blizzaks? - Here`s the Scoop
blizzaks? - Here`s the Scoop
In 1945, Canada Siding ~ Soffit ~ Fascia ~ Eavestrough ~ Window Capping Kurt & Tannis Temple Husband & Wife Team 25 years experience PH: 403.999.3315 P.O.Box 117, Irricana, AB T0M1B0 Fax: 403.935.4110 had the third largest Allied navy with 375 ships and 110,000 personnel. Get Ready for Winter • Equip your car with climate appropriate tires, wiper blades and washer fluid. • Carry emergency equipment in your car including jumper cables, flashlight, extra batteries, flares, a shovel, first aid kit, candle in a deep can and matches, extra clothing and shoes, water, food that won’t spoil, basic hand tools and blankets. • Have chimneys cleaned; install a carbon monoxide detector and fresh batteries into smoke alarms. • Caulk around windows to prevent cold air from seeping in. • Have a power-outage kit stocked for your home, that includes a flashlight, lantern, matches, glowin-the-dark stick lights, wind-up clock, portable radio, some cash, manual can opener and mylar blanket. Tip: Automated bank machines and their networks may not work during an emergency or blackout. You may have difficulty using debit or credit cards. Page 9 BLIZZAKS? Now on sale at Smart! 403-948-0400 145 East Lake Blvd. SAGEWOOD s&IRST!ID#ERTIFIED s"ACKGROUND#HECKED s&AMILY&RIENDLY(OME s(EALTHY(OME-ADE -EALS3NACKS s!CTIVITIES'AMES s#LEAN3AFE%NVIRONMENT Day Home CALL REBECCA 403.945.0820 “ A fun place to learn and grow!” Two immediate openings for children aged 6 months plus! Best Indian Butter Chicken In Town 2 DELICIOUS MEALS FOR ONLY $15! Gourmet Meals by A Fine Balance Catering Butter Chicken, Rice & Naan Bread Also available our mouth watering Samosa - $1.50 each Extra Naan bread - .75c each K I D Z O N E This week’s pick for Kid’s Kartoon Korner from R.J. Hawkey School is Keeanna! Call 403-828-1488 to order Created for you by Calgary’s famous Chef “Nash” Now located in Airdrie, 305 1st Ave N.W RECYCLE Kid’s Kartoon Korner Subject: Remembrance Day MORE GREAT SAVINGS! Chicken Salmon Duck Grain Free 30lbs 30lbs Regular Sale $68.95 $68.95 $64.75 $64.75 25lbs $57.99 $51.99 25lbs $62.54 $56.54 Plus: bring in your empty 30lb dog food bag for $1 off coupon towards your next bag! Page 10 The term “War Bride” refers to the thousands of young women who met and married Canadian servicemen during the Second World War. Have you had your furnace cleaned... Lately? Owner Operated Professional furnace & duct cleaning. It’s all we do ! Have your furnace, all ductwork & up to 12 vents cleaned for... Ask for Details. 144. 95 Ph. 403-606-8320 Airdrie EnerClean We live & breathe duct cleaning Penny’s Tip Should I workout if I’m sick? "Only together can we make tomorrow’s world better today" Submitted by: Jim 100% Airdrie Owned and Operated I think I get asked that question every fall when the kids go back to school. It really depends how sick you are. If you have the flu, NO!! You will be weak and we don’t want your germs in the gym, so stay home and rest. That’s what your body needs. Curbside Recycling Pick-up Service We can take the chore out of recycling for as little as $2.60 per week! Never have your recycling pile up again! If you have a head cold, you can work out no problem. Please use the hand sanitizer, wash your hands a lot, and use the disinfectant spray on all the equipment you touch or sweat on to avoid passing your cold on to everyone. Call 403-466-8402 Basically, listen to your body. If you do decide to try a workout, keep listening and if you feel faint at any time, stop and call it a day. FALL SPECIAL Email your question for Penny to: [email protected]. For your complete fitness centre, check out Big Bear’s. Call Penny at 912-9300 for a consultation. HAIR GROUP INC. Come and check out our friendly, upbeat, and professional staff! Call today for your appointment 121 Main Street. Airdrie 403.948.2958 Next to the Roxy Theatre HAIR CARE AND ESTHETICS Make yourself at