corresponsabilidad -


corresponsabilidad -
* Participación
Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI
“Padre Bill”
“We Agree!
And, we hope you do too!”
Estamos de Acuerdo!
Y lo esperamos de Ti!
Believe me, it’s not easy getting eight priests to come
together and agree on and sign a document as regards a
parish pastoral plan. Well, usually it’s not an easy thing
to do. Our conversations as regards Stewardship have
been a surprising exception, and our hope and prayer is that you
will also embrace the stewardship model of life that our Lord
calls us to.
Créenme, no es fácil que ocho sacerdotes estén de
acuerdo y firman un documento sobre un plan pastoral
para parroquias. Pues, normalmente no es fácil
hacerlo. Nuestros diálogos sobre Corresponsabilidad
han sido una excepción sorpresiva, y nuestra esperanza y
oración es que ustedes también abracen la
corresponsabilidad como modelo de vida al cual el Señor
nos llama.
It would be hard to argue against having God “first” in our
lives; the real challenge is daily having Him there …in our
hearts and minds and actions. With God in our hearts and
minds, our prayer / conversation with Him ought to follow
naturally from within us. Does God have a space in our daily
schedules? Do we give time for prayer? …time to read our
Bible? …time for good spiritual reading?
Sería difícil hablar en contra de poner a Dios “primero”
en nuestras vidas; el reto es diariamente tenerle allí, en
nuestros corazones, mentes y acciones. Con Dios en su
corazón y mente, nuestra oración / conversación con Él
debe salir de nosotros con toda naturalidad. ¿Tiene Dios un
espacio de su vida diaria? ¿Tenemos tiempo para orar? …
para leer tu Biblia? … tiempo para leer buenos libros
Remember your parents teaching you about sharing?
The talents that God has given us are meant to be
shared, whatever those talents might be. Quilting is a
talent; woodworking,
cooking, singing, …and, the list is really long. Sharing your talents is volunteering of your time and talents
in helping others, in serving our parish community in
many different ways.
¿No recuerden como sus padres le enseñaron a
compartir? Los talentos que Dios nos ha dado son
para ser compartido, sean lo que sean. Coser es un
talento; carpintería, cocinando, cantando, …y, la
lista es enorme. Compartiendo tus talentos es ser un
voluntario en utilizar de su tiempo y talentos para
ayudar a otros, en servir en tu parroquia en muchas
We are also called to have God “first in our lives” in
the sharing from our financial resources. I know that
for myself it is so easy to give generously and gladly
when I’m giving something to, or helping, a good
friend; ought that not be the same in returning to the Lord a
portion of what He has given me?
También somos llamados a tener a Dios
“primero in nuestras vidas” en el compartir de
nuestros recursos económicos. Para mí, dar con
generosidad no me es difícil si es a una persona
querida, ayudando un buen amigo; ¿no debe ser lo mismo
cuando devolvemos al Señor una parte de lo que Él nos ha
There’s really nothing “new” in all of this …it’s Gospel truth!
Perhaps what is new will be our focus on the basics of living
our Catholic faith as challenged by Bishop’s pastoral letter
“Fully Engaged, Fully Alive”. Get ready for the invitations:
Realmente no hay nada “nuevo” en esto …es de la
Palabra de Dios! Quizás lo nuevo es el enfoque en estas
cosas básicas de vivir nuestra fe católica, como el reto de
Monseñor en su carta pastoral “Plenamente Comprometido
y Vivo”. Aquí vienen las invitaciones:
10 am-5 pm
217 E Wisconsin. Ave.
Coronation of The King and Queen / Coronación del Rey y Reina
Food /Rica comida
Games / Juegos
Traditional Dances / Bailes
Prizes Soccer League / Entrega de trofeos Liga de Futbol.
Music / Música y MAAASSSS!!!
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ·● September 11,2011
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA en el salón de la
familia, impartido por el Padre Bill, los
sábados a las 8 am. ¡Ven y conoce más de
tu religión!
Actividades los Sábados: 1.-Rosario por la
Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes a las 5
pm. 2. Grupo de Oración a las 6:30 pm. 3.
Grupo de Jóvenes a las 6:30 pm.
Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm
en las oficinas parroquiales.
