Special 50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue Precast Concrete
Special 50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue Precast Concrete
printemps 2012 Vol. 6 No. 1 Special 50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue Precast Concrete Shaping the Skyline of Canada for over 50 Years Édition commémorative du cinquantenaire 50 ans de béton préfabriqué dans le paysage urbain du Canada Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute • Institut canadien du béton préfabriqué et précontraint PM#40787580 Spring 2012 Volume 6 Issue1 Reliable equipment characterises all Haarup plants – irrespective of size. Reliable equipment characterises all Haarup plants – irrespective of size. Efficient, strong, reliable Efficient, strong, reliable Haarup are specialists in designing, manufacturing, and installing efficient concrete batching and mixing plants. Haarup are specialists in designing, manufacturing, and installing efficientallconcrete batchinginand mixing Haarup manufacture their equipment their own plants. in Denmark including individual mixers, skip factory hoists, aggregate batching and weighing systems, Haarup manufacture all their and equipment in their own concrete travelling buckets their own control factory in Denmark including individual mixers, skip systems. hoists, aggregate batching and weighing systems, concrete vast travelling and and theirwide ownrange control Haarup's projectbuckets experience of systems. reliable equipment make it easy for you to either modernise existing plants or install new ones. Haarup's vast project experience and wide range of reliable equipment make it easy for you to either modernise existing plants or install new ones. Haarup Maskinfabrik a/s Haarupvej 20 DK-8600 Silkeborg Haarup+45 Maskinfabrik Fax: 86 84 53 77 a/s Tel.: +4520 86 84 62 55 Haarupvej E-mail: [email protected] Silkeborg Web: www.haarup.dk Fax: +45 86 84 53 77 Tel.: +45 86 84 62 55 Building sustainable communities Dufferin Aggregates, a division of Holcim Canada, is a leading supplier of aggregates for the construction industry in the Greater Toronto area and adjacent municipalities. As a major employer and a part of the local community, Dufferin Aggregates has a long-term commitment to its neighbours and is part of the foundation for building healthy, vibrant and livable communities. www.holcim.ca Follow @Holcim_Canada on twitter Strength. Performance. Passion. Material donations from Dufferin Aggregates and Dufferin Concrete helped build the Acton Splash Pad at Prospect Park . Sika & Axim The world of admixtures has just changed… for the best! Le monde des adjuvants vient de changer… pour le meilleur! Throughout their respective evolutions, Sika and Axim have shared a similar focus on quality and innovation combined with a strong commitment to working closely with their customers. This has enabled concrete specifiers and producers to benefit locally from the strength and resources of companies operating with global expertise. Tout au long de leur évolution respective, Sika et Axim ont toujours mis l’accent sur la qualité et l’innovation, ainsi que le travail en étroite collaboration avec leurs clients. Cette approche a permis aux professionnels de l’industrie du béton de pouvoir bénéficier localement de la force et des ressources de groupes opérant à l’international. A dedicated and highly experienced team of professionals at your service Une équipe dédiée de professionnels expérimentés à votre service With the addition of the Axim team, Sika Canada and its Concrete Business Unit are in an even stronger position to offer precast and ready-mix industries a complete range of high-performance concrete admixtures and additives, supported by an unmatched level of service, coast to coast. Customers will benefit from an increase in production and distribution facilities, strategically located across Canada. The plants, geared for high-volume production of concrete admixture and additives, operate under a Total Quality Management System, ensuring the quality and consistency of products, testing and operating procedures. Logistics capabilities will also be reinforced and optimized with the addition of a state-of-the art trucking fleet, ready to meet the most stringent delivery requirements. This is only the beginning, with much more to come from Sika Axim! La venue de l’équipe Axim au sein de l’unité commerciale Béton de Sika Canada permet de renforcer la position de l’entreprise sur le marché des adjuvants et additifs pour béton, et ce, par le biais d’une offre de produit encore plus performante et étoffée visant le domaine de la préfabrication et du béton prêt à l’emploi, le tout soutenu par un niveau de service et une expertise incomparables. Les clients bénéficieront ainsi de moyens de production et de distribution accrus, stratégiquement positionnés au Canada. Ces usines offrent une forte capacité de production d’adjuvants et d’additifs pour béton de qualité irréprochable, dans la mesure où ces dernières s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’une démarche de gestion de qualité totale. La logistique se trouvera également renforcée et optimisée par l’addition d’une flotte de camions de livraison à la fine pointe de la technologie, prête à répondre à toutes les exigences de livraison. Sika Axim n’a pas fini de vous étonner, le meilleur est encore à venir! Sika Canada Inc. Concrete has been at the heart of Sika’s history and technological developments for over a century. With the Sika Group being the second largest producer of concrete admixtures in the world, Sika Canada is ideally positioned to serve clients in precast, ready-mix concrete production, mining and tunnelling sectors across the country. In an industry where performance and competitiveness are crucial, Sika’s concrete technologies have made what was formerly impossible, now achievable. Depuis plus d’un siècle, le béton est au cœur de l’histoire et des développements technologiques de Sika. Bénéficiant de l’expérience et du savoir-faire du groupe Sika – deuxième producteur d’adjuvants au monde – Sika Canada est dans une position idéale pour répondre aux besoins des producteurs de béton préfabriqué et de béton prêt à l’emploi, ainsi qu’aux marchés des mines et tunnels. Dans une industrie où la performance et la compétitivité sont essentielles, les technologies pour béton Sika ont rendu possible ce qui était auparavant impossible. 1-800-933-SIKA www.sika.ca How todo do itin initPrecast… Precast… How to itdo Precas How in Precast How to do ittoin Precast… moment-resisting bridge pier abutment. ......a amoment-resisting bridge pier ororabutment. ... a moment-resisting bridge pier or abu ... a moment-resisting bridge pier or abutment. QQ QQ AAA A QQ QQ AAA A How is the moment connection made? How is the the moment connection made? made? How is the the moment connection made? How is moment connection made? How is moment connection How is the the momentmade? connection How is moment connection made? All you need is an emulative detail, All you need is an an emulative detail, AllAll you need isconcrete an emulative detail, you need is emulative All you need is an emulative detail, reconnect the andisrebar. All you need andetail, emulative detail, reconnect concrete and rebar. reconnect thethe concrete and rebar. reconnect the the concrete concrete and and rebar. rebar. reconnect How do you connect the rebar? How connect the rebar? the rebar? How dodo youyou connect rebar? How dothe you connect How do you connect the rebar? Edison Bridge, Fort Myers, Florida Edison Bridge, Fort Myers, Florida Edison Bridge, FortFort Myers, Florida Edison Bridge, Myers, Florida Edison Bridge, Fort Myers, Florida Edison Bridge, Bridge, Fort Fort Myers, Myers, Florida Florida Edison Use the… Use the… Use the… Use the… Use the… Use the… NMB NMB NMB ® NMB Splice-Sleeve ® ® ® ® ® Splice-Sleeve Splice-Sleeve ® Splice-Sleeve System. System. 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Suite J • Irvine, CA 92618-2409 38777 West Six Mile Road, Suite 106 • Livonia, MI 48152 • TOLL FREE TEL: 877-880-3230 38777 West Six Mile Road, Suite 106 • Livonia, MI 48152 • TOLL FREE TEL: 877-880-3230 38777 West Six Mile Road, Suite 106 • Livonia, MI 48152 • TOLL FREE TEL: 877-880-3230 38777949-861-8393 West Six Mile Road, Suite 106 • Livonia, MI 48152 • TOLL FREE TEL: 877-880-3230 • www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: • FAX: 949-861-8419 • e-mail: [email protected] 38777 West West Six Six Mile Mile Road, Road, Suite Suite 106 106 •• Livonia, Livonia, MI MI 48152 48152 TOLL FREE TEL: TEL: 877-880-3230 877-880-3230 38777 ••• TOLL FREE www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: 734-838-0420 • FAX: 734-838-0422 • e-mail: [email protected] • www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: 734-838-0420 • FAX: 734-838-0422 • e-mail: [email protected] • www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: 734-838-0420 • FAX: 734-838-0422 • e-mail: [email protected] • www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: 734-838-0420 • FAX: 734-838-0422 • e-mail: [email protected] www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: 734-838-0420 FAX: 734-838-0422 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] •• www.SpliceSleeve.com PHONE: 734-838-0420 •• FAX: 734-838-0422 •• e-mail: Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring • Printemps 2012 VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 CONTENTS COLUMNS / CHRONIQUES 8 President’s Message Le mot du président 10Executive Editor’s Message Message du rédacteur en chef FEATURES/ARTICLES DE FOND 15Special Anniversary Section Cahier spécial du cinquantenaire 50 Years, 50 Projects Memorable projects using precast/prestressed concrete over the last five decades 50 ans, 50 projets Un demi-siècle de projets en béton préfabriqué/ précontraint 59CPCI announces Roy Willwerth All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Canadian Precast/ Prestressed Concrete Institute architectural recognition award winners CPCI annonce les gagnants du prix de reconnaissance architecturale Roy Willwerth Published May 2012 for: Canadian Precast/ Prestressed Concrete Institute 196 Bronson Avenue Suite 100, Ottawa ON K1R 6H4 PH (613) 232-2619 FX (613) 232-5139 Published by: MediaEdge Publishing Inc. 5255 Yonge St., Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M2N 6P4 Toll-Free: 1-866-216-0860 ext. 229 [email protected] 531 Marion Street Winnipeg, MB Canada R2J 0J9 Toll Free: 1-866-201-3096 Fax: 204-480-4420 www.mediaedgepublishing.com President: Kevin Brown Senior Vice-President: Robert Thompson PM#40787580 ersary Commemorative Issue Shaping the Skyline of Canada for over 50 Years / DEPARTMENTS rative du cinquantenaire 62 What’s New in Precast / Quoi de neuf en préfabrication éfabriqué dans le paysage urbain du Canada Embedded Clay Thin-Brick Plaquages encastrés de briques minces cuites 66 Member Directory / Annuaire des membres Branch du Manager: Nancie Privé ed Concrete Institute • Institut canadien béton préfabriqué et précontraint Publisher: Robert Thompson Associate Editor: Roma Ihnatowycz Editor: Jeanne Fronda Sales Executives Steve Beauchamp, Les Bridgeman, Helen Yeryk Graphic Design/Directory Specialist Krista Zimmermann Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Precast/ Prestressed Concrete Institute 196 Bronson Avenue Suite 100, Ottawa ON K1R 6H4 PH (613) 232-2619 FX (613) 232-5139 70Index to Advertisers / Index à l’intention des annonceurs Publication Mail Agreement #40787580 Issue 1 / 2012 7 By/par Robert Burak PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE LE MOT DU PRÉSIDENT A national voice Une voix nationale In the past 50 years, a colossal number of projects have been created by imaginative and pioneering owners, architects and engineers who looked to precast concrete to meet their challenges. Innovative projects as diverse as stadiums, bridges, parking structures, offices, schools, multiunit housing and industrial buildings have been produced. Au fil du dernier demi-siècle, on a vu un nombre colossal de projets créés par des pionniers à l’imagination débordante – des propriétaires, des architectes et des ingénieurs qui, pour relever de nouveaux défis, se sont tournés vers le béton préfabriqué. Ils ont produit toutes sortes de projets novateurs : stades, ponts, stationnements, bureaux, écoles, complexes d’habitation et bâtiments industriels. 