December 2011/January 2012
December 2011/January 2012
December 2011/January 2012 Jackrabbit FCA Newsletter Power Verse of the Month: Using Your Platform—Fawn Weihl Women’s Swimming and Diving Hometown: Omaha, NE Tell us about your family: I am the daughter of two amazing parents, Chip and Jan Weihl, who have supported me in all of my endeavors. I am the middle child of three girls. My older sister just graduated from college and my younger sister is about to graduate from high school. I’m so thankful and proud of each of my family members and their accomplishments. Major: Exercise Science/PreMed What do you like most about Brookings/SDSU? I love the small town feeling, being able to get to know people and participate in the community, and only having to drive 5 minutes to get to places in town! What is your favorite Bible verse and why does has meaning in your life? It is so difficult to pick a favorite Bible verse but one verse in particular has been in my heart since middle school. My youth leader asked me what my favorite thing about Jesus was and I answered “his unconditional love,” and he proceeded to introduce Zephaniah 3:17 to me; “The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will bring you quietness with His love. He will delight in you with shouts of joy.” Every time I go back to this verse, I am reminded of how much my heavenly Father loves me and am comforted no matter what is going on in my life. The fact that God is always with me and delights in me, a sinner, is so wonderful to me. There is nothing I can do to change His mind. Jesus has seen all of my failures and shortcomings and yet still took my place for God’s judgment so that I could be reconciled with my Father. His grace and love is more than sufficient for me. Tell us about your experience with FCA and its impact on you as a student athlete: I started attending FCA my freshman year in high school and have been involved ever since. The FCA here at SDSU has been such a blessing and a passion in my life. T.J., the leadership team, and everyone who attends is so amazing and has made a huge difference in my college career. I’ve been able to participate in fellowship, learn more about God’s Word, and start to really understand what it means to have a relationship with Jesus. I’m learning how to give 100% in my studies and my swimming career for God’s glory and His kingdom. I look forward to every Wednesday night when we meet to have fun and to absorb more of God’s Word. “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (HCSB) Fawn Weihl Every platform is important in God’s eyes. Make the most of yours. “You’ve been entrusted with a unique set of circumstances, relationships, and opportunities. No one else stands precisely where you do. Your day-today relationships elevate you to a singular position of importance in the lives of your family, friends, coworkers, teammates, and neighbors– the people all around you. They believe in you and derive value from your input. No one else can have the same impact in their lives.” -Tony Dungy “The Mentor Leader” Jackrabbit FCA Newsletter Page 2 Inside Story You are FCA With your help in 2011 we were able to: Strengthen a student leadership team of 12 student -athletes from various sports. Give away over 300 FCA Bibles Grow existing huddles and begin new huddles in our area high schools. See our weekly huddle grow in numbers averaging over 50 student– athletes. Launch studentled team bible studies at SDSU called Winning God’s Way, we have about 85 students involved from soccer, swimming and diving, track and cross country, volleyball, women’s basketball and football. This is an area of emphasis for us to keep growing. Begin two coach’s huddles each week, one with the football staff and then this past semester we started an all sport coach’s huddle. Together we have had over 20 coaches in a huddle this semester. Host FCA breakfasts for state tournament athletes, when tournaments are hosted in Brookings. We also began the community Breakfast of Champions event, and continue to enhance Fields of Faith- all meant to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. bility. Specifically being available to Jesus Christ. He did an amazing job of sharing with the audience. Bobby Bowden Event Thank you to Josh Ranek, Jordan & Ketty Paula, Mills Property Management, First Bank & Trust and Backyard Grill for sponsoring tables for the FCA Bobby Bowden Breakfast on 1/28. We were able to host several athletes and coaches from SDSU and the Brookings area. The event was attended by almost 600, and Coach Bowden shared about the importance, not in ability, but in availa- For even more pictures, video and other information on FCA at SDSU follow us on Facebook Page 3 Jackrabbit FCA Newsletter Thank You to the Prairie Striders Running Club, they chose our Brookings-area FCA as their beneficiary from their Hobo Day 5K this past November. Thank you Prairie Striders for your donation of $2,876.43! For more information about Prairie Striders and upcoming events visit them online at For Jackrabbit Athletic Schedules and Ticket Information, Please Visit WWW.GOJACKS.COM Go Out and Support our Jackrabbit Athletes and Coaches! Please support our business partners as a way of saying “thanks” for their support of FCA. 697-3175 Ron Borchardt Realtor 690-1999 [email protected] 692-3663 Contact TJ for more information or questions about FCA 605.651.3592 or [email protected] 697-3100 692-9555 Page 4 Jackrabbit FCA Newsletter Closing Thought At one point during his youth, baseball great Jackie Robinson began to run with a gang. In later years, he recalled while he had wished for a better life as a boy and teen, he had no understanding that a gang was not the way to achieve it. An older friend finally came to Jackie and made him realize how much he was hurting his hard-working mother, as well as how much he was limiting himself. Robinson said, “He told that it didn’t take guts to follow the crowd, that courage and intelligence lay in being willing to be different.” Jackie listened, left the gang, and traded his wishbone for a backbone. He began to work on developing his own physical potential and within a few short years, became a sensational athlete. Starring in football, basketball, Your support Makes a Difference! baseball and track at UCLA, he was the first person to win athletic awards at all four sports at the university. He went on to play pro football with the Los Angeles Bulldogs before being drafted for World War II duty. After the war, he signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Not only did Jackie Robinson become the first black baseball player in the major leagues, but he was voted rookie of the year. Your gifts are vital to what God is doing through FCA at SDSU. Whether it’s a one time gift or monthly partnership. All financial gifts to Jackrabbit FCA should be sent to: Backbone accomplishes more than wishbone. SD Fellowship of Christian Athletes 1601 E 69th Street, Suite 301 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Please add memo: “T.J. Carlson” Many a good man has failed because he had his wishbone where his backbone should have been. You can also make a gift (one time or monthly) online at our website: Thanks for being a part of FCA! If you receive a hard copy of our newsletter and would consider switching over to an emailed copy to help us save resources (printing/postage and time) please email T.J. to be added to the email list—[email protected] Jackrabbit FCA 306 Hickory Street Brookings, SD 57006
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