Sommerfest World Cup Soccer
Sommerfest World Cup Soccer
July & Aug. 2006 — Club Loreley Nachrichten/Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 4 President’s Report! - XÜÇáà fàtwxÜ In this issue: Pergola story Pg. 6-7 Ännchen von Tharau Pg. 14 German Language School starts Sept. 16th Pg. 15 Rifle Club loses all trophies to Ottawa Pg. 18 By the time our newspaper is published, Fiesta Week will be way behind us. Preparation towards that event has been ongoing for months and our vice president Ed Albrecht and his committee had everything under control. Well, there is one event still under way, (and let’s hope Germany is still part of it--so far so good ): the world cup in Germany. Another event, which will be held on August the 13th, is our Club Loreley “Sommerfest” in our newly decorated backyard (see Pergola story). This year we came up with something different for our adults: we will entertain you with dance music from 6 to 8 p.m. by Ed’s DJ & Music. Of course, there will be all kinds of games for the little ones, a shooting gallery and horseshoe pitch for everyone. Trevor our chef will provide good food from the barbeque and kitchen, and German beer from the tap and other drinks are available (see flyer pg. 11). Cont’d on pg.5 World Cup Soccer Wenn dieser Bericht erscheint, liegt auch die Fiesta-Woche wieder hinter uns. Die Vorbereitungen fanden schon Monate im Voraus statt und der Fiesta-Ausschuss unter Leitung von Vizepräsident Ed Albrecht hatte alles unter Kontrolle. Bleibt uns nur noch die Fußballweltmeisterschaft ( Wir hoffen natürlich, dass Deutschland weiterhin vertreten ist, soweit nicht zu schlecht ). Am 13. August findet dann das LoreleySommerfest in unserem neu dekorierten Garten statt (siehe Pergola Geschichte ). Um in diesem Jahr beim Sommerfest auch unseren Erwachsenen mehr zu bieten, veranstalten wir Tanzmusik von 18 bis 20 Uhr mit “Ed’s DJ & Music”. Natürlich wird es jede Menge Spiele für die Kinder geben, auch wieder einen Schützenstand für Jedermann und Horse Shoe Pit. Chef Trevor wird mit Barbecue und anderen Speisen aus der Küche aufwarten und - nicht zu vergessen – es gibt Bier vom Fass. (siehe Seite 11) Sommerfest Sun. August 13th • All German team advancements, and the final game will be shown at our club on the LCD projector • Free entrance • Kitchen and bar open. • Details on pg. 8 Details on pg. 11 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 1 2006/2007 — Board of Directors President: Ernst Stader 401-110 Park Rd N Oshawa, ON L1J 4L3 H: 905-576-8664 Email: [email protected] Vice-President: Edwin Albrecht 1636 Edenwood Dr Oshawa, ON L1G 7Y 6 H: 905-579-6803 Email: [email protected] Club Secretary: Gudrun Fuchs 807 Greystone Court Oshawa, ON L1K 2V1 H: 905-571-7972 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Helmut Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 B: 905-985-3600 Email: [email protected] 2006/2007 — Active Groups Rifle Association: Peter Biller H: 905-697-1044 Thursdays: 7:30 to 10:00 PM Sundays: 10:00 AM to noon Loreley Sänger: Otto Heller Mondays: 1:00 to 3:30 PM Heimat Sänger: Heinz Ottinger Thursdays: 2:00 to 4:00 PM H: 905-728-1045 Email: [email protected] H: 905-576-1199 Ladies Auxiliary: H: 905-725-7632 Monika Mehler Email: [email protected] K.G. Loreley/Youth Dancers: Holly Henninger H: 905-725-1268 Email: [email protected] Weekly Monday Practice: Kinder Tots: 5:30 to 6:15 PM Kinder: 6:15 to 7:30 PM Juniors: 7:30 to 8:45 PM Seniors: 8:45 to 10:00 PM Soccer: Hans Gotthelf H: 905-985-8415 Kinorama: John Uhlmann H: 905-436-2143 Email: [email protected] German Language School Loreley: Christine Dejan H: 905-576-9065 Email: [email protected] MemMbership Treasurer: Brian Dimock 1086 St. Andrews Ct. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B5 H: 905-723-5435 Email: [email protected] Director of Administration: Urd Grander 14 Lormik Dr Box 606 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6 Beverages: H. Dieter Keuthen 906 Tralee Ct Oshawa, ON L1J 7A7 H: 905-728-3577 Hall Rental: Gerda Koepp 8070 Old Scugog Rd Enniskillen, On L0B 1J0 Karl Kreis 76 Keewatin St N Oshawa, ON L1G 6M8 House & Property: Herbert Albrecht 757 Hoskin Ave. Oshawa, ON L1H 2A8 Other Supporting Members Newsletter: Karl vom Dorff H: 613-688-2300 x6967 Email: [email protected] Next deadline for submissions is 3 p.m August 20th 2006 H: 905-263-2745 H: 905-723-2107 Bar # 1 & 2: Lilli Rank Wanda Friedrich H: 905-579-3120 H: 905-579-2565 Club Caretaker: Joanna Tuszkiewicz H: 905-666-8145 Club Kitchen: Trevor Foreman H: 905-259-2723 Web Page: Karl vom Dorff Miss Loreley 2006 / 2007 Lori Pflanzer H: 905-728-8714 Printing & organization of Loreley News - Ernst Stader, Karl vom Dorff, Klemens Denzel Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 2 Upcoming Events AUGUST 2006 JULY 2006 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Upcoming events information - July & August • Sunday, July 9th - World Cup Final shown at our club. (Details pg. 8) • June 25th until July 13th - Club is closed for holidays (Details pg. 5) • Saturday, July 29th - Rifle Club Picnic (Details pg. 18) • Sunday, August 13th - Sommerfest (Details pg. 11) Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 3 2006 Calendar of Events World Cup final Sun. July 9th Rifle Club Picnic Sat. July 29th Sommerfest Sun. Aug 13th Loreley Youth Dancer - Registration Rifle Club season commences Loreley Singer Rummage & Bake Sale 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Kinorama Grosser Preis Skat (11 a.m) German Language School Begins Oktoberfest (Euro Connection) Annual Half Years Meeting (2 p.m) Kinorama Schlachfest - featuring the ‘Spice of Life’ band Tues. Sept. 5th Thurs. Sept. 7th Sat. September 9th Sun. Sept. 10th Sat. September 16th Sat. Sept. 16th Sat. September 30th Sun. October 15th Sun. Oct. 22nd Sat. November 4th Kinorama Sun. November 19th Annual Christmas Market, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. November 26th Advent Carols performed at Club Loreley by the Loreley Singers Sat. December 2nd Rifle Club Christmas Party Sun. December 3rd Club Loreley Christmas Dance Sat. December 9th Children’s Christmas Party (2 p.m) Sun. December 10th German Language School Christmas party Sun. December 17th New Years Eve Ball Sun. December 31st Insurance, Investment Products and Estate Planning 342 King Street West, Oshawa, ON L1J 2J9 Tel: (905) 571-1042 Toll Free: 1-866-225-2628 Fax: 1-905-571-2408 Email: [email protected] Website: Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 