2011 marked the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (CPCI). CPCI is the national voice representing producers, suppliers and users of precast concrete for the construction of commercial, industrial, residential and public/institutional buildings, as well as bridges, transportation facilities and other related infrastructure or specialty structures. These projects not only expanded the way that precast concrete was used when they were constructed, but in many cases they pioneered new products, systems and techniques that in turn were embraced by the entire design community in future projects. As part of our celebration, we have selected the 50 most significant precast projects in our history. The selections came from over hundreds that were nominated by CPCI members. The final projects were selected by a panel of judges that included Malcolm Hachborn, P. Eng., Chief Engineer, Res Precast Inc. (and CPCI’s 2011 Chairman of the Board), Andrew LeVatte, Business Development, Strescon, Ltd. (and Chair of CPCI’s Marketing Committee), Brian Hall, CPCI Managing Director of Sustainability and Business Development, and myself. The selection proved to be a difficult one due to the substantial number of projects that truly offer breathtaking design and innovation. Presented in this issue of Imagineering magazine are the best of the best: the 50 most significant projects produced by CPCI members featuring precast concrete components. Nevertheless, they represent the tip of the iceberg in terms of creativity, effectiveness and aesthetically pleasing designs created in the past 50-plus years. For those interested in a more detailed description of these projects, we encourage you to visit our website at www.cpci.ca and follow the link to CPCI’s “50th Anniversary Commemorative Book.” Robert Burak, P. Eng. CPCI President 8 Issue 1 / 2012 En 2011, l’Institut canadien du béton préfabriqué et précontraint a célébré son 50e anniversaire. Le CPCI est LA voix nationale qui représente les producteurs, fournisseurs et utilisateurs de béton préfabriqué pour la construction commerciale, industrielle, résidentielle et institutionnelle, ainsi que pour les ponts, réseaux de transport et autres infrastructures. Ces projets, en plus d’élargir la palette d’utilisation du béton préfabriqué lors de leur érection, ont souvent inauguré des produits, méthodes et systèmes nouveaux qu’ont adoptés par la suite les autres concepteurs. Dans le cadre de notre anniversaire, nous avons sélectionné les 50 projets en béton préfabriqué les plus importants dans l’histoire du CPCI. Nous les avons choisis parmi les centaines de projets proposés par nos membres. La sélection finale a été faite par un jury composé de Malcolm Hachborn, P. Eng., ingénieur en chef chez Res Precast Inc. (et président du conseil d’administration du CPCI en 2011); Andrew LeVatte, développement des affaires chez Strescon, Ltd. (et président du comité de marketing du CPCI); Brian Hall, directeur général de la durabilité et du développement des affaires au CPCI; et moi-même. Nous avons dû faire des choix crève-cœur en raison du grand nombre de projets à la conception et à l’innovation stupéfiantes. Dans ce numéro d’Imagineering, vous trouverez la crème de la crème : les 50 projets les plus importants qu’aient réalisés les membres du CPCI avec des composants en béton préfabriqué. Et pourtant, ce groupe ne représente qu’une fraction de la créativité, de l’efficacité et de l’esthétisme mis de l’avant depuis une cinquantaine d’années. Pour en savoir plus sur chacun de ces projets, je vous invite à consulter notre site Internet, le www.cpci.ca, et cliquez sur le lien « 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book ». Robert Burak, Ing. Président du CPCI ADVERTORIAL Mixer Systems, Inc. equipping the concrete products industry with solutions. Founded in 1979, Mixer Systems is dedicated to the design and manufacture of technology for the concrete products, industrial and environmental markets. Manufacturer of the legendary Turbin Mixer, Mixer Systems is the largest maker of pan mixers in North America. In contrast to companies that simply resell other’s machines, Mixer Systems prides itself on being a one-stop resource. An 86,000-square-foot facility houses advanced product planning, state-of-the-art manufacturing, and the capability of designing and constructing concrete batch plants from the ground up. With parts for every machine, we carry a 3-million-dollar parts inventory for the one part you need. That applies to parts for competitors’ equipment too. We ship 97% of parts within 24 hours. Our product line is the largest family of equipment in the industry, built with American reliability to stand up to the challenges of the world of concrete. Internationally, Mixer Systems’ equipment is at work in some 43 countries. Visit us at: www.mixersystems.com We build every batch plant the same way. To order. Your requirements for a batch plant are different from anyone else’s. A custom-built BatchMASTER® plant—designed, manufactured and installed by Mixer Systems—will meet them exactly. Choose from a complete range of mixer designs, bins and silos, plant controls, aggregate heating and mixer washout systems, and material handling options. Every component is performance-proven—all American-made and all from a single source. Specify Mixer Systems and put more than 20 years of batch plant experience to work for you. Mixer Systems, Inc. 190 Simmons Avenue Pewaukee, WI 53072-0010 mixersystems.com 262-691-3100 800-756-4937 Fax 262-691-3184 [email protected] MADE IN USA By/par Brian J. Hall Executive Editor’s Message MESSAGE DU Rédacteur en chef Celebrating 50 years Over 50 years ago, CPCI members initiated the search for excellence in design and construction, utilizing precast prestressed concrete. But how does one define excellence? Excellence is more than just doing a great job. It is the expansion of ideas and exceeding expectations, and this happens when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zone. Not only does this result in great innovation, but as an industry it drives our growth, both professionally and personally. Some of the most innovative structures result from taking a chance on something new. This is the case with the precast concrete industry working with designers to “push the envelope” on possibilities. Today, precast concrete assists architects and stakeholders in achieving sustainability initiatives, shorter schedules and tighter budgetary constraints in every building sector, from low-rise schools to high-rise condominiums, to parking structures and elegant bridges. Precast concrete is a versatile material with structural, aesthetic and architectural benefits. It is getting thinner and lighter, spanning longer distances, with quicker erection times, while at the same time providing high quality materials and finishes. For buildings, it is utilized as the structural system and the envelope system, resulting in truly optimized projects. The winning projects in CPCI’s “50th Anniversary Commemorative Book,” highlighted in this issue of Imagineering magazine, feature innovations that demonstrate precast concrete’s versatility. This issue showcases 50 structures that have pushed the envelope, redefining excellence. Some projects used ultra-high-performance concrete to greatly reduce the thickness and weight of precast concrete panels; others used precast concrete to accomplish completely new integrated designs, such as the Greater Toronto Airport Authority Parking Garage. Almost all of the projects included various levels of sustainable design, utilizing the advantage of precast concrete’s many sustainable features to reach their goals. We hope that this issue’s innovative projects spark your own imagination so that you too can redefine excellence in your next project. The challenge to design professionals is to build on these precast stories, to continue to redefine excellence and to push the boundaries even further. We invite you to show off your exceptional precast concrete projects and be an inspiration to your peers and generations to come by submitting your projects to Imagineering magazine. Submit your precast concrete projects to CPCI at [email protected]. Brian J. Hall, B.B.A., MBA Executive Editor CPCI Managing Director Sustainability and Business Development 10 Issue 1 / 2012 Joyeux anniversaire! Il y a plus de 50 ans, les membres de l’Institut canadien du béton préfabriqué et précontraint se sont mis en quête de l’excellence en conception et en construction, à travers l’utilisation du béton préfabriqué et précontraint. Or, comment définir l’excellence? L’excellence, c’est plus que de faire du bon boulot; il s’agit de faire avancer les idées, de dépasser les attentes, choses possibles lorsqu’on sort de sa zone de confort. C’est ainsi qu’on arrive à de grandes innovations. C’est ainsi qu’on peut grandir, comme individus et comme professionnels. La prise d’un risque, l’essai d’une nouvelle idée ont donné naissance à des structures novatrices. C’est ce qu’on remarque dans l’industrie du béton préfabriqué, où on collabore avec des concepteurs pour repousser les limites du possible. De nos jours, le béton préfabriqué aide architectes et intervenants à réaliser des projets de développement durable, à raccourcir les échéanciers et à resserrer les budgets dans tous les secteurs de la construction, qu’on parle d’écoles de plain-pied ou de hautes tours d’habitation, de stationnements à étages ou de ponts majestueux. Le béton préfabriqué est un matériau polyvalent offrant des avantages structurels, esthétiques et architecturaux. Il devient de plus en plus mince et léger, il couvre de plus longues distances, il se met en place plus rapidement, tout cela en offrant des matériaux et des finis de qualité supérieure. Enfin, il permet d’optimiser réellement les bâtiments où il sert de structure et d’enveloppe. Les projets lauréats présentés dans le « Livre commémoratif du 50e anniversaire » du CPCI, dont il est question dans ce numéro de notre magazine, mettent de l’avant des innovations qui démontrent la polyvalence du béton préfabriqué. Vous trouverez en ces pages 50 constructions qui ont repoussé les limites et redéfini l’excellence. Certains projets ont utilisé du béton à très haut rendement pour réduire de beaucoup l’épaisseur et le poids des panneaux de béton préfabriqué. D’autres ont réalisé des concepts intégrés novateurs à l’aide du béton préfabriqué, comme le stationnement de l’Aéroport de Toronto. Presque tous les projets retenus faisaient appel à une conception durable, à un certain degré, et profitaient des nombreuses caractéristiques durables du béton préfabriqué pour atteindre leurs objectifs. Nous espérons que ces réalisations vous encourageront à redéfinir l’excellence dans vos prochains projets. À vous, concepteurs, de bâtir sur ces succès et continuer à redéfinir l’excellence et repousser encore plus loin les limites du possible. Montrez vos projets exceptionnels en béton préfabriqué, inspirez vos collègues et les générations futures : proposez vos projets au magazine Imagineering. Écrivez-nous à [email protected]. Brian J. Hall, B.B.A., MBA Rédacteur en chef Directeur général Durabilité et développement des affaires FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) Reinforcing Bar in Pre-cast V-ROD®, the premier composite rebar manufactured in Canada by Pultrall Inc., is now widely used across the country as the premium corrosion-resistant reinforcing material on infrastructure and building projects. The pre-cast sector is rapidly becoming one of the largest applications with numerous successful bridge decks, slabs, girders, sidewalks, curbs, wall panels and architectural precast. Benefits of V-ROD® FRP in Pre-cast • Non-corrosive and non-conductive with superior tensile strength • Value engineering – cover could be reduced as corrosion not an issue • Lightweight – ¼ the weight of steel, making handling, lifting and shipping much easier • Meets current design Codes/Standards including the CHBDC S-6/06, CSA S-806, ISIS Canada Design Manuals and the CSA S-807 FRP Specification •Silica sand coating on bar provides excellent bond with concrete (25 Mpa) and high-performance concrete V-ROD® FRP Product Line • GFRP available in 60GPa, 50GPa and 40GPa, the three grades of modulus specified in the CSA S-807 • Typical bends, custom stirrups/ties or even circular/continuous spirals are produced for 40GPa and 50GPa bar • Headed reinforcement is used on 60GPa bar in lieu of bends • Smooth bar or dowels are also available and where bond is not required • Carbon (CFRP) bar also available along with the FiberLoc anchor system for pre-stressing applications • Inquire about other FRP bars for non-structural applications 109 Bayfield St. Suite 203 Barrie, ON L4M 3A9 Ph : (705) 734-2340 Toll-free : 1-888-726-2357 Fax : (705) 734-2341 Web : www.trancels-pultrall.com | BUILDINGS | CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE At PCL, we aspire to be the most respected builder by delivering superior service and unsurpassed value to our customers. | HEAVY INDUSTRIAL | Precast/Prestressed Concrete – an essential element for building communities Congratulations to the Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute on 50 years of being the industry’s prime source of technical information about precast prestressed concrete in Canada, while advancing the common interests of those of us in the industry. During the past five decades we have seen the many advantages of precast prestressed concrete lead to its widespread use in the Canadian construction marketplace. We have to look no further than the remarkable projects highlighted in this publication to see how the use of precast/prestressed concrete is evolving and growing to meet the needs of an increasingly complex construction industry. Whether the projects are massive in size and scope, innovative in design, or vitally important public works, it’s clear to see that they have helped build, grow, and transform the communities in which we live. I look ahead to the next 50 years with great optimism as there will be many opportunities as this country must address the infrastructure deficit. I believe we will continue to see major infrastructure projects, whether they are delivered through public-private-partnerships or traditional methods, all providing tremendous opportunities for growth. I encourage all CPCI members to keep pushing the envelope in innovation, design, and cost-effectiveness, so we can continue the path of growth and opportunity in this essential part of our business. Congratulations again to CPCI; we look forward to the next 50 years. Paul Douglas President Chief Executive Officer PCL family of companies PATENTED IN THE U.S.A. PLANETARY MIXERS TWIN SHAFT MIXERS TURBIN XL MIXERS HORIZONTAL SHAFT MIXERS Picky, picky, picky, picky. Your mixer is the