15 keragaman ekosistem tropika
15 keragaman ekosistem tropika
KERAGAMAN EKOSISTEM EKOSISTEM ? Menurut UULH RI, 1982 - Tatanan kesatauan secara utuh menyeluruh antara segenap unsur lingkungan hidup yang saling mempengaruhi. Komponen Ekosistem: Makhluk hidup + Lingkungan MH : Tumbuhan, Hewan, Manusia, Fungi, Bacteria, Protista Lingkungan: Selain Makhluk Hidup LH Menurut UULH, 1982: Kesatuan Ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, MH, termasuk manusia dan perilakunya, yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan perikehidupan, dan kesejahteraan manusia serta MH lainnya KAIDAH EKOSISTEM: a.Ekosistem diatur dan dikendalikan secara alamiah b.Ekosistem mempunyai daya kemampuan yg optimal dalam keadaan berimbang c.Terdapat interaksi antara seluruh unsur-unsur lingkungan yg saling mempengaruhi dan bersifat timbal balik d.Interaksi terjadi antara: -komponen-komponen biotik dengan abiotik -sesama komponen biotik -sesama komponen abiotik e.Interaksi terkendali menurut dinamika yg stabil f.Setia ekosistem mempunyai sifat yg khas selain yg umum dan secara bersama-sama dengan ekosistem lainnya mempunyai peranan terhadap ekosistem keseluruhan (biosfer) g.Setiap ekosistem tergantung & dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor tempat, waktu, & masing-masing membentuk basis perbedaan diantara ekosistem itu sendiri sebagai pencerminan sifat-sifat yag khas h.Masing-masing ekosistem memilih interaksinya Komponen Ekosistem: a. Dari segi makanan (Trophik) 1.Komponen Autotrof (membuat makanan sendiri) Terjadi pengikatan energi matahari 2. Heterotrof (memakan makhluk hidup lain) Terjadi pemakaian, pengaturan, dan perombakan bahan-bahan yg kompleks b. Dari segi keperluan Deskriptif 1. Komponen Abiotik: -senyawa anorganik (C,H,O, CO2, H2O, dll) -senyawa organik (protein, karbihidarat,lemak,dll) -Iklim (temperatur, kelembaban, dll) 2.Komponen Biomas: a.Produsen b.Makrokonsumen (phagotrof) binatang yg mencerna organisme atau bagian bahan organik c. Mikrokonsumen (Sapotrof) Bakteri dan jamur Macam-Macam Ekosistem: A. Ekosistem Daratan 1.Ekosistem Hutan 2.Ekosistem Padang Rumput 3.Ekosistem Gurun 4.dll B. Ekosistem Perairan 1. Ekosistem Perairan Tawar 2. Ekositem Danau dan Waduk 3. Ekosistem Laut 4. dll Ekosistem Daratan di Bedakan menjadi beberapa Bioma didasarkan kepada letak geografis (garis lintangnya). Bioma tundra Bioma tundra terdapat di belahan bumi sebelah utara di dalam lingkaran kutub utara dan terdapat di puncak-puncak gunung tinggi Bioma taiga Bioma taiga terdapat di belahan bumi sebelah utara dan di pegunungan daerah tropik Bioma padang rumput Bioma ini terdapat di daerah yang terbentang dari daerah tropik ke subtropik. Bioma Hutan Basah (Wetlands) Bioma Hutan Basah terdapat di daerah tropika dan subtropik. EKOSISTEM DARATAN EKOSISTEM HUTAN Hutan : area dengan kerapatan pohon yang tinggi Ekosistem Hutan merupakan pusat perhatian masalah lingkungan Hutan menyediakan jasa/pelayanan lingkungan: 1.Siklus nutrien 2. Pengaturan Biodiversitas 3.Menyediakan habitat bagi satwaliar 4.Mempengaruhi pola curah hujan 5. Pengaturan aliran sungai 6. Menyimpan air 7. Mengendalikan banjir 8. Mencegah erosi tanah 9. Reklamasi degradasi lahan Ekositem Hutan 10. dll Hutan juga berfungsi sebagai sumber devisa (Kayu bakar, Kayu konstruksi, buah, resin, herbal, obat,-obatan, dll Komponen Ekosistem Hutan: Komponen Biotik Merupakan representatif dari 3 kelompok fungsional 1. Organisme Produsen - Hutan terutama menghasilkan pepohonan - Tumbuhan yang dihasilkan tergantung kepada tipe hutan yang berkembang pada masing-masing kondisi iklim - Pepohonan, tumbuhan pemanjat, epifit, semak, tumbuhan bawah Components of Forest Ecosystem: Producers: Different tree species Consumers in a Forest Ecosystem Decomposers in a Forest ecosystem Components of Grassland Ecosystem: Producers: Different grass species Consumers of Grassland ecosystem Decomposers in a Grassland ecosystem Desert Ecosystem: A desert is a landscape