4 President’s Report Cont’d from cover Unfortunately we had to spend some money again but these are items, when replaced, last for a long time. Our cooler in front of the kitchen had to be replaced. The old one required too many repairs, and in the end was still an old one. Then we found out that one of the trees in front of the building was dying and had to be removed. This was outsourced, and for a price of roughly $500.00 was professionally done. There are some jobs even our own crew are not able to do. Again we have lost two of our dear members--Walter Baumeister a former president of Club Loreley and Konrad Keller, an active member of the “Heimatsänger.” Our condolences to both families. Also noteworthy is that Club Loreley will be closed for two weeks immediately following Fiesta Week and will open again on July 13th. Active groups may continue with their weekly routine. I also would like to thank our members who donated flags from their countries. We received two German flags from Herb Albrecht, director for house and property and Rolf Donath (a former member of Club Loreley), and an Austrian flag from Otto Fleischmann. A thank you also to Olaf Rudolph and Helmut Grander who together worked on Club Loreley’s fire plan, and with the proper layout put everything together. I read the whole plan, and believe me its mind boggling what the fire department expects you to know. The Pergola Story!: For a long time, the South side of our building (the backyard) was a sore part in the eyes of many of our members, and especially the board of directors. People who live in that complex made it a habit to use this area as a shortcut to reach Dean Ave. Needless to say, all kinds of garbage, like cans, bottles and other stuff was dumped on our property. Things only changed once an apartment complex was built on the West side of our property. (cont‘d >) Leider mussten wir noch mal in unsere Kasse greifen, um Auslagen zu decken. Das sind aber Sachen, die, nachdem sie einmal erledigt sind, eine Weile halten. Der Kühlschrank in der Vorküche wurde durch einen neuen ersetzt, um weitere Probleme und Reparaturen zu vermeiden. Dann stellten wir fest, dass einer unserer Bäume vor dem Gebäude einging und dem gesunden Baum die Nahrung wegnahm. Dieser musste daraufhin mitsamt der Wurzel durch eine Firma für einen Preis von ungefähr $500.00 entfernt werden. Das sind Ausgaben, die nicht jeden Tag vorkommen und in diesem Falle konnten wir die Arbeit nicht selbst machen. Leider mussten wir wieder Abschied nehmen von zwei unserer Mitglieder, Walter Baumeister, dem früheren Vorsitzender vom Klub Loreley und Konrad Keller von den Heimatsängern. Unser Beileid an beide Familien. Ich möchte hier schon erwähnen, dass unser Klub nach der Fiesta Woche für zwei Wochen geschlossen ist. Das gilt jedoch nur für Küche und Bar; die Untergruppen können ihre Aktivitäten beibehalten, Eröffnung wieder am 13. Juli. Möchte mich auch bei unseren Mitgliedern bedanken, die uns Fahnen aus Deutschland und Östereich mitbrachten. Herb Albrecht, Direktor für Haus und Grundstück, Rolf Donath, früheres Mitglied des Deutschen Klubs mit Deutschen Fahnen und Otto Fleischmann für die Fahne aus Österreich. Olaf Rudolph sowie Helmut Grander, die den „ Feuer Sicherungs Plan „ zusammen stellten. Habe den ganzen Plan durch gelesen, muss sagen was Heutzutage verlangt wird, ist Studien reif. Die Geschichte der Pergola!: Schon seit langer Zeit war uns die Südseite unseres Klubhauses ( der Garten ) ein Dorn im Auge. Leute, die in diesem Komplex wohnen, machten es sich zur Angewohnheit, den kürzeren Weg direkt hinter unserem Klubhaus zu wählen, um zur Dean Avenue zu kommen. Das hatte auch andere Folgen: (weiter >) PREMIER BRANDS • Warsteiner • • Hacker-Pschorr Holsten 4085 Sladeview Crescent Unit #10 Mississauga, Ont. L5L 5X3 Tel: (905) 828-2234 Fax: (905) 828-1209 White’s Home Hardware 1300 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ont. L1G 4X4 Tel: (905) 728-4696 Fax: (905) 436-7348 Your Hardware Store For Three Generations Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 5 President’s Report Cont’d from pg. 5 By erecting a fence on their backside, the shortcut was completely eliminated, and people now have to use the proper way to reach Dean Avenue. Nevertheless, our South side was due for improvement anyway, and Gerda Koepp came up with the idea to fill that spot by building a Pergola. Joe Friedrich drew a blueprint and the area was measured and staked out. We figured out how much it would cost us, and also mentioned it could all be recovered by donations through our membership. A date was set to start with the project, with the help of Frank Streef and his son Peter, 8 holes were drilled for the foundation, and work began immediately. The weather was on our side through the whole time, and with experienced people likeFrank Streef, Alex Hillebrand, Gerhard Fruhner, Karl Kreis, Hans Dieter Keuthen, Karl Gores, Ed Albrecht, Peter Hennig, and last but not least Joe Friedrich, it was a pleasure to work with. The final part was finished with the help of Erwin Albrecht, a horticulturist. Gerda, Karl, and Dieter, they were the ones who brought the benches, which were donated by John & Johanna Uhlmann, - Therisia Marinzel, - Hans & Herta Keller, - Joe Salamon & Helga Gausrab - Heinz & Ruth Henninger - and Barbara Schuelter. The Pergola will enrich our backyard, and can be used for many occasions. I’m thinking of our Sommerfest, picnic, Fiesta Week, and even outdoor rentals; it’s now an ideal spot to take pictures for weddings and other events. Through a combined effort of our members, it shows again help is always available. We still have the best tradesmen at our disposal, and are able to tackle any project. Electricians, carpenters, bricklayers, painters, you name it, we have them, and this was always the case. Many of us still remember from the beginning, most of the work was done by our members, and has continued to the present time. Donations has never been a problem either: if money was needed because our funds were low, members were there to help out. This is what makes Club Loreley so strong--unity and togetherness is the essence of being a solid foundation. We all can be very proud to call ourselves members of Club Loreley, and the board of directors are especially honored to represent and work on behalf of our membership. Here are the names who have donated cash to our latest project, the “Pergola”: Anneliese Ilk, Martha Ruck, Heinz & Christel Petrowski, Richard & Gerda Wunderlich, Siegmund & Ingrid Maier, Marianne Bauer, Klemenz & Ilse Denzel, Olaf & Helga Rudolph, Peter & Gertrud Stenz, Herb Albrecht, Jeno & Loni Eppel, Joseph & Elsa Kastner, Toni Blackolmer, Centa Schatz, Karl Kreis, Otto & Agnes Böck, Rolf & Liselotte Ebenreth, (cont‘d) Leere Flaschen, sowie Dosen und auch andere Abfälle wurden oft auf unserem Grundstück abgeladen. Geändert hat sich das erst, als ein Wohngebäude westlich von uns errichtet wurde. Ein Zaun an dessen Seite blockierte die Abkürzung und seit dieser Zeit musste der normale Weg benutzt werden. Trotzdem wollten wir die Südseite verschönern und Gerda Koepp kam auf die Idee, an dieser Seite eine Pergola zu erbauen. .Erkundigungen wurden eingezogen, was uns der Spaß kosten würde. Auch wurde erwähnt, dass wir die Unkosten durch Spenden unserer Mitglieder wieder einbringen könnten. Unter der Leitung von Joe Friedrich setzten wir eine Zeit fest für den Anbau. Die Seite wurde ausgemessen und abgesteckt, Franz Streef und sein Sohn Peter bohrten die 8 Löcher für die Pfosten und der Rest war ein Kinderspiel. Alles lief wie am Schnürchen; - wie hätte es auch anders sein können mit Fachkräften wie Alex Hillebrand, Franz Streef, Gerhard Fruhner, Karl Kreis, Dieter Keuthen, Karl Gores, Ed Albrecht, Peter Hennig und unserem Meister, Joe Friedrich ?. Es war eine Freude, mit diesen Leuten zu arbeiten, ihre Kenntnisse waren maßgeblich. Gerda Koepp sorgte mit gutem Essen dafür, dass wir bei Kräften blieben. Die restlichen Arbeiten, wie das Ansetzen der Ranken und Pflanzen wurden freundlicherweise von Erwin Albrecht ausgeführt, ein Fachmann in diesem Bereich. Aber das war schon immer so; wir haben die besten Fachkräfte unter uns und wenn Hilfe gebraucht wurde, konnte man immer jemanden ansprechen. Denkt nur zurück an die Anfangsjahre - das meiste haben wir selbst aufgebaut und so geht es auch weiter. Genauso verhielt es sich mit Spenden - wenn wir knapp bei Kasse waren, halfen uns unsere Mitglieder aus. Das ist es, was unseren Klub zusammen hält. Ein Jeder darf stolz darauf sein, sich Mitglied des Klubs zu nennen. Die Pergola ist nicht nur ein Schmuckstück für unseren Garten, nein, sie bereichert auch unser Sommerfest, Fiesta Woche, sowie Picknicks der Untergruppen und wird wahrscheinlich eine Rolle spielen bei den Buchungen für Hochzeiten und andere Veranstaltungen als idealer Platz für Hochzeitsbilder und vieles andere. Hier nun die Liste der großzügigen Spender; falls noch mehr Spenden nach dieser Ausgabe hereinkommen sollten, werden diese Namen in der nächsten Klubzeitung bekannt gegeben. Auch falls Namen vergessen wurden und Spenden kamen herein, bitte an Gerda Koepp wenden. Dieses werden auch in der nächsten Ausgabe erwähnt Die Bänke wurden von Heinz & Ruth Henninger, (weiter >) Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 6 President’s Report Cont’d from pg. 6 Toni & Waltraud Haas, Fritz & Thea Kraus, Otto & Friedl Fleischmann, Wilhelm & Maria Müller, Martha Boss, Heimat – Sänger, Heinz & Anneliese Ottinger, Margot Turnbull, Konrad & Gertrud Keller, Hubert & Edith Weinsheimer, John & Helga Morber, Hans & Julia Wunderlich, Norbert Key, Christel Rüssler, Heinz & Irmgard Albrecht, Ilse Hentschel, Loreley Sänger, Rainer & Coby Stimming in the name of Thea Königsberger, Tom & Holly Henninger, and the Rifle Club. Should donations continue, names will be announced in our next edition. Also if we have missed any names and you have donated, please get in touch with Gerda Koepp, and your names will be published in our next paper. Our clean-up day proceeded exactly the same way as our Pergola project. Members volunteered to help out, and it was a pleasure to work and have so many around. It is very important to sacrifice one day a year to keep our club and property in the shape it surely deserves. Hedges and trees have to be trimmed, flowers planted, doors painted, and again for a long time our shingles around the roof were painted. Our club looks like a brand new building again. Gerda Koepp, Wanda Friedrich and Karl Kreis next to other jobs made sure there was plenty of food, and the odd drink was also available. All you needed to do was look into everyone’s happy faces, and you knew a good deed was done again. I would like to thank every volunteer for their time and work, it was very well appreciated , Fritz Kraus, Tony Haas, Peter Biller, Peter Hennig, Karl Gores, Herb Albrecht, Richard Kraft, Rolf Ebenreth and Joe Friedrich. I wish all of you pleasant summer holidays, with lots of fun, and of course stay healthy. Till the next edition, greetings to all of you: XÜÇáà fàtwxÜ Therisia Marinzel, Helga Gausrab, Joe Salamon, Hans & Herta Keller, John & Johanna Uhlmann und Barbara Schülter gestiftet. Diese wurden von Gerda Koepp, Karl Kreis und Dieter Keuthen gekauft und in der Pergola aufgestellt, und hier alle anderen Spender: Anneliese Ilk, Martha Ruck, Heinz & Christel Petrowski, Richard & Gerda Wunderlich, Siegmund & Ingrid Maier, Marianne Bauer, Klemenz & Ilse Denzel, Olaf & Helga Rudolph, Peter & Gertrud Stenz, Herb Albrecht, Jeno & Loni Eppel, Toni Blackolmer, Centa Schatz, Karl Kreis, Otto & Agnes Böck, Rolf & Liselotte Ebenreth, Toni & Waltraud Haas, Fritz & Thea Kraus, Otto & Friedl Fleischmann, Wilhelm & Maria Müller, Martha Boss, Heimat – Sänger, Heinz & Anneliese Ottinger, Margot Turbull, Konrad & Gertrud Keller, Hubert & Edith Weinsheimer. John & Helga Morber, Hans & Julia Wunderlich, Norbert Key, Christel Rüssler, Heinz & Irmgard Albrecht, Ilse Hentschel, Loreley – Sänger, Reiner & Coby Stimming in the name of Thea Königsberger, Tom & Holly Henninger, and the Rifle – Club. Genau wie mit der Pergola war es auch beim Säuberungstag. Mitglieder boten ihre Hilfe an und es war eine Freude, mit diesen Leuten unser Klubhaus und Grundstück in erstklassigen Zustand zu versetzen. Dieser Tag ist immer sehr wichtig - Hecken und Bäume wurden geschnitten, Blumen gepflanzt, Türen neu gestrichen und in diesem Jahr sogar die ganzen Dachziegel ums Gebäude gestrichen. Es sieht aus, als hätten wir ein neues Klubhaus. Gerda Koepp und Wanda, neben anderen Arbeiten und mit Hilfe von Karl Kreis bereiteten für alle ein gutes Essen und einige Biere standen auch zur Verfügung. Allen konnte man ansehen, dass wieder ein gutes Werk für den Klub verrichtet wurde. Hiermit möchte ich mich bei allen Mitgliedern für ihre Zeit und Arbeit bedanken. Fritz Kraus, Toni Haas, Richard Kraft, Peter Hennig, Peter Biller, Karl Gores, Herb Albrecht, Rolf Ebenreth und Joe Friedrich. Wünsche