home .... Clean my kitchen! Page 11 712 East Lake Rise N.E. Airdrie (403) 912-9300 6 MONTHS FOR JUST $199! Call Today The Best Zucchini Recipe Ever Anyone who has ever grown this prolific vegetable looks for recipes they can use to eliminate the excessive bounty. Here is the very best recipe that I’ve ever seen for getting rid of left over zucchini. Enjoy! COOPERS CROSSING - 3 bedrooms - 2 1/2 baths -Walkout basement - Pie-shaped lot - Better than new (2007) - Lots of upgrades $527,900 EDITH SHAW 403-816-5149 You’ll need: 1 bushel zucchini 1 raincoat 1 pair sunglasses 1 moderately fast car Directions: Go to a busy parking lot. Drive around until you find an unlocked car. Put the zucchini in the back seat and drive away FAST before you are discovered!!!! Maxwell Westview Realty Technology Isn’t for Everyone! My 4 year old has one more year of pre-school before he goes to Kindergarten so I am always trying to teach him the little things he needs to know at this age. Recently, I said “Ryan, it’s very important that you know your phone number in case you get lost. Do you know what your phone number is?” He looked at me with incredulous indignation and said, “Phone number? I don’t have a phone number. (With great emphasis only a 4 year old boy can muster), I don’t even have a phone!” Mom thinks it’s good we still have another year to learn a few things! CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL The Marc Atkinson Trio Friday, November 13, 7:30pm Tickets: Advance $20; Door $22 $199 Whole House Package $199! JEWELLERS (Up to 3 rooms, hallway & 1 set of stairs) Larger and Smaller Packages available We Do Upholstery Cleaning Also!” We recommend Dupont Teflon Protectant to help prevent future staining and to keep your carpets cleaner longer! $99 Deodorizer & Protectant Available! We will match any local competitors advertised price* (*some restrictions apply) Diamonds ... A Girl’s Best Friend CLEANING Serving Airdrie & Area for over 16 years Family owned and operated Phone: 403-948-8824 Call Today! 948-4048 403 Page 12 -!).342%%43%!)2$2)%s Every Tuesday is Seniors Day - 10% Off Fight the Flu Burger Garlic, yogurt, and horseradish all have properties to help you beat cold and flu symptoms naturally. Source: Simply For Life, “Beating the Flu with Food” Ingredients 1 tsp of olive oil 1 small red onion 1 tbsp of minced garlic ¾ cup plain low fat yogurt 1 tsp each of kosher salt and black pepper 1 tsp each of cayenne pepper, mustard powder, and garlic powder 1 tbsp horseradish 1 tbsp each of chopped fresh parsley and fresh cilantro 2 tbsp each of Worcestershire sauce and low sodium soy sauce 2 lbs of extra lean ground beef 1 tbsp hot sauce Directions: Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add red onion and garlic; cook and stir until the onions soften and begin to turn brown, about 8 minutes. Scrape onion into a large bowl. Add yogurt, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, mustard powder, garlic powder, horseradish, parsley, cilantro, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and hot sauce. Whisk together until smooth. Mix in the ground beef until evenly blended with the yogurt mixture. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat. Shape mixture into 6 patties 1/2 inch thick, and 5 inches across. Grill burgers until no longer pink in the center, about 6 minutes per side. Serve with whole grain buns or whole wheat pita. Spiritual Readings by: Mercedes, Past ~ Present ~ Future Spiritual Psychic Medium Tarots ~ Palm ~ Crystal Ball Gift Channeling ~ Chakra Cleansing Certificates House Clearing ~ HEX Removal and more! Available! ION CLEANSE 403-945-1106 Call today to book your reading, home party or class. Airdrie , A i rd r i e’s o n ly I n d i a n S we e t H o u s e Business Hours: Mon - Thur 10:30am to 10pm Fri - Sat 10:30am to 11pm Sunday 10:30am to 9pm Lunch Buffet: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm All Day Buffet: Sat - Sun