Table Of Contents - Politeknik Melaka
Table Of Contents - Politeknik Melaka
TableOf OfContents Contents Table No Content Preface 1.1. Prakata Introduction 2.2. Pengenalan 3.3. Visi dan Vision andMisi Mission 3.13.1 Jabatan PengajianEducation Politeknik Department of Polytechnic 4. Carta Organisasi Pengurusan 3.2 Politeknik Melaka 5. Outcome Based Education 4. Management Organisation Chart 6. Department of Civil Engineering 5. Outcome Based Education 6.1 Introduction 6. Department of Civil Engineering 6.2 List of Staff 6.16.3 List ofFacilities Staff 6.26.4 rogrammes Offered Facilities 6.4.1 Diploma of Civil Engineering 6.3 Programmes Offered 7. Department of Mechanical Engineering 6.3.1 Diploma of Civil Engineering 7.1 Introduction 7. Department of Mechanical Engineering 7.2 List of Staff List ofFacilities Staff 7.17.3 7.27.4 Programmes Offered Facilities 7.4.1 Offered Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 7.3 Programmes 8. Department of Electrical Engineering 7.3.1 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 8.1 Introduction 8. Department of Electrical Engineering 8.2 List of Staff List ofFacilities Staff 8.18.3 Facilities 8.28.4 Programmes Offered 8.4.1 Offered Diploma in Electronicl Engineering (Control) 8.3 Programmes 9. Department of in Commerce 8.3.1 Diploma Electronicl Engineering (Control) 9.1 Introduction 7. Department of Commerce 9.2 List of Staff 7.1 List of Staff 9.3 Facilities Facilities 7.29.4 Programmes Offered 7.3 Programmes 9.4.1 Offered Diploma in Accountancy 9.4.2 Diploma in International Business 7.3.1 Diploma in Accountancy 10. Ancillary Department 7.3.1 Diploma in International Business 10.1 Department of Mathematics, Science and Computer 8. Ancillary Department 10.2 Department of General Studies 8.1 Department of Mathematics, Science and Computer 11. Another Support Units Department of General Studies 8.211.1 Jabatan Hal Ehwal dan Pembangunan Pelajar 11.1.1dan Introduction 8.3 Unit Sukan Ko kurikulum 11.1.2 Carta 9. Another Support Units Organisasi JHEPP Hep 9.1 Jabatan Hal Ehwal danUnit Pembangunan Pelajar 9.2 Physiology and Career Unit Unit Sukan dan Ko Kurikulum Physiology and Career 9.3 Research, Innovation Comercialization Unit Unit 9.4 Library Unit Unit Kebudayaan dan Warisan Unit Alumni 9.5 Unit Pengurusan Kualiti 11.2 Research, Innovation and Commercialozation Unit 9.6 Unit Perhubungan Latihan Industri 11.3 Unit Pengurusan Kualiti 9.7 Unit Peperiksaan 11.4 Unit Perhubungan Latihan Industri 9.8 Unit Alumni 11.5 Unit Peperiksaan 9. Higher Academic Pathway 11.6 Unit Perpustakaan 10. Editorial Board 12. Panduan dan Peraturan Pelajar 11. Master Plan of Politeknik MelakaPelajar 13. Jawatankuasa Perwakilan 14. Higher Academic Pathway 15. Editorial Board Page 2 3 4 4 5 6 11 11 12 14 15 15 32 32 33 35 36 36 49 49 50 52 53 53 69 69 70 72 73 73 85 97 97 102 108 108 108 109 110 116 120 121 122 126 127 131 134 137 140 154 169 172 1 1. PRAKATA Dengan lafaz bismillahirahmannirahim… Assalamualaikum w.r.t dan salam 1 Malaysia saya ucapkan. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi atas limpah dan kurniaNya handbook ini berjaya diterbitkan hasil sumbangan serta kerjasama Jabatan-jabatan akademik dan bukan akademik dalam memberi informasi tepat mengenai program dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan. Handbook ini ibarat buku panduan bergerak Politeknik Melaka. Semua informasi berada di dalam satu buku yang boleh dikongsi bersama tanpa perlu merujuk banyak pihak bagi memastikan kesahihannya. Sehubungan itu, saya secara peribadi ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang bertungkus lumus menyiapkan buku ini. Semoga penerbitan handbook ini bukan sahaja menjadi bahan rujukan pelajar malahan kepada mereka yang ingin tahu berkenaan Politeknik Melaka. Akhir kata, pihak kami bersedia menerima baik kritikan mahupun saranan yang dapat membina serta menambahbaik Handbook terbitan pertama kali ini. Sekian, terima kasih. RASHIDAH BINTI MUSTAPA Pengarah, Politeknik Melaka 2 2. PENGENALAN Politeknik Melaka (PMK) dahulunya dikenali sebagai Politeknik Kota, Melaka (PKM). Tetapi tidak ramai mengetahui bahawa sebelum Politeknik Kota, Melaka, ia dikenali sebagai Politeknik Merlimau Melaka. Ini berikutan perancangan terawal penubuhan Politeknik di Melaka hanyalah sebuah sahaja. Namun, sewaktu proses menunggu kampus di Merlimau siap dibina, dalam tempoh itu juga penempatan sementara Politeknik di Bangunan Plaza Pandan Malim, Balai Panjang Melaka telah di jadikan sebuah lagi Politeknik yang dinamakan Politeknik Kota, Melaka kerana kedudukannya yang strategik berhampiran dengan bandar dan berada di dalam kawasan DUN Kota Melaka. Selain Politeknik Merlimau Melaka, PKM (ketika itu) turut berkongsi urusan pentadbiran dengan