heart of your operations. That’s why Mixer Systems offers four different kinds — our fast, new Planetary, the legendary Turbin, the rugged Praschak Paddle or the productive Twin Shaft. With this lineup, you can perfectly match your requirements for capacity, speed and economy. Contact us to find the right mixer for you. When it concerns your business, you can’t be too choosy. Concrete equipment. Concrete solutions. Mixer Systems, Inc. 190 Simmons Avenue Pewaukee, WI 53072-0010 mixersystems.com 14 MIXERS HF INTERLOCKING CONCRETE 1 1 Issue 1 / 2012 262-691-3100 800-756-4937 Fax 262-691-3184 [email protected] MADE IN USA 12/3/10 10:40:02 AM 50 Years, 50 Projects Memorable projects using precast/prestressed concrete over the last five decades 50 ans, 50 projets Un demi-siècle de projets en béton préfabriqué/précontraint Issue 1 / 2012 15 50 Years, 50 Projects Shawnessy Light Rail Transit Station CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 2003 Station de train léger sur rail de Shawnessy CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉE EN 2003 Owner: The City of Calgary Managed by: TPO (Transportation Project Office) Architect/Engineer: CPV Group Architects & Engineers Ltd. General Contractor: Walter Construction Ltd. Precaster: Lafarge Construction Material (Precast Division, Calgary) Propriétaire : Ville de Calgary Géré par : TPO (Transportation Project Office) Architecte/Ingénieur : CPV Group Architects & Engineers Ltd. Entrepreneur général : Walter Construction Ltd. Préfabricant : Matériaux de construction Lafarge (Division préfabriqué, Calgary) SkyBridge New Westminster SURREY, BC – COMPLETED 1988 SkyBridge de New Westminster SURREY, CB – ACHEVÉ EN 1988 Owner: BC Transit (now Translink) Contractor: Kerkhoff – Hyundai Joint Venture Bridge Engineer: Bush, Bohlman & Partners / Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. Precast: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) PCI Award Winner 1989 Propriétaire : BC Transit (aujourd'hui Translink) Entrepreneur : Coentreprise Kerkhoff – Hyundai Ingénieur de ponts : Bush, Bohlman & Partners / Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. Préfabricant : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Gagnant d’un Prix PCI 1989 16 Issue 1 / 2012 50 ans, 50 projets Vancouver ALRT Aerial Guideway VANCOUVER, BC – COMPLETED 1985 Voie en élévation SLAR de Vancouver VANCOUVER, CB – ACHEVÉE EN 1985 Owner: British Columbia Transit (now Translink) System Contractor: Metro Canada Limited Guideway Designer: BergerABAM Engineers Inc. Precast Concrete Phase 1: Genstar Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Phase 2 Precast: Supercrete, (now Lafarge Construction Materials Precast Division Vancouver) Design Overview: Terry A. Nettles, P.E., Construction Highlights: Paul A. R. Lowe, P. Eng. Propriétaire : British Columbia Transit (aujourd'hui Translink) Entrepreneur du système : Metro Canada Limited Concepteur de ligne : BergerABAM Engineers Inc. Préfabricant Phase I : Genstar Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Préfabricant Phase II : Supercrete (aujourd'hui Matériaux de construction Lafarge, Division préfabriqué, Vancouver) Superviseur de la conception : Terry A. Nettles, ing. Faits saillants de la construction : Paul A. R. Lowe, ing. Issue 1 / 2012 17 50 Years, 50 Projects Perley Bridge HAWKSBURY, ON – COMPLETED 1998 Pont Perley HAWKSBURY, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 1998 Owner: Alberta Transportation Prime Consultant: Associated Engineering Edmonton Ltd. Redesign Engineer: Campbell Woodall & Associates General Contractor: Penn-Co Construction Precast Concrete: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Alberta Transportation Consultant principal : Associated Engineering Edmonton Ltd. Ingénieur de reconception : Campbell Woodall & Associates Entrepreneur général : Penn-Co Construction Préfabricant : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) 18 Issue 1 / 2012 Owners: Project was financed and built by the Government of Canada and the governments of Ontario and Quebec Structural Engineer: DS-Lea Associates Limited General Contractor: Dufferin Construction Company Construction Engineering: John Otter Engineering Services Ltd. Precast Concrete: Pre-Con Inc. (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Le projet a été financé et construit par les gouvernements du Canada, de l’Ontario et du Québec Ingénieur de structures : DS-Lea Associates Limited Entrepreneur général : Dufferin Construction Company Ingénierie de construction : John Otter Engineering Services Ltd. Béton préfabriqué : Pre-Con Inc. (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Bow River Bridges CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 2002 Ponts de la rivière Bow CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉS EN 2002 50 ans, 50 projets Owner: Highway 407 ETR Engineer: McCormick Rankin Corporation, Otter Brown Engineering Limited General Contractor: BFC Construction Group/Diamond Stonebridge Contracting Precast Girders: Pre-Con Inc. (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Highway 407 Bronte Creek Crossing MISSISSAUGA, ON – COMPLETED 2000 Traversée de la crique Bronte, autoroute 407 MISSISSAUGA, ON – ACHEVÉE EN 2000 Propriétaire : Highway 407 ETR Ingénieur : McCormick Rankin Corporation, Otter Brown Engineering Limited Entrepreneur général : BFC Construction Group/Diamond Stonebridge Contracting Poutres préfabriquées : Pre-Con Inc. (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Issue 1 / 2012 19 50 Years, 50 Projects Manitoba Floodway Expansion WINNIPEG, MB – COMPLETED 2009 Agrandissement du Canal de dérivation du Manitoba WINNIPEG, MB – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 Owner: Highway Bridges: Province of Manitoba; Railway Bridges: CNR, CPR, Central Manitoba Railway (CEMR), Greater Winnipeg Water District (GWWD) Bridge Engineer: Dillon Consulting Limited (lead consultant) in association with EarthTech, ND LEA, UMA and Wardrop Contractor: PCL Constructors Canada Inc. and M.D. Steele Construction Ltd. Precast Concrete: Lafarge Construction Material (Precast Division, Winnipeg) Propriétaire : Viaducs : Province du Manitoba; ponts ferrofiaires: CN, CFCP, Central Manitoba Railway (CEMR), Greater Winnipeg Water District (GWWD) Ingénieur de ponts : Dillon Consulting Limited (consultant principal) en collaboration avec EarthTech, ND LEA, UMA et Wardrop Entrepreneur : PCL Constructors Canada Inc. et M.D. Steele Construction Ltd. Béton préfabriqué : Matériaux de construction Lafarge (Division préfabriqué, Winnipeg) Owner: City of Southfield Bridge Engineer: Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. in conjunction with Dr. Nabil Grace, Lawrence Technological University Contractor: Angelo Iafrate Construction Company Precast Concrete: Prestressed Systems Inc. Bridge St. Bridge SOUTHFIELD, MI – COMPLETED 2001 Pont de la rue Bridge SOUTHFIELD, MI – ACHEVÉ EN 2001 20 Issue 1 / 2012 Propriétaire : Ville de Southfield Ingénieur de ponts : Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. en collaboration avec Nabil Grace, Ph.D., Lawrence Technological University Entrepreneur : Angelo Iafrate Construction Company Béton préfabriqué : Prestressed Systems Inc. 50 ans, 50 projets Provencher Bridges WINNIPEG, MB – COMPLETED 2003 Ponts Provencher WINNIPEG, MB – ACHEVÉS EN 2003 Client/Owner: City of Winnipeg Prime Consultant: Wardrop Engineering, Winnipeg Architects: Gaboury Préfontaine Perry Architects Contractor: M.D. Steele Construction Ltd. Precaster: Lafarge Canada (Precast Division) Client/propriétaire : Ville de Winnipeg Consultant principal : Wardrop Engineering, Winnipeg Architecte : Gaboury Préfontaine Perry Architects Entrepreneur : M.D. Steele Construction Ltd. Préfabricant : Lafarge Canada (Division du préfabriqué) Issue 1 / 2012 21 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: JCCBI (The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated) General Contractor: MBC (Mohawk Bridge Consortium) Engineers: SNC- Lavalin Precaster: Schokbeton Quebec Inc. Propriétaire : PJCCI (Les ponts Jacques Cartier et Champlain inc.) Entrepreneur général : MBC (Mohawk Bridge Consortium) Ingénieurs : SNC- Lavalin Préfabricant : Schokbéton Québec Inc. Honoré-Mercier Bridge MONTREAL, QC – COMPLETED 2008 AND 2010 Pont Honoré-Mercier MONTRÉAL, QC – ACHEVÉ EN 2008 ET EN 2010 Client: Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project Inc., Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada Architects: LMN Architects with Prime Architects Downs/Archambault & Partners and Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership Marine Foundation Engineer: Westmar Consultants Inc. Construction Manager: PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. Precast Concrete: Surespan Structures Ltd. Client : Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project inc., Province de la Colombie-Britannique et Gouvernement du Canada Architecte : LMN Architects with Prime Architects Downs/Archambault & Partners and Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership Ingénieur pour la fondation marine : Westmar Consultants Inc. Gérant de construction : PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. Béton préfabriqué : Surespan Structures Ltd. 22 Issue 1 / 2012 Habitat Skirt, Vancouver Convention Centre VANCOUVER, BC – COMPLETED 2009 Jupe d’habitat, Centre des Congrès de Vancouver VANCOUVER, CB – ACHEVÉE EN 2009 50 ans, 50 projets Westshore Terminals at Roberts Bank DELTA, BC – COMPLETED 1984 Terminal Westshore de Roberts Bank DELTA, CB – ACHEVÉ EN 1984 Owner: Westshore Terminals Ltd. Consulting Engineer: Sandwell Swan Wooster Inc. (now Ausenco Sandwell Inc.) Contractor: Riedel Construction Ltd. / Dawson and Hall Ltd. Joint Venture Precast Concrete: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Westshore Terminals Ltd. Ingénieur-conseil : Sandwell Swan Wooster Inc. (aujourd'hui Ausenco Sandwell Inc.) Entrepreneur : Coe ntreprise Riedel Construction Ltd. / Dawson and Hall Ltd. Béton préfabriqué : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Issue 1 / 2012 23 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: University of Calgary Architect: Graham McCourt Architects General Contractor: W.A. Stephenson Construction (Western) Ltd. Structural Engineer: Simpson Lester Goodrich Partnership Precast Concrete: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Calgary Olympic Oval CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 1998 Anneau olympique de Calgary CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 1998 Propriétaire : University of Calgary Architecte : Graham McCourt Architects Entrepreneur général : W.A. Stephenson Construction (Western) Ltd. Ingénieur de structures : Simpson Lester Goodrich Partnership Béton préfabriqué : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Yankee Stadium BRONX, NY – COMPLETED 2009 Yankee Stadium BRONX, NY – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 24 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner: NY Yankees (MLB) Architect: HOK Sports Facilities (Populous) Engineer: Thornton Tomasetti Contractor: Turner Construction Company Precast Concrete: BPDL - Bétons Préfabriqués du Lac Propriétaire : NY Yankees (MLB) Architecte : HOK Sports Facilities (Populous) Ingénieur : Thornton Tomasetti Entrepreneur : Turner Construction Company Béton préfabriqué : BPDL - Bétons Préfabriqués du Lac 50 ans, 50 projets Saddledome CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 1983 Owner: City of Calgary Architect: Graham McCourt Architects General Contractor: W.A. Stepehenson Construction (Western) Ltd. Structural Engineer: Jan Bobrowski and Partners Precast Concrete: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Le Saddledome CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 1983 Propriétaire : Ville de Calgary Architecte : Graham McCourt Architects Entrepreneur général : W.A. Stephenson Construction (Western) ltée. Ingénieur de structures : Jan Bobrowski and Partners Béton préfabriqué : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Issue 1 / 2012 25 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: University of Toronto Varsity Centre Pavilion Contractor: M. J. Dixon Construction Ltd. Architect: Diamond Schmitt Architects Incorporated Engineer: Halcrow Yolles Precast Concrete: Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc. Propriétaire : University of Toronto Varsity Centre Pavilion Entrepreneur : M. J. Dixon Construction Ltd. Architecte : Diamond Schmitt Architects Incorporated Ingénieur : Halcrow Yolles Préfabricant : Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc. University of Toronto Varsity Pavilion TORONTO, ON – COMPLETED 2009 Pavillon Varsity à l’Université de Toronto TORONTO, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 Owner: The MTS Centre Project Group Architect: Sink Combs Dethlefs/Number 10 Architectural Group Joint Venture General Contractor: PCL Constructors Canada Inc. Engineer: Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers/Crosier Kilgour & Partners Joint Venture Precast Concrete: Lafarge Precast (Winnipeg Division) MTS Centre WINNIPEG, MB – COMPLETED 2004 MTS Centre WINNIPEG, MB – ACHEVÉ EN 2004 26 Issue 1 / 2012 Propriétaire : The MTS Centre Project Group Architecte : Coentreprise Sink Combs Dethlefs/Number 10 Architectural Group Entrepreneur général : PCL Constructors Canada Inc. Ingénieur : Coentreprise Martin/Martin Consulting Engineers/Crosier Kilgour & Partners Préfabricant : Lafarge Precast (Winnipeg) 50 ans, 50 projets Montreal Olympic Stadium MONTREAL, QC – COMPLETED 1976 Stade olympique de Montréal MONTRÉAL, QC – ACHEVÉ EN 1976 Owner: Province of Québec Architect: Roger Taillibert Engineer: Claude Phaneuf Precaster: Schokbeton Québec Inc. Propriétaire : Province de Québec Architecte : Roger Taillibert Ingénieur : Claude Phaneuf Préfabricant : Schokbéton Québec inc. Issue 1 / 2012 27 GTAA Value Park Garage PHOTOS BY: SHAI GIL JIVE PHOTOGRAPHIC VAHAGN STEPANIAN GTAA Value Park Garage GTAA Value Park Garage Toronto Pearson International Airport, Toronto ON 50 Years, 50 Projects Comerica Office Complex Parking Structure DETROIT, MI – COMPLETED 2002 Stationnement du Complexe à bureaux Comerica DETROIT, MI – ACHEVÉ EN 2002 Owner: Comerica Bank, Detroit, MI Architect: Neumann/Smith Architecture Structural Consultants: Hanna, Ghobrial & Spencer Ltd. General Contractor: Colasanti Construction Services, Inc. (CCSI) – Detroit, MI Precast Concrete: Prestressed Systems Inc. – Windsor Ontario Propriétaire : Comerica Bank, Detroit, MI Architecte : Neumann/Smith Architecture Consultant en structures : Hanna, Ghobrial & Spencer Ltd. Entrepreneur général : Colasanti Construction Services, Inc. (CCSI) – Detroit, MI Préfabricant : Prestressed Systems Inc. – Windsor Ontario Robert L. Stanfield International Airport Parking Garage HALIFAX, NS – COMPLETED 2009 Stationnement de l’Aéroport international Robert L. Stanfield HALIFAX, NÉ – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 30 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner: Halifax International Airport Authority Architects: NORR Limited Structural Engineers: BMR Structural Engineering Parking Consultant: Walker Parking Consultants Precast Concrete: Strescon Limited Propriétaire : Halifax International Airport Authority Architecte : NORR Limited Ingénieur de structures : BMR Structural Engineering Consultant en stationnement : Walker Parking Consultants Béton préfabriqué : Strescon Limited 50 ans, 50 projets Greater Toronto Airports Authority: Long-Term and Employee Parking Garage TORONTO, ON – COMPLETED 2009 Autorité aéroportuaire du Grand Toronto : stationnement des employés et de longue durée TORONTO, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 Owner: Greater Toronto Airports Authority Architect: NORR Limited Contractor: EllisDon Structural Engineer: NORR Limited Precast Concrete Main: Pre-Con - Con-Force (A Division of Armtec Limited Partnership) Precast Concrete Secondary: Prestressed Systems Incorporated Propriétaire : Autorité aéroportuaire du Grand Toronto Architecte : NORR Limited Entrepreneur : EllisDon Ingénieur de structure : NORR Limited Fournisseur principal de béton préfabriqué: Pre-Con Con-Force (une division d’Armtec Limited Partnership) Fournisseur secondaire de béton préfabriqué: Prestressed Systems Incorporated Issue 1 / 2012 31 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: Cadillac Fairview Architect: Le Groupe Archifin Inc. Design/Engineering: Schokbeton Quebec Inc. Contractor: Les Constructions C.A.L. Formwork Subcontractor: Coffrage Alliance Precast Concrete Contractor: Schokbeton Quebec Inc. Carrefour Laval Parking Garage LAVAL, QC – COMPLETED 2002 Stationnement du Carrefour Laval LAVAL, QC – ACHEVÉ EN 2002 Owner: City of Kelowna Architect: PBK Architects, Vancouver Consulting Engineer: Cochrane Engineering General Contractor: Ledcor Construction Precast Concrete: Con-Force Structures Ltd (now a Division of Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Ville de Kelowna Architecte : PBK Architects, Vancouver Ingénieur-conseil : Cochrane Engineering Entrepreneur général : Ledcor Construction Béton préfabriqué : Con-Force Structures Ltd (une division d’Armtec Limited Partnership) 32 Issue 1 / 2012 Propriétaire : Cadillac Fairview Architecte : Le Groupe Archifin Inc. Conception et ingénierie : Schokbéton Québec inc. Entrepreneur : Les Constructions C.A.L. Coffrages : Coffrage Alliance Péton préfabriqué : Schokbéton Québec Inc. Chapman Parkade Parking Garage KELOWNA, BC – COMPLETED 2002 Stationnement étagé couvert Chapman KELOWNA, CB – ACHEVÉ EN 2002 50 ans, 50 projets Owner: City of East Lansing, Michigan, USA Architect: Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. Engineer: Carl Walker, Inc. Construction Manager: The Christman Company Precast Concrete: Pre-Con Inc. (A Division of Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Ville d'East Lansing, Michigan, USA Architecte : Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber Inc. Ingénieur : Carl Walker, Inc. Gérant de construction : The Christman Company Béton préfabriqué : Pre-Con Inc. (division d’Armtec Limited Partnership) Long Span Parking Garage, East Lansing MICHIGAN, USA – COMPLETED 2002 Stationnement à longue portée, East Lansing MICHIGAN, USA – ACHEVÉ EN 2002 Issue 1 / 2012 33 50 Years, 50 Projects Toronto City Hall TORONTO, ON – COMPLETED 1965 Hôtel de Ville de Toronto TORONTO, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 1965 Owner: City of Toronto, ON Architect: Viljo Revell in partnership with John B. Parkin Associates, Toronto, ON Landscape Architect: Richard Strong Structural Engineer: Severud-Elstad-Krueger Associates Contractor: Anglin-Norcross Precaster: Beer Precast Concrete Limited Propriétaire : Ville de Toronto, ON Architecte : Viljo Revell en partenariat avec John B. Parkin Associates, Toronto, ON Architecte paysagiste : Richard Strong Ingénieur de structures : Severud-Elstad-Krueger Associates Entrepreneur : Anglin-Norcross Béton préfabriqué : Beer Precast Concrete Limited Developer: Reid Management General Contractor: Tidewater Construction Limited Prime Consultants/Architects: John K. Dobbs & Associates Inc, in association with William Nycum & Associates Ltd. Civil and Structural Engineering: CBCL Limited Consulting Engineers Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: Morris & Richard Consulting Engineers Ltd. Landscape Architects: Ekistics Planning & Design Detention Hardware Consulting: Simpson Detention Inc. Precast Concrete: Strescon Limited Promoteur : Reid Management Entrepreneur général : Tidewater Construction Limited Architecte et consultant principal : John K. Dobbs & Associates Inc, en association avec William Nycum & Associates Ltd. Ingénierie civile et de structure : CBCL Limited Consulting Engineers Ingénierie électrique et mécanique : Morris & Richard Consulting Engineers Ltd. Architecte paysagiste : Ekistics Planning & Design Consultant en équipement pénitentiaire : Simpson Detention Inc. Béton préfabriqué : Strescon Limited 34 Issue 1 / 2012 Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility DARTMOUTH, NS – COMPLETED 2001 Établissement correctionnel Central Nova Scotia DARTMOUTH, NS – ACHEVÉ EN 2001 50 ans, 50 projets Vancouver Public Library VANCOUVER, BC – COMPLETED 1995 Bibliothèque municipale de Vancouver VANCOUVER, CB – ACHEVÉE EN 1995 Owner: City of Vancouver Architects: Moshe Safdie and Associates, Boston, MA Associate Architect: Downs/Archambault & Partners, Vancouver, BC Mechanical engineers : Keen Engineering, Vancouver, BC Structural: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd., Vancouver, BC General Contractor: PCL Constructors Pacific Inc., Vancouver, BC Precaster: APS Architectural Precast Structures Ltd. (Vancouver, BC) Propriétaire : Ville Vancouver Architecte : Moshe Safdie and Associates, Boston, MA Architecte associé : Downs/Archambault & Partners, Vancouver, BC Ingénieur mécanique : Keen Engineering, Vancouver, BC Structure : Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd., Vancouver, BC Entrepreneur général : PCL Constructors Pacific Inc., Vancouver, BC Préfabricant : APS Architectural Precast Structures Ltd. (Vancouver, BC) Issue 1 / 2012 35 50 Years, 50 Projects Architects: MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects in association with Rounthwaite Dick and Hadley Architects Contractor: Merit Contractors Niagara Structural Engineer: Halsall Engineering Consultants Thermal Storage/Energy Consultant: TermoBuild Canada Inc. Precaster: Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc. Architecte : MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects en collaboration avec Rounthwaite Dick and Hadley Architects Entrepreneur : Merit Contractors Niagara Ingénieur de structures : Halsall Engineering Consultants Consultant en stockage d’énergie : TermoBuild Canada Inc. Préfabricant : Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc. Qualico Head Office WINNIPEG, MB – COMPLETED 2008 Siège social de Qualico WINNIPEG, MB – ACHEVÉ EN 2008 38 Issue 1 / 2012 Brock University Plaza Building ST. CATHARINES, ON – COMPLETED 2009 Pavillon Plaza de l'Université Brock ST. CATHARINES, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 Owner/General Contractor: StreetSide Development Corporation, A QUALICO Company Architects: Prairie Architects Inc. Structural Engineers: Tower Engineering Precast Concrete: Lafarge Construction Materials – Precast Division Propriétaire/Entrepreneur général : StreetSide Development Corporation, filiale de QUALICO Architecte : Prairie Architects Inc. Ingénieur de structures : Tower Engineering Béton préfabriqué : Matériaux de construction Lafarge – Division préfabriqué 50 ans, 50 projets Calgary International Airport and Parking Garage CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 1980 ADDITIONS IN 1999, 2004 & 2009 Aéroport international de Calgary et stationnement CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 1980 AJOUTS EN 1999, 2004 ET 2009 Architect/Engineer: Stevenson Raines Barrett Christie Hutton Seton & Partners, Calgary General Contractors: (Joint Venture) Cana-PooleFoundation; CANA Construction Ltd., Calgary Architectural Precast and Prestressed Concrete: ConForce Products Ltd., Calgary Owner: Transport Canada, Edmonton Precast Concrete: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) 2nd Parking Garage Owner: Calgary Airport Authority Architect: Gibbs Gage Architects, Calgary Engineer of Record: Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd., Calgary Contractor: EllisDon Construction Services Inc., Calgary Precaster: Armtec, Calgary Precast Specialty Engineer: Armtec, Calgary Architecte/Ingénieur : Stevenson Raines Barrett Christie Hutton Seton & Partners, Calgary Entrepreneur général : (Coentreprise) Cana-PooleFoundation; CANA Construction Ltd., Calgary Béton préfabriqué et précontraint architectural : ConForce Products Ltd., Calgary Propriétaire : Transport Canada, Edmonton Béton préfabriqué : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) 2e Stationnement Propriétaire : Calgary Airport Authority Architecte : Gibbs Gage Architects, Calgary Ingénieur responsable : Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd., Calgary Entrepreneur : EllisDon Construction Services Inc., Calgary Préfabricant : Armtec, Calgary Ingénieur spécialisé en préfabrication : Armtec, Calgary Issue 1 / 2012 39 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: Simon Fraser University Architect: Busby, Perkins+Will Architects, Vancouver, BC Structural Engineer: Fast + Epp, Vancouver, BC Contractor: Bird Construction Company, Vancouver, BC Precaster: P. Kruger Concrete Products Ltd., AB Propriétaire : Université Simon Fraser Architecte : Busby, Perkins & Will Architects, Vancouver BC Ingénieur de structures : Fast + Epp, Vancouver BC Entrepreneur : Bird Construction Company , Vancouver BC Préfabricant : P. Kruger Concrete Products Ltd., AB Simon Fraser University’s Arts & Social Sciences Complex EDMONTON, AB – COMPLETED JULY 2007 (PHASE 1) JULY 2008 (PHASE 2) Complexe des Arts et des Sciences sociales de l’Université Simon Fraser EDMONTON, AB – ACHEVÉ EN JUILLET 2007 (PHASE I) ET EN JUILLET 2008 (PHASE II) Hamilton City Hall HAMILTON, ON – COMPLETED 2010 Hôtel de Ville d’Hamilton HAMILTON, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2010 40 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner: City of Hamilton, ON Architect: Garwood-Jones & Hanham Architects Engineer: ABE Consortium - EllisDon Corporation and Black & McDonald Ltd. Contractor: Schorn Consultants Inc. Precaster: Tri- Krete Limited Propriétaire : Ville d’Hamilton, ON Architecte : Garwood-Jones & Hanham Architects Ingénieur : ABE Consortium - EllisDon Corporation and Black & McDonald Ltd. Entrepreneur : Schorn Consultants Inc. Préfabricant : Tri- Krete Limited 50 ans, 50 projets Owner/Developer: Dundurn Edge Developments Inc. Architect: R. F. Lintack Architects Incorporated Engineer: Tacoma Engineers Inc. LEED Consultant: Enermodal Engineering Limited Precaster: Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc. Propriétaire/Promoteur : Dundurn Edge Developments Inc. Architecte : R. F. Lintack Architects Incorporated Ingénieur : Tacoma Engineers Inc. Consultant LEED : Enermodal Engineering Limited Préfabricant : Coreslab Structures (ONT) Inc. West Village Student Condominiums HAMILTON, ON – COMPLETED 2008 Copropriétés pour étudiants West Village HAMILTON, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2008 Issue 1 / 2012 41 50 Years, 50 Projects Eagle Ridge Apartments FORT MCMURRAY, AB – COMPLETED 2007 Appartements Eagle Ridge FORT MCMURRAY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 2007 Architect: Moshe Safdie and David, Barott, Boulva Structural Engineer: Dr. August E. Komendant and Monti, Lavoie & Nadon General Contractor: Anglin-Norcross Precast Concrete: Francon (1966) Ltd. Architectes : Moshe Safdie et David, Barott, Boulva Ingénieurs de structures : August E. Komendant et and Monti, Lavoie & Nadon Entrepreneur général : Anglin-Norcross Béton préfabriqué : Francon (1966) ltée 42 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner/general contractor: Centron Residential Corp., Calgary Architect: Gibbs Gage Architects, Calgary Engineer: TRL & Associates, Calgary Precast concrete specialty engineer: Kassian Dyck Associates, Calgary Precaster: Lafarge Canada Inc., (Precast Division), Edmonton Propriétaire/entrepreneur général : Centron Residential Corp., Calgary Architecte : Gibbs Gage Architects, Calgary Ingénieur : TRL & Associates, Calgary Ingénieur de spécialité – béton préfabriqué : Kassian Dyck Associates, Calgary Béton préfabriqué : Lafarge Canada Inc., (Division du préfabriqué), Edmonton Habitat 67 MONTREAL, QC – COMPLETED 1966 Habitat 67 MONTRÉAL, QC – ACHEVÉ EN 1966 50 ans, 50 projets Pavilion Desmarais Building University of Ottawa OTTAWA, ON – COMPLETED 2007 Pavillon Desmarais de l’Université d’Ottawa OTTAWA, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2007 Owner: University of Ottawa Architect: Moriyama & Teshima Architects Structural Engineer: Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Limited General Contractor: Pomerleau Architectural Precast Concrete: Saramac Inc. Propriétaire : Université d’Ottawa Architecte : Moriyama & Teshima Architects Ingénieur de structures : Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Limited Entrepreneur général : Pomerleau Béton préfabriqué architectural : Saramac Inc. Issue 1 / 2012 43 50 Years, 50 Projects Agnes Hodge Elementary School BRANTFORD, ON – COMPLETED 2005 École primaire Agnes Hodge BRANTFORD, ON – ACHEVÉE EN 2005 Engineer: Haddad Morgan and Associates Ltd. Contractor: Amicone Design Build Inc. Architect: MMA Architects Inc. Precaster: Prestressed Systems Inc. Ingénieur : Haddad Morgan and Associates Ltd. Entrepreneur : Amicone Design Build Inc. Architecte : MMA Architects Inc. Préfabricant : Prestressed Systems Inc. 44 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner: Grand Erie District School Board Architect: The Ventin Group Ltd. General Contractor & Project Mgr: STM Construction Engineer: Truax Engineering Precast Concrete: Wall panels: Armtec Pre-Con Inc, Brampton, ON Precast Concrete: Hollow core slabs: Coreslab Structures Inc., Dundas, ON Propriétaire : Grand Erie District School Board Architecte : The Ventin Group Ltd. Entrepreneur général et gérant de projet : STM Construction Ingénieur : Truax Engineering Béton préfabriqué – panneaux muraux : Armtec Pre-Con Inc, Brampton, ON Béton préfabriqué – dalles évidées : Coreslab Structures Inc., Dundas, ON Village of Normandy Condominiums LASALLE, ON – COMPLETED 2002 Copropriétés Village of Normandy LASALLE, ON – ACHEVÉES EN 2002 50 ans, 50 projets Developers: Salter’s Gate Development Ltd. Architect: Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell Limited Engineers: CBCL Limited Precaster: Strescon Limited Salter’s Gate HALIFAX, NS – COMPLETED 2007 Salter’s Gate Promoteur : Salter’s Gate Development Ltd. Architecte : Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell Limited Ingénieurs : CBCL Limited Préfabricant : Strescon Limited HALIFAX, NS – ACHEVÉ EN 2007 Issue 1 / 2012 45 Bridging the gap between design and manufacture Optimizing the manufacturability of precast prestressed concrete bridge components speeds delivery, reduces risk and ensures a high-quality product that meets all project performance parameters The benefits of precast prestressed concrete bridges are well known to consulting engineers. Accelerated construction. Tighter tolerances. Consistency and repeatability. Cost effectiveness. They’re durable and provide the aesthetics that satisfy infrastructure asset owners and communities. It’s no wonder precast prestressed concrete is an increasingly popular choice. Girder selection is based on geographical and environmental context, the span required and optimizing the span to depth ratio. Each girder has to be designed and manufactured to meet the exact specifications of each particular project. Anything less represents increased costs, project delays and possible risk. Yet far too often, girder designs originally designed by consulting engineers, municipalities and government transportation departments end up requiring modifications at the manufacturing stage. All manufacturers have different beds, and therefore different bed capacities (strengths). Each design received from a consulting engineer inevitably requires some changes to suit the production facility. But many changes could be alleviated by early collaboration with the precast prestressed bridge manufacturer. Simply put, the original designs are often too difficult and costly to produce, eradicating many of the benefits of using precast prestressed concrete in the first place. And the incessant back-and-forth from the manufacturer to the contract administrator to the bridge owner on design variations inflates costs and paperwork, and can slow progress almost to a halt, delaying the start of manufacturing and in some cases posing the risk of penalties down the line for late delivery of the final bridge product. That’s why Munro Ltd. has built a team of more than 30 in-house engineers and technologists. They don’t design bridges and other transportation infrastructure products. They take the design one step further and optimize it for cost effective manufacturing. For precast prestressed concrete bridge components (superstructure and substructure), Munro engineers collaborate with the project consulting engineers to examine functionality, durability and lifecycle cost. Working MUNRO LTD. ENGINEERS CAN ASSIST YOU DURING THE DESIGN PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO ENSURE VALUE, QUALITY AND DELIVERY SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET — FROM THE OUTSET. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss your project requirements. faster. More new bridges can be built and more bridges can be rehabilitated faster, closing the bridge infrastructure gap sooner. from the designers’ wish list, Munro engineers can collaborate with bridge design engineers right at the design phase to provide guidance on what reinforcing cage designs are possible to manufacture, what strand patterns will work best with the reinforcement and how the undercut on the bridge girder can be designed. Bridges are one of the most important components of transportation infrastructure. Munro Ltd. is willing to share expertise in concrete mix design, and steel and concrete manufacturing to assist designers in refining their designs so that products not only meet required specifications but exceed them. And when the bridge girders, integral deck girders, deck panels, piers, pier caps, footings, barriers, wingwalls, abutments, or approach slabs are ready for manufacture, Munro Ltd. will manufacture them all indoors 100% of the time under 100% controlled conditions. Concrete cracking is always a concern for the designer, the manufacturer and the bridge owner. Cracks can affect the asset life of the bridge and they definitely take away from the aesthetics of the bridge. But cracks can be minimized such that they are no longer an issue. How? Through consultation with Munro Ltd. engineers who understand that concrete is a composite material. It is the proper design and placement of rebar and prestressing strands in the right location, in addition to the proper concrete mix and production technique that minimizes the potential of cracks and results in bridge girders that are attractive and form part of our sustainable bridge infrastructure. Re-design, re-calculate, review – Munro Ltd. engineers want to work with engineers in design and government transportation departments to eliminate the re-work. If consulting engineers and government structural engineers collaborate with Munro Ltd. engineers on reinforcing cage design, undercut design and production techniques – better bridges will be produced faster and delivered to project sites Everyone knows you can’t recall a bridge. So Munro engineers take full responsibility for their work. Completed, final shop drawings for bridge components to be manufactured are designed by one engineer, and reviewed and approved by another engineer The end result? Bridge components that are easy to manufacture and easy to install, all while meeting each and every performance specification. Accelerated bridge construction all year round. Questions? [email protected] Changing the way infrastructure is made. 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: TrizecHahn Corporation Architect: Cohos Evamy Engineer: Cohos Evamy Contractor: EllisDon (East tower); PCL-Maxam (West tower) Precaster: Con-Force Structures Limited (now a Division of Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : TrizecHahn Corporation Architecte : Cohos Evamy Ingénieur : Cohos Evamy Entrepreneur : EllisDon (tour est); PCL-Maxam (tour ouest) Préfabricant : Con-Force Structures Limited (pour les deux tours) Bankers Hall, Calgary, AB – East Tower CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 1989 AND WEST TOWER COMPLETED 1999 Bankers Hall, Calgary, AB – Tour Est CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 1989, TOUR OUEST – ACHEVÉE EN 1999 Halifax Casino HALIFAX, NS – COMPLETED 2000 Casino d’Halifax HALIFAX, NS – ACHEVÉ EN 2000 48 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner: Metropolitan Entertainment Group/Sheraton Casinos Nova Scotia Architect: Lydon Lynch Architects Ltd., Halifax Engineer: Brandys McBride Richardson Engineering, Halifax Contractor and Project Manager: J.W. Lindsay Construction, Halifax Construction Manager: Caesars World Inc. Design & Construction Precast Contractor: Strescon Limited Propriétaire : Metropolitan Entertainment Group/Sheraton Casinos Nova Scotia Architecte : Lydon Lynch Architects Ltd., Halifax Ingénieur : Brandys McBride Richardson Engineering, Halifax Entrepreneur et gérant de projet : J.W. Lindsay Construction, Halifax Gérant de construction : Caesars World Inc. Design & Construction Préfabricant : Strescon Limited 50 ans, 50 projets Ile-Des-Soeurs Residential Development MONTREAL, QC – CONSTRUCTED OVER 25 YEARS – 1984 TO 2009 Immeubles d'habitation de l’Île-des-Soeurs MONTRÉAL, QC – CONSTRUIT SUR UNE PÉRIODE DE 25 ANS DE 1984 À 2009 Client: Proment Corporation Principle Architect: Jean-Pierre Bart Inc General Contractor: Magil Construction Precast Concrete: BPDL - Bétons Préfabriqués du Lac VAL DE L’ANSE Architect: Dan Hanganu Engineer: James Teasel Contractor: Quadran LES SOMMETS SUR LE FLEUVE 1 ET 2 Architect: Groupe conseil Jean-Pierre Bart Engineer: BCA Contractor: Magil Construction LES SOMMETS SUR LE FLEUVE 3 ET 4 Architect: Groupe conseil Jean-Pierre Bart Engineer: NCK Inc. Contractor: Magil Construction LE CLUB MARIN 1 ET 2 Architect: Jacques Lachance Engineer: James Teasel Contractor: Quadran LE VISTAL Architect: Groupe conseil Jean-Pierre Bart Engineer: Génivar Contractor: Magil Construction Client : Proment Corporation Architecte principal : Jean-Pierre Bart inc Entrepreneur général : Magil Construction Béton préfabriqué : BPDL - Bétons Préfabriqués du Lac VAL DE L’ANSE Architecte : Dan Hanganu Ingénieur : James Teasel Entrepreneur : Quadran LES SOMMETS SUR LE FLEUVE 1 ET 2 Architecte : Groupe conseil Jean-Pierre Bart Ingénieur : BCA Entrepreneur : Magil Construction LES SOMMETS SUR LE FLEUVE 3 ET 4 Architecte : Groupe conseil Jean-Pierre Bart Ingénieur : NCK Inc. Entrepreneur : Magil Construction LE CLUB MARIN 1 ET 2 Architecte : Jacques Lachance Ingénieur : James Teasel Entrepreneur : Quadran LE VISTAL Architecte : Groupe conseil Jean-Pierre Bart Ingénieur : Génivar Entrepreneur : Magil Construction Issue 1 / 2012 49 Top of the Class TermoBuild Canada Saving our Energy for Education The Enerlife 2009 List of Top Energy Performing Schools “There is a three-pronged approach to success in high-performance schools” according to Erin Holka, Environmental Sustainability Officer of the Halton Catholic District School Board in Ontario. “Building design, operations, and occupant engagement work together to achieve and sustain consistently high energy and environmental performance.” York Catholic District School Board in Ontario, also knows a great deal about what makes an energy efficient school. in Keswick, Ontario, is the best of the board’s schools, consuming 10.6 kWh/ ft2 of electricity and no thermal energy. Built in 1993, the school features geoexchange and full air conditioning. #3 Prince of Peace CES - Keswick, Ontario #4 St Andrew ES - Burlington, Ontario The board’s St. Andrew Elementary School in Burlington comes in at #4 in the Enerlife 2009 list of top energy performing schools. Built in 1999, it sets the standard for top performing schools without ground source heat pump systems, using just 10.9 ekWh (37 kBtu) per sq. ft. of total energy (electricity and gas) in 2009. Erin speaks with the authority of having five schools in the top-20 list. Drawing from Enerlife’s database of more than 500 North American schools, this second annual report examines the energy efficiency and best practices of the top 20. The 2009 competition was open to school boards across Canada and the United States. With 10 schools in the 2009 top 20, Norm Vezina, Senior Manager of Environmental & Office Services at the “We have been continuously improving the energy efficiency of our schools since 1999. We combine the best of technology with empowerment of staff and students to achieve, sustain and recognize high performance.” Prince of Peace Elementary School #1 Mundy’s Bay PS - Midland, Ontario The top-two schools in this 2009 list are Mundy’s Bay Public School in Midland, Ontario (Simcoe County DSB), and Valleyview Public School (Rainbow TermoBuild Canada ADVERTORIAL The Best of Greenbuild 2011: Innovative Green Building Products of the Future TermoBuild Turns Precast Floors into a Heating and Cooling System DSB) in