27 - Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library
27 - Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library
THE COMMUNITY CHURCH NEWS Vol. II MINISTER'S Friday, July 5, 1935 COLUMN New, friend, what have you lost? The little girl on her way to church was sobbing, she had lost her rosary. What greater misfortune could overtake anyone? To the man who lost half a million dollars in stocks the child's toss is insignificant. But this is a season of losses. They tell of the loss of the farm, the home, of life's savings. The loss of a job, position, health. Nerves gene, hope gone, nothing left. LOIS. LCSS. Our wLe men tell us that we are all trying to held tight to the same twirling planet. To lose, we are told, is now the order of the day, quite normal things were too high, everything out of sight, abnormal. Now we are getting down to earth again. However, to be told ycu have lost is vexing, it's not the pleasant end to hold. It is exasperating, it stings, it scalds, it bites, it kills. Now then seriously, what have you lost? A woman in the Bible story lost a piece of money. Job lost, lost camels, sheep, horses. It was a clean sweep for Job. Yet, the sky, for the woman and the sky for Job had a silver lining. They each were recompensed and with a joyful experience gained. All this dees not explain the cruel, stabbing loss t h a t strikes you down. Then let us see, what have you lest? Is it a quality, such as honesty, justice, truth, love, mercy STOW, OHIO No. 27 or hope? We should learn t h a t some things are temporal and some are eternal. So far as temporal values go, we sometimes, in some ways, must lose, lose all. Then the values, t h a t are indestructable, those we cannot lose, they are eternal. Learn the lesson, brother, then you will neither abuse others, curse yourself, nor libel God. Napoleon lost, lost his mighty army, his private fortune, his home, his soverign rule, no more to be emperor of a mighty nation. The tempter then said, "Napoleon, all is lost. Death iby your own h a n d would be a sweet release. No h u m a n soul can stand up beneath such staggering humiliation." But Napoleon replied, "I have not lost. I am still Napoleon. My soul, my courage, my spirit is undaunted and undimed." Wars, reverses, and history's desolations, t h e wreck of empire, the falling of castles, yet, Napoleon w a s undaunted. B e cause of the quality, called courage, or vision, or hope. These are the qualities t h a t remain after the storm or floor or fire have spent their fury, the qualities t h a t never die. GIEO>. M. HIULME, Minister —ANNOUNCEMENTS— During the -month oif July there will be no regular morning Cihuirch Serrvice. Only the Bible school will meet regularly. Wednesday evening, July 10th the CHURCH CALENDAR BIBLE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA P R A C T I C E LAWN FETE LADIES CLASS M E E T I N G - - - 9:30 to 1045 A . M . - Wednesday 0:00 P. M. F r i d a y E v e n i n g , J u l y 12th Wednesday, J u l y 10th 6 P. M . fi T H E COMMUNITY CflURCH N E W S ISALY'S OF STOW For the WORLD'S BEST ICE CREAM 29c qt. Ladies B M e Class will (meet at tire home of Mrs. H'. E. Osman, 111 S a n f c r d Ave. This will be the r e g ular monthly business meeting. AJ1 ladies are cordially invited to attend. On Community C h u r c h lawn F r i day ©veiling, July 12th, this Ladles Guild will £tpcn.:or a. lawn fete, or in other words a n ice cream social. Tickets will foe on sals soon. You are invited. —PERSONAL— J o h n S t a h l is o n his vacation this week. OR FAIRNESS OF F<PRICE AN OUTMOST IN SERVICE T H E ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE RECOMMENDS TO T H E PEOPLE O F T H I S • • • COMMUNITY • • • • THEM9GOWAN FUNERAL HOME OVERLOOKING PARK • • CUYAHOGA,FALLS PHONE WALBRIDGE 1313 ^jbre>^erred Sentice," EngMsh Peas for sale—Call WA 9463. Henry Christy, Ritchie Rd. was in Chicago three days last week. Jack Marlioffer h a s seme naw c a r s r x w (to sell). Adv. C. L. KiUian, Barrowiville, is on a vaicaticn this week. Rev. Hiulme suggests that the Deacons organize. Mr:1-. E:"iwa:n J. Phalcn cf Pardee Rd. was cail.'ed to New York this week on account cf