allen Mitgliedern und deren Familien einen erholsamen Sommer, viel Spaß und natürlich Gesundheit. Bis zur nächsten Ausgabe mit den besten Grüßen, XÜÇáà fàtwxÜ Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 7 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 8 The Heimatsänger - V{Ü|áàxÄ cxàÜÉãá~| M onths have passed since we celebrated this year’s Heimatabend. In my last report I promised to let you know how things turned out. I’m glad to say that everything went well. The hall was full and everyone enjoyed the program. The guests have been very generous with their donations. Thank you all ever so much for your strong support through your attendance and with your gracious donations! All donations went towards the club. As you all know, nothing in life is perfect, and there are two sides to everything. There is happiness and sadness, sunshine and rain, and summer and winter. Some things are perfect and sometimes not so perfect! We too faced some not so perfect moments during our Heimatabend with the program. Some unforeseen acts that went way over the acceptable time-limit each performer was allowed to use did create a small problem for the remaining program, but somehow it was managed. I’d like to publicly apologize from the deepness of my heart to Karl vom Dorff, in the name of the Heimatabend Committee for the last minute change of the program; which was due to the extra long time some performers took to present their acts. This, I make sure will never happen again in the future. I also would like to thank Karl for entertaining the public during the intermission. It was very much appreciated by everyone. Our club president, Ernst Stader, opened the Heimatabend 2006 with a short speech. After that the program was in full swing. Olaf Rudolf was our MC for 2006, many thanks for his help. Hope to have him again on our team in 2007. Here’s to Heinz Ottinger our conductor. I heard only praises from everyone for the wonderful selection of songs he chose for us to present on this evening. People just loved the songs from all corners of their homeland, and we enjoyed singing them for them. To all the Heimatsänger, a thousand thanks for the wonderful raffle prizes which have been donated entirely by all of you. I noticed many happy, smiling faces when the announced winners came forwards to pick up their prize. To the Lorely Dancers (all groups) - two thumbs up for your performances. It was absolutely smashing, and the new costumes were truly beautiful. Thank you ever so much Holly, you did a great job with these girls and they all can be very proud of their achievement. Hope to have you on our program again in 2007. To all the many actors, all the helpers behind the scenes, no matter how big or small the contribution, your job was equally important. Peter and I both look forward to working with you again next year. (cont’d) Das Haus der Gemütlikeit Music Services (905) 579-6803 Call us for your musical entertainment needs Club Loreley - Durham region’s German heritage society; preserving German cultural traditions. Durham region’s premier facility for holding your custom event. Specializing in weddings, business meetings and dances. Call, email, or visit our website for more information. Club Loreley 389 Dean Avenue Oshawa, Ont. L1H 3E1 Ernst Stader: President tel: (905)-576-8664 email:[email protected] website: Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 9 The Heimatsänger - V{Ü|áàxÄ cxàÜÉãá~| A memo of sadness regarding the passing of a dear friend of the Heimatsänger. Our dearest friend, Konrad Keller was called home to his final resting place on May 26th, 2006. Konrad was a great family man, a loving husband to Gerti, and a wonderful father to his children. He was a terrific Opa and great-grandfather to all his grand and great-grandchildren. He also was an exceptional friend to all of us. He will be sorely missed but will remain in fond memories for a long, long time. Konrad loved to sing. He had an amazing powerful base voice and no one will ever fill his place. We paid our last tribute to our dear friend, our wonderful comrade and devoted Heimatsänger Konrad together with his family at the Keller premises. Our Sympathy goes out to his widowed wife Gerti, his Children, grand & great-grandchildren and sons in-laaw. Time changes many things, but love and memory forever clings. Konrad will be dearly missed by all his friends. It was a great comfort to the Keller family to see almost all of the Heimatsänger at their place to pay their last respects and tributes to Konrad. I’m sure Konrad must have looked down upon us all from heaven with a big smile. A happier occasion! Zur Erinnerung an unseren guten Freund. Am 26. May 2006 verliess uns unser lieber Sängerfreund Konrad Keller für immer. Konrad war nicht nur ein aktives Chormitglied der Heimatsänger, er war auch unser allerbester Freund und guter Kamerad. Wenn auch sein Platz im Chor für immer leer stehen wird, in unseren Herzen wird Konrad für immer weiter leben. Ein liebes Trostwort für Gerti und Familie. Kein Trostwort ist so stark We felt very honoured to perform at a wedding in our club on June 10th 2006 .Our best wishes to the bride and groom for a long and happy marriage. den großen Schmerz zu mindern, We helped out during Fiesta Week by entertaining the public with some wonderful songs, and of course we also helped out where ever a helping hand was needed! und die Zeit Our accordion player Ilse Hentschel did a great job and she deserves special thanks for also helping out the Loreley Singers with background music during their performance at Fiesta Week. I’ve once again reached the end of my report, but before closing I would like to wish you all a safe enjoyable summer vacation with your families and loved ones; you’ve earned and deserved it. doch gute treue Freunde vermögen Ihn zu lindern. Es fühlen und teilen Euern Schmerz, Die Heimatsänger Till next time, be happy and don’t forget to smile, V{Ü|áàxÄ cxàÜÉãá~| Oshawa Appliance Parts Appliance Parts & Vacuum Service All Makes - All Vacuums Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-1 190 Simcoe Street S. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 4H1 Tel: (905) 728-7535 Kamstra Landscaping Ltd 1460 Taunton Road East Oshawa Ontatio L1H 8L7 (905) 579-5771 Topsoil ٠Interlocking ٠Hydraulic Seeding & Mulching ٠Estimating Designing ٠Landscaping Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 10 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 11 C lub Loreley’s kitchen is open Thursday nights from 4:00 7:00 p.m. If you’d like to enjoy some excellent European cuisine in a calm and relaxing atmosphere amongst friends and from a world-class chef, look no further than your own club house! Please do come out and dine at Club Loreley. Pricing information is as follows: Club Loreley Thursday Night Menu Dinner Drinks Schnitzel Dinner $10.00 Coffee & Tea $0.75 Chef’s Special $10.00 Domestic Beer $3 . 2 5 Soup $1.50 Imported Beer $4.25 Salad $1.50 Wine Coffee & Cake $3.50 Soft Drinks WORLD WIDE TOURS The oldest German-Canadian Travel Agency In Toronto East Owned by: JUTTA & KARIN KLEINJOHANN Für die besten Preise nach dem Süden besuchen Sie (now back online) DEUTSCHLAND FLÜGE HIN & ZURÜCK AB $499 *Excluding airport tax 3244 EGLINGTON AVE. E. SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO M1J 2H6 Montag & Mittwoch Dienstag & Donnerstag Freitag Samstag 9:30 a.m —5 p.m 9:30 a.m —6 p.m 9:30 a.m —5 p.m 10:00 a.m —1 p.m Tel: (416) 264-2551 or 1-800-EURO-NOW Email: [email protected] $3 . 0 0 $1.50 The MATTERHORN Swiss & Canadian Restaurant Our specialties are: • • • • Schnitzel Steak Seafood Beef Goulash • • • • Spatzli Chicken Apple Studel Cake & Ice Cream Fully licensed Plus many other culinary delights! Your hosts: Werner & Eveline Frei ٠Open for Lunch and Dinner Lunch: Monday to Saturday Dinner: Monday to Saturday Please visit our website: 11:30 a.m —2:30 p.m 5:00 p.m —9:30 p.m 95 King St. West Cobourg, Ont. Tel: (905) 372-5231 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 12 HALL RENTAL FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY, ANNIVERSARY, WEDDING, WHAT EVER THE OCCASION, WE HAVE THE HALL FOR YOU. PLEASE CONTACT: GERDA KOEPP 905-263-2745 HALL RENTAL: $ 450.00 MEMBER’S LOUNGE: $ 150.00 MEMBERS: HALF PRICE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING *taxes not included Features/Haupt attraktionen • The main hall accommodates 190 people, the lounge accommodates 55 people, each equipped with a bar • Der Saal fasst 190 Leute und unsere Members Lounge kann 55 Leute unterbringen. Beide sind ausgestattet mit einer Bar • LCD projector, screen, TV & VCR, sound system available • LCD projector, Bildschirm, Fernseher und VCR, Tonanlage • Full accessibility, air condi- • tioning, and free parking. Ideally located just off the 401, 20 min. east of Toronto Kühlanlage, freies Parken und eingerichtet für Behinderte. Leicht zu erreichen, ideal gelegen,nur 20 minuten östlich von Toronto • Catering services available • for functions from an excellent chef. Eigene Küche mit erstklassigen Chef, wenn gebraucht. • Both halls are available at reasonable and competitive rates. Beide Räume erhältlich für angemessene Preise. • Hall Member’s Lounge HALLEN –VERMIETUNG FÜR IHRE NÄCHSTE FEIER, JUBILÄUM, HOCHZEIT, ODER ANDERE FEIERLICHKEITEN, WIR HABEN GENAU DAS, WAS SIE BRAUCHEN. WEITERE AUSKÜNFTE: GERDA KOEPP 905-263-2745 HALLENVERMIETUNG: $ 450.00 MEMBER’S LOUNGE: $ $150.00 MITGLIEDER: HALBER PREIS *Steuern nicht eingeschlossen Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 13 Did you know? - V{Ü|áàxÄ cxàÜÉãá~| Ännchen von Tharau is a poem as well and folksong. The original text was written in Low German (samländischen Plattdeutsch) as, Anke van Tharaw, by Simon Dach. It consists of sixteen verses. Simon Dach wrote the song as a Wedding song for Anna Neanders from Tharau. Both, Dach and the priest Johannes Portatius were in love with Anna. The song was composed by Heinrich Albert. In 1778 Johann Gottfried Herder changed the text over from Low into the High German, and in 1827 a new musical arrangement was done by: Friedrich Silcher. Today you’ll still find in Klaipĕda (formerly Memel) the Simon-Dach-Fountain with the statute of Ännchen von Tharau’. Simon-Dach-Springbrunnen with Ännchen von Tharau. Wolfgang Schleif produced a sentimental Heimatfilm in 1954 under the title, “Ännchen von Tharau”. Even a rose is named after this historical Ännchen von Tharau. The Song “Änchen von Tharau Samländisch (Low German) Anke van Tharaw öß, de my geföllt, Se öß mihn Lewen, mihn Goet on mihn Gölt. Anke van Tharaw heft wedder eer Hart , Op my geröchtet ön Löw' on ön Schmart. Anke van Tharaw mihn Rihkdom, min Goet, Du mihne Seele, mihn Fleesch on mihn Bloet. Quöm' allet Wedder glihk ön ons tho schlahn, Wy syn gesönnt by een anger tho stahn. Kranckheit, Verfälgung, Bedröfnös on Pihn, Sal vnsrer Löve Vernöttinge syn. Recht as een Palmen-Bohm äver söck stöcht, Je mehr en Hagel on Regen anföcht. So wardt de Löw' ön onß mächtich on groht, Dörch Kryhtz, dörch Lyden, dörch allerley Noht. Wördest du glihk een mahl van my getrennt, Leedest dar, wor öm dee Sönne kuhmt kennt; Eck wöll dy fälgen dörch Wölder, dörch Mär, Dörch Yhß, dörch Ihsen, dörch fihndlöcket Hähr. Anke van Tharaw, mihn Licht, mihn Sönn, Mihn Leven schluht öck ön dihnet henönn. Wat öck geböde, wart van dy gedahn, Wat öck verböde, dat lätstu Wat heft de Löve däch ver een Bestand, Wor nich een Hart öß, een Mund, eene Hand? Wor öm söck hartaget, kabbelt on schleyht, On glihk den Hungen on Katten begeyht. Anke van Tharaw dat war wy nich dohn, Du böst mihn Dühfken my Schahpken mihn Hohn. Wat öck begehre, begehrest du ohck, Eck laht den Rack dy, du lätst my de Brohk. Dit öß dat, Anke, du söteste Ruh' Een Lihf on Seele wart uht öck on Du. Dit mahckt dat Lewen tom Hämmlischen Rihk, Dörch Zancken wart et der Hellen gelihk. // HochdeutschHigh German Ännchen von Tharau ist's, die mir gefällt, Sie ist mein Leben, mein Gut und mein Geld. Ännchen von Tharau hat wieder ihr Herz Auf mich gerichtet in Lieb und in Schmerz. Ännchen von Tharau, mein Reichthum, mein Gut, Du meine Seele, mein Fleisch und mein Blut! Käm alles Wetter gleich auf uns zu schlahn, Wir sind gesinnet bei einander zu stahn. Krankheit, Verfolgung, Betrübnis und Pein Soll unsrer Liebe Verknotigung sein. Recht als ein Palmenbaum über sich Je mehr ihn Hagel und Regen anficht; So wird die Lieb' in uns mächtig und groß Durch Kreuz, durch Leiden, durch allerlei Noth. Würdest du gleich einmal von mir getrennt, Lebtest, da wo man die Sonne kaum kennt; Ich will dir folgen durch Wälder, durch Meer, Durch Eisen, durch Kerker, durch feindliches Heer. Ännchen von Tharau, mein Licht, meine Sonn, Mein Leben schließ' ich um deines herum. Was ich gebiete, wird von dir getan, Was ich verbiete, das läßt du mir stahn. Was hat die Liebe doch für ein Bestand, Wo nicht ein Herz ist, ein Mund, eine Hand? Wo man sich peiniget, zanket und schlägt, Und gleich den Hunden und Katzen begeht. Ännchen von Tharau, das wolln wir nicht tun; Du bist mein Täubchen, mein Schäfchen, mein Huhn. Was ich begehre, begehrst du auch, Ich laß den Rock dir, du läßt mir den Brauch. Dies ist dem Ännchen die süßeste Ruh', Ein Leb' und Seele wird aus Ich und Du. Dies macht das Leben zum himmlischen Reich, Durch Zanken wird es derHölle gleich. // I hope you liked the history of this song, I found it very interesting. Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 14 Report from the German Language School - V{Ü|áà|Çx Wx}tÇ Finally, the summer break is here. Students and parents celebrated the last day of school on June 3rd with a fun and play day. 21 students have received a successful report card. Most of the students have already signed up for the New Year starting on September 16th, but many more new students are expected. New students at any age from KG to Grade 8 are welcome. The diversity of our students is a benefit. We will learn with fun and ambition. Whether a beginner or advanced, students of any age can start without any previous knowledge of German. Members of Club Loreley, please spread the message of our school to your families and friends! personal and corporate tax; estate planning; accounting Susanne Hillebrand, MBA Endlich sind die Sommerferien da und die Schule ist aus! Der letzte Schultag wurde von Schülern und Eltern gemeinsam am 3. Juni mit Spiel and Spaß gefeiert. 21 Schüler erhielten ein erfolgreiches Abschlußzeugnis. Die meisten Schüler haben sich bereits für das neue Schuljahr eingeschrieben, dass am 16. September beginnt, , aber dann werden viele neue Schüler erwartet. Neue Studenten, vom Kindergartenalten bis zur 8. Klasse sind dann willkommen. Die Vielseitigkeit unserer Studenten ist eine Bereicherung. Spiel, Spaß und Kameradschaft werden gefördert. Schüler in jedem Alter können ohne Vorkenntnisse beginnen. Mitglieder des Klub Loreley bitte helft uns und erzählt Euren Kindern, Enkeln und Bekannten von unserer Schule! In-Tune Auto General Repairs to All Makes Foreign & Domestic Fast Friendly Service Certified Management Accountant 500 Mayfair Avenue Oshawa, Ont LIG 2Y2 905-725-8886 [email protected] RITSON ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES • • • • Electrical Motors Danfoss Motor Controls Commercial Light Fixtures Light Bulbs & HID Ballasts Pete Hennig 133 Taunton Road West, Unit #15 Oshawa, ON. L1G 3T4 Tel: (905) 436-0422 Fax: (905) 436-7867 It’s like buying time MIDWAY NISSAN Nicholas Schneider 260 Wentworth St. E. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7R7 1300 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ont. L1N 2K5 Tel: (905) 668-6828 ext. 106 Fax: (905) 668-1162 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 15 Visit our school’s website for more info: Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 16 Website of the Month - ^tÜÄ äÉÅ WÉÜyy Thank You - YÜxw _tâàxÇfv{ÄtxzxÜ A lthough issue of copyrights may come up with this information, it certainly is a grey area, especially from where the feeds are streamed from in China. However, if someone is broadcasting live German world cup friendlies or Bundesliga matches, that’s the last thing on your mind. This website shows all the world cup games, friendlies, and some Bundesliga games free, although the commentary is in Chinese: There are now currently two German TV channels available through Rogers cable, and available to those living in the Durham region. Earlier this year we published an article about ProSieben/Sat 1, and we are pleased to say that you can now order it through Rogers digital cable (channel 500 in Ottawa) and Deutsche Welle (channel 195 in Ottawa) immediately. I’ve had the pleasure of viewing ProSieben, and I’m sure it would appeal to our members. A thank you note to the Loreley Sänger for the beautiful arrangement I received during my stay at the hospital, as well as the executive committee, our president Ernst Stader, and all the members and friends that came to see me with their best wishes, greetings and prayers. I am now recovering from congestive heart failure, and hope to be singing again soon. Thank you one, and all: YÜxw _tâàxÇáv{ÄtxzxÜ Happy surfing, ^tÜÄ äÉÅ WÉÜyy Advertise with Club Loreley Club Loreley’s newsletter is published bi-monthly, and reaches an approximate audience of over 250 members and their friends and family with the physical print. The newsletter is also published online at our website to extend to further readers. Consider advertising your business in our newspaper to reach a select targeted audience at an extremely affordable price. If you are thinking about advertising your business in our paper, the rates are as follows: 2.5” x 3.0” business card size ad - $60 per year $10 for a one-time 2.5” x 3.0” business card size ad Full page ad for one year - $600 Other size ads and rates are negotiable. For further information, contact the editor: email:[email protected] Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 17 A Report from the Rifle Association: cxàxÜ U|ÄÄxÜ A t this time, our season has come to an end, and the final results are in. I would like to thank Karl Kreis for keeping track of our scores all season long. This seasons winners in our Regular Shooting Group are: Bernd Vom Dorff in first place, and Peter Biller in second place. In our Senior Shooting Group: Rolf Rocker was our winner with Gerhard Fruhner taking second place. This seasons Pistol Champion was Dieter Keuthen. Rolf Rocker ran our Wanderpokal again this year and the final results were as follows: Cup winner in the Air Rifle Group is Peter Biller, and the Wanderpokal Senior winner is Jakob Fischer. On May 27th the Rifle Group and friends travelled to Ottawa (View our photos on pg. 28). I would like to thank Ernst Stader for doing a great job organizing this trip for us. On the way we enjoyed delicious sandwiches supplied by Helga Stader and cold drinks supplied by Dieter Keuthen. Coffee was supplied by Marion Hennig and Ulla Rocker, thanks to you as well. Although we had a great trip there including an excellent afternoon and evening we came home empty handed, with Ottawa winning all the trophies. But hopefully when they come here next year we can win them back, or at least one of them. On June 10th we had our annual club clean-up day. We got a lot of work done and I'm sure you will notice the difference the next time you are at the club. The list of people to thank is too long, you know who you are, thanks for a job well done. I would also like to thank Gerda and Wanda on behalf of the guys