or region that receives almost no precipitation Deserts are defined as areas with an average annual precipitation of less than 250 millimeters per year. It occupy about 17% of the earth’s surface. Deserts are characterized by hot days & cold nights. The deserts of the world are mainly located in the South- western United States, Mexico, North America, Asia (Thar, Gobi, Tibet ) & west Asia. Deserts are characterized by scanty flora & fauna. Soils of deserts often have abundant nutrients but little or no organic matter. Components of Desert Ecosystem: Producers of Desert Ecosystem Consumers of Desert Ecosystem Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater Ecosystems: Freshwater ecosystems cover 0.8% of the Earth's surface and contain 0.009% of its total water. Freshwater ecosystems contain 41% of the world's known fish species. Aquatic ecosystems perform many important environmental functions. For example: They recycle nutrients, purify water, attenuate floods, recharge ground water and provide habitats for wildlife. Aquatic ecosystems are also used for human recreation, and are very important to the tourism industry, especially in coastal region. There are three basic types of freshwater ecosystems: Lentic: slow-moving water, including Pools, Ponds, and Lakes. Lotic: rapidly-moving water, for example Streams and Rivers. Wetlands: areas where the soil is saturated with water or inundated for at least part of the time Lakes & pond Ecosystem: A pond is a place where living organisms not only live but interact with biotic & abiotic components. Ponds are often exposed to tremendous anthropogenic pressure which significantly affects the system. Lakes are usually big standing freshwater bodies. They have a shallow water zone called Littoral zone ; an open water zone where effective penetration of solar light takes place, called Limnetic zone and a deep water zone where light penetration is negligible, called Profoundal zone . Pond ecosystem Lake ecosystem Marine or Ocean Ecosystem: Marine ecosystems are among the Earth's aquatic ecosystems. They include: Oceans, Estuaries and Lagoons, Mangroves and Coral reefs, the Deep sea and the Sea floor. These are the gigantic reservoirs of water covering approximately 71% of the Earth's surface (an area of some 361 million square kilometers). These ecosystem is different from freshwater ecosystem mainly because of its salty water. The salt concentration in an open sea is usually 3.5% (35 parts per thousand (ppt) ). Dominant ions are sodium & chloride. Average temperature of Marine ecosystem is 2-3 degree centigrade, devoid of light. Biotic components: 1) Producers: It includes phytoplanktons (diatoms, dinoflagillates), large seaweeds (mainly algae like chlorophyceae, phaeophyceae & rhodophyceae; angiosperms like Ruppia, Zostera, posidonia etc.), and mangrove vegetation (like Rhizophora, Carapa etc.) 2) Consumers: a) Primary consumers: These are herbivores and feed directly on producers (Crustaceans, Mollusks, fish etc.) b) Secondary consumers: These are carnivorous fishes(Herring, Sahd and Mackerel) c) Tertiary consumers: These are top carnivorous fishes (Cod, Haddock, etc.) 3) Decomposers: These are micro – organisms like bacteria, fungi Abiotic components: High Na, Ca, Mg and K salt concentration, variable dissolved oxygen content, light & temperature make a unique physiochemical conditions in marine water. Inside Marine or Ocean Ecosystem: Energy flow in ecosystem: All organisms must obtain a supply of energy and nutrients from their environment in order to survive. The transformations of energy in an ecosystem begin first with the input of energy from the sun. Because, it is the first step in the production of energy for living things, it is called “Primary production”. Photosynthesis -- Chemical reaction where green plants use water & carbon dioxide to store the sun’s energy in glucose. ENERGY is stored in glucose. Glucose is stored as starch in plants