the daatilr of her mother, Mrs. Beniot. Harry Johnson. Darrowville has a new Ford VS. Mis:; Charlotte Crane of Cleveland was. the guest of Mir. and Mrs. A. L. Lindsay, Flish Crejk Rd. July 4th. Mr. Geo. H. Whyta of Trenton. N". j „ visiting h ; s sister and family Mrs. J e a n e t t e Smallfild of Kent Rd. FKiph Hiaarti:'e attended the G c c d r j c h Girls Orchestra picnic last Sunday afternoon and evening. • We h e a r Eupharus R. Fu'lpsr's mother, 642 E. G r a h a m Rd. is very poorly. Dorothy Ranson, East Graham Rid. is in St. Thomas Honpi'tal. The la~t lTpoPt is t h a t she is improving Gcests of Mrs. J. N. Buchanan, Friday, .were -Mrs. J- J- Hiufifiman and Mrs. May cf Akron. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Davies, forme r residents of SLOW who have been residing in Milwaukee, Wis., arc now located in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Davies is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. K k s a , 223 East Kent 'Rd. The Klesas expect t o aps™1 fi THE COMMUNITY C f l U R C H N E W S Merchandise of Quality A T MERIT MEATS tibsiir vacation in 'Grand Rapids t h e latter p a r t of July. Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. Bailey, Jr., a n d children spent the week end a t Bethesda, Ohio visiting (relatives. James Buchanan, Jr., is helping Mrs. Edwards cf Kent Read. Mrs. Vingil Cleigig and daughter, Lu.ra Eethe of Bairnesville, Ohio, are Trending a. few days with h e r sister, Mrs. Wm. BaKey, Jr., Hile Rd. Mr. and Mis. A. B. Hiolley, Ritchie Rd, expects to tafce a trip t o Mississeppi t h e latter p a r t of this mcnth. Eddie Rung^es h a s five Itaatoy fachet kitties to swap, trade, or sell. Who w a n t s t h e m ? A live organization f o r t h e dead, the Ladies IDarrowri|ille Oeimetery Asrcciatien m e t last week at t h e home of Mrs. A. L. Lindsay, Pish Greek Rd. Only six in t h e orchestra last Sunday mornintg', fciut they did very well. Would t h a t we could aay a s much for t h e evening service. Mr. J. p. Brown, Diairrowville leaves very scon f o r a six weeks trip to England. He will vitsit relatives and friends. The Hissems who live on Ritchie road have a new car. The neighbors say it h a s a fancy horn. We think we have h e a r d it. A. J. STOW At the h o m e of F r a n k Neugebauer, Hudson road all the women have left on a vacation trip to Louisville, Ky. {7, N O WONDER W E FILL THE EGG BASKET WE GET FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH FOR MORE EGG MONEY Make your weekly egg check larger b y g i v i n g y o u r l a y i n g h e n s the feed t h a t will help t h e m lay more big, easily marketable e g g s — e g g s w i t h s o u n d shells — t h a t g r a d e h i g h a n d b r i n g t o p prices. FUL-O'PEP JL E G G V MASH & s u p p l i e s all t h e e l e m e n t s t h a t l a y i n g h e n s require t o m a k e e g g s a n d maintain body weight and health. BAUGHMAN'S FEED STORE Phone W A . 9298 KURINSKY T E A C H E R O F VIOLIN 3 1 0 West Graham Road fi T H E COMMUNITY C f l U R C H N E W S RHOFER'S GfiEVROLET Direct Factory Dealer recKing BATTERY SERVICE Mrs, William S t a r n e r and d a u g h ter Marie left the fore part of the week for a vacation in Pennsylvania. T h a t ban jo guitar duet by the Keelcr boys last Sunday morning was something t h a t was appreciated by m a n y . Let us h e a r t h e m a gain. Birthdays celebrated last S u n d a y w:;rc those of Mildred Osman a n d Wayne Mcwrey. "Fcp-eye" is the n a m e of the new calf at the Harper r a n c h on East Arndale. For certain reasons some think it should be called cither Charles, George, or Clate. George and Helen Segelhorst, 734 Hudson road are visiting in and around £t. Louis this week. Rev. Hulme spends the F o u r t h and this weekend at his son's c o t tage on Conneaut Lake, which is near Meadville, Pa. A unanimous vote of t h a n k s was extended '~y those present at the congregational meeting last Friday night to the "Al" s t e i n s and the Banders for the flowers which now adorn the urns in church. front of the I n case of urgent need the minister may be called any time during; his vacation through BL-5005. Last Mcnday, with a