Kolej Komuniti Bukit Beruang sebelum ia berpindah ke bangunan sendiri di Bukit Beruang, Melaka. Merupakan politeknik ke-11 di tubuhkan pada 1 Januari 1999 oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Bangunan Politeknik Melaka terdiri daripada 25 unit rumah kedai yang dibeli (13) dan sewa (12) telah diubahsuai sepenuhnya, lengkap dengan segala kemudahan asas yang diperlukan oleh sebuah institut pengajian tinggi. Pada peringkat permulaannya, Politeknik Melaka hanya menerima sekumpulan pelajar pertamanya sejumlah 197 orang pada bulan Julai 1999. Namun bilangan kemasukan ini meningkat dari setahun ke setahun. Ketika itu, PKM mengendalikan 4 kursus diperingkat SIJIL iaitu Sijil Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Sijil Kejuruteraan Awam, Sijil Pengajian Perniagaan, Sijil Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik. Manakala, Sijil Penyimpanan Kira (SPK) telah di jalankan oleh Jabatan Perdagangan pada Sesi Januari 2004. Kini dibawah naungan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, PMK telah mula menawarkan Program di peringkat DIPLOMA. Kumpulan pelajar pertama Sesi Julai 2009 dari Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam telah ditawarkan program diperingkat Diploma dan pada sesi kemasukan berikutnya, PMK mula menerima pelajar Diploma, tiada program diperingkat sijil lagi ditawarkan untuk kemasukan ke Politeknik Melaka. Antara 4 pengajian peringkat Diploma yang ditawarkan adalah Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam, Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektronik(kawalan), Diploma Perniagaan Antarabangsa dan Diploma Akauntansi. Pada 4 Jun 2010, secara rasminya Politeknik Kota Melaka ditukar nama ke Politeknik Melaka. Pengarah Politeknik Melaka: • PN. RASHIDAH BINTI MUSTAPA - 8 November 2011 hingga sekarang • EN. MOHD HATTA BIN ZAINAL - 18 Mei 2009 hingga 13 mei 2011 • TUAN HJ ABD AZIZ BIN ABU BAKAR - 01 Disember 2007 hingga 15 Mei 2009 • DR ARSHAD BIN KASSIM - Januari 2004 hingga 30 November 2007 • SULONG BIN YAHAYA - Januari1999 hingga Disember 2003. 3 3. VISION & MISSION 3.1 JABATAN PENGAJIAN POLITEKNIK VISI POLITEKNIK Penjana utama modal insan inovatif melalui pendidikan dan latihan transformasional bagi memenuhi keperluan tenaga kerja global menjelang 2015. MISI POLITEKNIK Menerobos sempadan untuk membina persekitaran pembelajaran transformatif dan kreatif ke arah menjana ekonomi yang dipimpin. 4 5 TIMB. PENGARAH PPPT DH52 SHAMSUDIN BIN ABDULLAH (JKE) MAZALAN BIN ARIFIN (JP) PPPT DH44 Peg.CISEC Peg.Keusahawanan PPPT DH41 AHMAD SUKHIMI BIN MOHAMAD KHIDZIR RAFIUDDIN BIN ROHANI MARINA BINTI ABU BAKAR PPPT DH41 UNIT PERHUB. & LATIHAN INDUSTRI UNIT PEPERIKSAAN JABATAN PENGAJIAN AM PPPT DH48 PPPT DH48 FATIMAHWATI BINTI ABD HAMID JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN AWAM PPPT DH48 HILMUN BINTI MOHAMED JABATAN PERDAGANGAN PPPT DH48 MOHD JALIL BIN CHE JUSOF JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MATEMATIK, SAINS & KOMPUTER PPPT DH48 AHMAD BIN TULKA MOHAMAD TARMIZI BIN HUSSEIN PPPT DH48 JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK PPPT DH48 MOHD ARIFFIN BIN AMAN RENI SURIANI BINTI HASHIM Peg. Kerjaya S41 Peg.Psikologi S41 ZAINORITA BINTI RUSDI UNIT PSIKOLOGI & KERJAYA Peg Belia & Sukan MUHAMMAD SALLEH BIN ABDULLAH (JKM) PPPT DH44 Peg.HEP (K&D) MOHD FIRDAUS BIN MD NOOR PPPT DH41 Peg.HEP (P&D) AHMAD SYUKRI BIN MOHAMED YUNUS PPPT DH44 Peg.HEP UNIT HAL EHWAL PELAJAR PPPT DH48 NORRAIHAN BINTI MOHD AINI (JP) PPPT DH41 Peg.Kebudayaan & Warisan AFREZAYU BINTI JOHARI (JKE) PPPT DH41 Peg. Pengesanan Graduan NORWADIAH BINTI MOHD ANDAI (JKM) PPPT DH41 Peg. Alumni ATI ARINI BINTI SALIM JABATAN HAL EHWAL & PEMBANGUNAN PELAJAR NORSHIMAH BINTI ARIFFIN S41 Peg.Perhubungan Awam NORRAIHAN BINTI MOHD AINI PPPT DH41 S41 MOHD FIRDAUS BIN MAZLAN Pemb.Akauntan Kanan Pen.Peg.Tadbir (Kanan) SITI RAMLAH BINTI AHMAD N32 UNIT KHIDMAT PENGURUSAN ISHAK BIN HASSAN W22 UNIT SUKAN DAN KOKURIKULUM PPPT DH48 CHOO MEI CHENG UNIT PENYELIDIKAN, INOVASI & KOMERSILAN PPPT DH54 RASHIDAH BINTI MUSTAPA PENGARAH 4. CARTA ORGANISASI PENGURUSAN TEH KAMALIA BINTI HASAN BERKUATKUASA 14 JANUARI 2013 Pen. Jurutera J29/J36 FARIZOH BINTI HAMID UNIT PEMBANGUNAN& SENGGARAAN MOHD ALY RAJAIE BIN HALIM PPPT DH41 UNIT LATIHAN &PENDIDIKAN LANJUTAN MOHAMED JAYHA BIN MOHAMED NOOR (menjalankan tugas) PMS GRED 41 UNIT PEMBANGUNAN INSTRUKSIONAL & MULTIMEDIA PPPT DH41 UNIT PENGURUSAN KUALITI HADI MOHD NASARUDIN BIN ALI Pustakawan S41 UNIT PERPUSTAKAAN HAIDAR NUR RIFHAN BINTI BASIR PTM F41 UNIT TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT SOKONGAN AKADEMIK 5. Outcome Based Education (OBE) Outcome Based Education (OBE) Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) and related professional bodies require all programs offered by Institution of Higher Learnings to adopt the Outcome Based Education approach in their teaching and learning activities. This is in line with the paradigm shift mooted by the Ministry of Higher Education to enhance the quality of education in Malaysia. Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational approach that focuses on what students are able to do upon completion of a course. All curriculum and teaching decisions are made based on how best to facilitate the desired outcome. The term outcomes in this matter would be a set of values or ‘wish list’ on what students should acquire upon their educational program completion. Outcome-based education is designed so that “all students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and qualities needed to be successful after they exit the educational system” (Spady, 1994, p. 9). In brief, OBE answers the following questions: What must the student learn? What do the teachers or lecturers want the student to learn? How does what student learn affect the overall educational outcome? How do the teachers or lecturers make sure that the students learn what they are intended to learn? Thus, OBE outlines the guidance for planning, delivering and evaluating teaching and learning activities to achieve the results expressed in terms of individual student learning outcomes as shown in Figure 5.1 below. TRADITIONAL SYSTEM OBE Lecturer – centered Student – centered Learning Outcomes Syllabus What to teach Learning environment Non – behavioral objectives Content Includes behavioral objectives Assessment Students passively learning (makes content visible) Outcomes achieved? Students actively involved in learning (makes learning visible) Figure 5.1: A Paradigm Shift for Educational System 6 Outcome Based Education (OBE) DELIVERY MODES The diversity of teaching and learning methodologies can be adapted by lecturers as to cater to the hetrogeneous or different students’ potentials. This is important to ensure that different students are at the maximum level while the less potential ones are not left behind. Figure 5.2 shows that there are many modes of delivery that can be employed to suit various teaching and learning purposes. LECTURE PRACTICAL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING WORK ATTACHMENT FIELD TRIP PRESENTATION TUTORIAL SEMINAR COLLOQUIUM VISIT LABAROTARY DEMONSTRATION WORKSHOP PROBLEM BASED CASE STUDY PROJECT BASED ONLINE LEARNING TELECONFERENCE SIMULATION Figure 5.2 : Delivery Modes 7 Outcome Based Education (OBE) OBE EDUCATIONAL FRAMEWORK Programme Educational Objectives (PEO): The broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments which the program is preparing graduates to achieve. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO): The statements that describe what students are expected to know and able to perform or attain in terms of skills, knowledge and behaviour or attitude by the time of graduation. Course Learning Outcomes ( CLO): The statements that describe the specification of what a student should learn upon completing a course . PMM VISION, MISSION PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) 3 – 5 YEARS AFTER GRADUATION PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOME (PLO) UPON GRADUATION CLO 1 CLO2 CLO 3 Figure 5.3 : OBE Educational Framework 8 UPON COURSE COMPLETION Outcome OutcomeBased BasedEducation Education(OBE) (OBE) FORMATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FORMATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES TheThe achievement of our students is measured by learning outcomes. These learning achievement of our students is measured by learning outcomes. These learning outcomes should specify the the competencies acquired by by students upon outcomes should specify competencies acquired students upon completion of their studies. Donnelly, K (2007) mooted thatthat outcomes cater to the completion of their studies. Donnelly, K (2007) mooted outcomes cater to the understandings, dispositions andand capabilities which areare the the personal andand understandings, dispositions capabilities which personal intellectual qualities to to be be possessed by by each student. TheThe outcomes areare intellectual qualities possessed each student. outcomes developed throughout the the students’ learning span. These features areare contained developed throughout students’ learning span. These features contained in the 8 domains of learning outcomes: in the 8 domains of learning outcomes: Figure 5.4 5.4 :Competency Domain to be in MQA Outcomes Figure :Competency Domain to applied be applied in MQA Outcomes (Learning Outcomes, LO)LO) (Learning Outcomes, 9 Outcome Based Education (OBE) THREE MAIN STAGES IN TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS In general, OBE concept divides teaching and learning activities into three parts, namely: i. Planning, ii. Implementation and iii. Assessment At the planning stage, learning outcomes should be determined in advance by taking into account what students can do after attending a teaching process. At the implementation stage, the teaching and learning activities should be designed to achieve the specified learning outcomes. Finally, the assessment is to be determined where it measures how far students have achieved the specified learning outcomes and assessment provides input to continuously improve the teaching and learning process. The three main stages in T&L process What TL activities do I adopt to achieve the intended LO? 2 Implementation Program Bloom’s Instructor’s Outcomes Taxonomy goals 3 domains of educational goals (cognitive, psychomotor and affective) Instructional technology Lectures Labs Instruction/ Approaches ProblemActive & based Cooperative Other learning learning techniques Learning Outcomes 1 Planning Classroom Assessment technique Students Can my students do what I want them to be able to do? What do I want my students to be able to do as a result of my teaching? Assessment 3 Assessment Test Other measures Surveys Felder & Brent, JEE, Jan., 2003 Figure 5.5 : Three Main Stage in Learning and Teaching Process Towards the future of OBE: 1. Courses will help students to want, passionately, to do things, rather than just ‘be able to’ do things. 2. Assessment will assess whether students actually and spontaneously achieve the outcomes, rather than just ‘being able to’ 3. Outcomes will include values and principles and purposes as well as abilities. In conclusion, the call for accountability is inevitably one of the reasons that lead to the introduction of OBE in Politeknik Merlimau. All parties need to make necessary changes, modifications, and improvements in the light of the changes aimed. The roles of curriculum, lecturers or instructors and assessment must gear the students towards the intended outcomes. 10 6. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 6.1 INTRODUCTION Department of Civil Engineering offers three professional diploma programmes in order to meet the nation’s construction industry. The programmes is Diploma in Civil Engineering. 11 6.2 LIST OF STAFF Name: Cik Fatimahwati Binti Abdul Hamid Position: Head of Department Majoring: Architectural Ext: 6015 Email: [email protected] mes in order to Engineering Name: En. Anuar Bin Nordin Position: Head of Programme Majoring: Building Survey Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Tn. Hj. Abdul Aziz Bin Abu Bakar Position: Lecturer DH54 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6012 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Hamdan Bin Abu Talib Position: Lecturer DH48 Majoring: Land Survey Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] 12 Name: Pn. Erita Mazwin binti Mazlan Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Construction Management Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Rahim Bin Ishak Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Amran Bin Hj. Asan Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Building Ext: 6042 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Radziah Binti Hj. Abd Rahman Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Siti Salbiah Binti Ahmad Shariff Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 17 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Anuar Bin Ismail Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Cik Norzainariah Binti Abu Hassan Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Nur Alwani Binti Abdul Latiff Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Nurul Qamar Bin Hazni Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Siti Zuraifa Binti Md. Sah Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Umavathy A/P Arumugam Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Construction Ext: 17 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Sinatu Sadiah Binti Shapie Position: Lecturer DH44 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 18 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Mazlina Binti Abdul Ghani Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6059 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Tengku Juliani Bt. Tengku Mamat Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 33 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Haslinda Binti Amir Hassan Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 33 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Muhammad Affendi B. Bahaudin Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 39 