Newsletter - Westfield Presbyterian Nursery School and Kindergarten
Newsletter - Westfield Presbyterian Nursery School and Kindergarten
TURTLE TALK PRESBYTERIAN NURSERY SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN WINTER 2015 & From the Directors Desk 21 We have had such a lovely start to our 2015-2016 year filled with many smiles and giggles. The children seemed to transition seamlessly into their new classes and immediately began fostering new friendships. The mild fall has allowed for lots of outside play for the children and provided beautiful foliage to create a picturesque Mindowaskin Park for all of us to enjoy. 36 PNS&K has had a very busy start to the year including lots of class outings from as close as Mindowaskin Park to as far as Doyle’s Farm in Hillsborough. The children have loved exploring, investigating and making all kinds of new discoveries. There have also been many fun activities provided by our wonderful PTO beginning with our Welcome Teas, ‘Rock n Ice Cream’, Turtle Garden sprucing up, the Halloween Trail, Parent Education Night, the PTO Newsletter and the special treats and thoughtful dinner provided for the staff through Teacher Appreciation—THANK YOU!! If you are interested in becoming involved in PNS&K activities please feel free to contact our Co-Presidents Jeanette Cohen and Naomi Wood who will gladly put you to work! 48 Our teachers are constantly attending workshops and have been looking forward to learning more about fine motor development and strategies to improve it which will be presented to us by Trinitas hospital during our evening staff meeting in November. We have also been sharing many interesting articles about the importance of play and child development including this recent one: The article talks about the importance of gross motor activities that are crucial to a child’s overall development and their ability to focus. Our dedicated staff is always eager to learn new information and techniques that will help our students. The holidays are quickly approaching and we will be celebrating with Cookies with Santa and our Christmas program on December 18. We are planning to have a parent information meeting the second week December in order to give information registration in January. If you are a newer family, you will be able to ask any questions and speak with other parents who have children ahead of yours in PNS&K. There will also be a Kindergarten presentation by our six teachers on January 7th at 7:00 pm explaining our all day program. All are welcome to attend but priority is given to our currently enrolled families. Thank you so much for your generous donations of Halloween candy and toiletries to ‘Operation Gratitude’. We love to be able to support our troops and are so excited that our ‘Red Ball’ adult social committee is planning for a “Red White and Blue Ball” at the Westfield Armory. It will be a wonderful way for us to support our troops as well as an enjoyable evening for all. Last year’s “Well Read Ball” enabled us to replace the playground fencing as well as provide many updates inside of PNS&K. Thank you again for your continued support and for sharing your children with us! JENNIFER COLLUM Director Let it Snow... Bring on the cold weather and check out a few of our favorite winter activities! 1 CRYSTAL SPRINGS Hop in the car for this perfect day trip or getaway! Enjoy lots of family friendly experiences throughout the holiday season and maybe escape for a little spa getaway at one of the two amazing spa facilities on the property! 2 PAPERMILL PLAYHOUSE "What better way to spend a Saturday morning than introducing your child to the live theater experience with characters and stories they love?" All shows take place on select Saturdays at 10am. Tickets range in price from $10.00 to $20.00. Tickets may be purchased by calling 973-376-4343 or online at 3 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA AT ROCKEFELLER CENTER Treat your family to a beloved holiday tradition with Breakfast with Santa at the Rock Center Cafe of The Sea Grill. Make their Christmas dreams come true with a breakfast set amidst the seasons most iconic destination. Compiled By: Sarah Himmelbaum Yesterday's News Last month the kindergarten classes took their first field trip on a bus to Doyle’s Unami Farm in Hillsborough. As if the bus ride itself wasn’t exciting enough, they also enjoyed everything from touring the grounds, petting and feeding animals, watching an apple cider demonstration, and taking a scenic hayride. Doyle’s is a sixth-generation family farm with a friendly staff who really allowed the children to be hands on. Almost everyone took a turn milking a dairy goat. “We were only old enough to milk the goats this time, but one day, when we grow up, maybe we can go back and be old enough for the cow,” said Sadie Soriero, of Mrs. Marcotullio and Mrs. McGlynn’s class. The children also watched a sheep get sheared, and fed goats and a horse! “My favorite part was feeding apples to the horses. They kept falling out of the horse’s mouth and it was funny,” said Campbell Skinner, of Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Cohen’s class. Kai Vasquez, of Mrs. Gerstein and Mrs. Potter’s