Inscripciones para la Confirmación curso 11-12. Favor de tomar
la aplicación en la entrada del templo, en la oficina o página de
internet. Iniciamos el 14 y 17 de Septiembre.
La Fiesta Patronal de Santa Teresita se celebrará el 2 de Octubre.
Si está interesado (a) en participar en los bailables regionales o
ayudar como voluntario(a) Listas favor de llamar al 920-7390734. Mil gracias.
Ministerio Sta. Elizabeth. Se recordará y se unirán en oración con
las familias que pasen momentos difíciles con relación a
nacimientos. Llamar a Reyna García al 920-257-3465. Es parte
del ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral de nuestra parroquia.
Clases de Guitarra. Todos los Domingos después de Misa. Manuel
González. 1-414-739-4886
Hispanic Ministry Spanish.
BIBLE STUDY. Family Room at 8 am in Spanish.
ROSARY FOR THE PEACE AND JUSTICE FOR THE IMMIGRANTS. Every Saturday at 5 pm. Youth Group at 6:30 pm
at conference room Charismatic Group Saturdays at 6:30 pm.
Divine Mercy Group. Meets every Friday at 7 pm.
St Therese Patronal Feast will be held on October 2nd. If you are
interested to participate in our regional dances, please give me a
call at 920-739-0794. It’s not necessary to speak Spanish!!
Guitar Classes. Every Sunday after 11 am mass. Contact Manuel
González at 1-414-739-4886
In Loving Memory
Funeral Liturgy was celebrated for Mary Burke on
Wednesday, August 17, 2011. Please remember
Mary’s family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
May Mary rest in eternal peace.
Adults who are interested in becoming Catholic
or receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and
Confirmation are invited to an
introductory meeting of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults) at 10:05 a.m. on Sunday, September 18.
We will meet in the Conference Room at the Parish Office.
Our Religious Education Program for English speaking students of school age is run jointly with St. Thomas More Parish.
Registration forms are available in the parish office
or from Deacon Tony. Classes begin on September 21.
Felicidades en celebrar su Primera Comunion!
Karen Lopez-Chavez
Alex Manso
Luis Martinez
Paola Martinez
Jesus Diaz
Banns of Marriage /Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Bann III-Jordon Kamps & Alison Foates
St. Therese / Santa Teresita 2011
Wedding Anniversaries / Aniversarios de Matrimonio
Roman & Lois Herman
Jaime & Maria Rios
Alejandro & Maria Muniz
David & Megan Van Lieshout
Gerardo & Gisela Ferrer
Jeff & Kay Quaintance
Martin & Carmen Sanchez
David & June Van Ryzin
Richard & Angel Howe
Harold & Barb Thiel
Efrain & Glenda Ibarra
9/10/1965 46 Yrs.
9/10/2005 6 Yrs.
9/11/2006 5 Yrs.
9/12/1987 24 Yrs.
9/12/1999 12 Yrs.
9/13/1986 25 Yrs.
9/13/2005 6 Yrs.
9/13/2008 3 Yrs.
9/14/1991 20 Yrs.
9/14/1968 43 Yrs.
9/16/2000 11 Yrs.
Welcome / Bienvenidos
Julian Hicks & Vanessa
Magbanua Familia
“That’s My
It’s a fund-raiser being
sponsored by our
Ladies of St. Therese. “That’s My Pan” is a company in Chippewa Falls, so they’re made in the
U.S.A. These kitchen products will be on display for
the next several months, and the catalogue and order
form are also available. Christmas is not far away,
and these would make very nice gifts for family or
friends. Your purchase helps support our parish.
“Esa es mi Cazuela”
Es una actividad pro-fondos del group “Señoras de
Sta. Teresita.” Esta compañía está en Chippewa
Falls; productos hechos en los E.U. Estos productos
de la cocina estarán a la vista por varios meses, y el
catalogo está disponible. La Navidad no está lejos, y
estos productos hacen bonitos regalos para familia o
amigos. Su compra apoya la parroquia.
The first meeting of the year will be a potluck supper
at 6 pm, on Monday, September 12th, at St. Pius X
Church (use East entrance). The guest speaker will
be Jackie Majagorie who wrote a book about the
Maryknoll nuns murdered in South America.