Val Caron, Ontario. Both schools opened in 2008, employ ground-source heat pumps and full air conditioning, and came in at 9.5 ekWh (32.5 kBtu) per sq. ft. of total energy. The 2009 top-20 schools can be characterized as follows: • Average energy use (39.5 kBtu) per sq. ft. 11.6 ekWh energy-saving strategies into all the renewal and renovation projects for their schools. The physical characteristics of the schools are only the beginning of the top performance story. What is more remarkable in this 2009 report is that, out of 27 school boards reporting to date, three boards dominate the 2009 top 20: • Built between 1959 and 2008 • Half heated with heat pumps or electric heat, the rest with natural gas boilers • All but one are elementary schools (the top-five secondary schools averaged 13.3 ekWh (45 kBtu) per sq. ft.). #19 É.s.c. Trillium - Chapleau, Ontario The top-performing secondary school is École secondaire catholique Trillium in Chapleau, Ontario. The Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario makes “Green” a priority. Michel Seguin, Director of Building Maintenance and Janitorial, says “It’s a challenge to offer education in small northern communities because the school has to be built with shops, cafeteria, gym, labs, etc., even if it is for a small population. That is why we aim to keep operating costs as low as possible.” CSCNO has incorporated Keys to Success What makes individual school boards capable of achieving their portfolios? All three boards report similar keys to success found in Erin Holko’s three-pronged approach, and in the management policies and processes that bind them together. Building design does come first. “For more than a decade we have been building more and more efficient new schools and renovations,” says Brad Parkes, Assistant Manager of Design and Construction at the Simcoe County DSB. “Every project is a learning opportunity which guides our ongoing efforts.” Abdul Bilah at York Catholic DSB reports a similar approach, with a focus on more efficient plant and equipment and on continuous improvement. Operational excellence is the second prong. The three boards follow rigorous standards and procedures with their building automation systems, and with engagement of operations and maintenance staff as active partners in school performance. All make extensive use of automation and real-time electricity metering to stay on top of performance across all their schools. All have dedicated staff monitoring energy use and responding to variances. And active participation by school communities is cited by the three boards as essential to ongoing success. “Our board’s core values include stewardship of the Earth,” says Erin Holko. “We encourage and recognize the vital role that students and staff play in sustainability.” The three boards are active participants in the Eco Schools environmental certification program, and provide extensive outreach and communications to their schools. Every School can be Green This 2009 report has added to the large number of schools of varying age and system types which are performing between 10-15 ekWh (35-50 kBtu) per sq. ft. of total annual energy use. Most schools operating above this range have the potential for substantial savings. “We are working through a program of re-engineering our higher energy using schools” reports Brad Parkes. “Retrofitting and re-commissioning lighting and mechanical systems, and upgrading building automation work together towards a more consistent level of performance across all of our schools.” Monitoring your schools’ performance and applying the three-pronged approach create the roadmap for every school to be a top performer. 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner/Developer: Shane B. Inc. (The Baghai Group) Architect: Rafael + Bigauskas Architects Inc. Structural Engineer: Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Ltd. Landscape Architect: Strybos Associates Precaster: RES Precast Inc. Propriétaire/Promoteur : Shane B. Inc. (The Baghai Group) Architecte : Rafael + Bigauskas Architects Inc. Ingénieur de structures : Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Ltd. Architecte paysagiste : Strybos Associates Préfabricant : RES Precast Inc. RES Precast Inc. has over twenty years of experience in the design, fabrication and erection of architectural precast concrete products. We serve the Ontario marketplace with our products, providing technical support, accurate budgeting, competitive quotations and timely delivery for projects you may be contemplating, designing, or just getting started. St. Gabriel Village TORONTO, ON – COMPLETED 2010 Village St Gabriel TORONTO, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2010 3450 Thomas Street, The 400 Industrial Park, Innisfil ON L9S 3W6 tel: 705•436•7383 fax: 705•436•7386 52 Issue 1 / 2012 50 ans, 50 projets Claridge Plaza OTTAWA, ON – COMPLETED 2011 Place Claridge OTTAWA, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2011 Owner: Claridge Homes, Ottawa Architect: DCYSA Architecture & Design, Ottawa & Montreal Contractor: Claridge Homes Engineer: Goodeve Manhire Precaster: Central Precast, Ottawa Propriétaire : Claridge Homes, Ottawa Architecte : DCYSA Architecture & Design, Ottawa & Montréal Entrepreneur général : Claridge Homes Ingénieur : Goodeve Manhire Préfabricant : Central Precast, Ottawa Issue 1 / 2012 53 50 Years, 50 Projects One King Street West TORONTO, ON – COMPLETED 2005 Un Rue King Ouest TORONTO, ON – ACHEVÉ EN 2005 Construction Manager: EIIisDon Corp. Architect: Stanford Downey Architects, Inc Structural Engineer: Yolles Partnership Inc. Project Manager: Projectcore Inc. Precast Concrete: RES Precast Inc. Gérant de construction : EIIisDon Corp. Architecte : Stanford Downey Architects, Inc Ingénieur de structures : Yolles Partnership Inc. Gérant de projet : Projectcore Inc. Béton préfabriqué : RES Precast Inc. Owner: Alberta Public Works, Supply & Services Architect: CJM Architects Inc. Engineers: Read Jones Christofferson Ltd. Contractor: Omsac Developments Precaster: Con-Force Structures Limited (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Alberta Public Works, Supply & Services Architecte : CJM Architects Inc. Ingénieurs : Read Jones Christofferson Ltd. Entrepreneur : Omsac Developments Préfabricant : Con-Force Structures Limited (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) 54 Issue 1 / 2012 Calgary Remand Centre CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 1993 Centre de détention de Calgary CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 1993 50 ans, 50 projets Owner: William Osler Health Centre and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Architect: Adamson Associates Architects General Contractor: EllisDon CorporationCarillion Canada Inc. Joint Venture Precaster: RES Precast Inc. Propriétaire : William Osler Health Centre et Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Architecte : Adamson Associates Architects Entrepreneur général : Coentreprise EllisDon Corporation-Carillion Canada Inc. Préfabricant : RES Precast inc. Brampton Civic Hospital/ William Osler Health Centre BRAMPTON, ON – COMPLETED 2007 Brampton Civic Hospital/ William Osler Health Centre BRAMPTON, ON – ACHEVÉS EN 2007 50 Years, 50 Projects Owner: City of Otterburn Park Architect: Smith Vigeant Architects Structural: Engineer EGP Mechanical Engineer: Concept R Landscape architect: Smith Vigeant Architectes General Contractor: Progest Construction Inc. Precasters: Groupe Tremca (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Ville d’Otterburn Park Architecte : Smith Vigeant Architectes Ingénieur de structures : Engineer EGP Ingénieur mécanique : Concept R Architecte paysagiste : Smith Vigeant Architectes Entrepreneur général : Progest Construction Inc. Préfabricant : Groupe Tremca (aujourd'hui Armtec Limited Partnership) Community Centre Pointe-Valaine OTTERBURN PARK, QC – COMPLETED 2009 Centre communautaire de Pointe-Valaine OTTERBURN PARK, QC – ACHEVÉ EN 2009 Manchester Storage Facility CALGARY, AB – COMPLETED 2008 Entrepôt Manchester CALGARY, AB – ACHEVÉ EN 2008 56 Issue 1 / 2012 Owner: City of Calgary Architect: Riddell Kurczaba Structural Engineer: MMP Structural Engineering Ltd. Contractor: Dominion Construction Precast Concrete: Lafarge Precast Propriétaire : Ville de Calgary Architecte : Riddell Kurczaba Ingénieur de structures : MMP Structural Engineering Ltd. Entrepreneur : Dominion Construction Béton préfabriqué : Lafarge Precast 50 ans, 50 projets Santa Maria Food Processing Plant BRAMPTON, ON – COMPLETED 2001 Usine de transformation alimentaire Santa Maria BRAMPTON, ON – ACHEVÉE EN 2001 Owner: Santa Maria Foods Corp. Architect: Wes Surdyka Architect Inc. Engineer: William Leung & Associates Engineers Ltd. Project Manager: B. Gottardo Construction Ltd. Precaster: Pre-Con Inc. (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Propriétaire : Santa Maria Foods Corp. Architecte : Wes Surdyka Architect Inc. Ingénieur : William Leung & Associates Engineers Ltd. Gérant de projet : B. Gottardo Construction Ltd. Préfabricant : Pre-Con Inc. (now Armtec Limited Partnership) Issue 1 / 2012 57 E_Learning Postcard_2 3/13/12 11:07 AM Page 1 ARCHITECTURE CANADA E-LEARNING SÉMINAIRE EN LIGNE D’ARCHITECTURE CANADA Architecture Canada launches its first 24/7 E-Learning Educational Seminars on Concrete Thinking Architecture Canada lance son premier séminaire en ligne accessible en tout temps sur le thème Penser béton Starting May 1, 2012 À compter du 1 mai 2012 WHERE/OÙ : DATE/DATE : TIME/HEURE : www.raic.org Any Day / en tout temps Any Time / à toute heure One King Street West | Stanford Downey Architects Inc. Un, rue King Ouest | Stanford Downey Architects Inc. First 1-hour module launched: Premier module d’une heure à être offert : • Total Precast Concrete Structures and more to come... (Offer in English only - offert en anglais seulement) For more information check out: www.raic.org Presented by/Présenté par : Pour de plus amples renseignements : www.raic.org Sponsored by/Commandité par : Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Institut canadien du béton préfabriqué/précontraint Canadian Ready Mixed Concrete Association Association canadienne du béton préparé CPCI announces Roy Willwerth architectural recognition award winners CPCI annonce les gagnants du prix de reconnaissance architecturale Roy Willwerth The Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (CPCI) presented the Roy Willwerth architectural recognition award to L’Institut Canadien du Béton Préfabriqué et Précontraint (CPCI) a remis le prix de reconnaissance This year’s winners were chosen by the CPCI British Columbia Chapter members, and for 2012 the following architectural firms were selected and presented with the Roy Willwerth Precast Concrete Architectural Recognition Award Presentation: Busby Perkins + Will Architects, Garyali Architect Inc. DA Architects + Planners. Les gagnants de cette année ont été choisis par le comité du CPCI de la Colombie-Britannique. Voici les entreprises sélectionnées comme gagnants du prix Roy Willwerth pour l’année 2012 : Busby Perkins + Will Architects, Garyali Architect Inc., DA Architects + Planners. three architectural firms that have helped advance the Canadian precast/ prestressed concrete industry. The presentations were made May 16 at the CPCI summer meeting awards dinner in Whistler, BC. The Roy Willwerth Precast Concrete Architectural Recognition Award Presentations recognize outstanding contributions to the Canadian precast/ prestressed concrete industry in: architectural design, sustainability, innovation and change; positive leadership, industry-altering development and expansion; and accelerating the growth of the Canadian precast/prestressed concrete industry from within the architectural and design communities. It will continue to honour architects from within the province where the CPCI summer meeting is being held. architecturale Roy Willwerth à trois firmes d'architectes qui ont contribué au progrès de l’industrie canadienne du béton préfabriqué et précontraint. La remise a eu lieu le 16 mai 2012, lors de la réunion annuelle d’été à Whistler en Colombie-Britannique. Le prix de reconnaissance architecturale Roy Willwerth souligne les contributions exceptionnelles envers l’industrie canadienne du béton préfabriqué et précontraint pour : la conception architecturale, la conception durable, le leadership dans l'innovation et le changement, et la contribution à la croissance de l’industrie au sein de la communauté d'architecture et de design. À chaque année, le prix Roy Willwerth est décerné aux architectes de la province dans laquelle se tient la réunion d’été du CPCI. BIK Hydraulics is a leader in Quality Unloading Solutions. For over 20 years BIK has built its name on service and continually strives to be the best choice for truck mounted cranes and truck mounted minutes from the Toronto International Airport and an extensive network of service providers, BIK is working hard because we know you are, too. Industries we specialize in include, but are not limited to, Oil Field, Utility Vaults, Pre-cast, Block/Brick, Drywall, Forming, the only stop you’ll need to make for all of your BOOM TRUCK needs. Issue 1 / 2012 59 endicott.com thamesvalleybrick.com IT’S POSSIBLE with PRECAST. Specify Endicott Thin-Brick from Thames Valley Brick & Tile on your next precast project and your unique design is possible. Endicott offers you a spectrum of colours found nowhere else - they’re timeless. And Endicott’s industry-leading BIM modelling system provides the information you need to create spectacular designs using these