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Fara Haszillah Binti Hasim Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 18 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Noorazliza Binti Abdul Rahim Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Munirah Binti Hussein Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Noor Hazalina Binti Abdulllah Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Cik Nurul Nadiah Binti Othman Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Afham Zulhusmi Bin Ahmad Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Suriani Nasution Binti Padzlan Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Sarinah Binti Ali Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 17 Email: [email protected] Name: Cik Jusmine Valerie Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Siti Harni Binti Zainal Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Pn. Nurul Azuwa Binti Muhayadin Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Survey and Geomatics Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Cik Siti Nur Farhana Binti Abdul Aziz Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Civil and Environmental Engineering Ext: 6059 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Hassan Bin Ismail Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Construction Management Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] Name: Cik Haliza Binti Ab. Karim Position: Lecturer DH41 Majoring: Building Surveying Ext: 33 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Mohd Fahmi Bin Abd Razak Position: Lecturer DH32 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 39 Email: [email protected] Name: En. Muhammad Subhi Bin Ismail Position: Lecturer DH32 Majoring: Civil Engineering Ext: 6131 Email: [email protected] 13 6.3 Brickwork Workshop Highway Lab Structure Lab Plumbing Workshop Concrete Lab Carpentry Workshop Hydraulic Lab 14 FACILITIES 6.4 PROGRAMMES OFFERED 6.4.1 DIPLOMA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION Diploma in Civil Engineering provides knowledge, skills and attitude to adapt to new technology in civil engineering with the ability to demonstrate professionalism and work ethics in fulfilling responsibilities towards the creator, client and society. This program provides theory classes as well as carry out practical work in the laboratories and workshops. This program also offers courses such as Material and Engineering Construction, Engineering Drawing, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Engineering Survey, Concrete Technology, Theory of Structure, Structural Design, Hydraulics and Hydrology, Water Supply and Waste Water Treatment, Geotechnic, Contract Procedures and Measurement, Computer Application, Construction Management and give awareness to students regarding occupational safety and health. This program is specially designed with hands-on training in addition to the theoretical learning in civil engineering. They are required to undergo six months of industrial training. This will prepare graduates for employment in different sectors of the industry because the skills and knowledge acquired are used throughout modern industry. They will be able to use appropriate communication and interpersonal skills to perform tasks in various situations. Graduates will demonstrate desired behavioral traits like integrity, team work, problem solving and passion in performing the tasks related to their area of specialization. They will possess entrepreneurial skills to contribute to the economic growth for the nation’s development in the construction industries. With these additional skills, they will be more competitive in the present job market. SYNOPSIS This programme is designed to equip students with sound knowledge and skills, and understanding of the environment, construction industries, construction designs and infrastructural development of civil engineering .The knowledge and skills acquired will be useful for success in future or current employment. Students are also equipped with knowledge regarding occupational safety and health. Students will be exposed to soft skills, communication skills, team work so the graduates will communicate, interact and contribute effectively as team members. JOB PROSPECTS After graduating with a Diploma in Civil Engineering, there are greater job opportunities for graduates to work in the construction field or in government sectors as follows : Technical Assistant Site Supervisor Clerk Of Work Engineering Assistant Contractor Health and Safety Officer Research Assistant Quality Control Assistant Engineer 15 PROGRAMME AIMS The Diploma in Civil Engineering graduates in Polytechnics, Ministry of Higher Education will have knowledge, technical skills and altitude to adapt themselves with new technological changes and challenges in Civil Engineering Fields PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) The Diploma in Civil Engineering programme shall produced semi professionals who are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conclude appropriate knowledge to solve civil engineering problems. Enhance practical skills and continuously upgrade with latest technology. Communicate effectively and demonstrate social skills good leadership quality or work as team members at work place. Solve civil engineering problems innovatively, creatively and ethically under supervision. Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills and contribute to the economic growth for the nation’s development. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES (PLO) Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 16 Relate knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to well defined civil engineering theories and procedures Compose practical skills in civil engineering practices Communicate effectively both in written and spoken form with other colleague and community. Identify and provide creative, innovative and effective solution to civil engineering problems. Develop an effective social responsibilities and humanistic values to meet the common goals Recognize the need and to engage in, life long learning and professional development. Self motivate and enhance entrepreneurship skill for career development. Adhere to professional codes of ethics to adapt in the real challenges in working environment. Demonstrate effective leaderships skills and team work responsibilities PROGRAMME STRUCTURE D IPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAMME STRUCTURE Semester 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Code Course AA101 AA102 AE101 AR101 BA101 Course L P T Credit Islamic Education 1 * Moral Education 1** Communicative English 1 Co Curriculum 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 Engineering Mathematics 1 2 1 0 2 BB101 BC101 Engineering Science 2 1 0 2 Computer Application 0 2 0 1 Occupational Safety and Health 1 Engineering Drawing 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 10. AW101 CC101 CC102 Construction Materials and Applications 2 3 0 3 11. CC103 Engineering Survey 1 2 3 0 3 TOTAL CREDIT 18 6. 7 8. 9 Semester 2 3. Code Course AA201 AA202 AR201 4. BA201 Engineering Mathematics 1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CC201 Engineering Survey 2 Contract Procedure Concrete Technology CAD Mechanics Of Structures Industrialised Building System (IBS) No. 1. 2. CC202 CC203 CC204 CC205 CC206 Course L P T Credit Islamic Education 2 * Moral Education 2** 2 2 1 1 0 0 2 2 Co Curriculum 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 2 3 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 TOTAL CREDIT 3 2 3 1 3 1 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Code Course AA301 AE301 BA301 AW201 CC301 CC302 CC303 CC304 CN301* Course Islamic Civilization Communicative English 2 Engineering Mathematics 3 Occupational Safety and Health 2 Quantity Measurement Highway Engineering Hydraulics 1 Geotechnics 1 Geo-environmental Engineering * C C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A P C C C C C C C No. C C 1. 2. A 3. C C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. C No. Semester 3 No. No. C 1. L P T Credit 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 TOTAL CREDIT 17 * For Mu ** For No *** For Ele 17 D IPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Semester 4 T Credit 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 3 T 18 T Credit 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 3 2 3 1 3 1 18 T Credit 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 2 T 17 No. Code Course 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. AE501 PB201 CC501 CC502 CC503 CC504 CC505 CC506 CN303 No. Code Course Course Communicative English 3 Entrepreneurship Hydraulics 2 Geotechnics 2 Traffic Engineering Design Of Steel Structure Structural Analysis 1 Civil Engineering Project 1 Statistics L P T 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 2 0 2 3 0 2 2 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 TOTAL CREDIT Credit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 17 Semester 5 1. 