St. Therese Parish
Stewardship / Colecta
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
Collection / Colecta 09/04/11.................................... $6,201.52
Year To Date / Año ..................................................... $52,191.94
Budgeted / Presupuestado...................................... $57,692.30
Pennies for the Poor.......................................................... $65.00
H.E.L.P................................................................................. $201.00
Bishop’s Appeal .................................................................$395.19
St. Joe’s Food Pantry......................................................... $65.00
“Buildings and Grounds”
There are always “chores” to do around the house;
imagine around our complex of parish buildings!
The next meeting will be meeting on
Wednesday, September 14th at 6:30
p.m. in the parish office CR.
“Edificios y Terrenos”
Siempre hay cosas que hacer en el mantenimiento
de una casa; imagínese todos nuestros edificios de la
parroquia! Un grupo de hombres va a reunirse el
miércoles, 14 de septiembre, 6:30 p.m. en la oficina.
You are all invited to attend our next Connect Men's
Group meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 7pm. We will
meet at the Capitol Centre meeting room, 725 W. Capitol
Drive, Appleton, WI. The speaker will be Fr. Jack Mullarkey. Fr. Jack is a Long time and very well liked Pastor at
Holy Cross in Kaukauna. He is an excellent speaker and
will deliver a worthwhile message. See you at the Capitol
Centre on Tuesday, September 13th at 7pm!
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
9 / 17 & 18, 2011
4:00 pm
Steve L. / Jeff S.
Donnis V. / Ed K. / Anne L. / Betty L.
Steve M. / Ben M.
Jim Z. / Esther Z. / Michael B. / Greg P.
9:00 am
Jean N. / Jackie C.
Melody R. / Roger D. / Tony A. / Lynn B.
Courtney R. /
Sue / Dave / Tom / Roman / Kevin
5:30 pm
Mayra B. / Rosalba L. / Veronica B.
Miguel / Ernesto / Carmen / Elena /Antonio
Alejandro F. / Gerardo E.
Pedro / Cruz / Macario / Juan / Gisel
11:00 am
Juana / Ramona / Roberto / Rosa / Eulalia
Lizette / Marisol / Tania
Ricardo / Enrique / Lupita / Gisel / Omar
Appleton, WI
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
Monday, 9/12
6:30 pm .....................................................Handbells Practice / PC
Tuesday, 9/13
8:00 am Mass ..........................................................Tom Burke
3:00 pm............................................................ Mass @”A.H.C.C”
6:30 pm ........................................... Worship Committee / CR
7:30 pm ............................................Divina Misericordia / FR
Wednesday, 9/14
8:00 am Mass ...........................O’Laughlin Family (living)
6:00 pm......................................................... Hispanic REP / CC
6:30 pm ......................................................... Care Ministry / CR
6:30 pm ...................................... Buildings & Grounds / UCR
Thursday, 9/15
8:00 am Mass ......................................... Mary Van Domelen
6:30 pm ....................................................... Choir Practice / Loft
Friday, 9/16
8:00 am Mass ............................Community of St. Therese
5:00 pm.......................................................................... Bailes / FR
Saturday, 9/17
8:00 am ....................................................... Estudio Bíblico / FR
9:00 am .................................................Hispanic Ministry / CR
1:00 pm............. Wedding / Jordan kamps & Allison foate
4:00 pm......................................................... Hispanic REP / CC
4:00 pm Mass ................................................. Chick Maloney
5:30 pm Misa ................................................................................. 
Sunday, 9/18
9:00 am Mass ..................................................... Ruth Brazner
11:00 am Misa ................................................................................. 
12:30 pm .................................................................................Bautiso
7:00 pm Misa..................................................Rogelio Trujillo
Padre Bill on Vacation
September 19th to the 30th
There will be no 8 am Masses during those two
weeks. We will have a visiting priest, Fr. Eloy
Romero-Rojas from Cross International for the
weekend of September 24th & 25th.
Sale: October 13th & 14th, 2011
Now is the time for Fall Cleaning!
We are accepting items for our sale, NO TV’s or Computers, please! You can bring your treasures to the
Parish Center Office. More details in future bulletins.