class, also remembers feeding the animals. He said, “I loved having the goats lick my hand while I was feeding them.” The day ended in the pumpkin patch where both children and adults could harvest their own pumpkin and pick an ear of popcorn. They learned they could put the popcorn in a paper bag to dry out for several weeks, and then pop it in the microwave to make popcorn – a great souvenir for a really fun day! PNS&K Presents: The Cutest Halloween Parade EVER! PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION PNS&K Parents, We want to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the parents, whether PNSK veterans or new to the school, that cochaired and volunteered to bring us this fall’s many fun PNSK events: The Welcome Coffees at the beginning of the year, while seeming to be in the distant past, were a great way to spend time chatting with other parents and learning about the PTO committees while the children became acquainted with their new classrooms, teachers and friends. Thanks to Suzanne Welsh and Janine Flannery for planning the Rock N Ice Cream Social on October 2nd, featuring Preschool of Rock around 50 children enjoyed ice cream and danced their hearts out! On October 22nd it was time for the parents to enjoy a night out at the Parent Social at Ferraro’s – it was great to see so many new families join the fun! The Halloween festivities were not “dampened” by the weather! The Halloween parades and singalongs were adorable whether inside or out, and Masae Szopinski, Amy Hassler and their committee did a fabulous job creating a Halloween Trail adventure in Assembly Hall. Other PTO committees that can’t go unmentioned: Thank you to Nicole Jacobs and committee for beautifying our Turtle Garden – a place we all appreciate as we enter the school. Susannah Lucas and Jillian Telesca and the Teacher Appreciation Committee have continued to bring a smile to our teacher’s faces by providing weekly snacks in the teacher’s lounge and hosting the November Teacher Appreciation Dinner. On November 17 Lindsay Wagner, Sue Reich and many volunteers did a great job prepping our children for their school pictures. As Always, we'd like to extend a very big thank you to all of the PNS&K parents. Your participation in and support of the PTO enhances each childs amazing experience at PNS&K. We could not do it without you! Thanks, Naomi Benson & Jeannette Cohen PNS&K This 'n' That IMPORTANT DATES DECEMBER EVENTS 12/5- COOKIES WITH SANTA 12/7- PARENT INFO SESSION FOR 2016-2017 REGISTRATION 12/11- PARENT INFO SESSION FOR 2016-2017 REGISTRATION 12/15- STAY & PLAY 12/16- STAY & PLAY 12/18- CHRISTMAS PROGRAM 12/21-12/31 CHRISTMAS VACATION HALLWAY CHIT-CHAT The children in Mrs. Savnik's class were seated at the tables and waiting to be called to the line for dismissal. Mrs. Savnik: Luke Luke: Did you call my name? Mrs. Savnik: Yes, I said 'Luke'. Luke: Luke P. Hansen? Mrs. Savnik: P? Luke: Nah, That's okay. I'll wait till I get home. When walking from lunch to the playground Eleanor asked Mrs. Andretta 'How come your purse is so big?' Mrs. Andretta said 'Because I keep a lot of stuff in it.' Eleanor turned to her friend and said 'Mrs. Andretta must be rich because it looks like her purse is filled with money.' #PNSKCUTIES JANUARY & FEBRUARY EVENTS 1/4- SCHOOL REOPENS 1/7- KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE 7PM 1/18- SCHOOL CLOSED FOR MLK DAY 1/26- NO CLASSES- PARENT/ TEACHER CONFERENCES 2/12-2/19- WINTER BREAK WANT TO SEE YOUR LITTLE CUTIE IN THE NEXT NEWSLETTER? EMAIL PHOTOS TO: [email protected] Kindergarten Corner Oh, the Places You'll Go! The Kindergarten Class Pets Trixie-K208 Sonic- K208 Whiskers-K108 Making Learning Fun! The Peanut Gallery Take Note Newsletter Team EditorJami Neary Editor & DesignSarah Himmelbaum Fun Fact: Contributing Authors: Naomi Benson Faye Bowie Lauren McGovern Susan Pastir Jennette Cohen iPhone Users: Click on this newsletter and save to your phones iBooks for quick reference to show family or check important dates! Great Ideas! Have ideas or interested in volunteering for winter and spring events? Please reach out to your PTO Presidents – the more the merrier! Naomi Benson [email protected] Jeannette Cohen [email protected] Save The Date! "Red, White, & Blue Ball" to be held at the Westfield Armory on Saturday, May 21. Save the Date as this is a large fundraising event for PNS&K! If you are interested in volunteering please contact Robyn Gaito [email protected] and Morgan Toriello [email protected] Registration- 2016 Registration for the next school year will start in a few weeks on January 4th. This year we are going to try something new for our in house families. We are excited to be offering an informal Question and Answer session and tours next Monday, December 7th and Friday, December 11th. The sessions will be held in Assembly Hall beginning at 9:10 am and 12:35 pm. Some of our veteran parents, with children in older classes, will be on hand to talk with you informally and answer any questions you may have about the three year old, four year old and kindergarten classes. Please stop in the office or send an email to let us know which session you plan to attend. [email protected]