Work Smarter Join NISC
Work Smarter Join NISC
NCOA Membership Benefits • Cutting-edge Publications including NCOA Week, Senior Focus, and Innovations • BenefitsCheckUp®: NCOA’s innovative online benefits screening program for seniors • Training and Conferences: receive discounts for events where you can enhance your skills and network with other professionals • Best Practices: learn what’s working at community-based organizations across the country • Research and Demonstrations: access the most current and reputable findings on aging and health • Advocacy Power: immediate access to up-to-date political advocacy, grant information, and the opportunity to shape NCOA’s public policy agenda • Jobs: online jobs service where members can list a position or find a job for free Join NCOA/NISC Today! Three easy options: • Enroll online at • Call 1-800-373-4906 to speak with a membership representative • Complete and mail the enclosed membership application How Members Work Smarter with NISC “NISC brings new program and service ideas to my work, and seniors benefit from my knowledge about developments in national legislation. I work ‘smarter’ thanks to NISC.” Christine Beatty, Director Madison Senior Center, Madison, WI “No matter where you live, even on a remote island in Alaska, you can participate with, learn from and grow in experience and ideas with your senior center colleagues across the country through NISC.” Pat Branson, Executive Director Senior Citizens of Kodiak, Inc. Kodiak, AK Work Smarter Join NISC Help promote the growth, development and expansion of senior centers across the country “NISC keeps me connected in real-time with my colleagues on The Forum, to trends in aging services, and has challenged me to make our senior center the best that it can be.” Jay Morgan, Manager Office on Aging City of St. Petersburg, FL “Joining NISC will expose you to model, cutting-edge programs and inform you about processes like national accreditation that will improve your center’s performance.” Sandi Johnson, Executive Director North Shore Senior Center Northfield, IL For More Information on NISC member benefits, email us at [email protected] 300 D Street, SW • Suite 801 • Washington, DC 20024 1-800-373-4906 • NCOA is a 501c(3) organization ©2005 The National Council on the Aging. All rights reserved. A Consituent Unit of The National Council on the Aging Since 1970, The National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) has served as the focal point for senior center professionals including service providers, educators, researchers, advocates, volunteers, and policy makers. Why Join NISC? As the largest constituent unit of The National Council on the Aging (NCOA), NISC is a member organization that provides cutting-edge information and program ideas that can save you time and resources, and help generate revenue. NISC is the only national vehicle dedicated specifically to senior center issues: • promoting the growth, development, and expansion of senior centers • developing professional senior center leadership • working to improve the quality of activities and services in senior centers • providing a national senior center accreditation program and valuable technical assistance NISC Membership Benefits • Targeted monthly e-newsletter called Senior Center Voice sent via email • Networking opportunities through conferences and Web-based interactive discus Join a dynamic network of professionals who are working together to reinvent the senior center field. sions via The Forum • Leadership opportunities with the Delegate Council • Participate in best practices and national studies • Free programming ideas and materials including Senior Center Week Kit • Discounts on senior center accreditation program and NCOA/ NISC publications • Stay current and take action on national legislation affecting senior centers • Deep discount on Motion Picture Licensing Fee NISC Accreditation • Launched in 1998, accreditation is the official recognition that a senior cen ter is meeting its mission by nation ally accepted, professional standards. • Almost 200 senior centers across the country are now accredited through the NISC Delegate Council’s National Accreditation Program. And several have become reaccredited. • Accreditation is a twostep process starting with a self-assess ment and then an on-site visit. • The first step is to order the National Accreditation Manual. Visit Publications at Members receive up to a 20% discount. Yes! Membership Application I want to join NISC and NCOA. Sign me up for membership and all the valuable benefits of an annual membership at the following level: ❍ Lifetime: $1500.00 ❍ Individual: $145.00 ❍ Retired: $47.50 ❍ Organization: $195.00 ❍ Student: $47.50 Name _______________________________________ Title ________________________________________ Organization __________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City/State/ZIP __________________________________ E-mail* _____________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Fax _______________________________________ Organizational members receive benefits for two persons from the same organization. Please provide information on the second member below: Name _______________________________________ Title ________________________________________ E-mail* _____________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Fax ________________________________________ *E-mail address required to receive member benefits such as Senior Center Voice. Payment Information ❍ My check for: $ _______ payable to NCOA, is enclosed. ❍ Please charge: $ _______ to: ❍ VISA ❍ MasterCard ❍ AmEx Card # ______________________________________ Expiration Date ________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Return completed application with payment to: NCOA, P.O. Box 411, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 Thank you for supporting NCOA/NISC! 2005005/1-05