Noon to 9pm For an authentic, yet casual, Indian dining experience, a visit to our restaurant is a must. Whether it’s to snack on one of our infamous appetizers or simply savouring a delicious meal, spiced to your liking, India Palms is a sure hit to please anyone's palette. Need a CATERER? We offer full service customized catering, whether for a small intimate dinner party or a large celebration. TEL. 403.945.3566 #111 - 2002 Luxstone Blvd. S.W. Airdrie, Alberta )MHEREFORYOU WHENITMATTERS ,UXSTONE,ANDING STOREYBEDWALKOUT &ULLYFINISHED/VERSIZEDYARD 'ARAGE$RIVEWAY7ALKOUT BASEMENTSUITE1UICKPOSSESSION 3TONEHAVEN$RIVE .EWPRICEBED BILEVELHARDWOOD APPLIANCESINCLUDED 4WODECKS(OT4UB 2EFERENCES!VAILABLE 4%22)34%0(%.3s %MAILTERRIS SHAWCA “Everything I touch turns to sold!” #ASTLEWOOD!GENCIES Page 13 WWWCENTURYCATERRISTEPHENS Big Hill Springs Gravel Pit Big Hill Springs Road, Cochrane, Alberta “For all your aggregate needs.” Use your own truck or have it delivered. Discounts for large quantities. Call today for a quote! 1-403-948-2046 [email protected] Term Average Bank Rate* Broker Rates 1 year 2 year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 0.54% 1.37% 1.66% 1.87% 2.20% 1.05% 1.75% 2.70% 3.45% 3.80% All rates subject to change at any time (as of Oct. 29/09). CDIC eligible. *Average Bank Rates referes to average posted rates taken from BMO, Scotiabank, CIBC, Concentra Financial, Laurentian Bank, Naional Bank, Royal Bank, Sun Life Trust and TD Bank. Bryan Muir is a Certified Financial Planner® helping families with Investment and Retirement Planning Bryan Muir, CFP 128 Main Street North, Airdrie, AB 403-945-8237 CLARIN’S DOGGY DAY CARE 6km East of CrossIron Mills Mall “ARF WE THERE YET? Robert Meade Owner / Sales Heritage Market, Calgary, Sat - Sun 10AM -5PM WWWHEAVENLYBLADESCA 3WORDSs+NIVESs!XESs"OWS +ITCHENs!RMORs!CCESSORIESs(ELMETS Free shipping within Canada* Dundee Private Investors Inc THE BEST GIC RATES IN TOWN! D CD “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein Clarin Cromartie Cell: 403.815.3069 E-mail: [email protected] Metronome I had purchased a talking metronome while I was attending a conference in Toronto for music teachers. Before my son and I boarded our flight home, I hefted my carry-on bag onto the security-check conveyor belt. The guard’s eyes widened as he watched the monitor. He asked what I had in the bag, then slowly pulled out the six-by-three-inch black box covered with dials and switches. Other travelers, sensing trouble, vacated the area. “A metronome,” I replied weakly, as my son cringed in embarrassment. “It’s a talking metronome,” I insisted. “Look, I’ll show you.” I took the box and flipped a switch, realizing that I had no idea how it worked, “One... two... three... four,” it said. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As we gathered our belongings, my son whispered, “Aren’t you glad it didn’t go ‘four... three... two... one...?’” Theme Songs For Bible Characters Noah: “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” Adam and Eve: “Strangers in Paradise” Moses: “The Wanderer” Daniel: “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” Page 14 Dr. Melanie Beingessner, BA, DC Offering chiropractic care for t'BNJMJFTt1SFHOBOUBOEOFXNPNTt$IJMESFO t.PUPS7FIJDMF"DDJEFOU*OKVSJFT t-PXCBDLQBJOOFDLQBJOIFBEBDIFTBOENPSF 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOPSUPCPPLBOBQQPJOUNFOU QMFBTFDBMM A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom. - Bob Dylan WINTER IS ALMOST HERE. BOOK A COOLANT FLUSH TODAY 403-948-0400 145 East Lake Blvd. Boy Scouting A troop of Boy Scouts was being used as “guinea pigs” in a test of emergency systems. A mock earthquake was staged, and the Scouts impersonated wounded persons who were to be picked up and cared for by the emergency units. One Scout was supposed to lie on the ground and await his rescuers, but the first-aid people got behind schedule, and the Scout lay “wounded” for