one-of-a-kind products. It’s the future of building. Request samples, literature and BIM models from Thames Valley Brick & Tile today. Distributed in Canada by: Thames Valley Brick & Tile • Burlington: 905-637-6997 • Toll-Free: 800-567-5800 • Fax: 905-631-7246 Thames Valley Building Products Ltd. • Email: [email protected] • Proud Members of CPCI www.thamesvalleybrick.com Thames Valley Brick & Tile is a proud supplier to the architectural, builder, and masonry communities with a broad selection of architectural products that meet the challenges of the Canadian marketplace. Thames Valley Brick & Tile has been meeting the needs of its customers as a trusted source of expertise since 1970 and look forward to continuing offering fine quality brick and tile products supported by its commitment to service excellence. We are the Architect’s, Custom Builder’s and the Specifier’s Source for Quality Architectural Building Products. In combination with Endicott Clay Products, you know quality when you see it. One-of-a-kind ironspot clays from Endicott Clay Products Co. create some of the world’s most unique Brick and Thin-Brick. Since 1920, Endicott has been setting the technological standards of the brick industry, meeting commercial and residential design criteria with the most unique colours in the world – top-quality in fit, colour and texture. Endicott products are commonly regarded as both the finest quality in manufacturing materials and the industry standard for beauty, elegance and versatility. And since the beginning, Endicott’s vision has never wavered: to retrieve from the earth that which nature has so abundantly provided, to employ conscientious people who embody the very essence of the Midwestern work ethic, and to seek out and utilize the latest technological advances. Unleash your imagination with the unmatched quality and beauty of Endicott brick and tile. Found at Thames Valley Brick & Tile Endicott Clay Products, a proud member of PCI, and Thames Valley Brick & Tile, a proud member of the CPCICanadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute provides Quality products to members throughout Canada and the United States of America. Endicott Clay Products Co. • P.O. Box 17 • Fairbury, Nebraska USA 68352 • 402/729-3315 Thin faced precast concrete panel waiting to be powerwashed before shipping. Panneau préfabriqué paré de brique mince en attente de nettoyage au jet d’eau avant son expédition. Embedded Clay Thin-Brick Genuine clay brick for precast concrete wall panels delivers a traditional look with all the benefits of precast By/par Jon Gravell Plaquages encastrés de briques minces cuites De vraies briques cuites pour panneaux muraux de béton préfabriqué : un look traditionnel avec tous les avantages du béton préfabriqué 62 Issue 1 / 2012 quoi de neuf en prÉfabrication Thin-brick in precast panels was used for the East Markham parking garage to match and complement the "full bed laid in place" brick on the adjacent, much larger and more significant East Markham Community Centre and Library Building. Les panneaux préfabriqués parés de brique mince ont été utilisés pour le stationnement d’East Markham afin de faire écho à la brique « franche » du Centre communautaire et de la bibliothèque adjacents. Thin-brick faced precast concrete wall panels provide the look of traditional, hand-crafted “laid in place brick,” but with added features that come only with the strength, economy and ease of erection of precast concrete. Since thin-brick faced precast wall panels are produced in a controlled environment factory, job site erection can take place at any time of year and in any weather, accelerating the construction schedule. Costly on-site scaffolding, winter heat and protection needed for field set “laid in place” brick masonry are eliminated. Les Panneaux Muraux De Béton Préfabriqué revêtu de briques minces offrent une allure traditionnelle fait à la main et les caractéristiques exclusives au béton préfabriqué : force, faible coût et facilité d’installation. Ces panneaux étant fabriqués dans les conditions contrôlées d’une usine, peuvent être installés au chantier à tout moment de l’année, peu importe la température, ce qui accélère les travaux. Fini les échafaudages coûteux, le chauffage hivernal et les protections que requièrent les travaux de maçonnerie sur place. Consistency Consistency Consistency Consistently mixed highquality concrete provides consistent profits. Contact us to maximize your profits with ACT’s progressive mixing and batching equipment. American division of Wiggert+Co. and Würschum Les panneaux de béton préfabriqué revêtu de briques minces offrent aux architectes plusieurs choix de www.concretebiz.com 603.431.5661 Issue 1 / 2012 63 What's new in precast The Florian Condominium in Toronto highlighting thin-brick faced precast concrete panels for the balconies and condo facade. L’immeuble en copropriété Florian de Toronto, paré de panneaux de béton préfabriqué avec finition de brique mince. Thin-brick clad precast panels give the architect choices from a diverse selection of colours, sizes, textures, shapes and trim units, while easily allowing the incorporation of details such as arches, curves, radii and patterned colours, and bonds. Demanding designs can be economically produced. A precast concrete panel is engineered to act as a major design element in a building. Embedded thinbrick veneer gives a precast panel a facing with pleasing appearance, human scale and the long-term durability of genuine clay brick with a wide selection of vivid kiln-fired colours. Manufacturing procedure The panel is cast face-down. The bottom of the form is lined with an elastomeric (rubber compound) form liner. This liner is just hard enough to be durable and soft enough to flex with the placement of the thin-brick units. Well-designed form liners make a tight seal with the brick, preventing leakage to the front of the brick. In addition, if desired, a temporary wax coating can be pre-applied to the face of the thin-brick. The kiln-fired clay thin-bricks are manufactured in much the same way as a conventional “full bed, laid in place brick,” but are made with a dovetail, or ridged, key back. This key back is a critically valuable feature of the product, offering interlock with the poured concrete panel behind. After a clear silicone release agent is sprayed on the liner, experienced production personnel place the thin-bricks face down in the liner pockets, 64 Issue 1 / 2012 couleurs, tailles, textures et formes. De plus, ils s’adaptent aisément aux arches, rayons et motifs de couleurs, courbes et liaisons. On peut donc produire des concepts exigeants à petit prix. On conçoit les panneaux de béton préfabriqué pour servir d’élément architectural majeur dans l’édifice. Le placage de briques minces donne au panneau préfabriqué un revêtement agréable à échelle humaine, avec la durabilité et le choix de couleurs vives que permet la vraie brique cuite au four. Méthode de fabrication On coule le panneau face contre terre. On place d’abord un séparateur élastomère (composé de caoutchouc) dans le fond du coffrage. Il est juste assez rigide pour durer, mais assez souple pour épouser la forme des briques minces. S’il est bien conçu, ce séparateur formera avec la brique une fermeture étanche qui empêchera toute fuite vers l’avant de la brique. On peut aussi appliquer une cire temporaire sur la face de la brique mince. La fabrication des briques minces cuites au four ressemble à celles de briques entières à poser sur place, mais la face arrière des briques minces est striée. C’est cette particularité inestimable qui permet au produit de s’emboîter avec le panneau de béton coulé qu’il orne. On vaporise un démoulant transparent en silicone sur le séparateur, puis des travailleurs chevronnés posent les briques minces face vers le bas dans les espaces du séparateur, en s’assurant qu’elles sont bien appuyées au quoi de neuf en prÉfabrication ensuring they are seated on the bottom of the liner. Approximately seven square metres of brick can be placed in one hour – that is over 500 modular size bricks per hour. After the brick is positioned in place, reinforcing steel is laid in the form, spaced and positioned appropriately. Then comes the concrete. Placed, finished and cured, it creates the desired structural element. Anchors are placed and after curing the form is pulled, the liner is stripped and the bricks are pressure-washed. The result is a panel that looks as if it were laid by a skilled brick mason. After the panel is freed, the form liner is cleaned with high-pressure air and reused for the next panel. As many as 50 panels can be cast from just one form. The finished precast panels are stored at the precast factory and then shipped via truck to the job site for just-in-time delivery, where they are hoisted into place and attached to the building, in virtually any weather and all seasons. Precast panels can act as curtain walls, but can also be designed to be load bearing interior and exterior walls of the building. Jon Gravell is President of Thames Valley Brick & Tile/Thames Valley Building Products Ltd. For further information and/or thin-brick samples, you may contact the company at (905) 637-6997, toll-free at (800) 567-5800 or by email at [email protected]. fond. On peut poser ainsi environ sept mètres carrés de briques (soit plus de 500 briques modulaires) par heure. Une fois les briques en place, on pose dans le coffrage une armature en acier selon une disposition appropriée. Puis vient le béton qui, une fois coulé, fini et séché, créera l’élément structurel désiré. Après le séchage, on retire le coffrage et le séparateur, puis on lave les briques au jet sous pression. Le résultat final est aussi beau qu’un vrai mur de briques réalisé par un maçon d’expérience. On nettoie le coffrage et le séparateur à l’air comprimé; ils pourront resservir jusqu’à 50 fois. Les panneaux de béton préfabriqué sont entreposés à l’usine, puis ils sont livrés au chantier juste à temps, par camion. Là, ils sont montés à l’aide d’une grue et fixés au bâtiment. Cette étape peut se faire en toute saison et par presque n’importe quel temps. Les panneaux de béton préfabriqué peuvent servir de mur rideau, mais on peut aussi les concevoir comme murs porteurs intérieurs et extérieurs. Jon Gravell est le président de Thames Valley Brick & Tile/Thames Valley Building Products Ltd. Pour en savoir plus ou pour obtenir des échantillons de briques minces, contactez son entreprise au (905) 637-6997, sans frais au (800) 567-5800 ou par courriel à info@ ThamesValleyBrick.com. Issue 1 / 2012 65 ACTIVE MEMBERS / MEMBRES ACTIFS ANCHOR CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: (613) 546-6683 Fax: (613) 546-4540 1645 Sydenham Road Kingston, Ontario K7L 4V4 Jeff Bradfield (1,4,5,9,10) APS ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST STRUCTURES LTD. Tel: (604) 888-1968 Fax: (604) 888-6522 9844 199A Street Langley, British Columbia V1M 2X7 Mehrdad Ahmadi (1,2,4,5,6,7,9) ARMTEC Tel: (403) 248-3171 Fax: (403) 248-0711 4300 50th Avenue South East Calgary, Alberta T2B 2T7 John Vettergreen ARMTEC Tel: (403) 648-7241 Fax: (403) 279-6027 8916 - 48 Street South East Calgary, Alberta T2C 2P9 Ken Richelhoff 66 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) (1,2,3,4,5,7,9) ARMTEC Tel: (604) 278-9766 Fax: (604) 278-3537 7900 Nelson Road Richmond, British Columbia V6W 1G4 Ken Pensack (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) ARMTEC Tel: (780) 960-3204 Fax: (780) 960-2899 205, 26229 TWP Road, Zone 2 Acheson, Alberta T5X 5A4 Larry Hancock (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9) ARMTEC Tel: (204) 338-9311 Fax: (204) 334-0306 Box 3599, RPO Redwood Centre Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3R4 Art McCaw (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) ARMTEC Tel: (800) 363-1458 Fax: (450) 346-7447 800, boul., Pierre-Tremblay Sainte-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec J2X 4W8 Eric Caron (1,4,5,9) ARMTEC Tel: (905) 457-4140 Fax: (905) 457-5323 35 Rutherford Road, South Brampton, Ontario L6W 3J4 Shane Sherar (1,4,5,9) ARMTEC Tel: (519) 537-6288 Fax: (905) 457-5323 1100 Dundas Street, R.R. #5 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 Shane Sherar (1,2,4,5,6,9) ARTEX SYSTEMS INC. Tel: (905) 669-1425 Fax: (905) 669-1572 P.O. Box 149, 523 Bowes Road Concord, Ontario L4K 1B2 Jim Farwell (1,4,5,9) BÉTONS PRÉFABRIQUÉS DU LAC INC. Tel: (418) 668-6161 Fax: (418) 668-4404 890 des Pins, Ouest Alma, Québec G8B 7R3 Robert Bouchard (1,4,5,6,8) CAMCON PRECAST Tel: (902) 999-1965 Fax: (902) 468-9223 5 Wrights Cove Road Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1M8 Robert Blank (1,4,7,8,9) Issue 1 / 2012 CENTRAL PRECAST INC. (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: (613) 225-9510 Fax: (613) 225-5318 23 Bongard Avenue Nepean, Ontario K2E 6V2 Rudy Mion CO-PIPE PRODUCTS INC. Tel: (734) 287-1000 Fax: (734) 287-8132 20501 Goodard Road Taylor, MI 48180 Division of: Coco Group of Companies 949 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M3K 1G2 Jenny Coco (1,4,5,9) (9) COLDSTREAM CONCRETE LIMITED (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: (519) 666-0604 Fax: (519) 666-0977 402 Quaker Lane RR2 Ilderton, Ontario N0M 2A0 Amy Koteles (9) CON CAST PIPE, INC. Tel: (519) 763-8655 Fax: (519) 763-1956 299 Brock Road South Guelph, Ontario N1H 6H9 Ulrich Kuebler (9) CONCRETE INC. (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: (780) 930-4232 Fax: (780) 425-4232 11240 - 199 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5S 2C6 Al Fisher (1,4,5,7,9) CORESLAB INTERNATIONAL INC. Tel: (905) 643-0220 