dinner, Mrs. F. H. Cox, Hudson road, celebrated her twenty-second (?) birthday. Among those present were Mr. and Mr". F. W. Ackman and Mr. a n a Mrs. H. A. Askman of Pensaccia, Fia. Mrs. w i s e from Louisvlle was a Msilor last week at the heme of her daughter, Mrs. John Sh:ka, '764 K u i s u iccd. IVank Green a r d wife attended the Ccwan-Geddis family r eunion at Brady Lake last .Saturday. Last Sunday evening M. D. Mitchei a n d family of Krumroy visited his sister, Mrs. J . N. Buchanan, Fast Kent road. Another fish story—This fish was also caught at the mouth ol Fish creek. It is a carp and was capt u r e d last week by Harry Hamilton of Hile road. It was 33 inches Service your Car with F L E E T W I N G Gas and Oil. Equip it with one of our reasonably priced QUALITY BATTERIES Friends Service Station fi THE COMMUNITY C f l U R C H N E W S DECLARE WAR On the Bugs and Insects We Sell the Ammunition and Artillery Hudson Sprayer One half Gallon Sprayer Dusters Rotary Dusters Seed Arsenate Mexican Bean Beetle Dust $ 3 . 2 5 and up $1.29 $1.25 $ 8 . 5 0 to $ 1 2 . 0 0 lb. 2 0 c 4 lbs. 4 5 c lb. 2 5 c 4 lbs. 8 0 c Cut prices on Black Leaf " 4 0 " - 2 5 c per bottle Evergreen Spray 2 5 c a Bottle THE STOW HARD WARE CALL STOW, OHIO W A - 8 8 4 2 lens ana weighed 21 lbs. and five ounces. On July 7th R a l p h H a a r t j e 0 f W. Arndale read leaves Toledo on I he U. S. S. Wilmington for a two weeks N. C. R. cruise over t h e Great Lakes. Mrs. Harold S p a g h t and Mrs. Wilson Ccons visited relatives of Mrs, Coon's at Urban,a, Ohio, last week. On July 14th the Stow Music club expect to hold a picnic at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Blanc-hard Hansel, Hower Lake. William Siddall, nephew of Mrs. Harry Osman and a former Stowite was married on Wednesday of last week to Miss M a r t h a Gruhb of Ohalker street, North Hill. They will live on Royal Court, Akron in INSURANCE O A K L E Y their works This Edwin own home. M r s . Siddall for the City of Akron. last S a t u r d a y , J u n e 29th, and Lurie Wetmore cele- SAND GRAVEL LIME PLASTER Cement, Brick, Cement Blocks. Tile, etc. Call W A . 3 9 2 1 E. M. GUISE Coal & Supply Co. M u n r o e Falls, O h i o OF ALL S P A G H T & KINDS S O N S T O W 1". THE COMMUNITY CHUTRCM N E W S W . Q. G E R B E R & S O N SALES SERVICE Sunoco Products WA. 8843 W. C. GERBER C, F. GERBER braited their f i f t y - f o u r t h weddinganniversary. Their wedding took place in the evening, and on t h a t morning f i f t y - f o u r y e a r s ago Lurie and cousin Jessie went t o t h e woods for flowers, ferns, etc. r at whicli time a terrible t h u n d e r storm came u p . Later A.. W. Green, f a t h e r of Jessie and uncle of Lurie r e m a r k ed t h a t Jessie got wet hut Lurie got Wetmore. Subscription cards for this p a p e r received during t h e first week numbered 74. Besides t h i s number a few people indicated they would like to send the paper to one to ten other persons. Could t h e r e not he more who would be willing to subscribe for some others (besides themselves? There are quite a few who indicate t h a t they like to receive t h e paper but cannot afford to pay for it. W h a t people would be willing to pay for the paper interests many. It h a s r u n f r o m nothing to $2.50 a j ear with, the average at 6K.7 cents: per year. If we a r e to m a i l the. paper there m u s t bs suiserifcers. Send in your card. —DEATH— MJI. an«S MBS. V. T. Henderson, left for North* Casoiiaa en Wednesday mosning of this week o» account 06 the death of Mr. Henderson's Father. I t seenas as if these- folks wese having more than their share o.J trouble afc t h i s tiiaae for it w a s j o s t t w o weeks ago that Mss. Headeiison's little two. moEitlis old grandson was accidentally smothered to death in bed. To these gjxxl people who toave so. Bsiaiiy iiiatkes extended a helping hand! to others, we- extend our sincerc symr pathy. H U R R A H ! The Thomas Goal Co. FOR A G O O D TIME LAWN FETE Community Church MOVING SAND HAULING GRAVEL Friday Evening Pfjone W0. 9 2 4 7 J U L Y 12th West Graham Rd. Bring your frieads STOW, OHIO
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