for the tasty lunch they provided. Our next date to remember is July 29th, this is our ‘Annual Rifle Picnic’ at Club Loreley at 2 pm. If it is anything like last year you won't want to miss it. If I don't see you until the season resumes on September 7th, have a wonderful summer. Until next time, cxàxÜ U|ÄÄxÜ VAN HEMMEN TIRES FLOWERS By Jolanta • • • • • Michelin Uniroyal Bridgestone Continental Dunlop • • • • BF Goodrich Goodyear Firestone General Tire Tel: (905) 666-2121 315 Hopkins St. Whitby, ON L1N 2C1 We Love Tires EUROPEAN ARRANGEMENTS ABDANK Wedding, Birthday, Funeral Shower, Anniversary, and more 843 King St. W. Unit #4 Oshawa, Ont. L1J 2L4 Tel/Fax: (905) 743-0950 or 1-888-279-9923 For ermergency orders please call: (905) 576-7815 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 18 SKAT A friendly reminer to our members and friends that Skat players meet weekly from 12—5 p.m on Thursdays. So come out and enjoy a game of Skat with some friends! If you don’t know how to play, we’d be happy to teach :) German Speaking Massage Therapist Christine Elste R.M.T 519 Dundas St. E Suite #6 Whitby, Ont. L1N 2J5 Relief from: Back & Neck Pain Headaches Motor Vehicle Accidents Sports Injuries and more For an Appointment, Please call: (905) 430-2183 Rundle bryant ® Heating & Cooling Systems Since 1904 Joe’s Heating 717 Wison Rd. S. Unit 8 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 6E9 (905) 434-6788 Phone: (905) 725-6551 Fax: (905) 725-5175 GARDEN CENTRE LTD. Pool Chemicals & Accessories Liquid Chlorine Filling Station HERB LAMERS 1015 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontatio L1H 1H4 Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 19 A Report from the Youth Dancers: [ÉÄÄç [xÇÇ|ÇzxÜ S ummer is here and with it our Youth Dancers finally get a well-deserved rest. We have had such a busy and exciting spring and early summer. Our annual Benefit Dance was a huge success. Special thanks to everyone who came out and supported our dance. Many awards and presentations were made and we were entertained by all four of our dancer groups. It was so nice to see the many new costumes and the variety in dance music. As usual Ed Albrecht was a great DJ. Mini Miss Krista Kacaba and Miss Loreley Lori Pflanzer were crowned. You both looked so lovely!!! Fiesta Week was yet another exciting week. We had an amazing float once again this year. Special thanks to Ed Albrecht, Eric and Nicholas Burghardt, Frank Burghardt, Brian Dimock, Phil Kacaba, Manny deLima, Joel and the many other helpers for all of their hard work. The three trophies we received are on display at the Club. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL INVOLVED!!! We performed three shows nightly from Monday through to Saturday. Even our Loreley and Heimat Singers joined in. What a nice added touch- thank you very much. To all of our 42 dancers who performed throughout the week –BRAVO TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!! Special thanks to the Board of Directors for giving us a donation towards drinks and snacks. That was greatly appreciated. To Mrs. Ilse Hentschel – our Dancers really enjoyed the pretzels- Thank you very much!! To Brian Dimock and Tom Henninger thanks for being such great MC’s. I would like to thank Elizabeth Gifford, Sofia Siddiqui, and Amanda Warrington for coming back on board with our Seniors for Fiesta Week. To all our dancer families- I can’t thank you enough for being so supportive throughout our season. Have a great summer and a well-deserved rest everyone!! See you in the fall and please keep in mind our registration will be held on Tuesday September 5th from 6:30 pm until 8pm. New Dancers are always welcome. Happy Dancing, [ÉÄÄç [xÇÇ|ÇzxÜ Herzlichen Dank an den Vorstand, die Heimat Sänger, die Loreley Sänger, die Frauengruppe und allen Freunden und Bekannten für die Blumen, Karten, Kuchen, Besuche und Wünsche zur baldigen Genesung. Hoffe, nach dem Sommer wieder mit zu singen. Nochmals herlichen Dank, \ÜxÇx _|Ñá~| Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 20 “Das Haus der Gemütlichkeit” Presents: KINORAMA KINORAMA Das nächste Kinorama findet statt: • 10. September • 22. Oktober • 19. November Im Monat Juli/August findett kein Kinorama statt Kommt und erfreut Euch an einen schönen Film - Nachmittag. Die Küche ist geöffnet für warmes Essen, sowie Kaffee und Kuchen. Die Bar ist ebenfalls offen. Für mehr Information: John Uhlmann (905) 436-2143 Wir danken folgendem Sponsor für die Unterstützung von Kinorama und Klub Loreley: Insurance, Investment Products & Estate Planning 342 King Street West, Oshawa, ON L1J 2J9 Tel: (905) 571-1042 Toll Free: 1-866-225-2628 Fax: 1-905-571-2408 Email: [email protected] Website: Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 21 Loreley Singer’s Report: [xÄzt ZtâáÜtu Summer, what a beautiful word!! And what a wonderful Season!! We all are looking forward to the warm weather. Sunshine, blue skies, green grass and bountiful flowers. Ideal, isn’t it?? And why not, we all can use sunshine for sure. Our bones need as much warmth as possible, and looking into at the green grass is good for our eyes. So, let’s enjoy summer, stay healthy, relax and sing Your favorite songs!! Or read a book again, one that You liked many years ago.!!!(one of my favorite pastimes) Anyway, the Loreley Singers had a wonderful Spring season. Our Monica Cotton directs us with charm and good humor. We learned well and are always outstanding when we visit other Choirs and give our own concerts - Thank You , Monica. Our ‘last’ singing for this season will be for the Fiesta-Week at Club Loreley. But since the deadline for this report is on the same day as our singing, I cannot tell You how we performed. However, I know for sure, that we did sing just great and that the Fiesta-Week-Revelers sang with us, that the walls of Club Loreley were shaking!!! On July 12. 