several hours. When the first-aid squad arrived where the casualty was supposed to be, they found nothing but a brief note: “Have bled to death and gone home...” H LUNC T BUFFE TAKE-O UT & DELIVE RY LUNCH BUFFET - 11:30 AM TO 2:30 PM (403) 980-0303 DINNER - 5:00 PM TO 9:00 PM 521 3rd AVE N.E. AIRDRIE, AB T4B 1R8 Crossfield Auto Parts (403)-946-4420 908 Railway ST Crossfield AB Declining Church Attendance A group of women were talking together. One woman said, “Our congregation is sometimes down to 30 or 40 on a Sunday.” Another said, “That’s nothing. Sometimes our congregation is down to six or seven.” A maiden lady in her seventies added her bit, “Why, it’s so bad in our church on Sundays that when the minister says ‘dearly beloved,’ it makes me blush.” • We sell used and • Aftermarket parts at a low low low Mark up • We sell used tires at $10 and up • We sell used batteries at $10 and up • Motors, Transmissions, Transfer cases • Body Parts • Great Prices, Great Service, Great Selection • 1-866-946-4420 • Vehicles for Sale • Second Location in Calgary 7123 40th ST NE 403-293-2424 Master of Grooming KATHY KRATH # 10-25 East Lake Circle (Same bay as Four on the Floor) 403.703.0282 or 403.946.0004 s!LLSIZESANDBREEDSWELCOME s3PECIALIZINGIN"REED3PECIFICCUTS s0ACKAGES!VAILABLE s#ERTIFIEDIN0ET&IRST!ID Open Tuesday - Saturday 8am - 6pm When you are in deep water, the best thing to do is shut your mouth. Page 15 YOUR NATURAL PATH TO HEALTH & WELL BEING DR BRANDY JAMES BSC, ND DOCTOR OF NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE [email protected] P 403.945.8265 F 403.945.8268 #5 - 213 MAIN STREET NORTH. AIRDRIE, ALBERTA T4B 0R6 building centre Handy Man’s Corner For all your Home Improvement and Repair needs! Catering to the Do-it-yourselfers’ Beauti-Tone paint is available We have EVERYTHING you need for fences, decks, landscaping, plumbing, heating, home repair and more! Cleaning the house before your children stop growing, is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~ Phyllis Diller Handyman’s Home Improvement Tips: Q: My kitchen sink has a drain pipe under it that drops down and up again in a U shape. The bottom of the U is always getting stuff stuck in it 211 East Lake Cres. Airdrie 403.948.5535 | and I find myself taking it apart to unclog it every two or three months. My question is this: Is that U necessary and if it is not, can it be replaced with a more direct pipe that doesn’t trap everything and plug up the drain? Or is this a neccesary part of the drainage process? I notice my bathroom sink is set up the same way. If so, then do you have any suggestions on how to avoid the clogging of the sink all of the time? ~ Jordon A: The U-shaped pipe you are referring to is called a “P-Trap” and it is t t Relaxation / Therapeutic Massage t Reflexology t Reiki Hot Stone Massage t Rainbow Therapy t Lymphatic Drainage t Tranquility Massage t Couples Massage tInfrared Sauna tReiki Massage tMobile Massage (Tranquility or Couples)* *Please call for available days For available times & locations please call: An escape to peace and tranquilty a very important part of the DWV (Drain Waste Vent) system in your house. The P-Trap creates a water seal and does not allow sewer gas to get by. The only thing you should put down the drain in your sinks is water. If you are allowing food scraps to make it down the drain, it will plug. Never put any type of grease down the sink as well, this will also clog in the P-Trap. If you do put food scraps in the sink, I would suggest investing in a garbage disposal. It will grind scraps up so they will pass through the drain without clogging. Regards, Ron, Your Home Hardware Handyman Professional If you have a question regarding home improvement, gardening or landscaping, email it to [email protected] with “Handyman Question” in the subject line. Or call either Mike or Ron at 403-948-5535. Page 16
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