Fax: (905) 643-0233 332 Jones Road, Unit #1 Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 5N2 Mario Franciosa See www.coreslab.com for U.S. plant Locations CORESLAB STRUCTURES (ONT) INC. Tel: (905) 689-3993 Fax: (905) 689-0708 205 Coreslab Drive Dundas, Ontario L9H 0B3 Anthony Franciosa (1,3,4,6,9) EXPOCRETE CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD Tel: (306) 652-7232 Fax: (306) 665-3211 1800 11th Street, West Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7M 1H9 Bruce Dick, COO (1,2,3,4,5,9) GRANITE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE LIMITED/ RAINBOW CONCRETE INDUSTRIES LIMITED Tel: (705) 566-1740 Fax: (705) 566-4813 2477 Maley Drive Sudbury, Ontario P3A 4R7 Boris Naneff (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10) HANSON PIPE & PRECAST, LTD. Tel: (905) 640-5151 Fax: (905) 640-5154 5387 Bethesda Road Stouffville, Ontario L4A 7X3 Allen Hejazi (6,9) HANSON PIPE & PRECAST, LTD. Tel: (905) 668-9441 Fax: (905) 668-0046 1818 Hopkins Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 7G8 Allen Hejazi (1,6,9) INTERNATIONAL PRECAST SOLUTIONS LLC—A DIVISION OF PSI Tel: (313) 843-0073 Fax: (313) 297-7646 60 Haltiner Avenue River Rouge, MI 48218 Mark A. Fusani (1,2,4,5,9) LAFARGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Precast Division Tel: (780) 468-5910 Fax: (780) 465-6443 4425 - 92 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2J4 Peter Yurkiw (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) ACTIVE MEMBERS / MEMBRES ACTIFS LAFARGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Precast Division Tel: (403) 292-9220 Fax: (403) 236-7554 9028 44th Street, South East Calgary, Alberta T2C 2P6 Don Zakariasen LAFARGE CANADA INC. Precast Division Tel: (204) 958-6333 Fax: (204) 233-5644 185 Dawson Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0S6 Peter Schuster (1,2,3,4,5,6,9) (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) LOCKWOOD BROS. CONCRETE PRODUCTS Tel: (250) 546-6941 Fax: (250) 546-6971 1140 Highway 97A PO Box 767 Armstrong, British Columbia V0E 1B7 James Lockwood (1,2,4,5,6,9,10) M-CON PIPE & PRODUCTS INC. (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: (519) 632-9112 Fax: (519) 632-7440 2691 Greenfield Road Ayr, Ontario N0B 1E0 Doug Galloway (4, 9) MSE PRECAST LTD. Tel: (250) 756-5532 Fax: (250) 752-6802 2407 Fountain Gate Place Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 6S8 Bernie Poelzer (1,4,5,6,9,10) Issue 1 / 2012 67 ACTIVE MEMBERS / MEMBRES ACTIFS MUNRO LTD. Tel: (705) 734-2892 Fax: (705) 734-2920 8807 Simcoe Road #56 Utopia, Ontario L0M 1T0 Neil Stewart, P.Eng. P. KRUGER CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. Tel: (780) 438-2072 Fax: (780) 435-0842 6131 - 97 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6E 3J3 Paul Kruger / Bruce Blackett PARKVIEW PRECAST (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: 204-967-2010 Fax: 204-967-2045 Box 70 Riding Mountain, Manitoba R0J 1T0 Jordan Waldner PRESTRESSED SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Tel: (519) 737-1216 Fax: (519) 737-6464 P.O. Box 517 Windsor, Ontario N9A 6M6 Paul Phillips RES PRECAST INC. Tel: (705) 436-7383 Fax: (705) 436-7386 3450 Thomas Street Innisfil, Ontario L9S 3W6 Joe Di Leo SARAMAC (9229-0188 QUÉBEC INC.) Tel: (450) 966-1000 Fax: (450) 473-2285 3145 Chemin des 40-Arpents Lachenaie, Quebec J6V 1A3 Gaetan Hétu SCHOKBÉTON QUÉBEC, INC. Tel: (450) 473-6831 Fax: (450) 473-2285 430, Arthur Sauve, Bur. 6030 St-Eustache, Québec J7R 6V7 Benoit Fradet (1,2,4,6,9) (1,4,5,9) (1,4,5,6,9) (1,2,3,4,6,9) (1,5,9) (1,4,5,9) (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) STRESCON LIMITED Corporate Office Tel: (506) 632-2600 Fax: (506) 632-7689 P.O. Box 3187, 400 Chesley Drive Saint John, New Brunswick E2K 5L6 Hans O. Klohn 68 STRESCON LIMITED Tel: (506) 633-8877 Fax: (506) 632-7576 P.O. Box 3187, Station B 400 Chesley Drive Saint John, New Brunswick E2K 5L6 D. Isnor (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) STRESCON LIMITED Tel: (902) 494-7400 Fax: (902) 494-7401 P.O. Box 44205, Bedford Industrial Park Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3Z8 Andrew LeVatte (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) Issue 1 / 2012 STRESS-CON INDUSTRIES INC. (CERTIFICATION PENDING) Tel: (586) 731-1628 Fax: (586) 731-7007 50500 Design Lane Shelby Twp., MI USA 48315 (1,4,6) SURESPAN CONTRACTING Tel: (250) 748-8888 Fax: (250) 746-8011 #3–3721 Drink Water Road Duncan, British Columbia V9L 6P2 Jason Kearns (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9) TRI-KRETE LIMITED Tel: (416) 746-2479 Fax: (416) 746-6218 152 Toryork Drive Weston, Ontario M9L 1X6 Tony Bombini (1,4,5,9) WELLS CONCRETE—GRAND FORKS Tel: (701) 772-6687 Fax: (701) 772-4315 5000 Demers Avenue Grand Forks, ND 58201 Mike Mortensen (1,2,4,5,9) KEY TO PRODUCT CODES / LEGENDE DE LA CODIFICATION 1. Beams, Columns, Joists / Poutres, Colonnes, Solives 2. Stemmed Units, Double T, Simple T 3. Hollow-Core slabs / Dalles à âmes creuses 4. Solid Slabs, Salles pleines 5. Architectural precast concrete units / Unites de béton préfabriqué architectural 6. Bridge beams / Poutres de pont 7. Piles / Pieux 8. G.F.R.C. / Béton armé de fibre de verre 9. Miscellaneous Products / Produits divers 10. Post-Tensioning / Post-constrainte MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING WITH THE CANADIAN PRECAST/ PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INSTITUTE (CPCI) CPCI membership requires all Active members to be certified to the CPCI Precast Concrete Certification Program for Structural, Architectural and Specialty Precast Concrete Products and Systems. Certification is in accordance with the requirements of CSA Standard A23.4, including Appendices A and B and US requirements according to PCI MNL 116 and 117, whichever is more stringent. For a listing of certified plants and the products that they are certified to visit www.precastcertification.ca. MEMBRES EN RÈGLE AUPRÈS DE L’INSTITUT CANADIEN DU BÉTON PRÉFABRIQUÉ PRÉCONTRAINT (CPCI) Tous les membres actifs du CPCI doivent obtenir leur certificat du Cours du CPCI sur les produits et systèmes de béton préfabriqué pour les structures, l’architecture et les applications spéciales. Cette certification est conforme à la norme CSA A23.4, y compris les annexes A et B de même que les normes américaines PCI MNL 116 et 117. Pour une liste des usines certifiées et de leurs produits homologués, visitez www.precastcertification.ca. PROFESSIONAL FIRMS/ ENTREPRISES PROFESSIONNELLES BLACK MINT SOFTWARE INC. Tel: (613) 230-3001 Fax: (509) 694-3337 675 Cooper Street Ottawa, ON K1R 5J3 Dave Marshall website: www.blackmint.com HGS LIMITED Tel: 519-944-3040 Fax: 519-944-5636 3100 Temple Drive Windsor, ON Medhat M. Ghabrial, PE, P.Eng, Ph.D. website: www.hgslimited.com N A ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Tel: (519) 273-3205 Fax: (519) 273-7133 107 Erie Street, Suite #2 Stratford, ON N5A 2M5 Nick Aroutzidis website: www.naeng.com DOUGLAS CONSULTANTS INC. Tel: (418) 660-1221 Fax: (418) 660-0959 3604 Chemin Royal Quebec, QC G1E 1W9 Kevin D. Below website: www.douglasconsultants.ca KASSIAN DYCK & ASSOCIATES Tel: 403-255-6040 Fax: 403-255-6043 1475-10655 Southport Road SW Calgary, AB T2W 4Y1 Wayne Kassian website: www.kdassociates.com NORR LIMITED Tel: 416-929-0200 Fax: 416-929-3635 175 Bloor St E. North Tower, 15th Floor Toronto, ON M4W 3R8 Rolfe Kaartinen website: www.norr.com CPCI Professional Firm membership: CPCI has developed this new member category so that professional firms and precast members can further strengthen relationships, providing an opportunity for improved collaboration within the precast industry. STANFORD DOWNEY ARCHITECTS INC. Tel: 416-868-6036 Fax: 416-868-6044 3 Church Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5E 1M2 James Smith website: www.stanforddowney.ca Some of the unique benefits of Professional Firm membership include: 1. A link to your company’s website from the CPCI website 2. Your company listed in the CPCI Imagineering Magazine 3. Unique sponsorship and advertising opportunities for your firm TOWER ENGINEERING GROUP Tel: (204) 925-1150 Fax: (204) 925-1155 208 - 897 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3M 0W7 Karl Truderung website: www.towereng.ca Membership is only $500 annually. For further information on other benefits, and to apply, contact us at [email protected]. IT’S YOUR MESSAGE. GIVE IT THE EDGE . T en years ago, Kevin Brown and I decided to use our 30 years of experience in the association publishing field to establish MediaEdge Publishing. We wanted to use our skills, knowledge and love of publishing to build a business with a focus on providing exemplary customer service and leading edge association communication solutions. Today, MediaEdge is the leader in quality custom publishing for associations. We treat every client like our only client, and their agenda is our agenda. These have remained our guiding principles since we first opened our doors. Customer service is our number one priority. Give yourself the EDGE Toronto 1.866.216.0860 Winnipeg 1.866.201.3096 Gainesville 1.877.234.1863 Robert Thompson Senior Vice-President Toronto 1.866.216.0860 ext. 229 Fax: 416.512.8344 Issue 1 / 2012 69 Index to Advertisers / Index à L’intention des Annonceurs Advanced Concrete Technologies Inc. ..........63 www.concretebiz.com Munro Ltd. ............................................. 46-47 ARMTEC Limited Partnership ................. 36-37 www.armtec.com Nawkaw Corporation ...................................65 www.munroltd.com www.nawkaw.com BIK Hydraulics Ltd. . .....................................59 www.bikboomtrucks.com Norr Limited .......................................... 28-29 BPDL .................................Outside Back Cover www.bpdl.com PCL Constructors Canada Inc. ................ 12-13 www.norr.com www.pcl.com Coloured Aggregates ...................................67 www.colouredaggregates.com Dufferin Aggregates/ A Division of Holcim (Canada) Inc. ....................................3 www.holcim.ca Euclid Admixture Canada Inc. . .....................65 www.euclidchemical.com Res Precast Inc. . .........................................52 www.resprecast.com Sika Canada Inc. . ...................................... 4-5 www.sika.ca Splice Sleeve North America Inc. . ..................6 www.splicesleeve.com Haarup Maskinfabrik A/S ..... Inside Front Cover www.haarup.com JVI Inc. ........................................................14 www.jvi-inc.com Meadow Burke .................... Inside Back Cover www.meadowburke.com Mixer Systems, Inc. ................................. 9, 14 www.mixersystems.com 70 Issue 1 / 2012 TermoBuild Canada . .............................. 50-51 Thames Valley Brick & Tile & Endicott Tile LLC. ....................... 60-61 www.thamesvalleybrick.com www.endicott.com Trancels-Pultrall Canada Inc. .......................11 www.trancels-pultrall.com MeadowBurke ADVERTORIAL ® 2835 Overpass Road, Tampa, Florida 33619 877-518-7665 | www.meadowburke.com Meadow Burke has a 70-year legacy as a leader in the manufacture and distribution of concrete accessories in Canada and the United States. We have served architects, engineers, and contractors with a superior line of products providing quality, reliability, product innovation, dependability, and superb customer service. In fact, many of North America’s largest and most prestigious construction projects utilize Meadow Burke’s products and services. In addition to making and supplying such dependable products, Meadow Burke assists customers in the application of these products. From advice on concrete forming and reinforcement to support on precasting and tilt-up lifting projects, Meadow Burke will be there every step of the way. Our highly experienced engineers deliver the necessary information and technical expertise to get the job done. Though well-known for the quality of its products, perhaps it is Meadow Burke’s Engineering Services that sets the company apart from all others in the industry. Product innovations such as the Slam Anchor, Rapid Lok, Erector Connector and Double Tee Anchor are revolutionizing construction processes, while increasing safety, and saving time and money. At Meadow Burke our customers are the total focus of our business and decisions. A customer comes to us with their needs and their wants. It is our MB PCI Canada:MB PCI Canada 3/26/12 1:12 PM Page 2 job to fill them. We never forget that the most important person in our business is you – our customer. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, Meadow Burke has offices located nationwide with five manufacturing plants, and 12 service centers. We are proud of the part we have played in the development of the concrete construction industry thus far and look forward to continued growth, product innovations, and leadership. By being an experienced player in the concrete construction industry, Meadow Burke knows what it takes to satisfy each and every customer and that is why we strive to please in all we do. We ask that you consider Meadow Burke for your next concrete construction project. Innovating Precast Construction We’ve long been a forerunner in the building process and precast innovation. Meadow Burke’s newest revolutions do more than greatly reduce labor costs and construction time. Through innovative engineering and product design, we make it possible for you to build stronger, safer and sustainable precast concrete structures. To learn more, call toll free at 877.518.7665 or visit www.MeadowBurke.com MeadowBurke ®
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