to the avant-garde, from opera to concert, from chamber and sacred music to performance and played the main roles of a very broad repertoire in about 200 operas. G.R. has sung in the most renown European theaters, for instance Teatro alla Scala, Opera in Paris. G.R has been invited in the most prestigious musical seasons around the world. She won the career prizes “NOCI D’ORO” and “STHENDAL”. In 1994 G.R. also won as Teacher “the first prize of the Italian Singing Schools”. G.R. has been singing teacher in the Italian State Conservatories for many years. G.R. After completing her academic studies and receiving a Bachelor’s degree in musicology, Karin studied voice at the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg. She was singing at the Göteborg Opera, Sweden, from 1982–2004. After teaching and managerial responsibilities at the Academy of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg, as well as working with the Swedish Arts Council, Karin left the stage to concentrate on her administrative and artistic career. She was Choir Manager at the Göteborg Opera and then, Theatre Director of the Borås City Theatre. In June 2011 Karin Veres was named CEO and Artistic Director for the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, which with its 85 musicians, celebrated their centenary year in 2012. The orchestra plays a central role in the region’s cultural life and has, through international tours and extensive recordings, received international acclaim. World famous conductors and soloists perform together with the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra both in Sweden and on international tours. – 08 – ACCO M PA N I S T S URSULA RÜTTIMANN Switzerland She is presently professor of lyrical diction and interpretation and professor of accompaniment in the Conservatoire of Music, Geneva, Switzerland. She studied piano with Professor Louis Hiltbrand in this same Conservatoire. Quit early on, Ursula Rüttimann oriented her professional life to chamber music and to work with singers, coaching them for interpretation and especially working with them on the texts of operas, melodies and oratories. Since many years, she has been collaborating with famous singing teachers like Ursula Buckel, Eric Tappy and has successfully prepared many singers for international Competitions, exams and operaperformances. Ursula Rüttimann has performed in concerts all over Europe with different chamber music formations, with many singers in recitals and also as a soloist. She recorded for Radio and Television. Since 1983, she is the official accompanist for singers at the International Competition of Geneva. She is regulary invited to Master-Classes for singers by the University of Tokyo. Since 1975 she is permanent master as pianist of the Orchestra Suisse Romande. MAGNUS SVENSSON Sweden Magnus Svensson is an extraordinarily versatile musician and a renowned profile in the Swedish music scene. He regularly performs solo recitals, for instance during a serie of concerts at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, but he performs also as a soloist with many notable orchestras, such as the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in Stockholm. Svensson is a popular accompanist and chamber musician and founder of the highly successful concert serie Svenska Sopranos at the Royal Dramatic Theatre, featuring singers such as Nina Stemme, Anna Larsson and Miah Persson. His passion for chamber music has led to a serie of collaborations with singers such as Malena Ernman, Malin Byström, Elin Rombo and many others. Besides performing on numerous albums and radio recordings with various artists, Magnus Svensson has released three solo CD:s of his own on C&S Recordings. While graduating from the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm in 1998, Magnus Svensson was highly commended and provided an award for best student. Since then, he has performed all over Sweden, but also in many other countries - Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Norway, and USA. He studied piano with Stella Tjajkowski, Staffan Scheja and Dmitri Bashkirov, but also lieder interpretation with Geoffrey Parsons in London. – 09 – C A N D I DAT ES 2 016 TOMOMI ASANUMA Soprano Japan 1984 SOFIE ASPLUND Soprano Sweden /Finland 1985 FLORIEKE BEELEN Mezzosoprano Netherlands 1987 MARIA CASEMYR Mezzosoprano Sweden 1983 BECCA CONVISER Soprano USA 1987 MARIA DEMÉRUS Soprano Sweden 1983 JAN ERICSSON Bass Czech Republic 1987 REBECCA FJÄLLSBY Mezzosoprano Sweden 1984 REGINA FREDRIKSSON Soprano Sweden 1986 SANNA GIBBS Soprano Sweden 1986 MARIE-LOUISE GRANSTRÖM Mezzosoprano Sweden 1984 JORIS GROUWELS Baritone Belgium 1982 YLVA GRUEN Mezzosoprano Sweden 1987 IDA GUDIM Soprano Norway 1987 NILS GUSTÉN Bass Sweden 1988 MATIAS HAAKANA Tenor Finland 1984 MEIKE HARTMANN Soprano Germany 1985 MARTIN HATLO Bass Norway 1988 TOMOKO HAYASAKA Soprano Japan 1984 MATEUSZ HOEDT Bass Poland 1990 HANNA HUSÁHR Soprano Sweden 1983 ALBINA ISUFI Soprano Kosovo 1985 AMELIA JAKOBSSON Soprano Sweden 1985 MY JOHANSSON Soprano Sweden 1984 MADELEINE JOSTEDT ULRICI Mezzosoprano Sweden 1984 – 10 – ÅSA JÄGER Soprano Sweden 1984 KEONWOO KIM Tenor South Korea 1985 WON KIM Baritone South Korea 1985 YOUNG JAE KIM Baritone South Korea 1986 JUSUNG LEE Baritone Korea 1985 MIJU KIM Soprano Korea 1984 SUNGHYUN KIM Tenor South Korea 1984 SUNGKOOK KIM Baritone South Korea 1982 ALINA KOIVULA Soprano Finland 1989 JING KOU Tenor China 1985 JASON LEE Tenor USA 1985 KEEBAEK LEE Bass Korea 1983 YOONGEONG LEE Soprano South Korea 1985 ANNIKA LEINO Soprano Finland 1989 STINA STEINGRIM LEVVEL Soprano Norway 1984 GIANNA LUNARDI Mezzosoprano Switzerland/Italy 1986 JULIA MALIK Soprano Poland 1989 CHRISTINA NILSSON Soprano Sweden 1990 SUJIN OH Soprano South Korea 1989 HITOMI OHKI Soprano Japan 1985 BEATRICE ORLER Mezzosoprano Sweden 1986 ERIK ROSENIUS Bass Sweden 1992 SIGRÚN SAEVARSDÓTTIR Soprano Iceland 1990 FUYUKO SAITO Soprano Japan 1992 ANNIKA SCHLICHT Mezzosoprano Germany 1988 – 11 – BAHG SEUNGJU Tenor South Korea 1990 JIHAE SHIN Soprano South Korea 1988 WIKTOR SUNDQVIST Tenor Sweden 1989 SAMULI TAKKULA Baritone Finland 1983 SAMULI TASKINEN Baritone Finland 1988 MAIJU VAAHTOLUOTO Mezzosoprano Finland 1989 ELLEN VALKENBURG Soprano Netherlands 1986 ELLI VALLINOJA Mezzosoprano Finland 1988 ANNA VIKULINA Soprano Russia 1991 MARIETTA VOLYNKINA Mezzosoprano Russia 1989 JUSSI VÄNTTINEN Baritone Finlanda 1990 TERESA MARIA WINKLER Mezzosoprano Germany 1986 KYOUNG A YIM Soprano South Korea 1983 HILKKA YLINÄRÄ Soprano Finland 1983 TIITUS YLIPÄÄ Baritone Finland 1989 JAN ZADLO Baritone Poland 1990 LEIF JONE ØLBERG Baritone Norway 1985 Main Partners The Municipality of the town of Norrköping The Norrköping Symphony Orchestra Donators Swedbank/Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa Sponsors Partners Olof Stenhammar/Basen AB Ståhl Invest i Norrköping AB Box 2154, SE-600 02 Norrköping, Sweden Phone +46 11 21 86 68, 21 86 69 hedgehog | norrköpings tryckeri 2016 Juristbyrå Owe Karlström AB