2. AT401 Course L P T Credit Soft Skills Structural Analysis 2 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 2 3. CC601 CC602 Civil Engineering Project 2 0 4 0 2 4. CC603 Project Management 2 0 0 2 5. CC604 Environmental Pollution & Control 2 0 1 2 6. CC605 Reinforced Concrete Design 3 1 0 3 7. CC606 Hydrology 2 0 0 2 8. CC607 Water and Waste Water Engineering 2 2 0 2 9. CC608* Building Services * 2 0 0 2 TOTAL CREDIT 19 Semester 6 No. Code Course 1. AT401 Course Credit Industrial Training 10 TOTAL CREDIT * For Muslim Students ** For Non Muslim Students *** For Elective Course 18 10 S YNOPSIS AND COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO) SYNOPSIS AND COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO) CLO 3 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND • Describe briefly the properties of APPLICATIONS provides the students an civil engineering materials. (C3) overview of concepts and basic principles • Conduct project related to civil regarding wood, bricks, steel and non-steel engineering materials. (P2) works, finishing and types of structures. This • Perform positive teamwork course also emphasizes the above attributes by contributing actively materials used in construction of structures. in group projects.(A2) • Define the importance of interaction between human and environment in civil engineering. (C1) CC102 Construction Materials and Applications 19 2 CC201 Engineering Survey 2 ENGINEERING DRAWING provides • Apply the correct principles of knowledge of drafting principles in plane plane geometry and isometric geometry, orthographic projection, drawing. (P1) auxiliary views and sectioning. This course • Create an auxiliary view from any emphasizes practical skills and knowledge in orthographic projections and apply manual drawing. basic methods of isometric drawing accurately.(P1) CC101 Engineering Drawing 2 1 CC103 Engineering Survey 1 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 1 is • Describe the OSH regulations and designed to impart understanding of the basic compliance and how it will create of safety and health in workplace setting. safe working environment. (C1) This course presents aspects of occupational • Identify hazards, risks and safe safety and health, which are essential for work practices in order to maintain employees to practice safe and healthy healthy and safe work environment. environment, resulting in less hazards at the (C1) workplace. Emphasis is placed on the • Perform communication skills in a understanding of regulations, OSH team to respond for an accident management, accident prevention and action at workplace. (A1) occupational First-Aid methods. YNOPS COURSE · SEMESTER AW101 Occupational Safety and Health 1 29 CREDIT COURSE SEMESTER 1 1 SYNOPSIS S OUTCOMES (CLO) S CREDIT 3 1 CC103 Engineering Survey 1 OSH regulations and d how it will create nvironment. (C1) ds, risks and safe in order to maintain e work environment. unication skills in a ond for an accident lace. (A1) COURSE · SEMESTER CLO YNOPSIS AND COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CLO) SYNOPSIS CLO ENGINEERING SURVEY 1 provides knowledge on basic principles of levelling,compass survey theodolite traverse survey. This course emphasizes the basic distance measurement, bearing and angle in order to get the shape of terrain and theposition on the field. It also gives knowledge and practical skills to students in operating and handling survey instruments and working procedures to performengineering survey works, booking, calculation and plotting. • ENGINEERING SURVEY 2 gives knowledge and understanding about control survey, detail survey, data collection or acquisition, calculation and plotting of survey works. The module puts emphasis on the method used to carry out surveying works especially data collection or acquisition to produce plan based on the scope of work. It also gives exposure to the need for accurate data to be used for other surveying works. • • • • • Describe briefly types of surveying.(C1) Explain correctly the basic methods of measuring distance, bearing and angle.(C2) Calculate correctly the differences in height, bearing, angles and coordinates for surveying stations and area of a traverse .(C3) Work collaboratively in groups to complete the engineering survey work.(A3) Conduct engineering survey work that yields valid results.(P2) rrect principles of try and isometric iliary view from any rojections and apply of isometric drawing 2 CC201 Engineering Survey 2 ly the properties of ng materials. (C3) ect related to civil aterials. (P2) ositive teamwork contributing actively cts.(A2) ortance of interaction n and environment in ng. (C1) 3 • • • • Explain briefly the basic distance measurement, difference in height and figure of the terrain .(C2) Calculate correctly the coordinates of survey stations or areas and volumes of traverse or control point for curve raging or setting out. (C3) Describe the basic principles of Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) .(C2) Work collaboratively in groups to complete the field work .(A3) Conduct field works that yield the valid results .(P2) 30 20