2006 the “Loreley Singers” will come together for their annual picnic. And this time we will gather at our Club Loreley and will enjoy the wonderful grounds and the Members Lounge. Best weather is ordered!!! Helga Bodenweber is the designated organizer for this event and as always, she will be doing a great job!! Much appreciated !! We will start our new Season on Monday,11. September 2006, from 1 pm to 3.30 pm as always. And as you all know, new Singers are always welcome, and nobody has to ‘read’ music - Monica Cotton teaches well! But on a more serious note. We have four ‘injured’ our midst. Our Freddy Lautenschläger gave us a big scare. Winding up in the hospital as he did. But he rallied around and was with us already singing as good as ever. Janet Hodgson, our world traveler, received a third new hip!! As much as that is possible. But with Janet, nothing is impossible. So she showed up already for singing and showed of how well she got over that operation. And our Irene Lipsky will be joining us again in Autumn. Complete with a new hip too. Maybe we will see You, Irene, on our Picnic?. Dancing the Hula ? You and Janet together?? That would be so “Wow”. And last, but not least. Our Otto Böck. First, he gets a new Knee!! And as if that is not enough for him. He manages to break a hip!! Otto….talk about a bionic Man!! Your are one for sure!! Well, of course all our best wishes go to Freddy, Irene, Janet and Otto for a very speedy recovery. Remember, Your are missed and we are looking forward of having our Choir in full strength coming season. And for You Otto, nobody makes a good coffee like You do.!! At this place Otto Heller and the “Loreley Singer’s would like to offer their heartfelt condolences to Helga Baumeister and her Family on the untimely death of her dear husband Walter. We all were shocked and deeply saddened at this most terrible happening as was everybody in our Club Loreley. For today I send Summer greetings again to Friends, Singers, Club Members with my best wishes. Take care, keep singing and enjoy!! [xÄzt ZtâáÜtu PS: And as I am reading through the “Loreley Nachrichten” once more… Congratulations are in order and very best wishes to Amber Strahl and her fiancé Scott on their forthcoming wedding in September. Ein kleiner Vers zur Besinnung: “Bewusstsein” Sich ausbreiten wie ein Baum, Erde fühlen, Kraft spüren, dem Licht zuwenden, Sonne atmen, mit Freude leben. Else Pannik Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 22 Club Loreley wishes a Happy Birthday to our following members! July Birthdays! Hans Mager 3rd Ingrid Maier 18th Hildegard Lamprecht 4th Annemarie Pflanzer 20th Mason Damanidis 6th Fritz Kraus 22nd Rosemarie Ganz 7th Philip Kabaca 23rd Nick Schneider 8th Cody Macpherson 25th Elisabeth Vallaincourt 9th Dietlinde Woodland 27th Maria Müller 10th Dieter Johle 28th Renate Kunath 11th Werner Schroth 28th Arthur Gantert 12th Marianne Kautzky 28th Christian Maresch 14th Edward Wolf 29th Taylor Damanadis 14th Elfriede Martha Metzner 29th Brent Willis 15th Ursula Rocker 30th Olaf Rudolph August Ulrich Strahl 31st Birthdays! 6th Kimi Huber-Yap 23th Elisabeth Schneider 12th Renate Schmal 25th Gail Macpherson 15th Peter Stenz 25th Mary Vollmer 15th Barbara Schuelter 25th Marianne Moorse 15th Hilde Harm 27th Tom Henninger 15th Otto Heller 28th Walter Ganz 18th Elisabeth Wagner 31st Paul Pantermöller 20th Gerda Wunderlich 31st eider! hday to Nick Schn Happy 75th Birt Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 23 Club Loreley wishes a Happy Anniversary to our club members! July Hans & Henrietta Torok August 11th Eric & Tina Burghardt Willi & Elisabeth Sanders 23rd Ladies Auxiliary - `ÉÇ|~t `x{ÄxÜ Hubert & Edith Weinsheimer 5th Ernst & Hilde Balasch 6th Helmut Christa Kroner 8th Paul & Ada Muller 8th Urd & Helmut Grander 17th Heinz & Anneliese Ottinger 20th Kurt & Hilde Schmid 31st Dear Members and Friends! We are in the middle of a busy Fiesta week and that is exactly how we like it! Pretzel sales are going really well. No wonder, who doesn't like these great fresh Pretzels. They go so good with a nice cold beer and the delicious food Trevor and his team have cooked up. Thanks to all the Ladies who worked so hard again. You will be rewarded with a Picnic in July, which is planed to take place at our Club, since we have this beautiful area with the new Pergola we may as well use it. So we see you there on July 5, let's hope for a sunny day. Wishing you all a happy and healthy summer! See you at Club Loreley! `ÉÇ|~t `x{ÄxÜ JEWELLERY BY SANDERS INC. 403 King Street West Oshawa, Ont. L1J 2K4 Phone: (905) 433-0929 Fax: (905) 436-3564 Josef Neubauer, B.A. LL.B. 106 Stevenson Road South Oshawa, Ontario L1J 5M1 905-433-1991 (Across from the Oshawa Shopping Center) Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 24 Club Photos - view more at Rifle Club’s Ottawa trip - May 22nd-23rd 2006 c If you took any photographs at any of our recent events, we’d like to see them. We’ll try to publish a few in the paper, as well as putting them on our website’s digital album. Email your next pictures to: [email protected] Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 25 Our Condolences - Unser herzliches Beileid: Josef Renz Walter Joseph Baumeister * December 19, 1932 * March 28, 1935 Neuburg, Germany † April 26, 2006 Toronto, Ontario Haberspirk, Czechoslovakia † March 13, 2006 Toronto, Ontario Beloved husband of Ruth. Dear father of Peter, Jürgen and his wife Sharon, Rolf and his wife Caryn. Loving Opa of Kirstin, Elise, Shelby, Sonja and Michelle. Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My Life’s been full, I savoured much, Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch. Konrad Keller * February 29, 1929 Weilheim, Bavaria, Germany † May 26, 2006 Lindsay, Ontario Dearly missed by his wife Gerti, His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and his many friends. I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work, to play. Tasks left undone must stay that way, I’ve found that peace at the end of the day. Beloved husband of Helga. Dear father of Rita and husband Giuliano D’Orazio, Harry and his wife Anikò. Loving Opa of Steven, David, and Adam. Don’t grief for me, for now I’m free, I’m following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard his call, I turned my back and left it all. Mein lieber Mann, unser lieber Vater, Schwiegervater, Großvater und Ur-Großvater ist friedlich eingeschlafen. Konrad Keller * 29. Februar 1929 Weilheim, Bayern, Deutschland † 26. Mai 2006 Lindsay, Ontario In stiller Trauer Gerti Keller, geb. Betzin Kinder, Enkel, Ur-Enkel und seine vielen Freunde. In Dankbarkeit, das es Dich gab, und in Fassungslosigkeit, daß Du nicht mehr bei uns bist, wird die Erinnerung an einen wunderbaren Menschen unauslöschlich bleiben. Club Loreley 389 Dean Ave. Oshawa , Ont. L1H 3E1 — (905) 728 — 9221 Page 26
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Director of Administration:
Urd Grander
14 Lormik Dr Box 606
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R6
Rainer Stimming
126 Raglan St.
Whitby, Ont. L1N 2S9
H. Dieter Keuthen
906 Tralee Ct